The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 21, 1914, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    Till JII5NI) IWhhKTlS, IJHNI), ORE., WKDNEHIMY, OCTOHKIt 21, 101 1.
(fly A. K. LOVETT, Coutily Agriculturist.)
OrunnUod effort pnya In any hmU
now. All caneernn handling tliq pro.
d cU of tlio form nro organized and
It It to tlio Interest not only of tho
country Itself tint nlno of tlio Individ
ual ii roil ii cor thnt those Interested In
tlio production of tlio marketable po
tato got together nnd work for tho
production of tlio potato domnnded
Ufy tlio mnrkot In paying iiunnlllloa
.lind for tlio locution of tlio host innr
kotn nnd tlio delivery of tlioio potn--tiioM
to tlioio markota nt a pront to
tlio producer.
A solid organization nY Dm pntn.
ID growers of iKflstorn Oregon In
iiocpinnry for tho success of this duo
Hon, nnd for tlio Indlvldtinl grown
of thli nootlon, aa n potato growing
country. This full In tho tlmo for
tho starting of such nn organization,
-most especially because Rood sood In
-nocossary for successful potato grow
ing nnd thnt good sood muHt ho ob
tained on tho potatoes nro harvoRted
nnd thnt good icod In nrnllahlo In
this soctlon this yonr. Although thin
linn boon a vary unfortunate tonuon
for potntooa nnd tho crop la compar
atively ahort, our oxporlouco In for
mor yonra nnd tho re ill In obtnlnnd
by several potato growers this yonr
"proves tiayond question that wo havo
hero n potato country. Our oxporl-
POWELL butte
(Continued from pago 3,)
first nn biggest 3(5 potnlocs, first on
itrnsa display mid sooond on gnnornl
farm exhibit. Other winners from
IjBro nro Mrs. Moore, first on boots,
first on encumbers nnd mangle Mrs
Alloy. second on early Ohio potatooi,
"Mrs. flonrs. Tho latter also won first
vn embroidery nnd second on a quilt
(hand ma dp.) Also Mrs. Hills ro
Qlvad first on smhrotderod apron and
Airs. Wlllcoxon won first on aweet
peas. There nro doubtlesa ninay more
-winners from out this wny whose
names tho writer fnllod to get.
0 oo. and Lee llolibs wont up to
Ilcnd Monday on business.
(llonn Mustard la visiting nt homo
for n while, he has been working nt
llcnd for aomo tlmo and Is preparing
to move his family up to the Hirer
City soon.
Reeves Wlllcoxon'a horso "Mike"
ran In tho races nt Itedniond bom
n Friday nnd Haturday. Tho for
mer day ho fallod to mako good ow
ing to being crowded from tho track,
no his admirers say, hut on Haturday
Mike" got the Powell Hutto spirit,
winning tho morning raco easily nf
tor which ho wna mutchod for n raw
nt flvo p. ro. nn again took tho mon
y, for hla owner nmld uany lusty
'llurrsha for Mike," from tho Powell
Hutto api'rtntors.
Ooo. Morgan entertained Oeorg
llobUs. Mr. Reason, nnd John Wolfer
nt dinner Sunday.
8. Ii. Shepard nnd Mlm Far Jlus
noil vlsltod In Redmond Sundar, the
MUnjln of Mr. and Mrs. Henry YoHnaj.
lra. Allen WlUeextfh and Harriett
vrtjro visitors to need Jiomiay.
(Spoelnl to Tho llullotln).
IAH)1-VV, Oct. 19. Several Laid
law peopto went over to tho Hmlmond
Potato Show Saturday, among whom
veto Mr. Cndy, Mrs. I.uodbiirg. Mr.
nnd Mrs. too ind sons, Miss Larson
of Altorla, Mr. Ooon, Mr. Harter.
Mr, nnd Mm. A. Nlohol of Onmp 6.
cfae Misses Moak, Orpver Oorklutfand
Osoiir lllllaeheck.
ItnYincur 0. Lnurgaard nnd chief
dork iV- K- llni n(Il R trl tn th0
fC. I. . camps und to Itedniond Bat
urda. ...
Mrs. J. M. Ilrown ontortalned wm
Laldlnw Indies, who walked out to
her homo Inst Thursday, nnl Mr
Ilrown brought thnm all homo In his
lilg wagon about- flvo o"olook, after
attending n most delightful day.
Tho Union Sunday school, mot Sun
day morning after a vacation of threo
months. Ttiuro was n good attend
ajioo In splto of tho rain nnd wind.
Mrs. wns olectod Superintendent,
Mine Hnxol Ilrown secretary and
treasurer and Francos Hall pianist,
with Mr. na song director. Tho
nduK mombora of tho school met at
tho home of Mr. nnd Mm. 0. 13. Hone
Wednesday evening to plan nnd study
i for tho rost of tho quarter.
J, Henry, who has boon employed
on tho T. I. P. will aoon leave for
ntiothor Hold. ,
Mm. J. 1. Coon, who has been on
tho alck list lor several days, Is ro
,p6rtod hotter.
John Holl and wife, and Will Iloll
nnd family hnvo moved to tho Hell
homestead near Lnldlaw.
7Tho Marlon girls outortnlnod a
party of young frlonda at a camp flro
party Saturday ovonlng.
MeoBrs. Stanford nnd Schultx nr
rlvod tho past week, to hot aa aton
ogrnphors for tho T. I. P.
MrH. Loo hoa boon enjoying a
wok' visit from Miss Larson of As
torln. ... .
Al Hanson and family havo moved
to Onmp 0 whom thoy oxpoct to ro.
flldd for nbout a month.
Mr. Updlko, Br., of tho Motollue
la In Lnldlaw for a while, giving hla
hoatth apoclnl attention. Mm. John
flfylos, Mr. Updlko'a daughter, la
hooping houea for hlra near tho
school house.
The Tuinalo Oun Club mot Sun
day aftornoon to seloot throe dlroc
tors to fill tho vacancies.
Check Kidney Troublo nt Onco.
oy Kldnoy Pllla, you feel tholr honllng Couch had tho misfortune to Iobo a
from tho very first doso. Ilackacho, j calf last woolc.
woalt, floro kldnoyB, painful hladdor' Molvln Hoosalor was on tho sick In tho pust In tho mntlor of
iiiiirkotliig our potatoes haa pravon
that Indiscriminate planting nnd un
organized mnrkatlng of tho potutooa
wo may grow la not prontabto. Tho
patulous grown by tho growers' who
havo taken pains In tho soloctlon of
their seed nnd In tho growing of tho
orop and In tho harvesting of thnt
crop pravo thnt potntoon in uemana
on tho market enn bo produced. All
that In now necessary for putting
tfnstorn Oregon on tho map an a po
tato country nnd for obtnlnlng n
good mnrkot for our potatoes In for
tho potnto growers In this section to
got together and work together for
tho soloctlon nnd planting or bost
seed of marketable varieties, for the
best methods of preparing tho land
nnd planting tho crop, for best moth
oda of cultivation and wntorlng, for
beat methods of harvesting nnd grad
ing nnd for placing the best mnrkot
ntilo potatoes on the best markets.
With such an organization nhlpplng
nnd rocomniondlng only clean, first
elans patntoes from tholr section of
tho country, only ono or two yoam
will bo renulrod to place ua on the
map ns n rosposlblo, rollnblo potnto
aoctlon and the markets will nlwnyn
look us up and pay us the prlco for
o r potatoes
and Irregular action disappear with
tholr mo. O. Palmor. Orcon Hay,
Wis., sayat "My wlfo In rapidly ro-
covering her henllti and strongtn,
duo eololy to Foley Kldnoy Pills."
1'attomon Drug Co. Adv,
(Special to The Ilulletlo)
P. II. Spaugh wont to Laldlnw on
business Monday.
Mm. Delia Nlohols called at tho
Snyder homo Tuesday evening.
I. K. Winter mndo n trip to Ander.
son llros. anwmllUpjia day last week.
Mm. Nradley of Camp No. 4 walk-
n.t in f.nlfllnw TtinailaV-
Hana Johnson was a business cal
ler at tho Snyder homo Sunday aftor
noon. Mr. McCarty Is omployed cutting
rock for Mr.-Hnylny'a now residence.
Mr. nnd Mm. McAlllstor went to
Ilcnd on business Friday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. I.. H. Hoot were Uond
visitors onod ay Inst week.
(Sneclat to The llullotln.)
CLOVBHPAU:. Oct. 19. Harold
Kline and wlfo returned to Mt. Ver
non, Washington, accompanied by
Dyer Grubo Thursday.
Mr. Davla and wife of PUInvlow.
J. N. Shaw and wlfo of Slstom and
Mm. Waldron of Clovordalo arrang
ed tho Slaters display at tho Hnd
mond fnlr Thurjday.
N. Cobb la In Slstom contemplat
ing thn opening of a meat market.
Mr. Hlvottn was a buslnoM visitor
In Itedinond Thursdar.
Mm. C. Cnmon was n guest or Mm.
Templeton Frldny.
The debate nt the Clnvordale
aehool houae Frldny night was well
attended. O. Andrus gave an able
appeal for the fllOO oxemptlon. 1
gkulton taking the opposlto side with
euiial argument. Tho general dls
oiiiwton showed tho crowd against It.
Mr. Cvnter gavo nn nrdent plea for
tho eight hour law. Mm. K. L. Wal
dron taking tho opposlto sldo. Coun
ty division wan tho subject doolded
upon for noxt Friday night nt whloh
tlmo some other measures aro to ha
briefly discussed. Wo are hoping fo
a spoakur from Uond and ono from
Hot! mond.
Most of tho pooplo or Sisters nnd
Clove rdalo attended tho Hodmond Po
tnto Show and report n ploasnnt day
and n good crowd.
N. Cobb and his mother, Mrs. Illno
man, went to Prlnnvlllo last week.
Mnny of our fnrmera nro mnrkot.
Ing tholr grnln In Uond. tho mnrkot
bolng. so muoh better ns to pay for
tho oxtrn hauling.
Mm. 13. L. Waldron will talk on
prohibition nt tho Clovordalo .school
house noxt Sunday morning nt olovon
fBnnctal to Tho Qullettn)
MILL1CAN. Oct. 18. Mm. A. Ed
nlsteln Is spending a week nt tho
Herwlts homo.
Mr nnd Mm. II. E. Davis mndo
a phopplng trip to Tlond.
P. l. Johnson spont Thursday In
Wm. nonma wont to Uond to pur
chase supplies nud also dig aomo po
tatoes ho planted near Uond.
A party Ol snuioan vnuuy mi
wont to Hemstnd to attend a danca
at Klolnfeldffl. , '
Mm. Ada II. MIIHcnn Is oxnootod
homo Boon from hor trip to Wugono
whom she wont to nttend the nnnunl
mooting of tho Stmo Fodorntlon of
Women's Clubs nnd Incldonlally to
vlclt with her many frlonda thoro.
Mm. Mllllcnn formorlv lived thoro
whom she did conaldorublo nowa-.
pnnor and magntlno work. I
Mr. and Mm. Marvin wore atoppcrs
hn-o ovor fhindisy on tholr wny to
Prv I.nke. .
Mr. nogora waa In Bond a day tho
the pust weok. I
Mr. and Mm. Olllmore droyo to
Uond Ttiosaav, roturning weunesuar
Ooorgo Mllllcnn wan n business cal
lor In Uond the paBt week.
Rnnnlnl in The llullotln.)
HUNNYHID13. Oct. 17. O. M.
list Thursday and Friday.
James Williamson wont to Laldlnw
Hnturday for supplies for tho school
A alight rnlti foil horo Sundny.
Mm. O.K. Nichols of Laldlnw wan
visiting relatives nt Sunnysldo Thuns
day. Mr. nnd Mrs. V. W. Iovoronx wore
vlnltora nt Camp No. K Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Yoagor nnd dnughler
of Camp No. 0 were visiting1 friends
nt Plnoliurst Sunday.
J. It. Llttlo nttondod Sunday ecliool
at Plnotiumt Sunday,
k Messrs. Smith nnd Scott butchoro'd
n lino beef tho first of the wook.
Tho Infant eon of Mr. and MY.
Ooorgo Couch Is fjtilto III,
Prlco Trent nnd family of Wasco
hnvo moved to the King ranch.
Velum nnd Hartlntt Nichols nro
visiting tholr nunt, Mrs. F. W. Lev
oreaie, this wook.
Mlsa Floronce Hfinnol has rocontty
moved Into hor new rosldonco.
Mm. Mnttlo Crawford of Houd
spont a faw days at hor rnnch near
Plnlnvlow thin wook.
Hart and Jay Nichols left Saturday
for Llborty, Arizona, whoro thoy will
Visit their brothor Loo Nichols. They
oxpoct to visit aomo of tho const cit
ies en routo.
Mr. and Mm. O. M. Couch spont
Bunday at tho homo of Mr. and Mm.
Win. Clark.
Superintendent Myora .visited tho
school last wook nnd expressed him
self well pleased with tho way tho
work was progrosfilng.
Mr. and Mm. F. W. Lcvcront enter
tained Mm. Delia Nichols, Miss Kdnn
Hoot mid J. II. Llttlo at dinner Sunday.
Wear get a pair of
Sold by
the Shoo Repair Man.
Bond street, Bend, Oro
Moderate Prlcce
MoIcrn Ilooms
Attrattlvo Hnrroundfngx
Strom Heat, Hot nnd Cold
Water Willi Ilalli Privilege
Homo Cooked Meals
MU A. I). Spalding. Proprietor
iiiiNu, oiucgo:;
celpts for tho wook havo been, cnttto
97C, calves 11, hogs GOCfi, ahcop
0000. Light recolptff of cattlo for
tho week with improved domand and
oxtremo top grades a llttlo strongor
In prlco. Top prlco on stocra 7 conla
hulk of sales tO.SO to $0.75. Kxtromo
top on cows for tho wook $0.15. Hulls
meeting with ready sale at strong
prices. Heavy receipts of hogs do
mand top hogs $7.45 at close or mar
ket. Hecelpts of aheop and lambs
light. -Domand strong for first class,
with prices fully steady with lost
Positively Mjwter Croup.
Foley' Honey and Tar Compound
cuts tho thick choking mucus, nnd
clears away tho phlegm. Opens up
tho air passages and stops the hoarse
cough. Tho gasping, strangling fight
for breath gives way to quiet breath
ing and peaceful sleep. Harold Herg,
Mass, Mich., writes: "Wo give Fol
oy'a Hcttoy and Tar to our children
for croup and It always acta quickly."
Patterson Drug Co. Adv.
Department of tho Interior, U. S,
Land Offlco at Tho Dallea, Ore
gon, Oeptombor 21, 1914.
Notice In horoby given that Frank
Maascngnlo, of Hond, Oregon, who, on
May 17th, 1911, mado Homestead
Entry No. 08948, for SV4 8W, flec
tion 2, 8E'i SE, Section 3, N
NHH, NMr NW Section 10, NW'i
NWV Section 11, Township 19
South, Ilango 14 East, Willamette
Morldlan, has filed notice of Intontlon
to mako final thrco year proof
to establish claim to tho land aboto
described, before II. C. Ellis, U. 8
Commissioner, at Hond, Oregon, on
tho Cth day of November, 1914.
Claimant namco aa witnesses.
George H. Wondorff, Austin C Bar
ber, Charlos Korakis, James H. Min
er, all of Rend. Orogon.
3 0-3 4 c. Register.
Why you should
Republican Candidate for
United States Senator
- Are you better off now than you were
under a Republican administration?
Are you satisfied?
If you believe in tho principles of the
Republican Party, if you are convinced
that these principles aro best for tho Coun
try, then prove it by voting for your
standard bearer, Robert A. Booth, Repub
lican candidate for the United States Senate.
You know that under Republican
presidents the people of the United States
have good times.
You know that under Democratic
presidents you have Democratic times.
Remember the prosperity under Mc
Kinley, Roosevelt and Taft.
Remember tho conditions under Cleve
land and Wilson.
Tho issue in this campaign is not one
of personality. It is not one of non
partisanship. It is a question of whether
you prefer prosperity under Republican
Do you havo enough work? Aro
your wages good? Is your business what
you want it to be?
If you aro satisfied with present con
ditions, well and g6od; if you believe that
the present situation is better than under
McKkley, Roosevelt and Toft, you know
what to do.
The way to bring back prosperity is to
bet elect a republican SeiUte. The Re
iwbtican candidate in Oregon' is R. A; Booth.
Tktefea Republican year. Vote the
ticket straight. ' '
(Paid Advertisement, republican State Central Committee,
Imperial Hole), Portland, Oregon)
Notice Is hereby given that tho lands
described bolow. embracing 122.73
acres, within the Deschutes National
I-orcst, Oregon, will be subject to set
tlement and entry under tho urovl-
ivns of tho homestead laws of the
United States and tho act of June
11. 1900 (34 Stat.. 233). at the
Unltod States land oITlco at The
Dalles, Oregon, on Novemler 30,
1914. Any settlor who waa actually
and in good faith claiming: any of
said lands for agricultural purposes
prior to January l, 1906, and has not
abandoned same, has a preference
right to mako a homestead entry for
tho lands actually occupied. Said
lands were listed upon the applica
tions or tho persons moatloncd be
low, who have a preference right sub
ject t& tho prior right of any such set
tler, provided such settler or
applicant Is qualified to make
homestead entry and tho prefer
ence right Is exorcised prior to
November 30, 1914, on whlob
dato tho lands will bo subject to set
tlbsent and entry by any qualified
person. A strip 30 feet wide off the
west side or the NBU SEV. and the
SEU NE4, extending from the
southwest corner of tho NE4 SE
to within 30 feet of tho northwest
corner or the SEU NEK, Section 20,
T. 20 8.. R. 10 E., W. M.. 1.82 ocrcs,
application of William II. II. Wil
liams, No. 701 Andover Street, Se
attle, Washington; List Sup. C-C02.
A strip of land 30 feet wide off the
west sldo of the SEV SEV4 Sec 23,
T. 20 8., It. 10 E., .91 of an acre, ap
plication of John A. Perkins, Dend,
Oregon; Sup. List G-855. Tho NK
NEVl, the SE NEK. Soc. 25. T.
20 8., It. 14 E., 120 acres, applica
tion of Mrs. Emell Oak, Barlow, Ore
gon; List C-1381. September 23.
1914. C M. Druce. Assistant Com
missioner of the General Land Of
fice. 32-35c
Department of tho Interior, U. S.
Land Offlco at Tho Dalles, Ore
gon, Septomber 21, 1914,
Notice is hereby given that George
II. Wendorn. of Bend. Oregon, who.
on April 2 9 tb, 1911, mndo Homo
tttad Entry No. 0881C and on Novem
ber 29, 1912 mado additional Homo
Mend Entry No. 010890, or SW&,
BjNW and W SB", Section 3,
Toucshlp 19 South, Ituaw 14 East.
Willamette Meridian, has filed notieo
of Intention to make final three yeaf
proor, to establish claim to the land
above described, be f oro H. C. EIII5,
U. 8. Commissioner, at Dend, Oregon,
on tho Cth day of Novombor, 1914.
Claimant names aa witnesses
Frank Massengalo, Austin C. Darber,
Charles Korakis, James D. Miner, all
of Dend, Oregon.
30-34 c. Rcgtater.
Roofing of nil kinds. Repairing
promptly done.
Furnace Contractor
Guttering, Spouting,
Cornices and Skylights.
$ Jobbing Promptly Attended To
I J. J. RYAN !
J nutting and neatiig
PHONE 451 $
The Wright
Is Bend's Leading Hotel
WHY? - .,."
It Is n fireproof building
It Is thoroughly modern 1
It Is comfortable, commodious, cIcau-
The wants of all are satisfied well at
Automobiles to all Interior Points
rt?NTRAI OREGON'S vinvi, life, accident,
i-ltw 1 KAb Rjwn a VJATK GMSS AUTOMO:
Leading INSURANCE Agency mile, surety jioxus.
City and Farm Property
AUBREY) Lots $150 to $350
HEIGHTS ( TERMS: $5 Cash and
OROKLA $3 Monthly
J A RACTCC Office on Oregon Street
I Headquarters for Commercial Alea
Electric Lighted Throughout .
Special Attention to
Transient Travel
Good Rooms
Free bus to
and from trains
Qood Meals
All arrangements made for perrons i
desiring to go south and east of horo T
ONE CENT A WORD is nil n little want ad will cost you.