fAGK 0. THK IIRND lU'LTiKTIN, HKNI), OIIH., WRDNKHDAV, liKCKMHKR 10, IttM. GOUTY PROGEEDJNGS IN THK COUNT! COURT OP THIS STATE OV OREGON FOR TUB COUNTY" OK CROOK. Ho It remembered a regular term of tho county court of Crook count)', Oregon was bosun and hold nt tho court houso in I'rlnoville, Oregon, on Wednesday, tho second day of Do comber, 191-1, tho same being tho first Wednesday In snid month nnd tuo time fixed by law for holding n regular term of said court, when woro present at tho hour of ton n. ra., R. II. Bayloy, Commissioner: Wil lis W. Drown, Commissioner; Wnrron Drown, Clerk: Frank Elklns, Shorlft. When on Wednesday, tho second day of December tho following pro ceedings wore hnu. to-wlt: Court adjourned until 2 p. m. of tho samo day. Court convened nt 2 p. m., pursu ant to Its order of adjournment of tho samo dav, when wcro present tho following officers: Q. Springer, Judge, presiding: R. H. Bayloy, Commissioner: Willis W. Brown, Commissioner; Warren Brown, Clerk; Frank Elklns. Sheriff. Whereupon tho following proceed ings wore had, to-wlt: Court adjourned to tho circuit court room, where was hold n public discussion by taxpayers nnd tho court of tho budget nnd lary for 1915. Report of A. E. Ixvett by tho Ore gon Stato Agricultural College show ing tho work done in Crook county nnd expenditures for tho year 1914, approved. December Third. Court convened nt nlno n. m., this third day of December, 1914. tho same officers present as yesterday. whereupon tho following proceedings were had to-wlt: In tho matter of the Tillman Rou ter chango in tho H. P. Nlsscn road, Agreement presented by Andrew Morrow In behalf of the Grimy Land nnd Livestock Company as to dam ages on said rood. Hearing set for first day of January term. Clerk in strutted to givo proper notlco to all property owners concerned In tho matter of tho Crooked River roads. (Paulina, Bear Creek and Fair grounds.) D. F. Stewart Instructed by the court to take all steps necessary to rnsko tho various changes In tho Paulina, Bear Creek and fair grounds roads legal county roads. In tho matter of road district 14 nnd 15. Dave Grimes Instructed to repair certain bridges and culverts on tho Ochoco road In Districts 14 nnd 16. Court orders Henry Kochl In Dis trict 1G; Frank Buchanan and Jess Ynnccy In District 14 W. J. Schmidt nnd Kimball and Black in District 1C to turn over all road tools and material .In their possession to Davo Grimes. In tho matter of Justice of tho Peace for Beaver Creek precinct. J. II. Dickson appointed Justlco of the Pcaco for Beaver Creek. . In tho matter of the vacation of certain roads In tho City of Bend. Final order vacating certain coun ty roads in tho City of Bend. (Seo order.) la the matter of cancellation of certain warrants. Clerk instructed to cancel warrant No. 1741. Class 2G. for $100 drawn Jn favor of Dr. J. II. Rosenberg. In tbo matter of the Justlco of the Peace for Illllman precinct. In the matter of the levy for cer tain school districts. It appearing that certain school districts have not reported a lovy for the year 1915, tho following lev ies are made according to law: Dlst. 3.. 5 mills Dlst. 58.. 2 mills DHL 11.. 1 roll! Dlst. CO.. 5 mills Dlst. 13.. 6 mills Dlst. CO, .1 mill Dlst. 15.. 1 mill Dlst. 79.. 3 mills Dlst. 20. .1 mill Dlst. 85. .5 mills Dlst 29 . . 2 mills Dlst. 80 . . 5 mills DUL 23. .1 mill Dlst. 87. .3 mills Dlst. 31.. 5 mills Dist. 88.. 5 mills Dlst. 36.. 2 mills Dlst. 90.. 5 mills Dist. 37.. 2 mills Dlst. 94.. 5 mills Dlst. 4 8.. 4 mills Dlst. 100.. 5 mills Dist. 51.. 4 mills Dlst 101.. 5 mills Dist. 62.. 2 mills In the matter of tho budget for 1!15. On reconsideration of the iinninta ti be raised for .he year 1915, by tax. at'.'n in Crook conty, the court lids its final estimates sto bo as follows: Rogiotored road warrants out standing January 1, 1915 (estimated) $36,000 School fund 38,500 High school 13880 Gon. fund warrants oustand- ing January 1, 1915 (estimated) 6,000 Repairing roads and destroying Trceds , . 10,000 Widow's pensions 5,000 Indlgont persons 0,000 Clr.ult Court 7,000 Juetico court 400 County judge 1,050 Commissioners ........... 1,200 Clerk's office 6,600 bnerlff'6 office 7,000 Assessor's office 6,750 Coroner's office 500 Supt. office. Including officer , 4,098 Sealer of weights and measures nnd fruit Inspector ....... 1,000 Treasurer's office 2,900 Gcno.al expenses of court house ;,, 4,000 Elections . .... 2,000 Tolcphone nnd telegraph . . . 1,000 Water master .1,050 Surveyor's of llco ......... .3,300 Exponses of county court in reviewing roads -. 400. Strto tax estimate ...,'..,.. 50,000 StonograDher of county court. ' 100 Honltb officer 1.000 County printing ILlbrr.ry fund . . 1,000 n c 500 Total General Fund ...$177,058 In the matter of tho lovy for 191G Based unon tho abovo given ostl mates, tho county court orders tho following tax levies ror Crook co in ty for tho year 101G: For high school Hi mills For school fund 3 Vt mills For roadt und 3 U mill For gonernlt und 16 H mills Making n total of 34 mills ((Seo order.) DcccJiilcr Fourth, Court convonod thin fourth day of December at tho hour of nlno n. m. Sr.mo officers present as yesterday. In tho matter of tho claim of tho City of Prlnovlllo. Matter of paying tho assessment for ccmont walks built by tho City of Prlnovlllo in front of tho court houso Grounds nnd legal rights of tho county Involved thoroln, referred to District Attorney. In tho matter of indemnity for tu bercular cnttlo slaughtered. Hearings In tho caso of Gcorgo Klsslor and Matt Kulosch continued until tho first day of tho January torm, 1915. In tho matter of tho report of John T. wheolor. Report of John T. Wheolor. ox part accountant, auditing tho dolln quent payments duo the City of Dcnd, accepted. In tho matter of a cortaln claim Order warrant drawn In favor of Luthy and Erlckson in tho sum ct 30 for tho building of a bridge uu dor tho supervision of R. M. Eldor. In tho matter of Indigent persons. Order a monthly nllowanco or ten dollars per month until further orddr of this court in tho na ture of temporary relief. A. D. Russell vs. County Court of Crook County, et nl. Clerk Instructed to certify nnd send to the Circuit Court n transcript ob required In tho order of tho Judge of the Circuit Court of tho Stato of Oregon for Crook County, for No vombor 30th, 1914, on the 14th day of November. 1914. Tumalo Project No. 1 County road. Resolution ndopted recommending tho establishment or Tumalo Project No. 1 proposed count' road. Crooked river county rond.( Paul ina, Bear Creek nnd Fair grounds roads.) Resolution adopted recommending tho proposed changes In tho Crooked river road. In tho matter of claims allowed for tho general election held Novornbor 3, 1914. It appearing to tho court that n number of exorbitant claims havo been presented for Judges and clerks for tho last general election, held November 3rd. 1914; ordered that tho amounts allowed tho officers of said election shall bo as follown: Whc'n not more than 50 votes cast, $3.00: when more than 50 and not mora thnn 115 votes cast, $6; when mora than 115 votes cast, $9.00. (oca order.) In tho matter of warrants out standing against tho general road fund. of articles The BEND WATER LIGHT & POWER CO. Ordered that nil pornons having any warrants against tho goncrnl road fund Issued during tho your 1914 for tho purpose of limiting per manent Improvements on tho Dour Crook, Pnullnn, McKutulo nnd other roads; nnd nil pornunn who procured any of said warrants for distribution and salo make n full nnd complete re port to tho county clerk of nil sums outstanding, so that nit warrants not used may bo cnucolled. (Sea order.) In tho mattor of tho L. S. Rtcknrd county road. In tho matter of tho renewal of tho bonds of tho Sheriff, et nl, for year 1914. Ordered that tho court tako cog hUanco of tho fact that the surety undertakings of tho sheriff, tho coun ty nssossor, nnd county treasurer, were regularly renewed for the year 1SU, prior to January 1, 1914, In Uio United States Fldullty and Guar anty Company. (Soo order.) December Fifth. Court convonod this fifth day of December, 1914, at tho hour of nlno a. m. Same officors present as yesterday. nPUP PERFge ".f vans.M Kit TH1H IS GOING TO BE A ".MADE IN AMERICA" CHRISTMAS MAKE IT AN Electrical Christmas j i ALSO : a WE HAVE Electric Curler, Waver and Hair Dryer Sets Electric Toasters Tht Turn the Toast Electric beating Pols Electric Flat, Irons Electric Stoves Electric Coffee Percolators Electric Vacuum Cleaners. THERX ARE MANY OTHERS. LET US SHOW YOU. THE HAPPIB8T OF OCCASIONS brings Its problems, and even Christmas tbo gift problem. What kind of a gift will inspire appreciation ot tbo giver? Will tbo knlck-nack or tho useless trinket with tho "duty-gift" atmosphere? No; , thoso that inspire appreciation ot tho giver are - . reserved for the woll selected gift of truo utility, lasting quality and positive bonoflt to the recipient. Such gifts are not expensive In Electric Appliances. Indeod, It would bo difficult to find these three qualifications so well represented In any othor class of equal cost. i Jr BiC"yjM In tho mattor of Tumalo Project No 1 road. Preliminary report presented by tho comity purveyor. Order sotting tho sixth day of January, 101C, nt the hour of ton n. in., ns tho data it hearing on said report. Clerk Instructed to glvo proper no tice to all property owners concerned. u tho mattor of tho Crooked river county rond. Preliminary report presented by tho District Attorney. Order setting the sixth dny of January, 1915 nt tho hour of 10 a. m. ns tho tlmo of hearing on said report. Clerk instructed to glvo proper no tlco to all property owners concerned. In tho matter of tho L. S. Rlcknrd county road. Viewer's report road a second tlmo favorable report, no objections. Re port nccopted. Glork Instructed to Ibbuo proper order opening said rond as public highway whenever funds are available. In tho mattor of J G. Edwards road and tho Frank Irving chango In tho J. G. Edwnrds road. County survoyor Instructed to pre pare a present ownership map of all VJ l l.4K7UsM3 7 l &VrL'BMN fl JV!D2i Comfort for everybody a cft that U useful from cdlar to car ret 15c iurc and mark down on your Xmaj list a TION il lK Father uses it to warm tho bathroom for shavinc Mother cwi bciidc it Tho children dress by it A. practical gift Dealers everywhere In CM Cmr. ' Standard Oil Company (CMmUt Portland FrrBntRttvltl m X .. . ' lHI.it. I .. ....1 .... .1 A k. ......... M. .. .1 I.. ItlM lllllin IIIVl'IVVII Ul tl'IIVUI IIU1I III III" location of tho J. G. Edwnrds rond and tho Frank Irving uhniiKO in tho J, G. Edwards road. In tho mattor of frnnohlRO for well oit liuiillo rond, Franchlso Rrnntod to John Jlonont nl to dig n well nnd properly rovor tho snmn (or puhlla uses In tho onst side of tho old Silver hake rond, n county roud near thn Kitchen place, (Hon franchise,) In tho mattor of tho 0. J. Plorco county rond. Continued until first dny of Jan uary torm, iuig, In tho mattor of tho W. C. Connie ton county rond. Continued until ilrst dny of Jan uary torm, 1015. In the mutter of the George Mllll can county rends. Continued until ilrst dny of Jan uary torm, 1016. In tho matter of tho vacation of certain street nnd alloys In the FImI Addition to Motollus. Ordor vacating cortaln streets nnd alloys In tho First Addition to Mo tollus approved when thero lo filod with tho Clork an amended affidavit of posting notices approved by thn District Attorney. (Soo plans for ordor ) Iu tho matter of certain county roads. C. V. Ilartn, et nl, proposed coun ty road, potttlon nnd other proceed ings refarrod to District Attorney, who reported favorably thoro on. Continued until first day of Jan uary term, 1015. A. Ij. lloukto, el nl, proposed coun ty road: Petition and othor proceed ings referred to District Attorney who reported favorably thereon. Continued until first day of Jan uary term. 1916. T. I. Quia, et nl, proponed county road. Petition and othor proceedings referred to District Attorney who found tho same Irregular. Petition denied. Jas. Sklrvlng, proposed county road petition prosontod. Proceedings referred to District Attorney who found tho samo failed to glvn thn court Jurisdiction. Petition denied. In tho matter of dues to Thn Ore gon statu Association of County Judges nnd Commissioners. Clork Instructed to draw warrant In favor of Hun. W. II. Mntton, treasurer Oregon Stato Association of County Judgea and Commissioners, In the sum ot $10 as annual dues of tho Board of .County Commissioners for Crook county. In tho matter or II. C. Topping, license to store grain. Bond presented by II. O. Topping & Co., wnrohousomon for a license The BRICK GARAGE (UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT) First CInss Repair Work done by experts. Yes, we repair Fonts, Mid guarantee the job. Full line tires and supplies. We have n few bargains in second baud cars. - gGive us a trial. ss TR BetMl Garage Company WHERE SERVICE COUNTS E. II. BRUNKA C. M. BAKER The New Perkins Hotel PORTLAND, OREGON C. H. SHAFER, MttniKcr Hnntly to large stores, theatres nnd banks Comfortable nnd Convenient A Ke&nurunt of high class with very moderate prices in Connection ROOM RATES: With bath $1.00 up With bath privileges $1 up M - Building Material LUMBER, SHINGLES The Miller Lumber Company Bend, Oregon. n)i.))i.i)fj4n))f)f))))fi)f))if)))ff)fff)f))ff)t)))f7 si CALIFORNIA I . Wl m AW OK VlMTErOU roLom K37 m raiimm-i'x. fflMM' raiifriJAffHra vompa to nloro grain In Crunk county, Oro gou. Bund rejected by court. In tho mutter ot Inventories it county property, Tho following olllcoro of Crook county presented Inventories of prop erty In their offices In Inventoried dntod Decumhor 1, lt)14i Hlierlrt's or. (ice by V. 10. Van Alton, deputy: (lua. UrowHtor, wntor mnstori J. 13, Myers, school superintendent; llnlp'i Ii, Jor dan, Treasurer! Inventories approved and placed on lllo. In the matter of supervisor of Dis trict 11. Horn! of J. A. (lonsor In tho sum t of $600 an rond supervisor ot Dis trict No. 11 approved by court. In tho mattor of report on sonlp bounty. Report of Warren llrnwu, Clerk on soalp bounty warrants Issued prior to December 1st, 1014, nppiovad. In tint matter ot tho O'Noll lirldiw. O. F. Wallenberg awnrdud contract to covor thn O'Noll bridge, 1U0 fovt. 14 foot rond way, Wallenberg to fiy nlah all mntorlnl necessary to roplnto lowor docking nnd relay upper duck ing at tho rate of $21 per thousand laid. In tho mattor of tho puroh&ia of n bookcase. Clork Instructed to draw warrant In favor of John T. Wheolor In tliu sum of $14 In full payment to hltn of n bookenno now In tho office of tho. wntor mastor, In thn mutter of tho claim of tho City of Hand for tax collection on De linquent taxes. Certain errors appearing In the oof. luotlon of delinquent taxes durllig ntvl nolud Inn the years 1UQ& ami luir. showing sum or $1388.10 duo Clly oi Bend, ordered that this amount bo nimrnvod as duo tho City of Bond and ordered tiald. but payment de ferred for ono year ns not Inoludsd In tho 1916 budget. (Boo order.) In the matter or tho claim ot school Dlctrlct No. 13. Certain errors appearing In thn tax rolls during nnd Including tho yearn 1006 and 1013, showing tho sum of fl.21H.-IB duo School District No. 13; sn'd claim approved and ordered paid; but as no provision tor payment of same Included In 1916 liiiitKut, (Continued on page 7.) nwmanHi llewt For Rhine) a Hays Doctor. Dr. J. T. R. Noal, Greenville, So. Car., says that In his 30 years of ex porlence ho has found no preparation for tho kidneys equal to Foley Kid ney Pills. In 60c and 1 1.00 alio). Best you can buy for hnakaohe, rheu matism, kidney nnd bladder ailment. Patterson Drug Co. Adv. HJtf CALlftiRWA flUIUMMG LOffATtiUtt ny CAunpBniA --" - f-