triii ih.xii m-iKTiy, bend, oiih., wkdnkhday, November i, ion. rAOR 0. :: Yr ' LOCAL NEWS ITEMS 0. o.,Lnuiijnrd ffy lu,Uwu toOny. J. At. 1fr ' HoWWh In town Hun dry, L. II. Hoot of Lnldhiw wna In (own Hrturday. NSat nnvlB Id iow vrUlni for Kuril Jlroj. , a. d; vViW of Ai(tifft ijitjft 19. IIP lllNlt.iYl i W. MAiw at Itodlnfadf 'itoSfflff tjswn flHnl8fcf. " ! " A. it Hoot 0! PlaaliuraL wo In tfiwil yofllurilny. P. W. LovdrotiR wont to Plnohurnt InHt Wtldiiosdoy. W. It, Jhjmntoi of Laldlaw 'yn : town on Bnuirdny, l W, ifoneloy df I.nldliw wna in town over Sunday. 4 I. K, Winter of Plnuhtirat spout thu woak end In town. F. V. Swtnhcr of Laldlaw wna In town liint Monday. , J. Denccr of Mnmpton Hutto was in town'ovor uiuiday, 0. W li&Hllny camo to town yt torday fur tho winter. ' Mntt Kulcscfi of 'lils'iiu npont n fpw day In town Itst woak, doc. Stanlay of Portland returned from Offlno Prairie Inst wk. W. J. Jnnileou or Hllvor l.nko unt Hie waok-and nt the Wi-IkIiU A. W. Andoifun of Redmond mal thu weok-ond nt the Wilrtl-L . (lortnitlo Mnrltol hns bean In from tier homostoAd for n few daya. Mr. nnd Mm. 0. W. Snyder of Labi law wuitf in town on TiiMuny. V, A. Orubor of Kllvar Lake, wm IK tw'fer a fow day lwt woak. ' JUrt Uau of UMHpttttt Untie fNt it fow day 1 town lwt woe. Mr. Nit DftTll k oll In 0M.nn In ftuont tw wooka for a abort vlll. C. torn Smith of I'rlcTlll wmi rt&4 at the B d teat Bs r. Q. II. llMtHHmM of MltUcnu WM Im town tadr. II Mn hIh way Portland. Mr. tt. U. Gould's utothr, Mr. IMUuJa, Is paying her daughter a two neok'H vwu 'A. H. Pork of 11a rati ton returned ttthl home lat weik after a weekt vlU In lawn. 'Tlmro will be Siiubwsrlptlon Club dtaeo nt Balhari Unit on Saturday, Movembyr 14th. Hubert Kojeii rrvo n llnllowo'u jmrty nt hi mother roildwiw iMtt Httirlny ii Ik ht. i t'l Vl'lltllllf llT Biflt'f, Mil,, (ill liruutciJidifi. Milton A. Mlllnr of I'nrtliud vw In Un Umt woflt tltlklflr! fV Mr. Cflinibnrlnln.' Wtillfi lion lw ttip--trl rt Him Uond. Sir, 0. AlimUurln jnv n dnin-u lt' MlglUJu.R'Ullor'H jin'i, Aiiont lotlT coifmut woro t'rtut, mid nvry on Uml fl'iiltwiint tium, 41 'd Ottlhollc Udls Will KlVO a Nil- 1 VCf ton lit Hid lOBldoiiou t,t lira. Bl(iiw Hlnirttlry nftornoon from two to flvo '0lO0K. J.oIhmiI DltVlH who linn Ikhui till 1 19 lok with xo mo HliKht tnl)orolilr trntitilu In roportod to ua oonvultwj IliK. Koll Mnrkel laf t lnlt wook for ffto kntio. whoro hIiu IntondH to rwililo uii. Ill ChrlHlmiiH, on uooount of hor Itonigi, A nnllowq'cn party wnn hold nt Mm. Clyilo MoKny'n roBidenoe Imt l'rldoy tiV(jnln, KlKlitoofl ultlldren word prdNuni nnti ovuryono iimi a good tlmo. Mm. V. A. Korlic; who linn hoon norluuily III, U inuchslmprovod In lumllli, nndwlll Boon ho ublo to ho nroimd nnnin. 0, A. Voiulorlinlt, tho day oporntor nt tho tdluKrnpii ofllco, u v.tmcit hook thlH .mornliiK from 1'ortland, whoro ho linit linoii In tho honpltnl, duo lo n norvouH hroakdown, l'orHt nHlnant V, J. Upront ro turnud from l'rlmtlo Knlla TuoNday nljiht. Ho oxpcctD to rcomln homo for about n wouk. nftr which ho In toudn to KO Kant for a month'a visit ',' I f trm r i ai . wmm n HAPPY EHT MI3S RATLIFPE ISNOW AIRS. McREYNOLDS Tax rodn n'ilMi'n Yen 34, un 81. Vfturl I.nncl itpiird V 51. no 8. i J'lOiMtrtlflnkl raiirMatt'Atlon Yoai X, no o. '-, tvAntil'b B mIiu-Vm 10, no Q$, intru)tut of .!Hitr- Yof, H, no N " I'rli I'rollj cVrcttioii' At Pi afthylfrlflii Cliunili ThtirFdii)' Uhh KMznhctli DinN Maid of Honor Curl lliiti- Icr In llcut Mnn fofOtcaxhiii. wltli IiIh jmrontB. Tho Hnptlnt Wownn'a Mlpslonnry Clrel vHl moot with Mrs. loin or row nftornoon nt 2:80. Thoro will ho a dilmlo In wjiloli all iiro ox PMKkI to fliitnr. Tho mibjMl In: "I).) tllo yoiuiK lioapla of tho elty or the young poopftf of tho cauntry nnvo thit bttor etAtin to prprtf far RtroitK, tiMful manhood and womanhood." Mm. Ai M. VrlrtRlo, who Iim Icon quite lflk rontly In now nblo to he around njiMft. Four hundred oaltlo nro fltpsoUd to nrtivo In town tomorrow inornltitc from Hllvor Itko. o. Ik Ilofer w In town hhi week. Unrlim hi vtny ho wa reg Intersil nh tho licnu. any MoAlllater nnd J. M. mtton woro Smflnk tho hualnota vlaltora frdm Iildlnw Saturday. "y. ' youtiB and Mltw Jovnphlna Yop or; of Alkali Lnko. hav boon In ton for (ho Intit fw dnyc. Mm. A. II. Mllllonn, vm In town lnt wouk an hnr return from Kukmo wljoro ahe haha beon vWltlnir. Tho llrldito Oluh will hnvo Its weekly mtetltiR at tho rtwldaneo of Mm. A. M. I'rinKlo thla I'rtdny. Harl Md'adilon pnwrd throiijch Hand Irtut wonk on bl rstttrn from llnnipton Uutto to Ttirrobouno. Mro. 1J, Ji. Thompaon. who. hiyi hMia JPltp Khjk diirlK' tho IHift two months, la now nhlo to ho nUoJt nwln. ,Mra. T. U. J. Duffy rolurncd front I'fUVATK IIUHI'ITAIi, , On KovmtMN' lft, 1 ahall upon a private hoUattMl for no-eoDtgloti and maternity emw In tny uotpa in Doaohntoa addition. Itofor&e. Dr. U. f-orratt nyiUjr. U. C. Co. Mra. m. A. Kaojt. i-a t mmmmmutmm n iw i NOTirie TO MY I'ATItOXfl. On thu lrt waek of eaeh mouth I will bo In MalAM until furthur no llae. Dr. J. II. Xtenoarn, IWtid, Or Kon, Adv. 3Se Juat a little too bUHy to pay much altohtfon to otirCTWh luialuww. How. ovr, wo Jiro atul haro. Don't for got you can got your nhoea ahlned on Biinday. alio IwthB, olgara, tolmeoo, o.. .Tho Metropolitan. Adv. Ono cent n word la all a llttlo want Ad will coat you. CHOUGH NOTICES IhiptUt. Illblo aohool 10 n. ni. I'ronohlnK aorvlco nt 11 o'clock. Hubjeot. "Tho I'owcr that Ovcrruloa." ounit poo nk'a inotitlnK 0:30 v. m. I'roaoliltix aorvlco 7:30. "Individual Chojco." K. It, Judd, puitor. I nm aorry to dtnnppolnt my ninny cuatamora In Ilond by not conil jt nooiior. I oxpoct to bo et tho Ilond Hotel November 18 to 27. Dr. Ida liohrondt. Adv. tf Lnat Thursday ovcmlntj nt tho I'ro. byterlatl church ocoured tho wedding of Mlaa Oraco Ilatllffo and Jawia (Itty Moltoynolda, with aomo 200 KuentB In nttondanoo. Dr. Hartranlt norfornled tho coroinonV which con eluded about ncvon thirty mo that the couple could catch tho Portland train. Tho church wa hcnutlfully decor iitoil. and with tho Inrno nttOndnuco. nxcoMent iiiuulo and Kenoral nttnic tlvonoas, the occasion proved ono of mo )iiont improiwlvo in llcnd aoolnl hlatory. Tho brldo waa given away liy hr hrother-ln-lnw. II. II. Ford, and Ml KlUiilioth Davis acted an muld of honor, with Carl Hunter m host man. The hrldo wore n whltu gown of trimmed with ratlu and exquliito soft Inco. and carried a ahowar uouquat of white roMM and Illy of the fllly. Tho'Kroom waa convcutlonnlly ntflf. ihI, and woro the Nmo xlovoa thai hla fatner uwd at hU wadding thirty live yoara unto, l.uella 9huejr aa ring tianror. am Halrn Palmar and Kntbur KotM m dower Kirk loade a charming trtn, lu tbidr wbllo frocks and pink aaahoa Mlaa Darla, maid of honcr, wore an rUremely attmrtlve town of crap ln fhlnit and broeadud antln under ahadow lac. The cantor alalaa of the church were artkttlealty nrraacod with num roua ntreawarH of pink d htt. Fern aal maattalU Oir-Jcxi tne ai mary d'Jtntta Yea 80. tll'02. (svo )inifior) Yea 37. rto1 13. Im Pino. CoosrR-CI-iiver it, ISvnn iQ, imiou r i. .. Death tat, CliOiBlwflAiit "81, llatiUy 5, t dotarnor--Btnlth 60, WICttyMinbe 10. AUoruey aral lJrown (, 3t' Mflr f t. ' BtrtU TOO !.T1 TO CMKHII''Y. AQBXTfl WANTKD Man and wo man make IiIr money buIIIhk our 1'iiM'hold apvolnlllwit: cxperteneo ' HocHiry. Ownernl Utility Co., too B. Hat at.. Portland. Or... , 8C-3p LOT Alrodallo torrltor, anawora to namo of "Hob." Plaaio notify II. Irf-thnm, Hond Park Co., 311 tar. farming n (barker htckarouaJ for tho wont, i-ora" lt'rod In aoll-I piuu uowcra. aoovo, ami ;ii con eaallnK tbH choir loft, ware more rlbbnna of o'lik-ad whit. elaatorlaK under a lnige wbito bell. Durlni; tho bridal nroceealon the 12 ineriibera of tho Ilond (Ilea Gll.op.3 snnic tho Lohengrin WmldlMg March. Thero were many nut-oMown gnoeti and ninotiB thetu the two alstora of tho groom. Mm. Leo Hobh of Powell llntto nnd Mra. 8. D. Poroival of Gateway. Upon their return from n woek'a honoynioon Mr. nad Mra. McKcynolda will iniike their homo with tho Ktoom'a paronta, Mr. nnd Mm. h. M Moltoynolda. Mr. Mollovnolda ta naalatant cnihlor of tho Flrat Na tional Hank. WHEN DOESUR RISE? Thoo I'lRurtM Tell You Hxnrily, Ho Jtcnnro of llrcnklni: Ijuv. ,t . j ' " It la unlawful to ahodt hotweun nunaet and nunrlea. Ilelow la Hated tho exact hour of adnrlao and aunaot hero. Dnto Bunrlao Sunaot Nov. 1 . . . Nov. 8 . . . Nov. 15... NOV. 22 Nov. 29... Doe. 8.... C:30 , . . ,C:39 . ... . 6: 4D . ... .0:58 , .....7:07 r:ia FOR HAM-: or TUADKKxeaUhir inoiorcjolo, 2 cylinder. 2 aoftted. unr- ly new. Trade for Rood licrsoa. in- her woddlpR trip Inat Sunday. 8ho iiulru at Hnlletlu ofllco. Sitf The Perils of Pauline Doe. 13 7:1 Deo. 20 7(20 Dec. 3.7 7:29 tlM8.) Jan. 3 7:30 Jan. 10 , 7s2S Jan. 17. 7:30 4:40 4:30 4:22 4:10 4:12 4M0 4H0 4:12 4:10 4:12 4:30 4:3S to Kntrfnaar Lowla SO. it(priMnttlvo-r.Forl)a 2. Bfhlui 31. Oencor 31. Bhorlff Wlklna 47. Koox 42. Clark -Ilrown 54, Wonderly 33, Trcaatirer Jordan 78, Pock 0. CommlMtonor Hlanehard it, niOhnrddon 3t. Surveyor -Huaton 30, Kelley 24, IllCO 2(1. Coroner Polndextcr 70. Dfichutea County 100, awlnat 4j Jefforaon 07 and 7. , Lnldlair, CotiKrcia -Cloaver 7. Evan la. uinnatt us. Scnnto Ilooth 70, Chamborlain 100. Hanley 26, Ilnmp 13, Htfnn 3. Governor aill 7, Purdy 1, C. J. Smith 177, W. J. Smith 20k U'Kcn 20, WlthycoatbB 80. , ' Treamircr Kay 148, Paget 104, BlooJ) 23. " JiiHtiro Iloun 128, 'Uonaan 90. IlrlKht 140. Cmwford Jl, Oalloway 73 Hnrrfa 00, Hoteliktsa 20, McUrlde 8 (5 1 Onen 20. Ksmwy SI, Hoblnaon 14, 81tr 53. Attorney General Brown 148. liositi'-r 2, Jeftray 78, Ird 10. fttpt. of Public InatriicUOH Hurt ona 01, Churchill 163. Forenmn 21. Htate MnRlneer Lewi 101. Comm. of Labor Hon 111, Mat Dooald 30. Nlkwla 2. Oomm. of JteJlroad Miller 20P. PunHa 20. (.( of Water Division No. I. Caahran 206. Jterrenentatlvff-Forliea 1RJ, Smith So. Twicer IIS. Hyndoian 67. Shotirr Elklna HI. Knox 1" Clerk- tirown 171, Coaatafclo 21, Woaderly (4. Tivaaurer J or duo 117, Peek 4 Oomm Blauchard 1S2, Froat 2. HKbHrdaon SS. Stirvevor Blvlns 21, lluaton SS Kelloj- 2. H lea S9. Coroner Pateraon 38, Polndaxter 208. Doachutaa eounty-For 2SS. nnalnat, i'J, JotTeraon eounty-For 204. agalnat Alfalfa. PRECINCT VOTE QIVEN IN PART Hoprwantntlvo Cloavor 22, 20 glnnott 5,. Smnlor -Hoo-li ', Chamber' tin 4) Hanley S. Itnwp 13, Stlne ? Governor Gill 1. Purdy 1. O. J. Smith 32. W. J. Smith 15, U'Hon 2. Wlthycombo 20. Trmiaurcr Kay 29, Paget 2C. Sloop 10. Justice Uoan 25. Ponton 21 Ilrlflht IS, Crawford 23, Galloway 14. Hauls llotchklwi.O, McUrldo 12. Oltn 1G. Ramiey 10. Roblnion 12, Slntor 0. Atfnrney GonornI nrown 30, lloa mor 10, Jeffrey 1R. Lord 3. Supt. Public Instruction Burton 21. Churchill 20. Foreman 20. Slnto BnKlnccr Lowla 48. Comm. of Labor Hon 35, MacDon ald 10. Nlkula 18. Comm. of Railroad Miller 45, Po urala 18. Supt. Water Division No. 2. Coch- ran 44. Rpproxonlfttlve Forboa 37, Smith 10. Denccr 30. iiymlmnn 18. Shorirf Klklna 38. Knox 30. Wln-nold-12. CJeXa-Warren l-"'n,n 44, Cons itatiio 14, wnpqeriv ii. Treasurer -Jordhn 51, Peek 17. , Conunliwloner Dlnnohard. 24 Frost 30, IUohnrdson 22. Surveyor -IJIvlns 20, HuatonJC Kolley IS, ltlc 17. . Coronorv-Potoraon 21, Pglndexter 40. Just a Few Words About Value YOU AUK INTHItlSBTKD IN SHCUftlXO THIS M08 YOVU MO.VffY WILL IIUY VOU WANT HTYLU AND QUALITY COUPLJ8D WITH A MODHIIATK I'ltlCK, YOU OttfP ALL TllllliK IIHHIL IP YOU KNOW VALUMS W4 CAN COUNT YOU AH ONH OP OUIt CUH TOMIIIIH. A Nofflhlo liwlnnco of Our AhllHj In Value Giving in OUR BLANKET LINE Dependable Cotton Jintikcta at 7ic to ISWI Vcr Pair An Hxceplioiml Value JOx70 In Gray, Tnn, or White nt ,oo Per Pair All Wool Illankcto t $3 to 910,7; Per Pair COMFOIITS, HATS. NOW IH TDK TIMB TO IlUY 8WKATHKH OUIt LINK IS COJIPLKTi:. Kvcrj Uilnjc In InfantV, Children', Men', ami rndlCM Kuejitcrx, Prlccil From 50c to 97.iO t-Uth Iufant'H Toqncx, 1raweM, IcxKln, Ikxltccfi, Kaquc and Knit Ilompen. NKW LINK MHN'K AND HOYS FUU LINKD OAVS A complctp IioIiik nrw liuck touellnw, unliable Or Buost tOHcLi anil dccr cnrf at. 80, 15, 00, 7io yd. STOP AND SHOP AT MANNffEIMER'C JLl JL T1US ,,K,'B'V,,ON STOltK. kj Cxclustvo Local Dealer Hd. V. Price & Co'a. TallorlnR. Deachutoa oousty For 49, against 151. Jefferson county For 49, kgalaat 175. Ccntrnlo. Sonato Ilooth 20, Chamberlain 42, Hanley S. aovornor Smith 49, Wlthycombo 14. Trenauror Kny 29, Paget 20. Supreme Court Hean 25, HeDBO.i 25, Crawford 21, Galloway 2S, liar rln 20. MoUrldo 21, Itamsey 15, Slat, er 17. Attorney General Drown 30, Jef fory 25. Representative Forbca 33, Smith 18, Denccr 34, IHndaman 17. Sheriff Elklna 45, KnTJxtJS Clerk Brown 40, Wonderly 12. Commissioner Illanehard 33. Desehutea county For 43, against Jefferson county For 36, agalnat 24. TeUicrow. Cncrew Cleaver C9, Evans 30, Slnnott 49. Senate Booth 28, Chamborlain 91. Hanley 13. Ilamp 1, Stlne 15. Governor GUI 5, Purdy 1, O. J. Smith 106, W. J. Smith 3, U'lten 0, Wlthycombo 50. (Continued on lost psse.)" 37. (Continued front pago 1.) r 1 T S E E N5 IE H S v DREAM T E N T (ID THEATRE Thursday, Nov. 5 Don't Miss the Story! z- "" . i. ii,- Also One FARCE COMEDY WH sjl S'ondorly 08. Treasurer Jordan 209, Peck 30. Comm. Illanehard 12S, Fr6at 1$, Richardson 101. Surveyor Illvlna 13, Huston 134, Kelley 02, Rice 46. Coroner Potorson 30, Polndoxtar 188. Deschutes eounty-For 278, against 7. Jefforaon eounty-For 201, ngalnat 10. Juntlco of tho Peace J. A. Hastes 231. ConMnblo S. E, Roberta 24. Prohibition For ltJ7, ngaliut 01. Meimirv. Voters to bo cltUena Yea 133, no 31. Lloutonuut GovernorYea 59, no 80. Consolidation of county and city Kovornmouta Yob 57. no OS. Bonding for Irrigation voa 74, no 01. Taxation Yea 60, no 70. Taxation, authorlxtng exemption Yob 30, no 70. Aahlaud normal Yea 72, no 05. Annexation of municipalities Yob 00, no 50. Umatilla normal Yes 80. no 08, Logtoi&tivo pay Yea 67, no 41. Elisht hour law, uulvoraal-Yea 51. po 115. Eight hour, fetnnl'3 Yes 77, no 70 Judiciary Vos 31, no 73. S1G00 oxemptlon Yea 47. no SO. Public docks Yea 40, no 60. Municipal docks Yes 9, no 07. Prohibition Yoa HI. no 100. Denth ponnHy-i-Yea, 00, no 03. Graduated realty laXrYes 46, no 77. .. KIro Marshal. Yob 40, no, 68, Dnntlatrv Ybs 50. nn 91. Four 'year county, flo&--?Yaf0, 30. Deschutes (jaunty Kor 44. agalnat a Jefforaon coupes For 33. agalnat Lnvn. CongroH! tjlunott 10. SennU-rBoolh 9, Cbambdrlnln 1$ Hanldxl. "" Oov5rnor ,0. J. Smith 9, Withjv aotnbe!'tU Attoj-neV Gonentl RroxVn 11", Jap. froy 1 . State Engineer .Lowla 15. ReprpseRtaUvo--ForliOB 6, Smith 11. Doncer 11. Sherlffr-Elfclna U Knox 9. Clerk Brown 16, C6natablo P. Tronaurer Jordan lu. Peck 3. CommlBsloner Dlanchard 11. Frost 1, Rlchnrdaon 7. Surveyor Blvens 1, Huston , KqIIqj- S.UIco 3. Corouer Potoraon 0, Polndextsr !$ Deschutes county IS. against 3. Jorferuon county 17. nualnst 3. Prohibition 14 for, 7 HKnlnat. Countj' offlcora torm rtmendmont 4 for. 16 ngalnst; AbclIshlDit Deaort Land Board S for. 13 asntn8t. Abolishment Qf Stnto Senate 4 for, 16 against. Sitter. Congress Slnnott 108. senate Booth 53, Chamberlain 115, Hanley 29. Govomor O, J. Smith 1Q0, Withy combe 74. Attorney General r- Brown 108, Jeffrey 07. ' Stato Englneor Lowls 103, Representative Forbes "97, Smith 91, Donqor 119. Sheriff Elklns 89, Knox 129, Wlnfield 123. Clerk Brown 107, Constable IT, Wonderly U. Treasurer Jordan 175, Peck 49. Commissioner Blanohard 137, Frost 28, Richardson 0(1. , Surveyor Blvens 23, Huston 50, Kelley 108, Rice 54.N twuruucjj iui;rBuuua, roiiiuoiiur. Hats This is a new department in our store, so there are no old hats all fresh and new. We are show ing new shapes and shades as well as tho more conservative shapes in Black and Brown. Also new and staple, shapes in Stiff Hats. Give us a look before deciding. All priced at $3.00 E. A. SATHER Agents for Standard Patterns. ii Li il When You Buy Groceries You wnnt the best in quality, at prices that do not make you feel that you might have done better elsewhere. Caldwell's Pure Food Market is well prepared to please you in every way, JEresh Fruits, Vegetables and Produce, Staple and Fancy Groceries -and Stoves, Ranges Tinware Orauitewaro & 't HARDWARE S. C. CALDWELL TUB STORE .OP QUALITY Freo Delivery ABywlk-rexii'Clty. Implementii Wagons, limlcii Uarrlngea .TW4. 1T"' 3iTm f - "MM r rtifivalr-