. tjik iiiiM) bulletin, bend, ore., webnehbay, November an, 101 1. vaoh a. rail MAKFR "- .j" .,', FBB H .. H H :jf III lllllll II li I II I i b ? iVi.V nirfiini i nr.T it COVERS THE RECENT SEASON Forest tfervlco lloiill Willi 101 Flics -LlgliTiiing la Chief C'iiuno of Flro Campers Cititw Next Dninnge Amounted to Total of sJIIUMIll 8iiiorvJBor M. !. Merrlt of tho lo. cat Forestry r onioo linn roiitly ren dered hi annual report on tho fire In hihJ around tlio national forosta tn tho pant HoniMin. Under tlio ro arr alignment of tho foroMH inado lait year hits JurUdlctlon linn bein extend . cd, covering not only tlio Deschutes f forest hut tho so-called Deschutes division of tint I'niillnn forest, ni won, The rHrl In on lire in hoth nreim. Tho hiiuJpcih covered In tho report nro mo iiumnor or nres, tnoir cause, th dniunKo done within national for t boundaries and tho cost of fight ing nil firm. Taking tho two forcsta tognthor thorn wora 104 fire In tho pnnt son- son of which tho local forest ollloo look notice. Of theso 74 originated on national forost lands and 2.1 orig inated outside nnd did not enter tho forcsta, while ono ontored front tho nuUldo. Six started on private lands Inildo tho forest boundary. More firm wore started hy light nine than liy any other ono thing, CI Im'Iiik nttrlhuted to thin cause. Tho next highest cause wan campers, who started 93 flrca. Thoro waro four Area from brush burning, four mis cellaneous, ono unknown nnd ono In eendlsry. Nearly 19.000 ncrei wera hurnod nvnr within nntlounT forest lioundar. too hy the firm reported on. Twonty ono hundred acre of thin wera In prl- Unusual Combination HEVERAL loading publlshora of magaxlncs have Joined with us In ono of tho groat est subscription tinrgrln error over put out In this country. Through this combination everybody wilt be nblo to gut a yearly subscription to three mngntlncn In combination with our pnper at practically tho price of our paper alone. Ilia this list you will find forty dlfferont periodicals formod into thlrty-flvo dl Teront clubs. Each club ban threo magnxlnes, excopt ono Kpcolal Club which hna four magazines; some of these magaxlncs soil for as much as SI a year. Thoy aro all good and covor a largo vnrluty of choice rending mailer, Including History, Music, Religion, Educr.tlon. Fashions, Fnnoy Noedlowork, Illustrated Current Events, Homer Docoralloaa, Fiction, Literature, Dramn, Art, Sclouco, In ventions, Ooiiernl Farming, Dairy Farming, Live Stock, Vegetables, Fruit nnd Poultry. Undor tho splondld contract wo have bin do with tho publishers wo aro able to glvo our renders a choice of tho oluba In combination with our paper ono year for $1.76, just twoMy-flvo oonta moro than tho price of our paper alone. If )ou are a subscrlbur to our papor we ask you to renew so that you too, may got 3 mngazlncs ex tra. l.ook ovor tho list md select tho club you liko best. Bond In your order today or give your order to our representative or call at our olllco when In town. If you nro now a subscriber to rny of these magaxlncs and want to renow just send your order to us nnd wo will have your subscription extended. If your subscription to our paper is past duo, we advle you to pay up nnd take advantage of this bargr.ln. If you aro In the habit of buying your magnxlnon through other chnnnnts, wo ask you to Justly oomparo our clubs and prices with thnt of any offer you receive. You, no doubt, nro mow a aubserlher to some of theso periodicals. You can ssvo monoy by Bond ing your ronowal ordor to us. Iloro Is n chnnco to get your homo papor and a yearly supply of good roadlng at a real bargain. If you want ono or mora of thooo magnxVica sont to dlfforunt addresses, just montion it. TELL ALL YOUR FRIUNDH AND KtiKJIIIlOIlH ABOUT THIS BIO OFFER. CLUI1 NO. 1. McCall'a (with freo pat , Farm Llfo toni) 'Evoryday Life Cl.Ult NO. U. Woman's World JVoplea Popular Monthly Oontlewoman OLUI1 NO. a. Hlonrth nnd Homo Farm Llfo .Household Magazlno CLUlt NO. I. Amerloan Woman Farm Llfo Household (litest ci.yit no. n; Todny'B (wTlh freo pat Farm Llfo lorn) Housuhold Mngnxkia CLUIl NO. 0 Today'n (with freo pat Hveryday Lira torn) Oontlawomau UHMt NO, 7. PanayWork Magazlno Hveryday Llfo Womnn'B World ULUII NO. H. Farm and Flrosldo Womnn'B Vorld HomotLlfu CLUB NO. 0. Farm nnd Homo Womnn'a World Household Guest Home Life vnto ownership ntul covered the most vnluiibln timber destroyed, the dnm- ftirn iXr 'Mm linlnll nrirtli. .f !.. .. lorrtflVj liulifK ffi,O60,tjft nimlnut M' ft' drt njuiuriu tvAa Kiittiu- iiii inn iimiririni rnriii ii.u ftloi" Mirth 'lmjf till! Inlnl llilinnun dlSJSp, Iff" 47.H . (51. Tlm-urmilnr pnrt ofNtifff trefit for labor uutililo tlio rowtilar cmiiloyopB of tlio Kurort florvlco, 13,787,79 being spent In tills wny. Too Ik mid Htipiillcs cutiiu next for n (ntnl of $2,201.77 while tlio llino of regular employees spent In lire fighting coit Jl.KiD.SO. NEW BO0K5JT UBRHHY Hovenly.Two Volume Received From Htnta Lllirnry Ooninihmlon. Tho pulillo library linn Juet rocolv nil 72 voliitncN In n travnllnic llhrnry KOHiit oul by tho Hlato Library Com inlialon. Tho lint Id an follow: Harper' Machinery Hook for Hoy, Ailniim; Aunt Jo'n Hcnip-lintr, Cupid and OIiow-CIiow. Alcott: Kioto and I Violin, and othor Kentucky Talon mill llnninnecii, Allen; Tho llormnnnn or tho I'laliiH, Altnhulor; Fairy Tnlwt AnderAou: A Loyal Traitor, a "lory o. tho war of 1812. Ilarnen: Morion of Mother Ooomo VlllaRe, IlltiKliain; Tho Four Macnlcola and An Advon turo In Thtlln. lllnck; Two CoIIoko CllrU. Drown; TbrotiKh tho Mill, thn lire of n mill boy. Ilrown, (At I'rid dv); Tho Chllil-I.oro Dramatic Itond- or, llryco: (loop Talet, aliihnbotloaN ly told, 1 1 u r kom; Tho Ml.trci of lloflch Knoll, llurnhmn: A llttlo cook look for a little K'rl, Hurroll, (Umc ton); I'nop-ln'tho-worlil, Crlchton; Homo I.lfa In Norway, Danloln; Tho hod Lane. Day; Tlio Iron Woman, Deland; Tho Land of Pluck, DoiIroJ The atnry of nn untold lovo, Ford, I'. I. Torcliy, Ford, Bewnll; Juatlce, n tniRmly In four acta, (laliwnrth; Fifty yonra In Orexon, (leer; Ornnl run, (lould; Undo Iletnun and hli frlonda, Hnrrln; ShaRgycont, tho bio Rraphy of a beaver, Hawke; Tho Ruble lirclm. Haxeltlne: Notro Da mo Hiiro; Wo and our children, Hltch liiHon: 1'ntrlolB and tyrantn, Lanxlun; A Quaker (llrl of Nantucket. Lo; HUtory of our own tlinca, McCar thy; Tho Htory of Chrlttopher Coluni- bun for Iloyn and OlrU, Moore ; Tho ltoya' Turkman, I'arktnan; Tho Man Katora of Tnavo and othor Kant Afrl- enn Aiivnnturca. 1'attnrinn: llnvo tit Ht Timothy . I'lor; Ulonlock, Olrln $ 1 mZ5JlQ Bulletin and Any CLUIl NO. 10. CLUIl NO. 18. Today's (with freo pat- Today'n (with freo pattern) Wc man's 'World torn) Oontlewoman Hume Llfo Homo Llfo CLUB NO. 11. CLUR NO. 10. Good Stories Successful Farming Farm Llfo - Homo Llfo Evoryday Llfo Kvorydny LHo CLUIl NO.,12. CLUIl NO. HO, Orcon'a Fruit Grower Farmor'a Wife Everyday Llfo ' Homo Llfo Farm Llfo Bvorydny Llfo CLUB NO. 111. CLUIl NO. 21. Today's (with freo pattern) Happy I lours Prnlrlo Farmer Farm Llfo Household Magaxlno Gentlewoman HPKCIAL CLUIl Sumo Price n Ollierw WOMAN'8 WORLD POUITRY ITEM HOME LIFE FARM LIFE CLUIl NO. 11. CLUR NO. U2. Peopln'n Popular Monthly Farm, Stock and Homo Farm Progress Woman'a World Womnn'B World Homo Llfo CLUlt NO, tB, CLUIl NO. ttil. Today's (with freo pattern) Vcgotnhlo Grower Farm Llfo Today'n (with froo patturn) Poultry Horn Kvorydny Llfo CLUB NO, 10, CLUB NO. 21. , Boy'H Mngnxluu Womnn'a World Homo Llfo Farm Llfo QontlowQiuan Today's (with free, pattern) CLUB NO. 17. CLUB NO. 2.1. Kimball's Dairy KnrniQr Womnn'a Homo Wookly Homo Liro Woman's World Gontlowamnn Homo Llfo GENTLEWOIVIAIS 77i.a r- v urM TcrurtT .r imar-. " - I JPBi (lub, Iteinlckj Tho Lockerblo hook, Itlley; Nnlghhora unknown, Koborta; Tho Vliititiio, Hhnrtn; A Country Law yer, Hhiltoi A Llttlo Hhephord of I'rovonco, Btoln; Half it hundred hero talon of Ulym'if and tho men of old, Htorr, (id; Tho Llfo of Napoleon Ilon nparlo, Tnrbell; Cuiljo'd Cave, Trow bridRo; Tho Ten-thoucand dollar arm and other talon of tho Mr league, Van Loan; Turkey, Van Mllllngcn. Iceland ' flnhennon, Vlnud, (I'lorra Lull): Tho Cahlo Oamo, Wanhbtirn; Tho Htory of I'alny, WIrrI-i. Kxtra hooka unlit to llcnd: Ualdwln, rcliool ronilliiK by grnden, fourth year; Car ter, Panther alorlei; Knntinan, Hnio ky Day' wigwam ovanlngi; I'ddy, Frleudn nnd holporn; Hall, In tho bravo dayn of old; Hamilton, Tho Htory of Abraham Lincoln; Hilt, My Wonderful Vlalt: Hyde, Favorite Orcok Mytha; Jncoln, Tho 8. W. F. Club; Lagcrlof, Tho Wondorful Ad vonturoa of Nils; Llghtn to LItoraturo book threo; Llppmah, Martha by tho Day; Moore, Pllgrlmo and Puritans; Norrl, Poor Dear Mnrgarnt Klrby; Pier, Tho Jeator of Ht. Tlmothy'r.; Itlco, Captain Juno; Ht. Nlcholnn, Storied of tho Ancient World: Heo. woll. Paul Joncnt Htell, Adventuron of Akbar: Htockton, Htory of tho VIU enu; Wade, Our Little Ituialan Coun In: Wnllnce, Tho Wlldornena Cnatn- wayn; White, Gold. Knitmnn Htchardi In a Creek In dian of Clipcotnh. Oklahoma More than that, Mr. Hlcharda In a vory rich Indian tho rlchcet Indian of tho Crook Nation and ono of tho rich out Indiana, no doubt, In thn country. Ho draws tho vory tidy sum of f 1C00 a day from his oil wells nnd ho has recently decided thai tho most prnc t'cnl -an well nn Impressive, way to show that li'n wealth Is tho product o. Intelligence. Is by purchasing ft Ford car. An enterprising magazlnu Is distributing a photograph showing Mr. Hlcharda and tlfo Richards fam ily driving about tho streets of Choc olnb In their nowly acquired Ford. Try an oystor cocktail at tho Coxy Restaurant. 3G-40C Declare War ou IlheiininlUui. Rheumatism la nn awful thing nothing moro painful. Don't let It got n hold, but at first twlngon take oloy Kidney Pllln. Thoy work di rectly on your weakened kldnoyi, build up, maka thorn strong rid your blood and keep II clonr of uric acid. Keep Foloy Kidney Pills ready One of These Clubs$ 1 .75 CLUB NO. 20. Foncywork Magazlno Today's (with freo pat Gentlewomen torn) CLUB NO. 27. Kansas City Weekly Star Farm Llfo Everyday Llfo CLUB NO. 28. Gentlewoman Woman's World Homo Life CLUB NO. 20. Kansas City Weekly Stnr Everydny J.Ifo Ilomg Llfo CLUIl NO. ild, Southom Rurallst Homo Llfo Gentlewoman CLUB NO. 111. Farmor'a W'kly Dispatch Homo Llfo (St. Paul) Farm Llfo CLUB NO. JW, Rural W'kly (St. Paul) Gentlewoman Everyday Llfo CLUIl NO. 03. .American Homo womnn'a World Gontlowamnn CLUB NO. ill. McCoU'b (with freo pat Evoryday Llfo tern) Household Guest. in i i 'Yrr''1 R for use at tho first sign of rheuma tism. Patterson Drug Co. Adv. 1U41 :m Jim, Run This Editorial Tomorrow THE Jrtw-nMdlng citizens of tliis city' want tlio privilege of drinking lcer- tlio drink of True Tompcrnnce. Tlicy nro Vfcnrjr of hlinil tigers epcak casica, Iilimi jilg, JioIcb in tlio wall the olsjirings of prohibition. Prohibition hat driven away tlio material tiro pentyof the jieoplc. It has ctitolf from tills coinniuiiily tho revenue derived from decent beer saloons and lias increased intemperance. It has largely increased public expenso in the vain effort to enforce laws which can not possibly bo enforced. It has added seriously to tho burden of taxation. It has depreciated tho value of real estate. It has thrown many out of work. It has discouraged investment capital has learned to shun prohibition localities. Clre the ivronlo vlut they vunt the right to drink mod- rntelv of Iecr and practice the iMchlnn of True Tci temperance AdvtrtUaneni :, iiiiini in ni" B? D. Ulrlch, Chamber of Com merce, Portland, Oregon. Offer! J A AY- jjmsb. f xira. t ?i'v2 BXir'vi vsy EwmTmg. -A iifl w-TJ Mmr.i'ZX?r-!mm WM9mm: TTT i ii asil MafJ H . wMHBHRbjIsCbiP9 " - "" fHifiin uusine:s5 and professional directoky. HOIIKUT H. MOULD Civil Hnglnccr Ik-mi Oregon ROIJERT W. BAWYBR NOT A II Y PU1HIO Dulletln Ofllco, Dend, Oregon J. U. Roll A, W. Sims CROOK COUNTY AI18TIIACT COMPANY (Incorporated) Huccessora to Tho J. II Honor Abstract Co., Prlnovlllo, Oro. Abstrnctn Insurnnco W. W. FAULKNER, D. M. D. DKNTIBT Offlco Over PostoCIco Bond, ... Oregon WILLARD II. WIRTZ bA wrmt Prlnovlllo, Oregon. C. 8. BENSON Attorney At Law Benson Building. Wall Street Bend, Oregon. VERNON A. FORBES LAWIER First National Bank Building Bond, :-: :-: Oregon GEO ROE 8. YOUNG Civil and Irrigation Engineer. City Engineer of Bend. Room 5 First National Bank Building Representation boforo tho Des ert Land Board and Stato Engineer BODERT CECIL WYGANT Attorney at Law Irrigation Masonic Water Rlghta Building Desert Land Salem, Engineering Law Oregon L Roofing of nil kinds. Repairing1 promptly done. J. A. MacCLOSKEY TINNING AND Furnace Contractor Guttering, Spouting, Cornices and Skylights. ft ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY 4 FURNISHED tfoooing iTompuy aiiqoucu io .... .. .. ... .-.. 4 1 J. J. RYAN -a A A Plumbing and Heating PHONE 451 117 MINNESOTA STREET . it 5IIVNESOTA KTHEET i Is It Done Right? If It la, lot welt nouah alone Tint un leu It la up to tba mark In nvtrf dttal coma nnd u. LOW PRICKS. nETTEPSHRVICR Bend Steam Laundry. AMI DRY GLEANING Put Your Duds In Our Suds" ML ??5o""? "?5 V) DOBS (s '?L O'IKJNNELL BROTHERS UNION MARKET i H. H. Do ARM ON D jwyi:n Oronon Street. Dend, Oregon H. C. ELL IB Attornoj-nt-Lnw United Htatca Commissioner First National Bank Building BEND, OREGON DR. J. H. CONNAKN DENTIST Offlco In Hathor Building. Hours 9 to 12, 1 to 0. Sundaya and crenlnca by Appointment. - O, P. NI8WONOER, Bond, Oro. UNDERTAKER Licensed Embalmcr, Funeral Director. Phone. Lady Assistant. DR. R. D. STOWELL Naprnpatliic I'tiyslcian Omco over Miller Lumle- Co. Wall 8trcet Hours 0 to 5 Phono Red CI J. E Eflgefereisoii Plumbing and Healing Bend, Oregon Fraternal Societies I. O. O. P. Bend Lodge No. 218. Regular meeting every Mod. day night at 8 o'clock In Bath er's Hall. Visiting brothci cordially welcomo. BERT SHUEY, N. O. GEO. P. GOVE, Secretary. ROYAL NEIGHBORS OP AMERICA. Banner Camp No. C031. Regular meetings second and fourth Tuesdays. Bather's Hall MRS. J. IL CONNARN, Oraclo. MRS. A. ORCUTT nocorder. NHS PAPCR nCPRECEN f ED FOR FOl . 4 ADRTISIUGDrTHE OENBRAL OFFICES NCW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IH ALL HIE PRINCIPAL CITES I ALTAMONT I I HOTEL Stoderate t'rlcefl $ Modern Rooma 2 AttratUve Surroundings 5 Steam Heat, Hot and Cold 5 J IVatcr With Bath Privilege 2 t Home Cooked .Men! j 5 Miss A. I). SimldliiK. Proprietor 5 UU.UI, uiwuu.i 2 MU4HVtUMtmWV 5 ppprofpfirrprpwrnripipinriipnit mi a Til K Dont Forget IP Your Automobile, Gas i:nxlne, Clun, Type writer or Any Median leal Contrivance Needs R E PAIRING DOONAR will fix ii iesisa&ssae3a22KMa&333.y sj DRAYINQ Bend Hauling Co. It. N. PALMERTON Wood for Sale Onico with It, P. Mluter Onico Plione lllnck GO ltcsidenco Black 4Vtt MM