The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 09, 1914, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    l'AOR a.
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ISlKiClal to Tho Unllotln)
SIBTKItd. Hoc 7. Mr. nnd Mrs.
M. ItoBlh returned to tholr homo
Molollus Monday utter n week a
Ylalt In Sinters.
11. h,rTono Is In Now York to re
main until nftor tho holidays, when
In company with Curtis Datloy. who
,a ylsUlnR hla mother In I'hllaricltiha
trty oxpodt to return to Oregon via
tho Panama Cfinal. ,
Roltt Orumlnhl. who la located M
Clonr Lake In tho Intercsta ot tho
Oregon Hlectrlo Company, was cnllml
to Portland last wook on account ot
tho serious Illness of his uncle.
Ilobert Smith, J. P. Duokett. Carl
Woods. K. II. Howell and Goorge IB.
Attkan attended tho budget moating
at Prlnovllle Inst weolt.
M. I.. Merrltt. forest supervisor of
tho Deschutes National I'orost, was
& business' visitor In Slalom last
Mr. and Mrs. Vorn Gist arrived lit
Sisters last week and will romaln un
til after tho holidays.
P.J. Lelthnusar is coroctlng n house
on his ranoh recently purchased from
the Oregon & Western Colonization
Co., and will mako other Improve
ments this winter.
F. M. iSumwalt. W. S. Fullerton.
Carl Woods and Fred Wlose are in
Prlnerlllo serving as Jurors for tho
December term of Circuit Court.
XI. Dalley spent a few days tho last
of the week at tho Allendalo ranch
on tho Mctollus.
Albert Wurxweller was up from
his homo in Portland last week at
tending to business interests at tho
Long Hollaw ranch.
A baby boy was born last Thurs
day morning to the wife ot A. D. 03
ter. Mrs. Julia Davidson, ot Santa Rosa,
California. Is In Sisters oaring for
her father. II. A. Molvin, who has
been quite sick for tho past few
C. I. Gist was torvlngvlogal pnpors
In tho Culvar country Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wurxwollsr
left Moadaj for a visit in Prlnevllle.
Paddy Haydon. who was sorlously
Injured In a runaway accident last
week nad taken to a Portland hos
pital. In still In a serious oondltlon. I
His skull W bidlv fractured and oth
orwlso bruised up.
Homer Farthing died suddenly Sat
urday .night at Clear Lake. Ho was
In tho mountains In company with
Hon Osborne and Murphy Swanson
on a trapping expedltloa nnd became
oxhaustcd while out In tho hills to
suoh an extent that it was impossible
for his companions to rovlvo him af
ter getting him to their quarters at
the lake. Owing to tho depth of
snow In the mountains the party of
four who left Sunday to bring nut
the remains wore unable to roach tho
lake until Monday morning and will
not be ablo to reaoh Sisters on tho
ruturn before Wednesday. Thero
about four feet of snow on the sum
mit and two-feet at Clear Lako.
- -4-- --- --
Paul H rook I turn took n nlonnuritl John Pnusch from Ibex snout thu
trip to Hums during vacation- day Thursday In Imperial.
Minor, and Wienunn from
Vlo Johnson Is cuufftR noles this
C. Ashbaugh returned from
llond today. s
(Special to Tho Uullotln.)
ALFALFA, Nov. 27. On Thanks
giving evening tho Alfnira public
school gavo a very pleasant enter
tainment. Mr. Denly showed good
Judgment In hla selections nnd tho
children rendered them remarkably
well. Mrs. Dealy and Mr. Dealy'a
fa nor helped with tho music. Omur
Chambers took part In n laughablo
llttlo play along with tho teacher and
four pupils. Thero will bo nnothor
suoh ontertnlnmont on December 12.
Tho proceeds are to bo used In buy
ing books for tho school library.
Mr HftRRs and family aro llv'ng
on the Graham rnneh In order that
their son may attend school.
Port Powell and family havo m v
cdvto tho Janney ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. Oglo havo returned
from McMlnnvlllo whoro thoy havo
been visiting their children.
Mrs. John Cowen of Lnldlnw spent
last wcok with the, Wnlkor family.
Mr. Altguod has brought his cat
tlo to the Johnson ranch whoro ho
will hold thorn this winter.
Mr. and Mrs. James Chambers re
cently received word of tho doath ot
their son-in-law, Mr. Hoy Hall.
C. H. Dealy rccontly purchased a
band of sheep.
A. O. Wnlkor and family spont
Sunday at the homo ot J. N. II.
Corking at Lstdlaw.
Mr. and Mrs. Smock entertained
tho Flckert and Leonard families
on Thanksgiving day.
(box spent Thursday In Dry Lake,
Mrs. II. Wlnslow nnd Miss Street
from 11 tick Creek passed through horo
Thursday bound for Imperial.
G. Gnrsko nnd children from Ibex
spent Baturday nt tho Peterson
(Spec!: o The Tiullotln.)
OLOrBRDALE. Dec 7. There has
been no school In Cloverdale the past
week as the teacher. Mr. Wlloox, was
railed to the bedsido of a sister who
is seriously 111 In Portland.
(Special to Tho Bulletin)
THY LAKE, Nov. 27. Mr. and
Mrs. F. Pn u sell from Ibex spont Sun
day in Dry Lako visiting friends.
A number of young folks from hero
loft for Imperial Thursday to attend
the Thanksgiving dance glvoa there
In the evening.
Tho Thanksgiving dance given here
Thursday evening was a groat suc
cess, thoro bolng a largo attendance
from different parts. All report an
enjoyable time.
Charles Ivoy made a short visit
at tho G. A. Garsko ranch on Friday.
Master Joe Garsko transacted bus
iness at tho Thomas ranch.
Mr. Hubbard our sohool master,
loft for Hcnd this wcok to attend the
teachers' Institute.
Mr. Balfour and Miss Rdlth Mo
Eacbam from Ibox passed through
hero Saturday bound for Ilend,
Oscar Hill spent Sunday at tho
Peterson ranch.
Mr. C. Ivy transacted business In
Hampton Monday.
Mr. Hallmcyer from Hemstad was
In Dry Lake on Thursday.
Mr. Noth from Glass Hutto spont
Tuesday in Dry Lako.
Miss Laura Peterson nnd Oscar
Hill were visitors at tho Garsko ranch
Mrs. Ring, spent a day this week
visiting at tho Poterson ranch.
I 11. Wlnslow, from Buck Crook,
I passed through hero Thursday on-
(Speclnl to Tho itttllotln)
M1LLICAN, Dec, 7. -Tho Sku-Ko-Leek-
Klub hold a mooting nt MIIIL
can Inn Saturday, Miss Gertrude was
Several of tho pcoplo from hero nt
touded tho dnnco nt Mr. Willy's in
tho Low Desert Saturday night.
Mrs. Abo Kdelsteln was a caller ut
A. 1). Norton's Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. Horwltx expects to go to Bond
Thursday for n supply of groceries
for his store.
P. 11. Johnson wont to Bend Sat
urday. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Ollmoro drovo
to llond Tuesday, reluming tho next
Frank Patch canto out to his homo
stond Friday.
Mrs. Roams enmo home from Im
perial, after spending n very pleas
ant time thoro for n wcok.
Friends ot Miss Yernlo Gnrsko nt
Dry Lake, a former teacher hi tho
Mllllcan sohool hnvo received a com
munication from hor In which sho
states that sho oxpects to visit In
our neighborhood In tho near future.
Mrs. Thos. Moffott was a caller
nt Mllllcan Saturday.
Mrs. A. G. Allen Intondcs to lenvo
for Prlnovillo tho wook nftor next to
take tho teachers' oxamlaatlon.
Tho pupils of Mlllluan school will
glvo a program Friday. Parents nnd
friends aro Invited to attend.
Mr. and -Mrs. Wallla spent Wednes
day night hero onrouto to tholr homo-
Mr. Connelly, wlfo nad children,
passed a night hero on tholr way to
the oast country.
Harris WnlKtwitch. who has a
homestead near Pine Mountain. In
tends to leavo for Clovoland. Ohio,
where a son of his resides, nnd where
ho will stay during his five months
Abe Kdolsteln, who has boon In
Canada tho last two months Is ex
pected homo about December 10th.
Mrs. HfflQ Koppor was a visitor at
tho Moffott homo Friday.
Thos. Moffott bought n saddlo
horso from Mr. Conway lust week.
Mr. Schafer has drilled down 4S8
feet In tho Leo well, but as yet thoy
havo not struck water.
William Roams Is gotag to Alfalfa
for a load ot hay for Thos. Moffott
tho first ot tho coming wcok.
uwiuK in ai uhuhuuiij iuiik y- ,,, ,-i.t
v5Zl: Cf ." m!!2?inrnMd I M,MM Ve""0 nnd Thoroala Garsko
business part of tts meeting Friday! e imnortnt vi.itnm Tin.r,inv
ntehl until Deoembor Uth. were imporial visitors Thursday.
Willis Van Mat re and sob or Bend
spent Tueadar night In Cloverdale.
B. L. Waldron took hogs to mar
ket Monday.
There wore a number ot dinner
parties in Cloverdale Sunday.
Next Svodav afternoon wo have
preaching and Sunday school.
The program aa earned out r r'anv
nleht was recitations by Mnudo
Grube. Orval Kolly. LouUo Andrus.
Frieda Arnold, Raymond Andrui,
Geneva Rlvetts. Clani Johnson. Ir
vin Johnson. Reaa Keller. Sherman
Johnson. The music was lv Mr
BHolton and Temploton. Meadaroei
Wis nnd Andrus, Miss Grubo anl
tho Misses Buckner. Tho first issue
of the Cloverdale Tattler was rood
tr Walter Boyd. A plate supper fol
lowed at which $20 was cleared for
tho Christmas treat.
(Spoctal to Tho Bulletin.)
RIVERS. Dec. 2. M. Hallmeyor
anifJ. B. Rivera mndo a trip to tho
(Maury mountain saw mill last week
iur imiiiur.
About thrco Indies ot snow foil
hero Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. C. 11. Coming enter
tained at Thanksgiving dinner Mr,
and Mrs. A II. Taylor. Mrs. Cunning
ham and Mr. Blackstone.
Tho now hall will soon bn flnlshod.
much to tho pleasure ot tho people
hero. In the near futuro a grand
(Special to The Bulletin)
Miller and children spont Friday with
Mrs. Bert Meeks.
Miss Mary Stauffer of Stauffer Is
visiting with relatives and friends In
this yls'nlty this week.
As Prof. Oscar Butzen la out to
Bend to attend the teachers' insti
tute, thero Is no school this week
Horace Brookings and Mrs C W
Ashjuaugh called oa Mrs. Fred Miller
last Sunday afternoon.
IJecace Brookings Is hauling wood
this week.
M'ss Bessie Sbeppord left for Bend
last Sunday enroue to Portland
Vfm. Snjelman has gone on his 0
month's leave of absence
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Stauffer and
ou Page took dinner at tho Brook
inps Hotel last Sunday.
Chas. Darrol paBged through hero
on his way to Bend.
J. Brlokey, Sr., nnd J. Brlekev Jr
wore the recipients of a delightful
party last Saturday In honor of their
birthday anniversary. A bountiful
dinner was'anrved and every one en
joyed' the afternoon visiting. Tho
ovenlsg was spent at gameH and ran
bIc At midnight a luncheon was
served. In the early hours leave
takings and general wishes for manv
more happy birthdays for father nnd
twn wero In order. Those present
besides the Brlckoy family wcro, Mr
nnd Mrs. Jim Browo and children
Mr, and Mrs. A- McKeown and chil
dren. Mr. nnd Mrs iJert Meeks ond
children. Mr. and Mrs. 0. J. Stauffer,
Oscar Black. Joe Johnson, P. C Ew
lntf. Vlo Johnson. Horace Brookings,
unison Paul, Pago and Mary Staur
forfworval Brown,. Mary, Carrie and
Maud Brown, Mr. Miller and Mr,
I Golden West I
I Coffee Week i
All This Week 11
II Better Coffee for Less 11
Iff Roasted and Packed ALWAYS
H in Oregon FRESH! H
Ell 0 Regular $1.10 ZS -JK IB
HI J Regular $1.75 pl.JI jM
RIi! 1 Regular 40c ODC PjJJ i "i iiii '
Wm At Your Grocer's Vi2 38
1 1 It's Guaranteed ! 5TtELA L& 'M
IJ Closset & Devers l0FFEB
Hi I Tho Oldest nnd Largest Coffee II ? j Pi
Hi Koasters in the Northwest. I UQKpfR. )pilfl'J
opening ball will bo given.
Walter Smith mndu llnnl pruot un
his homestead November 1(1.
Miss Anna lllrchtorf In staying nt
the Ramsay homo this winter and Is
attending tlio Prlnglo FIAt school.
M. HnUmoyor loft for Bond Mon
day for n loud of goods for tho Riv
er's grocory.
Mrs. John Soltmoor has loft hor
homestead and has gono to Prlnovllle
to llvo for tho winter.
Mrs. J. II. Rivera spent Humbly
evening with Mrs. 0. A. Bnlnloy.
A. Blaakstono purchased n now
team lately, G. lloobo will havo tho
use ot It for this winter.
Mr. and Mrs. K. Danlelson and
children, Mrs. P. Ulolson and rh I
(Iron, Frank Mlkttln nnd-Robcrt Po
Orson spont ThnuksKlvIng day nt tho
Ramsay homo.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Nielsen it 1
(laughter Mnxlno loft a few i1ih nrto
for North Dakota, whoru thoy v"l
snond tho winter.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Hnmllu nnd'
daughter Lillian took Thanksgiving
dinner with Mr. nnd Mrs. John Me
Kny. Mrs. M. Hallmeyor enjoyed dinner
nt tho Suttlomeyor homootoad on
Thanksgiving day.
I'OWtilili Ill'TTK.
(Special to Tho Bullotln)
Rlggs shipped a couplo of loads of
hogs Tuesday.
K. A. Bttssott, who Is ndmlnlstrn
tor for tho Rlchnrd Meyers estate,
has purchased a ntco monument far
tho Into Mr. Moyors. Tho stone enmo
In by freight nnd was hauled to tho
cemetery last Wednesday to bu set
up later.
N. P. Alloy comentod a cistern for
Geo. IlrnxcQ Inst wcok.
W. T. Stittlh was out last wook se
curing signers on a potltlon to open
up tho two mile road running north
and south by his place, nnd connect
ing the upper nnd middle Redmond-
rrlunvlllo romlH. This roml lm boon
In use for two yonrri, but tho imcmi
snry stops to nmky It u comity IiIru
way hro Just being lalton.
Mr. ntld Mrs. Bert Reynold ciumi
nut from Rodnimtd thu fiilpnit or
tho week mid nto vlsltltiK nt tho 14.
A. Bunnell homo.
Mrs. Allen Wlllcoxon was n Bend
.MinriiiMttCJtjzMirtrtLi iVim.1 i ntn 7tfryMV"rt
visitor Woilucfltlny, rtituriilng liotnn
Thumdny. ,
Geo. Klsler loft Tiiursilny for u
two week's stay nt l'ortlitnd,
lluo. nnd Leo Ilolilm lotiirnml mu
Thursday from u visit to thulr pur
outs nt Olmidnln, OroKon.
Allen Wlllcoxon was n Prlnovillo i
visitor Thuistlity.
Fred llrnwit nnd Mrs. llolnon trrtiu
Hncted olllulal IiuhIiioss nt tho ooiinly.
sent Thursday.
C. II. Miller enmo out from Rod
innml Tliitrsdny to adjust roiuu tol(-i.
phono dIMctiltlpa. Mr. Miller uc
coinpnulod him.
Tho cafeteria supper nlvon by tint
Pawoll lluttoHomslsnt Wilson sahool
Iiouho Frldny evening wna a aomptotu
success A lnrgn crowd gathered w'
enjoy tho culinary fonst provided b'
thu Indies. was real I Red from
tho supper sale.
J A. Rlggs linn bought tho hay on
Tito llESTnlNrountl Fumlly
Sowing Mnctiino tlmt can
bu proilucctl, Mmlo In both
Btylos. Tho rotnry mnkca
both LOCK nnd CHAIN
ntitch. Tho latest up to
tho tnlnuto ntcol nttneh
nicntfl with onch mnclilno.
Sold on ensy pnymontd,
Sond nnmo nnd nddrvsa for
our beautiful II. T, cntu
Iokuo f reo,
White Sewing Machine Co.
CIO Mcrchnntn National llnnk llldp;
San I'mncUco. Cnllfornln
(Continued on pngo 0.)
4 - -
H?a Lafollette
Nursery Co.
Prlnovillo, Oregon
- --
What's the Use
of frolnhllnKKrocorlMi from
Ilund frco of chnrRO?
tho freight.
Uamcmbur tho plucu, nonr
U8 mllo post, Hcnd to
Hums rond.
Brick is the MOST ECONOMICAL lhiiltliiiji; Material there is.
All who have used our product are satisfied.
The Bend Brick & Lumber Co.
We Control and Have For Sale, at the Be3t
Prices and Terms, the Largest Amount of
Business ond Residence Property
, in Bend. Coll or Write for Free
Maps and Descriptive Matter
Insurance Written in All
Its Branches in World
Known Companies
WITH US. OUR OUTSIDE Ofllees and Agents .v."
Better Enahle Us to find You Purchasers and Tenants.'
Oregon Street, Bend, Oregon.
Empire Building, Seattle, Wash.