The BULLETIN, 4 i v Mri 1JKNP, OREGON, WEDNESDAY AITKRNOON, DKCIUiniCIIilO, J(U. NO. 41. bend 1 ' ' Vi. xii. 'W i J' JEFFERSON NOW : 13 ESTABLISHED I fc M . .. g GOVERNOR'S PROCLA ' UUT10N ISSUED County Court Appointed oii Saturday following DtfMilulloti of Injunction ly Judge HrniMimv OjicMIoiik km to Crook County Kuw Up, Jofferoou county In now n fact tin n result of tint proclamation I win ml iy uovurtior Went liml Friday. On aturtiay no numHiiicod tliu appoint ment of the memlinrs of tho county H0ni-t of tho now oounty nnil It la understood (lint tliay havo nlrendy .bogun tholr work. The Governor's proclamation fol lowed oloHnly nftor tho giving y .lililgH iirndshnw of liU HoqIsIoii ills iiltMlitK (he Injunollon Hint had ro Mrolnnd County Clerk Warren Drown from aertlfylng Uio rusult of tho oounty division vola to tho secretary of stato. Tlio Nriv Court. The oounty court of Jarfororin coun ty, appointed on Saturday I nn ful ldwsi Judge, William llougll, of Out on Commissioners, Hoseoo Card, f (TaTbwav unit J. M. Klnu of Oiul .'Ctlf. lu making Uiesu salestlonA Gov. U.nAW liuil Im mmIiI In t.MU.. ..I......... .otio man from each of tho tickets nd .vfttioml by tho thro town who nro looking for oounty at honor. At h contention In Metnllua H K. KIiik. Mtosooe Oard and L. M. Thomas wum naleetcd an nominees of tho whom county to ho placed before tho gov , or nor hut aftarwarda npparently, oarti town jiii L .forward selections of Its own. These nre reported to hnve . boon as follow: Madras:Coiinty Judgo, B. K. KIiik. Motollus: Commissioners, Hoaooo iCnrcl. Oatoway; I.. M. Thomas, I.a monto. Mclnlliia: County Judge, J. M. IClntr. Opal City; Commissioners, J. J. Chonoweth, Urandvtuw; 8. 8. lilac), Ashwood. Culver County Judgo, William Itoogll, Culvor: Commissioners, 0 li, lllnnchard, Lamnnla; II. L. Prl lay. Cross Keys. Tho now court li mnilo up .of ono representative from each Hit. ' After tho member of tho now tiourt havo qualified thoy will soleet ' tho county tent nml appoint tho other ' nounty oftlceis except tho road super visors and tho district attorney. As tit no Intimation of tho prohahlo notion of tho court on cither matter , lina (icon made. i Tho Crook Kltuntloii. i With Jefferson county In oxlstetno many Interesting oUMtioiia havo come 1 Hit and will ooHtlouo to come uu In ' Crook oounty for semo tlmo Into (Im future. First of all whim tho quoa- ; t Ion aa tho the county esurt. Two member of tho present eourt. Com iHfusloner llrown and ludae Hprlnir. were eieeieu rrom wtint is now Jon oraon oounty. Uiey rnlHter(wl there for tho laat oicetloit and hnvo alwaya liodn comlduicd n IiavIiik tholr homofi thoro. Do thov go with tho now county nnd lotu otlloo nutomntlo ntlyT la tho ijui'itlon holnR naked. It li umlomtood that Coiumliwlonr Drown 1ms furnlahod tho anawcr oo far n ho U roncomed hy announolnR tljat ho counldom lilimulf no lonRor COMPLETE UK FIGURES SHOW MATERIAL REDUCTION Tolnl for JIimmI Will llo-IO MIIIh IHv tiht IS Vnyn till JiYolul Coun ty Vnllintlon Anuouncod. . Moro ooliiploto ilolnlla of tho tnx lovy or tho coining your indlcnto tliat tho total tnx pnynhlu In tho city of llnnd will ho only -to mllla na ngulnit yt iiuim im yonr nnii Hint in Hcliool Dim i lot 12 tho mlllAKo lulud. inir uio county lovy will ho 20, Tho county tax of 24 mllln ItitludM ono nnd otto hnlf iiiIIId for tho ooun ty IiIkIi itelinol nnd throo nnd n hnlf mum for runda. Aa llond Im In a dis trict which tunlntulnn lta own high Hchool It l not taxed for the oounty Hohool nnd na tho oourt uind tli ioRd tnx a fjiocliil tux llond la oxotupt from It, JtiHt m I'rltiovlllo la. Tlwt IcnvfM tho not oounty tax ID inilla nn fur na tho oily la uoncorund, nnd with H for tho city nnd aoyou for (ho achool dlHtrlot, tho total of 40 h found. .u tho Mihoot dlatrlct outalde of llcnd nil tho county tax sxoapi that fur the hlRh aahool U ld. or 22 V4 in I lln, which with KjtOws aaten mill levy mukoM IUV4. Tho dlaitlct lory Gomrr judbe TERM UP A laaf your van 9VWsdh. Tho tolnl vnliitftlbh of the oounty la, of which $i,-io,. 007. 3ft la tho tnxnhlo value of th puhllc titllltlfti, nn found lait wook hy tho atnta tux comnillon. Th total valuation thla yonr waa 111, ut4.ft87; puhllc utilltloa hulnc ui Kwwind nt f 1.277.132. Tho Crook oounty n'Mto tax la np proximately ItS.tOO neeordlnK to n iuotRo roeolvnd from tho Htnto Tax mjiuiiiImIoii thla nftornoon. AUY NOT BE FOR SIX YEARS l.lit Vlow In Tlmt .Tudxpa Klrctari In 11110 Cu Out of Ofllco on Juii.j -nrj' 1 SnxtlMU WIlH Ikj Tc od hy Ooicrnor I'orViillillly. i- W . CROOKED RIVER ROADS Hprlngcr Hnyn Lotu of Work Dono on Them llocently. (OroRon Journal.) JikIko 0. HprlnRor of I'rlnovllla, who attended tho convention of coun ty nffloora in Portland laat wcuk, de clare that hla homo county lina prov ed ono of tho moil actlvo In tho atnto In tho mattur of highway develop ment. 'For 13 mllea up tho Crookod river, wo havo litillt n normnnonl lov Krndo rond that used to ho n trnll with k rail os somotlnios os stoop ua 35 per cent." said Judgo HprlnRor "In hardly any placo la tho now grnda moro than thrco per cent and 070 foot of atoel hrldgliiR hna boon put In "Tho past ntimmor has hcen tho hoat for linintcrntlon rlnca tho rail road wna unlit through to Hond, the Tumalo projjet holng rctponslhto for tho increasing number of fanner. auticm: on iiuiikov. Tho Issuo of tho Country Oontlo man dated Dccomher 19 nnd out to morrow contains an nrtlclo deserlp tlvo of tho work of C. 8. Hudson, eashlorof tho PI rot National Hank, In furnishing hogs nnd cows to fnrmora of thla Hoctlon nt cost. Tho nrllolu rontnlna sovornl Illustrations tnkon In nnd nruund llnd Including one of the First National Hank hulldlug. A more extevdd aoeount of tho article will be printed next week. That tlio oounty Judgoa olootd in 1010 woro not ohocen for six yoars after nil la the Intoat theory of tli preeont eondlllon of tho Oroaon fnw.- Tho lde is hnsod on (ho aeoldontnl discovery of n constitutional provl- muii iu mo unooi mni an amondmuiit to tho constitution doee not hocomo OfTMtlVO lllltll n cnnvnui nt tlw. vni.. nnd n proelamntlon hy tho (Jovomor. Jloforo tho dlscovory of thla elnuso It had hen urged thnt tho decision of the supreme court In tho Cliwton onso had Insured n alx year term for tlio county Judgee nnd Judgo Wor don In Klamath Folia was planning a fight to rotnln hla office against Mar lon IlankM, elected In Novomhor Now Hie situation Is apparently revenwd and Hnnka linn tho uppor position, ao far na tho law la concerned. Governor West will tort the oum. (Ion by appointing Judges on Jnn.i. nry to auoeoed Hi ono oleeiod in mm It Is not understood that the terms of juugoa niwieu in 1912 nre affected. A dispatch from Ha lorn on tho sub ject aays: District Attorney Hrans of Mult nomah oounty. In examining the con atltutlou In connection with the re coat amendment abolishing capital punishment, dlecovored n provision, saying that n constitutional amend ment should not becomo offcctlvo un til nftor tho canvass of the voto and a proclamation Issued by tho gover nor. This provision tho governor iceis oonncicni tho court overlooked In rendering lta decision In Clceton's case, nnd tin hollovea that the 1910 ninondmcnt, fixing tho terms of Judg es, um noi liccomo n law until rttv. oral wcoka nftor tho polio closed. Tho amondment could not bo retroactive in ua operation, ho declares, nnd theroforo could not apply to Judge SSSlSP'9 tBtm of ofllco, npr to nny her counly Judgo fleeted nt tho 1910 eloctlon. All tholr terms expire tho first or tho yoar 191G, ho declares. Hy appointing Buccoasora to them, the governor will put tho question up to tho supremo court for decision. SIMULTANEOUS FIRES TUESDAY ALARMS ARE GIVEN TOGETHER pDniglch gnloon on Honil Street Com- !UgfeOiiJcl- Fire Is Kept From MWrij)& JJxilIillngH Klein ftlfmltmrhw mo TIircatcucI. t lr- (Continued on lust pngo.) JTHOliS IN KltKHION. Judge Springer and ComwiMloner elect Hlanchard attended the oonon tlon of tho ntuto aasorlntlan of ooun ty JudgeM In Portland laat week. HprlnRor took part In one meeting calling attontlon to tho practice or rond vlowera In changing road nftor thoy havo been loontod to plenao cor lain Individual and to tho detriment of tho general public, Ua recom mended that' n law bo enacted to pro hibit changes In location except for tho purpose of shortening uistanuo and reducing grades. COMMKHCIAI, CI.UII MIXTINO. Tho committee on star postal luuiua lujiuruui progress ni mo meet Ing of tho Commercial Club on Sat urday. Tho post office Inspector tor una unmet una pawed favorably in tho changea advocated hy the club and It rapBlna only to see what no tion the contractor will take. I,. Smith, of Hedmond. made a few re inarkn on the present activities of tho Ilodmond club. The mutt tun. .oheon will bo held at the Hand Ilotol. Two fires oocurlng at the same time occupied tho attention of the local flro flghtera yesterday rnornitrtr. H oauae of the unusually cold weather tnoir worK was very dimcult but wth good water preseure and n Nonce of winu tnc r orrorta miecwwrniiv r. strlcted ono blazo to tho building in which It started and put tho other uui iicjoro mucii uainugo wna done. Tho first flro was discovered about flvo o'clock In tho Atlos bar on Hond street owned by Mlko Draglch. tt apjwrently atnrtod near tho utove. Tliero nro wooden buildings within a few foot on oach side of tho ono In which the fire was dlMovorod but the flames were not permlttod to get ho yond the walls. They remain atanrl lug although tho interior was burned out nnd tho roof foil In. Just na tho Alarm for tho Hond street fire wna given the residents nf the Klein npartmenta on Front street woro awakened by smoke and Inves tigation disclosed a fire around the furnace In tho basement. When dU o vored It had workod Its way Into aomo of the partitions but It was put out quickly. Mr. Klein had visited J tlio furnace earlier In the morning and tho fire started afterward from the atovo plpo dropping out of tho chimney. Tho lose on tho Draglch prooorty amounts to about $2000 and on tho othor to a few hundred. Draglch had flGOO In Insurance. Ills building waa at ono tlmo oc cupied by Tho Hulletln. FAVOR CHANGE If! DEER HUNTING SEASON Will Jloconinifnd to Lrglilnturo Tlmt Kcplctnbcr nnd October bo Open Month Other Change. A recommendation to the taglBhv turo that the deer season bo opened' (leptomhor 1 nnd clonort Oatober 31 wan unanimously voted nt the sec ond nnnunl convention of. the Oregon Sportsmen's Lcnguo hold In Por'Unhd Inst weok. Tho notion was tnkon to lesen tho daagcr of flro In tint nnnAm OUior recommendations made by tho uunreinK'n wero: To close tho Willamette rlrer io net flehing. To change the Chlneee pheasant law making the bag limit birds In one day, or 10 birds In ceven consec utive days, oach beg to permit if not to oxecod two fomale Chluoeo pheasants. Thnt nn chant's lia muln In Ihn liroeent garno fund lav, game com mission or any lawc In relation to ml grotory birds until the eonatiiutinn. hllty of the federal lawn In rogard .o amo nave oeon determined. Asking that tho Oregon legislature confer with California. Wcahlneton nnd Idaho on the ncle of protected gamn birds and game fish and also on tho uniformity of camo HaensM. To opon tho Chlno phca&nnt son- son uctouor i nnd clone October 10, In tho counties of Cnlon and. Jack son. To shoot pralrlo chickens In Was co And Hoker counties from Septem ber 1G (p October 1&, . Dclogatca from this section woro O. P. Putnam, representing tho Bend Hod ft Gun Club, and Clyde McKay, representing tho Tumalo Gun Club, WIMC01E IS FOR ALLOTMENT IF NECESSARY WILL GO EAST May Make Trip to Washington p . Htralghtcn. Matter Out T.nno Ite-" ffemtex AfatoHicntn no To Ne cessity of Sew Appropriation. I'lILST JKFFKIWON .Mi:imNO. . MADRAS. Dec. 16. (8poclal.) An Informal mooting of the now Jef ferson county court wns held yester day at Culver with nil members pre ent The first regular meeting will bo held on Monday, December 28. "THE POOR DEVILS" Little Talks on Banking Certified Checks CI.OHHH ON SUNDAY. Acting under Instructions from the local post ofllco Inspootor Post Mas lor Ford will horonrtor keep hla of flco cloned ou Sunday. Thoro will ne no delivery or mall at tho window and only nowspapera distributed to the boxes. kwipki) Tin: cop. N. C. Gilbert has n new ntory. Ono or his aona la a apood officer In Greeley, Colorado. . Ono nlght'n while ago he saw nn auto streaking It jp the road, and Baying to hlmsolf, "Of ficer, do your duty," ho hit It up on hlo motorcycle and coming along eldo tho auto Jumpod onto 'life ruu ting board and ordered tho driver to atop. Tho epcodora pulled hlra Into without slowing down and th.tlenartment had to send out a res- cuefljiund to get Gilbert-back. ' IMPltOVINO KTitnirr, A crew of men. under Garret Hor-Ken'-liwi been buBy resontly filling and grading tho street leading from Wall street toward the river adjoin ing the old Mutxlg building. The Improvement was ordered at n re cent meeting of the city council nnd will provide -n --public -roea to the creamery and tee plant. HHSOIiLTIONK HNDOH.SKI). (Ilodmond Spokesman) A delegation from both Grandvlew nnd Sisters nttonded tho mooting of tho Commercial Club hero last nlRht to Indorse tho resolutions promulgat ed st the Hond-Redmond Joint meet ing at Hond Monday ulght In regard to trying to aecuro tho 1450.000 Fedoral appropriation tor reclama tion work in this section that has been promised Control Orogon. More Light on a Subject Frequently Dbicutftcd In Recent Campnlgn. (From Hood River News.) "Hood River county schools have shown an Increase or 118 pupils In tho past year, according to a census Juct completed by County Superin tendent Thompson. This census wis for tho end of tho second month, as compared to the satno time lost year.' (From Redmond Spokesman.! ."At a special meeting of the city council neid Tuesday night they fix ed tho tax lory of tho city for tbo coming year nt 17 mills." Tho city of Redmond tax for tho present year waa 1G mills. Tho 1915 school tax for district G9 which in cludes Redmond, Is 13 mills, rs against 12 mills for 1914. "Tho pojr dovlls." - Whan n liank cert I He n check It guarantee that tho check la good vthoit properly endorsed, Hy writing or Btniunlnir tho word "ccrtllled" and tlio amount itcros tho face of tho checltf nml diguing Ids iiamo to It, Uio teller or ofllcer of tho luuik, binds tho hank to lay tho check. When n rcrtllled check I Issued tlio amount of tlio' chock U nt qnco charged to the druwcr'H ac count nnd this itmoiint Is set anldo In n uprclnl ac count (if tlio hank's general funds under tho fiend of "cci tilled clieckH," ' '1 We do not crraiiy thing bif USEFCJL Safety Deposit Boxes Ski '" I" ? "B-pB Hnfo deposit protection Is merely n form of In minuico uml tho feeling of iiNsurauco that your Miluablo pa per h, nccurltlcs nnd Jewelry tiro safo much mora than rcpayN tho tdlujit cost, Our vault uml mfo dopoitlt bovon nro ilio-proof," You inn rent (mo of our hoxe for $U.OO n year. WHY HIHK TlllJ LOSS HY KlHIi OU TlllCIjr WIINN AHSOLUTK HUCU1HVY CAN 1U3 1UR&" ' OIIAHKI) HY THIS KMAM, HVM? X, mas Deschutes State Bank Goodi 1 tin,.t. lrX,1, . L 'Pre'sliloutf "' 13. M. LflftA, CttBhter" CALL AND SEE OUR.' STOCK OF CASHimOLHS AI.UMINU.M WARK CwVUVINO 8UT8 FOOT WARM Kits SPORTING GOODS HLUDH COASTKK WAGONS SKATK8, HTC. GKKSK Ill'XTKHS UP 1UULY. The Sabbath waa violated, tho game laws broken and peaceful morn ing slumber rudely dtaturbed on Sunday morning by huntjura on Um river near towa. A large (leek of geese caiue in to the river below tho bluff early In the mornlfigand at about C:45 shooting at them began. It Is reported that the first gunners got about IS gceso. Oprornor-oloct WIthyeombo will hi to Washington, If neeee.- to jnrarel the snarl $hat has d.-hirMd-In respect to tho S4BO.0O0 of A-tmiJT- reclamation money thnt has been, promisrd to Oregon. Dr. Wlthy-'I cowbi- msde this announeement laWft' week, saying nt the satno time thtT tho ew administration would bciKtj; every offort toward geti ng tho mafgt ly Bocurcd. This statement from the next go. nrnor came as a reault of further ry ports from Washington to tho effoot that Secretary Lnno was reltcratlug, his former declarations that Oregon much put up 1450.000 moro before tho Intorlor Department would al!c any money to an Orogon project The last previous undorHtandlng'oV the subject was that Director NewolH of the Reclamation service was th 'stumbling bloek lu the way of tho made at the banquet here on Decem ber Gth and letters from Newell worn, produced to show that ho had preST vlously tnken another stand. Secretary I,nne Again, Last week Secretary Lane appear od In the controversy gsaln, this time giving It tbo appearance that Cover, nor West was responsible for the fail ure oi tho co-operative plan. A news article from Washington said In this connection: Jkr "After Secretary Lano had agreed!, to allot $400,000 and after the state had appropriated (1460,000. Governor West ordered the State Engineer to proceed with the construction of tho first unit of tho Tumalo Project He did this without consulting the Wash ington authorities and without sub mitting to them the plan of bo pro Jec. The project which the stato has built will cost. In round flmirea. 14Q anacro. Attor tho state bis spent Its money Governor West and (Continued on last page.) DELEGATES TO CONGRESS KNOX MARKS APPOINTJIKNTS. Sheriff-elect Knox lias announce! two of tho appointments ho expects to make on taking office. They nro Theodore AuneNin deputy for this section and. Floyd A. Rowell of Prlae ville as chluf doputy. Many Organizations Select Rcprcscn tntlvw For Irrigation Meeting. Tho selection of delogntca to it toad the Irrigation Congress ip Jir uary has begun, and at Laldlay re cently representatives of looal Itod- Ilea who nre members of the Oqngros were elected. They are: West SIO Water Users' Association, W. O. Darnes. Frank V. Swisher, Wm. B", Sandel, W. P. George. Salem, P. e; Dayton. Laldlaw Development League J. N. H. Gerking. Fred B. Wilson. O. W. Horner, J. M. Griffin nnd- C J. Mock.. Tumalo Project. Fred N .Wal lace G. Ed Ross, A. S. NIooI. Alfred Hanson, and O. Laurgaard. ; Tho Culvor Irrigation Club' has elected II. W. Gard. O. C. Young A. II. Parkey. L. A. Young and W. IL Peck. fjSJfi&JffflJfi hMiy BfilVJ" Bend Hardware Company THK COMPANY THAT PUT TJIK ' " "WEAR" IN HARDWARE, ' )()()( The First National Bank OF BEND, BEND, OREGON ' i . . j . r . U. C. COE, President E. A. SAT1IER, Vice- President C. S. HUDSON, Cashier Capital fully paid - - - 825,000 Surplus 822,000 Banking Revolutionized On Nov. 16th, 1914, the Res&fva Banks in twelve of the principal cities of the U. S. opened for business. This law means there will never be any more panics in tjie United States. Every Member Bank can at any time convert its notes into exchange or actual cur rency. The power of the Federal Reserve Banks to issue currency is almost unlimited; this currenoy is now printed and may be ob tained at any time by Member Banks. The First National Bank of Bend is mem ber of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Fran cisoo, California, and is entitled to the full benefit of this new law. "Wo will be ploused. to gjvo full particulars u to the many oriier advantages, uud safeguards, of tliU law, In. peitsun or by letter. VsLeJI I'JUMLMJyjUm'J.V" mf JjteT NATIONAL If AflK OF pND uiKbtauKS v. a cok O. M. E. A Hatheu. I'A'rxKnso.v S. HUPSOM u. n. Ku.ia ; a. i ., I. . 0y Tfr-'"'