THNRISNI) BULLETIN, llENI), ORE., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, JOJf. TAfJR .7. -JACK RABBIT : : PROTECTION HOW,, TO COMBAT THE PEST . Huittntiiry by County Au.ricutturlt L. volt of VnrloiiN Measure HugneMcd for Their Dwrtructlon -Method of Inoculation Hoped 1'or, s (By A. H. LOVETT.) Onb of thn grontoat pefit to tlio fnrnutrrt of Crook county la tlio rab bit. Thoro ulioulil lio soma method for dcntroylng this post nlmolutoly; I) t thnt method ha not rot boon discovered. In somo ftactlon wlioro Ihj rnbtiltH havo tirovcd n dohI n dlu taso bus boon found prevalent nmorfc thorn end largo number Jmvo died from It nffool. Tito Idea of Innoou latlon of rabbit with tlilu rilaiMHa tin boon ndvanood nud uilKlit prove sue COBBflll, bllt ItUCIlUKl) of tlio (lllllROr if tlio trnnninlnlnn of n fatal illena o tlio rabbltn to that of tlio humnn fnui Ily It U nacoary Hint ntty nuoh moth ou bo tnornuKlily lorn oil In n inii orntory or In hiiihII pen boforo It In used pruiuUriioimly. Tlio Agricultural College hope to identify tho dlionso nmuug tlio rnb bits mid to (Uncover soma iIIhoikio with wh!oh wo may safely limoculnto tho r' Iiltn In tho Hold nnd destroy tlioin. Tlilu, however, has not yot boon no coiiipllnliod. Different formula for politonlnrt havo boon unci! In thin miction with fnlr atioco, nmong theo nro tho fol lowing Int. Unit 2 qunrtH, ttrycliHlno 1 oj., nnd sugar about 1 quart., mix thorouuhly nnd nlnco In tnniioonful dose In tho run of tho pen. If thuro Is danger of tho stock gutting to tho unit bora Inch holcra nnd place alt In tho hole. 2nd. I'olnnn wheat, barley or out by using nn ouncu of stryoknlno to quart of wntur. adding ouuugh augur to mnko n yrnp. Doll tho yrup nnd nrtd nn inucli Rrnln nn It will cover whllo boiling, then cool. Tho following In rcaommended for trlnl by thn Collate Dipnrtiuonl or Hnlomulogy, mid mr-y bo unod on twig nn tnted or might bo unod on r.lfnlfa hay, no foil cod Hint lira atock might not ronch It. Int. Uo nulphnto of ntryohnlnn 1 pnrt, borax 1-3 part, whllo syrup 1 pari, water 10 part, mix thoroughly in n Jnr or botllo nnd paint froith twig, wntur Hproutii of npplo or other twlga or liny nnd plnco whoro rnbblt will eat them. 2nd. DImoIvo 1 H oi. or stryoh nlno In 1 quart of vinegar, dilute with 5 gallon of wntor, ndd 2 pound of floru nnd 1 pound of augnr, ntlr wull nnd apply to twins. Tho mot satisfactory protection tiKnlimt rnbblt thu far discovered u tho fonclng of thn land ngalnst thorn. Onn fnrmor nonr Itodinond pur chaod onouRh 24 Inch chlokon wlrn to fence 40 ncrv for count $42. nnd although It I not strong onouRh or illnnrlly for holding Iiok. It will keep tho rabbit out of tho flold. ulioulil Uat 4 or flvo years nnd will certainly py for tho mod of our field In thl dootlon. Homo fnrmor hnvo iimnI trap with fnlr success. 1'enclng n ntnall pile of nlfnlfn with rnbblt fonro nnd loavng nn oponliiK which oxtond to the con. tor of tlio enclosure tho rnbblt will enter horo but nro imunlly unnblo o find tho opening for leaving tho on cloMiiro. I If there nro nny farmer or othor who know of othor method of com bating thoHo ptt 1 nhnulil llko to ro colvo Information of en mo nt my of fice. In order thnt wo may transmit it to tho fnrmor of tho county for their uo. CHURCH NOTICES Church of tlio Brethren. Horvlco next Hundny In brown hulldliiK noxt to high hcIiooI. I'roacli Iiik KorvlvuH ut 11 . in., proceeded by 30 tnluuto song uorvlco nud prnlio service, Irn II. l'ox, nilulHtur, I'rcMbytorlnu, Hpcolnl Hiiuiluy ovonliiK oxorclnoH. Hymn No. 51 1 Scripture Iomnoii, Pray er. Atitliom. "C'lirlHtnitiH I'rnlHo. ' Hold, Mr. Mrlnkloy, Duot, "Hour tho CuriMimii lion," MUhoh Ilnlinno WliiKiilo, l.ndleH Ohorim, "Under' ii on Hi tho ChrlHtmnn HtnrllKht," Holo Ml WliiKnto, Duot, "(lontly Load tl," Mr. lOmklno, Mr. KoroHt, An thorn, "Iloyoud tho Hlnrry Hklo," Adolplio Ailnin. Trio. "Thuro Woo Hliophoriln, ' LynoB. Mondnmo Con, I.uubebk, I'orrost, i,adU8 Clionm, "ChrlitmnH I.ullnby," Uonedlctloii. II. C. llartrnnft, paitor. nny lliroo of forty maHnzlncn, arrang ed In thlrty-flvu club In combination with our own paper for only $1.75 a year. llo enroful you don't overlook our big club of muKazlnon which wo nro flundlug Jo our Hubacribor this yonr. MrlliortUt. Invito your nolRhborn who do not ui,rlly attend church to como with you nnd hoar tho ChrUtmn normon nt 11 n. in. noxt Hundny. Deo. 2). Hffoolal niunlc will bo provided. Our Rundny nchool la full of lire. It tlll crown, llo thoro ut 10 a. m. Hharp. A. 8, llluck, paitor. (tennlblo Clirlntmnn Rift. Ilnrdwara Company. Adv. HktiBo 4tf Why Thoy Itcioiiimoiiil Foley' Honey mid Tur. , V. A. Hnflnl, Conojo, Calif. bo oniiHo "It proiluco thn fott roNiilt. nlwnyn ouro aovoro cold, oro ehoit nud liiiiR nnd doon not contain opt ntc or harmful druK" Dr. V. Tuy Inr, I.uthoravllle, (In. bocntice "I bo Ilnvo It to bo nn hotiuat mndlclmi and It rntlnrio my patron." W. L. Cook Nolhnrt, Mont. bocnuo "It rIvo the boRt rraiilt for courIih nnd cold of nnythltiK I Roll." Kvary unor I n friend. I'ntteraon Dhir Co. Adv. ItKAI KSTATK TltANBi'KItfl. . Dant nnd Htunell to Ilond Timber Co.. BV 815, BK BNV 17; NH NW 20: KV4 813 21 BW 8V 22; NB NI3 28-li-11. Michael T. Nolan to Alice M. Thorp NI3 B13 1C1C-12; KM 10-10-23. Matt Kuloftch to Ouy 13. Dobson BI3 BW, 3MC-11, It. 4, 6, 0; 0-10-11 I4&00. U. B. to Chn. Fordono patent BW BE. BMi BW. 28. NW NW 33-10-10. F. Fred Hoelichor, ct at, to Clara Nolvon BUNV4 18-1C-10. Ilond Park Co. to Wm. Emll et nl It. G. blk. 03. Uond Park, $300. C. W. Embody to Geo. W. Unto B4 BE, It. 1, 2, 3, 4. C, NE BE 35. ltk. 1. 2, 3. 26. BM, BE. BE BW. NW SW, BW BW, NW NE, BW NW. It. 1, 2, 2B-WM. E, It. 1, 2. 3. 4, 5. BE NE; WVi NE 24-NE BE; It. 2, 3, 4, C, 13-11-0. Fred II. Bhorwood to O. B. Hud on BW NE 28-17-12, It. 11, blk, 4, Ilond, $500. It. E. Bhorwood to C. B. Huduon It. la.Iteplttt blk. 4, Uend. Frank I.lpp to Odolln Hampton It. 2, blk. 13, Imperial. Sheriff to W. II. May, tax dood It. 10, blk. 14, Lnldlaw. NOTICE. Tlond; Orogon, Doc. 10, 1914. To whom It may concorn: Thnt wo, tho undorslKned poaltlvoly forbid nny hunting or flailing or trospnaRltiB on nny land thnt wo own In Crook coun ty, Oregon. JOHN ATKINSON, O. D. AMiBN. 4l-42o FKBD-A. 8HONQUE8T. Thoro I nothing that will gtvo any more plensuro for no long a tlmo for bo little monoy na tho throo monthly maRnilnea wo aond our aubacrlbora. Arb you gotting thoao inngaxInoaT If n t, wrlto or tolophono ua. Wo will toll you how to got throo mngaxlnea onb yonr for only 25 conto. Try the Altnmont for Sunday din nor. 0 to 7. p. m, Adv. IAIWr.T IIEI'OItT. NOHTII POItTI.AND, Doc. 11. Itocelpt for tho week hnvo been: CRttlo 1189, cnlvo 24, hog 7991, Nheop 2123. Tho Pacific Interna tional I.lvn Block Exposition waa tho center of tho llmo light till week nn 1 nil trading In cuttle ha boon dono quickly ro n to mnko way for show attraction. Outaldo of show ntock reralpt have been light. Host Rtoarn Rolling nt $7.10. good tcer going nt $7. cow nt around $0. A record run of hog Monday took nearly nil the nvnllnhln hog apneo In tho yard: nearly 06000 hood waro counted In. Price fluctuated during tho week. opening nt $7 and dropping 10 cent. BlrenKth wn again gained nnd Fri day cIohihI at $7.10. Bheop receipt hnvo been very light and still how n dooroaio under lal year. Prlcei were very Htrong. Inmbs gulng at $7.50, owe $5, yearling wethers $0. SERIOUS CHARGES MADE I!. It. Hill, Formeily of l Pine, Knld to Have Forged Clicck. (Portland Tolegrnm.) It. Hill, formerly connectod with Portland Commercial Club, la chnrged with forgery. Forged pnpar to tho oxtont of $173. alleged to have been drawn by thu Ln Pino Townlo Compnny, hn eoino to light horo within tho Innt fow day. Tho chock nro drawn on tho Halted Btntea Na tional Hank of Portland, In favor of K. It. Hill nud Indoraod with Hill name. Hill wn recently ccrotnry of tho HunlaoMt Men' Aoelntlon nt Tho DiiIIhr. gnd rter lmlng dlschnrgod. be NudiUnly dlwipiiearcd and nothing wn hoard from hi until yoatordnv, when forgod check cathed at Chi cago, reachetl horn. Tho pnner bear tho Indoinetnent of (loorKO W Vans, of Chicago; Union Pacific ItR'lway. ChlcaRo, nnd tho Continental nnd Commercial Ilnnk, Chicago. Hill wn formerly nccretnry of tho Ia Pino Commercial Club nnd nlio ocrctnry to J. E. Moraan of tho Mor Ron Iand Company, of Ln Pine. Pre vloua to thnt he wn prlvnto ecrotnry to William McMurrny, of tho O.-W. It. & N. Co., nnd nlao aocrotary to U C. Chapman. Hill loit hi por tion at Tho Dalle a fow weeks ago. Blod and katoH. Bkuao Hnrdware Compnny.- Adv. 41tf HUINH FOR BALE. "For Kent," "For Halo," "Iloom to I.CI", "Houekceplng Itoont," "No Ailnilttniue," "No Biiioklug," ct., etc, Plncord printed In largo type on heavy brlntol board, IfJ centx cncli. Ion In iiiiaiitltic, Hullotln Office. I 'ill For Winter WEAK got a pair of W011UV8 WOHIC SHOES WE also hnvo tho agency for NAP-A-TAN Bhoc for mon nnd boy. R. H. LOVEN The Bhoo Kcpnlr Man Ilond Btrcot Dond, Oro. ---- BUSINESS AND I'KOFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. JtOJIHHT II. OOL'IjD Civil ff Engineer V m i -4iLv Ilcnd Oregon H. II. D o A It MONO LAWVHIl Oregon Btrcot. Itond, Orogon 13. tho GAME COMMISSION AGAIN lloartl Now llnrk to Wfmt It Wn Ilo- foro Went Plnyctl Politic. With thu nppolnttnont of J. Frank Hughe, of Balom, a raombor of the Btnto Uamo nnd Floh Commlialon, tho porBonuot of tho board become tho anu a It wa nlmoat n year ago, when Governor Weal accepted tho realgnntlon of throo momborv, and orgunlied tho board, bo, It wn alios ed, It could bo used to political ad vantage. Tho men who resigned boaldo Mr. Hughe and who nro again membora are 1). E. Duncan, of Hood lllvor, nnd O. F. Btono, of Klamath Falla. Tho othor two mom bora nro M. J. KInnoy nnd Oeorgo II. Kolloy of Portland. Mr. Hughes waa nnmod to auccood Floyd Dllyeu who resigned from tho board aoon nftor tho rocont mooting nt which William Flnloy and It. E. Clanton woro rostorod to their old poattlona of 8tato Qnmo Warden nnd Maatqr Flali Wardon, roapoctlvoly. TO OUH 1U2ADKKS. Every family In thla county nro now aubHortbora to various mugnxlnoa nnd nowapapera. Tho total umount of money paid for thcao publlcnttona probably nmouuts to uovornl tliouo. nnd dollara annually. It Is monoy well spont of couroo, hocauao wo must havo BomothliiK for tho ainlly to road. llut If you can anvo about sovonty flvo por cont of thla monoy, and still hnyo all tho pnpors and magnxlnea you want, It U worth conaldorlng, la It not? Wo havo made arrnngomenta whereby wo enn save this community hundrodn of dollars by merely ordor lnir their reading matter through our oflico. Our boat offor la a choice of I -The Wright- Is Bend's Leading Hotel WHY? It I n fireproof building It la thoroughly modern It I comfortable, commodious, clcan- ItOOMH FItOM BO CENTS UP Tlio want of nil nro tlf!l well at THE WItlOIlT HOTKIi Automobiles (o all Interior Points THE WRIGHT H0TEL ! riTNTBAI OJi?fiON'! FIIIE, LIFE, ACCIDBKT, 7 .. ?J?. SZ i & PMTB OWBS, AUTOMOI Leading INSURANCE Agency him:, Huitirrr honds. REAL ESTATE City and Farm Property AUBREY) Lots $150 to $350 HEIGHTS ( TERA1S: $5 Cash and OROKLA) ' 3 Alonthy J a FT A CrrTCT. Oflico on Oregon Street A. CAD 1 E5 MENU, :: OIIEOO.V nODEIlT W. SAWYER NOT A HI' I'UHIilO Hullotln Oflico, Ilond, Orogon J. 1). lioll A. W. Blma CllOOK COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY (Incorporated) Successors to Tho J, II. Hancr Abstract Co., Prlnovllle, Oro. Abstract Innuranco W. W. FAULKNER, D. M. D. DENTIST Oflico Over Postoflko Bend, ... Oregon II. O. E1.LI8 Attoriiey-at-Lntr United States Coinmlwiloncr First National Hank Building BEND, OREfJON DR. J. H. CONNARN 1 E N T 1 8 T Offlce In Bather Building. Hourc D to 12, 1 to 5. Sundays and evenings by Appointment. WILLARD II. WIRTZ IiAWI5It Prlnevlllo, Oregon. C. 8. BENSON Attorney At Law Benson Building, Wall Street Bend, Oregon. Headquarters for Commercial Men tilectrlc Lighted Throughout Special Attention to Transient Travel THE BEND HOTEL HUQM O'KANE. MANAQltn Good Rooms BEND, OREGON Qood Meals Free bus to and from trains All arrangements made for person deilrlng to go south and east of here THE UNITED WAREHOUSE COMPANY Storage and Forwarding , General Commission Merchants WE HANDLE OIL, GASOLINE, SUGAR, FLOUR, SALT, HIDES FRESH and SALT MEATS HAMS, BACON AND LARD TEi United Warehouse Co. A. M. Pringle, Mgr. Bend, Oregon VERNON A. FORBES LAWYER First National Bank Building Bend, :: :-: Oregon GEORGE S. YOUNG Civil and Irrigation Engineer. City Engineer of Bend. Room 6 First National Bank Building Representation boforo tho Des ert Land Board and State Engineer ROBERT CECIL WYGANT Attorney nt Law Irrigation Masonic Water Rights Building Desert Land Salem, Engineering Law Oregon C. P. NIBWONOER, Bend, Oro. UNDERTAKER Licensed Embalmer, Funeral Director, Phono. Lady Assistant. DR. R. D. STOWELL Naprapntlilc Pliyiitclfut Offlce ovor Mlllor Lurnle- Co. Wall Street Hours 5 to r, Phono Rod CI J. E. Engebrefson Plumbing and Healing Bend, Oregon Fraternal Societies I. O. O. P. Bend Lodgo No. 218. Regular meeting every Mon day night at 8 o'clock In Sath er's Hall. Visiting brothers cordially welcome. BERT SHUEY, N. O. OEO. P. GOVE, Secretary. ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA. Banner Camp No. 0031. Regular meetings second and focrtr- Tuesdays. Sather'v Halt. MRS. J. It. CONNARN, Oracto. MR8. A. OHCUTT Recorder. J L. Roofing of all kinds. Repairing promptly done. J. A. MacCLOSKEY TINNING AND Furnace Contractor Guttering, Spouting, Cornices and Skylights. gXx l-iIl.lLiVlliil C11L.K1(1 uia,x FURNISHER Jobbing Promptly Attended To J. J. RYAN Plumbing and Healing PHONE 451 117 SHNNESOTA STREET THIS PAPER REPRESENTED TOR FORElCn ADVERTISING BY THE C3pgjti: GENERAL OmCE3 NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES tv'ivviv' $ S Is It Done Right? who j TT j) ll JS 8s Tt tt U, Wt wU noujh klono. But un ka It U vp to tb m&rk In vry detail com and o tu. LOWPRICGS, BETTER SERVICE Bend Steam Laundry. AND DRY CLEANING Put Your Duda In Our Suds" ALTAMONT HOTEL Moderate I'ricea Modern Rooms AttratUvo Surroundings Stoam Heat, Hot and Cold Water AVIUi Rath Irtlleg. Home Cooked Meals MUs A. I). Spalding, Proprietor BEND, OREGON $ AVVtlVVVt1 Bl A Broken Auto Frame or Any Casting Welded by tho R) OXY-ACETYLKNK PROCICSS I DOONAR will fix ii 3EEH Sfd DRAYING Bead Hauling Co. R, N. PALMKRTON Wood for Salt OHlco with R. P. .MInter OOlco Phono Black OO Residence Black 4U2 tmm rA O'DONNELL BROTHERS UNION MARKET