TAf)K 4 the imsn hullktin, rni, our., "Wednesday, novkmuku as, it i. i . IM I 3 i Mi: h i'i it i Hi n i) l! It " ESKIMO WHALE DANCE. rVhsn Aretlo Natives Fsast and Plok Their Lit. Mates. A very primitive ctioium or tbo nn Uvw or (bo tiering mill nrrtlc const DtHJberlu. n niKiuin that mis como Sown from gvniTntiou ot savage an restore, la thu hiiuimi tobnitlon or lite whale dance, wiien tliu Kskltnus idcct their wlv.-a. 'ft'hcn the aim moves southward at thQvCud or the abort summer scusojr tud the leu close up thu northern loos the whales coiuu down to open water. Then. In celebration ot the season's cutiii. the tee dwellers mucin. hie "for the whale dunce, wbich msti twenty-one days, Thu great dunce clrrlo Is prepared, and lu the center thu dnuccra, beta mate nod female, perrorm the most arago of evolutions nnd niollona to the accompaniment ot rhythmics beating ot the tomtoms and weicd chanting. Tbe dance pours tell ot the prowess of tbe hunters nnd ot tba history of tbe tribe. The movement of .the women nre aurprbdngly grace ful nnd they menu to show In their dance that, as daughters or a great (teople. they nre possessed or all tbe qualities such wunu-n sbouHt on re The men -execute pantomimic ecem of the hunt and go thrungb nil tne too tions ot the kill. Tbey Mpvar tbe Ice bear, alay tho wnlnis nnd cent nnd Dually, with t'Xtrnunllunry contortion, vanquish tbe uilphty wbuie. During tho last days of the tenst, when the time arrives fur tlio iti-Un-tlon of husband nnd wired, tbe uiitu per forms hla mate dunce before tbe wo. man be has picked out In (muloiulme he promised to provide ber generously with the fruit of the bunt, botb food and fur. If she 1 pleased with blm the walks out uud dunces ber accept anco nnd ubowa how she will look; oftcr the Igloo. When tbey hate danced before each other they nre mar ried after the custom or tbe tribe, and he -lends ber off to bis walrus hide lodge. '.During tbe dance they feast on whale. Tbe skin of the baleen wbnlo is about an inch thlrlc and looks llko rubber. The solid blubber between It nnd tbe true iiesb U usually u bout four teen Inches thick. The black skin and the blubber, tho hitter ctit to the thick aces of the former. Is called moktuk and la considered a great delicacy. It Is eaten raw nnd. although It sounds repulslvo to the clrttlzcd car. Is roust palatable. It bns a daror something llko that of chestnuts. Youth's Com panion. Prima Numbers. It might appear nt drat that every Dumber con be divided by some num ber besides Itself nnd one: but many numbers cannot, and If tbey cannot they are knotvn as prime numbers. Of all tho numbers having a valuo of less than 1.000. there are lUU that are prime. Of these twenty -Mx are smaller than 100. twenty-one appear between 100 and 'MO. sixteen between 'JW and 200. sixteen between UOO and 400, seventeen between 400 and 600. four teen between WO und UU), sixteen be tween HOO and "iJ. fuurteen between TOO and 00. tlftwn between bW and 1)00 aud fourteen between 1)00 and 1,000. 1 city TH LOW BIQ REDUCTION FOR i.i.-ti-. NEXt. year LastlLNIglit's Meeting Decides on II Mill Tax -Few Taxpayers Present -Complete lludget Is (liven Arrangements For 'Klcctlon. the j His Vacation. A woman hud a negro cleaning tho ynpl for her. lilt wife bud Uvu dead for serenil ycnr. Ho bis employer seized n favorable moment uud pro ceeded to sound blm. tfohn." she said, -you're a good, steady mau. Lota of women would be glad to have you. Why don't you get a wlfer John leaned on bis rake nnd.scratrb eu bis oeuu reiivyiireij. "Well. I tell you." he replied. Ton know; I was married seven years, an' 1'vo got' to hare a -wC Indianapolis Kewa. : "' i ' The Prlco of a Kid. Cordona W full of fun. says C Rogue , Lntfmann lu hut "Qolet Days In 8paln.M and In the leisurely pace of life there tbo observer has time to see and appre ciate all of It. In the market one day a small boy with a big apron and a pompous inariH ner was offering half of n small kid to o woman for a pexcta. She objected that It was very tiny, and he falrlyi smothered her with: "Woman! Do you want half n hull for a teupeure" tho itchool district (ho city codriclrat It meeting last night Bet tho Bond 1915, tax at a figure far below that of last year when it waa 24 mllU For 1915 tho lory will ho 14 ralll., Ot tho total, 10 mills Is lovlcd to cnio for Interest on tho sewer bonds as pledged by a city ordinance Tho levy as made was tho recom mcndatlon of tho ways and means commltteo and was unanimously adopted by tho council. Only a fow tax payers wore present for tho con sideration of tho budgot. one of whom argued that tho city could get along for a 12 mill tax next year, and urg ed that this amount be fixed. Tho council could not ngreo with him. This welcome cut from tho tax of tho present year Is possible on ac count ot sums duo tho city for apo dal assessments. Steps hnvo recent ly been takon to collect all such amounts now outstanding and It is expected that in n fow months tho greater part ot them will bo in. Tho budget on which tho lovy was mndo was as follows: lludget for expanses. City ot Doud 1916, for purp080 ot making tax lovy for 1915 taxes. Streets Repairs, clcanlug. sundrlea 11,500 Lighting 2,400 Sprinkling, man & team &. water ..... 80ft. -sffog. Fire , . -' T - Hydrants $ 030 Equipment and re- pairs 100 Bxpcnsoa ot fires . . CO 1 780 Police Salaries and sup plies J:li60ft. Ual. duo on jail. . warrant for door & cells rcg. & not pd.. C00 4 mills for general purposes. 14 mills, total. Klcctlon Preparation. Other matters coming heforu tho council lnnt night were In connection with tho opening ot rotula In tho vicinity of tho lleml Flour .Mill Co. property nud in preparation for tho city otocllon on December 8. Tho Arnot building nud tho Cominurcl.il Club roomu woro sot as polling placed nnd Judges nnd clorkR named an fnl lowss North llend, L-U. Wleit, O. W. Kruklno nnd Mike McUrnth, Judgea nnd H. M, .Abbott and lions Fnrnhnm, clerks; South, Ito'mU H. J. Oyorturf, 1. Ollllort nnd 3. V. Johnson. Judges, c.nd Jv S. Kloln nud PrlncoBlnntfl, ejerks, 1 , Uso Truo lUdd Flourt It is tho host inildo and Adv. "Uond brodUot. 37 If How Hadliy P-ipoied. The wny I'li'Hiileiit Arthur Twining Umllcy, nct'onlltiK to it Ydlo legend, naked Ida pronpevtlvo father Inhiw for permission to umrry his diuilihter wna elmnu'lerlsile. At the time this gentlo mint, I.uxnu It. Morris, oeetipled nn mi uhiuloiia polltlciil Miiltlon. lie hml ro cenlly been eleeted governor of Con iilvtH'iit, but hla vlnlin was dlNpiitud. nnd (ho Ktuie was In it polttleiil t'.irumll "Mr. Morris." wim Ihe wuy Mrclliul ley approached tho xiibji'et of hla cull. "I lioiio i lui t I " 1 1 1 tenst-iiiiiy lie ivr nilttetl n-ib call you-govitriior." World's Work. Do you know jou enn got jjiroo ningatlnes In combination' wllh"Tho IIullotlttT. Bond In your order by Hint), or. phono us. - - on SPORTSMEirSMEETIN0 Annual Gntherlng in Portland December 0 and 7. Tbo annual meeting of tho Oregon Sportsmen's League will bo hold in Portland, December Cth and 7th. On tho former dnto, December Cth, tho Portland Oun Club and tho Mult- nomnh Angler's Club have Joined in arranging a state shoot and state fly and halt casting contests. Suitable p-'xoa hnvo boon offcrod for tho var ious events. Monday, December 7th, the dole gates will gnthur In tbo Convention Hall ot tho Portland Commercial Club to consider tho needs nud do sires of the sportsmen of tho various sections of tho stnto. A concertod lino ot action In matters of fish nnd gnmo legislation will bo determined upon. This convention coming ns it does Just prior to tlio session ot tho state legislature is of groat import- . v . -..mi Si win i ;i.i -anco to nil the sportsmen of tho " S?raM' ' " "J NOTICK OF HALW OF tXHtPOltATI) STOCK TO UNIXlllCK THW PAW MKNT OF DKI.IXQUKNT AHHKHS SIKNtS TIIKIIKON. Whereas, ni appears frdm tlio cor porate records ot tho Doschutes llec lamntton & Irrigation Company, Bmlth, Cook & Company, whoso busi ness addrosa la Corbott bnlldlng. Portland, Oregon, nro tho ownora of tho capital stock or said corpora tion represented by six certificates thereof, of 51 shares each, In alt 300 shares, said certlflcatca bolng num bers .38, 39, 40. 41. 43. nnd 43 of tlio serlca when tho number ot shares of tho capital stock ot the corporation was 96 and Whereas there la duo and unpaid upon said 306 shares of stock, ns sessmonts aggregating nt tho data hereof tbo sum of $303.20. Now therefore, notice In hereby given that on Saturday, tho 19th day of December, 1914, at tho hour of 10 o'clock, n. ni., at tho south oast cor ner of Uond and Oregon streets In tho city of Uond, Crook county, Oro gon, said stock or so much thereof LEI US PUT THE TAPE AROUND YOU FOR A, S St bbV r sV1 V"5 wr! sa - j&.sk.r itsw sa-.. . . ' BBBBsV BBBBBBsi' "l3llSBBBBEl flj assBBBsi IibbbB : lfl53S?H ' Sfc' . msuim --a: :. 4 s" new dum tmj OVERCOAT - Salaries and Expences Recorder S 3C0 Attorney 360 Treasurer 240 200 i Sundries Mlsccllaneous- Itent council rm,... 180 Library ... i-.. .180 . Prtg., postage and sta. and sundrlea . 100' I 960 Sower Maintenance, nothing needed Iaterost on J60.000 ' bonds ... 3, GOO Ual. unpaid on sewer pipe ,t 970 $ 460 atato. All clubs, whether nlrecdy mom bora of tho Iokiio or not, nre urged to sond delegates. Tho mooting will concludo with a duck dinner given at tho Commercial Club. Now motion pictures taken by Statu Gnmo Warden Flnloy will bo shown. Excursion rates will be granted to nil delegates by tho railroads of tho stftto. NOTICK. Having sold my Interest In tho sec ond hand store formerly conduotml by mo on Bond streot to II. O. Ilnlii ey, I herohy glvo notice that Mr. Ilalney assumes nil bills now existing against said business and that saino aro hot to bo presented to mo. "J. A. Kolloy. 37-41. p Just nrrlvcd, nlco lino of candles. nuts, etc. You will appreciate our warm bath rooms In Uio cold weather. Tho same trio of barbers Is nt your service Tho Metropolitan. Adv. Tho fact Is. tho magazines wo soil w'th Tho Bulletin represents tho big gest reading valuo ovor offered tho public. Havo you sent us your or dor? If not, send It or phono us today. Uso Deschutes Spray Flour! It i tho best made and a Dend product Adv. ' ' .'', ni Adv. 37 If O public auction to tho highest blddor to pay said assessment, together with tho costs nnd expenses of salo. Dated this 18th day of N'ovembur, 1914. Corporato seal ot D. H. & I. Co. THE DE8CIIUTKS RECLAMATION & 1KJUOATION COMPANY, Ily CHAULKS. I10YD. Pres. Uy C. S. IIHNSON, Secretary. 37tf - NOTICK FOU riMIMCATIO.V. Department of Iho Interior, U. S. Land Oftlco nt The Dalies, Oregon, Septcmbor 10, 1914. Notice is hereby glvon thst Edwin J, Rogers, of Lnldlaw, Oregon, who, on September loth, 1911, made Homestead entry. No. 013845. for 8v V4. Section C, Township 17 Kout'i, Rnngo 12 East, Willamette .Meridian, han filed notice of Intention to mako Final Thrco Year Proof, to establish j ciauii id wiu iniiu bihjyu uoacrnraii, before II. C. Ellis, If. 8. Commission er, nt P.ond, 'Oregon, on tho 11th day of January, 101G. Claimant names na wltnccsos: Albert Harryman, Wilbur X. Hun noil, Chjirles Iow, James It. Ilonhnm, all of .Lnldlaw, Oregon. JUST NOW (S THE (DEAL TIME TO CHOOSE YOUR WINTER SUIT. YOU HAVE DECIDED WHAT YOU WANT AND CAN MAKE A QUICK SELECTION. THEN. TOO. YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL READY FOR THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS WHEN YOU WANT TO LOOK YOUR BEST. COME AND SEE WHAT WE HAUE FOR YOU. R. J. SMITH CLOTHING COMPANY LEARN THE WAY . , Company ofllco or residence. 37tf FOR BALE or TUADERuglstor d Jersey bull, price reasonable. Wi nter nnd Spaugh, Lnldlaw, Oro. 37tf FOR SALE Thoroughbred Joraey bull, five years old. Eligible to reg ister. Phone or call on William Alt, iVt miles north ot llend. 36tfo FOR BALE or TRADE Excelsior motorcycle, 2 cylinder, 3 seated, near ly new, Trado for good horses. In qulro at Bulletin ofTlce. SGtt FOR BALKThanksglvlng turkey1 and gooso. P. II. Dancer, Phono Rur al 41. , 38ir FOR BALE 400 buihot at rya $1.25 a bushel. On Btatora-LntrtUw road 0 miles northwest of lnldlaw. Ouy a McAllister, Lnldlaw. 3509a FOR BALK Three Toulouse geoso nnd one gander. F. V. Hwlslior, Labi law. , 32tf FOU BALK 320 ncro homosleait rcllnijulshment nt a bargain. Und level, good looalloo. Inuulro Bulle tin. 9tr $4,570 Total 1915 budget ...... .$13,0701 Estimated deftdt Dewbr 31. 1914 .... $ 1.310 We now urge all our subscribers to renew their subscriptions to Tlit? Bulletin and get three magazines one yearv i To b raised by taxation . .$ 4.120 Auescod valuation of city ns re ported. by county clerk, exoluslvo of nuCllc utllUfes. $373,460. latter will U-4no doubt bring total to well over $420,000 but no deflnlto amount ie obtainable on same at this time. Levy recommended by committee on ways and moans and adopted: 10 mills to raise sewor bond Interest. POLITICAL EDUCATION. It la a source of tho ut most witlufwUVm to roe to havo tho privilege aud the opportuni ty to attempt to Implant In the inlnilM of such an uudergraduuto body at the formatlvo stage of their characters and nt a most lufluenUai tlmo in their cduca tluji patriotic nnd sound prlnel. plea of popular government, a proper nppreelatluo of tbe Ines timable borliaga that wo have reeejved from our ameators, tho fujernl constitution arid tho nc--eewslty for ublug Hunity and db .) Criminating common sonselntbo selection of rcmedleH for polltl 1'Ul evils and defects In our sya tcm with, u view to retaining the numerous beneflts of what we havo -inherited und making progress not by fearing down what has been proved by hard experience la bo most useful and to.bo 'thereat secret ofQu'r.popf ulnr"g6vernment, but py build lr;Kupou this as a foundfltldn. 'Wllllum n. Taft. Kent.Profeisor At Vale. Total Bxpenaea ,.$14,980 Revenue. Saloons and sundry li cences, estimated . . .$ 5,000 Duo from county on tox-matters Unpaid special street assessment No. 1, nil due to gen. fund .... Estimated amount that will be collected from special sower assess ment No. 1; over $6,000 due & unpaid 4,500 ToJ,al $10,860 560 800 OREGON TRUNK TRAIN Arrives ....... ,T 8 a. m. Lcavoa 8:30 p.m. O.-W. It. & N. TRAIN. - Arrives 7:45 p. m. - Leaves 7:25 n. tn. KTAOK LINE KOUTIL - Arrives 7:30 p. m. - Loaves 10 a. in. - AUTO LINKS. Cars dally to Burns nnd points - south and southeast. POSTOFFICE HOURS. Oenoral delivery opon dally 9:15 a. m. W C p. m. Ocneral delivery open Sunday - 9:16 to 10 a. m. - Night train mall closes 7 p. m. - Day train mall closes 6:30 a. m. TIZLEGRAPH HOURH. Western Union dally 7-12,1-6, 7-10. Sunday 8-10, 4-6. - TKLEPJIONK HOURS. -.Pioneer Co., twenty-four hour - sorvlce, Including Sunday. POLKtS' OREGON and WASKINGTOrj Business Directory DlrttUrr or Mch CUr, Town and VllUse. elln ditcrlptlr sk.tcb of Mb plc, location, population, t.l graph, shlppln an4 banking point! slao Ctaulfl.4 Olrtelory, compll.4 by tU.MV mUA fIVIHIIUM a j U. I rUUl tUH UEAITUS Classified Advertising ii Wear-Eyer Cooking Utensils A COMPLETE NEW STOCIC. Coific in nnd let as tell you nbout Aluminum Ware, Skuse Hardware Co. I rj WANTKII. AOKNTS WANTED Man and wo man mako big tnonoy soiling our h.VJMihold speelaltlotf: rxporlenco tin necessary. Oenoral Utility Co.. 500 E. 41st St., Portland, Oro., 35.38p WANTEDOIrl for gonoraP-houBo work. Apply Mrs. O. M. Pnltor gon. 35 tf WANTED Woman to do fnmllv .washing. Sot tubs and small family. Apply at UuileUn ofllco. tf WANTEDOne ton carrots. Ad dress stating price. Box 129, Bond, Oregon. 3gp Klt HUNT. Newtown Apples, buy the. box.... CLUSTER RAISINS, 5-pound box for Q5c Plenty of Walnuts, Almonds', Citron, .Orhngc nnd Lemon Peel. Also Seeded nud Sggdlcss ttftisias. Currants and Dales. Shuey's Csh Qtocery Bend's Leading Eats Sforje ; J - FOlt REN'T Throe furnlshod rooms for light house keeping or good rooms for two gentlomen. Close In and rout reasonable. Innulro at O'Donnell Bros, meat market. 38tf FOR RENT Two small furnished bouses near school hounc. 8. It. Ilo g.n, half block north and half bloak west of depot. 32tf LOST AND FOUND. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Daily: A full line of Iloynl Club goods nnd Folger's Special Tens and Co flee always on hand. A call will assure you that our prices are reasonable. T. R. McCLINCY Bond Street, Bend, Oregon. Next to Dream Theatre. LOST -Whlto sottor dog. ts'oWy Bulletin office. if TAKBN VP-On September 13; one 2 year old steer, roan aud white; one 2 yoar old holfur, rod and white spotted; one spring calf with right ear upllt. Will dollvor for costs. P. V. Swlshor, Latdlnw. 3Uf FOR SALE. - RpnrlFlmir MilLP v 3V DesctfitftesSpraty True Blue fr- i ' FOR KALK Team or mares, har ness and wagon . Price reasonable. 8. Murasakl, Bund. 3Kif FOR SALE 800 busholu rye gran at 11.20 per bushel In bin. Apply F. W. Jajverqu, Lgldlaw, Ore gon. 38-41 ii FOlt SALB-rAVo am offotJng two! young cowd In in. Ik and tw A. J. n. u. ouiib, n two yenr registered Joi soy. strong .vlgoroua fellow; and a thrco mbnthn " old roglaterod bull., Phone or call nt the Whlto Ro'l. ranch, Laldlnw, Oregon. 33tf FOR SALE Oood tonm of porch, oron horst'B, 3 and 4 years old, weight ,2890. II, Hughes, It. F. D. 37-31p FOR SALE Sow nnd pigs, F. II. Plnkstaff. Laldlaw, Oregon. 37-38p FOR SALE-Edlson "Homo" phon ograph and rocords, Also good piano playor with records. Reasonable terniH. Inaulro II, H. Allen. Bond The leading brands of patent flour. ' Ask-your grocer for them. FEEDS Large quantities of Shorts, Bran,r Rolled Oats and Hurley on hand at '' all times. - SEED lIWIKftSWM Seed-Wheat and Hye in sevprnl va- rieties, Mail Orders solicited. ; "' . x Bend Flour Milled. ' A. J, KROKWCllT, Prosldont-Monngor, ', . . ' - h M 4 .-? A 'ij. 3' W U vimu