vaoh h. TIIK lUCXl Ill'I.IiKTIXi hknd, ouf, wkilnksoav, xovijmumu 18, ton. H L TO IRUBATE L DESERT GRANDVIEW SETTLERS MAKE PLANS WORDENJUST FIGHT Meeting on .Saturday A'ntes to Form Irrigation IHstilct And Complete SulUe lko IMmw George S. Vuuiir Is lfnslnccc on rroJecL Irrigation Of Uic ao-called Lowor Desert country that haft neon tho hope ot the settlors hi that district tar the pas few rears seems now t be aseur ml. At a meeting txt Crnndvlew on Saturday final 0g4 awing report! wore received and those present vot ed overwhelmingly to proceed with the formation tat an Irrigation dto trtet and carry out tlio plane that have boon under consideration. The country to be Included In the proposed Irrigation district hi about 15,009 acre lying bet woes Squaw Crook and the Metollus river and west or tho Deschutes river. All the lands aro patented or tiled oe and there nro at prcsont nbout 100 families living on thorn. Development of the projoot was be gun Kcvcrnl years ago by I. D. Wloet. Z. N. Drown, Albert Wurzwoller and J. W. Howard. About n yenr ni;o theie men Hold their Interests to the Metollus Irrigation & Power Co.. and It Is this cjanipaay, with tho settlors In that territory, wno propose to Ko nhend with tho work. Engineering plans for tho project have been prepared by George H. Young, who has been employed on tho work staco It was flrst proposed. Tho final oatlmatee which woro sub mitted to the Qrandrlew meeting or Saturday have boen compiled by M Young as a reenlt of Held work done under his attMnrviston last SHtnoNw According to present plana water for the ay st em will be obtained by a aura on Lake Creek and stored In Snttlcn and Blue Lakes. A feed-canal from First Creek to Suttles lake will add to the natural water resources. Mr. Young's estimate show a coat of $40.60 per acre ror about 12.000 acres or a total slightly under half a million dollars. When the Irrigi tlon district Is forraod It will bond itself for this amount and proceed with the development work. Judo V. A. Hell of The Dalles Is now pre paring the petition for tho formation of the Irrigation district and It will e presented at tho first session of the Jefferson county court. Derision nt to County Judge Crcnlon Peculiar Htttiatlon In Kluiunth KLAMATH PALLS Nov. 1 l.A certiorate of election has been Is sued to Marlon Hanks. Democratic candidate for County Judge, who polled n bigger vote than the preeent Incumbent, William 8. Wordcn. and If n light !a to be inatlo In tlie courta for the office, Worden will have to uKirt It. In the midst ot tho most bltur campaign over waged In Klamath county, and Just after (he bnllota had baea turned over to tho Khorlft for distribution, the Supreme Court's d olslon that the terms nt County Judges elected In 1910 extended to 1916 wns mndo. This d'd not end the tight here, but Instead tho can didates worked all tho harder. Now that he has boen awarded a certificate of election, Hnnks Intends to quality ror the office. Upon tho ruling of the Supremo Court, Worden bettovpe he Is entitled to hold ofTleo for two years more, so mora lighting Is In prospect before the matter' ts settled. hoard relative to a list of lands tor patent rucvutly mthinlttod nnd the order rosultod. Ask your grocer for DesohuUs Spray Flour. Adv. 37tf FOSS rllOMOTISD. J M. Foes, traveling freight and passengar agent of tho Oregoa-Wnah-Ington railway, whoso headquarters have been here about a year, has beon promoted, and wilt go to Lew ti tan, whore he will occupy a far more Important post. His auceeseor will be A. C. lCgan, who now Is agent at Hunts Ferry, a station dawn tho Des chutes canyon. WYGAXT WUXS OFFICK. Robert C. Wygant, formerly an as sistant In the oftlco of stnto onglnoer and well known hero, has now open ed nn otrico for prlvato practlco In Salem. Ho will bo nvnllnblo for all kinds of general Irrigation nnd on glnoorlng work, and especially na a representative for settlors nnd others In matters coming boforo tho Desert Land Hoard. Thanksgiving Dinner served at the Depot Hotel, Kronen cuisine. 37-3&P 1CATZ MAY UK 1AII FOlt TUMALO tt'OKIC. 8ALKM. Nov. 11. Tho state dos ort land lHwrd yesterday voted that it was the sense of the board that Alma D. Kats be reimbursed for ex penditure In connection with tbe Turoalo project years ago. from which the state has derived lwneflL and that recommendation to that effect i o made to the legislature. Katz some time ago presented a bill for $10,065 for surreys, adjudication of water rlRhts and other Items. The board directed that State Hngtneer Lewis prepare an estimate of tho benefits accruing to the stato as a rosult cf work dono by Katz. Tho board ordered that John Du. buls ot tho stato engineer's oflleo proceed to mako an examination f tho Central Oregon jsnnal of tho Cen tral Oregon Irrigation Company's projoct and report. Tho company bad a communication before tho FIXLKY HIMXSTATJit). W. L. Flnloy nnd U. ifc. Olanton hnve been ro-lnetaied to their respec tive positions of gemo warden and master flsh warden, petitions Which they lost when the Nth nml ttbtue commission was migaiitsYtf last Feb ruary. Their rttmuntemeui wat or deed Monday at a upeehtf meeting ot the fbth ndjamocfflm:B8loa. lutYVATH. iiti&$r,tii. On November 1R I'suaU open n private" hospital for noit-ooiitntitaus and maieriuiy cases in my notno in DesohutoH nddltiou. Itcforanccs, Dr. U. Forroll and Dr. U. a Coe. Mrs. K. A. Knotts. 35-33 P Ono cent n word Is nil a Uttlo want Ad will cost you. CITY AULLACIE (Continued from pngo 1.) ii i id i . n i n i i i Special Sunday dinner nt tho Ooxy Itoatniirunt. 37c. DU r.KlllttCNDT AT 11K.VI) 1IOTHU Dr. Ida Behrendt, the well known optician, la now In town at the Uend Hotel, room 10. She Ih the only gruduato optician wlto soman to lleud regularly and nil her work h guar anteed. She hi a rosl graduate from nu npllonl eollego. with M yearn prac tloe of which eight years were spent In Chleago. l'rlrt and quality to suit everyone. Adv. STc XIHICK OF HAI.K OF COUI'OHATH STOCK TO HNFOUCIi THK FAV. SIKXT OF IHMilXQUHXT ASSIIHS MHXTS TIIKKKOX. Whereas, as nppeara from tho cor porate records or the Desohutea H co in mn tlon & Irrigation Company, Smith. Cnok & Company, whoso busi ness address Is Corbelt building. Portland, Oregon, nro tho owners of tho onpltnl stock of said oorporn tlon represented by sU oertltlontes thorcof, or 61 shares each, In nil 30S shares, said oertlflcntee telng uum- br 3$. 39. 40. 41. 43. and 43 of the series when tho number of shares of the capital stock of the corporation was 90 and Whereas there le duo and unpaid upoa said 30C shares of stock, na seemnents aggregating at the dat heroof the sum of $303.35. Now therefore, notice Is hojroby given that or Saturday, tbe 10th day ot December, 1914. at the hour of 10 o'elock. a. in., at the south eaat cor ner of ltond and Oregon alreota In the, city of llend. Crook eotuity. Ore gon, said stock or so much thereof as may be sutflcient. will lie told at public auction to tho highest bidder to pay said assosament, together with, tho oosu and ozpenros of sale. Dated this ISth day of November. 1911. Corporato soal ot D. H. & I. Co. THE DESCHUTES RECLAMATION & nmiOATlON COMPANY, Hy OHAULES. 110YD, Pros. Ily a S. DENSON, Secretary. 37tf lit tho ostlmatu given below about (8,000 nmibarfl as tho nmntint to ho rnlRod hy i geiieml tivx lit lull, tlio bnht'iiM of next yenr'H oxpontan lillUg ospeoted to bo derlvud from Itquor llreuaes. To aaslat the counoll In ealttuntlau noxt year's oxmioiuo the following table of oxpctisea fer 11 months ond lug NttrUlutmr 1, 1914, Iish bfanifpro imrcd. . lit tctidlturet for lllevrti MffntliN, uuneial Fund. city engineer x City nltornoi- City treasurer City recorder City police Printing and stationary , 11 to protection ........ Strest work mid pit .... Walks Hiii) aroHslugti . . . SiirliiklttiK Lights 2.011. M Ubrary lfls.OO Jail 310.00 Sewer Interest 8,00 . 00 Mlteelkinooufl 1.40a. 10 f. p Sffo.OO 300.00 3TB. 00 3 itu. 00 1.134.78 Slil.3 789.87 Howor Mnlil()inico, notlilui: nocdml , luteTitHt on bnnils t S.OnO llnl, unpaid un mw.r plllo 970 1,670 Total 10 111 budget fU.nTO lhttmatod revenuo from ho Iouiim oil bustH ot 1014 11 Oftuse foe $ 0,000 To Ho rwllinl liylnxnllon. . , . , JT.rtTO Try True Hluo Hour. Ask yoir grooer for It. Adv. so tr. COUNTY COURT ISSUED BUDGET (Continued from pago 1.) ToUl general fund. . .3 17.1)3. It Cemttory $ 103.51 Scmn Fund. Ponstmotlou . . .- ? S.33S.3S Main teas nee 313.83 interoat 4(1.80 Total .3 8.773. S3 (Irnnd total 3 30,491.37 Thu following la n touliitlvo liuUft pruparod nftor oonsultnUon with clly (lffloluls as a bails for lluousslon, As ludlcnted attovq thin may ho nffooted by vnrlouH matters that will come up tor tho consideration ot the oounpll In making n final budget. Tcntntlva llndKct. StreoU Itepalrs, cleaning. sundrtM ........ ,?4i00 Lighting 8,400 Sprinkling, nun ft team & water son Flre Hydrant . .3 ISqulpment and ro nalra ....-.... TCxpenaoa of flros . . 11.700 ogo 100 &0 l'ollee Salarleo and sup- plbM , $1,800 Hal. doe oh Jll warmm for door & ' oetht rag. & not ml " I 7SO Snlartos -lloeordor,, Attdrner Treasurer 33.SOO ' 880 3 Off 240 Sundries Kent council rm... .3 180 Library . ISO I'rtg., postage and sta. and BHiidrles , 100 I 960 J 4 CO ssoiit that If over 130,000 wns iiuihIm) in 1011 nt leant that ntuotitit would be necivMwry In 10 II. The (not that n good many NeeUoutt or the rouuty recv no benefit from the Mill wltool la not likely to Influence tho levy, which must be miUlelent to pro duce utccMary fundi tor (be school. In the same way tbe 1011 general HflJtool levy wna .1 Vfc mills ral ng ! 4 0.877.66 vchllu the hudgot provides 30,000. Suparlntondent Myers ban hhUI that a 8 Mr mill levy should iiiainlnluiMl for tbe svhtMtls and If ihU is douo it will produce more than $38,000. Discrepancy In State Tax. It lo In the mntinr of tho stato tax howovur, that thu biggest discrepancy occurs. Thu budget ostlmato Is $10,000. ns against $(10.6(51.82 fur tho current yenr. A letter from tho stato tax on in mission ludlotites Uiit tho stato tax noxt year will by nbout 20 per cant lower Ihnn tho prmtant yenr, or about $66,000. So Unit hero, It Is argued, the budget Is oft $18,000. or oyer one mill. In addi tion the stato tax will bu off Ml oil ad. vernely to the county next your by n recent decision of the State tax com mission to the offset tliut Crook Boun ty nMosamnnts are lwod on only 10 or cent of the actual values, against 80 per rent for 101 1. When It oomwi la fixing the county's share of tho state tax thu sew ratio will have the effect of lUi'noslbK the to tal amount, an that hre again the butfgpt estimate of $10,000 seems to be muoh too low. The Kffivt of Je4feron Vtowtog the matter from an entire ly different pnalt'on tboae who e-o active In tbo coNuty division ngHl sy that this tentative 34 mill levy in based on tbo pi event county valu ation of about $11,800,000, when is an actual fact tbe valuation noxt yoar, with Jefferson county gone, will be only about $8,000,000. That will. Soy say, mean a reduction in muoh the county oxpeiuo but tin such amount can bo cut off that the -o-still onti be any other than an In Increase In the couty levy. Just whit Crook county's expense will be, they hesitate to say, but It Is apparent that thu lovy must hu higher. Tho llmlm-l. Tho budfiut is ho followm KuKlHtcirod loud warrants oiitlitaiul Iiir JniiUnry 1, li'in, urttlllintud $ 40.QO0 lloud fuiiil. (Miimli'liiK rpiuln nnd donlroJ'nit'.weeilBj 10,000 (leuernl tuiill rnfTniUn QUtsttiilulUK .iiuumry 1, 1018, oslntriuod ... 00,00(1 'High school 13,88ii Widow's pensiQDH o.oon tndlxotil pet sons Olrciill emirt 8,oou Comity Judge l.OBn CumiulHHloiiera l.8ou Clork'g wlltc 0.BR i Sheriff's ollloe 7,00.1 Asseosor'H ollleo 0.7fto Anaeiwor'B ollleo- lo Inlto qoiisus, providing same 10 tnkeu. .1,00 1 Corouur'H ollleo 80o Bupt, ollloe, InoludliiK nlllcer 4,oo Senior of weights nnd tnonsuros nnd frutt Inspector l.Oo Troniuror's ollloo 3,01.1) (leuernl uxponses of eourt Iiouho 4,000 UlootloiiN 2,00 I Teliihniin and telograph . . 1,000 Water mnstur l.RO'i Uoueral aclmol und 3$,00o gurvoyor'a ellluo, lueludlng rniul viewers nnd belpwra .... 4,380 Itnto lax. osltmato 40.000 nxpenso of eotmty court In rovlew. lug rowiU, etc. 000 gtonogiaphor of coaHljr oonrt 300 Health oltleer 1,010 County printing 1,80I Ubrary fnnd & TOTAL $n,44 Ustlmatod recelphi or clerks' of- lice $7,800 Comiuruta on The lludgrt. Taking the budget ns It iflande a no hi ho r of Interesting comments htm lKlng made. Apiiaroallr no road work Is planned noxt year beyond the iiecu'MHiry 'repairs, only $10,000 lie. lug nllntud for tho ptirpuso. Thin amount Is presumably la bo raised oy a special road tux, Oo.per cent of whleli must be spent In (he district whore It la raised. To cversee. tho spnnnhg of this $10,000 almost lulf m much Is prorlded for the survivor ir if 380, an Ineveas ct $no ,v,.r litai rar Fnr w'diw'e nnns fione t . Ij'rd. Antl-dtvlslnn eta In th- r m imlKn estimated tbe amount neces sary for this pnrpow next year as over $7800 but aa that wna In . dlvlalon cariled It la suggeeled tint they have nut made tbo widow thev laleadod etn It relied Indigent per sons aro down for $0000 as aislnst $1000 last year. The exjHMina of the water master for 1918 In estimated st $1800 I ah years' budget cnlloil for $3700 for thla at and la t13 the total war rants ImhmI fnr It amounted $2087.18. In view of the fart Ihit up to July 1 ot the present year the expensua of tho ofilcn amounted lo $1483.80. or within $47 of the whole of noxt year's estimate, it Is expected that real economies nro planned for the water master Including n return to (ho salary provided by tho statutes for work really done. In the onso of most other n in res tho budget provides prnctlcalty tho same amount ns It did lust year. gjSR .---. ------ P ma --- - MIMI I MIHlMeIMMHtl ..-.4 ----''---'----- XH F -- t T ft Lumber Complete Stock Dry, Rough and Finishing Lumber .'Maple and Fir. Flooring -, niiisi'swiUaJt iisiis MrnxmrnumMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmBa t FOR BUSINESS LOTS FOR RESIDENCE LOTS FOR GARDEN LOTS For Close-in Acreage FOR. FARM LANDS Let ms show yon the property ?. conservative, buyer that BEND REAL ESTATE is a conservative investment Lath and hingles ; Pine House and Irrigation Spout, Lath, Red Cedar es - -..' . SKSjkjQMMSMrfjMjsaOBH e Bend Company ' - V. OFFICE CORNER WALL and OHIO STS. wp i-- --- i- - ---- 1 - '4 -- i -- -- ----- -"- - - --- ------ -- -- - - . .. ( -- --- - - . .4 4 a i -----'----,; -vtj ;