rA0E4 TUB BXI Rl'LLKTlX, 1IKXD, ORB., WBDNKSDAV, NOVIUtllUlt 11, 101 1, V THE BEND BULLETIN CROOK COUNTY TOTALS FJaaafiHaasiBEBaiH (Publlrfted livery Wednesday) OEOUOI2 PALMER PUTNAM Editor And Publisher. ' ; ROBERT W. SAWYER $2l Assoclato Editor. 'WEDNESDAY, NOV. 11, 1914. ' Mm ' A DBLWERATE FALSEHOOD. Tho tlmo lifts domo to insist for an accounting In Ccntrnl Oregon Irriga tion Company affairs. Iloscoo llo'w nrd's management hns outlived its usefulness, and his latest change at froht hns cost him tho lingering remnants of respect any horcabout may have felt tor him. Absolutely and emphatically, Ilos coo Howard stated hero that ho would permit an examination ot his books, JIIb bluff was called. A roputabla stato official Is ready to proceed with tho examination. Now Mr. Howard crawls. In his letter ho says, "I nudo no offer to allow an audit ot tho books." In tho face of ouoh a state moat tho word "crawl" is too mild. Kor reasons best known ho himself, Mr. Howard tells a dcllber.ito false hood, and ho must know it. Certain ly thcro arc men hero who know It. Our advice to tho settlors is to bring every possible gun to bear to Insist on a houso cleaning in tho 0. O. I. offices. The methods ot tho management in tho past havo bean notorious. Charges mado through this paper havo been unanswored. If they wcro lies they would havo been refuted. If the settlors woro wrong tho books would bo open to them, to provo their orror. On the face of it, tho settlers nro right. That is why the books nro kept from them. It wilt bo our pleasure and our duty to see that every member ut tho Stato l.and Board, tho new gov ernor, end all oho in authority, know (he true status of our irrigation nf .falrs. And wo shall do our utmost .to; keep the settlers Informed ot tho Btand takan by thevj offlolals. No Jiakua pokus of sales of tho North! liavai, or outer issues rmsou to cre ate smoke, need blind the wator ua- 'i.y . ,L . .1 1- t Ik. ..... Id mv mmnimi anu iu. invruw VUououuud trom pngo 1.) Municipal Wluuxos. .130 Yes 1430 331 No 1771 Majorltyragnlnst ), , , . 33" 'Prohibition. 332 Yen 3121 333 No -. 1J77 Majority f6r tf44 AlHrtlftliliiR Dentil Penalty. . 334 Yes 2032 33o No !S?- or.tuwr company a management. -w- KEEN ODSERVATION. ...From time to time. when Its odl- teT In the right condition, the Red jgond Spokesman indulges in some rare bits of wit, some Intentional, but mostlr otherwise. T Whatever the status quo of tae. rumor or inn cupping, which is irw our estimable neighbor. Its humor Is too rioh to oteane comment: .'The opponents of county dlvU.'ou believed that there oxistod a eembl. nation of tho forces in the northern mid southern section of tho oeunty. "That iv combination existed seems to bo borne out by the statement In The Uend Dulletin that "throughout, Jefferson county ran close to Dis ehutos, as was tho oase, vfea versa, in the North End. In other words, the vote in Deschutes for the two proposed counties was almost the seme, and In Jefferson county the same was true. Just think or that! The oppononts of division actually believe that wo hero and the folks at tho north end combined forces. Marvellous! Every one in Crook county has known for months that Jefferson county and Deschutes county supporters wore working hand Jn hand everyone knew It. that is. except the writer in the Redmond Spokesman. Perhaps after tho measures just passed havo takon effect he will oomo to. Majority for . . . . . 208 (Jmduntcd Extra Tit. 336 X v .......1332 337. No . .. 3172 Majority against G20 Consollilatlnn Corporation and In- . Kunuico Departments. 338 Yes 1230 339 No 1085 Majority against .......... .740 Dentistry Kill. ' 340 Yes ...'. ..l400 341 No 23$$ Majority agalnftt OSS County OtficcrV Terms. 342 Yes . 132G 343 No 2300 Majority against 983 Tav Codo Commission. 344 Yes S10 345 No 24C5 Majority against 1C47 Abolishing: Desert Iiul Itlll. 346 Yes 1110 847 No 2401 Majority against 1SS1 Proportional Representation. 348 Yes S6l 349 No 24G3 Majority against 1C02 Abolishing State Semite. 360 Yoa 110S 351 NO 22S1 Majority against 1083 Department of Industry mid Public. 352 Yoa 1279 353 No 2210 Majority against .. 931 Primary Delegate Hill. .. 354 Yea 660 MS No 2G99 Majority against 9030 I4(ual AftMjesmoiit. 36 G Yoa 1001 31,7 No .,......... 224S WAR NEWS THE PAST WEEK JJSraSISfSla WE ARE EXCLUSIVE LOCAL DEALERS FOR Tho west end ot tho bnltlo lino In Franco and llolglum ban been tho sceno ot most recent Attempts on the part of tho Germans to bronk through. rAU last week thoy woro massing melt in that quarter prepara tory to a llnnl attempt to gnlu n foot hold on tho sen coast of Franco and on Sunday a tlorco battlo was report ed In progress which still continues. It is understood that tho Qormans havo proprtrod fresn defences In tho rear of their present lines to which thoy can retreat It unsuccessful In tne present movement Tho Russians havo rcportod tho groatest victory of tho war as a re sult ot which no moro Gormnna ar left In Poland and tho Russians havo crossed Into Prussia In pursuit of their foes. Winter wonther, for which the Russians nro bettor pre pared than their enemy, has helped In tho German dofout. Russian ar mies have also placed tho Austrluna in a difficult position and nro advanc ing naalnst tho Turks, who recently entored tho war as an ally ot Ger many. Tho Turkish declaration of war haa apparently followed various acta of war on tho part or nor licet, includ ing tho bombardment of Russian port rnd attacks on her naval ves sels In tho Dlack sea. Tho Turkish plana contomplnto an Invasion of. Egypt, but England is reported n havo sufficient troops there to rojwl any Invasion. English and French vomols havo bombardod the Turkish forts In tho Dardanelles. KugMsh statesmen say that Turkey's present action moans tho end ot that country On Saturday tho news camo of the capture by tho Japanese of the Ger man forts or Ttlng-Tan and the mir roader ot the German garrison. The Japaneee havo announced their In tention to restore Ktao-Cuau to China at the end ot the war. This victory releases the English and Japaneee war veesele that have been on block ade duty and enables thorn to start Majority against 14 I af,8r ,he German fleet that defeated EDESCO Finest Made-to-Measure Clothes Si K . t . s re earnestly solicit your early cull to inspect the biff EDESCO line of liiilf n thousniutoALL WOOL FABRICS we nrc featuring from tho house of Edward E. Strauss ($b Co. THE BIG MERCHANT TAILORS Chicago - It is i mighty clever line of the season's best fabrics mul most exclusive fashions one that we are proud to present to your discriminating judgment for ExclusivCness, Individuality and Moderate prices. Your best interests will lxs conserved if you will conic and let us show you this line. dome early, while the assortment of five hundred pure all wool fabrics is complete, delivery date can be arranged to suit your convenience. CASH Store BENNETT'S BEND Oregon. PHONK 44 "WHATS TUB USB?" la a valedlotory effusion upon thai virtue ot Prank Blktns, defeated tot ra-eldeties as sheriff, the Redmond, Spokoentan says: '.'That a man should be knifed for doing; his duty simply bears out Uia contention of the antLdlvisIonlst that the exponents of division would use all means to atteia their qnd. "Wo are confident that had county division been eliminated. Sheriff Hi king would "have been returned by a substantial majority. Or was ho de feated beeaute he bed to send his deputies to Dead to ee force the Sun day dosing law? Or but what' the use?" ' ; We hesltato to give tho Redmond paper so much space, but this, too, seems to require comment. i "Had to send doputles to Dead to enforce the Sunday closing law. When this law-enforcoment matter comes up, tho mind wanders back o an Incident of not so long ago. when tho Governor of Oregon contrlvtd to get decency acknowledged, and vice ousted, at Redmond only by the throat of sending the militia to that city, then thriving under tho benlf icent rule of one Jones. Out to borrow the words above "what's the use?" ! titFM Mm shirts ! 3pfeW 1? Q j fgjff " lJhMifli0$lyVlOSZ UNDERWEAR J 1 1 1 I f I jw. Jwrfii. .4.SSS& wa i. t JPrW r - I v oml. ui i lj HjiP3 TS'f -4E-ff " klaW IJRni KJM I1 I ns mr. xs tho Ilrltlsh squadron off tho const of Chile last week. The Oerman oruisors Kmden and Konlgshurg. tliut hnvo" been destroying lioslllo oom- niorco in tho Atlantic and Indian oceans, nro now out of buslnesa, the first having boon destroyed by the Australian cruiser Sydney and the second boing bloekadetl In na .frl oun river. Just arrived, nice lint of eandlee, nuts, etc. You will appreciate our warm bath rooms In the cold weather. The same trio ot barbers is at your service. The Metropolitan. Adv. Tho beet Is what you want. Ti Desohutea Spray Hour. Adv. 3d S A number or voters In tho North Rend preolnct wrote In the name of Gujf B. Dobson as their candidate for constable. Had the office of dog poleonor been open, wo don't doubt that Mr, Dobson would have receiv ed even a more generous support. The man who can toll a bettor story, write a better book or build a better mouse trap than his neigh bor, though he build his habitation InJum woods, the world will wear a b'jfaien path to his door. Binorsou. II. A. Kelly stated before election thaj tho oftco of county surveyor was not worth having If division car ried. With Jefferson county gono, wetwp-ndor if Mr. Kelley's feeling is d tiR tho same. TAKfiATK.fCJIEK. V list of available rooms for teach eratdurlng Institute, November 23-25 seeing prepared. Res!don(s of Rend who have rootns to let are requested toInform mo promptly. , This list wTlbbe supplied to all teacher's mnk JngOnqulrles, J. 11, Shouse, 3 6-3 7c if ' MEASURE YOU FOR YOUR sun AND OVERCOAT, THEN YOU'LL BE DRESSED WELL COME IN AND LET US TAKE YOUR MEASURE FOR THAT SUIT OF CLOTHES OR OUERCOAT. AND VOU WILL BE SURE OF A GOOD '-'FRONT." VOU CAN PICK OUT THE PATTERN VOU WANT FROM OUR SAMPLE BOOK AMD KNOW THAT VOU WILL GET NEW CLOTHES THAT WILL FIT YOU PROPER LY. WE WILL SELL YOU A MADE-TO-ORDER SUIT OR OUERCOAT FOR WHAT YOU CAN AFFORD TO PAY. R. M. SMITH CLOTHING COMPANY LEARN THE WAY Q ET YOUR GROCERIES at Shuey's. We have just received fresh shipments of Nuts, Raisins, Cran berries, Corn for popping, and other holi day luxuries. Save money by getting these at Shuey's Cash Grocery A Bend's Leading Eats Store A TO MAK1J KOHOOI, IittVY. A iweeial meeting of (be freehol ders In school dlitrlet IS has been called for Saturday. November 11. at 2 o'elook In tho principal a room tit tho Rold sehool. At tba meeting 'he tax levy for the district for the com ing year will bo determined. KOR SAMS Homo very choloo cockerels, from standard bred trap nested White Leghorns; lino large birds. Mrs. I M. Ray, 8. K. Stan, dard Oil Co., Ilend. U3.30p 1'OR 8AI.lt Ordor your holiday turkoy how. lino young birds. J'hono or write Mrs. Klmur Cast, DesohutiM. Oregon. 33-7u IX) It SAI.IC, or xclmn6 I'or ojtr Phone or eall at the While Roek Itaaeh, Laldlaw, Oregon. 3Jlf run hai.15 Tnree Tnuinuse geeee r. V. Swlalier, Uld- and one gander. law. FOR SAl.K- 3tf -120 nere homestead relinquishment nt n bargain, liad levol, good ioentloH. Inquire lltlllo Uh. JfOtr KOR BAI.U Chcnii. Two slnglu beda. Inquire lliillutln oMloe. 17tt I'OIt 8AI.H 8 Ilolstoln oowa. III; producers, isino fresh nuw, uihwra In month. Farm 7 miles N. It. lnu station, RtHliaoiid. Phone No. t!04. I'. O. I'rlsovllle. J. K. Itloe. t TO TltAllU Olt lt.XCIIA.NOIS. WII.I, TltADIC leighty Beres, miles north of town far elty property, auto, eta., water right oh land. Or. 8. Young. 18-27 c. Classified Advertising WANTED. WANTBD Position In prlvato homo by young woman. Inquire at Bulletin. 36p AOK.STS WANTBD Man and wo man make big money selling our hd .uphold speclaltfe: experience ii ueeeeeary. Oenoral Utility Co., 600 B. 41st St.. Portland. Ore, 3i-3Sp WANTKD Olrl for general Iiousb work. Apply Mrs. O. M. Pnttr. son. 36 tf WANT TO BXOIIANOE A Victor graphophono and records tor a good shot gun or rifle. Apply P. E.'Dlek. Hand, Orogon. 31tf I'on itn.VT. FOR RBNT Two small furnished housos near school house. 8. R. I lo gin, half blook north and half block west, of depot, 32tf ' FOR RBNT Cory 3 room house, furnished, gleet He light and wator. JJQ;ior monUi. Inquire Metropoll fan. SOtf. IXXST AND FOUND. LOST Whlto setter dog. Notlty IJullctln omco. tt TAKEN UP On 8optomber 13; ono 2 year old steer, roan and whlto; ono 2 year old holfer, red and while spotted; ono spring calf with right ear split. Will dollver for costs. I'. V. 8wIshor, Iildlnw. 3Itf NOVEMHEU STORMS drive the Ducks in from the hills. Get your Peters Ammunition IFKOM! Skuge Hardware Co. M3BKMX3KF2 Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Daily: A full line of Royal Club goods and Folger's Special Teas and Co flee always onJiand. A call will assure you that our prices are reasonable. T. R.. McCLINCY Bond Street, Bend, Oregon. Next to Dream Theatre, zjsm r MM FOR BALK. FOR BALK Thoroughbred Jorsoy bull, five years old. Kllglblo to reg ister. Phone or call on William Alt, I 'As miles north of Rend. 30tfo FOR 8ALB Good toam. warm and harness, cheap. Crawford's Feed Yard. 30tf FOR SALB or TRADIS Forty acres Improved land under T. I P. Twonty Irrigable ncros, I room house 3 mile from town. Price 2700. Will tnko wagon, team, harness nnd em tio or other trade to tho amount of 1500.00, balance 10 year time In,' nulro Dullutln. )Ci-37 p FOR SALB or TRADUw-Bxcolsl-jr motorcycto, 2 aylladur, 2 seated, neat ly new, Trade for good horsos. In quire nt Dtillotln ofllco. 35tf FOR SALB -Thanksgiving turkoy.s aic. geeso. P. II. Deneer, Phono Rur al 41. 36tf FOR SALB 400 bushels of rye $1.25 a bushel. On Blators-Laldlrw road D miles northwost of Laldlaw. Ouy 0. McAllister, Laldlaw. 36-39o FOR BAIE Two first olass young cows. Soon fre3h. M. W. Knlcker. bockor. Phono. Laidlaw. a 1st P. O. 34-30P Bend Flour Mill Co"-.':: Deschutes Spray Ar and True Blue yv fl The leading brands of patent flour. " Ask your grocer for them. FEEDS Large quantities of Shorts, Bran, , Rolled Oats and Barley on hand at all times, SEEP en I wsssseaeMM m Seed Wheat and Rye in several va rieties. Mail Orders solicited. Bend Flour Mill Co. A. J. KROIJNUIIT, Progldoiit-Managor. it