'1 TIIIJ IIHNI) IICLMCTIN, IJU.VI), OIHJ., WIHLWMDAYt ii:ct;if)iii 10, 10J I, TAQK S. BHBRWWHJi r ffl Appropriate Gifts Ir Everybody The Christmas Gift Store for You P K YfW 'Mtiaxr " ' 'kb idfefyQv. .( . n - SJK0 OUR LINE OF HOLIDAY GOODS this year is more complete than ever before. A call at our store will convince you that this is, the place to settle your Christmas Gift problem. HeYe at ejafew of the many useful gifts we have now on display "f of your selection: VANITY CABHH y, HANDIIAOB ;?( (,'li to 91 1.00 HIIA'im MJWIfjiutmV ' IIAM rAlNTHIpy.VlVf I.MI'OltTKI) iwsinr CHINA. MIMTAHY BHTfl .91.(10 to (JO.IMI HAFHTY ItAKOKH 9 1,00 to ijtO.OO DIAMOND HlMlH POCKKT KNIVKH MHHIIOIIAUM AND llltlAH I'JPIJH HMOKI.SO KIH'H COLLAH llAGH . FANCY I10XKH OF STATIONERY HO Cent (o 92.00 PAHIBIAN IV0UY NOVELTIES. . .2.1 LI. l'i MANICUJti: BETH 91.00 to 912.00 TOILET HI5TB . .$1.00 to 923.00 com ii and imuBn bets . .no ci. to 91.00 HEWING BETH 91.00 to 97.00 OABHEUOLLB f... .$2.00 Up COMMUNITY HIIiVKIlWAIlIS LIIIIIEY CUT 0LAM1 llOOKrt IIIIIMSH . , DOLLS AND TOYS An immense stock of Character, Kid Hotly, Dressed and Undressed Dolls, Irons, Hooks and Games, Mechanical, Friction and other Toys that will please every child. PRICES THE LOWEST- Patterson Drug Company m$laa&bSto smmm LOCAL NEWS ITEMS 1. II, Johnson of Mllllcnn spcit Monday hero. Gus Bchrocdor of Silver ImVo spont Monday here. Hohool closes fur tho Christmas va cation On Friday. ' 0nrgo Hobbs of I'owcll Ilutto, wan ' In town yesterday. Fred Trlplott ennio In (rant tho country over Sunday. 1. M. Thompson U confined to tho homo with tho grippe. J. J. Coon wan up front Laldlnw on business ytmtqrdny. f I). A. Pnltbrsou of Powell llullf 'wan In town yesterday, (looritn Oovo U expected haok front Portland Batiirdny night. Mrit. John K. Hynn ruturnol from Portland Tuoadny morning. Horn to Mr. Sidney llyratti of Hand n Imhy girl Sunday night. Arthur Mooro la In from hi Whit nker vulloy homestead thki week. Mr. F. If. Orimn's Utile Klrl miik Ht tho Dream Theatre laat nlKhl. K. M. Herrlngtnn. of Rlsters, ha boon In town for the Itul fow dnya V. It. McCulftton, formurly of Hond la now runnltiK a restaurant In llunm. A. D.'Norton of Mllllcnn waa hoo yrctonlay, returning homo thla morn ing. Horn to Mrs. C. M. Hedfleld or not ch ulna n 10 pound baby girl on Mon- tiny. A number of young poopto had n ilnnco In Bather's Hall Thursday night. On Mondny I.. C. Fleming aat up for tho first tlino since hla IIIiiom started. Dr. and Mrn. P. II. Doncor hnvo bean visiting friends In Balvm durltiR tho past week. Margaret Wleat la expected bnciC from CorvaHls for tho Christmas' hdj Idnya on Hut unlay. Tho Oleo Club hold Ita flnnl ro hoaranl nt tho mildoflco of Mr (1. P. Putnam on Friday. Itnlph Dunn nnd Jack Stanley wont to 1 1 a rim ou buRlaoM Bnturdny, re- turnltiR yesterday morning. MIm L. Mae Illehla leave Saturday morning for Peudlolon, where alio In tend to aend tho holidays. Carl llimlor and Kmest Dick went In rrre Pralrlx hunting laat Fri day, returning Tiifnidn) nlRht ,1 BHMaVHQWWrrZ BIG VALUES FOR MERRY XMAS Ate HAPPY NEW YEAR WE CAN LOOKRUWyCOV. WHO HAS DEALT WITH US. STRAMHTVIW-TfiC FACE. WE HAVE TREATED THEM! HONESTLY. WE HAVE GIVEN QUALITY GOODS FOR AS LOW A PRICE AS QUAL ITY MERCHANDISE CAN BE SOLD FOR. . WE SHALL BID FOR YOUR TRADE NEXT YEAR WITH THE SAME METHODS WE HAUE ALWAYS USED. WE THANK OUR OLD CUSTOMERS FOR THE BUSINESS THEY HAVE GIVEN US. WE INVITE THOSE WHO HAUE NOT GIVEN JJS THEIR TRADE, fj TO TRY OUR ST.0RE. 4 ' R. H. SMITH CLOTHING COMPANY' TabEARN'kTHJD . VJrSCE L Si? A. M. Lara and B. V. Vrd hnvo formod a partnunthlp nnd will edgago In n Konornl coininUalon buklnoia. Tho reoont cold weather has form od Ico on tho rlvor near Plnelyn park auRlclontly thick to permit akatlnic. Mli Taylor loft Monday to viilt hor alitor In Kuboiio. Sho uzpocta o return Immcdlntoly after tho holi day. II. J. MorKctiitcrn, butter rnnker nt tho local creamery, tins gono to hla homo at Lake, Oregon, for a few weck'a vacation. OeorRo Mllllcan camo In from his ranch nt Mllllcnn Inst week to Join Mrs. Mllllcnn here. They roturnod homo yestordny. ' U. HajLBinltlr9ofHcdrnond wna hero on Uaturtlny In-nttondniico an n meat- ItiK of tho director of tho Water Uors Aaaoclatlon. Tho Subscription Club hold 'is monthly dauco at Snthor'n hall Sat urdny iiIkIiI. Mm. MnoLnurln nnd Joo . McKay furnishing tho music; II. C. Kills nnd C. B. Ifenson return ed on Thursday from Portland where thoy had been called to testify In a ' olvll unit In the Federal court. George Vnndevort has taken MIm Taylor's place teaching the olgthh grade during tbo week, while tho Ut ter Is visiting hor slater In Hugeno. Mr. and 'Mrs. II. II. Do Armond moved ou Bnturdny from tho May apartments to the Forbes houso on tlio corner of Eighth and Oreonwood Klmor Ward, who ban been vlslttiit; his' father In Centrnlln, Wash., re turned Sunday morning. Mrs. Ward oxpfcta to return In about two weeks. Tho sum of 191.25 was taken m nt tho Hebekah bonelU for tho family of Ii. C. Fleming last week. After deducting axuopsca $77. CO was clear ed. Gvnoral manager W. D. Scott 'if tho Oregon Trunk with Superintend ent Uralnard and other officials cann In on ft special train last night, golna or again tola morning. Olenn Slack was In town Saturday, A. 0. Wnlkor ot Alfalfa spent Mon day hero. F, II. Plnkstaff was up from Laid law on t riuay, Tho Urldgo Club moots at Mm. Pr'nglo'a on Saturday. O. W. Snyder of Laldlaw waa shop ping hero on Saturday. J. W. Jones ot Drothqra camo In last weok for supplies. A. It. French roturned on Monday front a trip to Portland. H. M. Lara Is oxpected to return soon from his trip cast. Ted Iloka haa boon working nt Tho nullotln olllco this wook. M. L. Morrltt goos to Portland to night for a wook on buslnoss. N. II. EllloU of Torrebonno was in town on Friday on buslnoss. Miss Hleth oxpecta to go to Soattlo on Friday to Bpond tho holidays. "W. J. Sproat roturned Monday morning from a visit In tho onut. " K. 0. McCook of Mllllcan valley spent Monday nnd Tuesday horo. Dr. U. C. Cqo wopt! 1'ortlnnd cm business last wook. returning Sunday. Tho Urldgo Club mot' at tho' resi dence of Mrs. A. M. Lara on Friday. Iiurton. Onoy enmo down from tho Dig Klvor Ilaugoivjitatlo.iwMonday iig,ht ? " " Mre. Aim u. uiucan camo in irom Mllllcnn tor a fow days stay .laat WOOK. Bee BkuBo Hardware Company for Christmas gifts. Adv. UU ftSAsk your grocer: 'for1 Dosohtatis Bprtty Fiourr-Aav. am Here are assembled useful and appropriate gilts in great variety for every member of the family. MIEN'S GIFTS Snappy now neckwear. Individually boxed co, an, 7 cw. Others at 2, BO Ct. Motor ScnrfB f l.oo, 9::0 Ireland's QUarnntbed Olovcs, Cnpo and Moohfl, per Pair $1.50, 2.00 Suspcndorn In Individual boxes Q ... .no Ct. Handkerchiefs:- Linen and Llnwcave 10 to 2.1 Cts. Initial Handkerchiefs, 3 In box, per box no cts. Silk Hosiery, 2 In box por box 91.00 Also Hlilrts, Pajamas, Uowus, Ilathrobw, Felt and Leathor Slippers, Collar Hags, Mili tary Ilrushvs, otc. Gifts for Ladies Silk Hosiery nt, por pair 91.00, 910 Fibro 811k Hosiery, per pair so Ct. Gloves Olnco, Mocha and Cape, Ireland' Guaranteed Quality, por pair. . .91.50, $2 Felt Slippers, per pair 73c, 91.23, 91.no Hand Dags 91.23 to 90.00 Kacli Pandora Party Hoxes 9I23, 91X.0 PAUISIAN IVOIIV N0VKLTIB8 SKWING I10XB8 TOILET 8BTS UMHItL'LLAS FOR BOYS Shlrls,IlIousos, Suspenders, Shoes, Hosiery, Hnndkerchlefs, Suits, Macklaaws, Overcoats, Olovos, Mittens. Drums, Guns, Tops, Mechanical Toys For Girls Dolls In an endless Variety No Matter What Prtcn Vou Wish to Pay You'll Find Our Selection Complete In ovory Detail At prices lower than Elsewhere Kid Dody Dressed Dolls, Dolls from Germany and Amer ica, from fie to 9:1.00 Kncli STOP AND SHOP AT j- MANNHEIMER'S Clark Hhodes, L. Furst and II. W. Skuse went duck hunting up rlvor Sunday. Frank Mcsscngalo camo In from Mllllcan last week on his way to Cal ifornia. r A. M. Lara, who" haa been fn Port land for tbo last week, returned Jn Sunday. Tho Misses Lorcnco will return to tholr homo In Kugcno on Friday for tho holidays. Wm. A. Daltlcl, deputy labor com missioner and factory Inspector Is In town today. A small circular ot postal infor mation la being glvon away at the lo cal .post ofllco. Mrs. M. E. Forgey enmo" In from her Mllllcnn volley homestead on bus iness Inst weok. J. P. Koycs wont to Soattlo on bus iness Wednesday night, returning on Sundny morning. Coasting tins bcon enjoyed by n number of tho young poopio on Mo Kay's hill recently. Mrs. H. W. Skuse left an Monday night for Portland where she will spend the holidays. Mrs. MaeLaurln went out to hor homestead Monday morning, return ing Tuesday morning. Mrs. Uattes, Mrs. De Armond and Mrs. Arnold took dinner with Mrs. Suttong on Thursday. Tho Short 8tory Club will hold Ht weekly meeting nt tho resldcnco f Mrs. J. P. Koyes tonight. O. Lnurgaard of tho Tunialo Pro Ject camo up from Laldlaw on busi ness Saturday afternoon. E. F. Hatton, formerly of Ilcnd. now a resident of Hood lUvor, took a number of prlxcs at tho poultry show In Portland recently. Tbo nnnual monllntr nf tho Crenni. 9 ery Association will be held at tho' creamery on Saturday at 1 o'clock. A. n. Hicks la running the cream ery during tbo absence of II. J. Mor genstern, the regular butter maker. Tho ladles of the Methodist church held a plo social In the old Trlplett building on Friday night. Mrs. Pert Sbuey has received word of tho death of her father at hla homo In Elk City, Kansas. T. II. Foley, H. J. overturt and J. n. Godfrey went to Crane Prairie duck bunting on Saturday. L. D. Mlsener has traded his Bond property for a dry goods, shoe nnd notion store In Tacomn, Wash. Kenneth Minor, who has been 1 working with the U. S. Reclamation Service, returned to Ilond last week. II. II. Do Arman: returned on Fri day from Prlnovillo where he had been In attendnnce on tho Circuit Court. A. L. De--y, who went to Portland with a load of hogs for the Stanley Itaneh Company, last week, returned Monday. A. T. Shaver enmo In from MUM-) can Sunday. He reports that water waa struck In the Alwyn Lee well at 482 feot. The First National Hank has put up a small sign In tbo bank Indicat ing Its membership In tho Federal Itcservo Iiank. Xnias Candy Fresh and Pure I Per Lb. and Up Don't forget your Xmas haircut, cigars, candy, nuts, tobacco, otc. The Metropolitan. Adv. 41tf Sco Skuso Hardware Company far Christmas gifts. Adv. -tltt Uso Truo Illuo Flour! It Is the best made and a Ueud product. Adv. 37 If 20c Special prices on 20 lb. lots and above to CHURCHS, SUNDAY SCHOOLS and others. The kind you had last year. Remember how good it was. Shuey The Cash Grocer 1 Pp IIia Altnmnnt fni tnAl A,1v. wmummamafemmaGaaftrmttxatsssaaameetss sm 1 ' ... ; mir 1 ir n n it,- s- rr -cgr jSffSu' JT ' II MPs) E.' ' talilspilMKHk jRErefH m j& m mmt MmM xav viv jav ini ?), ttmtmWWjHW&Kl. N?M li I II '' iiinrihlllMnWMMIIM,llMIMM ! I 4 , "V. Buyyolir HolidayGoodies)an,d Staple GrocejileSTjere and get the best. Remember this: If we have it it's good it's good if we have it. We. deliver anywhere? in town, - Hardware, Stoves, J ' A A I llJLlfjI I fakements, Ranges. Tinware. I M I ,AI .If WiipJ 1 WaKfe'ftuggies, it lkss -ka m mm Mmtmt w w immrmm mmr - -c VrlWUejiynnU ss-s- 5JB'ILTJ5raggg.'sr' "m ,- wmr-' - T1IK UTUKb' Oi'' fJUAIdXl Iiu'.i ;i Carriages