THE HEND MJLLBTIN, IIHNl), OIK.f WEDNESDAY, UKCKMHEU 10. 191 I. PAGE 7. i THE NOVEH WEATHER Mwith Hltntva Uiiimunl Amount of Plcnsiiitt Days anil Llttlo Itiiln. Contrary to (ho usual nxporlonoo (ha wunthor during (ho month of No- ,,vonilior was titiuntinlly pleasant. Thorn worn nlinont no low tompnra- lures, thoro woro n very fow light jinown nml thoru woro tunny days of ximtililno. Tho hlKhuBt tornpnrntiiro recorded was 70 deferens on thn 2nd; tho low ist, 18, on tho nlfthtit or tho Oth nml 14th. Thn grnatost dally rnimo wna 43 ilourooH. For tho month tliti menu iiinxlntuiii tomiicratiiro wkn 60.1 d. groos nnd tho menu inlnlmiiui 30.3 togrooH, making tho moan 41.15. Olour days during November iium bared 30, partly cloudy throb nri'l cloudy nut). Tho total precipitation VUis .10 Inches of whloh itioro than hIf, or .00 foil on ono tiny. Tho to tal snowfall wna 8U luahna hut ox copt for Hint nt tho uml or tho munth nono stayed on tho ground after It llnd fnllon. Thu daily temperatures nnd- ohncr aatar of day woro nn followa: Dato Max. Mln. Char, af I). - 1 08 ai Clear. , 1 70 31 clear. 3.. 09 30 Clonf. i ......... (17 38 Clear. ,..,, ...40 38 Clear, i 45 18 Clear. ..........47 33 Olenr. ...'..... 4)0 Si Clear. 9,.. ... 00 20 Oloar. ., .10.... .....Q7 27 Ulnar. il ...... .08 20 Clear. 1... ..... 60 25 Ptly Oldy. SB,.., ,....42 31 I'tly Oldy. li, ..... .41 18 Olonr. . II.. i.n .44 29 Olonr. 10,......R3 26 Glimr. 117.. .... .f'O 23 Oloar. , 18...M....00 22 Olonr. 19 .Q2 30 Oloar. 20. ...00 . If Olonr. 1. ....... .03 26 Clear. S3 SO 38 Oloar. i8.........G6 20 Oloar. . 41 r.7 26 Olonr. 04 27 Oloar. SO 00 20 Olonr. , tt (0 22 I'tly Oldy. IS 30 28 Cloudy. HO 30 27 Oloar. 3(0 40 24 Oloar. i 'o want you to got a oluli of thro Tttagjulnt. Wo noil Tho llullotln nnd tli re big magsxlnea nil ono yoar for nty $1.75, Hend your order today by phono or mall. Uiq Doschutoji Hprny Flourl It U tho best inado and a Uond product. Adv. 37 tf (lore, On., I. A. Morgan had oo cation recently to uio it liver mod! olno nnd anyn or Koloy Cathartic Tab Iota: "Thoy thoroughly cleansed my yilcm and I folt like a now man llKht nnd free. Thoy nro tho hoU niodlolno I linvo ovor taken for con n'Upatloii. Thoy keep tho stomach wt, llvrr nctlvo, bowels regular. ' 1'attsraon Drug Co. Adv. COUNTY COURT j (Continued from pago 0.) Wtiinnt deferred for ono yoar, or.lnr.l (Soo .. .. - .. .... . . .m no innuor oi mo ropori o ii.a II. Allnn for It. II. Ilnvlov. Hoport of II. K. Allon on Hpoo'nl wnrrnnta reaolvod by It. II. Haylsy niid nxpandod by It. M. Wider nnd V. II. May roeelved. Hoport oontlnud fV vauohora. In tho matter of IndlRont peraoni. Ordor or allowance of $10 per iitanlh to . Olork Inilruot- od to draw iwld wnrrr.nta In favor or Mra, N. O. Dnvla of llond until fur ther orders. Tho nllownnco to be In the nnttiro of temporary roller. In tho matter of county stock In spector. Petition proiontml by J. O. lloua top. ot nl, also by I.ynn Nlohola mi naklna; lor tho appointment or Lynn Nichols as stock Inspector for Crook oolinty. Position donlod beoaiiko thoro li an provision for tho payment f tho salary of said stock Inspector. In tho matter ot tho petition ' f Harvey Davis, et nl. 'Petition prononted by Hnrvoy !). via. ot nl, nnklnR for tho npiMilnttnont of some portion to Kold slnllloiiH ia lirovldod In section 0S33 L. O. L. Pe tition rororroa to District Atmrnny wljh Instructions to htm to Rlvo thn pOJtlonora rll he help ho can. Hoport or Hoy Nowotl. Buporvlaor. Itoport or Hoy Nowell, llond Bud orvlnor. proaontod allowing 12,000.00 rosolvod and an expenditure or S 1900.01 on tho Ashwood-Gatowny road, balance on hand or 10.00. All vouchors filed. .Adjournment. Oss-J-v NOTIOK. Having sold my Interest In the sec ond hand aloro formorly conducted by mo on llond street to II. a. Hnln oys I horoby glvo notice that Mr. Hnlnoy assumes nil hills now oxlstlng ngalnst snld business and that satno nro not to ho presented to mo. J. A. Kolloy. 37-41. p Jry Truo Wuo llour. Krocor for It. Adv. Ask yoar 30 If. POWELL BUTTE (Continued from page 2.) off a live stoolc trado Inst week, tho lattor trading a bunoli of ahaon.for tho Alloy cnttlo. a special mooting of tho Bnrosls was hold at tho homo or Mm. K. L. ivorson Friday nflornoon. HuBlno-a matters blalmod tho nttentlnn or tho Indies for tho ontlro session. Mrs. Ivorson sorvod refreshments prior to ndjnurnmant. Mrs. Allon Wlllcoxon and dnughtor Harriott wont up to llond Saturday, remaining ovor for a row dnya. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. P. Hmlth enter tained nt a dlnnor party Bunday. Ilov. ond Mra, llyur or Uodmond and Mrn, Ida Morsa and dnughtor Ada, woro their guests. Tho government thormomotor in ohnrgo of Karl Hnttndors, registered throo degrees bolow xoro Hunday night, ranking thu majority or uh hunt tho blankets. Oscar I'rlckott was a bunlnoim vis itor to iJoml Monday, It Is niportod that Homo of tho Kraln on tho dry lands wna blown out miring tno roconl high winds, POWELL 1IUTTI5, Doc. 8. Horn to Mr, nnd Mra. I). A. Patterson, a hoy. Tho wntor wna turned In tho canal lnat week nnd wan qullo tin ovont horo. Evorybody'n olsturn wan omp ty and having to haul wntor and drlvo thn Block to drink wns it choro thoiio cold windy dnyn. Mra. A. I). Morrill suffered n so voro ntlnck or tonsllltls Innt wook. 12. A. Hunsott linn boon under tho wonthor tho past wook. Iloryl nnd Houlnh .Lnndfnrn nro now puplU enrolled In tho llutto val loy eohoql. L. W. Dlalr lout ono of hln dairy oowm Innt night from hlontliiK on al falfa hay, tint cutting and thorough ly dry. IS. K. Archor luat ono of Ills oowti a fow dnyn ni;o with milk fovor. Mir.Ut'AN, (Hpoclal to Tho llullotln) MII.I.ICAN. I)oo. 14. Tho pro Kriiin Klvon liy tho puplln or our nohool Friday wna a dallRlitrul trot to tho pnronta nnd rrloada who ni tonded. Hocltatlona and dlnlogiwn Intoraporncd with moiik cunatltuttd tho aplondld nroKram. Our tonohor, Mrn. A. (1. Allon hnd n lionutlful tree dooorntod for tho occaalon nnd oath llttln ono received nomo pretty Kl.'t Itoaldoa hoapa or candy, nuta nnd np plea, Mrn. Count" Mllllcnn aonl rM'n to onuh or tho chlldrnn. Mra. It. (loodinnn nnd Mrn. It. 1". Pavla apent Hnturday nflornoon oull InK on trlonda. Mian Cortrudn Market cntno homo from Jloud Wodui-ndny. A. I). Norton loft on n lmilnoa trip to Cor vail In Hnturday aftornoou. Mm. (loorRo Mllllenn apont tho paat wook In llond. Ilor Indian logend,' ontlllod "Tlio Heart of Oregon, lmi Juat liocn puhllahod nnd n copy re colvod horo ahown It n vory nrtlatlc llttlo hooklot, hoautirully wrltton. Mra. A. L. Illnklo wna n vlaltor nt tho Norton homo Friday. Mrn. I.. Goodman and aon Hon apont Hunday at tho HurwIU homo. Harnh Dnvla apont a row dnya it tho Holland homo tho paat wook, tho Kuoat or Mary llollnnd. Mra. A. Kdolatoln waa a onllor at the II. It, Davla home Monday after noon. J. F. Davla rodo over to U. F. Dy ora Hunday. Mrn. I'. II. Johnaon vlaltoil at tho Norton homo Friday. Mra. Mnry Hoonoy, who haa hoon homo for aomo tlmo, han axnlu re turned to Mllllcan Inn. A. CI. Allen waa n Ilrnd onllor tho paat wook. Ho drovo In Thurs day, returning In tlmo Friday to tnko Mra. Allon homo. Mm. Allon Intonua taking tho toaclier'a examinations ut I'rlnovlllo noxt wcok. DIIV mki:. (Special to Tho llullotln) DIIY LAICi:, Doc, 4. Mr. Millar from I box pnaaod throueh horo Hun day bound for llond. John Moaor from Iluck Crook la atnylni; at tho old I'rlco placo for the ' wlnlnr "". . .,..., Carl Bchwnli la hulldlnc a new roa Idonco on his homestead this week. Mr. Warner and family passed through horo Hunday on hie way to Iluek Creek. Charles Ivoy, Superintendent of tho old Prion place left this week ;o live at his old homo for the winter. Mr. Nelth froip Cllaas llutto la hero this week putting up his cabin on his hoinostoad. Mr. Hubbard was a llond onllor Saturday. Miss Theresa nnd Vornlo Onrsko woro Hoar Creek visitors Friday. A numbor of Dry Lnko young folks left Friday afternoon for lluck Creole to nttond thq danoo given thoro In tho evening. Mrs. O. Uarnko nnd children from Ibex visited at tho Petorson ranch ou Saturday. O. Uuuko loft for Ibex Wednesday evening. O. Hill was a woek ond visitor at tho Petorson ranch. 11. Wlnslow from Iluck Crook spout tho wook end hero on business. A numbor or Dry Lako folks In cluding Mr. L. Nelson and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Kins, and Mr. nnd Mrs. Junn Wilson and dnughtor had qulto en unoxpoctod ndvonturo last Butur day night. Tho party woro bound for llomstad whoro thoy Intondod lq nttond n masquerade dnuco Klvon thoro that ovonlug. Tho night was cold und dlsagroenblo, nnd this with tho falling snow cnusod them to lose their way. Thoy drovo ell night un til 3 a. m. tho noxt morning boforo tho road waa round. All wero pretty well chilled up. John King, who Is employed at tho Doorkey ranch was nrauood last Fri day night by a disturbance In tho chicken houso. On Investigation ho discovered a largo coyote that was raising havoo with Mr. lvoy's choice nans. With some effort, owing to tho dnrkucso, ho succoodod In killing tho Intrudor who has boon prowling about tho placo for boiuo time. Mrs. Hlng Is visiting at Mrs. Fel Inn's this wook. Miss Thoroslu Onrsko spout n pious, ant day this weak visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Alexandria. O. Johnson was a woolc ond visitor nt tho Petorcon ranch. l'lNF.UUHBT. (Bpcolnl to Tho llullotln) PINHHUHST, Dec 14. Mrs. Ilrad loy wont to Luldlaw Friday. I Intel Dlotrlch visited tho school Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Bnydor mode n bURtnoss trip to Lnldlaw Friday. Hoglnald nnd Hasll llayloy nnd Or vlllo nnd Donald Ilradloy spent Thursday ovontng at Mr. Mocha' placo ut Hlllcrost. Mrs. Nichols wont to llond on busi ness Saturday. A number ot Plnohurst people at tandod tho dinner Klvon at Lnldlnw Hnturday. Mr. Jtood wont to llond Friday. ISathor Dlotrlch and ICdna Hoot apont Hunday with Klhol and Ivy Hnydor. Mr. nnd Mra. Hoot woro .Lnldlnw vlaltorn ono day lnat wook. 0. W. Hornor rocontly piirchnaod throa calvca from 0. W. Hnydor. It. II. llayloy loft Tucaday for Prlnovlllo. M. H. I'lttmnn of tho Monmouth Normal hcIiooI, ncootnpnnlod by J. K. Myora, vlaltod IMnohurat aoliool on Monday nflornoon. Kathor Dlotrlch called on hor alator In law Hnturday. 1. K. Wlmor wont to Lnldlaw Fri day. Mrn. Delia Nlohola outortnlnod Mr. O. W. Hnydor Hunday. Ivy Hnydor apont Hunday night with Hutli llayloy. Mr. and Mrn. C. W. Hnydor mndo a bunlnoH trip to llond Hnturday. Tho IMnohtirat dlatrlot haa Juat In stalled anew Watorhury hentliiR; aya torn and It la kIvIiik axoollent roaulta. Tho work waa done hy Karl Hmlth nnd Mr. Doll. Mr. BpaUBh wont to llond Friday night. Mater Hnydor wont to Lnldlaw on Hnturday. Mr. Itcod wna a llond vlaltor Hnt urday. Mr. Ilradloy nnd family moved to Itodmond lnat wook whoro thoy will mnko their homo. Mr. Hpnush la on tho ack Hat. ONK OKNT A WOHD la all n llttlo Want Ad will rout you. This Anil Flvo Cents. Don't miss this. Cut out this slip oncloso flvo cents to Foloy & Co., Chicago, III., writing you namo and address clearly. You will recslra in return a freo trial package con taining Foley's Honoy nnd Tar Com pound, for CourIis, colds und croup, Foloy Kidney Pills nnd Foley Cathar tic Tabids. For snlo In your town by Patterson Drug Co. Adv. IN THU CIIICUIT COUIIT OF TIIK HTATK OF OHKGO.V, I'OIt CKOOK COUNTY. A. M. Prlnglo, Plaintiff; vs. D. A. Masters, K. It. Morgan, D. W. Plorco. Kntlo Plorco, Francis Cop. oil, Lottlo Capoll, Alex Hess, Ger trude Hoss and A. G. Lauadlgan, Defendants. To I). A. Masters. K. It. Morgan, D. W. Plorco, Kollo Plorco, Francis Capoll. Lottlo Capoll and A. O. Laundlgan, abovo nainod defend ants. IN Tho Namo or tho Btnto or Ore gon, you and each ot you nro horoby required to appear and nnswor tho complaint filed ngalnst you In tho abovo cntitlod suit on or boforo tho 14th day or Jnnunry, 101C, and If you fall so to appear and nnswor for wnnt thereof plaintiff will apply to Which Is Which? This prtr brlda down't know, but our htd bnkor doi-s. Hh should know that tio knows and Iktn know nough tophon us. WE'LL DO THE REST. American Bakery Farmers and Growers Ship us your hogs, voal. poultry, oggs, rabbits, fruits, vogotablos, otc. Our facilities for handling produce aro tho best. Prompt returns, Wrlto us ror tags nnd prlco list. KVKKKTT L. PAYNH CO. 100 Front Strwt POHTIAND, OHKGO.V agpgPBPffJFBffaprfipifapffajapftE IMPORTANT EVENTS IOI4-IH AT o mmm college WINTER SHORT COURSE JAN. -WO Agriculture, Including Agronomy, Animal Husbandry, Dairying, Horti culture, Poultry Husbandry, Insects, Plant and -Animal Diseases, Cream cry Management, Marketing, etc, Homo Economic, Including Cook ing, Horn Nursing, Sanitation. Sew ing Dressmaking and Millinery. Commerce, including Business Man BRcment, Hurnl Economics, Business Law, Office Training. Farm Account ing, etc Ilnglnccrlng, Including Shopwork and Roadbulldlng. FARMERS WEEK-PBURUARY U6 A general clearing house session of six days for the exchange of dynamic Ideas on the most pressing problems of the times. Lectures by leading authorities. State conferences. EXTENSION SERVICE Offers lectures, movable schools, In. stltutes and numerous correspondence courses on request. MUSIC; Piano, String, Hand, Voice. No tuition. Reduced rates on all rail, roads, i:or further Infirma Ion address, The Oregon Agricultural Colleje, (tw..ll-l.J) C0UVALLI3. ommoN tho Court for tho rollof prayed for In tho complaint herein, to-wlt: For Judgment against thn defend ants D. A. Mnatora nnd A. G, Laun dlgan nnd each of thorn ror tho aurn or $1,G 1D.00, together with intoroit nt tho rnto of 8 per cent por annum from tho 10th day of February, 1914, until paid, togothor with $160.00 at torney focn nnd thn cowls nnd dls bursarncnta of this suit, for n decreo to tho effect Uml tho Hon of that co-tnln mortgago bearing dato Feb ruary 10, 1911, mndo nnd oxcctited by tho snld D. A. Mnators on tho HW 'A or tho HK'A and Wh ot tho BH' or tho HW4 or flection 23. Township 10. South or Hnnco 11 I3nst, to bo foreclosed and that tho real property nbovo described bo sold by tho Sheriff of Crook county, Ore gon, in tho manner provldod by law and that tho proceeds of nnld aalo bo applied to the payment of tho costs of sale; to tho payment of plaintiff's Judgment prayed for, with Interest, nttornoy fceo nnd costs nnd that tho intercut and Hon of tho defendants B. H. Morgan, D. W. Plorco, Kntlo Plorco, Frnnols Capoll, Lottlo Capoll, Alex 1 1 ww, Gertrudo Hess and och or thorn bo decreed to bo subsequent to and subject to tho Interest and Hon or tills plalntlttt and that tho plaintiff hnvo Judgment ond execution agalnat tho dofondants D. A. Mastora and A. G. iLaundlgan for any defic iency that may remain upon said judgment after tho application of tho proceeds of tho salo of said real prop erty. This summons Is sorved upon you by publication thereof for six nuc coealvo weeks In Tho llond llullotln, a weakly nowapnpor of general cir culation, published at Hood, Crook county, OroRon, by ordor of tho Hon. W. L. llrndihaw, Judgo of tho above entitled court, which order Is dated 2Sth day or November, 1914. Tho dato of tho lirat publication bolng December 2, 1014. Tho dato of tho last publication bolng January 1.1, 191G. VERNON A. FORHI28. 39-45 Attornoy lor Plaintiff. IX TIIK JUKTIfE COURT FOR IJKXI) PRECINCT, CROOK COUX- TV, OHKGO.V. M. W. Knickerbocker. Plaintiff; va. Niels Potorson, Defendant. To Niels Potorson, tho abovo named defendant: In Tho Namo of Tho Btnto or Ore gon, you aro horoby rcqulrod to ap pear and answer tho complaint ot tho plaintiff filed herein ngalnst you m tho abovo entitled action, on or be fore tho '14 th day ot January, 1916, and for want tberoof tho plaintiff will tako Judgment against you tor tho sum or 1180.00, togothcr with Interest on $140.00 thereof at tho rnto of 7 por cent por annum from March 17, 1914, and Interest on' $49.40 thcroof at tho rato of 10 por cont per annum from August C, 1914 until paid, together with $20-.00 at tornoy fees and tho costn and dis bursements of this action. This summons la sorved upon you Annual Ball Wednesday December by publication thereof by ordor of tho Hon. J. A. Enstcs, Judgo or tho Justlco Court or llond Precinct, urooK county, urogon. Dato of tho first publication Is Do comber 2, 1914. Dato of last publication Is Janu ary 13, 1015. J. A. EABTE8, 39-15 c. Justlco or Pcaco. NOTICK OF HIIKHIFF'H HALE. In tno Circuit Court of (ho Btnto of Oregon for tho County of Crook. B. M. Thompson, Plaintiff, va. Virgin B. Ilrasfleld and Oeorge M. firnsflold, Dofendrlnts. Ily virtue of an execution, decreo nnd order oi sale duly Issued out of tho abovo cntitlod court to mo direct ed and uilcd tho 1st day of Deconi bor, 1914, upon a decreo for tho fore closure of a certain mortgago nnd Judgment rondored And entered in said court on tho 26th day of Novem ber, 1914, In tho above entitled oaum and ngalnst tho defendants and In favor of tho plaintiff In tho sum of six hundred seventy two dollars with Interest thereon from tho 15th day of January, 1914, at the rato of olght por cont por annum until paid and seventy dollars attorneys fees nud thirty dollars costs ond disburse ments and tho costs of nnd upon this writ and commanding mo to make salo In tho manner provided by law of tho real property described In suob decreo nnd mortgage nnd bnftr doscrlbod, I will on THURSDAY, the 31st day ot Decomber, 1914, nt the hour ot 10 o'clock In tho forenoon of said day at tho front door of tho coutfly courthouso In Prlnovlllo, Crook county, Oregon, sell at public auction to tho highest bidder for cash In hand all tho right title and inter est of tho defendants Virglo E. Hrnstleld and George M. Hrasflcld, or clthor of thorn hnd on tho 25th day ot November, 1914, tho dato ot the Judgment and decreo heroin or which said defendants now havo or have s!nco acquired In and to tho follow ing described real property to-wlt: 1xt Ono of Block twcnty-ilx of Dcnd, Crook county, Oregon, according to tho recorded plat thereof or so much thereof na may be necessary to sat isfy said Judgmont and decreo with attorney's fees, costs nnd accruing costs. Halr property wilt bo sold subject to redemption as provided by law. Dated at Prlnovlllo, Oregon, thin 2nd day ot December, 1914. FRANK BLKINS. Sheriff or Crook county. Hy VAN ALLEN, Deputy. Date of first publication, Decem ber 2, 1914. Dato of ldst publication, Decem ber 30, 1914. 39-43 c NOTICE OF HALE OF CORPORATE BTOCK TO ENFORCE THE PAY JIEXT OF DELINQUENT ASSESS MENTS TIIEREOX. Whereas, as appears from tho cor porate records of the Deschutes Rec lamation & Irrigation Company, KnighLs Of Pythias SATHER'S HALL MUSIC BY FORREST'S ORCHESTRA Tickets $1.00v " - w GOOD TIME FOR EVERYBODY! Smith, Cook & Company, whoso busi ness address is Corbott building, Portlnnd, Oregon, aro tho owners of tho capital stock of said corpora tion represented by six certificates thereof, of 61 shares onch, In all 30(1 shares, said certificates bolng num bers 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, and 43 ot tho series, when tho numbor of shares of tho capital stock ot tho corporation was 90 and Whorcas thoro Is duo and unpaid upon said 300 shares of stock, f.s sesaments aggregating nt tho dato horeof the sum of $302.25. Now therefore, notlco Is horoby glvon that on Saturday, tho 19th day of December. 1914, at tho hour of 10 o'clock, a. m., at the south oast cor ner or llond and Orogon streotn In the city of Hend, Crook county, Ore gon, said stock or so much thereof as may bo sufficient, will bo sold at public auction to tho highest blddtr to pay said assessment, togothor with the costs and expenses of snto. Dated this 18th day ot November, 1914. Corporate seal of D. R. & I. Co. THE DEHCHUTB8 RHCLAMATION & IRRIGATION COMPANY, Uy CHARLES. HOYD, Pre. Ily C. 8. HBNSON, Secretary. 37tf NOTICE FOR PUIILIOATION. Department ot the Interior, U. S. Land Office, nt Tho Dalles, Ore gon, Novembor 11, 1914. Notlco Is hereby given that William J. Alt, of Hend, Oregon, who, on No vember 30th, 1907, mado Homestead Entry No. 15806, Serial , No. 04205, for EMXWK. W NEK Sec tion 9, Township 17 S., Hango 12 E., Willamette Meridian, has filed notlco of Intention to make Final Flvo Year proof, to establish claim to tho land abovo described, boforo II. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, at Hend, Oregon, on tho 28th day of Decomber, 1914. Claimant names as witnesses: John F. Young, Walter Daniels, James R. llenham, James Low, all ot Dcnd, Orogon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK. 37-41 c. Register. NOTICK FOR PUIJLIOATIOX. Department ot tho Interior, U. S. J.and Offlco nt Tho Dalles, Oregon, October 28th. 1914. Notlco la hereby given that Clifford J. Cook, of Hend, Oregon, who on May 12th, 1910, made Homestead Entry, No. 6CS6, for BV, Section I, Township 20 South, Rango 10 Bast, Willamette Meridian, has filed notleo of Intention to make Final Throo Year Proof, to establish claim to tho land above described, boforo II. C. El lis, U. S. Commissioner, at Hend, Oro gon, on tho 19th day of December, 1914. Claimant names as witness- Thomas Gray, Georgo Powers, Earl Powers, Ferdinand Tauscber, all ot Mount Pino, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, 37-41 c Register. 16 - j - yzz: