The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 09, 1914, Image 1

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NO. 40.
a i
1 a'oi. xii. .
over farnham
5 flt ntsltsi nrrrrm
JIIfiM Majority of (01 Vote llrofei
Iiouk, Olducll nnd Hudoiv itro
Ufioncti'I'iir Tho City Council Out
Of H Field Of Eight ClllldllhttC
l. A, filler wn ro-nloolnd mayor
of llmid ovor lions i-'ariitkuin yoaliir
'lty by a d.wiUtvo majority, receiving
more vou man nny amur cnmiliinto
,-on tliu ballot, except Minn Uolumciri
who hint no oppoNltlnu. Tim now
voiinolltiioii nrn I. 0. Itudnw, H. 0.
Caldwell nmt 13. P. Hroatorhous. Thy
take ollleo on January 0, 11)1 fi.
Tor tho Mrnt time- voting In n city
'olcctlon wu dona In two polling
pinowi, mo our nnviag neon uivmtd
,11110 two iiruolnalti at tho Juuunry
inn, innn ui ino cjumjr cuun. in
nil 375 vote woro cast Indicating nn
.nniiBiml nniount of Interest In tho
dectlon ah compared with Inot
vrhan only 204 voter cntno to tho
poll. HdvIiik two precinct served
to" get tho voto counted moro iifok-
ly, tlinn ovor boforo. In North Dend
product tlin oount wan complete 46
, minute (trior tho poll ctnixid anil n
Hon tli Ilrnd uliort tlmo liitor, mnK-
Ins possible nn annotincamant of tho
, final rmult soon otter, nine o'clock.
For tho council thero Vore ofijht
'candidate Including tho Civic Hot-
torment tlcHnt nnnouncod .last wpuk.
lttltr 8tftiitlWivnWiW"Yijr tboVot-
& to tho candidate donlgrnifiou,
, tjuj auocefui one representing ono
mph of tha designation on tho lml-
Igt Of the three 8. 0. Caldwell ha
i h"d provloua oxpcrlnnco In city af
fairs, having lmn tftayor n tw JMjtr
nflfr They CSl'MrM5". A
Mary ID, . Colomnn was re-oloctod
o'ty treninrer without oppqilUon.
Tho Coinpjctn Voir.
Tho complete voto I a follow:
Mayor No. Homl So. Hond. Total
' Pnrnhnm . , ul
Millar S3
- Cotematt . . .131
In South Hond proolnat nlno voton
woro piarJtpd fof-Mra. Melntodi for
, mayor nnjrln North' nond'flvo.
Tim liidcsH and rlorka woro: North
Hgnd. I. D, Viot. C. f. Uraklno nud
1 Wdiir, JudKwi. and II. N. AH-'
lion anil morn niuiui. i-imn. nwuiii
; Ifind. H J. Ovorturf. V. N. mibort.
ni)4 J. P. Johnon, JimIkm and r. II.
Jifny and rrlnco fltwaU. oUrkn.
4 Tho toilBtll will uraut IIiIh nvon-
Inir to witvajfi tho voto and dooluro
. t WttiUai orally. Vrfirr
UooaiiMi or ntinnolol dltllaultloa llio
ninniiRotnonl of tho l'rlnovlllo Newn
; bn had to return tho property to 'ta
former nwnur. Mm. A. II. Kennedy.
Mr. Kgnnotly limund tho papor lnot
week nridor Ita former nnnio, Tho
lirlnuvlllo Havlow.
aiioii i v
Oldwoll ...
' l-'o
IIOQklo . .. .
. Itay .......
, Hood
lludow ....
00 133
ICt 234
170 207
7fl HI
'10JJ 109
13R 30S
43 82
07 130
41 02
G 24
130 30
llroiifttit In Tho Iiidlrtnmiil Mc
t'nbfl (Iooh I'rco Moi o ArKUincntx
In ilonrirm)ii County Matter Uolil.
(llpoolnl to Tho lltillotln.)
I'JtlNIJVIM.W, IJoo. 0. Tho Krnnd
Jury flnlKlicd lt work yuBtordny nf
tr hoftfltiff thrco cane. Mrit. Fan
nin U. I'oeli. wlio.wnn inlxod up In tho
MoDnnlol murdor cano, wn Indicted
for porjury. nud Kd. I). Whlto of
I rnovlllo( for mtbornatlon of por
jury. llutli canon nroo out (if
Wlilto' dlvoreo ttult. Tho dofond
ant hnvo ploadod "not Ktillly" and
will bo tried tomorrow. No bill wan
found nRnlnut K. H. McCnlio, no coin,
plnlnlne wltneaa hnvlnR boon found
to tiifttlfy ngnliiit him.
Tho civil Niilt of tho Unllod Wnro
Iioiiro vii. Hectholf ronultod In n ver
dict for tho plnlntlrr. Klmtrii v.
Horticultural Mutual Klro umuranco
Comiifliiy. a envo nrlnlnu out of tho
Inirnlnc of tho Hond cold storage
plant lout winter, la bttng trlod to
day. On Tuondny JudRo Uradibaw heard
arffiunontn In tho nmtlor of tho writ
of review brotiRlit to twit tho ordor
of tho county court In connection
wltluthn formation of Jorfornon coun
ty. Ilu took tho matter under ndvlao
inont and will rIvo hi dnolnlon Intoi.
(irobably In connection with tho do
clulon In tho Injunction suit whlah
ho heard n abort tlmo ntto.
C'limiRri nt I'lnnt Ncorly I'lnUbcd
HbljijdnK Much Flour nnd FcnJ.
Hxcopt for tho orectlon of new
machinery now on tho road tho work
of reaongtrijctlon nnd ropalr nt tho
lloitd Tlpur .Mill Co. plant I now
practically fmfrtiuri. Tho latt Im
provement (a, bo oomploted ha bean
tho retrtgynl of tho frnino ontra build'
InK frj?1' Jt old locnt'on to n plneo
ndjolulits the mill nnklnK communi
cation between tho oflke nnd the
plnnt morofonveolent.
In tho paat wcok tho company bin
fthtpped five cjrloadn of Hour nnd
foM toTteUni6nlthaut making nnv
aplircclabla illiilftnufoTT of tho Hook
In It warohouie. Till woek It bn
been unloadldK two car of barloy
nd bn 100 ton more on tho road.
In addition the company hna clock
of wheat ttorod for later dollvory.
KIllhiRtif' Hliwp in i:unjtw Ooun-
Irlc AffccU I'ricon llrrv.
Tho Bovcntoontb annual convention
of tho OrcRon Woolgrowcrs' AcaocU-
lion Kan hold In rendloton lout week.
I'rotpoct for tho coming year nro
moit Mattorleg, I'rcnldenl It. N. HUt.
flold declared, by renaon of tho am
liarKO placed upon wools of KtiKlle'i
colonlo. nnd by reason of the abort
supply In this country.
Tho Hurnpoan war will bavo ef
fect upon tho wool market for ywra,
Sttinflold aald, Inaamueh as larq
Hock of sheep are being killed for
food la l4uropn countries. He prt
dfetnd that half of the Kurnpwm
bIimp. now numbering 134.000.000,
would ho dwtroyod by tho war.
' Jamoa K Cooper, and MIm Olady
M. florton worn married on Thursday
by JiuIro Kastc at bis homo. Mr.
Cooper was formorly tbo manager of
the IMonoor Orenmery atatlon hero.
Tho couple plan to loava nt onco for
their homestead In tho Orescent
w Hrt
H5n? i
Little Talks on Banking
Lost Paper - r
: . ?
If n ierNon iomii n clieck tho biink on vIitcli It v
I tlrmvu hliould bo iiiitlllril Immediately a tbo
bank cannot I hi liclil liable for the payment of tho
VI i iv k unlcNit It lias hail nn olllclul "stop payment
iiotlco." 1
When a check linn been lout or utolen ami fall
lulu tbo bund of nn Innocent tlilnl party that i
..tblnl party citu collect It. If tho bank rcfunew pay.
meut on account of tbo liiNtrtictlon It lia received,
tho Innocent piircliuitcr can recover from the en
donor from whom he received tho check, but not .
from tho original dinner.
One of tho prime rcquUUc of n good toller I a
(o know tbo handwriting of , 'tho bunlt'ti cuiiimiorsT
Hboiild n tellor pay out mouey ou it check on VihlcU. "
tho Hlgnnturo I forgctl, tho ImHk a Ilnblo and mutt '
innko good tbo Ion to Uh riiMtomcr.
Tho writing iii tbo body of tho chock iIom not '
nocensarlly bavo, to bo tho tuutip ns tbo Imudivrltlng
of tlio (lrnweri but If t tvM&$)ejtr cjiwugo ISTTmado
u tbo body of tbo check after tjio check luw boon
Hlgtjl. tt oiutHitsji forgft-y ant tho bnnk. In
llabio if It lgy?t'l'sleck, UHkS,tho lorgoryims
boon mSil, oflNy Jy (fie earclews'tuuuor In whTcfi
Hay Ho Wn Killing Hog nnd JMt'
n liny CotiK Hear Titxpnjcr nnd
I -envo Levy Uncltniiged nt
lenty-Four Mill for 101B
Tho annual fjirco of a tax payoru'
mooting to consider tlm budget nd
vortUwl by tho count)' took plaea .n
l'rlnovlllo last WednoHday. Called for
tho morning rochIoii of tbo court the
meeting did not begin until 2 n'closk
becauso of tbo non-arrival until thAt
tlmo of tbo chief comedian. Jud?
tiprlnger. Hvon then tho Judge enmo
only bocnuao ho bad been sent for.
After llio discussion of tho budget
was over tbo court agreed upon a tax
levy of 24 mills for 1914, mado up
as follows:
County; school fund ...... ZVj mills
linad fund (to cover roglstorod
road warrants) 3 & mills
High school 1H mill
General purposes, Including
stnto tax , 15V4 mill
In thl lavy tho stale tax Is ostl
mnted nt fCO.OOO. Comparod with,
last year tho total tnlllogn I reduoed
from 20 mill to 24. Moro partlcu
(Continued on lut pago.)
Irfenl INkI nnd Oiin Club Adopt Itow
olutloiii. to Hnbmlt In l'ortlnntl.
Tbo annual mooting of tho Oregon
Sportsmen's League was hold In
Portland on Bunduy nnd Monday, a.
P. Putnam attended on "Monday us
tho rcprowntntlvo of tbq JJond Rod
and dun Clubhand presented n com
munication, approved by tho Tunialo
Hod and Oun Club, coutnlnlng recom
mendations a follow:
"1st. Itecommendlng tbivt tho
open season for door oast of tha Cas
cade mountains bo changed to open
front Reptombor 1st to contlnuo until
November 30th Instead of as nt pres
ent, owing tUklha. fact.thaUtho dear
In tho month of August and Ueptam
bor nro up In tho summit of tho
mountains making It almost Itnpo
ttlblo to hflnt thoin. Also thoro 1
tho danger of forest fire caused by
carolctui hunters In tho dry season,
which horo Is during tbo month of
August nnd prior thereto.
2nd IteoommondlnR that tbo Dos
chutos river nnd :? tributaries be
olosod to trout fishing during tha
months from Ootobor 1st to April
"3rd. HtHSfltnmendlnK that the
money procured from Klsh and Hunt
ing I.tcensos bo placed In tho Fish
nnd (lame fund and usod for tha
propagation and protection of Fish
and (lamo nod not placed In tho
General Fund" as nt prosont as ha-i
been suggested.
"4th. Itecommendlng thnt on nnv
stream that. tho 8tnto stocks with
fish that anglers' bo allowod within
six (0) feet of either bank, on any
firoporty bordering on such stream
n tho statu and shall not bo consid
ered as trespasvors on such property
dwriod by private Individuals or corporations."
John Fetcnr Arromtcd on Hundny
Charged With Khootlng Tcct
W'iw Senr Peter' Plnco lint
t. jAcrofid Ijher--I Doing Well.
Henry Tweet wn hot through
both log when on a hunting trip mi
rlror on Satarday. John Peters, vbo
I ohoccad with firing the shot that
woundFdhlm. Is In Jail In l'rlnovlllo
pending action by tbo grand Jury
that Is now In session. Following
tbo shooting tho Injured man walked
over four miles to telephone for help.
Mr. Tweet, In company with W.
G. Mustard, wont up river hunting
on Frldny and on Saturday was near
tho Peters' plnco button tho opposlto
ldo of tho rlvor. A's thoy walked
along four ahotn wero fired, It is al
leged, from tho Peters' cabin, ono of
them taking effect.
When Dr. Coo, who had been sum
moned by telephone from tho Cort
Allen placo. arrived ho fdund that
the bullet bad passed through both
Mr. Twoet'a legs near tho body but
that no bona or artery bad been
touched. The wounded man was
brought back to town and Is doing
On Sunday Short:; ISIklns came
over from l'rlnovlllo nad arrested
Pjgers, returning with him to the
county Jail that .night. Ho ha em
ployed Vornon A. Forbes as bis nt
Denert Tund Hoard Iimi-ector Here
-Thrco Days III? KcjHrt Printed.
John Dubuls loft Friday night on
his return to Salem after spending
thrjo days horo Inspecting tho en
largement work on tho Control Ore
gon canal recently complotod by tho
C. O. I. Co. Tho Inspection wis
mado as tho rctult of a recent order
of tbo Dcsort Land Hoard. Wbllo
hero Mr,-l)ulml took advntagtf
tbo fact that thero wa no water In
tho canal to mako nn Intensive atuay
of Its capacity on tbo first- sorea
miles of Its length.
At tho meeting of tho Dosort Land
Honrd bold December 1 It was order
ed that tho report of Mr. Dubuls' In
vestigations on tho C. O. I. project
bo printed apart from tho biennial
roport of tho projeqt. It Is under
stood thnt tho report will be tiled
soon but that there may bo soma da
lay in having It printed.
Thero Is an Injunction against
trading horses when crowing a
stream but npparently none forbid
ding a swap on tbo Hond-llurns road.
W. 11. Tltu of Imperial took advan
tage of this on his way to Hond on
Monday, according to hi neighbor.
C. It. lilshop and after tho swap had
to hava Ulshop's help to get to town.
IUshop thought It was a good Joko on
Tltu and so probably doe tho man
with whom ho exchanged. Titus Is
not saying anything.
We do not carry any
thing but USEFUL
Xmas Goods
T ,W
: f ; , ; 1
Bend Hardware Company
OF 0. P.
Otcr 100 of HI Friend From Ilend
nnd Laldlaw Attend Dinner of
.Congratulating O.I'. Putnam on hi
recent appointment by Governor-elect
W'thycombo nnd wishing him success
In his new dutlos over 100 business
man from Dend and Laldlaw and the
surrounding country gathejyid at sn
Informal lwinauot nt tbo Pilot lfutto
Hotol Saturday night.
Governor West, who had cotno up
fiom tho Inspection of tho Tumajo
Projcot. epoko on Irrigation queatlftns
boforo leaving for his train. Other
spoakors, including W. D. 'Damon, O.
IurKnnrd. J. P. Koytn nnd Vornon
A Forbes congrntnlnted tho guest
or honor, pointing out tho Korvlce ha
would In nblo to rendor tho com
munity, nnd at tho same tlmo urging
that nil assistance poaslblo be given
Mr. Putnam mado the last address
saying that ho wob sorry to be I oar
ing Uend but glad of tho opportualty
that might bo his to bolp the com
munity. Speaking for Dr. Wlthy
oombo ho said that tho govornor
olect Intended to do everything In
hie powor to sottlo the Irrigation
Mr Putnam loft for Salam Sunday
StAtcmrnt of Ajiprcclntlon for Withy,
combo nnd Putnam U Klgniil.
Procedlng tho dinner to G. P. Put
nam at the Pilot Ilutto Hotel Satur
day sight resolutions expressing tho
appreciation of tho town ovor his np
pointinsnt by Dr. WIthyoombe and
congratulating him thereon wero
signed by many present. The resolu
tion aro as follows:
"Whereas, Tho people of Dend have
heard with pleasure and appreciation
of tho appointment of tholr follow
citizen. George Palmer Putnam, is
secretary to Governor-elect Withy
combe, and
"V he roan; during the years of his
rosldence In tho town. Mr. Putnam
bas worked unceasingly by his voieo
onu pen for tho upbuilding of Derm
and tbo development of Central Ore
gon, and
"Whereas: Mr. Putnam's new du
ties now call him away Jo wider
fields of usefulness and oven greater
opportunities for public service;
"Now Theroforo Do It Ilesolvod:
Thnt wo, theunderslgned hereby ex
press to Governor-elect Wlthycorabo
our confidence In his wisdom In tho
rfppointmont of MrTPutnani and to
Mr. Putnam our nearly congratula
tion nnd best wishes for success n
tho career now opening to him. and
"Uo It Further Itcsolvcd; That a
copy of these resolutions be sent to
Dr. Wlthycombo and to Mr. Putnam.
nnd that thor bo published In Tho
Dend nulletln."
Tbo fraternal orders aro now elcoU
Ing officers for the coming atx months
recent election in two of tho orders
having resulted as follows:
Modem Voodraon of Amerlea: V.
C. Howard Palmer: Adviser, It. H.
Wooley: Danker. E. A. Bather; Clork.
N. P. Wolder; Escort. F. M. Kayl
Trustee. F. M. Itny. and watoutmTu,
C. Vineyard.
Knlghts-of Pythias: Howard Pajm
er. C 0.: -1L II. Do Araond. V. O.t
Prelate, M. Dh Knutson: Master., ot
Work. A.N'Fbrrast; K. of It. nnd S.,
and M. of F.. L. M. Mcltoynolds;. M.
of E., U G, McRoynolds; Mhster et
Arms. E.D. Houston. Inner Guard, H.
E. Janerj Outer Guard, K. P. Madsen.
Weat Spend Saturday Here on Toi'r
of Inspection Turn Water Into
ItewMToIr Many Speaker at
Lnldlaw Dinner of Celebration
f Tfit
Saturday the Tumalo Project wan
(Jfllclnlly complotod and Inspected an
accepted by Governor Wet, vTH
spont tho day examining all Its en
gineering featnros. Tho Governor in
person closed tho gates of tho Tum
nlo dam, impounding the first water
In tho big 1000 aero roservolr, which
it Is estimated, It will tako 140 dayn
to fill.
Governor West arrived hero on thai
morning train, and was escorted on
his tour by clone to a dozen oar from
Dend and Laldlaw. He was accom
panied by Project Engineer Laur
gaard. &M
With tho Inspection over, a JiljJ
dinner of celobrntlon, commemorat
ing the completion of tho project"
was held at Laldlaw. A always, tho
ladles of Laldlaw covered thomnelnsa
with honor, nt the same tlmo covj
ing tho long tabls In the oommu
hall with a wealth of good things.
More than 300 people enjoyed -the
Laldlaw hospitality, whose complefo
nfs was the moro remarkable h
cause tho whole thing hsd been 'argt
ranged on short notice.
J. N. Jl. Gerklng. often called U15
father of tho Project, prestdtif.
Throughout Governor West was heats
illy lauded for the prominent pirllji
had taken in conceiving mo projfl
and materially assisting In its sti
ccssful completion. Engineer Laar-
gaard and Representatlro Forbes Ju
so recolved many deserved cne
lums. w
Governor ucst Speak.
Governor Woat, tbo first spoakor,
expressed his appreciation at his re
ception and pledged his continued In
terest In Irrigation development, af
ter he became a private citizen again.
Ills chief attention was devoted !o
telling why he bellovcd the Federal
authorities had no possible excuse
for going back on. their grtra'
contribute the $450,000 to tho state,
(Continued on pago 4.)
Father or Local MrrchanUi Die SuiN
dculy In Chicago Monday.
Claudo and Clarenco Mannholmr
received the news Tuesday morning
of the sudden death ot their father.
Julius Mannhelmer at his homa.lp,
Chicago. Mr. Mannhelmer had Kejb
sick recently but bia Illness had not
boen regarded as serious so that
Tuesday's messago was a great shock
to his sons hero.
Mr. Mannhelmer was In his C3rd
year, having been bora In Hellbronn-ara-Neckar.
Germany, on August IS.
1851. In bis 16th year bo camo to
this country and has lived In Chi
eago since 18C0. He leaves n widow,
threo daughters nnd the two sons
who live in Bend In addition two
sUtors and throe brothors survive.
i iJtLi3UUJb?UtfHytli
The First National Bank
U. C COE, Prcildont B. A. SATHER, Vice- Prcsldont
C, S. HUDSON, Cashier ,
Capital fully paid - - - 325,000
Surplus $22,000
Banking Revolutionized
On Nov. 16th, 19H, the Reserve Banks
in twelve of the principal cities of the U. S.
opened for business. This law means there
will never be any more panics in the United
States. Every Member Bank can at any time
convert its notqs into exchange or actual cur
rency. The power of the Federal Reserve
Banks to issue currency is almost unlimited!
this currency is now printed and may be oh
tained at any time by Member Banks.
The First National Bank of Bend is mom
ber of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Franr
cisco, California, and is entitled to the fulj
benefit of this new law.
Wo will bo ploaiod to give full particular ns to the
many other advantages and safeguard of this law, in
porhun or oy loner.
'SI wt!J
5 h ,a
,i W'f:
tho check Is written
ayferrr; ; . w
DIRECTQRS ''"'8"'1,w"'y
U. C. Cor
V - t i Ci. tt'" l-''"
O. M. Patterson
"' l,w"u,
-H BBBBMllllBMI.VT.'k tW3',irEm.W(
vX"1 J. HKNiv onwaoN
.litlXl(n'lI.ti. Jjrld6$, H M, WvKA,- OfteUlor
MWMtWMwjjtgiMssai37iMiZ nimti