XPE BEND BULLETIN. '!iS!" ''"' "" ' " "" ' .'lBLT' "" '1 ' r .' ' ..-. .. ... ... -H ... 1 1 - , -y""i '"- i .nM'i.- .... 1 inm .,. m .... ,, i '.', 1IKNI), OJtHOON', WHDNKHUAV AKTI'.HNOO.V, XOVISMIIHIl tf.7, Jflll. iff J .. T Vol. XII. HKNI), OltHOON', WHDXKHDAV AFTHIINOONT, N'OVKMMIIt S3, Jflll. NO. IW. .... -.I i. -ii.!,! JI.J -V .. 4 .. TIIIC COUNT V TAX. At thn tnoutliiK f the county court which oponw next Wodiiiyt- dny tlio Inx kvy for tho coming yorr will he decided upon. All who con possibly do no nro urg- ail la attend (ho meeting. "PATENTS AT ANY THE INSTITUTE IS SUCCESSFUL T OF VOUK TAXHH. 1914 101S City of Ilond 24 mills 14 nillla District 12. U mills 7 mills Crook Co. ..20 mills 'mills "15 SNOW DEFUSED SEVEN MILLS IS TAX FOR SCHOOL '$ W hfr !jr DANQ12RS ARE POINTED OUT fliippoitorn, of LeuU Contend Tlmt fMuture of Patent Would Hutliut kit itiKiiti r Honii-m j'iin ,My JJn .Muilo by Tlimii. Another fcip In lli ooiupliealeJ lilstary of the Central Oregon Irrlga tloti Company nml 1U Milium was uiulftrKikflii last wmik who tlio I. rt fulfil Hoard reoominunded to (he oilsnil Hulliorlttus the patenting of Mil No. fO. The hpIIoii Was laheu III ill Oct OppOHltlOII to Statu itHgl neor ).ewla, who laiUtud lltnt no put mt -should ho reefliiimumlml until tho Qompqnjr In Able to ilHllvHr th wiitrneied amount or water, 1.8 ane ami fsot per aero, whlah it now l unable to ilo for tlio nareegn Involved tijiii Jft dependent upon tlio eanqbt uUlttM. Tfie tnntl In IIiU Hit In under the Central OrowiH Oannl. east of llend. mid III the Powell Hut to district. The ltt oenlnfna 1I.0S7 Irrtuflhln a ere. of width 9.1) 18 acres nro sold to set tler, nMOrtllSK to thn figure of the UW8 Mttlar whose land am In oltided In the lltt. have "been demand lag imteela strenuously, let! by It. 1). Williams, who appeared Ueforn tin lloaril. Their position soetn to I "pul&Hla at nny prion." Tlmt. I, they wJ foeeejtt flatoots now. even If their oflntraela are not fulfilled ami ulti mately there will not he enough water to go around. In thU rnniiretlnn. however. Wl ltnmi, It I understood, hna orTnrnd n aiiptilaiiiuntmy agreement, to lie KlKtied by itittlor and coinpnny, 'n Mhlah It la Rt forth that hy nrcopt Inc tiatent the kettlnr ilocs not rn lonso the eouiimny from the nmpoiul blllty of tiltlmntoly (lollrorlim tlio contrnrted 1.8 fnt, for which tlio Mottlpr hn contracted and paid. The Infill worth of tills proponed' agre. incut la Mrlout.lv quoftlonotl. nnd whether or not It would havo nny tmlil at nil upon the company, after pntenta hiil actually lioou Iwsuod U unaartatn. .Moulin Cni.li fur Company. In this eoaueotlou It I turthar polnloil out Uy ituppartera of Hjo !, U aland that liy Retting thene pstonu thn aompeur, appnrenlly. nu to ma tie. ally will relMiiio ime $10,000 k3uji M now iMt up. In the Jnrin at UtM,1 with the Iuid IXwrd to Inmire Tae, proper eompteilun of llm rnnU rf llNf tiiue Untie. If ptinl are ImucI ay anme. It la ikitftUv aaUUIUih.a ( Otat beeeai of tttMTary Wuii-e; the Oovarnmeni iMalp'ta the alio.1 foetery coeilltion nT life eaital. and further aet for the larautee fun-1 la obtUted. Ebeuld ttU prove to lie the mm. thn interest Of the company hiuttti- Ihk thle patent Ut npponra nbvloun: tintentlux would imwn 130,000 fur them. Hut, iioint out the tetllem. from the'r atjuiil point It would iiineu that In tlio fuluro aottlora utiilor thU ennnl would hnVo abeolutnlv no hold upon the ooin puny for fulfillment of thdr ohllRatlons. Oincora of tho Writer Waera Amo. dntjin are bitterly oppocd to"7e 5a i Little Talks Loans - t- limning inonoy lit ouo of tlio chief function of n bank nml m bUukcr1 U enerully willing to ttccoino ditto mi applicant If, In hi extlinutlon, the borrow t-r In worthy of uiul entitled to, credit. ' In inakliiK loiiim, n banker tnkt'a Into nmxldcra tlou tho clmrnctcr of tho applicant, tho security olfcriMl, tho rata of intercut anil whether or not tiio borrower Is u rcKiilur customer of the bank. Tho banks rcKiilur dopoidtont linvo nlwnya the prof cronco anil louim to thwu aro Imxcd on the credit of tho customer ud on tho borrow Inc equity of Ms account. V - llocutmo bunkliiK lews In the different htutc are at variance, hoioo state lmuka can ninko lonna that olhora cannot. Aluo btnto hnufca can inako loans tlmt national batiks wuinot nml vice vcrsu. A'bor-. rower may otTer whatever security be may iloslre, but a banker la always at lllwjrty to refuno him tlio ni'comoilatlon nml tuoy nlso, with perfect prim'tfety withhold IiIn rcmiouH Mr so (IgliiK. " If your character nnd youe account with us war rant It you cap always obtalif uccomodntloii'nt Uija bn'uk whejioyer Uunnptnl comlltlous In ueiiernl JuetlV ty oxtoiiHiou or our ioiiiih. & w oelvlng pntftiitH unloK limy nro first iintliiflpd that tlio water they hnvo paid for' In rmitururt to thoin. And they nro Rtilhtfled, from tlio data pro Noiitml by I.owlx, Hint tholr wntor rlKlitu nro far from protected. Thorn foro, It Reeme prodablo that ctroiiu oiiA notion wl lio taken by eettlara to MifeKiinn! their IntereetN nnd Insist Hint tho board dooe not release the KiiHrnntMU fund until tho contrasted water rlKlit li aAiirod beyond doubU COUNTY SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION SIC SUCCESS Twenty HcliooN Iloproiontrd Hero IrttNt Uit'k HrlfKt- Taken on Auto Hide by t'oimucnlnl Club, Ily ttev. A. 8. Illaek. The Crook County Hiinday Hehool CotivcntltM wa held In Hand on Fri day nnd Returday nnd followed very rliomly the program putillnhed In Tho HuiletlH Irtt week. It waa praelleitl ly mi Institute oonduetod by Itev. C, A. I'hlppe. There was .not n dull HiImk on Iib proRrrni. , Twenty Hun day schools woro represented by dels tftUloiiH. Tlio oredlt for tho eueoewi of this convention Is chiefly duo to the efforts of the president, I). II. Williams, of Msdras. On Katurdny the doleftnUs dind at noon with thn Cwmnmrclal Club Bt the WrlKht Motel. 1). II. WII UftMa arsd Iter. O. A. Plilpps ndilreas d the Commorclfil Club. On 8utur dey Bflrnoon the detofKtpa worn taken by the Commercial Club for an auto ride and ehnwu tho eights. Thla tour tiny wss highly appreciated. Mont of the delegates pnJHd surprlite and pleasure at what they saw. The followlnR o (fleers were elected for the onsuInK ?er. President. D. II. Williams, of Mod ras: 1st Vlob 'presldHUt, Mrs. del I 1'orter. Motollus: 3rd Vice pros, Mrs Florence Molvllle. I'rlnevllle; 8cy. Troas.. Mies Mno. A Blllolt, Torre bonno; HuporlnlcndetiU, Hlumnntary dopartnmnt, Mm. I'crclvnl. Itoduiondt Toon age Dopartmont, Mrs. 0. I Into -sey, I'rbiovlllo: Adult Ann Depnrmont Mrs. C. Itlnkloy, Itedmond; Mis sionary. Mrs. K. (I. Judd, Ilond; Tom poranco and flood Cltlumshlp, Mrs. Hlilpp; KvatiRiillini. Mrs. Hedges. JEFFERSON JMG FRIDAY Qumllon of Injtincllon to He Arpicd Itcforo Jinlco Hruilihnu', Tho hearlnic on the (tieston .if majtlnx permanent thn (njunetlon re straining Comity Clerk Vnrrw Hrown from eerttfylnK to the secre tary of atate th result of the county dlllon elect Ion will taka place t Th Dalles uu Krldoy. Judge Hrad Hlmw will bar the ease. The Jmfrrso emmty loadora havo msaawt Dlatriet Atiorney Wirtx to preint their oee and he will he aa alsted by W. 11. Wlleon or The Dalles. They feel confident or tho nwttilt anJ It la arHHtrtod that the onto will bo settled thla week. JHI'I'KltKON (SOf.NTV NOMINHIW. At the canvontlon held at Motollus to choose names to recommend to the Kovernor for appointment for tho oeunty court of Jofferaan county H. K. King was nominated for county JuiIro nnd Hossoo (inrd nnd K M. Thonuut for oommlsslonors. on Banking "f -41 THREE DAYS HEfE ARE CROWDED 'V Iiiklrimllou, lli'crentlnu ami Kilter tnliuiH'iit ore Hnjoycil by Qrook County lViwihiTK Hirciptloii at Itiiibli'iil Club Momlny MkIiL The annual institute for Croak county teaeliera. held In Hand tilts week for tho II mt time, remos to an onil thla afternoon after three days lilted with nlRht-seeliiK. Instruction nnd entertainment. All tho lertoliBf In tho county hnvo linen bore, some of them for tho flmt tlmo, and all havo words of pralso for thn town, tho people nad tho treatment they hnvo received. Tho serious part ef the InntltiKo work has beon rnrrluH on dally it thn Itnld eohool where nddreenea havo Imen Ktvan by leading educators end all have hud an opportunity to Iran of the latest tnnthods and to reeeive advleo an how to euoecod la the teaching profctiMlon. In a social way the stay of tho toachora hore bee bsou made plonaant by reeeptlona on two evenlnge and by a number of smaller, part lee. ' The largeet of theeo nrfalrs waa the reception Ktven under tho nuwploe of the Ladles Library Club on Monday nlKht. It was held In the lam ban qunt hall of tho Kinblem Club nnd nt'oflded by all the vUltors and by n large number of townspeople. Dur ing the evening the Olee Club mdk and refroehments ware soxxed. nnd following t)io receptfou there was dancing. At tho Hmblein Club last nlRht the Ilond high eohool teacher and pupils entertained thn I'rlnovllle toachors nnd tho membora of tho foot hall (Continued onlnt page.) enoineebsjillTecidie aintnlK-rlnlti After I.IO.OOO Hut Will Hofrnln From Any Ona Project. ' I'OItTfiAKD, Nov. 23 Just baforo leaving for (he ouYl"Mbmliy mo'rnlag Senator Ohamborlaln wbi Interrlewwd regarding the Foil oral 1-160,000 ap propriation by repre-entntlves from Cflntr.nl Orogon. The Scnntor regrottad that an ef fort had been made to injoet local prefereHees Into the matter, and was emphatic In stating that the eurat way to kill the whole matter waa o atari eroae-baattac for dlfforrnt pro- Jeeta. Me aaid that se far m h w ooflcsjmML declalott as to whare th money would be spwit ta th!s coun would bo loft to engineering Investi gation. Aeeardlng to reliable author ity, It seems certain that tfeare la next to no ohanoe At nit for the inonoy to, go to aay project other than ulthar the West BIdo unit or the North Canal project, with atroug llkollhood that tho continuation vt the Tumnlo l'rojuot will meet with tho grontor alTlclal favor nt Wanli Ington. n h jjK A large quantity of Heating Stoves to select fi-om, among them the COLE'S AIRTIGHT which will make n rc'mnrkab)e saving in your fuel bill. Rend Hardware Company ' " "' TIIK COSli'AN V THAT V U3J Till 'WEAK" IX HAUDWAUK, MEETINO MAKES A BIO REDUCTION IHMrltit No. V2 Mlllago IW iOir, In .Xpa -Tlinn Half That For Current Vi'iir I'nyiiuiit of Debt Make Lower Charge I'omIIiIo Sow. The 10H tax levy for school dts trlet No. 12 will be 7 mills or ieea limn half tho levy for the preeont yoar. ThU llgure wa,a deeidml upon st a meeting of tax payers at the Hold school on Saturday arternoan. There were IS In attendance. 'Tho conditio! of the school tils- trlct Inst a u nun or lod to the belief Hint thero would bo n material de crwmo hi thn tax levy, Rome thinking that It might go as low nn C inlllo. loiter the tire of tho dhttrlot's aurplua fHnds on tho now school building made thla Horn too low and last week membora of the school bosrd stfiietl that they believed 11 mllle would bo docldod upon. Sources of revenue, uneoailderod at that tlmo, made the final figure of 7 mllle pos sible. The eohool lax for 1916 will le tho low eat enjoyed In tho local dis trict for a number of yaara. In 1913, na. indicated abevn, the tax waa 19 mills and hut year 1&H mills, whllo for 1915 It will be barely a third or one and less than a half of the ??har. I the pest few years tho higher tax haa been due to a number of eausea Including the froelng of the ditch company from taxes and to ex tra oxiienae In connection with the new school buildings. The first cause put. the district a good deal In debt which It got rid of only last year, and the second mado It necessary to kcop tho levy up In order to get tho (Continued on last page.) TAX RATIOS! FIXED Final nguro For Crook County U Bet nt .n:i by Tax Hoard. "Tlio flnnl figures on tho tax rntloa fpr tho dlfforont couutlos of the stato lenvo Crook county In bettor position as to tho atato tax than the tentative Hgtuos did. According to the Intoat announcement tho final Crook county figure Is .53; the tint mo wee .40. These rntloe are the nven per reaiage of the eounty oaeeaanient hi th actual value of the property, and l hey era uend for the purpoae of de ter nihi lug tho aaeeaameot of public ervlc eorporatUma to the aeveral ronnile. and also ae the baala of equalisation between ootuiilei in ap- ioi Honing atate Uses, rulluwtng i he Hat of ratios: iaker. .76; Uentp. .6; Clock -him. .61; ClaUont .69; Columbia. .71; Coos. .04; Crook, .; Curry, .91: Douglas. .GO; 01111am. 7S; Omnt. 03; Harney. .63; Hood Illvtr. .71; Jackson, .74; Joecphlno. .71: Klamath. .71: Ijike. .7S: line. .06; Lincoln. .93: Unn. .08; Malheur. .08; Marlon, .00; Morrow. .S6: Mult nomah, .03; Folk, .2; SUertunn, .as; Tillamook. .88; Umatilla. .60: Union .70; Wnllowa. .71; Wasco, .7R; WRohlnKton, .81; Wheeler. .70: Yam-IiHIm.8, CHOOK COUXTV VIXASCKH. The accounting department of the Slate Insurance CommlMloner's of fice has Just Issued Its latest report on the financial condition of the eoun- tles or Oregon, as at the cloze of business on Bcplember 30. Crook to one of the 12 counties showing a do flelt on that dote, the amount betas; $46,149.60. Tho Dc-bsonlan "poor devils" of Hood Ittvor had a surplus of $34,026.74. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY REPORT ON THE DESCHUTES RIVER Witter Supply Paper 1m Study of Util ization of Kt renin for Irrigation and I'owcr Purposes. 8ALBM. Nov. 20. Tho United Ktatos geological survey has just Is sued a report dealing with tho Dts chutes river, Oregon, and ta utiliza tion, which shows detailed plans for the development of water power nt 18 dlfforoet power oUes along the stream. Quantities are helbg given so that tho eatlmato of eott can eas ily bo propared by anyone Interested. These plans show 604,000 brake! horse power can bo developed at 14 eitea on the Deschutes river and 90,000 at four sltee on the Metollus river. Suggest Ions as to a general plan of development are made is the pub lication nnd considerable space 'a given to a discussion of exhttlng and needod water legislation. 8cveteea profile maps of tho water service and topography along the Desehutea river, on a scale of two Inches to the mile, from Its mouth to Prlngle FrJls, Including to pography of tho proposed IJenham Falls roservoir elte, help to make tho volumo Interesting. Similar In formation Is fu roll hud regarding the Motollus rlvor. ' Tho authors are District Snglnoer F. F. Henshaw, Stato Engineer John II. Lewie and J. E. McCauttland. Consldorablo spaco Is given to tho conditions of tho rlvor at Ilond nnd to the question of Irrigation of tho surrounding country. NKW FLOCH MILL MACIIIN'KKV. Tho flour mill which haa been working day and night shift, slnco Its opening, closed down temporarily Saturday nlcht le ardor to make mmn nilillllnna in Mia lilnnl. nmt r place some old maohlnory with moro WheUier tho diroctora havo acted modern equipment. It is expected , or not la not known, but Roscoo How the work will Uke up most of tho I nrd haa Informed the Insurance Com uii nml that thn mill will anon I rolseioner that he cannot see tho agr.ln Monday, working two shifts. XKW UIIVKXUit A(T. Notices have been received ia Bend of the new tnteraal revenue aet pre-rldlna- taxee on bankers, commlsaion merchant, proprietor of theatre. tmwiin iUva and billiard mourn. deafer la tobacco, manufacturers kf cigars and others. Detail! In forma - Hon ecROSTHtng the taxes way be b4 r from Mlltoa A. Miller, oollector of internal revenue. Portland. COMAIIUICIAL CLUH. The chief buotaeea at the meeting of tho Commorelal Club on Saturday was cntortalnment of tho visiting Sunday school delegates. Fallowing the luncheon they were tnkon for an auto rldo around town. Tho lun cheon next Saturday will be at tho Ilond Hotel. WWW1,A,W9MKM3IMM19VIMW The First National Bank OF BEND, BEND, OREGON U. C. COE, Presldont E. A. SATHER, Vice President C. S. nUDSON, Cashier Capital fully mild - - - 82A.0Q0 Surplus - - $22,000 Banking Revolutionized On "Nov. 16th, 1914, the Reserve Banks in twelve of the principal cities of the U. S. opened for business. This law means there will never bo any more panics in the United States. Every Member Bank can at any time convert its notes into exchange or aotual cur rency. The power of tho Federal Reserve Banks to issue currency is almost unlimited; this currency is now printed and may be ob tained at any time by Member Banks. The First National Bank of Bend is mem ber of tho Federal Reserve Bank of San Fran oisco, California, and is entitled to the full benefit of this new law. We will be ploa'sed to give full particulars at to the many o(hm- advantages and safeguard of thU law, in SAMM"Ei UClon oi py tuner. JB FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND DIRECTORS v.v Cob ANSWER FINALLY GIV EN COMMISSIONER Insurauco Department Makce Written Demand on IUmkx) Howard IJorL Definite Amiiver tut to Whether,. Hook Will bo Open to Audit The Central Oregon Irrigation (Jo., or at least its manager, Hcntoe How nrd. haa at last definitely refused to pormlt the Stdte Insurance Dopart mont to examine and nudlt the ac counts of the company as offered hy Mr, Howard at a meeting In Ilond on July 26. A definite answer on this subject, which has been Bought by tho Insnranco Commissioner &ad Tlio Bulletin for several weeks, waa given last week. The tmrnose of the audit. now finally refused, woo to eeo whoft) or or not the company waa properly spending of its maintenance fees. DwMtfsfasllen with tho company came to a head last summer and a general meeting of water users was called Is llend on July to discus what action should be taken by (lip settlers on tho company's project to scfoguard their Interests. At this meeting the statement waa made that If the company was rnlaus Ing the maintenance feee and osng cially If It were paying high salaries to Its officers out of these leea. it might be grettad for obtaining a re ceiver for the company. Iloecoo How ard denied any pert of the malnter nance fees went to pity salaries an! offered to open the books of the offta pany to the water users for an aadlt to prove his statement. Later the Water Users' Association requested the Desert Land Bonrd(or assistance in getting the audit and the Doard turned the matter over-to tho Insuranco Commissioner. Ho be gan at once to try to got at tho books but met with oration and delay. When The Dulletln Joined the Insur anco Commissioner In trying to learn, on behalf of the settlors, whether or not the audit would bo permitted, it was told by Ttoscoa Howard that- tho matter had bcoa taken' up with the I dlrectoraOf the com pany.' When they woro npproachod tho secretary wrote that tho mattor could be best attend ed to by the company and tho Insur- i BnCC Department. books. As Indicated In the oorree pendeace printed below a wrlUen do raand for an aaswor waa handed Ilos eoe Howard and ha returned an un favorable verbal reply. Aa the Des ert Land Board takes the poaltloj that the matter the water aeera reels entirely with. It how remains for , the aaeoclatloa to decide on Its next ; atop. The letter iron the Insurance CommlasioHftr ta IWnmmo Howard wtta as follows: Salem. Oregon. Nov. 17 191 Mr. floeeoe Howard, Manager. Centra! Oregon Irrigation Co., State House. Deer Sir: "Being requested by the Desert Land Board to examine and nudlt thn accounts of the Central Oregou Irrl- (Contlnued on last page.) Q0-J 1.1 U.M'J n Mrdyf M E. A Satiieii .3. fj, U0PSQH ,ttriison ir. rr eojis1 . , Deschutes State Bank O. m:. Pattkrson t iicJ. ximih omcaoN B. M. LARA, Oashlor rD.'FBnniSlJri'flaldeat V .. ' I-- u. .