Win 1IIJND I1UJJ.ETIN, REND, ORE., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMIIER 2tf, JOif. PAGE . 1 if : t mmi8iBis High Grade Correspondence Paper smjbsjbjsj &ftPitofy LAWN Stationery, per fox 40c to 75c TINTED PAPER 'Popular Shades EMBOSSED INITIAL STATIONERY 60c box Be particular about your wiling materials P&tterson Drug Company LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Mrs. H. Mcintosh was 111 Monday. Chester A. Binlth, spent Friday la town. r i Bhorlff-clect Knox, was In low on Thursday. J. B. Pnrmlntqr hntfjioon In town this weck - 1 II. K. Dyer' of MIIHohhVm In tew yesterday. W. J. Jamison or HllVor Lake wan In town Sunday. B. M. Peek or Hampton was In town on Monday. W. T. Cowan spent Buday nnd Momlny In town, J. V. Howard or .Lower Ilrldgo wts In town yesterday. P. . Johnson or Mlllloan. wan In town Inat Thursday. George Hobbs, or Powell llutto. was In town Hundny. C. M. MclCny wont to Portland on business Friday night. M. J. Knuteon went to Bllver I.nko dfifck .hunting Saturday. ' Cort Allen wns In town rroln ItU up rlvor ranch yesterday. Mrs. J. I'. Keycs antertalned tho IlrldRu Club last Friday. II. II. Do Arinond returned rrom Portland Thursday morning. Mrs. Allen Wlllooxon or Pawlt )tut wa In town on Monday. U.niul Mnrlaa ntlil family loft tlund Monday evening ror Cnllfnrnln. I.nura Hilltop or Imperial has Ihhmi In town ror tho last few days. Mr. and Mra. J. J. Wilt or 8lttra ipont Hunday with Mrs. Lunbeak. J. O. Thorpe nnd.O. W. Horner worn up frotnUaldlaw yesterday. Vt A.rir MllttctthTflffinr'tiio' carllor part or tho week In town. A. o. Allen or Imjicrlnl wns' 'n town tho curllor port or tho week. Tho Iloyal Nelghliors gave n danco ron tho ichool teachers at Bather a hall. ftlrs. Klla Qxborrow or Ontoway has boon In town ror tho lust row days. Tho Ilrldgo Club will moet at the residence ot Mr. A. M. Prlnglo this Friday. J. II. CorOott roturnod on Monday rrom n trip to Portland, Btwttlo and Tacama. Ak iit;ccptablc tt Christmas Jcift ns pun be iniule is ' Furniture SBSP- H "' '" ' To the recipient t piece of furniture iVoin my store is n pleasure to the eye tuitl n sntisfaetion in use. For n lasting gift rIvo FURNITURE It is sure to please. Make your selection now -it can be held for delivery at a plater date. BUY NOW 1 i . E. M. THOrPSAN f ' ' TUB FUUNITURU MAN. Tho Oloo CI ll It hold n rehearsal ttl tltu residence or Mm. (1. IV PiHiinm Huudny nfturuoijii. MIm t.aW Co&who In Aim. UlilSfo'nrFttu InliTt llvlnu wldi IiImIII with tho Mr. ttnty Ml. Kltnor Ward loft on MijflJ.Jofv tiionlh'a visit with A, M&Hnra, nrrlvod In town this morning rrom Tnoonm to djtuid Iho ThnukBKlvliiK holidays. Chirk Hhoilofl and Clydo McKay ro liirnoil nti Friday rrom tTioIr hunt Iiik trjMp Davis Lnko. WnriiTmis lin rnrolvpil n( tlm nr rival of jsjlttfi Arrlo Mack In hor homo nt AndriiB, Texan, innt week, A. J.'lcroonoit or tho Hend Floiir Mill, wont to Pnrtlnnd Friday night, returning yostordity morning. Tlin Tlnliml fllnlnai Plvll HnrVlnn CommUalon hold oxainlnatloiia in tho local Forcitry onico luNt Haiuruay. Thcodoro Auno took to loads 'tt uraln to Huiimior Lako laut Friday, rcturuliiK with a load or turkuyw. Frod Yodur of Ij Pine, was In town last Friday. Whllo hero ho wim roKtuternd at tho Pilot llutto. Kdwln H. Farr or Whltlnir, In dlana, wa In town Baturday on lilt way to vlalt hl hrothor at Fort Hock. Dr. Kenneth T. il-ong of Portland waa In town Biinday and Monday. Whllo hero ho atayod with Dr. U. 0. Coo. Mr. Iovorlnir. who haa boon liv ing In tho Oertaon house, has tnoyod Into JIurry Mnnlon's In Park adl tlon. Mrs. M. .T. Knutson nnd r.on Ford, loit Haturday morning ror Portland to spend ThnnkHKlvIng with hor rather. Mlas Kmlly Bohrador or Prlnovlllo arrived In town last Friday nWtt. Whllo hero sho visited at tho Bhouso roxldonco. Charlie Pederson or Imperial, who has been Hi wnsningion uurmK ; summer, returned to his homestead yesterday. Tho Fftttormnl Drotherhood will Klvo a danco In Bsthor's Hall on Thanksgiving night. Mrs. aonovlovo Mao iJturlu will play. F. U Young or Alkali I.ako, ar rlvod In towiBunday night. Ilo was hero ail day Monday, nnd went to hakovlow yesterday morning. W. U. Hurt, who has been hnro during tho past month on business I6r tho United Btntcs Und Hoard, left ror Portland Huuuay nigiu. Alphonso W. Aya or I.n Pino, w.u In town. over Bunday, with It. a. Hnton nnd J. F. Hoguo. During Jliolr stay they wore registered at tho Pilot llutto. Floyd Blttlor. who has been spend ing tho last two weeks In llond, has roiio to his homestead fn Imporlal. Whllo hero ho stopped nt tho Depot Hotel. Mrs. Kmmn W. Wilson arrived In town ror tho winter Thursday night. Mrs. Wilson and hor daughter Cor nrlln are to Ilvo In Blmer Sard lioute, whllo tho lattor la awny. Mr. nnd Mrs." Nat Davis, who hnvo been visiting in IHmrt durlifn thi summer, relumed to tholr homo n c ..i.. nliilit Tlinv went by way or 8pikna, wlmro thoy expect t tp remain ror nooui n wor. II.. tt, llraatnrllllllS BVfl R IKlflV !..... ..f um ntinrlH il IClktiml ii iivmwi v .--' - - - . r otPrhiMlll Mwo" aiiMrnoon. oir. Klklns hurt i wm " " ",n ......I.. nf vauim iml was BsrtMalilV surprised by tho ehanBa she round live. Mrs. Ada H. Mllltean lira loo -n town during Institute week. 4 ll. Jnhninn cf MIHIcon wns in town Mondarnnd Tuesday. trm ii ll. n.i Armond has IfOeif qulto sicK aunng mo iasi iow ujr. Mr. nnd Mrs, Ilnlph Hartlott will (jeUbrato tholr woddlng anniversary Uiinorrow. Mr. and Mra. I M. Fois tnd Mr. and Mra. II. II. Do Armond wont to Hodmond Bundny nnd had dlnnor with tho Mlchol'a. I. J. nnd W. H. Wilkinson or Wil low Itnneh. Cullforuln. arrived in town with tholr rmnlllea yesterday. K. J. Morrill and fninlly, or tho sumo piano nosompnnted vhoiu. Thanksgiving Dlnnor norvod at tho Depot Hotel, French culslno. 37-38p aflBssssssHNw Mk WJwmjaswwmwmwj$JiMsmRi ' rA SJ fioro. 3j. flOclhuool) Ttttnoiinceo tbt flppcnliin aocnutg pnvlov Sbninpooliid, "bfllr iDrcofliifl nn& liflaonflc Moo full line of Dalr Oooba novo. $. flodntoob Corner "UAnlt nnO minntootn iStrceto a pnoveno's variations. A bird In llio baud Is worth twolu the buli.Comrnon Form. A bird In a cage Is worth a hundred nt largo. Italian. A thousnnd rrnnes In the air ar not worth one sparrow In the rist.-i:gyptliu. He! tor n frntlici In the hand tlm n n bird In the nlr.-dcrmnn. One iUlll Idlirllrr In the band tliim ttiv tiKiu tbi strand. Dulih. IIi'Hit a finch In (he hand than n mi mil In the Indie. -KtiRlUh. A Ni:iOllllOltl(()OD PAItTV. Ono of tho largest Thanksgiving parties to be held In Central Oregon will bo that ot tho Hampton neigh borhood at tho Fogg homestead on Thursday. Tho whole country side has been Invited and ll Is expected that at leant 75 will bo there. Tho now Ford assembly plant in Beattlo was recently oponod under official nusplcca. Tho elty officials of Seattle, headed by the Mayor, at tended tho opening. Tho Mayor wrote his name In chalk on a Ford motor which waa on the conveyor that carries tho chassis along In the process of assembling tho car. When tho tour or tho plant had been com pleted, the Mnyor was taken homo In the car driven by tho motor on whlrh a few mtautcs lioforo ho had written his natno. Thoro Is no pick Ing and sorting Ford parts In the assembly bins. Hach and every Ford part Is standard, TIIANKHHIVINU DINNHH. Wo will servo Thanksgiving dinner Irom 12 to 3 nnd rrom 0 to 8 to-mor row. Pilot Uatte Hotel. Adv. 38 ANNUAL IU'AAH. Tho Presbyterian ladles will hold tholr annual baxaar December 1st. In tho Trlpiott building on Wall street. Fancy work, aprons, caps and many other useful articles will bo for sale. Lunch served all day an J ovonlng. Dr. Lowo and Turner, tho well known" oyo Bpoolnllsta of Portland will be In llond again Friday and Sat urday. December 11-1C Consult thorn nt Pilot liuttp Hotel. They -do nut ro rrom houso to house. They have no agents. - 38c Do you know you eau gotf three magazines In combination with The liullotln. Bond In your ordur by mall, or phono us. 4....JLAUJ IP 1 J V ft When it's Candy just Think of Warner's THK VAR1ISXV 8T0IU3 QEnVICE. Tho swetont lives nro thoso to ijuty mul. . Whoso deeds, both great nnd Kinnll, Aro clwe knit strands of an un broken thread, Where lovo euioblss all. The world may sound no trum pet, ring no bells, The book of life the shining rec ord tells: Thy lore shall chant its own beatltuden After Its own Ufa working. A child's kiss rBet on thy sighing II po shall make tlieo Kind. A sick miin helped by thee shall make Idee strong. Thou slmlt Ik) served thyself In every sense. Of service which to men thou rvnderest. Itobqrt 0ronln$r. THANKSGIVING DINNER AT BEND HOTEL a p. in, t Kino p, in. HOOP Crotno do Hurtro . Cdnsommo a Forgo ItlCMHHHH Celery Queen Olives Dill Pick lea Shrimp Balad en Mayonnaise FIRII Fried Fillet of.Solo Pommea Pnrlelenno Dolled Spring Lamb, Caper Sauco Smothered Young Chicken a la Ilrooho Ilroadod Veal Cutlets, Neapolitan Itotl Ham, Champagne Sauco Roast Young Turkey Chestnut Dressing Cranborry Saueo Prime It Urn Ileof, nu Jus Suckling Saddle Pig, Apple Sauce YKCiKTAIIIiKS linked Sweet Potatoes Gardon Pons DESSERT Green Appto Plo . Hot Mlnco Plo Pumpkin Pie New England Plum Pudding lirandy Sauco Tea Coffeo Fruits Cocoa Milk Mixed Nuts Thanksgiving Dinner AT Hotel Wright WROJI V2 TO 2 P. M. i Chloken Ccnsommo Celery Ollrea Dill Pickles Prlnio Roast Ribs ot Ileef, au Jus RoastMeg ot Pork, Fried Apolcs Roast Turkey, Cranberry 8auco' Dreaded Veal, Chorry-Marmalado Mashed Potatoes Creamed SauasU Apple Pio Mince Plo Pumpkin Pie English Plum Pudding Cbceso Coffeo Tea Milk w PHOTOS M. A portrait sont to tho absent onos now nnd then, binds tho J friendships of youth, brldgs J J distance and knits closer tho tied of family nnd klnfoltcs. $ Our fRHt 1iibs, modern J mothods nud equip me u t, J prompt attention nnd oourtosy $ to patrons have mads sitting J for photographs h real pleasure. J Our prices nro oonatstMt with tho high quality ot our 5 work. Tho porsQiinl thought tho J spirit or tho giving. datermlniM $ tho valuo or tho gift. What, thon could bo more fitting j J than your portrait for th J Christmas remomlirauoo to enrry your simple messago or $ trltfndahlpT A doion portraits eolvo. at $ once, a doxen perplexing gift problems. $ H. J. TODDu 5 l'hotogvaphcr J Elite Studio J $ R.J.Todd, Photographer J $ 5 ELECT your Holiday Gifts now. There's wisdom in early shopping. Our stocks are complete and await your approval. By shopping early you get the most desirable mer chandise, better service,, and you avoid the rush. DO IT NOW! HERE ARE A FEW HOLl DA Y GIFT SUGGESTIONS; 'iji (i)VJ;6jgj)lt MDIK Cape, Mocha and Olaco , i .at . .. u)i. .- flikiHi,, $2.00 i h. i. i I in , , MEN'S" GUARANTEED GLOVKtf In MoJha, and Cape, .at .,.....,. niJiO, $2-00 ' i M i i -iiwii mill. ii in HANI) RACH AND PARTY CASES Each . . . 91 J2T, to ffl.00 - - - - HANDKERGHIEFS Tho largest lino Vo'vo ever shown Men's, Ladles' and children's from. . , . . . .tic to 91.00 Each Large line Toys, Dolls, Travelling Bags, Suit Cases, Neckwear, etc. STOP AND SHOP AT MANNHEIMER'C THE DEPENDON STORE, Exclusive Local Dealers ROOKS ON FARMING. A. E. Lovett, County ARrloulturlst. has at his offlco a circulating library for farmors, composed of up-to-dato books on all lines -or farming. Far mors are invited to call at tho Com mercial Club rooms In Redmond and Cot tho book or books In which they arc Interested. The books will be loaned to farmers for two weeks, at tho end of which titno they must be returned to tho offlco or an extension of tlmo bo obtained. All aro invited to atop In and look tho books over. Try Truo Qluo flour. Ask yojr grocor for It. Adv. r3$"tf. Enter Our Store: ON THE RIGHT DRY GOODS ON THE LEFT GROCERIES ON THE E. A. SATHER Agents for Standard Patterns. When You Buy Groceries You want the best in quality, at prices that do not make you feel thtt you mighfhave done better elsewhere. Caldwell's Pure Food Market is well prepared to please yon in every way. Fresh Fruits, Vegetables and Produce, Staple and Fanoy Groceries and HARDWARE S. C. CALDWELL THE 8TORE OP QUALITY, Fro Delivery Anywhere la .City, Stoves, Ranges Tluwnro Granltcyvaro Ed. V. Price & Co'a. Tailoring. Wo lost county dlrlslon; prohibi tion won by a safo majority. It ia rumored tho "Turks" of tho entire world aro on tho run, some of them will probably bo overtaken In about two weeks. Wo lost our porter, and until we ean find another wo hepo you will bo rationed with our work. Tho Metropolitan. Adr. 36 tt Before purchasing your Xmns can dles try the American Dakery. A full lino of fresh candles Just ar rived. Adv. 37 It Try tho Altamont for meals. Adv. Use Truo Dluo Flour! It Is tho best made and a. Dcnd product. Adv. 37 if -ar aWW SQUARE i1 . Implements Wugous, RukkIos Cirrlngea I . in.sslllslli..aas "' vlumrmr" m v- H ssaar(aaaasa-ssssssBBaasaBaBaiBBBa&aaa