The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 18, 1914, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    nut iiknd iiuixim.v, nns'ii, ore., wi:ini:bday, kovkmii&h m, ion.
VAan ts.
mmmm SfaSJj&L
High Grade
SJatlancty, per box
40c to 75c
'Popular Shades
t 60c box
Dc particular about your
Bitting materlaL
Patterson Drug
'X nr.
Tlio Ladles J.'i.rnrv Club
iii'tiinr y-istordny Afternoon.
F. W. HwJhhV of Lnldliiw upoul
Friday mill flalrdny Itwtown)
(Jwlllrutti(hii loft 'rOiuilnk nlghl
fftr'rt wooIPh iilny In Pohlluid.
Alliort Harper of Lnldliiw mid Ills
iwojorujf.wor,r luMflWti-Bntilrdny.'
I'rnd Htnulay, president of thn 0.
O. I. Co., wus In town on Monday.
Louise llftlviirsnii. who Iiiih lioon IM
jvIJJi loimllltlH, In itlilu to III) Olt iiKitln,
Lniinntnril nml Krnd N. Wnl-
Uoo Wjro up from Lnldliiw yontar-
ilaft- j 2i
Mr. find Mm. I). P. Mlntor oamo In
from tliolr Powull HUtlu ranch yct
Mra. Corn Hoeds of UnrtiM, was
II. W. Bkuso was laid up ovnr Hint
John Hurt of Laldlaw wes In town
Mlsa Nail Mnrkol In now In Goldan
dnle, Wulii
T. J. Anion of llrothors rwn In
town Monday.
J. N. II. (Jerking was up from Laid
law yesterday.
It. M. Hobhlnaof Orciuiont was In
town yesterday.
J. N. Mnston of tf.n Pino wns In
c town yesterday.
Mm. O. Murgnnrd wan up from
I laldlaw .Monday.
Mm. (Irnco Seeds of Ilarnea spent
Thursday In town.
Hnrl Updlko killed n boar on tlio
Motollus Saturday.
Mn. Doll Parker loft tlitu morning
for liar homestead.
Ivan Kehulta of Ln Pino spont ye
terday nt the Wright.
Tim DrldNO Clul meets with Mrn,
3: P. iCeye tliik wcekV --
II. J. Overtnrf went to Creseest
i on business ypatordny.
Ceo. Hate and Fred Triplet ant
.expected 111 town today.
Mr. J. It. Williams of Dosohute
wan In town lant Thumday. -
I t
; '
ARE HERE for your
selection. Your pur
chases may be stored
until Christmas, Early
shopping is advisable.
Ubo DoBOhutoa Spray FlOurl It Is
u i wmmmwmMmmfflmmstMMm
nnra. ffi. nDdliitoDb 1
of n
3ficnutg pnt'Ior
dbmnpooinn, ptit Drcorlwi
TMoo full line or ftnlr Oocba
mxo. $. nDcflhtoob
Comer Ulntl nut)
minttcootn Strccto
roKlotorod nt tlio
Pilot Untto lnt
Mm. Corn A. Jnnoa loft on Krldny
(ho wlntnr.
for Ioi, AiikcIch whoru ilia will upend
Knill Andorxon, of tlio Andnrvon
llrothorn Lumhar Co,, wai In town
on Monday.
Mrs. Hd IlroRtorhoiu upcnt lnit
wonk In Prlnavlllo, with hor Hltor,
Mm. T. 15. J. Duffy.
Mm. Maxlno Finn loft' ycHterday
morning for hor houiontead aftor a
wook'ji vlilt In town.
Tho Catholic church will hold Iti
icsular weekly iorvlao Hundnyni urn
ln: ut 10:.10.
Oarlylo Trlplott, formerly of Ilend,
hut now of Kiikmio, haa hoon In town
for trio taut fow dnyn.
W. J. Hpront loft lunt WodnoHilny
for Mlalilrtan, whoro ho oxpect to
Hpniid tho noxt month.
Thn ItrldKO Cluh hold Iti wrokly
innolliiK ut tho rKMldoaco of Mra, It.
II. (loiild iMt Friday.
V. 0. Minion of II urn wna.ln town
ovnr Hiiudny. DurliiK lilt stny ho wa
rcelstotcil nt tho Hand.
Clark IthodvH nnd O. M. MoKny
wont to Davla IjUo fur a few days'
duck ihootlnK yenturdny.
i:. M. I.arn left town Hundny morn
Iuk for Htaiinton, Vn., whoro ho la
KolnK io vllt III" father. ,
I.aldtuw vlnltam In town on Mon
day woro I'rnd llomtll, W. D. HnrooH
J. J. Coon and I 'rod Wlliwn.
Thn Dnptlat Woman's Union incol
with Mm. T. II. Foley tomorrow nf
lomoon nt 2 o'clock to ow.
K. U Clark of I.n Plnn.wna in
town yoitordny. Whllo lioro hu was
roRlaterod nt tho Pilot llutte.
Mrs. K. J. Ilorrlntr left for Ban
Prnnolaeo on Mondny. Bho oxpcctn
to ho Kono nlmut two inontha.
Mlaa Vnrnn Vouiik, who haa honn
worklnir for Mm. II. J. Ovorturf lina
been sink for tho last fow days.
A qhlldron's pnrty was Riven hy
MUs Mario llrontorhous nt the rol
donco of her mother last Knturday.
Mr. nnd Mm. Klinor Ward Imvr
Thumday for a liionth'n visit with
Mra. Wnrd's psronla In WnnhliiKton.
Win. Brown nnd Howl ilrown of
rjilillaw worn In town Inst Prldnv.
Whllo here they stoppod nt tho Ilend.
Mm. T. K. J. Duffy of Prlnovllla,
H-ffl m hern to spend tho week end
wltiuhur linr. Mrs, lid Hro-ntwlioiia
County JitdKo K(iitm Ilia Position ou
9.1.00 Coyolo Ho 11 tily.
WrltlnR on tho subject of tho fS.OO
bounty for coyolcn reported to hava
boon offered by tho county court,
JudKO Bprlneor has tho followlni; to
Prlnovlllo, Ore, Nov. C, 101 i.
I wish to explain to tho pooplo of
Crook county my position In rcgar.1
to tho fC bounty ndvcrtlsad by tho
county court for coyoto scalps.
Tho state has quit paying Its shnro
of tho bounty and all ndjolnlnit com
ties have refused to pay nny thins
for r-cnlpi. Ileonuse of these facts
nnd becausa ecnlps aro bolnit rushed
In from tho boundaries (if this coun
ty which properly belong to other
counties, Mr. Ilayloy, who Joined ma
In tho announcement offering tho flva
dollars, now refuses to net In flny
tnonnor. Mr. Wlllln W. Ilrown was
not reached boforc thn nnnouncomont
und Is now opposed to any extra ef
fort on tho part of this court so I am
pownrlos to act. 1 now llnd It would
not hnvu hoon prnctloal to continue
tho bounty l'liwtor than tho time orig
inally net far tho oxtrn bounty, viz:
to November 1st, 1914.
Tho county hoalth 'officer, Dr. Hot
cnborg, stutes that many coyotes are
now being found dead In the eastern
part of tlio county as well ns cnttle,
sheep and other livestock. This s
believed to ba tho result of rabies. 1
would therefore recommend that nil
otitvcltltons ba on their guard, nnd
that thn cities of Prlnovllle. Itcdmond
nnd Head bo on the lookout for dogs
from tho Infeotod districts.
(Signed.) (I. SPItlNOHIt,
County Judge for Crook
County, Oregon.
Tables reserved, Jf desired, for
your Thanksgiving dinner nt thn Cosy
Itostaurant. 11:30 to 9. 3C37e
I.A PINK. Nor. 1C Tho telephono
system between la Pino. Fremont,
Fort Hook nnd Silver I.ako has been
purohnncd by W. K. McCormaok and
K. U Clark. Mr McCormack Is n
Paisley banker nnd Mr. Clark Is tho
owner of tho I-n Pino Supply Co. here.
Holh Honttemon nro wldo awako nnd
hustlers. Tho compnny has ticoa In.
corporatod under tlio name of "Th"
!. Plnu & Koutliqrn Temjniono nnu
Toloirraiih Co." 8vorl "ImprovH
Tho fimt nnow of tho sonson MlfWonta-nro nlrondy imdor wny. The
eompsny aim cummin nmitu iiw
Cnllfoinla and all points In southern
on Friday, following n heavy wind
sterm. Tho snow was nit meitoii x
A Siilmcrlntlon Club dnneo was
hold In Settlor's Hall last Haturdiyi
night. About flftei couples wo-ol
Thoro will bo n turkey shoot the
ootulne Stindnr. from 12!t0 on. under
the nuntilcM of tho ThihsIo dun OJ'ilfl
nt Uldlnw.
The UtllM Aid SeIty of the
Methodist church, will hold ft meet
leg m Itev A. 8. lllnck's reetdenoej
this afternoon
C. 8. Hudwin. A. M. Prlttgto. It. M.
8mllh nnd II. A. Miller wint to (Ri
ver I.nho ovor Friday night In Mr,
nudsun's.cnr, duck hunting..
Mrs. Ccorco It. Sprungmnn. of
Mlnnennolls. Minnesota, errlvod In
town yesterday morning to visit hor
Bister, Mm. J. K. Mooro, tor ino
A midget, trnvollnc for n firm of
St. Louis shoe manufacturers, guvql
nn exhibition on Wall street on Mani
day winch nttrnciou a largo auuiensu
of children
. (1. IlobUn nnd A. W. Ilnyn on
Powell Huttb brought two four homM
loads of onta to town yesterday. MrJ
Ilayn took n load of lumber Homo for
Improvements on his ranch.
Mm. Maxlno Fish gavo n birthday
party to Mm. Qenovleva MaaLnuvln
on Sunday. Sunday was also Mrs.
Fish wedding anniversary. About
ton guosta wore proaonL
O. W. I). Itlley, who has beon nt
tho Stanley row camp nt Crnno
Prnlrlo. during tho summon return
ed to town last weok. Ho oxpocta
to stay horo during tho winter.
II. A. llrnckonbury. who has beenj
employud by the Iiond Water l.isht
ft Power Company In oonnectfun with
tlio Investigation of Its rnton, has
flnlshod his work und returned to his
ifalnh QrlnicB. Jr.. tho llttlo son
of Mr. and Mm. Italph Grlmos, broko
his right nrm last Wednesday when
A list of nvallable roomn for teach
ers during Institute. November 23-6
1 Is being prepared. Kesldtmta of Ileud
wno nnvo rooms io isi nro requiwiou
to Inform mo promptly. This list
iwlll be supplied to all teachers maU-
UK UKJuiriui. j, u, diiuudu. u-um
A portrait sent to tho absent
ones now nnd than, binds tho
friendships of youth, bridges
dlstnnca and Units olosor tho
ties of family nnd klnfolks.
Our fast lunsoH, modom
methods nnd o a u I p m o n t,
prompt attention nnd courtoiy
to patrons hnvo luado sitting
l!o9 fefiom tlm wnl. of a concrotoi r photographs a real pleasure
t-osoryulr bolug built nt tho urnnos-j
II. H. Dorrlck nnd fathor-ln-lnw
Mr. fulvully liavo returned from n
trip to Fort Ttock nnd nro stopping
nt tho Depot Hotel. Mr. Mulvanoy.
who Is 88 yenru old, claims to bo tho
oldest homostondor lu thlu part of
Mrs. Kmma D. Wilson, of Portland,
lu oxnocted tonluht to visit hor
daughters, Mm. II. K. Allon nnd Miss
Cornolla Wilson, Mrs. Wilson mil
liar daughter Cornolla aro golnc to
llvo lu tho Wurd'n houso, whllo tho
Inttor nro uwny.
Jas, Donson, tho onglncor in ohargo
of tho U. S. Qoologlcal Survey Corps
In Central Orogou. arrived In Ilend
yesterday, coining for. his family, who
Will go to Atuoiopo io rosiua m or
dor to bo nearer Mr. Doiwon, who Is
now..worklng. In.tho-John:Day couiw
Dr. Kenneth T. IJiiff. -tho well
known optician of Portland, wilt bo
hero this Hundny nnd Monday, nt the
offleo of Dr. U. C. Coo, Fmt.Nntlonal
llunk building, propnred for oxamln
utlons and consultation. Adv. 37c.
Uoforc, purchasing your Xmna oarj
dles try tho American Ilakery. A
full lino or fresh candles Just or
rlvod.Adv. 37 If
Usa Deschutes Spray Flour! It Is
tho best nindo nnd n Ilend product.
Adv. 37 tf
. I will bo In llond during tho teach
ers' Institute. I fit ovory conceivable
stylo of spoctnoloa and eye glaasoe.
Dr. Ida Dohrondt, nt Ilend Hotel, No
V mber 18 to 27. Adv. tf
I'rjigrnm Cover Mondny, Tuedny
iinil Wrdiicsdny Nienkcr From
OutNldo Point Io Ik Hero to
ICil In Work-Pngniin Given
Our prices nro consistent
with tho high uuullty of our
Tho personal thought tho
spirit of tho giving, determines
tho vnluo of tho gift. -What,
than couuld bo more lilting
than your portrait for tho
Christmas ToniqmraiiQQ tp
crtrry your sliuplJ iriessago of
A dozen portraits solve, rt
onco, a doxou porploxlng gift
R..J, Todd, Photographer
Tho sohool toncliors of Crook coun
ty will gather In Uond noxt wcok for
tho. annual Institute which will ho
held on Monday, Tuesday and Wed
nesday. All county schools' will bo
closed for tho wcok. Udslde all
county teachers there will be prosont
tho nsslstnnt stnto superintendent of
education, representatives from dlf.
forent normal schools, from tho Uni
versity of Orogon and tho Orogon Ag
ricultural Colloge. Those, with tho
local and county educational heads,
will present papers at the different
sessions nnd load In tho dlseusetin
of Institute subjects.
Tho various meetings of tho Insti
tute will hu hold in tho now Held
school building and thoro wlil bo an
Informal reception for tho tcaohers
Monday evening In tho Emblem Club
li.inn.UPt hall. A musical program for
tho different sessions Is IHng arrang
ed by tho Ilend teachers.
The program for tho Institute Is
as follows:
Institute I-oadors M. B. Plttman,
Monmouth Normnl; K. T. Mathos,
Ilolllnghani Normal; F. !!.-8hcpherd,
Orogon Agricultural Colloge; F. I,.
Griffin, Oregon Agricultural College;
C. F. Hodge, University of Oregon:
Mrs. K. U Wnlkcr, Crook county
high school. Mrs. 11. K. Pratt, Crook
county high school; Victor Bhawo,
Supervisor Crook county schools; J.
II. Bhouto, Superintendent Ilend pub.
He schools; K. F. Carloton. Assistant
State Superintendent; J. K. Myers,
Suporlntondent Crook county schools.
Monday Morning 3:00 opening;
0:30. M. 8. Plttman, "The Teacher as
a Diplomat;" 10:10, Ilccesa; 10:20.
F. II. Shepherd, "Manual Training in
tho Itural and Town School;" 11:00.
Victor Bhawo, "Apparatus for the
Playground;" 11:16, Section Work.
Grades I to VIII. Expression in Head
ing. Hound table work, loader, J. 1
Myers. High school, lander, J. II.
Shouso. M. S. Plttman,. subject, se
lected. 11:46. Mrs. H. B. Pratt. D9
m stlc science demonstrationschool
lunches for districts 1-3G.
Monday afternoon 1:30. opening;
1: IS. F. II. Shephord, "Modem Con
ditions In Hduoatlon," (Btcreoptl
can); 2:16, Heeeis; 2:20. M. 8. Pltt
man, "The Farmer's Creed;" 2:60,
Hocew: 3:00, K. T. MatlKW, "ProfiH
nlon of Toaehlng and After;" S:3j.
Hoot Ion work. Grndee f to VIII. M.
B. Plttman. "The Itural School as it
Ought to He." High echeol. 15. T.
Mathos. Subject selected.
Tuesday Morning- 0:00 opening:
3:30, It. T. Mnthea, "Itural School m.
a Social Center;1 10:10. Hecem;
10:20. Mrs. E. I. Walker. -'Teaching
Ameriean Historj' to Aeriean Hoys
nnd Glrta;" io:ii, .misb aosepume
Power. "Writing;" 11:00, E. F.
Carletiin: 11:10 Soetlon work. Grades
I to VIII. Phonlt Hound table
talk. High aehool. U. T. Muthus.
subject selected. 12:80. Mrs II. B.
Pratt. Domestic science diuonstr-
tlons sohool luncutsdlstrlets 34.
Tuesday afternoon. 1:30 opening.
1:46. Airs. K. L. Wnlkor. "Seat Work
for the Itural Schools:" 2:10. Victor
Shawe, "Is our Educational Systom a
Failure"; 2:30,. Football. Ilond high
sohool vs. Crook County High School.
Wednesday niomlng-3:00oponlng.
9:30, C. F. Hodge; 10:10. Itecoss;
10:20. F. L. arlflln. "Industrial Club
Work;" 10:60. Recess; 11:00. 8eo
t'on work. Orndos I to VIII Num
ber. Hound Table work. Hlslr
echoul. C. F. Hodge, subject select
ed. 11:46. Mrs. H. E. Pratt, Domes
tlo science demonstration school
lunches Districts 71-00.
Wednesday aftornoon 1:80. open
ing: 1:36. E. T. Mathos. "A WoU
Organised School:" 2:16. F. I,. Grlf.
fin, "Elomontnry Agrloulturo;" 2:46,
Hecoss; 2:66, Miss JoBophlne Power.
"Tho Folk Dnnco;" 3:20, C F. Hodgo
"Swat tho Fly.
Past Year Has Scon Largo Increase
in Membership and Ilunnclal Aid.
L. W. Illnlr of Powoll nutto. prom
Inent In the Soventh Day Adventlst
church of that section, haa rooonUy
brought In a report covering tho past
year's work of the church all over tho
country. According to It the mom.
horalilp of tho ohuroh has laoreasod
by nioro than 8000. thero has been
"a wonderful growth In tithes and
offerings, and the movement has jioa
atratod Into n nunibor of new coun
tries until the heralding of tho mos
sngo tolling of tho soon coming of
tho Saviour, which Is ono'of the prln
olpitl hollota of tho church, Is now
being aoundod In 86 countries."
Tho report contains many Interest
ing figures showing the amounts ra
colvod by tho church for its work.
Its membership. Its missionary staff
and othor nptlyltjoa.
Watch for our menu In noxt wooU'b
nullotln for our Thanksgiving dinner.
Fifty conta por pinto. Hesorvatlons
mado for pnrtleo, etc. Tho American
Ilakery. Adv. 3 bo
Try tho Altamont for meals. Adv.
Uso True Hluo Flourl It Is the
boat mado, and a .ILond. produqtr
Centorpleces 'Z? Cent to isuto
Luch(on Cloths 91.uo to
Dmnlnslc Table Cloths 91.2,1 to H.r,()
Kapblns to Mateh 91,10 to 91,00 Dor.
Damask Table LInon by the Yard from
....,,.,- (IO Cent to 9r10 Ynnl
New Crepe de Chine Waists .
Now Crcjlc do Chine Waists, Limited Quantity
only, A Very Special Value 9:1.75
Smart New Styles! Same Old
Quality! Wali-Over Shoes
Ladles' . . ,
i.uu, 91,80, 95.00
.....' 9:1.00, 91.00, 9lri
SHOWN IN TOWN. Lei Hour next pair be
Exclusive Local Dealers Ed. V. Price & Co's. Tailoring.
We lost county division; prohibi
tion won by a safe majority. It is
rumored tho "Turks" of tho entire
world nro on the run, some of them
will probably bo overtaken in about
two wcoks. Wo lost our porter, and
until wo can find another wo hope
you will be satisfied with our work.
The Metropolitan. Adv. 3G tf
Try an oyster cocktail at the. Cozy
Restaurant. 3C40e,
I am sorry to disappoint my manv
customers In Head by not comlig.
cooner. 4 .expect to be at the Ilond 1
Hotel Nove'mber IS to 27. Dr. Ida
nohrondt. Adv. lf
Notice is hereby given to tho logtl
Totem or School District No. 12 of
Crook county, Oregon, that a Special
Senool Meeting of said District will
bo held at tho office of the Principal
at the Held school on the' 21st day of
November. 1914. nt 2 o'clock p. m.
for tho purpose of fixing tho Tax
levy for tho year 1916 for said dis
trict, nnd to transact any other bust,
noss that may properly come bctoro
tho meeting.
Dated this 6th day of November,
II. J. Overturf. Clyde M. McKay
Attest Clerk. Chairman Board
3C-37 c. of Directors.
'" ii
For Every Member of
the Fnmily at the Right
Price. Ladies' FELT
SLIPPERS all colors at
$1.25 and $1.50
Rubber Footwear for
men, ladies and child
ren. Plain and cloth
top rubbers, 1, 2 and 4
buckle overshoes, heavy
rubbers for German sox
and rubber boots. All
First Grade Rubber.
Agents .for Standard Patterns.
When You Buy
You want the best in quality, at prices that do not
make you feel that you might have done better
elsewhere. Caldwell's Pure Food Market is well
prepared to please you in every way. Tresh
Fruits, Vegetables and Produce, Staple and Fancy
Groceries and
Stoves, Ranges
,'agous, Itiigglea
Free Delivery Anywhere In City,
- - J'
:- - . ..-;. i
A-i .
thaweat mado and a IionjUtfQilUc.t,j
rtrVr.... . -
,r t'',ii-5lV'.
Adr? -' mWWw;m r 37 U
t t yrr-m