The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 23, 1914, Image 1

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    Till NEW WEST Hj
The bend bulletin
- 4b flJ
s m da'tm t HByXMA
Vol. XII.
iiifiM), oitnuo.v, wkinkhhav Atmtmoos, dkchmhhh 211, jdj i.
NO. 12.
U ..ft'
Mi F
Was. Iititlucr In (Iriiiul lUtNlnimint
Hulldlmi on Homl Nti-rob IIiiIIiIInk
In Detn)rfl mill Henri Hold
Tlireofriieil-llliidereri hy (Add
Adolph llootchnr wna burned J
death Wednesday night In n (lro thai
destroyed tho Grand Hostniirnul nmt
lodging house on llonil street. Pin
c-upnntn of tho building, Inelud'iifT
ttxt AlfnrotM Oroutt, who routed If
ii i. U roil tliu restaurant, mid sovo A
ollmr lodgeri who lind rooms on .ho
.wood Hour escaped with a few b-
Iloetchor was (ant icon nllva about
aii hour boforo the Dtp started when
ho was on hln way to tils room. Ho In
Mild to hnvo bean drinking durlntc
tho ovonlng and It I supposed that
hlH condition helped to hinder hu
ftcpe when tho alarm win given.
For tho past two summers Howl
cher worked on tho Tunmlo iirojert
id hnd been In llttnd since tho oon -l1btln
of tho project. Mo far nn
known ho hnd nu relatives In thtn
section of tho country.
Tho Am wan discovered About three
clock In the morning, havfhg started
apparently In n oornor of tho kltohoj.
Iitio lo tho ox I ru mo oold weather -tho
thermometer registered 13 below
xero that night ihnro wan consider
nolo delay in getting water to tho
tiro and nl ono tlmq It seemed mi
though nothing eould enve tho Hand
Hotel, which adjoined tho burning
building. An It was tho outh end o'
tho hottil building waa scorched lud
ly. Tho liulldtnK waa ownod hy 0n
ICrlokMin who carried Insurance cf
93,000 on It. Wo ot.tImato hla Iom
nt 13.000. Mm. Oreult had hor per
wjtial holonelnes Insured for 130).
A few hundred dollars dnmsge wis!
done to tho Ucnd Hotel, fully covered.
At tho request of Justice of the
Ponce Itaato County Coroner I'oln
rioxtar ennio over Friday evening to
hold an ln(Uoat Into the death of
lloetchcr. A number or witness
wero examined by Vernon A. Forlwe
natliiK on hehnlf of tho district nltor
noy hut no ovldcnco of oapcclnt ttw
partanen waa brought out and tho
Jury found (flint tho "origin of tho
tiro wan unknown " Thono serving
on tho Jury worn V. C MsOMstOM.
N. I'. Welder. Thoo. Aune. 3d. A.
Palmer. U. T. Hulls and J. I) David
son. Or. ICdwnrd of Irlntvtll ceme
ovr with Mr. Porndeiter and tk. y
returned on fttturdey
Hreken Ijuitem Hprwuls Oil M.
-cliliier 1m l.ont.
The llffier mill, on the Unlik f
Him rtvwr noarly n mile below town,
waa dwitroyed by flro VodmwnlaT
evenliiK In it waa tho water wheel
by which wntor wua supplied to A u li
my llelKhla through tho Muster aya
tom When Mr. I.lnster vWtwI thn
place about eight o'clook to oil the
machinery ho allpped and fell, break
In)? hla lantern and scattering burn-
Little Talks
3 4i
Bills of
A bill of Indlnjt In nn lustruiiicut. In e(TccWnjVc
celpt, k'vch by a rnllnmil or other common cnnTor,
to u alilppcr, covering u certain shipment of Koodtf
Uauully n alilppcr linn n bill of ludlnK drawn to
Ida order and then endorse IU. Tho bill contains
liiNtrurtlonn to notify tho conslirueha. When this
In done tho rariSer liolda tho goodn nt deitlnatlon
until tho bill of IndliiK In aurreudeivil. Tho UU
pcr draw n draft on tho conslgueo, attaches tho
1)111 of ladlnft to It mid ilepoaltN them In hla ban I',
illicit aetidi them for collection to n bunk nt tho
destination point of tho KndH,, When tho draft
U paid, the coiisIkiico receives tho bill of Indian
from tho bank and ran then obtain tho Kuodi,
If u shipper known Hint the. pnitleH with whom
ho in dealing nio peifoctly reliable, lio may huto
the bill of ludlnK mudo out dlr.ct to thorn, tha
Hqod to bo delHoied to tho coiislfiueo on receipt
to tho -currier, 'llio common pructlce, liowuvorle
to Rlra tho butik liiHtructlons to dolltcr the bill i.f
hidluj; only on ui)'(itpn( of tho draft, (l s
. r'
lug oil which Ignftod tho building.
HoHldoa tho wntur wheel Uio btilbl
ItlK contained n littho Riiil other turt
chlnory unveil from tho Mnaler liull.l
Iiik which iiiirmid In Octolmr. 1012.
1n Iomm nmouuln to nlmiit 12(100,
tinrtly covorud by ItiMiirance. The
bulldlnK wan noino dlatnnoo from
lown'nlid tho Aral knowludgo of tile
flro ciiiiio to many through tho pro
IoiikoiI blowltiK of tho whlntlo on tho
the nlKlit trnln on Hh wny out.
.Munt (Urn Aaniirntiro Tluit No Moro
LitiulN Will bo Hold Under Coiitml
Orrgon ('mini.
An forcaliKdownd In November
whoii thn Central Oregon IrrlKntlon
Co. nnmundod tho Dimorl IjiikI Hoard
to recommend for tinlont a Hat of
landa In tho Powell llutto country tho
company haa now ohtalued from tha
Hoard a roloaaa of aattlor'a note hold
to Iniuro tho cnlnrKomunt of thu Coiu
tml Oregon cnnal.
This action wna tnkon nt tho res
tilur tiu-iitlnif of the Dpsort Land
Hoard Inst week nt which Mourn.
Itoncon Howard utid Joaso Btonrna f
tho comiany wero In attendance. H
foro tho Hoard would njjrco to tho
roaunat of the company oftlclala to
rolonao tho nolM. howevo. It exacted
aa n condition that no moro landt
ehould bo sold under tho Central
Oregon oanal. Tho order waa made
by thn Hoard directed tho 'secretory
to dollver to tho company nil acttlor'a
note now In the hands of tho Hoard,
tho order to become offerilvo at aueli
tlmo an tho compnny shall hnvo flltd
IU nccoptanco of the conditions. Tho
note total $20,321
Although reporta or thin nation rf
tho Desert Land Hoard make no tn op
tion of tho fact It In nMiimed that It
la based on n report mnde by John
Dubai after hla recent oxnmlnatioi
of the oannla to tho offaet that the
fliilarKomenta nro aufllelontly com
plnled to nnnblo the canala to oore
for thn lands remaining lit the unit
It. Knylcr anil J. It. lMnnrita Kcll
JMO Acrt to l'Arotm llrullirnt.
Ono of tho largest roal'oatnto trans
actions to bo put through In thla
section for como months tmst waa nn
nounccd yesterday. Through It It.
II. Parsons of Kugcno and hla broth
or, W. It. Pnnons. takn tltlo to C80
ncrs In tho Hlstera country. V. It.
Baylor nad J. K. Kdwarda aro tha sel
lorn. Tho'contlderatlon-lssaldto ho
Tho landa Included In tho f nlo cn
alsta of 3C0 acres belonging to Mr.
Bayler and 330 acres belonging to
Mr. Kdwarda. Originally It all wna
hold by mombera of tfio Kdwarda
family. About 200 acree ore now In
cultivation and Mr. It. II. rnraona,
who hna been In Horn! thla week at
tending to the detail of the ante.
tniM Hint It t. hla Intention to ad
100 arrea mor aa noon an poaalble
The uew owners will mor to the
rahek In the ayrlMK. Aa far aa how
mat h red their plaua art to engage In
tork mining; with tUi cattle and
C. V. flirts wm lb broker to the
Ira Medio.
Mr. Sayler will return te wheat
fHrmlnif In 1'endletOM aa aoon as he
can eloee hla busluoM hffalrs bore.
Tho delngaten to the Irrlgntlon
Congreea from tho Culvor Commer
cial Club nro nn follows! it. v. Jon
Gog. Hodman. J. O. Youns
i, V. V. Hammer and Krnntt
on Banking
Insurntiro Commlftftloiirr ntiyn $80,U0f)
In tJrook County Not l'n)ierlr Ac
counted Kor lr Itond HiiicrvI'''"Jil
or, though Instruction (Jlten f
(Bpoclnl to Tho Hultotln.)
8AMSM. Deo. 31. Tho fllnto Iu
nuranoo Commlsaloner, who haa doao
much work during tho Inst yenr In
vctlntlng tho nffalrn of tho vnrloua
counties, la now laaulng to tho prots
Homo details of his findings. Tho
work of tho commissioner's account
ing deportment, it will bo remember
ed, has boon chlolly to go ovor the
records of county olllcora, passing up
on their general condition and offer
ing auxBostlons for their Iraprovo
ment. and, espoolnlly, for placing
county bookkeeping upon n uniform
Heeent Portland pnpern oontalned
aomo of the findings of tho Insurance
Department. Holow la nn nxtraot from
ono of them concerning certain Horns
of the report touching on Crook eouu
ty: In OrMk County,
In tho audit of Crook county It
waa found that the treasurer's rec
ords were In good shapu. The sher-
"s (ax rolls have novor been bal
anced and reeelptn for taxea and fee
oolleotod during 1014 wero not turn
ed over to tho treasurer. The elork's
ledger shows the condition of the
19U tax roll otherwise there la no
systematic record of assets and lia
bilities. Claims submitted to the
county oourt for allownnco In a great
many instancea showed only tho
monthly statement, no original in
voices wore found, and no record or
check waa mado to find whether tho
bills wero oorrcct or not. In n num
ber of cases olalma show duplicate
payments. Improvement In the mat
ter of road rupervlsloe Is noeded. On
September 90, last, there waa In tho
hand of the various supervisors r
total of 100,300 unaccounted for,
$30,000 being In tho possession ir
D. K. Btowart.
'Whatever folks may Think about
huslneM In general thoro seems to 'n
no doubt that buslneea at the local
post office Is good. On Monday t
thla week, according to Poatmnster
Kord. more buelnons waa done thn
on MRy prevlona day In the history
of the effiee. the total receipts
aMMMHlInK lo ITS. -14.
(Oreffon Journal.)
Veraon A. Iruee, repreeentiUlvr
eleet, has wrltteu all the membera of
the Deeejrt Und Hoard from llend
retjueiUuK that they send htm au 'h
reeommeMdaUona and sugReetlona es
deemed uilvisolile In regard to legis
lation needed for thoTumalo rrolect.
Korbee aaya he In, drafting n bill for
presentation at the next aeealon f
tho legislature whloh ho bellexea, will
meet the roqulromauts nnd needs of
tho projoot ntid the settlers thereon .
We do notlbarry any-
thing but, USEFUL
cauvino gina
v u spohtino fjodns
IiicichmnI ItarnliiK for Jlallroari
'Means More HusIiichm Hrcrywliero
Imperially In tho Lumber Trade
Market "for I.tunlcr Helpfi.
Tlu; Interstate Commerce Commis
sion on I'rldny granted tho request
of tho eastern railroads that thoy bo
permitted n flvo per cent Inoreaao In
their freight rates. Certain bulky
products auoh aa coal, coko and Iron
oro aro excluded from the Increase.
Other freight, however, on which tho
now ratoa will bo charged nro the that produce ho moat revenue.
Ks'Jmatoe of tho railroad incorao pro
duced by tho Increased rate run all
tho vay from $30,000,000 to $100.
000,000. Only oastern ronda aro af
re;od by the commission's order but
It Is expected that western roads may
now apply for tho ttnmo prlvllogo.
Loeally tho decision wrn hnllod by
business men aa the last step to
wn d national prosperity which, ill
feel, wilt bo reflected he o In demands
for local producta. The lumber mar
ket In particular la expected to bo
favorably affected, and since t&o gen
oral understanding J that an Im
provement In lumber market oondl
tlona la tho only thing necessary be-
foie important developments taice here, tho outlook aeema very
Portland Interviews.
Prominent Portland bankers nnd
lumbermen gave out Interviews fol
lowing tho announcement of tho d
cltlon In which they paid particular
cttontJon V tbo lumber Industry.
Quotations from these follow:
L. C. Oilman, president of tho
North Hank and allied lines, said:
"It Is ono of tho things wa'havo
locked forward to nnd hope now to
reallxo a bettor market for our
etanlo'-coinmodHy lumber .-
!'. C. Knnpp of tho Ponlnaular
Lumber Company, expressed tno hopo
that the possibility of Increased earn
ings would enable Hie carriers to gel
intotlnrtwnrkot for more lumber.
''.The railroads In normal times nro
among tho heaviest purohasera of
Northwestern lumber products," he
said. "In tho last few yearn their
oertilnxs havo been shrinking and
they havo1een Vept out of' tho mar
ket Consequently the lumber 'n
dustry hue suffered I hepe that the
Comnttaelvn'B decision will enable
tbem to re-enter Ike field and make
mbstaiitUil poirniMM. ln that event
It will do much to atlismbUe the lum
ber Industry."
Hanker Keen HeneAts.
George W. Hatee, preeldtnt of the
Lumbermens National Hank, said: "'t
will have n Httmulntlng effect on the
lumber Industry here nnd all ovor the
coast." ;
"U bt natural, uao. that If the rail
roads are enabled to etvrn moro mon
ey they will be provided with a better
market for their securities. That,
too, should be helpful to the North
west." Lloyd J. Wentworth. manager of
the Portland Lumber Company, look
ed for a goneral Improvement In the
lumbor trade.
"What ovor holps tha lumber mar
ket lo the Hast will help It here. The
decision la Hiiro to be helpful to our
buslnees," he eald. '
Writes From Kalcni to County Of
MclnlH That Work Khoiild Sot lie
AlM)ltfihcil Hero.
(Special to Tbo Hullotln.)
PniNBVILLB, Dec. 23 A speotal
meeting of tho county court Is expect
ed to bo hold here tomorrow. Amoag
other matters that will bo taken up
by tho court will be tho question of
continuing the appropriation for tho
county agriculturist. Marly farmer
and farmers' organizations from all
over tho county have urged that tha
court maka tha continuance of tho
work possible and It Is believed that
this will bo done.
SALEM. Oro., Dec. 23 Governor-
elect Wlfliyconibo Is taking an Inter
est In tho county agriculturist situa
tion In Crook county. Ho In deeply
Intorested la nil agricultural ques
tions ana nmievcs thoroughly In tha
oxtenslon work that has been begun
Today ho has written to the Coun
ty Court of Crook oounty as follows:
Salem. Oregon. Dec 22, 191 1.
Tho County Court,
Crook County,
Prinevlle, Oregon.
, It has come to my attention that
your honorable body la considering
doing away with the services of the
county agriculturist. Whtlo this mat
tor Is of course outsldo my province,
I venture to write you to oxpresn my
porsonal opinion, which Is that Crook
county would be making a grave mls
tako at thla tlmo to abolish a work
so woll begun.
My rather wide oxperlenco In agri
cultural affairs convinces me that
Just such work as you have conducted
during the last year la of the highest
commercial value, to tho farmer an 1
tho city tax payor, who reaps rewards
naturally, from all that tends to In
creaso production nnd land valuoj.
And In your particular Instanco I
heppen to tx rollably ndvisod that
Cffiak sai!Mv JAAbocn ospcclnllr.raB-.
tunato In the character and ability
of tho gentleman charged with your
work. Theroforo I bespeak serious
consideration on your part before any
backward atep la taken.
Very truly yours.
Itobeto of 8IOO Granted on Liquor!
Licence fur 101,1. i
At a seeds) meeting of the conn-1
ell hut night It was voted that a re-1
bate of $400 be allowed on llquar II-,
censes for the cowing year. Licensee '
were granted to e npUeants, be-
lag the Mtt)e men who are nenv in
bualnoe? here. i
Aside from this tha moat ImnnrL.
ant ltuslnees transacted was the set
tlement of several of the claims
ngaust the city due to sewer con
struction and tho passngo of an ordi
nance rotating to the roarrangemo.'t
of atreetH at tho Held school. May.
Mlller waa authorised by tho council
to appoint delegatos to the Irrigation
i lie First National Bank
U. U. COE, Prosldent E. A. SATIIHR, Vice- Tresldeut
C. S. lIUPSpN, Cashier
Capital fully puld f.000
Surplus ...-..- rJ2.000
Tho public's attention, la respectfully dlroctcd to tho
following Important provisions of tho now zr
Revenue Hill, oifectlvo Qccomber 1, 1014.
KOTBS Notes must bear stamps when not exceeding
$100.00. two cents; for.oach additional $100.00 or
fractional part thereofyln excoss of $100.00, two
cents. -i
DHKHS When the consideration or value of the Inter
est or property conveyed, excluslvo of tho valuo of
any Hon or euaunturauce thereon, exceeds $100.00
and does not exceed $500.00. 50 cents, and for
ouch additional $500.0A or -fractional part thereof
a excess of $500, B0 cITnU.
MOHTOAGKH Mortgages given to sqcuro the payrbent
of promlsory notos ore exempt, but the notes whluli
such mortgages secure, must bear tho roquiretl
amount of stamps.
CUBUKR NOT HUUKCT TOAXKqr o,qr own uw and
tho ncoomcdatlon o( tho Puulte we havo secured a.
supply of documentnryJiotarops, Copy of laws mjy
be Impacted at our Hank t as roam.
Will Ilccammcnd that 9I.H),000 Ho
Put Up hy United State forYlccla.
nintlOn Work In Oregon No
Connection uith Cb-Oncrntlan. ,
What was balled as a victory for
Oregon In tbo controversy over tho
$160,000 allotment for irrigation
work horo was announced In
tlies from Washington last week. ir
rnrro sober examination of the isrte.
however, it became apparent that the
victory waa not so great after all and
that soma time may yet elapse beforo
Central Oregon sees any Federal rec
lamation moncr spent.
From the beginning It has been folt
by nearly all that Secretary Lano was
the stumbling block In tbo -way of
tho Immediate allotment to a Central
Orogou projcot of tho Federal $ Iflrtf
000 and tho efforts of tho dregsn.
congressional delegation havo been
directed toward recalling to his mind
tbo promises he waa understood' to
havo mado when he visited the Dev
cr.utoa valley lost year.
Congressman Slnnott has beqn csj
peclally active In thla and on Satujj
day Congressman Slnnott tclograps
ed C C. Chapman, manager of tli
Portland Commercial Club, as fol
lows: "Secretary Lane told senator
Cnamborlaln aad myself that he
would recommend to the house oom
m'ttce approprlaUon of $4(0.000 r
moro If necessary, to be expended nn
lomo Oregon project now undor In
vostlgation by eaglneera of tbo Ljitjaf-.
tor department and recommended trr
Hum without conditioning such ap
pioprjatlon upon the appropriation of
llko sum by the State of Oregon."
Tbo news contained In this mes
aago was at first believed to represent
a coniploto chango of front on the
part of Secretary Lano but when l
camo to bo studied It was reallxed
that thla waa far from being tbo case.
,VlUxurther- ,explaaatlon-fron
Washington It became apparent that
Lano waa sticking to his guns on tho
Reclamation Service allotment and at
the samo time trying to stop the "
gument and criticism from Orojtm
by offering to try to get Congress to
make an appropriation without an
tings on it.
Lnne'x Action Queried.
That tbla uroceduro on the part '
Scretary Lane was not fully undir-
od In Portland la Indicated by Up
following from The Oregon Journal
Just what did Secretary Lano
t ean, wae the question asked ' r
lice close to the teetanMUloa pr
ci of Oregon, after the telegram
on e
liv (wee the ipproprlatton have
o l' bites te oen green?
Tbi nesaaee indicated that U;
secretary of tho interior reesjgatxel
tbnt the government should make ea
Urge or larger appropriations for
reelaraatton as the state. MrQha
man said that the acetary of tha
liuerlor thereby oonceded suVntn -(tally
what bad beon asked by Orw
"Hut the seorctary of tho Interior
(Continued on last page.)
Bend Hardware Cpmpdny
O. Cob
Q. S. Hudson
Deschutes State Bank
O. M. Patteuson;
II. C Bt.i.t$
ifuNiV ow:gox
B. F12RUELL ProsWwf
E. M. LARA, Cashier
S ''-