The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 21, 1914, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    rAOK a.
y- ---
(Special to Tho Hullctln)
SlBTlSKS, 061. 18. Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Wurswoller returned Sunday
from a ton day's visit In PrlnovUlo,
J. O. McKlnnoy and family havo
rented tho J. V, Wilt homo and nro
domiciled thero for the winter.
-Ev Veacelus was a business visitor
IrMlond for several days la st wcuk.
Dr. Coo, K. A. Bather and Sam
Bmlth wcro county division boosters
In Slatora tho first of tho weak.
II. h. Corbott and Mrs. Corbott and
II. P, Corbott. of Portland, wore vis
itors at tho Tono ranch tor several
days tho first of last wcok.
V N. Cobb, who has been making
his homo In Eugene for tho past year
nnd a half, has roturnod to Slaters
to mako als homo.
Andrew Morrow, of QrUzl) has
spent tho past month In this section,
helping to got his sheep out of tho
J, D. Minor and It. V. Sawyer wore
Send visitors in Slstors Thursday.
0. W. Updike, who has been tn
poor health at his homo noar the head
of tho MetolluB for tho past two
months, has moved to Laid law tor tho
. J. a Wright and family and Miss
Ruth Dayton wcro business visitors
lit Sisters tho middle of tho week,
from their homo near tho head of
the Metollus.
J. L. CHott was In Bond last week
with a wagon load of cabbage Mr.
Cllett raised several tons of cabbage
this year and has had very llttlo
trouble in disposing of them at a
good flguro.
ilunters and sheep men who havo
spent much time in tho mountains
during- tho past fow weoka report
deer and bear qulto plentiful, but
Miia m. niuim. 320 second
"If aoyono wants to know how I
suffered from rheumatism and what
Akox did to stop it ho can ask anyone
living tn the same apartment -house
I do," says Mrs. M. Beard residing
at 320 Second Street. Portland, and
prominent la Catholic church circles
of this city. Sho says about bor case
and tho relief Akoz the wonderful
California, medicinal mineral gavo
'As tho result of over six years
Butfcrlng from muscular and nervous
rbeoimatlnm my hands and -feet lie
csm'e numb and swollen. Tho pains
I endured .were awful and were not
confined to my hands and feet but
nl. over my body. Many remedies
were tried but they did not give mo
much rest from my misery. I flsallv
took to Akoz. In a few days the
pates wore all gene. Is a couplo of
weeks the affseted Unfits began to
take Ufa tut the drculstloti began to
be rv-tXabliffhw At the end of the
month I wan practicallv cured as far
as any suffer'ng or signs of rheums-'
tlm wer concerned I will follow
dvle and kep taking the internal
treatment for a month more. I used
the compound for the pain and drank
the mineral water to treat tho cause.
My entire system Bcerned benefitted.
sHLK m UiC-.BLH Bh
up icUl H '
sBf;J flBBBUBBfllH
The proposed Dentistry Dill gives the preference to
the horse.
To treat a horse, a veterinary surgeon in Oregon must
have three full college years of special study and a diploma
of graduation from a recognized college.
To treat the raduth of a child, the Dentistry Bill requires
of a dentist but 12 months' training.
The mouth of a child may be disfigured for life by
neglect or unskilled treatment.
rild iir. Or'joo Btxlrtjr for DcoUl KdoetUnt it. 0. Binwnd, Stc, 633 Uorgta XJUg.
fcrtUud, Orefon,
very wild nnd hard to got within
rnngo of.
II. 0. Hndtoy nnd A. CnmpboU, of
Kugono, spout last weok In tho oas
torn part of Crook county. Thoy
nmdo tho trip by auto both Ways via
tho McKcnzIc pass, without dllllcul
ty. M, U Morrltt, forest supervisor of
this district, nnd 12. Austin, of Uond,
spent last weok assisting with rocon
natssanco work In connection with
tho Improvement of tho McKontlo
rond. k
Tho Redmond-Sisters stago lino
has put on a now combination pas
songor an.d freight truck. Thoy havo
boon oporatlng tho samo kind of a
machine on tho Redrnond-l'rlnovllto
run and havo found It to bo profit
able. Continuous bad woathor In tho
mountains during tho past six weeks
qauscd heavy loss to ahoop mon.
Many ot tho herds became scattered
and tho herders wcro unable to find
thorn. Morrow and Kconan, of Orlsi
ly. wcro tho heaviest loosora report
ed. Many from Slslors and vicinity at
tended tho Potato Show1 at Redmond
last week and all speak well ot tho
exhibit In all lines.
nnv ikk,
(Special to Tho Hullottn)
DItY LAKE, Oct. 9. 0. Olegor.
Mr. Snider, Joo Carsko, Ed Peterson
and J. Poteraon left Sunday for tho
"Wiley ranch" whero thoy are to
bo employed during the coming weok.
John Qarsko spent Sunday at the
Peterson ranch.
Mr. Charles Ivey was an Ibox vis
itor Sunday.
Master Lempko and slstor Gene-
I- 1- "
mrs. 31. main).
Any of my friends can vouch for the
good Akos did for me."
Akoz will be found effective for
stomach trouble, diabetes. U right's
dtenase, ulcers, ootorrh, piles, skin
diseases and other ailments. For
sale by Patterton Drug Co., whero
further intoitnation may tm ueu i
gardlng this advertisement. Adv.
. 44M4fMM -
vlovo from Ibox, spout n pleasant day
In Dry Lake Saturday.
Mr. MoVolty visited nt tho 0. A
Qarsko ranch Saturday.
John Pntuclt from Ibox called on
trlonds hero Saturday.
O. Johnson returned homo from
Portland tho foro part ot tho wook
to llvo on his claim after nn absence
ot sovornl months.
Mrs, Ring nnd Mrs. Pholnn who
spont aovornl months tn Portland nro
with us again tor tho wintor.
Mrs. Alexander callod on Mrs, V.
Urown tho foro part ot tho week.
MUs Laura Peterson and Mrs. Itluif
returned homo from Ibox Thursday
whoro thoy spent a pleasant day vis.
Itlng Mrs. U, Lemko, formerly uf
this placo.
Coo. Iangford Is with us again af
ter an aluonco ot several months.
Mr. Lemko from Ibox transacted
business hero Wednesday.
A Jolly crowd of young people of
this placo lott Saturday evening tor
Prlnglo Flats whero they will attend
a dnnco Riven thero In tho evening.
(Special to Tho Bulletin)
III VERS, Oct. 12. M. Hnllmoyor
and Max Motion lett hero last week
to go attor seed grain.
Mr. Crumb arrived on his homo
stead last week. Ho Is hauling lum
ber to build a house
E. Nolcon mado a trip to Rond
Inst wook.
Mrs. Max N'lolson spont tho wook
end with Mrs. J. II. Rivers..
C. Louis Is busy hauling lumber lo
erect a house.
Mrs. A. D. Taylor callod on Mrs.
C. A. Ralsloy lat Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Wlggnni Intend
to leavo for Indiana soon. Mrs.
13 Off
All Now and Up-to-dato. Call
and lnicct my stock.
at Robert Smith's Store
1& Lafollette
Nursery Co.
Prineville, Oregon
What's the Use
of frolKhtlnir grocorioa from a
Bond f reo of chnrgo?
the freight.
Remember the place, near
28 milo post, Bend to
Burns road.
T 'f.i II
will bo hold nt
i Oct. 26 to Nov. 14, 1914
A representation of the
whole Pacific Northwest
industries, resources and
development-shown on one
floor. You cannot afford to
miss It,
Tickets nnd Information up
on application to any agent
of the
Railrooi A Navigate Co.
WlRgnm'a rolntlvns rcsldo thoro.
13. Dnntolson nnd P. Nlclson will
lonvo horo soon to work for tho win
ton In tho monutlmo Mrs. Nlolton
will visit Mrs. DAulolson.
Tho now dnnco hall In nearly com
plctcd nnd n grand oponlng ball will
ho given soon.
Elmer Wilson epont n tow days nt
homo Inst wook.
Mrs. W. T. Wlggam was taken
suddoly HI Thursday and was Ukon
to llund Friday, Sho returned Hun
(Spoclnl to Tho Rulletln.)
HAMPTON. Oct. 13.-Nowton Wolls
and his brother-in-law, Mr. Pntho, of
aaston, navo rocontiy camo on tholr
homostends In this neighborhood.
J. P. Wllquot roturnod from
Woodliurn Thursday.
Sovornl (ram herb nttondml tho
surprise party on Prot, and Mrs. L.
A. Hunting Saturday ovonlng.
Mlsa Mary Smith of Imporial npont
Saturday night and Sunday with tho
Misses Crow.
U. A. Rurrls and Nowton Wolls
wont In to Rond last wook.
John O. King hat) gone to Rums.
Mrs. M. L. Crow spont Friday with
.its. Rlnok nnd Mr. Harrison.
Elnior Peck and Arthur Wllquot
dug potatoes up In tho Duties Sat
urday. Tho two children of Mr. Allison
who rocontiy moved up on tho Ilutto,
will stnrt to school nt this placo In
tho near future
Joseph Slmms Is on his homeitoad
There was no 8unday school nt
this placo yesterday on account of a
gontloman from Glass Ilutto valley
bolng taken qulto sick at Hotel
Hampton whero Sunday school la
hold each Sunday.
Several from this placo nro plan
ning on attending tho dance nt Horn
surd next Saturday night.
Mr. Emit Van Lake, who has boon
Brick is the MOST ECONOMICAL Buildiog Material there is.
All who have used our product are satisfied.
The Bend Brick & Lumber Co.
We Control and Have For Sale, at the Bet
Prices and Terms, the Largest Amount of
Business and Residence Property
in Bend. Call or Write for Free
Maps and Descriptive Matter .
f ' l .
Insurance Written in All
' Its Branches in World'
' Known Companies
; ' Better Enable
- ;
In Portland inking treatment nt tho
Pnntoitr Inntltnto. la oxpootod homo
this wook. Mr, Vhti Lnko will nmlio
proof on his homeatand October ill.
Fnrmorn tn this vicinity nro vory
butty plowing, discing and euodliig.
It, It. IIokuo has gono Into Dond
for n whllo.
Host thing (or constlpntlon. sour
stomach, laxy llvor mid nIiikkIiu
huwola. Slops a nlok hondacho almost
nt onco. Oivoa n thorough nnd sat
isfactory fltmlilnK no pnln, uu win
son. Kcopn your nystuut olonnsud,
awoot and wholosomo. Ask (or Clt
rolnx. Pattorson Drug "Co. Adv.
(Bpeclal to Tho Rultottn)
POWELL RUTTH, Oct. 10. Oscar
Prtckott nnd (loo. llockmnu hnulod
spuds to PrlnovUlo last Tuesday.
Tho hay balers pro busy baling nt
tho J. A. Rings place. Ilonry Hmixon
who owned half interest in tho out
fit sold out to Ray Dunn.
John Tuck nnd Ed Williams worn
tho principal spcakiro at n well at
tnndod mooting of tho Wntor Usorn'
of this section, hold at thn Wllmin
school houso Tuesday ovonlng. Tho
matter of securing onrly patonU (or
our lands wan tho principal nubjoit
(or discussion.
S. E. Shepherd was n business vis
itor to PrlnovUlo Tuesday.
Mrs. Mary Orowller nnd llttlo Ruth
Bhonror, Mrs. Alton Wlllcoxon and
llnrrlotl and Mrn. (leo. 0. Tmosdalo.
nnd Dorothy, woro dinner guoitn at
tho E. A. UuBsott homo Woduoadny.
Mrs. Joo Shearer nnd Mm. Ilms litis
rott woro also Kuents of Mrs. litis,
lott for tho nttornuon. Tho Indies
btistod themselves with nocdlo work
and it pleasant and profltablo nftor
noou was tho result.
Thoro was no school nt tho Wllnon
sc'iool houso Tuesday owing to n
slight mlsundorstiindlng of tho teach
or, Mrs. Holland.
II. K. Alton lost 11 valuable Hoi
itoln heifer lest wook.
Geo. Ilobbn sold several loads of
Itcgs to Mr. McMlcklo of Rodmond
last week.
"Grandma" Drown la vlclttng her
daughter, Mm. E. A. Dussott, and
;.g -: iff -tr-j- r-jj.
OUR OUTSIDE Offices Rd Agents"
Us to find You Purchasers and Tenants.
Oregon Street, Bend, Oregon,
Empire Building, Seattle, Wash,
(nmily. having, coiuo down from tho
libtiioniund Tliursdny.
Mr. Ohoburt liouglit 41 hogs uiii(
n inlllt cow (10111 Mr. lliirklmrt Inst
wouk. ,
Mrs. Clmrloii Orowllor of Uond via
Itcit nt tho Itoilinoiut Potnhi Bhow
Hnturdny. On her rulurn nhu wut
nccompuiilod by lior mutliur nnd
dnuitlitor, Mrs. Mnry Orowller mid,
Mrs. Juo Bhonror nnd dnuglitvr, Ruth
who will visit In Uond for n foW iluyM.
Minn Jnuo Allen nml MUs Ituth
Ilnwloy. two populnr tdiiuhors In tho
PrlnovUlo olty nohools, camo out Frl.
dny for a wook ond Visit with tho '
(urmor'n slstor nnd brother, Minn Mu
liol nnd II. F. Allen. Mr. Allen trout,
od the ladles to a day of Might soolng '
nt tho big show In Rodmond Satur
day. .
Mr. nnd Mrs. Virgil Humphrey nnd
(nmlly visited Sunday nt Terrelioiuiv,
tho sunsts ot'tho (ormer'n cousin, 4
Frnnk Fox nnd (nmlly '
Tho Powell Ilutto Rnchnlor'a Club
nnnouncos a dance (or Ontuplnyt
night nt Mrs. Hobson's plnce. All
nro cordially Invited.
Mr. and Mrs. N. P, Alloy visited nti
Opal City Sunday, guests of Mr. and
Mrs, John Saxton.
Powell Ilutto pooplo attending tho
dance nt Redmond Saturday night
woro Mr. nnd Mrs. Mnthat. Miss Jos
uphlno Mancoau ond Mrs. Linn Ellis,
Messrs. Clydo Mooro, Mr. Demon,
Geo Hohbs, Goo. Morgan and Reovoi
Tho Edwards school announces a
basket supper at that placo (or No
votubcr 20th, at clcht o'clock In tho
evening. Tho proceed of supper will
bo used (or needed school suppllos.
Everybody Is Invltod. Ladles nro to
prnvldo well filled haskuts nnd moil
(oiks a pocket of coin.
Exhibitor (roin this section to tho
Redmond Potato Rhow secured h
goodly tdiaro of bluo ribbons, again
demonstrating that when It enmos tn
first class spuds and roots wo nro,
thero with the goods. H. I). Mustard
at muni copped the greater number
of blue ribbons o( any nno person 1
Tho following Is n partial Hat of .his
awards: first on best display of no.
tatocs, first on bent bushel of six UN
forent varieties with n onsh premium
of ton dollars each or sixty dollar,
(Continued on pa go snvnn.)
., .