The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 25, 1914, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    lYlfW 2.
Tin: iu:ni iu'llktin, iiknd, ohk., wkiimchday, novi;mjm:u b, ion.
i-4-- -
(Speolnl to Tho Bulletin)
LA1DLAW, Nov. 23 Mr. nnd Mrs.
F. N. Wallace have been enjoying a
visit from Mrs. Fanny Gngo and M.
D. Powell, of rrinovltlo. Frank Nlc
ols returned to l'rlnovlllo with thorn
tor a short rislu
Vernli Mooro of Warronton, Dra
gon, I visiting Samuel for a fovt
weeks. Samuel may go to Warron
ton with Mr. Mooro when ho returns.
Miss draco Polk and Prof. Lee are
attending Teacher's Institute at Uend
this week.
Mr. anil Mrs. Fred lloxoll are
spending this wcok In Uond.
Tho Sunday turkey shoot proved a
great sucoass and senrly everyone
la now supplied with a good fat tur
key for Thanksgiving and some with
its many as sis. The fine birds wero
raised by Mr. Cunningham near
Robert Simpson took tho Civil Ser
vice oxams In Uend last Saturday.
Cheater Lunduorg Is enjoying n
weok'a visit nt J. M. llrowa's homo.
Wobator Koss caught a fine wild
rcosq Monday. What's the uso of a
gun when they can be "run down" by
a boy of nlno yoarsT
The following ladles attended tho
Sunday school convention In Uend
Saturday: Mrs. Snydor, Mrs. Simp
son, Mrs. Lundberg, nnd Mrs. Ross.
Mrs. Fialla was a Uend visitor on
Saturday, also Robert Horner.
There will bo an entertainment at
tho church next Saturday evening,
under the auspices of tho Sunflower
Chorus and the celebrated Newcombo
quartet. Two "playleto" will also bo
given and plenty of good music, re
freshments will be served and a gen
eral good time for nil. Admlsston
ten cents.
Mrs. Snyder entertained twelvo
ladles Friday to surprise Mrs. J. M.
Urown. Bach lady brought part of
tho delicious and bountiful dinner
served at 12:30.
Mrs. J. M. Drown entertained at
dinner Wednesday, November 18, tho
following ladles: Mrs. Snyder. Mrs.
Ross and little daughter. Mrs. J. N.
1). Gerklng. Miss Fay Corking, nnd
the two Mrs. Marsh.
Mr. Sayre made a trip to Bend
Monday to visit Mr. and Mrs. J. Dell.
(Special to Tho Dulletln)
SISTKRS. Nor. 23 R. L. Tono and
C L. Donnison wero business visi
tors in Prlnevllle tho last of tho
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wurxweller
spent several days at tho Long Hol
low ranch tho last of tho week.
Frank May, of Dend, returned to
bis home Monday from a several
days stay at the Allondalo ranch on
tho Mctollus.
J. J. Wilt. J. W. Wilt nnd Dan
Ilolskis woro business visitors in
Redmond Thursday.
E. Austin of Dend. is at Helslng'a
asfllsting in checking over Govern
ment limber.
Dave Miller was a visitor la Red
mond tho middle of the week.
Mrs. P. 1. Davis and sot, George.
returned to Sisters Wednesday from n
eevorai """ ' ... Hates at Dates. Oregon, Wednesday.
F W. McCaffory wm a business AmonR thoie attendlug wero Mrs. 0.
vieitor In Sisters from Redmond on.A 0ftrfk0t Mr8. Cox Mr. nnd Mrs.
Thursday. I Thorpe. George Gelgor and son, Mr.
II. E. V neen has purchased a new,and Mr IORon Mr anU Mr, Kn
Iane for hU wife and daughter. and Mr. Everett. Tho trouble grow
F T. Ruble returned Saturday out of an st,on)pt t0 0l0M n u,,e
from a week a i business and pleasure hgnwv w,,0h run8 through tho de
trip to tho Willamette valley. , fondant's claim. Mr. Thorpe was put
The basket social glvon by tho Sis- j umJer bonJ for ,lr,v,nB Mr Alox.
tors school Friday night at the school RaM& off tho ..highway" with won
house was a decided ucom. The poBS and Mr8 Thorp0 was put undor
net procflods amounted to $42 and bond for BM00,h3R at Mr. Alexandria
will be uMdln purchasing needod at a inter date. Tho case will bo oar
arppllM for tho bettormont of tho ,od to ,ho oounty court cllrootiy
school. ,... Tho onso of Alexandria vs. Thorpe
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Updike return-',- ,.., .i . ,ii.,i..,i
-. t .!..- t Tnl.llf.ur
Geo. Wilson ratumed to Sisters
ttie last of the Wftflk from a trip to
the scHthcrn part of tho state.
(Special to Tho Dulletln)
LOST CRKEK. Nov. 17. G. It.
Vcung sod family left last we,ek for
TUinr where they expect to spend 'ho
Georgo Mahror and Oharlle Dar
rah have zone to Rend for a load of
provisions. ,
Mr. McClouth and family havo
moved Into the Charlie Davis houze.
Four of the children. lazel, Albert.
Robert and Wosley are attending
Mr and Mrs. 8. J. Hubbard and
Br-n Cecil, have returnod to their
homestood after a live month's so
journ in Lakavlew aad vicinity.
Mr. McOee returned from a trip to
Dend last week. Ho was accompan
ied by a couple of friends who nro
looking for homesteads.
The first threshing maehlno ever
seen In this vlelilty was doing busi
ness iu tile west end of the valloy last
n-eek. C. J. Staulfer threshed about
rio bushol of rye and U. D. Harris
1.10 Imshal.
,V pleasant evening was enjoyca oy
. ....
a number of friends who surprised
Mrs. C. C. Washburn last Saturday
(Snoclal to The Dulletln). ,
m.nvrcimALE. Nov. 23 N. Kru
rhek drove to Redmond Friday with excitement lai
his wife and baby Lynnette, who aojally killed by
rnmponlod Mrs. rrosser to uer nuuiu
in Wullil Walja for a few weqk'a vls-
They were feed grinding lu Olovor
dalo on Monday.
nev. 1 lamer gavo nn nnie u
enurso on Appreciation of Childhood
to au Interested audience Sunday;
evening. Tho meetings continue
every evening throughout tho week
beglnn'ag at seven thirty. I
Mrs Grube and daughter weracal-
'" - - - -
ling Friday on Mrs. Andrus, Mrs.
Woodworth nnd Mrs. Cyrus.
Uyer Grube. who Is Attending
Bi,nnl m. vr., w.i... .. .
i- himooif ..i. ... ii i ..i.
hmi fnni.nii m.n
v .i.. nr ...!,. r,,, ...,
.etlvltlM nf m.r Mh.nrt,nn,i ll,l.'W Vanity OI10 ttny
week as thoy aro nil spending tho
week In Demi, from hero and neigh
boring schools.
' An entcrtutanient nnd jilato sun
per will bo held at tho school houso
December 4th to raise moner for the
Christians front
Tho young peoplo of tho Orubo
folly, Mrs. Waldron, F. Kelly nnd
family, C Carson nnd wlfo woro thoso
front Clovcrdnlo nttendhig the enter
tnlnmont of tho Sisters Mhool Inst
Friday night. All ronort a most ex
collent program nnd enjoynblo ttmo.
Mr. Van Metro and son of llond nro
spending a few days as guests of 13.
L. Waldron and wife. Messrs. Van
Metro and waldron wero boys to
'Special to Tho Dullotln)
DRY lAKE, Nov 14..Mr. ond Mrs.
Alexandria had tho mlsfortuno of los
ing flvo well grown pigs, owing to tho
effects of hydraphobln contracted
from n coyoto that jumped Into tho
pen and bit sovoral of the pigs. At
first It was not conladerod sortous but
after a lapse of 18 days tho pigs bo
gon to show signs of hydrophobia
which led to tho shooting of thorn
A crowd of Dry Lako ladles left
for Imperial Saturday nftornoon
whore they attended a danco given
thero In tho ovenlng under tho aus
pices of tho Mioses Streeter at their
G. A. Garako purchased a fine cow
and calf while transacting business
In Dend tho past week.
Georgo Longford returned homo on
Wednesday with another load of lum
ber. Carl Schwab returned homo from
Dend to tako up rcsldonco on his
homestead adjoining tho Garsko
John Pnutch from Ibox spent a
pleasant day visiting friends hero on
Carl Schwab was a dinner guest at
the Garsko homo Wednesday.
Charles Ivey, Mrs. Fellan and Mm.
Rivlg transacted business at Hamp
ton Monday.
Mr. Wilson and Sir. Velth from
nln rtnttn nnnnml thi-mif-h tinrn Rn.l.
day enrouto for Hampton on special proved her nblllty to mnko a roclta
buslness. I Uon, Munlco Dradley nnd. Ivy Sny-
O. Hill, from Hnmptoa, was a week
i'uu visiiur iii iiiu roiuiiun runvu
Dry Lako peoplo welcome our now
homesteaders la their vicinity. A Mrs.
Ring formerly ot Hampton, filed on
a desert claim adjoining the old Price
place and Mr. Velth from Glass Uutto
filed xa n desert claim on tho fornior
Fullor ranch this week.
Georgo Geigor, Jr., was a wcok end
visitor ot tho Leuter homo.
Mr. Popo from Duck Creek is en
ployed on tho Kins ranch for tho
present tlmo breaking horses.
A number of Dry Lako ladles nt-
t ended the trial nf Alexandria vs.
Thorpe. boforo Justice of the Penco
'" " ""l " .
(Special to The Dullotln.)
STAUFFHR. Nov. 14. H. H
Kinsman returned from Dend with o
load1 of .freight for Mr. Lloyd Forbott.
Fred Overall went to Dutto on
bUHlnasa trip last Sunday.
George Yauog has movod his fam
ily to Durns through tho winter.
James Smith was In Dend this
Perry Horton and J. K. Smith aro
In Dend for a load of lumber for a
barn nnd wood shed to bo built on
tho school house grounds'.
C. J. Stnuffer and V. D. HarrH
threshed thejr grain this week. Doth
havo some very good seed.
Mrs. McDowell and son Robert of
Dutte, autaed up to Stauffer Satur
day. J. K. Curran left for California
last Wednesday. -
Thero was a aurprlse party at Mrs.
Washburnes' Saturday night.
Quite a few now people are looking
around Stauffer for claims this week.
C. J. Stauffor has JubI finished h
new barn.
A. T. Frame, from JInmpton, was
at Stauffer to buy somo seed grain.
Mrs. Grace Hassler is now postmis-
tregg c j. stauffor.jiavlng resigned
MHHi uiuiiq .,wJ .." . ,.. ......
A large attendanco was out to Sun
day school last Sunday.
We are having Ideal weather .it
present, most evoryone Is plowing.
E. Pinkus and C. J. Stauffor arc
planning on an auto trip to Califor
nia tho lattor part of November.
A mad dog caused nulte a bit or
last wcou. tie was nn-
J. B. Smith after bit
ing several dogs and cats.
Mr. Lesperence from Gary. Indiana
Is looking around Stauffer for land.
J. H. Hassler Is expected In this
week from Washington.
Mrs. J. K. Smith visited her mother
at Dutte, tho lattor part of the week,
Mr. Heard finished threshing in
the valley and loft for his homo at
Sink Saturduy.
Tom Mutton passed through tlu
valley Thursday.
-- ---
, ... " - .
"n'"i ' "" "0t '
I" Cook hna rqturncd to his homo-
I stoad after bolng out several mouth
Mrs. Urlekey of Pleasant Valley
last week.
Fred Miller has gone to Uond for
a load of supplies.
Mr. Prntt of Stnuffur passod
through hero on hln way to Uond.
Mrs. A. McKcown nmdo somo pur
chases at tho Urooklngs' atoro last
Mr. and Mrs. V. Schroder enter
tained a number of their friends last
Saturday in honor ot their nous, hd
win nnd Kmll. Tfyo oviulns was spont
In playing 500. Mrs. uinman won
tho prize and John Carroi Uio booby
prlzo. Those present wero Mr. and
Mrs. Carl lllnmna nnd children, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Fred Miller nnd children,
Mrr. nnd Dcsslo Shopman!, Oscar llut
zoln and Vie. Johnson.
Wesley J. Hngman, who has spent
tho last four months with his umclo
nnd aunt, Mr. and Mrs. U. Weekn,
has returned to his homo at Wllla
mlna. Mr. Hngman came hero for hla
hoalth nnd has been greatly benefit
ted by this climate.
Gladys Meoka has returned to
school after being nbsoat three wcqks
on account ot sickness.
Christ Tinner Is out to Uond for
Foley Cathartic Tablets.
Aro wholesome, thoroughly cleans
ing and havo a stimulating effect on
tho stomach, liver and bowels, llogu
lato you without griping and no un
pleasant after effects. Stout peoplo
find they give Immediate relief and
comfort. Antl-Ulllous. Patterson
Drug Co. Advertisement.
(Speclnt to Tho Dullctln)
PINBHUR8T. Nov. 23. Tho Shad
ow Social and entertainment glvoa
Saturday night at tho Plnohurat
school, ot which Mrs. Delia Nichols
la teacher, was a decldod success both
socially and financially. The main
featuro of tho program was a comedy
"Tho Mlrth-Provoklng school room."
In which nineteen pupils "showed
off" what they had learned. Miss
Edna Root, as Mary Jano Williams,
teacher, had a "very trying" time but
handled tho situation In a very vig
orous and dignified manner nnd prov
ed herself a very competent school
ma 1111. MyrtlO SpaUKh. OS
Myrtle Spaugh. as lllldt,
dor ns Dcntrico nnd Flora, represent.
od "two little glrla In blue," whllo
Ruth Dayloy as Dolla Hmltn
demonstrated tho fact that she could
read and chow gum at tho same tlmo;
Esther Dietrich as Mario Jonca pre
sented hor kind teaehor with a bo
quet consisting of n cabbage head,
and Raymond Wlmcr. ns Goorgo Wil
son load tho school with his "prol
lom In arithmetic." William Root,
ns Peter, brought down tho houso
with his "head work," while both tho
toschor and pupils proved their aim.
ity to keep out of the wny of a rat
tuirjed loose In tho school room. Tho
school closed with a song depleting
the trials of the school room.
Other features of tho program woro
musical numbers by Mrs. Yeager, R.
Ruyle. Mr Keeter and Mrs. F. W.
Leverenz and a recitation by Grover
McAllister. The shadows of tho la.
diet) bringing lunch, vrn sold to the
hlghoat bidder. Mr. Ayers aetlng as
auctioneer. The preoeed amouatlng
to J21.B0 will he luted for the benefit
of tho sohool library.
(Spcolal, to The Dulletln)
MILUCAN, Nov. 23. Julia Hol
land brought out a lares load or
lumber from the flond mill Saturday.
A dance nnd box soolal was glvon
hero Saturday night, tho proceeds
to bo used to build a' hall.
Mrs. A. G. Allen wwat to Uond on
Sunday whoro she will nttond the
tosahor's Institute
A meeting ot the Sku-Ko-Leek
Klub was. held ot A. D. Norton's SaU
urdny aftornoon.
Mrs. Martha Forgoy'a son-ln-tn'.v
and h's brother arrived In tho val
ley recently nnd will lnoatne Jiomt
steadt and make their hom her.
Mrs. Mary A. Rooney Is working
tot Mrs. George Mlllloan agjln. Mjb.
Rooney returned from a visit to
Portland recontly.
Mrs. Lrfuis Goodman Is spending
tho week at the Horwltz home.
Sarah Davis spent the week end
as tho guest of Mary Holland at tho
laMor'a home.
L. Goodman Is building a largo
cistern 12 reet by 1C feet and 5 feet
dcon. D. E. Davis Is helping him.
M1ss Gortrudo Markol loaves for
Dond Monday to spond Thanksgiving
with her sister. Mrs. V. A. Forbea.
P. D. Johnson nnd A. D, Norton
wero callers In Dend tho past weok.
F. 0. Klgor spent Friday at tho
A. D. Norton homo.
Harold Davis was n business cal
ler at tho Dyer homestood Thursday.
Horace White returned from
Prlnevllle where ho has beon em
ployed for the past 5 months.
Mrs, A- D. Norton called at tho
Herwltz homo.
William Ream went to Dond Tues
day. Mrs. D. 18. Davis visited at tho
Goodman homo Saturday.
Mrs. A. L. Smith atfd daughter
were stoppers hero Monday night.
Mrs. Martha Forgey Intends to
movo hor cabin from its present alto
nnd build an addition to It.
No school this week and all the lit.
tlo people aro happy.
D. E. Davis mnd son John nro busy
'grubbing sage. Mr. Davis plans to
clear 20 acres jn iuib wny ueioro
Den Goodman and John Davis
were rabbit hunting 8unday.
---- --
(Speolnl to Tho Uutlettn)
POWELL DUTTE, Nov. 83. (loo.
Klsslor has Just finished a una room
addition to his houso.
At a meeting ot tho stock 'holders
of the Deschutes Mutual Tolophonn
Company In Redmond Tuesday, Enrl
Saunders nnd J. F. Rica worn elected
to reprosont Powell Uutto ns direc
tors. Mr. Saundorn Is succeeding
hlmsolf ns director.
Mrs, Allen Wlllcaxon was a Deul
visitor Monday.
R. L. Mooro tonded out two loads
of hogs for tho Portland market nn
Messrs. John Tuok nnd Ed Wit
Hams loft Inst Monday nvonlng for
Salom, wheru thoy nppcarod boforo
the Desert Land Hoard In nn effort o
oouvlnco that body that tho peoplo
in tins taction snouiu do given pat
ents to their lauds. Tho former went
ns tho representative of n nummn if
local farmers whllo tho latter wo.t
to look after his own porsonnl Inter,
osts. After attending tho Innd board
mooting Mr. Williams made a busl.
licss trip to Washington. Mrs. Wil
liams In stopping In Redmond during
her husband' nbsonco.
Mrs. L. W. Van Doron and son of
Redmond arrived homo Wednesday
morning, following a prolonged visit
with rolatlvos at North Yakima,
Mrs. V. O. Humphrey was hostess
to tho Powell Dutto Sorosls Wednes
day afternoon. Tho afternoon was
passed In discussing plans for the
Cafeteria Suppor which tho ladles nro
to aorvo at tho Wilson school house
on tho evening of Dccomlor 4th. Do
sldos a largo attendance of members,
Mrs, Humphrey entertained Mrs. L.
J. Alloy and Mrs. Linn Ellis. A
lunchoon was sorvod previous to ad
journment. Tho naxUmcotlng of tho
club will bo an ovenlng meeting with
Mrs. Allen tWIIlcoxon when tho Indies
Brick is the MOST ECONOMICAL Building Material there is.
All who have used our product arc satisfied.
The Bend Brick & Lumber Co.
We Control and Have For Sale, at the Bet
Prices and Terms, the Largest Amount of
Business and Residence Property
in Bend. Call or Write for Free
Maps and Descriptive Matter s
Insurance Written in All
Its Branches in World
Known Companies
will ontortnln their husbands nnd
Mr. llousloy of liciltitand tinx boon
operating his wood' saw V tjfl b "m
lion recently. . JsJ
A largo crowd nltondud W&tlH&Mrl
social itt tho Edwards BOjiooHWtuool
Friday evening nnd nil report n Jolly
good tlmo. N. P. Alloy ntictloiiud tho
baskets, In tho procesa of wlilett tho
Tho UlSTnll.rountl Family
Sowing Mnclilnu thnt enn ,
bu produced. Mndo In both
styles. Tho rotnry innkoa
both LOCK nnd CHAIN
stitch. Tho Intost up to
tho mlnuto ntcol nttnch
montR with ench mnchlno,
Sold on onsy jinymcnta.
Sond tmmo nnd nddretw for
our bonutiful II. T. cutn
Ioruo free.
While Sewing Machine Co.
CIO Merchants National Rank Bluff
San Frnncisco, California
sDIW HsHI uff
WITH US. OUR 'OUTSIDE Offices nnd Agents
Better Enable Us to find You Purchasers and Tenants,
Oregon Street, Bend, Oregon.
Empire Building, Seattle, Wash.
morrlnmnl ran high, un tho ulnvnr
nuotlonoor wheodlod tho buyorn Into
paying fur their ImaluilH, ProcoodH
of nuppor will Iki ozpundod for nohool
Tnot oIIqwIhk 0. 0. II. B. student
nro spending tho TlinnkiKlvIng holl
dnya with homo folks: Mltm GliidyH
mid Hnxcl llnyn, Orlsn llonrit, Paulino
E. A. lliiKsott sold thirty sacks of
turnips In l'rlnovlllo, delivering snuiu
ItiMt weok.
Henry Edwards was a l'rlnovlllo
visitor Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joo Mnthut toft Frl
day for Han Francisco, whoro tHy
will remain for tho winter.
A. W. Dayn vlsltod In Prlitovllln
Miss Jnuo Allen nnd Miss Kiln a
Morse, tho former a timelier In tho
l'rlnovlllo city schoots nnd the lattar
touching In tho Dear Greek country
(Continued on pagn 0.)
f r -air -
-- -
TTo Lafollette
Nursery Co.
Prinovillo, Oregon I
of frolKhtlnirKrocorlea from
Rontl frco of chnrKo?
the freight.
Rdmombor tho plnco. near
28 nillo Kt, Hond to
Iturns rond,