THK IMiND llUIiLKTIN', BKNI), ORIS., WKDNKHDAY, OOTQBKK 1 1, 1U'. TAIK ft. HONEY BEES SWARMED IN PORTLAND LUST WEEK fSrmt of luMnt Men Do Honor to AY. 1). Chewy, TnbiHt t tho lletul KmMcm Club, nt UnKjno Dinner. PORTLAND. Oct. 12. Uy M. N, D. Honey Uoo Swarms, first Vortlnml, then Sbnltlo nnd San Francisco ami liorhftis nil over tho world. Tho Vorttiuid flwarm, enhscrlblnK to por Bisient chbrrfulness. klmlllnoss ami vholosonHMiws, camo MUo oqiciAl bfc mr last Wounosdny evening. It wrta one- of tho rarest oconslons tho tfroiin of Portland business inon cvor witnessed. It produced some of tho finest expressions of sotstlment. "Crown of the fecst" was W. D. Cheney. Taboo of tho llcml Umbloin Club and of tho Honey llews. who was Klven tribute by nil tho others pres ent, and who In his turn Instructed i..m in Mm wnv of tho Honor Dees which Is to Rather not tho bitterness' I...I iIia uutioIh nf llfn. Thn Hanev Dec said this man or raro personality Is not necessarily setnsh, but If ho is nttcntlvo to his own Interests ho will bo cheerful and kindly nnd wholo Konio. Taboo was prosontcd with a Iwiton of ebony with gold tip ongrnr cd. Marking tlrao at tho banquet and compelling silence nt every quarter hour when Iholr music was hoard, wore the two chlmo clocks bought for tho Emblem Club with tho present Klven by tho Ad Club nt tho cloao of Its recent excursion to neud. There were many words of praise for C. M. Moore and Georgo D. Leo, tho genll of tho feast, by others pres ent, tho list Including. W. D. Cheney. V. P. llerg. Dr. U. C. Coo of nend. Dr. E. A. rierco. Marshall N. Dana. Chester A. Whltcmore. II. H. Atkin son. Nelson (1. Pike. Harvey O'Urlon, C. K. ZHIy. William Klrkpatrlck. W'll l'nm AdamB. O. C. Dortxmeyer, David It. Moscsaohn. Dr. It. M. Emorson, R. II Groxlcr. and his supplies to his resilience nt Aubrey Holghls. Tho ladles of tho Dnptlst church vlil hold n doll bacnar thn foro part nf llnrninhnr. DrosSid ilotta of all kinds nnd sites will bo on snlo. Any one wishing dolls (iressou to oruer phono Mrs. Do Armond, Red 11. Adv. 32-SSc LINE OPEN IN TWO WEEKS. P. 1). Johnson, of Mlltloan, or ac cording to tho now post-odlco tinmo. Mount Pine, was. In town yoslonlixr. Ho reports that ,tho poles for the now telephone lino nro now nearly all up and that It Is expected that tho lino will bo ready for uso In two weeks. SOCIETY TAKES UP WORK HERE (Continued from pago 1.) CHURCH ALLIANCE. A mass meeting of all tho churches nnd their frlonds wa held nt tho Methodist church last evening nt which a Church Alliance was organis ed for union literary, social, recrea tional, and civic work. Tho pas tors have also organised a ministerial association. Tho three churches aro also co-operating In Blblo study, tor which meetings aro hold on Wednes day evenings. Wo have a now addition, arrived Tuesday morning. Ho la prepared to shine your lwots. dust your clothes. In fact, look after your wanU in general. Try him at tho Metronoll tan. 32c SURPRISE 1WUTV GIVEN. Tho Methodist ladles gavo tho min ister. A. S. niack a comploto surprlso last Friday at tho homo of tho Thor Eens. Ho was picked up on tho Btreet by an auto party and taken to tho Thorscn residence ostensibly for n social call. Ho found tho largo parlor full of ladles and a tablo load ed with supplies for his larder. Re freshments were served, atfer which W. II. Staata' auto carried Mr. Black Ita results aro and how wo may com bat It. "Much of tho suffering Is duo to tgnoranco This exhibit Is shown to help dispel Ignorance and to show the need of sex education." Is tho sentence on ono of tho screens which gives tho koy to the wholo work. Tho exhibit Is divided Into sec tions, classified as "Tho Enemy," "Al lies of tho Enemy," "8ox Education" and tho work being done by tho So ciety, quackery nnd obscono ndvor tlslnB como In for n severe scoring, and in this connection It la well to remark that tho Society has been re sponsible for tho vllmlnntlon from Portland papers of.all classes of ob scene advertising and tho advertise ments of quacks who purport to euro certain diseases nnd In reality grow fat upon tho Ignoranco of tholr pa tients. The vlco-brcodlng "musoums of anatomy" havo also been routed from Portland by tho Society. Detailed descriptions of tho oxnlblt are Inadvlsablo hero: surflco to say that It has sonio good lesson for ovory mother and father In Bend, and thoso who may becomo such. And It should be added that tho wholo subject U treated In such a clean, straight for ward. buslness-Hko way that It makes direct appoal to any citizen with the Interests of his family and his com munlty at heart. Pamphlets concerning different subjects aro distributed free, and ad mission, of course, la tree, i;vm nflnrttnnit n Imlv will tin In charge of the exhibit nnd wouion nro urged to nttemi. CATTLE MEN DO BUSINESS HERE (Continued from pago 1.) part landed Friday nnd part Monday, fVitll.kitimt tuuittitnlit VllillVIIIVM IIIIW l-tllll Si All tho enlUoiuun nro Jottil In Ujolr nines for tho treixtmont recoTved pm iu.rft "Wo never oxpocled anything llktf It," said William KUtredgo. "Mtcer tnlnly mnkes us fool good towards llend and you may bo sure Hint wo'll do all wo can to keep on coming to Bond." In his talk at dinner J. It. Lane, nftor expressing appreciation of tho flno treatment given them, said ho, nnd others, would buy their grocer ies hero. "I wish I could llvo hero," said Mr. I.nnc. "Yea. wo find everything most sat isfactory." sold Mr. Pitcher In answer to an Inquiry concerning tho rein tlve advantages of this routo na com pared to tho southern ono. "Thoro Is no reason at nil why wo shouldn't bring our cnttlo hero always. And thoro Is -no reason why wo should not do a lot of our business hero, too." All thn visitors havo been In tho country a long Umo rrom twenty to thlrty-tlvo years and each ono had Interesting yarn to toll about how "Tho llend" looked in tho old days, when tho only membership a com. mcrclal club could havo scraped up would havo been Jackrabblts. At tho Friday night dinner Mr. Hudson pointed out tho mutual ad vantages of co-oporatlon. "Nothing promotes better business rolntlons llko personal acquaintance," said he. Other spenkora were J. P. Koyos, president of tho Commorclnl Club, 0. P. Putnam, publisher of Tho Hullo tin, Vernon A. Forbes, stato rcpo sonlntlve. nnd B. M. Lara, of tho Dos chutos Bank. J. H. Lnno was 811 ver Loko"B representative whon it camo to speaking. Influential In securing tho cnttlo business for their roads. In prcror enco to tho southern roads, havo been J. T. Hardy and L. M. Fosa. repre sentatives, respectively of tho Oregon Trunk nnd Orcgon-Wnshlngtbn rail roadn. Tho shipments were dlvldod between tho two linos. Mr. Homeseeker: Read this list nnd look these poods over before buying Doors and Windows, Roofing, Building Paper, Tents, Wagon Covers, Tools of all kinds, Stoves and Ranges, Guns and Ammunition. Skuse Hardware Co. Why Destroy the Industrial Progress of Oregon? That's what the so-called "Water- Front" bills, Numbers 328 and 330 on the ballot, will do if passed at the November election. Why make it impossible to build saw mills or any other industrial, labor-producinff plants on the rivers and bays of Oregon? That's what the passage of these bills will do. Why cripple the development of our great timber resources; why cripple all future manu facturing in Oregon? That's what will take place if the people vote "yes" on numbers 328 and 330. Why lock up the thousands of acres of over-flow lands bordering upon the navigable waters of the State and Its miles of water front for the benefit of "future generations;" why not let the present gen eration have some of the benefit from the use of these lands? Industries of all kinds will be driven from Oregon and Intending investors will turn their backs upon the State If these so-called "Water Front" bills become laws. That Is why every man, woman and child In Oregon will be adversely affected If thesei)llls arc passed by the people In November. Oregon needs outside capital to develop Its great natural re sources but we will drlvo It away If we pass Numbers 328 and 330 on the ballot at the November election. If these so-called "Water Front" bills are passed by the people, a vast amount of property will be withdrawn from taxation In this State and this great burden will be thrown upon the rest of the tax able property, resulting In a heavy Increase In everybody's taxes. These bills are vicious; they are destructive of the very best Inter ests of the State; they ought nivcr to become laws. The way to defeat them Is to vote "NO" 329 and 331. OREGON COMMERCIAL PROTECTIVE xVSSOCIATION f ,. ' iYeon UulldlnK, Portland, Oregon l'M Adrcttlumtnt in 'j ; ' " . - . --.- --- jl.ttTlttTTT ? - - . W&ast V : : : : ! .4- m-mm' i-ii RP A I m ff !p ESTATE u ! t m xx t fv " t ' t T ' 4 ' T :: Lumber - t ' tt:: T T ' ' ' . H ttt Complete Stock Dry, Rough and Finishing Lumber Maple and Fir Flooring FOR BUSINESS LOTS FOR RESIDENCE LOTS FOR GARDEN LOTS For Close-in Acreage FOR. FARM LANDS Let us show you the property JEiS'iEE conservative buyer that BEND REAL ESTATE Is a conservative investment & & Lath 4 Shins Pine House and Irrigation Spout, Lath, Red Cedar Shingles 4? I ' The Bend Company OFFICE CORNER WALL and OHIO STS. flN "?3f. a- ,,. 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