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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1914)
the iiijnii uvhunis,, om: wHihM-mir, octohhu sa, 101 1. iMnrc r. I 3 I Whit the Sherif i !s Off fee Cosls , , f ' . fcr rjaaeaert - SV- .iflQfl 5, fflileNJgiiiiTy ...., J.jon.oo jfctl'n iKiiiuiy f l.M.8tf M'rAvnlttif? IVlinHlifbl MOM T 'tisAo BHillnnu'ry -.380.68 100(1 M00.00 1.200.00 610,50 VJ&M H.O UW AI1IQ .J. ...... AiltO HXIIUIUO . . . . . 100 .00 .0 1010 12,408, 08 1,200.00 NJ.O ..saw 107.20 - ,yu $2,100.00 1.1QQ.00 70JWII5 0,i lib 398.22 J2.I90.07 1,200,00 l.MMPO 7orw, 2,210.10 Y"J Toliil . . .94.SRtt.Jlt f 4.122.88- ?(5,tfl0,l0 6,770.0d SJ-a. an. ju $8,077.-10 . ID II $ 2,400. bO 1.20O.00 1,810, or. 1,100.25 tn.n 111,0(.10 TIii-mj llKurnn show you uliitt tint MunWn oilier) tol in l( Iiii becii roiMltjt'tcd. fell in in iilKJiiJ. ip"St)0 III olio )'iti-, between llilt! mill II) 111. . ' V4yen,1 U'W MJlftllH llllM HlHIll)' tr)lllMl - .'(jtiiiiiit'(i not inuiiiiiiiiK inu nwm.x i. Ill UV. DumiIIo tho iinluiiinblfi;. unfit ihn fftit'efliiit oftirntifii llllllilf "lllllo WioIImw" mid dial ilOjHlf)' flliu JimilHjll TIioho lluurcN Mum oiiii iciiAoii for 111(111 TA.VICH, -If IC II. KNOX n clcclod Hlicrlir llio cool run ho i-odiireiPituiI tlio nflliMoiiay of tlio iiftfup "lllCIOttMMl. 'Hint i Mil)' yiMI Mlllllltl VOTE FOR KNOX tr (I'flliJ ndvorlUomonl alaiiad by W. II. flttiata, fiend, Or $ i - . nv 9 I am the regular Democratic nominee for COUNTY SURVEYOR ti , , I liavc been n resident of Crook County since 1878, mid am the only candidate for this oflicc who , is u property owder. YX,- ItFavor Cpunty Division If elected, I promise ECONOMY. yr WADE II. HUSTON (I'ald Adretllwrornti if -v I am a candidate for reelection for ' COUNTY CLERK My Record is my Recommendation. Four Terms of Faithful Sen'ice. My oflicc has been conducted with competence ! and economy, and will continue to be. ' Warren Brown tfaM AdvrttlMinfnt) t I announce my candidacy for the oflicc of COUNTY SURVEYOR u at the coming election, as n non-partison. S? "'My platform is: Good Roads and n 77Cbiuinued Competent and Impartial Adjninistration orthcOIIice. Fred A. Rice I '? I k Mi kC (MM Aittrarlitrmtul) FOR SHERIFF 1 plotlso nn Administration or thu Bhorld'a ofllco that will bo ECONOMICAL. I bollavo 1 can imutllo the work to your intUfncdon and yot bovo you tnonoy. . 1 iiromUo 8T11ICT I,AW KNKOUOHMKNT. I nm not bound to tiny ono auction of tlio county. I slinll glvo n nqunro deal to nil, For twenty-Bovon years I liavo lvcd In Crook County. J hdvo been n. tax payor for at loaut twouty years. My , record Is cloar. ' ly platform U KCONOMY and LAW KNFOKQU-. MUNT. I Bollcll your voto. Wfp B! Knox (IV. Id Advertisement.) ft: LOCAL NEWS ITEMS t All nutomotillo owners who ,wtll kIvo tlio ubq of tholr cars 5f for county division work aroTo- 5- Quosteil to notify K. W. "nwyer, J. A. Uaslos or 0. W. Kmkluo. Qns and oil wljl bo furnUhod. '-' A. T. Framo was In town ovor Hun- ? Ilobort Dayls ot Qlst was In town Mqnday. f Bborlff Frank Klklna was In town ion Saturday. I J, P. Pope of Prlnovlllo wob In (1. H. Iluivoll or Prluovlllo was in tovn yesterday. f Itov. Hndlo I.qwIb of llurtm wob in town last Friday. f B. W. Yanoy pf Prlnovllle iiJen: Hnturduy In town, - J H. A. Cast of Doachutos was la town on Thursday. OnorKQ Mllllcan waa lit town fo'r a fow days last weok. Col. O. Hoofor or Portland will fie In town thla Saturday. ?., Mrs, Ilort Bhuo)' lias reepvored from lior recent IlInoBB, ? Hoy MoCoo of lluniB Bpont tho wook ond at tho Ilond. Noll Markel oxnoots to lonvn town Air. and .Mm.' A. O. Alton of Milli on n were In town HNttirilny. Mrs. Charlos N'lswoiiRnr lias loon fllrk In bed for tho past week. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. I.lclioimtoln .tf Glnt was In town over Sunday. John Hate's and Prod Trlplott nr rived In (own Tuesday morning. On n It. Htnltu and wife of La Id law worn bore tin buslnmis Saturday. W. J. Spront Is exiiectcd to cot In town about the seventh of the mouth. The Presbyterian ladles iculld Will moot with Mrs. Hartranlt Novemoor 4. J. P. Keycs, who went to Portland Monday night, returned this morn Ing. Miss Lawrence and Miss Manny went out to the Dencer ranch on Bun-day. Mr. ami Mrs.-J.' J. Ilnllny of llroth. ers woro In town the first of (ho weok. Tho Ilaptlst Woman's Union will tnoet with .Mrs. Foley tomorrow af ternoon. Walter Coombs spent tho week end In Portland, returning yesterday morning. . Tho llrfdBO Club hold Its weekly meetln.R at tho residence or Mrs. O. A. Jones. ' Glee Club practice will be held at thu rcsldenco of Mrs, (1. P. Putnam tuls Friday. Hilda Sundoulst of Itodmond spent Thursday In town. Sho stopped at tho WrlRht. There will bo a Hallowe'en danco Ot thu Deschutes Hotel at Dcuchutcs on tho 30th. "J Dr. Conr.:.rn has bought Henry 'Ford's car and Mr. Ford has bought a Pierce Arrow. Perry A. Smith of Sisters, spent tho week end In town. Ho stopped nt tho Pilot Hutte. Mrs. Klmer Ward will play nt tho Fraternal Ilrotherhood masquerade ball on the 20th. W. H. Gillette or Redmond was In town yesterday. Whllo hero ho stopped at the Pond. Mrs. Hurton Onoy, who broke her ankle about six weeks ago Is now ablo to to around again. Miss Claudia Wondorly, candidate for tho office of county olerk, was campaigning hero Saturday. If. II. Do Armond was called to Portland hurriedly Monday night, his father being dangorously 111. Frank Dlbblo of Hums was In town last Wednesday. During his stay ho was registered at tho Hend. C. A. Adams of lied m ond spont th week end In town. During his stay ho was registered nt tho Hend. Forest Guard W. J. Usher, who lives at tho Hlg Hlvcr Hanger Su tton, was In town this morning. Klvln Van Matro or Wasco. Oro Kon. arrived In town Sunday night, jlo Is visiting tho Hrandenburgs. Mr. and Mrs. Qrlflln of Culver stop- pod nt tho Altamout Saturday on tholr way to California by auto. Tho Mcthodlit Ladlca Aid will moot at tho homo of Mrs. Prlnco Slants next Wednesday afternoon. . A son waa horn to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Estes, October 23, at Sacred Heart Hospital, Modford, Oregon. Try tho Altamont for meals. Adv. KKfORT OH THIS CONDITION OH The Deschutes Stale Bank No. Jt. t Bnd,ln th.BUUof Ottgon, t the c1o ol tiutlutu ttntr nth, 1914. KKSOURCItS Loam and liltcounU. . u-.j,i4 11 Overdraft!, accural ami uiicurnl.., 7 70 I'urulture auU l'lnurr.... 1,111 41 Due from approved rettrve iMiika..,. ILjoi H Cheek and other caih imt ....-. 8o j 447yi Mr,' K. J HenltiR Ksfo s furew.'li dlnnnr to ber boarders on Hundsy. About twetvo pHopIe wr prmt, Mr and Mrs. (' K, Msstellef.'Who linvc i,n 11 mi nn. '('urns io Prolert,, 'off for ifxlr Mill l :iri htnflAtfaiiU ym- lurdav. , Asalntsni Fors' Hsnwr tt, V. Hmlth ' Isft gsfurdftt tnornins; M His liomn' In the vslliv, where b) will reside IIiIm winter. I Hnns .lohnson, John Oiuinitiflisin and Mr. and Mrs. HteW M MtM Moll!.. Mrhol4 wr I.aldlaw ylsltws litre Hai 111 day. The He. II. O. Psrry, district Ujwrfiitiidril for the M. IC. cuiiMh at Tlis Dslles dUtrlct, was a jtuest at tlio AlUinoot orsr lbs weak end. Henry Tweet soil W. O. Mustard Of Powell Hutte bare aotna to toVn and have openr! a dlaeiufwlth shop on the corner of Hond gnd Mlritiesots utresOi. Mr. and Mrs, P. A. Oruber of 8llvr tLfike, and W. E.-Baylor of the same tils en spent tlis wk end In towa. During ti!r stay liiey Were register d st the Pilot Hutt. Jim Holme waa ba4ly batter! rt Friday when he fall off Jaek rmley's rhnrk wnsoo near Bprlna lltlVMr. Four ribs wr broken, two fin them balqg loosened from thu, FMekboHe. Mr. Holmes Is In a se IttHH eonUUIon. T ' -Tual n tllllA litn Imii In MV mttAll w.p. ... w ..w7 . ,'s .w aiienuon 10 ouc CfWJi tHtainmn. now. ever, we ura still Imp. Dun't for at you caa net your Satoas sh'ned on ti'idsy, alno hatha, claars. totreo, otc. The Metropolitan. Adv. HtWK, I.VDlHTIHAfi OIIKROX. Tlio One way to protect the future manufacturing and Industrial devel opment of. Oregon is to voto ngalnst tho vlotous measures known as the "Water Front" bills, numbers 32ft and .330 nn fhu ballot. They are n dlrcol attack on tho prorporltr of over)' man, wouan and child In Ore gon and ought to be beaten. Those measures nro not only a vi cious thrust at Oregon's progress bu they nro n veiled attack upon the Catli oil haud.n.. KxpeilK- Totals , LtAllIMTUW Capital dock paid In.. Undivided roAU...4.... Due to bankaand bankeia... individual deputlla auUlecl lu check.. Demand Certlfleatca of Dcpokl'. Certified Check! Tfme Certlflcatra of DeHll 1IIIU ryable for Money borrowed...., Letter of Credit .'m f4.7.o i ..J 15,000 00 4.0J0 7 4,700 00 J1.7l tl 174 39 J'9 1.861 ti (,000 01 lOO DO Total - BTATHOHOHEOON.I, ,.4J70 16 CuuutvufCrouk. i ' t. I M. Lara, Cashier of the above-named built, doaolcuinly iwcar that the above atate. to tl lud day of September. 1914. he bcataTmykuowltdgeaud It. M. I.AUA.Calilrr. Bubtcrlbed audaworu to before melhU Ijtli luenl la Hue riler. Kcukht W. SXwvar. Notary Vubllc, Correct-Atttitr " fl, HskkkLL, V. O. MlNOH, Ulreclon, M r 25c WiUBuy Knamcleil DUli Pun Double Hoaatcr Fruit Prews GalvanUei! Oil Can A'i Ot. Unlrattlieil Pall IIQU KnantcIcU ?OITee Pot Ilutli llrnali Fcntlier Duatcr ItrKo Corrrctl Jlaaket Steel Pliers .-.. 11 Inch Spider' . Clothes llnixli , Hill Hook Coin Puro ,. jgig .'I Paint Heavy CoItoiSocks Heavy Wind Sox rr Men's Hllk Tiei .Men's Kuxpcndrni Ivartlicnunro Ten Pot lt rj;o Halml DUIies Ididlen' Aprtm aillilrcnV )iSMli'. Iltiy-a Caps ' ' Men's Caps Infiint's Shoes SEASON ABLE And Hiindrcibif Other Things MOlti: XKW GOODS .AIUtlVlNO CO.MK AND SKK Warner's THU YAIUKTV STOH15 ussestions JJoys' Huh Hah Hats well tailored, in vel vets, poplin, wool mixtures at 60c to $1.50 Hoys' Winter Caps, with fur intmnd, priced at 50c to 75c NEW LINENS .. Richardson's Emhroidery Outfit Packages I'll low Tops, Drawer and Library Table Scflfffl, ' Laundry JJFigs, Guest Towels, Shopping Hitgs Pillow, Center Pieces, etc. Now is "the time to start your embroidery for holiday gifts '- ' i i -w ii -- 7a -firipJ" ,:,ir " ""'T';ii''v.f'r"'i' "J" "fr Hi" i-TW11 SILK PETTICOATS Linen baek Holding Satin Petticoats, guaran teed six months $3.?5 Good Qual. Jersey top Silk Petticoats $4.00 Wash Petticoats 50c to $1.75 Ladies Knit Bloomers something new -just the thing for cold weather. Black or navy. Each $1.25 . . . STOP AND SHOP AT M iNNHEIMER'C " . Till: DEPK.NDOX STOHE. lY Exclusive Local Dealers Ed. V. Price & Co's. Tailoring-. public school system of the State, in that, they will. If passed, deprive It of largo sums or money every year. VOTB "NO? 329 and "XO" 331. Oregon Commercial Protoctlva Asso ciation, Yean building. Portland. Oregon. Paid Advcrtlsement.k34p CHICKK.V-PIK DINNKH. The Presbyterian ladles will so to a tblrty.flVQ cent chlckon plo dinner at noon on election day in tho old Trlplctt building on Wail atreuu -I am' sorry to disappoint my many customers In Uond by not comlirc eooner. I expect to bo at tho Hend Hotel Xovonibcr 18 to 27. Dr. Ida Uehrendt. Adv. if NOTICE TO MY PAJItONS. On tho last week of ca,ch. month I will be In Sisters until further no tice. Dr. J. II, Connarn, Hend, Ore gon. -Aflr. 33c WHY UKSTKOY I.U.MUEIl INDUS TUY. Lumber Is by far the most Import ant Industry of Oregon. Wo have ono fifth of tho standing timber of tho United States In Oregon. Not on other saw mill will be erected on tho tide lands or rivers of Oregon If these so-called "Water Front' billi pass. Tho way to defeat them Is to VOTE "NO" 329 and "NO" 331. Oregon Commercial ProtecUre Association-, Ycon building, Portland, Oregon. Paid Advertisement 34p Royal Worcester Corsets The Joy PERFECT VISION bbbbbbbbbbbbV Thoro Is n groat satisfaction In per fect vision a Joy unspeakable but unfortunately many eyes aro defec tive. ' Imperfect sight can in nearly nil ensea bo restorod by properly ground lenses; however, thoro must bo a methodical, BClentlfio oxnmlnatton of ouch nuiBclo and ovory part of tho oyo. Our best citizens will tell you that my examinations aro oxhnustlvo mid rmy work scientific and accurate. Sat- iBfoctlo nalwnys. I fit ovory conceivable stylo of Eyo Glasses and Spectacles. Dr. Ida Behrendt OPTICIAN Rilfe Received the Silver Seal Certificate, the very highest honor ever conferred upon corsets by 'The Institute of I Hygiene," of London, Eng. . We have just received sev- eral new styles, including a front luce, priced at .. $2.00 i 'f. Other styles $1.00 to $5.00 Remember they are Non rustable. We also have the agency frr Standard Patterns. E. A. SATHER When You Buy Groceries You want the best in quality, at prices that do not make you feel that you might have done better elsewhere. Caldwell's Pure Food Market is well prepared to please yoi in every way. Fresh Fruits, Vegetables and Produce, Staple and Fancy Groceries and HARDWARE S. C. CALDWELL g THE STOlui OF QUALITY Freo Delivery Anywhere In City. Stores, itnnges Tinware Grualtcwnro WURmmm.' -1 ,gjtjjja,tbq noxl Vieokrs, ..r. HEN!) MOTEL. NOV. 18 TO 27