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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1914)
Tim iihnd ih'llhtin, iiijnd, ore., wkuxmuay, a'ovismuijii a, jdi i. pAoi: 7. I 0 Stupendous Palace of Horticulture, PanainaPacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915 n5533 I WT " " '"m" """" "''JJWWFB 1 1 mm . ,-,-,- - ... lap m ... ,!, ii ii i irmr n n j"f "V T "' ' A ,' 'V $WwL THIS I'alncoof Horticulture of tho I'nimnm rod tic lutcnintlotini Imposition is the most striking architectural triumph over created for any Bxposlttou. Ulicthur ilio sweep of lh Kxpltlon' T nerci I vlrwcd from tho distant hill or from n neuter view, (lili commanding edifice attracts early Attention and admiration. The grvftt dome 1 tho largest hemlphurlcnl glass dome In the world. It I IMA feet hUh and has n dlnmrterof RVi feet. It I crowned by n mammoth basket. Hurrouudliig thin dome are tho spires that give tho Harnconlc In fluence, and these nro of a nmrlilo whltene and surrounded by beautiful sculptured figures of young women. In n general Hay tho mlco follow tho 'Ideas lneurorated In the moiquo of Sultan Ahmed I. The decora tions mid rlfh ornamentation havo the 1'rcnch rcnalwiauco reeling. Tho numerous smaller dome that Murround tho building hare bttilced uurk, wtiwii ruro vine and dower will bloom to give added beauty to thU building t pi ml of plant and flower. Tliu extreme length of the palace U 000 feet and tho width 300 foot. -TjE-saes:m- -ass lofty Colonnades of the Superb Court of the Four Seasons, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915 bjULfe- if ,J8ISMrl ntKra HI mm hHB t M raMPESS33 Ilia I. KSTATIt TIIANHI'KHH. ImicI Ii)" Crook County AlM.trnct Co. I.. D. Wlrat to Ktly Wocda ll IS. blk. ft. WlMtorla. I)Mrt Land Hoard to Iwronce It. Allmi oert. or proof .NW NK 31; SV 8K 27-U.ll. O. V. (latM to IS. II. Hon It. 18. blk. 13. Kenwood. M. U Oliver to W. K. Kdmundaon It. 1. lllk. II, Davldion add. Slitore. $630. Nettlo M. Abbot to the llond Co. It U. blk. (. North add. Ilond. llond Park Co. to Hither Mooken- zlo It. C, ulfc. 40, Contor add, Itond, $260. Women Stirrer Terribly Troni Kidney Trouble. Around on liar feet ull day jo wonder a woman has back aoho, lioadaoho, itlff Hwollon Joint, woarl nuts, poor aloep nnd kidney trouble. I'olcy Kidney Dili glvo quick relief for tliMie troublM They itrensthon the kidneys take sway tho actio, pain and wearlneM. Make llfo worth living afiln. Try Koloy Kidney I'llla and see how much bettor you fetl. i'atteraon Drug Co Adv NOTICJH KOU VVllhWATlOX, iJopnrtinfjiit of tho Intnrlor, U. B. Lnnd OIIlco at Tho Dalloa, OroKon, Novombor 2, 1014. Kotlco U horahy kIvoii that John W. Boott, of Laldlaw, Orcson, who on April 8, 1012, mndn f)cort Land Kn try, No. 01016U, for Ixitu 1 end 2, flection (, Townahlp 10 Houth, Itnngo 11 Kaat, Wlllfimiittfl Meridian. lm lllod notloo of Intention to mnlto proof, to iMtabllith claim to tho land nbovo doecrlbod, beforo II. C. HIIIh, U. 8. Commlmilonor, at Hand, Orogon, on tlio 18th day of December, 191-1. Claimant name hh wltnofotoa: Nathnn Henderson, Ooorao II. Whltaker, Howard h. Olllett. Junlous H. I'iiro. all of Laldlaw, Orogon. II. 1'ItANK WOODCOCK. 3C-S0 p. Itoglster. KOTICK I'Oll I'UHMCATIO.V. Dopartment of tho Interior, V. 8. Land OlHce at The Dalles, Oregon. November 2, 19H. Notice l hereby given that jHnioHa 8 rn, of Laldlaw, Oregon, who on December 9th, 1911, made Ilome attiad Kntry. No. OO7$0, ror NHX H. HWV4 8BM and HMfe KWVl. Section 6, TowMblp 1(1 fotitli. Hange 11 ISaat. Wlllamstl Meridian, has filed no'lee of Intention to make Final Thno Tear proof, to wlabllah Yes, "Williams, Til Tell You Why I Won't Invest in Your Enterprise YOU'RE lwatod In the wron' town. C luted eventeeii mIooiii It Sjtrie. the Tint iiwtltutluitt to come aeroM with their Uxt. You voted your Milve out of tliiMo roh1 fundi, and wlut ! It not you? l'rao lleally a dead town. Yo tried to deprive men of their ihtmjiuI righu. You told 'em tliey couldn't tlrink Leer, even moderately ai they lud been dnlnn. Men who couldn't eenr,ct beerlnrepeUblo beer ulooii. pt unlimited otunlitfef of cheap, ttroneer drinL in tlio eountleu Llind trig tbat your Llua Uvc created. Thote orderly uloont were the Liberty Hall of mtnr work men who toupbt an hour relax ation. amuiement, fellowship. To tlicin, they wcto wlut a club It to you and me. Naturally, denied tho privilege of dnnkinx an occatlonal (lax. tliey V.ulkrd to the convenient teak-eatiea and became law breaker. There you are, William. None of my money for a town that rlampt down the lid not on intemperance, but on Lutineo and aobrictv. K. D. Ulcich, Chamber of Com. mere, Portland, Oregon. II 5?-lrSa491 THIS pliotOBrnph faintly portrays tho beauty of tho arches Hint atnnd be tween tho Court of tho Four Hennoim and tho Western Venetian Court. Whllo It truly presents tho nttractlveneaa of tho nrchltccturo, It cannot oven hint at tho bounty of color toiu-a. Tho pll-.tcrs shown In this photoirrnph nro of von! antlijuo hronto, tho liaekuround of Imitation Travertlno Is of ochcr Into moro thnn half tho helsht of tho arch, and tho upper portion Is of I'ompcllau red, with touches of oranco nnd copper ereon In tho ornamentation. Instdo tho arches tho celllnK ara of cerulean blue, and bns-rollef In white shows scenes typlcnt of tho sensous. Tho sijuaro wnll surfaco nt tho left of (bo plcturo shows whero ono of many mural paintings will Iks placed, Looking through tho arch, a part of the Court of the I'our Koii.onn may ho seen. Clo.or Inspection shows a verso from Hponscr und below It tho sluus of tho Zodlnc The world Is to bo glvon something now In the system of courts at tho 1015 KxMdllori, ami each ono Is to bo n revolution In modern construction. Tho Imposition will open ut Ban Francisco on Fob. SO. 11)13, Beautiful Date Palm at the Panama-Pacific In . ternational Exposition, San Francisco, 1915 P'l'JJayTWBp,"M ' ll- ssi a sin s i msei si samap i ijspa-giaaMesaMassssasamaseawsssss mfk ' ik ! jlL jmEj rv i "S EWil mL aaaaw Ll OB jtsaaaaaT .Maw 'qK . WWP -T T myl iJaVaaaaV "mMBfawK V vjmMyflslysMHBB VaMT!fjBBaaMaaaaP!aaaaalwi IMafliWHaaSBaaaaaaaaalaaaaaaaaaa Copyright, IUM, by Panama Paolilo International Exi-naitlon Co, THIS IxMiutlful (Into pnlm statultt beforo tho southern (ncnito of the ffront Pnlncv of Machinery. ThrouKh tho lilnntliitf or raro nml beautiful hruba nml trues from ull purts of tho world tho KxpoMUon sroumla huvo ausumcU tho appcuraucu of a douiltroplcui puruilUo. THE UNITED WAREHOUSE COMPANY Storage and Forwarding General Commission Merchants WE HANDLE OIL, GASOLINE, SUGAR, . ELOU.R, SALT, HIDES FRESH and SALT MEATS HAMS, BACON AND LARD c UTe United Warehouse Co. A. M, Pringle, Mgr. Rend, Oregon claim to tho land nbovo described, boforo II. C. lillls, U. S. Commlsalon or, nt Hand, Oregon, on tho 18th day of Docomhor, 1911. Claimant nnmes as witnesses: Nathan Hondarson, Ooorga II. Whltnkor, Howard L. Olllott, John W. Soott, all of Laldlaw, Orogon. II. I'llANK WOODCOCK. 30-60 p. Ilelstor. CITATION'. IN TUB COUNTY COUIIT OF TUB 8TATK OF OUHCON i-OIl CROOK COUNTY. In the matter of the eeUte of John W. White deceased. To Kstella Whlto and John Praaots White, tho known holrs or John W. White, deceased and to nil the tin known hairs. If say, of John W. White, dweasd, greetlHK: In tho name of the State of Orogon: Yon and eaeli of you are hereby cited and totiimoned Ut appear on Monday the 7th day of December, 1IH. at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, at the County Court room In Prlneville, Oregon nnd then and there show eause If any tkaveby why an oriler for the sale of 84frNW K. Section , T. t 8., It, IS X. W. M.; Lot A, Section S, Lot 1 and fttt NKK Section I. T. XI 8., K. 10 B. W. M., and 8WM, SWVi. Seetlon 15, T. 10 8., It. 10 K. W. M.; 8BK XW VEVi 8WM. Section 14. T. 17 S.. It. IS IC. W. M.: WV 8K 8RV( 8W V Section . XW NBVt, Section 10. T. 21 8., ft. 10 H. W. M.. should not lo made to L. D. Wleat as Admin istrator of said estate, an prayed for In tho petition of said administrator fllod heroin. WITNU88, tho Honorable O. Sprln Kor. Judge of the County Court c! Orogon for tho County of Crook, wltn tho seal of said Court affixed this 24th day of October, 1911. Attest: Warren Drown, County Clerk. 34-37 c XOTICi: OP fJHHHII'F'H SALE. HY VIRTUB of an execution and order of talo duly Issued by tho Olork of tho Circuit Court of tho county of Crook, State of Orogon. dated tho ith day of October, 1914, In a cer tain actlou In tho Circuit Court fjr said county and State, wherein George H. Itarclay recovered Judg ment against Plaintiff Bertha II. Orant and Mrs. Jessie Osborn for the ejin of Soronteen Hundred Eighty Seven and No 100 Dollars, principal. Interest and costs and attorney feet, en tho Slat day of Oetobor. 1914. Notice Is Iie'ci glvoa that I Hill on tho 28th day rf November, 1911, a, tho North front uoor of the Caurt house In l'rlnovlllo In said county nt 10 o'clock In tho aftornoon of said day, aoll at public auction to tho high est bidder, for cash, tho following doscrlbod property, to-wtt: Lots Ono (1) and two (2) In block twonty-ono (21) of tho original towu slto of Dond, Crook county, Oregon, aa por the certified plat thereof of record In the office of tho County Clerk In and for said County and Btato: and also tho NW or NWU of Section No. 27, Township 17 South nnd Range 12 East of tho Wil lamette Meridian, excepting howover. n pnrcol doscrlbod ns follows, lo-wlt, beginning at a point 427.07 feet jouth and 495.03 west of tho northeast corner of said tract, nnd running thctico South S60.02 root to a stake, thonco wost 777.86 foot to n atnko, theneo North 349.12 foot to u stake, thonro north 4C dagroes 48 mlnuten oust 304.20 feet to a stako, theneo oaat 247.32 feot to a stako, thonoe south 280. foot to a stako, thence oast 186.67 root to a stake, tlionca north 280. feet to a stako, thence east 167.CG feet to tho point of be ginning togother with tenements and nppurtonanoes thorounto belonging or in any wise appertaining. Taken and levied upon as the prop erty of the said Iiertha II. Orant and Mrs. Jeeele Osborn, the above de scribed property, and I will sell the same at public auction, of as ninfh thereof m may be noawiiary to satis fy the said Judgment In favor of Oeore R. Darclay against said Iier tha II. Orant nnd Jessie Osborn with Interest thereon, together with all costs and disbursements that have or may accrue. PRANK MLKIN8, Sheriff Dated at I'rinevllle, Oregon, October 27th. 1914. By W. B. Van Alien. 34-J7e Deputy ItllSTORATION TO KXTHY OK LANDS IN NATIONAL POKKMT. Notice in hereby gtvnn that tb tan doscrlbod below, embracing 122,73 acres, within the Dncchnlw National Forest, Oregon, will be twbject to eet tlemont and entry tinder the prorf. eions of the homeeiead laws of the United Slates and the act of Juno 11. 190G (34 Stat., 231), at tho Unltod States land office at Tho Dalles, Orogon, on November 30. 1914. Any settlor who was actually and In good faith claiming any of said lands for agricultural purposes prior to January 1, 1906, and has not abandoned same, has a proforenco right to mako a homestead entry for the lands actually occupied. Said lands wero listed upon the applica tions of tho persons mentioned be low, who havo a prcforonco right sub ject to the prior right of any such set tler. proviUod oueh settler or applicant la qualified to mako homestead entry and the prefer ence right is exercised prior to November 30, 1914, on which date the lands wilt be subject to set tlement and entry by any qualified person. A strip 30 feet wide off the west sldo or the NE SKK and the SBVi NEVi. oxtondlns from the southwest corner of the NEH SBVi to within 30 feet of the northwest corner of the SB U NEW. Beetle 2G, T. 20 S R. 10 E., W. M., 1.8 atree. application of William II. H. Wil liams, No. 701 Andovor Street, Se attle, Washington; List Sup. 6-(!02. A atrip of land 30 feet wide off the west sldo of the SEU SBU Sec 2C, T. 20 8.. R. 10 E., .91 of an acre, ap plication or John A. Perkins. Dend, Oregon; Sup. List 6-855. Tho NVt NBU. the SBVi NEK, Sec. 26. T. 20 S.. It. 14 E., 120 acres, applica tion or Mrs. Emell Oak. Darlow, Ore gon; Ltst 6-1381. September 23, 1914, C. M. Druco, Assistant Com missioner or the Goaeral Lan'd Of fice 32-3So The Wright Is Bend's Leading- Hotel WHY? It Is n fireproof building It Is thoroughly modern It la comfortable, commodious, clean ROOMS FROM SO CENTS TJP The wants of nil ara satisfied well at THE WIUGIIT HOTEIi Automobiles to ail Interior Points THE WRIGHT HOTEl CENTRAL OREGON'S Leading INSURANCE Agency FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, PLATE OliASS, AUTOMO 11ILK, SURETY. BONDS. REAL ESTATE City iind Farm Property AUBREY ) Lots $150 to $350 HEIGHTS ( TERMS: $5 Cash and OROKLA) 3 Mo"th'r J. A. EASTES OIIlco on Oregon Street HEND, J-: OREGON Headquarters for Commercial Men Clectflc Lighted Throughout -- Special Attention to Transient Travel THE BEND HOTEL 1 HUGH O'KANE. MANAOBH ' Qood Rooms BEND, OREGON Qood Meals Free bus to and from trains All arrangements made for persons desiring to go south and east of here -- -