The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 23, 1914, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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(Spocl.V. to Tho tlultottn.)
iLAIDhAW, Dec 21. Mrs. Clara
Nichols loft Sunday for a throo
months trip visiting relatives mid
friends at Garfield and Chenoy,
Washington and sovoral points in
Idaho. '
Mr. and Mrs. John Holt havo ro
turned from Ilond, Mrs. Holt bolnrr
inuoh improved lu health atneo her
course of osteopathic treatments.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Doll havo boon
visiting Mr. and Mr. J. Uoll for a
few daj-8.
O. laurRnard vrns on tho sick list
baturday and Sunday with a severe
Mr. Flails and Ted lleokor ac
companied a hunting party sovoral
days last week.
Tho alteration) In tho local post
o 111 co aro great ttuprovoment, making
more light, more spaco and better
Committees for plans for Xmna
met after the Sunday morning er.
vices with Prof, l.ce as chairman.
Thoro will bo a big community din
ner at tho hall Christmas Day o
which ovoryono Is Invited each bring
ing somo "good cats" toward tho
dinner. Thoro will bo a Xrnus trco
and operetta at the church during
tho afternoon, frco to all, and a box
will bo placed at tho door for "frco
will" sllvor offerings, toward defray
ing tho expenses ot tho candy, etc.
Parents and friends may placo pres
ents on tho tree, to tho limit of two
to each child, up to sixteen years of
Eight ladles, bringing their Xmas
Bowing surprised Mrs. Q. E. Roes
Thursday cronlng, spending throo
hours chatting and sowing and eating
nuts and candy.
Sovoral men havo been busy cut
ting and packing Ico tho last week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Shaller left Sat
urday night for Portland, and thenco
for Okanogan.
- 4 -
small girls; ulggost ploco of pie, Loon
Tucky; Awrul luck, Shormnn John
sun: St. Nick atd Mouio, Zona
Tucky; Christmas Time, Freda Ar
nold; Helpers True,' Qonova ItlvotU;
Iltrthdayn. Dono Cyrus; Talo of n
Noso, Wlltlle Tucky; Recitations l
Opal Kelly, Raymond Andrus, Poroy
Kolly; Picking up n Pin, Mnudo
Orubo; Christmas candlo, by six
girls; Christmas stocking, by seven
boys and girls; Christmas Reveries,
acted by tho school with Mrs. Kllno
ns main character interspersed with
music Closed with solo by Mrs.
Harvey Cyrus, then Santa Claus and
lost outline.
(Special to Tho Dullctln)
SISTBnS, Dec, 21. Arthur Wurz
weilor was a business visitor In Red
mond the middle of tho week
Arthur Templeton was transacting
business In Redmoad Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ruble were
Sunday visitors at tho Ed Strahtn
homo, at Plalnvlew, Sunday.
J. II. Anderson, of tho Hood River
Paoklug Company, was a guest at the
Hartley homo tho past few days.
Mrs. Earl Updlko and Mrs. J. C.
Wright were up from their homes at
the hoad of the Metolius Sunday.
Rer. Harper, who has been con
ducting services here during the past
week, left Sunday for his homo At
Frank McCaffery was ovor from
Redmond tho mlddto ot tho week
with a party of prospective land buy
ers. Several loads of Christmas trees
have been hauled from hero to Red
mond during tho paat week.
J. W. Wilt Is in Corvallls spend
ing tho holidays with Mm. Wilt and
their son, Clarence
J. P. Duckett was looking nfter
business Interests Jn Redmond on
Thursday and Friday.
Lester and Vern Gist wore In Rod
mond tho middle of tho week.
Miss Jonnlo Woods, who has besn
In Redmond for tho past two months,
Is home for tho holidays.
II. P. Wilson of Portland, who
owns tbo old Chsnoweth farm near
the head of the Metolius river, spent
several days last weok at tho farm.
Tho pupils and teachers of tho Sin
ters public schools will give an elab
orate program and Xmas treo on
Thursday evening at tho sohool
A Jolly party was given at tho
home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Woods
Saturday night In honor of their
daughter. Miss Jennie, who Is spend
ing the holidays at home.
Mr. and Mrs. S. PhlllinI and son,
who have been living in Sisters since
hat fall for tho benoflt of Mr. Phil
llpl's health, loft Wednesday for tholr
homo In tho Willamette valley.
Tho R. Rogers, who has been t
ITelelngs. on the Metolius for the past
month for the benoflt of his health,
leturned to Rend Saturday. Mr.
Rogers Is satisfied that as a place to
gain strength and health the Metol
ius river Is the best tn Oregon.
D. W. Farthing had the misfortune
to havo his cabin In the mountains
that he used during tho winters while
trapping, with all tho contents,
amounting to over ISO, burned com
pletely up during his absence about
ten days ago.
(Special to Tho IJultotln)
LOST CKKBK. Nov. 30. Dnnnlo
McOough Is laid up with n badly
bruised log, having been thrown by
a horse.
Mr. and Mra. Schrocdor nnd Mr.
Myors lort Friday for Novada whero
they expect to fllo on homesteads. Mr.
McLouth took them to Lakovlew.
Messrs Hnsch.'Mohrcr nnd Uarralt
started for Ucnd last Wednesday for
Mr. S. J. Hubbard Is building on
nuiimon to ins residence
S. W. Rest is building a horse shod
ai uio school house.
Mrs. Mehror haa been Buffering
from nn attack ot tonsilltis.
C. J. Stauffcr and family wero tho
guests or Horace Ilrookinga and fam
ily nt Thanksgiving dlnnor.
Robert Whiteside was n guest it
tho Porry homo Thanksgiving.
LOST CREEK. Dec. 12. C. O.
Ashby and Ben Rhodes, who havo
boon working ot Sprnguo. Washing
ton, havo returned homo for tbo win
ter. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Hubbard havo
gone to Dcnd for a load ot lumber
and n load or furniture. Their daugh
ter, Miss Hazol. of Portland will ac
company them home.
Don Do Witt nnd C. J. Davis wero
business visitors in Silver Creek this
S. W. Rest haa gone lo Bond for i
load ot groceries.
James MoEwan. the first settlor in
tho valley proved up on his home
stead tho latter part of this weok.
Miss Brookings and hor pupils aro
preparing a program for a Christ
mas oatortalnment.
(Special to Tho Bulletin)
MILLICAN. Dec. 21. Frank Hor
wltx and L. Ooodman went to Bond
Mr. and Mrs. Hcrwltx wero callers
at L. Goodman's Sunday.
P. B. Johnson nnd family spent
Stindny at the Market ranch.
William Todd spent Sunday at tho
homo ot his sister Mrs. Thos. Mof
fotU B. E. Davis was a callor at tho
Ream's homo Sunday.
J. F. Davis rodo" down to tho Dyor
nomesteau Bunuay.
A. D. Norton returned homo from
Bend Tuesday.
Mrs. Efllo Koppcr went to Bend on
William Ream made a trip to Bend
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. George Roberts went
to Bond Saturday.
Hooper Dyor visited with his cous
ins north of 'Juniper hill Saturday.
Mrs. L. C. Goodwin called at tho
B. R. Davis homo Saturday.
Jay Goodman and Burton Davis
walked over to Ben Goodman's Sunday.
f Special to Tho Bulletin 1
0. Porry registered nt tho Brookings
Hotol last Thursday night while on
hla way homo from Bond,
School la dismissed for two woeks
as Prof. Oscar Btttiotn Is out to take
tho teacher's examination.
C. J. Best ot Stnuffon Is doing some
carpentering nt tho Brookings Hotol
this wook.
Jas. W. Brlckey has purchased n
wood saw. Ho intends to mount his
gasoline onglno and saw wood. Th's
Is'tho first wood saw tn this locality
and many will appreciate this labor
raving device.
Paul Brookings Is hauling hay
fr,om Stauffor.
Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard of Stauffcr
nnd Chas. Dnrrah of Glass Butto
passed through here with n load nf
suppllos from Bend Irot weok.
Honry Monxler macto somo puron
ascs at Brookings storo last Friday.
T. C. Ewlng was a Stnuftor visitor
ono day last week.
Miss Kato Brlckoy was given n sur
prise by n tow ot hor friends on tho
6th Instant, It bolng hor birthday. A
bountiful dinner wns enjoyed by all
and Kato wns tho roclplent ot some
nlco presents. Thoso present wore
Mr. nnd Mrs. Jas. nrlckey. Mr. nnd
Mra. Jim Brown and children. M.
nnd Mrs. Bort Mocks nnd children
nnd Jno Johnson.
Pago Stnuffer hauled a load of hay
for Tom Ewlng last Monday.
Horace Brooking Is on tho sick
Tho cold weather tho Inst fow dnvs
has caused considerable trouble In
tho way of trcoxlng pumps and water
(Special to The Bullotln.)
POWELL BUTTE, Doc 21. Mrs.
Hall. Sr.. onmo up from Portland on
Sunday for an extended visit with her
son E. N. Hall and family.
Mrs. Allen Wlllcoxon and Harriott
nrrlvod homo Tuesday from a fow
davs visit In Bend.
E. A. Busoctt has been putting up
lee tho past week.
C. M. Charloton has been visiting
Mm. Charloton nnd tho boys In Prlno
vlllo tho pnst fow days.
Guy Scars has boon on tho sick list
for scvornl days.
Geo. Elslcr sold a team, wagon and
harness to n Terrobonno man recent
A telegram tolling nf tho death of
tholr mnthor enmo tn Georco nnd Leo
Hobbs Friday morolng nnd they loft
that evening for tholr former homo
In Glendnlc, Oregon. Tho sympathy
nf tho oommunlty is extended thorn at
thin tlmo.
Jas. IWrtbucklo has been vliltlns
Reeves Wlllcoxon for a couplo of
The Infant daughter of Mr. nnd
Mra. Ross Bussett. born on Thursday
lived only a fow hours.
Henrv Dobrnntol was bitten bv n
dog believed to have rabies Sunday
oven'ng. On Monday ho was takon
to Portland for tho Pasteur treat
ment. Bob Smith of Prlnevllto hss moved
to his Powell- Butto farm. He Is al
so looking after thlnea nt tho Goo.
Hobbs placo In tho nbsenco of Mr.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. T. Smith. Mr. nnd
Mrs V. O. Humphrey, Mr. nnd Mrs.
O. C. Truesdnlo, Messrs. Geo. and
Frank Klssler and John Tuok, nt
nnded tho Hall salo nt Terrobonno
"Grandma" Ifrown has been 111 for
tho past fow dava.
Goorge Mnriran and Reeves Wlll
coxon wero PrlnovlIIe visitors Satur
day. A largo number of cellars out this
way nro not proof ngalnst tho helow
7cro weather whloh has been visiting
; " (Special to The Bulletin)
CLOVERDALE, Dec. 21. At Fri
day night's club meeting Mrs. Harvey
Cyrus sang a solo. The rest of the
time was devoted to buslness.-It was
decided to send as many delegates to
the Irrigation meeting as finances
would permit. Mr. Skelton as loading
delegate and Mr. Slmer as second.
Arthur and Alva Templeton wero
cutting out wood in this section tho
past week.
Miss Jonnlo Woods gave a very
Jolly party at her home Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Kelly mado a trip to
Redmond Thursday.
The ohlldren and parents have been
very busy tho past two weeks train
ing for the Christmas program, as
thero is no school owing to Mr. Wil
cox's coullnued absence Tho follow
ing program will bo given Thursday
nvening. Prayer, Mr. Kline; song of
groet'ng. by quartette Mrs. Andrus,
Mrs. Welse, Mr. Skelton nnd Mr.
Orube: Story of tho Christ child, by
he Eolrool; Christmas greeting, Renn
Kelly; Christmas spirit, Geneva Rlv
otts; Christmas night, Llla Johnson;
Hlstorv. Orvol Kolly; Christmas da,
Alvln Cyrus; Recitation, Cloyce Burn
Plde; "Grandpa's Specks," May Tucko
Papa's gift, Esther Cyrus; True devo
tion, Cltra Johnson. Missing Santa,
Wayne Cyrus; stocking Bong by six
Bend Flour Mill Co.
Deschutes Spray
True Blue
The leading brands of patent floiir.
Ask your grocer for them.
Large quantities of Shorts, Bran,
Rolled Oats and Barley on hand at
all times.
Seed Wheat and Rye in several va
rieties. Mail Orders solicited.
Bend Flour Mill Go.
us recently and na a conseiiuonco
thoro aro tots ot troxon potntoon,
ReovoM Wlllcoxon, Goo. Morgan
nnd Leo Hobbs woro dinner guests
nt tho Allen Wlllcoxon homo Thurs
day. Tho Union Sumlny sohool at Wil
son school houso aro prcpnrlng for
tholr Xmna program and troat nt tho
school houso Thursday ovonlng. A
good Umu Is anticipated.
War wns declared on tho Jnckrab
bit nt n wotl attended mooting hold
nt tho WIlBon school house Friday
nvonlng. Jns. Bllvnr, Jr.. nnd J. 0.
Crick, two young men from tho Gov
ernment Biological Sorvlce. with
temporary headquarters nt Prlnovlllo
nro the organisers of tho movoment.
They have been making oxnerlmunts
along this lino nt tho Houston plneo1
nnu nro convinced mat our nest rom
edy for destroying thono posts Is by
feeding them alfalfa loaves after thov
htivo boon treated with a solution of
water and strychnine An order for
100 ounces ot stryohnlno wns placed
with n San Francisco firm tho first
ot tho wook, as soon aa this nrrlvoa
another meeting will bo onllod for
distribution of tho poison nnd fur
ther Instructions to nnyono not In at
tendanco Friday evening.
Mrs. Mabel Allen arrived homo on
Saturday from Boar Crook whero sho
has charge of a school and will spend
tho holidays on tho farm.
Mrs. A. W. Bnyn has boon ailing
for tho past sovoral woeks.
study In tho old Indian traditions
concotvml to oxplnltt tho great natur
al phonomonn In which Oronon
nbmmds. Many of thosa aro holug
lost through failure to compile mid
prooorvo thorn. An oocnslonnl ortort
Is mndd, howovor, to porpetuitto somo
ot thorn nnd tho dny nmv onmo whon
tho rich romnnco at tho northwest
Oregon Journal Make Editorial
Mention or Mm. MIIIIcuu'h Book,
Tho Oregon Journal of Monday
speaks odltorlally of Mrs. Ada B.
Mllllcsn'H booklot, "Tho Heart of
Oregon," described In Tho Bullotln
Inst wook, as follows:
"To those Interested In legendary
loro thoro la an Interesting field of
iWl IEHB'nYs
will ho nxproisod as tho. roinunoo of
Scotland has boon oxproHgod by Hlr
Wnltor Hcott.
"Undor tho title "Tho Heart of
Oregon" Mrs. Ada 1). Mlllloun at
Crook county hns qmbodlod In blank
vorno tho legend of tho Wnscos, do
iicrlliliiK how tho Crookod river can
yon was cut through tho nmsslvu
rook, According to tho geologists
tho basin whero Prlnovlllo now stands
was nt ono tlmo a lako fod by tho
Ochoco nnd Crooked rivers,"
From thin point tho ndttorlnl tolls
tho story nf tho formation of tho
canyon ns rotated In tho booklet.
Sleds nnd skates.
Company. Adv.
Skuao Hardware
Tito BESTnll.round Family
Sowing Mnchlno that enn
bo produced. Made In both
styles. Tho rotnry mnkoa
both LOCK and CHAIN
stitch. Tho Intcst up to
tho mlnuto stool attach
ments with onch mnchlno.
Sold on cosy pnymenta.
Send nnmo nnd nddrvas for
our beautiful II. T. catn
Ioruo froo.
While Sewing Machine Co.
610 Merchants Natlonnl Ilnnk Bldjr
San Francisco. California
'For Itent," "For Halo," "Rooms
to !ot", "llounckeepliitf IIimiuin," "So
Atiiiuunnce, "No Hmokliiir." etc.,
etc., Placards printed In Inre typo
in neavy nrimin nonni, 10 renin ouch,
out In uiinntitlcN. Bulletin Olllco. 13tf
- ----
The Lafollette
Nursery Co. ,
Prinovillo, Oregon
------- -
of frotRhtlnirirrocorit'it from
Iiond froo of chnriru?
the freight.
Hcmombor tho plncu, nenr
28 mllo post, llcml to
Hurnn rond.
Brick is the MOST ECONOMICAL HuildhiK. Material there is.
All who hnvc used our product are .satisfied.
The Bend Brick & Lumber Co.
We Control and Have For Sale, at the Bet
Prices and Terms, the Largest Amount of
Business and Residence Property
in Bend. Call or Write for Free
Maps and Descriptive Matter
Insurance Written in All
Its Branches in World
Known Companies
WITH US. OUR OUTSIDE Oflices and Agents
Better Enable Us to find You Purchasers and Tenants, '
Oregon Street, Bend, Oregon.
Empire Building, Seattle, Wash.