1A0H . tiik ni:x nur.t.KTiN, hknh, onu wkhnkshay, octohku u, ton, FACTS FAVOR DISIOH IME CASE FOR DIVISION IS ' STATED FAIRLY AN editorial!! Ln IMno Paper Oives Mnnjr Logical Arguments Hhowlntt Why Division "Will Ilcnettt AH More Satisfac tion ami liesa Taxes Assured. (FnOMJSJHK LA l'KE INTER HoUNTAlK.) It has boon reported that Crook county was paying a bounty of J 5.00 for coyoto scalps. Inquiry nt tho county fllco rovenls tho fact ttut only $1.60 la bolng paid, and that It will remain nt this flguro until the htfw county Is farmed. Tho Crook County Journal last week dug up a Hat of about thirty nnntcs of men and womon oppoeod to county division. It thirty out of a population of ttro thousand Is the beat they can do ngnlnct county divi sion thoro ia but little question na o what the result will bo. The Prlnovilla Journal snya: "If Deschutes county Is ever to bo estab lished. It wilt have to be accomplish ed at tho same time as Jefferson, n order to bo sure of obtaining tho re quired thirly-nve per cent of votes from the whole county." That's a thing wo want to remouibor. If e don't get away now, wo never will Hut wo wilt Mill lie nUcd to ilia; down In our own HckctA and supisirt about thirty of the rrlncrlllc people nml get nothing for our money. The Crook County Journal says that the county has paid ?G,350u keep up her poor In olghl month. AVo linvc paid our crcentnge of that nniount and there Is not one person In thli end of the comity receiving u cent of It. Culver Is out strong for county division. The Trlbuno at that place eays: "At tho various county dlvl olon meetings, men from Prinaville waro present to save tho 'Deer Popul, but the people don't want to bo snv od by Prlnoville, and tho men who favor division presented facts that the Prlnoville peoplo couldn't get away from." Tho paper neatly suras th'o entire thing up In tho following paragraph: "Nearly all of thero 'big hearted' Prineville citizens are either dlrcotly or hy proxy, nost to tho court bouso, and It is an open secret that tho domination which has been exercised cannot continue when the county is divided." Speaking of county division, the Madras Pioneer says: "Soverr.l coun ty division meetings ore bolng held, ln this vicinity, tbo principal apo-ii:-crs for tho opposition oro the came old bunch, V: F King and C. r Smith. They attempted to tear down statements made by persons In favor of division, but they were very much out' of luck along that line. Their line of argument was refuted In near ly every statement. From Mr. King's statement it Is an evident fact that he was without any degree of hesi tancy, endeavoring to do what ho thought It was his duty to do as Pres ident of the Prlnoville Commercial Club." Hay Creek. Gateway and Agency Plains oro out strong for county di vision. The peoplo of Ashwood, who have formerly been opposed to division, aro now strictly In favor of the move ment. The Farmors Educational and Co Oporntlve,JJnlon of America, down In the Madras country, have Issued a revolution In favor of county divislou. In speakiing of the arguments that ha70 so far been presented by tho Princvlllo mn against county divi sion, tho Madras Pioneer says: "There was not a plausible argument presented by them, and many of thslr statements were acknowledged to be wrong, as they could not sub stantiate their correction." County division meeting held ft the Round Ilutte school houve was well attended. The opponents of county division failed to make a very good Impression. The following Is an extract from a letter written by John Atkinson on the subject of county division: I would like to ask what was done with the balance of the tax receipts, amounting to $200,000, from 1908 fo the present time, it Is an evident fact tnat ,l lB h.ar1 t0 ee any results from tho expenditure of this amount?" Mr. Atkinson's letter was received tooWate for publication last week, but we would like to have been able to publish all of It. Whether Or not you are In favor of county di vision, the queatlon offered for your consideration, is worthy of your care ful 'study. Palo Pinto county, Texas, wns di vided Into seven separate counties eoveral years ago. Each of these pven counties, Jones, Bhackleford, Stephens, Palo Pinto, Taylor, Calla han' nnd Eastland, say that their taxes wero greatly reduced Imme diately following dlvw'on. I. u. Par ker of Sisters and William Vande vert of Ja Pino have both lived in ibis portion of Texas. Ask them about It. Mr. Vandevert was deputy shetf of Bhnckleford county short ly after It was divided: he can tell veu that taxes were lowered so much that a hundred thousand dollar court honeo nnd a fortv thousand dollar Jail was liujlt, without raising the tare to their former hluli mark. The First National Dank of Prlne Villq has come out for county divi sion, becauMs It will lower taxes. Two automobile louda of Prineville citizens, alf of whom wore big tax pave8. attended the county division moejjng at e-'oters Saturday night to tcoift for lower taxes and county di vision. If. P. Allen and T. M Ba'dwln f Princvlllo aro out fcr county division. OSWALD WEST By OSWALD WEST Governor ot Oregon 1 I I I I I HKGON should go dry bo cnuso thoro does not exist n ninulo reason on enrth why it should stay wet-. Tho war nows from Kuropo strike us with horror ; yot this grout wnr, with all Its enrnngo. past, prosont nnd future, will not provo n drop in tho bucket com pn rod with -tho ravages which are being mndo through out the land by boozo. Wo boast we aro tho greatest nation upon enrth, nnd in our efforts to preserve this position wo bonst wo must strive con stantly to raise, or nt least main tain, tho standard of our citizen ship, nnd to nooompllsh this- ond wo must unceasingly fight or ganized grood nnd graft, stamp out poverty, vice and crime, protect tho homo nml mnko life moro plensnnt -for those who have boon luss fortunate than others. It is idle, however, to talk of progress along those hues so long as King Alcohol Groupies the throne. Who grabs tho pay check from tho honest work, man on Saturday night and makes hia wifo and little ones go hungry7 Mr. Booze. Who sows tho sccdi of poverty and distress everywhere? Mr. Booze. Who loads upon us most of our tax burdens? Mr. Booze. Tho Wets protest against our voting tho stnto dry becnuse it will close Paul Wcssingor's brewery nnd be equivalent to the confiscation of his prop erty, but they do not toll you how tho brewery was built through tho ruination of homes and tho confiscation of pay checks. They do not tell you thnt every brick in the building represents a broken heart nnd tlte color of the building is em blematical of the blood which has dripped thoru from. Whenever I think of tho devil I think of booze, nnd whenever I think of boozo I think of tho devil, for the devil is booze and boozo is boll. Old Boozo is an outlnw who hns boon long pur sued but ncvor subdued. At no time nnd under no circumstances should he bo given quart or, and it is tho duty of ovory good citizen to stand ready to snud-hag him whenuvor he sticks his hend in sight. All Oregon will have a chnuuo to snnd-bng him on November 3, nnd for tho Lord's sake lot. us mnko a good job of it. IF YOU BELIEYE WITH GOVERNOR WEST, YOTE- OREGON DRY, 332 X YES 714 MwtlMemt by Ihi Commute of On Hundred, 718 Uorcsa Balldlac, PortUnd, Ortion. I I I I I I Prineville people aro agitating and financing a road over tho desert to the Port Rock and Sliver Iako coun ty, for the purpoeo of diverting tho tourist traffic that way Instead of by La Pino. And the Ia Pino country Is helping them pay for this road to take business nway from our own town. The census shows that the propos ed Deschutes county has almost twice tho population of either of tho other two. Deschutes county has tho best agricultural area, the best timber and the largest population. There Is no question then, bat what the taxes will bo lower In tho new county. No one questions the fact that tho new county will givo us hotter roads, llettor roads mean more tourists. More tourists mean more business and a bigger demand for farm prop erty. Statistics show that over half of the farms sold In Central Oregon the past year were bought by mon who had traveled thrpugh the coun try in automobiles. Automobiles will not .travel over the kind of roads wo have at present. In the spring the Inter-Mountatn kept count of the number of auto mobiles that came to La Pine. The number ranged from eighteen fo forty-one per day. Later on, a Prine ville man sent an article to tho city papers saying that the roads from Uend to La Pine were Impassable for automobiles. This was done to bring the trade around by the desert road Via Prineville. Since that time La l'lne'a automobile traffic averages less than live cart per day. Dllly King of Prineville. saya that the proposed division will take away from old Crook county over inreo fourths of Its taxes. If this side ban been paying three-fowrtlis of the county taxc, vhy havn't we nt leaat got a good road to Miow lor u. When tho counties are divided, tho new counties will be free from debt, while the old Crook county will be come the sole owner of tho court house, high school and jail. This will mora than cover tho Indebted ness that old crook county will have to pay. According to a statement made by W. P. King of Prineville In a public meeting at Cloverdalo last Friday n'ght, $160,000 has been spent on the roads In Crook county during tho past year. How much of this has the La Pine section received for the taxes they have paid' Mr. King of Princvlllo, says that the men In Prineville who aro op posing division do not like tho boun dary lines that havo bron drawn, and that the right men In Prineville wero not consulted when .tho lines wero be ing established. If the lines had been drawn differently, these Prlno villa men would bo supporting divi sion, because they know that n mnal icr county incniif. smaller running expense, Somo of tho peoplo 1n Redmond aro opposing county division, bcoauso they do not Uko the lines that have been drawn. Ono Redmond man slated that his town would start n movement to move the county Beat from PrlnovIIlo to Redmond if wo would vote "NO" on the present county division. Practically everyone who haa been opposing county dlv' slon.nrt doing no ItecniiHO the linen do not suit tliem. It Is of courso un fortunate that lines cannot bo drawn to suit everyone. Hut can yon afford to continue paying twenty-six mill tax Jwit because someone does not like the county's boundary line? A prominent traveling salesman who camo through here the other day said; "We have created hundreds of now counties in Texas- and taxes were iowored In every In stance. The only opposition wo ever had were the men who were still fighting the Civil War and think Jeff Davis is President." Ever stneo Hood River county was formed from old Wasco, the'tnlllage has steadily growing less. Tho criminal cases of Crook coun ty have required the expenditure of many thousands or aoiiars, ana or this amount this side of tho county has paid sevonty-nvo per cent, Hut we have produced only nine per com or those criminal case. One of the many reasons why taxes will bo less in tho new county Is that we will havo no high school tax to pay. Tho high school at Rend Is maintained solely by Rend but It I open und free to every student In Deschutes county. The opponents of county division aro putting up somo pretty good ar guments considering the cause, but they Jiuvn't been ubio to prove that taxes will not be n whole lot lower after tho county Is divided, Terrebonne Is solid for county dlvl. slon. Some of their citizens aro go- fng to the division meetings through out tho country speaking in tna in. tercst of tho cause, uildlaw Is boosting county division lo n "fnro-yovoll." They nro Rot ting Hick nnd tired ot ojtoesslvo tax ation. Bovornl ot tholr cltlttons luivo boon through county division IiKlmi before tuut they Know that tnos will bo lower. Alfalfa la IioobUhr for county di vision. Rev. A. U. Wnllfor of thnt vicinity. Is cnuiin1gnltK throughout tho county, Tho following I nit In teresting oxtrtvet from ono of his speeches: "I have no Interest ln Red mond, Ucnd or Prlnoville. My Inter- est Is sololy thnt of a taxpayer. Dur. lug tho years I havo been In tho county, I hnvu seen taxes go Up mid up and up. from $12 for 40 acres up to ovor S1.00 pur acre. Those high taxes nro tho necessary result of n groat big lnoso-Jnlutod, loosely run county. In n smallor county you enn tnko tho sntuo crooked hunch of of ficers and mnko them be good." Mr. Dobsoit of Redmond saysi "Wo nro too largo to administer our nf fnlrs ocotrbmlcally." Ono opponent of county division nl ttnilinnnit unlit thnt Itin IirfiniMll n tromoly high taxation Is duo In n , great nimtmiro to the amounts wo have beon spending on our ronds. Thnt nmy bo true, but It doenn't tnko much of an observer to see where thnt I money tins boon upent nnd the sooner l we get nvtny from n section thnt tine our money nnd kIvm tm uotliliiv: ur it tho sooner will our tuxes Iw lowered. It la a notnbto fact Hint ovory tna.t who Is rtghtlhg county division linn somo kind of an ax to grind. Mr. Rowman who la ln the ab stracting business at PrlnovIIlo, Is otinnslng county division. Hwiiuno it will ilicrcnso his Individual IiumU 1 ncMM, lie went to Hood River to In 1 vi'Rtlgato conditions In that newly i formed county hoping to find nomo , thing against county division, and f present It at the Bisters meeting Init Saturday night, hut when lie returned 1 lie didn't hno ft word to sny. ! Two or threo mon who nro calling I themtolvcs "Tho I.owcr Tax League ' i and aro fighting division tooth nnd nnll, claim that It will cost us some thing ovor $100,000 n year to run tho new county. This figure Is ex traordinarily high, hut It It woro so. our taxes would bo no higher thnn thoy-nro now because tho 111 in Crook county tax wns 9111,1 lil.iio. When Shermnn county wan formed from a part ot Wasco county, tho county tnx was decreased from 20 mills to nine and six-tenths mills. Power county, Idaho, recently formed from Onolda county, Idaho, says: "Our tax In Power county lait year had tho distinction of being tho tnlrd lowest In tho stnto, bolng 0i thills, whllo somo counties west high as 20 H mills." A lettor from Roxburg, Idaho, per tnlnlng to another newly farmed county says: "Wo nro well pleated with having divided our old coun'y nnd will bo nblo to mnko a. reduction In tnx." W. 1 King of PrlnovIIlo, formerly n county offlco holdor and nu oppo nent of division, la perhaps as woll qualified as any one el re In tho entlro county to sponk on tho subject t county flnancos. At tho division meeting nt Clovordnlo las'. Friday nlgh'l ,ho said: "I oxpeot to oco Crook county $120,006 In debt next year." Whon Dcichutes county Is formed It can be run as cheaply ns any coun ty In tho stnto. Wo havo moro thin tho nvorago valuation, moro than tho nvorago population nnd moro than tho average agricultural value of any of the following counties: liar, nay, Sherman, Gllllr.m, Morrow, Cur ry, Wheeler and flrant. If DosohutM county can bo run at a cost equal to nny of those countloo, It will lower our taxes &0 per cunt. It Is claimed by tho men who nro nttompllng to dtvldo Croojf county that taxes will bo lower. They will. Now, don't shut your eyes nml hump up your hack 111(0 n bulky i ! Ho roitiiomiblo. llo open to cnnvir i tlon. Tnko your own potioll und I impcr und tlguro thotio things nut In your own way nml you will KNOW ! thnt county division will moan n big L reduction In your tnxos, County Valuation Tax Harney ..$ 7.3 to.fttl? $UO.IOfi.lO Bhormnn . fi, 7 01. 8 11 100.B86.10 (lllllnm .. U,?S1,330 110.D03.2fi Morrow .. 11,07.1,551 110.703.43 Oltrry ... 4.107.030 55.834.71 Whnoler. . 3.307.81(1 60,203.14 (Hunt ... 5,000.s$2 118,700.30 CROOK . .$ II.OTlMfVJ IWH, 1 18.117 Tho 101 1 valuation of Crook coun ty was 11, fll)il,nH7. Tho go n cm I mlllago wast Htnto l .MUls County 1 1 54 Mills School Hit MIIU High Bchool U Mills Total JJtl Mills Tho amount mixed on this lullliiae wan $UOH,HJi:i.(ll), The valuation of Hct.fl in te eouii tv on curiTiit nxn'iMiicntu would lie SI, 100, HIT. Its gcnernl mlll.mo would bet Htnto to rnUo r"M)(0 1 '4 (loiicntl county to inlnei Trniicrlblng reconli .9 tt,0i)l) PiirnlilihtK roiut house ii.OUO Roadt t!IMH)(l Salaries .Si expense . . UD.000 3tl,00 IS neuernl school to raic min.noo ai HcmIiuIom total iiilllago -O Thoc rstlinntcH for Retinites county mo high. Xoverthelctn they show n reduction from the ('took county tnx of hint year of tl mills, nnd from the tux i f UWi of I mill. Tho best auditor In tho world couldn't question theso figures. Tnxns will bo Iowored In tpllo of anything you can do nnd In addition to llieso figures you know that our cost (t road malntonanco will bo less than t Is now und tho cost of road building will be less than It Is now, hceamio wo havo no bad grades, no precipes to go around, no canyons to bridge, and no small bridges to bo washtd o t ovory year na they have on the east side of tho present county. Wo will havo no county high school tax beoauso wo get tho use of tho Rend high reboot and wo don't have to nay a cent of tnxes on It. There will bo no "county poor" In Deschutes county for you to krp. You will not bo paying tnxos on n PrlnovIIlo to Sllvor Lnko road to lake traffic nwav from Ia Pino, Rund. Rndmond, Laldlnw end Sinters. Your tax in o any will not go to pay Intorest on $120,000 ilnljt. Your lax money will not bo spent In tho criminal oourts prosecuting criminals of whom 01 por cent come from tho cast side. This county division mean money In your pocket. It moans real dol lars nnd cents to ynu Individual. PrlnovIIlo hns been sapping the strength of this portion of tho oou i ty for twonty-flvo yonrs, enoh your she has become a little hit holdor 'it asking for tnx money. Your tax havo advanced from $100,000 In 1007 to $400,000 In 1013. If you want to voto far this condi tion to continue, that s your prlvlloKO. Rut If you do, you aro lucking In tho good red-bloodod manhood building principals that nro oaioiitlnl In u new coitntiy and yon hud bettor puclt your trunk and move ovor to your ''dear old PrlnovIIlo." ' ' ,111111111 II Clliobix. HOitt thing (or uoiistlimtlon, noiir stainuoli, Inxy llvor nml Hlilptsh bowols. Htopg n slok hondnrmu iiliuost nt once, (llvim it thorough nnd snt lufiiolory (tuhlnK--ho pnln, no tutu. Hoa. Ktops your systuin alonused, swont nnd wlioloiuimo. Ask for Git relax. Patterson Drug Co. -Adv, Ono cent it word Is nil a llltlo want Ad will cost you. Try tho Altntiiont for Sunday din nor. 0 to 7. p. in. Adv. HOW lojOTE DRY FOR OHEGON DRY ' VOTE 332 X YES FOR NATION DRY YOTE X GEO. L CLEAVER mkh jjm H Geo. L, Cleaver TUB ONLY DRY Cgndidnto for ConvroM Itndottted and Mipimrtrd by prom inent leader of nil pniilm ninonpf whom nmy lie mentioned Walter A Pierre, ImUmndo. l-c.i.ociat: (Irorgo II. Currey, Latlrnnde, lU'piibllrniu Win, Miller, taUrnndi', l'mjttmkltr. Judge Mnlonry, Pcnillctuii, Homo, crntt W. V. Harnh. Prndlctoii, Hem. iitrut: .1. M. I In Vj. lVndlolmi. Itpimli. I Ileum !r. Young, Hood Ithrr, Re 1 pulillniu. nnd many oIIuth. AImi by tbe Ivmmllteo or Oso Hutidit'd (ii!Piiiliciilili iicnrly IWlll) Tho HitllcNi tho tuiiHtr'nIiiiml Vun eutlnii of Hie W. C. T, t'.t the fulled chin-chew and Yiuug Pciplo' Kocle Ilex of HikhI Rlvcrt by n itiaoN nuvt lug nf 11)00 pcrftuiiR In hl liiime town, !.r.(Jiniii!o nnd by local nrgnnlntlons tiitiiiighout tho itlilrlct. Head Mr, Cleat er's utalemcnt In tho oniclal Htato Pauiphlpt of Cnnill dates. Niibmlltrd by Hrncwt K, Taylor, Secretary of Cleat er Campaign Com. milter, (Paid Advertisement, Oregon Prohi bition State Committee.) Vote to Save Industrial Oregon VOTE "NO" 329 AND "NO" 331 The very life of the future manufacturing and industrial progress of Oregon hinges upon the defeat of the so'callcd "Water Front bills, to be voted on Tuesday, November 3rd. So cunningly and adroitly are these bills worded there Is grave danger that many people will be deceived. If these measures become laws the result will be that the State will take title to the tidelands and submerged lands and will be pro hibited from selling any of these lands. They can only be leased for docks. No more ship-yards, saw-mills, canneries or other plants re quiring acce&rto deep watef nothing but docks, docks, docks. Every citizen of Oregon wage earner, farmer, business man or woman, wanti to prosper. These measures if enacted will throttle progress at the gate. Investors will shun Oregon. This means no work for the wage-earner, nothing to pay the store-keeper with and therefore nothing to pass on to the farmer or producer. Let no one think these bills do not concern him. Before you go Into the booth to vote, read 329 and 331 carefully. Talk to your neighbors about them. Oregon is rich in natural resources, but poor In development, What the state needs above everything else Is outside money to come In and develop its resources. That means GOOD WAGES, PLENTY OF WORK, QOOD PRICES and GOOD TIA1ES. This is not a political question; It concerns only the prosperity of Oregon and of you. s Give Progress and Good Times a helping hand by voting "NO" 329 and "NO" 331. OREGON COMMERCIAL PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION 1208 Yeon Uulldlng. Portland, Oregon!. - rt