The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 18, 1914, Image 1

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    the bend bulletin
iSwijs mi
, v!. xi r,
NO, 7.
aiut .Letter Mudorwi Action Taken,
JUrKln imcijiili()n llo Allowed---.
liiMitanco Coiuiulitloiur Afckfil
'((i Proceed With Ihiiiiilniitlon.
A stated Inst week, The Itn II el In
vrfllo to llio Control Oregon Irriin
tlon Company's Portland ufflees, nk
In what rtnps would ho tanon to
i wardprwlUltiK nn oxmiilnutluu of
thfl uoiHiwny'n liooks, In nocordmiM
Willi thu offer inado by .MnunKer Ito-
cot Howard, and tutor donlnd by lilm.
' Thin reply linn boon reoolvcd.
, "Portland, Ore , Nov 13, 19H.
"Tlio Hand llullittln,
liond. Oregon.
Dtmr Sir:.
Tlio Directors of tblH Cnmpnny
whips fully appreciating tlm bonovt).
lent deposition of Thu Ilullolln here
tofore so frcuuontly manifested to
wards tlio oompnny nnd Kit ofllron,
rftupnet fully suggest that mtlufnctory
pro K roan own probably bo nindo by ill
rott dwIIllR between tlio company
will Uie Iiisurmiee Conimltwloner
fKandat to an tliflUuH of tb
ooilljny8 hooks: hrfll tlmt tlio kindly
' M& af. .Tbo liitllitln In rwpoet
thweta Will be unBeoatHnrv.
' Your respectfully.
i '0OM lly Jtwwe fittarns. fhwrelaiy
TIj pvlijetft IntentleVof the eom
imhhMRQou ll o toll Th Bulletin to
"ItMP ftft JJlG RrftM." IlBWOVOf. KHU
,Uor to witflni It lis hnen nlwwn. ur-
ntlr rHt thnt the Krtiw be fur-
i thar Invndtdf nnd tlntt nvnry nffurt bo
, tnnua to Kt nomo notion in tlie.innt-
Whou vhowod tlio letter from Mr.
filorn, 1'. J. YounK. prculddtit of tlio
rntrl Oregon IrrlKatlnn Ooinpnny
AVnler t'tor' Aoclntlon naldt
1 'Tlmt Kitoinn to mo clmrncterUtlc
' of tlio Cotiipany'n utaud nnd mothndi.
1 Mr. Rtonrnn ovldoiitlv ti trrlni; in
nmko It Appear thnt The lltillettn In
, till iimtiitr In workltit; on nn Inde
pendent lond, nnd hat not Km haolt
ln(Of the etUoPiP'TliM oinrihSllrnlr
ly l not true. In this ctiie we nro nil
nKrUed tlmt Mr Hiiwnrd hni plnynd
us dirt, nnd wo nienn to do nil wo enn
; to sot thnt InrestlRntlon. In the pant
tug C. O. I. oMror have Imd n hnblt
of koIiik I'uforn the Iind Hoard nnd
myliiK. when a 'kick' enino In. thnt
U wtin only oao Individual nuok'nir.
nnd Uwt All the atlmr nottliim wnr
'mftly MUlnflvd ' rrobnblr In bln
tRMUnee thevMI mr 'It'n only The
lmfbttii.' Ilut llil Um't no. fnr we
nra iibaolutelr In MvapMlNV with lh
Maud ttkra by Uie tMer ' I
A. O. Wnlker, dlrectar of Uiel
JVntor UiHtrfi AaM'iutoH. rnd tb
lleArnn' letter nTurdny
"V mado chnrcee, Red unleM tlm
oomimnjr lueola tia linlf way nnd
tdmwi n wUtlngnniui to dlnprovo tbow.
A wo enn't help-lint bellevo the cbnrnen
nro true," nld Mr. Wnlker. "Mr.
Howard Mid wo could InveatlRato nnd
then lie turned us down. If bin
..flntotnontii woro tlio truth, nnd our
Ynalntonnnco 'c nra not IioIok inl-
cpenL why uliould ho refuio the In-
vonukntlonT Anywny, nt tlio order of
tlio' dlrectori I hnvu written to
Little Talks on Banking
Certificates of Deposit
A ccrilllmtc- of deposit or 0-l nn It In nonictuiies
fiilleil, In it certlllcnto UnihhI by n Imnk ceitlfylng.tMi
eeitulii hum of iiiiiuey luin been dopoMtcd In tlio bitiut
pajnlilo to it (ortiilii peiMiu. It Ik'iiin Hie bnnU'a proutUo
lo pit) to tho louul lioldlcr tliln huiii on lutiitu of tliy rt;i'.
(ilU'iilu piopoily 'iid(ii'il.
TIiono rortlllcutCM nie drawn In tMi different Vhjh,
(KijHblu (iltliur on donmiiiHor nt u ntntetl tlmu In die fu
ture. Tlioto iliiiwn pnynblo on iloinaud may liofranj.ioil
nt niiy lime mid do not dniw luteroet. Thooo drawn on
thno boar luttttwNt. ut u icitaln lute It loft for tlin'tliiui
epeolHoilr uhuiiII u poilial of eea iiiontlw. Thiy do hot
draw liiteMt iinlukN left for tho full time wkhI1Iui1 and
do not draw luU'iivit lifter uintui'lty unlohfl iciuiuod.
A ileiniind uei lltli'uto opeititivi as n bunk (baft or
cjislik'l'H rltcck and wbon properly unilaiood, and tlio
lidldar Ideiitlltcdi mil bo ciudied nt-bnnUn otber tluin.tbo
lino pf I no. A timo cortllK'uto, (Ioo.s .mil tut.ONwaillj-.
(Iporato In tliU milliner fot' tlio Imnk rysorvorf. thu ilnlit
to i of iino pii)niout iin(ll matutlty, It In tiiiiiMtitil for u
lunik to rofiiHo to Itnnor u time certlllcnto whon juooontod
mid In Kcui'iiil they have tlio miiiiu piopoitlos imTthoho
pajablo on deuinud,
A cortKUato of ilepoHlt Is uonorally IhnuoiI wliwi a
niun of money lifto bo left Intact until tho entire iRTtoiint
1m tvlthdriiwn.
Tljuo ooitiy in ten HlTord ft, Hfo niyl comenentwny
for drawliiK Inlet ct.t tTn your juh'Iukh. W,
Deschutes State Bank
iiKNi, oitunox
JJ. FEJlUCLL ,rroaIUont E. M. hAHA, Oaehlor
Tlio rosoiitluti for Ilia Crook
county tOHciiorft who will attend
Uih tiiRlUuto In Itonil next week
will ho hold Monilny night fioni
H to 10 o'(tnk In thu lfimhtoiu
t- Club baiKiuet hell, under the
auspices of llio l.ndltm Library
(Jliih, During tlio evening n
buffo t lunohoon will lie served.
All nro luvllod (o attend.
Insurnnoo Commissioner nsklnn, tlint
ho Inko tip tlio mutter direct with
tlio compniiy, nnd thut ho prosoouto
tlui Investigation mi speedily as ikjs
lltroitlhc CouinilUeo Holed Intt
A. . Wolber of Alfulfu, Appolntml
on I'kiiiiii Committee.
The litis meeting of the Orexoii
State Irrlsntlmi ConRren will lie held
In Portland on Tliuntility. Krldity and
ulurily, Jnuunry 7. 8, mid 9. TIiom
dntes were deeldrd niton at n moN
ItiK of tlio oxvcutlvo eoinmltto of tlio
CoiiKrwin recently hold In Portland
The pnrlom of tlio linperlnl Hotel
will bo the pi ii co of tueetliiK.
From now until tlio date of the
UonKroiN tlio different oflleori expeet
to nmkn every effort to Ineuro n good
nttendnuoe, ImvInK tlio work no di
vided thnt they will bo utile to rene'i
till In the ntato who nro Intoroeted
In Irrigation matter. J. (1. Illnkle,
elmlriilan of the lmllntlvo comtnlU
te. will Attend to eecurlrvK the mom
ter of tlio loglKlntiirt. nnd nil ns
erfHllted iIoIorhIwi. C. C. Ohnpmen
will ere for the cammerolnl oluM
tr Uie Htatu, nnd Crttd N. U'nllnt.
eeretHry of the OviiKtum will ren'-h
nil IrrlKntton eOmpMM.
At the executive committee meet
ing A. O Wnlker of Alfalfa w t
polntfid n member of the program
eommlttee The other memwr nre
(' O. Chapman of Portland nnd J.
K Kltiier of IlHlnre.
ItllftriltnilK l'lHIIINd BTOPH.
Uletrlct (lame Warden CMydn Me.
Kny returned front Portland Satur
day inoinliiK. after meeting with the
Flilt nnd (lame ComtnlMlen thore
An n remit of the petition circulated
here by Mr. MoKny. tho old clowd
fluhliiR neanon will bo renurood on tho
Dcschuton. Heretofore flthlnK wnn
permitted nil tho ear, for flilt over
ton Inohe Ionic. Thin, It wnn point
ed out. simply encourned law break.
inK nnd tended to oxhniut local trout.
All tho Dcuctiuten n'tovo the mouth of
the Metollun nnd the Metollun nnd
nil lake, etc., draining Into both nro
luteal ruturnn from tho
election seem to Indicate the pntanco
or tho inentiuro nbolIhlng tho death
pminlty. Tho vote on thin ntuend
merit wnn very cloto. the pampteto
rount nhonlim a difference of only a
few hundred voten on the two nlden.
It In expected thnt Ooveroor Ve
will now oommute the sentence
linuglUK over the oonvkted wurUer
em In the ntnUi pnitlnry to life
lmprl&oiimeHt. '
The null begun lnnt nprlng to en
Join the O -W It. & N. Co from oper
ating Hn trnlnn overn ntroteh jf
n,bout threo mllen In tho Deicliuteii
canyon, alleged to bo mod In viola
tion of tho rlKhtn of n land compnnv
which proposed to build a dam In tho
r'vor, nan been decided In fuvpr of
tho company. Tho decree In tho caio
wnn handed down by Jttdgo Ilenn In
tho United Btnten Circuit Court In
Portland on Monday nnd completely
nustnlni tho pobIUoii of tho railroad.
liullntllon. nro Tlmt 1(11.1 Tnv Will
Ito 20 Mllbi or iW rroirt Vl
iiatlou Ib etlTtl.lflO HxtIiMho'Off
I'libllu Hortlo CnrpomtlMM.
Tentative Unieten of the cosH'i
tlm 4xppyom of niiielng the city ef
llond for the eoming yuttr Indlente
thnt n niatorlnl reduction tn tlio tux
levy will bo made by Uie oommon
rounelPnt Itn muotlug on Tuntdny.
Vurloun mnttorn thnt ennnot be set
tled until tho council tneetn will nf
foct tho amount of levy, but It now
nontiia, on tho Dguron that have boen
crmpllcd, that It enn bo rot nt SO
mill ur Ion ni ognlnit SI mills lost
In the pant year tho city has had
iintiHiiul expeiison for street work and
for other purposes not cstlnntud in
tho preparation of the budget n year
ngo. NoverthelMs Itn flnnneen aro In
flood nhnpo nt tho prenont time nnd
with the receipt of the numn duo from
tho county and from other nourree 't
v III end tho yinr froo from debt.
The city valuntlon for 1918 wns
$100,810 which Included public nor
viae oornorntioiM. or oxelnClre of
then $811,110. As yet the valuation
of the public nervlrn corporations for
1011 In not knarn but It will pr
numnbly b well over With
the regular city valuntlon of ISTJ.tGt
ns already announced by the county
ri mi dinar, tho total for 1114 will be
in xoe of f-100.000.
(Continued on Inst tge.)
At tho Commercial Club luncheon
on Baturdny the plnn to obtain an
entry Into town of tho farmer's lino
from Lnldlaw wnn dlsausscd. Tho
matter wan originally brought before
tlio club by representatives or the
linen which run Into Prlnnvlllo nnd
Itedmond and In now under consid
eration by n committee nppolntcd at
that time.
h PINK, Nov.' 10. Tho discov
ery ol more human bones, presum
ably Indians, la responsible for tho
theory that tho steep Interior wall of
tho Xowborry orator wns a battlo
ground for prehistoric tribes. The
latest discovery, that of tho bones of
four men. was made by l'red Rlitn
tntfer, of Knnt Lake, while euttlag n
road throiiKh the lav a lilllalde on th
eent slda of tho lake. Front time to
time within the pnl four yearn, Ibi
llnr dlncoverlen hnvo Ihmp mnde in
the iwmo lofcllty.
LA PINK. Nov 1.- Iji Plne'n new
ten thousand dollar school houxe Is
finished nnd tho noheoU will move
Into thole new quartorn next week.
Tho building Is n handsomo structurt,
of colonial pattern, fitted with all
modern conveniences. Tho enroll
ment In tho La Pine schools thin year
In thlrty-flvo per cent greater than
ever before, nnd nn Boon an tho now
building In occupied, n new teachor
will bo employed to aid tho proseut
staff of Instructors.
- f.
" A large quantity of Heating Stoves to
' " select from, among them the
which will make a remarkable saving
in your fuel bill.
0 Bind Hardware Company
llatliiHttcd KxpoimoM fur Next Your
Amount to 18,(187 nnd Valuntlon
About M()0,000 Levy May
He 1 1 .MJllK-H'n ir,i In 0l 1
The lax levy for school district 12
tar the coining year will be dntcrm
Inod at a meeting In the principal's
room At thn Rld nchool at 2 o'clock
on Saturday. Tho enUsMnten of next
year's expense thnt have been pre
pared to submit to tho meeting Indl
oSlo that a tux of 11 mills nt tho
hlghottt will ho nufflclont for school
purK)sen for 10 1C.
In tho past year tho district hna
pnld a levy or 16V4 mills nnd In
addition lenufld lunda to the amount
or $23,000 for tho construction of
tho new Hold nchool building. Karl
ier cHtlmaton In respect to next yearn
levy Rave ground for the bolluf that
noxt year's mlllnge might bo out to
an low as nix mills. Hut thin has now
turned out to bo Impossible an the
expected surplus lias beoa consumed
In the new school building, bringing
Itn total eost up to about $30,000.
Noverlhelens) n reduction Is possible
and will undoubtedly be mnde el the
ttfturdny myu.
The entlmated valuation of the
nnhool dlntrlct Is $ 1.300.000. delud
ing the publhi service corporation
valuation. Just what thle will be in
yet lo be determined by the BUite
Tax Commlnslott. The total valuation
Inst year won $1, 291,980.
The following eatlmale of the ex
panses of the district next year has
been prepared and will be submitted
to tho taxpayers on Saturday.
Superintendent $ 1,700
1 High school principal .... 1,000
2 Assistants O $300 1,800
1 Grade Supt. $81.00 ... 7GB
1 Primary toachor 9 $0... 720
0 Qrado teachers f $75. . . . 4,060
1 8th grndo $80 720
2 Country teechern 9 $C0. . . 1.080
Country Janitors 90
Janitor Hold school 0 $00.. 720
Janitor High echool & $30.. 270
Wood at Held school 100 c. - .300.
High school and country 30 c. 90
Wator at high school 17
Water at Held echool & $30 300
Intorcst on bonds 1,715
Hooks, equipment & Itnpalra. 800
Seeding Held nchool grounds. 100
Fencing name -. . 360
V $1C,C7
I'AmIIiIo UecclpO.
On deUneuettt tanen $ 1.749.61
hsttlmated apportionment. 906.00
To rake by UmUon . . .$H.OT.J
11 mill levy Mrould raise $H.3O0
II. II. Do Amond wns oalled to
Portland Friday night by tho doa'Ji
ot his father. Hlles Do Armond. which
occurred that day. Mr. Do Armond
wan a resident of Grants Pass and
wan 80 yours old nt tho timo ot his
death. With hla wKo, who aurvivoa
him, ho visited his son In Hand latt
WW w
Tlm IiIkIi echool football team will
piny Prinuville a return game here on
tho 2 1 III. A wood game In expected
and especially a gi-od crowd m all
the nchool teachers of Crook county
will bo hero on account of the In
stitute. The score of tho Inst game
fan 29-28 In Prlnevllle'n favor. Ad
mission 20 cents.
Ho Hnyn Portland Orcgmifnu, OltJnx
I'lmiiK'Jnl lmprotement and Pre
dicting Itulldliiff PrutM Ikmd
In ltd Sunday inane, the Portland
Ornffoslan devotee an editorial ut
comment upon the faith In Cantnilb
Oregon's credit shown by the recent
ante of the Ave per neat Jnter-tnt
bridge bonds at a premium: THat,
nnd other Indications, point to the
sound condition of the ntate. and f
rapidly bettering condition of finan
cial affaire. An eeIr market and
considerable Industrial expansion In
Oregon nre the predictions of the
Portland pa par.
The editorial continues:
"Many suoh enterprises await cap
ital and tho energy to apply It. As
noon an the litigation Involving tho
Southern Pacific and Contral Pacific
railroads la onded money will be
ncedud to complete tho Natron-KIam-ath
cut-off. When returning pros
perity has put tho lnterurban trolley
lines on a paying basis their exten
sion to now points in tho Willamette
valley, Southern Oregon and the
Coant bolt should become financially
possible. The same statement Is truo
of tho oxtenslon of the O.-W. H. St N
line now building through Central
Orogon to a connection with the Des
chutes Railroad nt fiend nnd with the
Soitthorn Pacific at Natron; also ef
the extension of the Oregon Trunk
road from Hend to Klamath."
Ifood Hirer Commercial Club Cotn
After Antl-DIWttionUtM.
B. Dobson. of Redmond, who
nntl-divlsion toreee In the re -
mni.n hr.. rflii,t nnn
led the
cont campaign, has been called upon
by tho Hood Rlvor Commercial Club
to oxplaln his courao In using unfair
and distorted statomontn concerning
Hood River county. At a recent
mooting of the club, secretary Ravlln
wan directed to tako tho matter up
with Mr. Dobson.
Tho Hood River Nows or November
11 In reporting the meeting, said:
"Secretary Ravlln wan Instructed
to demand an explanation from Mr.
QuyJ3 Dob?on. a prominent baajtetj
of Redmond. Orogon. who grossly;
misrepresented Hood River In light
ing the recent effort to soeuro a divi
sion of Crook oounty. Mr. Dobson, it
Is nlloged. greatly distorted Hood
River's condition in nn effort to lend
strength to his cause.
GinriNa AFTim chamiikhlaix.
W. V. King of Prtnevllle nnd Guy
K. Dobson of Redmond, and others,
mot with Senator Chamberlain in
Portland last week. It Is understood
they endenrorsd to gat the Senator
"lined up" to nld in getting Oovern-1 image anu mis ywru wws uu.
t ...u .ic.r for utiilsstloa i cate thnt In reaching the result it
on the North Canal project, and fall
ing this to get the money for some
enterprise nr Prtnevll.e. In prof-
erence to tlio
nearer Slstors.
Wont Side Project.
At a hearing before Justice Has
tes Monday nftornoon evidence wns
produced which led to his holding '
S. McCabo In $1000 bonds for the
grand Jury which meets In December.
McCabo Is chnrged with the theft of
a sum of money from Fred Ruck.
J"TTT I.-. ,..., .ii...... ... - "
i The First National Bank
U. l COB, President K. A S.VTIIFH, Vice- President
C. . HUDSON, Cnbier
Capital fully paid - $25,000
Surplus) - - S3.000
Banking Revolutionized
OnJQv. 18th, 1914, tha Ros&rve Banks
in twelve of the principal oUies of the U. S.
opened for business. This law means there
will never be any more panics in the United
States. Every Member Bank can at any time
convert its notes Into eohange or aotual cur
rency. The power of the Federal Reserve
Banks to issue currency is almost unlimited:
this currency is now printed and may be ob
tained at any time by Member Banks.
The First National Bank of Bend is mem
ber of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Fran
cisco, Gallfornia, and is entitled to the full
benefit of this new law.
Wo will be pleated to jflve full particulars us tq the
ninny other advantage and safeguard of this law, iu
poison or by lottoi.
DIRECTORS -'sr.wvTTr --
O. M. Pattbr&on H. c. tyAiz
Plan to Hun County for !08,(Kfl in
JOJB Amowit lr School Lea
Than Lat Yer and Formation ;
of Jcffonwn Not Cannldcretlr '
A budget of exposes on which H
Is proposed to run Crook county for
the yoar'1911 was presented to tho
oounty court at H November meeting
and is now being published for tho
Information Of tax payers. At the
noxt meeting of the court, on Decem
ber 2. all persona subject to tho levy
will hnvo an opportunity to bo heard
and the levy tor tho coming year
definitely fixed.
Tho budget differs from thnt pre
sented to the taxpayers Inst year In
that It includes all county expenses,
while last year's covered only tho
state tax hnd general oounty expense.
Thle year then amounts are Included
and tho cost of the high school and
tho county schools iu genoral. -
With all those purposes Included
tho total amount onUnwted tol ho
neeeaeary In taxes is 191& Is $$$.
988 and the court oomntaecBUy nays.
To ralee the above awoant It will
require a levy of about ti mllle whiaji
Is 2 mills lean than the levy for
Court Too Optlmletfc.
Those who have hnd an opportun
ity to study the figures prerei.t'd to
the court and to compere then with
the sums raised by taxation for the
same purpoces In the presestt year
and It hard to ngree with the court
' ,lf eful prophecy or a .low
W f,?l, ?Jr,UKJ?r
Mend that t (be oounty debt la paid
and general expeases maintained on
the same scale as heretofore, the levy
Is bound to be higher. That it l
expected to pay the debt is shgwn by
tho Inclusion In the budget of
$100,000 to cover warrants ouutand
Ing on January 1. 191G, while a com
parison ot other figures of general ex
ponse with last year'n shown no over
powering effort at economy. Soma
figures are cut and some raised ro
that tlj.0 result U practically the name
In both years." ' T"
In considering next year's taxes, "t
Is pointed out, thero will be little
change In tho matter of assessed valu
ations, taking the county as a whole,
so that the same or a lower mlllage
than that of 1911 would raise an.
equal or lower amount than in tho
present year. In other .words, an In
creased valuation will not be shown
to take eare or a lower tax levy nnd
raise the saane araoufet a was spent
this year.
Further rompartsea between the
budnet and this year's taxes tnut-
did the County Court made reduc
tions of a nature that the taxpayers
will not agree to 1. the hUNto;
and general school funds and that ds
not agree with the faets In the matter
or tho state tax. For thb present
year. It Is pointed ou. the high school
tax was two mills, raising $20,587.61
while tho present budget provide!
only $13,380. With no record or tho
expenditures It is Impossible to sny
whether this Is enough, but It would
(Continued on last page.)