TinJiiKxn fimiffn v, hi;.vd, oiik., wkdni-miiay, xoviuiiier u, 101 1, TAan jl, f MM w A- High Grade Correspondence Pap er Symphony Luwn Stationery, per box 40c to 75c I tit 3 TINTED PAPER Popular Shades. r.' EMBOSSED INITIAL STATIONERY 60c box He particular about your writing materials. Patterson Drug Co. SJia ffioxoJL& Start W, K, Mrf'uriiflrU, n Ktifiipiimn .f BiiviT Luke, wiw in town for it fw dnya IiiNt wouk. Mrs. 1J, IIl fjorrlncr innijdi'H vfs loaves Monday !' ' Mk LOCAL NEWS ITBA1S Clyde MflKay wunt to Portland on Haturdtty. 0. Wiper or La Plan wan In town on Wodnwilny. Mfc llMJe Hhiiltt wut ( Hod mHd laturdny. II. II. Wyalt of lledmond ww In town over ffttnday. C. Lagan Father of Hamas haa boon to (ovm lata wmJi. J. 11. Yodar of Fort Itok la spend Irk a month hart. Mm. Itobert ftiftlih or Waters wm In town laat Friday. V. A. Manney ef DeaahiOM waa Id town over Sunday. C. L. Ilarloy or ItMkBxe spant (he wtiii una nt tlio uonil. raw ror u two iiiAfith'H vJsIL with frloudH III llfill ' ti'$illlfuA . A iliulno Ilnlvomoii imn (icon .tick in lied for thu pnat row days with u hud (IllftO Of (UIIHllitlN.il H. F. Ilriinilon, who hits boon oni ployod At (ho United WnrohouHo, In now in Oregon City. A froo ilnnco In nnnounccd hy J. it. Jolnmon to ho kIvoii ut IiIh homo nt Mllllciin noxl Saturday. . Tho tnitlnn of (ho Preabylorlnn (In I Id will moot mat Wednesday ul tho homo of Mm. J'rootor. Frank May wont out to IiIh ranch nt Powell Hiiitu Inst Saturday, ro turning TuoRdny afternoon. M. Ilurtrnnd of I'rlnovlllo wn In. town luNt Hattirdny. Whllo lioro ho wim registered at IIiq Wright. A. W. Ilrown, who has epent (ho mimiiiar visiting lt North Dakota and Montana, returned last wcok. 0, M. Itodflold of Doschutoa was In (own lnat Sunday. During hla may ho was ruglstorod nt tho llond. Kd Itourko of Cronoant was In town yesterday. Ilo tilntiH to ntny horo a fow dayn hoforn returning homo. Dragon Mlrloh and Mllovn I'nrl polch woro marrlmj hy Justice or tho Pnaoo Unstoa yoatorday iiftiiriioon. Mm. Hinnmun Rtockwoll nnd two ohtldmn of ltHiah. K. D,, nro vlnlt ln. her ttnr horo, Sir. I'. T. Oar Hull. Mm. Dell I'nrkor nnd Mm. Mnxlao I'liili nrrlvud In .town yettordny for n row wouka vIkU with Mra. 0. Mae I.nnrln. Tho W. 0. T. U. will incot on l-'rldnyjiflANiBon at the hamo or Mru. ItmiklM: All lAdloa nro Invited to be liroasttt. It. N. I'alninrton loft thl inornlnx to loflte n homaatond claim In tha liniiorlnl ooiiotrr. J. II. Yodor la UikliiK churns of tho llond HaulltiK 0.. whllo Mr. I'almarlon la roiio. Mra. boul'o I'lamlnK'a dnitahtar. Mm. Homii. lalt for Portland Bntur- dar on aaaoMHt or the IIIimnm f liar lmabuMd. Rhe luft bar two eh I Id rati smmmi now, $. fiDcimtoob IIMMVIIIIWICIUI. Wlfcllll) ' , of n " Mchtitfi iparlor SbMupooInn, Ujnlt JDrcoflliifl nut) foneonc 71100 full line of tnlr 00060 noro. $, nocintoop corner Ulnll nnO Rlmicooifl Streets : FORBES RE-ELECTED EASILY J. J. Cllett of Blatora iHt a day In town Inat week. Mr. and Mm. I U Hbaw or MliUia wara Ih town on Tlmmday . J. II. Dataeay of BUver Iiko wna In town laat wak on hualsaaa. J. II. I.ltahaniitaTn or oUtw In town for n-fuw daya lait weak., 1. M. Kom went to Portland Mon day nUtit, raturnliiR thl morntnR. Arthur Oertaon or SumiHor Iako wjim In town for a row dayn lat weak. J. 0. I'lonilnK nnd hla daughter nro hoth aortoualy III with, typhoid rVor. Mm. Hcrt Shuoy haa nlmoit reoov. ort'd from her lllnea aad la able Ut hq nround. Mnrtn Tlintnna la irnttir In tinr lintiin Ul HHokano for a faw daya vtatt on I "' ideaaant tlio twentloth. oajoywl by evoryono. w'tk tknir grapdMatbtr durliiR liar aiMPanea. Tlio naal Soetnl maaUas of tha Matbottlat 11 laa' Aid goclaty will l Raid at (Nt homo of Itav. OUek In Ah bray llalnhta. All the ladlaa will inaat at Mr. TbortHB atom at 2:36 o'aloak WodaaMlay Hflernooa. Nc vawbar Itth, and no over together. K. H. Mllea or UHver ltke waa 'n tewn laat woak. P. II. Jobaaon waa In town from MllltatiR oa Monday. It. U Clark er U Plna, waa In town on btwlMaaa Monday Mr. and Mra. I .0. Meltaynolda ar rived In town Ttiwrmlay nlshU A dHHMljter waa born to Mr. and Mm. It. 0. Oolvor Htinday nlgUt. The Ilrldge Club met at Mm. A. M. I'rlngln'a reatdenee last l'rlday. H. M. Lara vant to Portland Wod- Meaday, roturnlMtr 'Hnturdoy mora Inir, A party of elr.ht-glra walked nut to tho Goo ranch (or dlnaor Inut Sat urday. J. P. Kcyoa wont to 8pokano lait Wednesday iiIkIU, returning Monday mornlnjf. The Itoyal XelRhbom pavo an In ter-Jtlnj danoo In Sather'a Hnll Inat nlalit. Alwut twenty oonnlea woro ovwhIhk wn pMMaja''rjjfrp 1 t .ii 1 iijb 11 i 11 m - --- I), ), Yeomoiia nnd family havo Kono to I'omoroy, Wanhlngtori, or tho winter. Mm. J. II. Wonnndy took a tmrty or olKht Klrla auto riding to Blatom laat Sunday. Tho Huhacrlptlon Oluli will hold II noxt dance fn Bathcr'a Mull on Sat urday nlnht. W. J. Hproat left today lor hla homo In Michigan whoro ho .will ctay ror about a month. W. J. ITnlicr will oomo down rroin hla UIk Itlver homo to llvo In llond during tho winter. Mm. V. J. Olndor enmo to town from the Mllllonn honicatoAd on Sun day (o upend the winter. Mm. William Vandovort camo dawn on flunduy from tho up river ranch to upend tho winter. Mm. M. 0. Lnttln. who haa been nway for the Inat couple of inoiithn haa now roturnod to (own. A birthday party whh tendered to llyroit A. Htovor at U10 realdonao of Mm. A. M. Lara on ftundny night. O. P. Putnanhaa boen nppolntod n membor of thu IeUlntlvu comtnlu (ea o( tho fltate Kdltorlnl Aanooiatlon. C. A. Votidorholt, who haa boon In a Portland hotpltal with an attaak or typhoid fever, returned to town uu Th U r uday. J. A. Knatea apant l'rlday and Saturday In PrltMrtlle helping- In the enttvnM or the vote- In the oonnty clerk's ofllo. Mlaa JoeeablM Yonnir of Alkali Lake, who haa kan vlallloc In tewo for tbe paet week, raturned to her home Sunrkiy. Oertrng Markol baa been la town tor tha tlaat raw daya. 8br la work Inc la tha Ckmd Water Uht & Paw era Co. oUtea. Mr. and Mm. J. Illlaatar aad thvlr wn and dautrhtar. Carl aad Claire, retrad from Hoed itlver l'rlday nlaht. MIm Orace Vaadavort la taaehiag the YoiiBK eehool In the auconce or Mlaa Hale, who op rain ad the Hra laonta or hor hneo on Ilnllowo'en. Tho Catholle ladlea hold a Silver Tea at tha residence of Mrs. l. W. gkaee laat l'rlday. About $100 waa eoUrcted In donation tor Uie bonett of the ehureh. II. W. Bkuro. whllo roacblnic ror oinothlni In hla atora roll from a ladder. Injuring me. aide qulto ao vnraly. aad waa laid up all day Sat urday nnd Sunday. The llnptlit Woman's Union rncotM tomorrow nftornoon nt 2 o'clock with Mm. T. II. Foley to bow. Kvory member la urged to Ke preaont na thero la much work to be dono and only a abort tline'romnlnlng in which to do It. Hut Ik'iircr Miikrx Cfoo Itnco In Crook .tiny bo Hpcnkcr or lloiinr. Vernon A, Korboa or Uonil nnd Wcnloy O. Smith or Klamath Valla, both Itoptibllcana, woro returned tn roproaentatlvea from thla district to thu lower Iiouho or the Htato Ioglsln. turo. whoro they -orved laat term. In Crook county Korbca wan ulvcn a clone rnco by I'. II. Denccr of ::cnd, candlilato of the Democratic and Pro hlbltlon forces. Tho final volo atood 2290 for Torhea find 2242 for Don car, h loud of Cl votoo. Klamath and KicroRT oi Tint coavtrtnu nv Tlic First National Bank OF BEND Mo. jysj l nitd, In the KUI b( Orrgoo, it the cl6i of uoHiiM vtieiitt Jul. 1914 uiteouxciM. fxxiinnt)Uounl .,...f K90 Bo nt rn)tn.. xctirtd nnd antutta. ....., 1 ta 40 U. M. lUxi lu rurr -lrtilll.n.... 11 &a m iwiifia.nrvuiiiir. j'.iv (inner imn atk; .,...... ..... iifu 01 lUnklii. Iiihh. futnhure niwl flilma... ,Ki vj t)M tinm Wlr am) 1'rltiilf IMnkl M nnktrt, TihI CmnpnUt wl Rr lu( Hank ... ....... le.lfi oj iiu itom apprerrn Kiwrrc AttnU aim lu Coeirsl Hntrtt Chreha una other Note 01 iH hrr 144 J4 ;" Infolhtr Mrttfirf CIMf other Cli luni illenl nnk. I'rftdlonit Vpti Currtney. NIV4t ami r Kail 47 Crnti Lawful Meutv KtMXreltl IKuk. rtl ap4- ... .. J16.34J H lAKnt'tenitcr uotM -... lyt a I7,ij H Rfltniptlott fMFH wllb V a Ttntarif li tBt of rfrRtUlfcm) . .... H " Ttl- . .. ...- tr)4V n MAniMTiita. Caprftat tk rxM In.-- ....! tfvw 09 Hui4u fHHl. ...,. ,., ft, a UofllvMtd I'rsOti, IfM ltxKti nwd Tr M.... .. ...... tK 4 naiionai mtlii ntxCHiiianM( .. il.na iMlvMiMt (tt-Mll Mtajaft lo Fk i jhl Tim liitifiMf nr j fay or aim- iwikcsi, neltM ? wiU M Umtr . utHan 0itfr'ebk ut HUH HayaM-..... Tout m..-... HTATIt 01' OKino.S, OuHtrafrravk. t I,C. H. llt-w.Clttbt-f f the ok-l-f I t.ik. ila(4tmif)r awrar lht th tun I tio t ib Wt of wy haawt-jJi NHr. C. ft. Ht'lrtOH. Ci. Ii .W -fW 4044 wir1 ! Itllr- )o5"cl4t". C)r7T TTT! II C. KIWI . U.CCtm. V. A. BHK. IMnctan iMcrHi-J ami intn ta bfrt rat lk4t Mb aayirf MumU-. 144. I.KWU O. MfMTirMOr.lM.NoUrrrilMia. New Arrivals---- Walsting Flannels in silk striped ef fects, priced at ............. 60c yd. Eden Cloth Suitable for Gowns, Pajamas and Waists, at .. -. 15c yd. Flaimellettes Don't forget tho Doll Ilniaar that hi (0 be given by tho Ladlea or tho Unptlet ehureh on December 3. And dOtVt forgot that all the young men nre naked to doaate fifty cants to the gauia. x". WE ARE EXCLUSIVE BEND AGENTS FOR THE .J. L Bowman Co. Made-to-Measure Clothes WE WILL FIT YOU TO ORDER and have the Suit for you at your convenience.. Largest liner gf fabrics to select from. Drop in and let us talc, you measurements, Suits range in price from 817 to M, ,, -mmmmmmammm' Qregon St, AfLr"PR E'NC H ' B&di Or. ' Ttirknv illnnnr nL tho CoiCV Hoflta l- rant Sunday. 11:30 to 8 p. in. 36c Try Daeehutee Sprny flour. Bvory aaak guaranteed. Adv. 3Gtf. AYe loat county dlWston: prohlbl (Ion won by a aate majority. It la rumorod the 'Turka" or tho entire world are on tho run, wimo or them will probably be overtaken In about two weoka. We loat our portor, und until we can find another wo hope you will bo etttuned with our work. Tho Metropolitan. Adv. 80 tf KKfOKT OP THX OOWDtnOW Of The Deschutes State Bank at IVr4,talatalOrtM. at lb cJmic ol lm.tku Otmknn mm, i44. RKbODRCKS LaMa4 atatM( ...... .. Ima a lrrart;, mf4 14 UH'-aar!.-...,. 4i no awl Wir4....i Im 4 mrHHtmaiM miwi . ...... .ii U ftai iMmil icxtc Make, ChMk am athtr aa lmn Cahtxilt.i) ... .. HlXIM. .. TWal UAIIH..TJKH CatUalKxkM '" - UtHM- f-vfti.-.. IMuMatMiiiMaMi bankn. tmllrWum ArtKMWi utUra la chi.k D-tuand Criiftatrritfnt- 1 I"1T MWIWHI ... UtlWH Brtl 1'ajwMc far Maarjr let Total STATU OK OKftOOK, 41 155 -i UlWt lijaa- 4.& . nm -.'JIS ntd.'.'.'L M-aaa JM.TI uauniroiuaak. I . t, li. l. Lara, tit of the atoTT-nnined Uk. dauArmntt laat the aVr .Ulc true to the mil o Mr Knrai ana merit I true to the wt or wr kw4i UHrr. 11 M I-AKA.O.hl'r. IWUwIIkJ ami worn to tcftrc me Ibis ah day of Notcmbcr. 1914. makv a. hkkm! Notary laUlc. Corrtct Alttt II. PoaaklU V. O. Mikor. DlrMtet. HOWARD BLOCKS AUDIT 0FJB00KS (Continued from pago 1.) Hero U Mr. Howard's reply to that letter: November 7, 191-1. Mr. O. P. Futnnnij Kdltor, Dead Uullotln, llond, Oregon. Dear Sir: "Youra or tho Gth Is nt hand. "I iiiiuln nn offur in nllnw nn ntldlt of tho books, aa I hnvo not that autit- orlty. "Tho matter baa beon tnkon up wllli niir Imnril if directors, and t8 agon oh I hoar rrom thorn, will nd. visp you further. "Youra vory truiy. "ItOSCOK HOWAItD, Oonernl Munngor. Tim Tlntlnlln vnslnrrinv mlilresaod nn'othor letter to Fred Stanley, presi dent or tho 0. 0. 1. Company, ngnln requesting access to tho books tor tup ainio insurance uejinriuumv. iwi ihg that In audi n enso It waa tho .l... A It.la .nAi ,a tt-nonnfl In fin JIlHJ Ul lino iii.i.u. .. j-.v- . what It could to got Justice tor tho Bottlors. Should Mr. StniUoy runner uotay ilm nmiinp nixl Mr. Hnwnrd conllnuo tp dony making an oltor which n scoro or men horo uonra mm mnKo, u n understood that eutUara will mnko uu nifnri in fnt nnlinn from tha stnto oompol,llng tho promised Invosll gation. ' "lieBh qystora at Ue Goxy neaUu- DON9T Worry About Christmas!! LET US BE YOUR SANTA GLAUS. Complete Showing of HOLIDAY GOODS W Good weight, attractive patterns, at per yard - - 12Jcyd. Crepe de Chine The Popular Waisting Silk, priced to sell at $2.00 yd. All Wool Navy Blue Serge- 50 inches wide, a Special Value $1.35 yd. New Cretonnes JJO inches wide, priced at . 25c yd. STOP AXI SHOP AT ANNHEIMER' TUB DBPB.VDOX STOK13. s Exclusive Local Dealers lid. V. Price & Co'. Tailoring. Lake oountlea gave For tee a plurali ty or aoout 109 votes ana Ms leail In Orant county waa even greater. Aa Indicated by the returns Mr. Korbea' ngkt for county division Injured him la hoatlle precineta. forecasts oooeorning the oomlng legtaialaro In Portland papem. men tion Mr. Korkea prominently aa a possible candidate for the speaker- ablp of the House. However, the fact that Lair Thompson or Lakevtew w slated tor tbe proeldoney ot the Sea ate may raltlgato against another Central Oregon man's ohaneea ror tho other position of honor. For broakfast coreal try the Bend Flour Mill Company's Germ Meal. Adv. 30 tr, HOYAL XUlfHIIlOIUi DAN'CK. The Itoyal Xelghliora save aa In formal danee at Sather'a Hall lait night. The music was furnished hy Ashley Forreet and O. M. GupUI dur ing the earlier part or tho evening until Mr. Forrest, who waa compelled to leave, waa replaced by Mrs. U. MaeLaurln. Sbe played some spirited one-steps and the latest waltzea, tor which Bho 'waa woll applauded. Mrc. S. Molatoih was floor manaeer and about thirty couples woro present. U you want fresh ground graham flour telephone tho llond Flour Mill. A dr. 36 tr. Try an oyster cocktail at the Cozy Restaurant. 3C-t0e ' ' ' ' i JDT7rT1T7 JD C Guaranteed JljlL 1 JlLiXO shoes... ifpy mV Commences Saturday Nov. 14 Come and See Warner s rilK VARIETY STOlti: For Every Member of the Family at the Right Price Ladies' Felt Slippers all Colors at $1.25 and $1.50 Rubber footwear for men, ladies and children. Plain and cloth top rubbers, 1 , 2 and 4 buckle overshoes, heavy rubbers for German sox and rubber boots. All FIRST Grade RUBBER E. A. SATHER Agents for Standard Patterns. When You Buy Groceries You want the best in quality, at prices that do not make you feel that you might have done better elsewhere. Caldwell's Pure Food Market is well prepared to please you in every way. Fresh Fr,uits, Vegetables and Produce, Staple and Fancy Groceries and Stoves, llnngea Xlmvuro (niiiltevnro HARDWARE S. C. CALDWELL TIIK STOUK OF QUALITY; Free Delivery Any hero In City. Implements Wagons, IluggleH Carriages 3040 a. rani.