The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 14, 1914, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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Artistic Japanese Baskets,
nil shapes and si'.cS"Popular Prices
25c to $3.00
Patterson Drug Go.
ihb I'
ii i.i
Si w
"Come in' and see.oujft
$6 and $7 Values now
Mrs. S. Mcintosh -
All automobile owner who
will givo tho uso o( their can
for county division work nru ro-
quested to notify It. V. "ftwyer,
J. A. Kastcs or 0. W. Kmklnc.
(Inn nnJ oil will bo fnniUhad.
W. It. Johnston of Lnldlsw, was In
town Bunday,
W. I). llnrnes was up from Lnldlnw,
on Thursday.
1". V. flwlshor of Laldlaw was In
town Monday.
B. W. Vnncy of Prtnevlllc, was In
to n last Friday.
Mm. Hanloy, at tlio A. T. Frame
homo, linn Iwcn III,
O. J. Alexander of Tho Dalles wna
In town Init Monday.
It. II. (lou)d was out of town for
a faw day last week'.
Miss Gertrude Market loft for her
lioniMtrad this morning.
R. Vesoolus and M. Clynt of Bis
ters woru In town today.
Mrs. A. M. Prlnglo returned from
Portland Saturday night.
Tlio Royal Neighbor gave a well
attended dance In Bathers Hall lnsl
Tuesday. They wont to Fall Itlver
and stayed thero for a fow dayit to
hunt boar. From Kail Itlver they
wont to Crnno Pralrlo to shoot duck,
hut were unsuccessful In both their
attempts. Wednesday night they
both returned to their home In Portland.
V. P. Downing l making nxton-
iiIkIH. Messrs, Fbrroat and Ouplll fur
tililiml tint immln.
Mrs. Doll Parker returned to hnr "'" '' "" to Ms
homestead last Katurduy.
II. W. Bkiiiw wan n guost nl the
Btnuloy Ittincli over flunday.
Thorcmt Bchmorl of Mllllcan was Id
town Thursday and Friday.
J. I. West, bettor known an "Dad",
wna hero n few days lnwt week.
flcorgc Mllllcan of Mllllcnn, Jin
been In town for about a week.
Tho lirldKO Club held Ita weekly
meeting nl Mm. Lara's on Friday.
The W. C. T. U. will meet on Frl
rinyjirtornooii with Mrs. Nlswongor.
""Project Knglncer Laurgnnrd and
(I. Kd Itoss were up from Laldlaw on
Thu Subscription Club will hold Iti
monthly dnnco at Bather Hall on
Saturday. ,.
Mr. and Mrs. Troy lleavor and Har
ry Wyso of Crescent oamo to town
Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Bly and Mr. and
Mrs. J. J. Hug or La 1'luo cama to
town yesterday.
Mrs. Fred A. Itlco of Prlnnvlllo
spont tho week end at tho homo or
Mrs. II. a Kills.
(Ico. Htanloy and Dr. A. Noycs re
turned from their hunting trip last
1?M ift n
Slither sells shoes, spinach and spuds
Apricotsapples, u choice line of duds,
Tomatoes, teas, toques and tinware
Heavy warm socks for cold winter wear,
Eggs strictly fresh and economy jars
Rice, raisins, ruhbers; also son) liars,
-E7. A. SATHE&
a. fW
iCoal! Coal!
A Carloadof 'Standard
$10.50 F. 0. B. Warehouse
The United Warehouse Co.
home In Kenwood.
J. It. Shaw of Tho Dalles was In
town last Wednesday. Ho was regis
tered at Ilia Ilend.
J. C. I'aush or Prliievlllo was In
town last Saturday. During his stay
ho slopped at the Hand.
IV W. Uessloy of Lnldlaw, was In
town over Sunday. DurlnK his stay
ho stopped nl tho (lend.
Vernon A. Forbes wont to Tho
Dalle on Saturday to argua a caaa
before Judge llrodslmw.
J. V. Bhrader. formorly or Port
land, but now or Mllllcan, left yes
terday for his homestead
ArranKoments aro ttelns tnndo for
tho bolUInK or a Sunday school con
vention li Dend In November.
Claude Dunham or Itobcrts. was
In town Monday. Durlns; his slay
bo was registered at tho Ilcnd.
John T. Whistler or Portland or
rived In town last night In connection
with tho Dcimhutes survey work.
CcorKO Young's llttlo girl Jose
phine, Is recovering rnpldty rroni hor
recent operation for appendicitis.
Tho llcnd high school football
team will piny tho Hc-dmond team
nulla this Snturday at Itcdmond.
Miss Donnelly, who recently ro
turnod from Portland, la now at Des
chutes at tho Iloscoa Howard home.
James Iloyco. who has been spend
ing tho summor In town loft on Mon
day for his homestead at llrothcrs.
W. A. Xanney of Deschutes spent
Saturday and Sunday In town, re
turning to Doacuuteslonuay morn
Ing. , i
Mrs. D. TntaMswohKor "wan callot
(o Walla WclIaMifndny by tho sud
den death of bur? hlcce, Miss Ulslo
v F. I AVlsherd, or 8L Iulsk Mo..
.who has ben travollng through the
orthwust, spent Saturday and Sun
day In town.
' I n IMin.ln nn.l fKnv
went duck hunting at Sltvor Lake
lust Sundarm urnlng. They return
ed Inst night.
Mrs. T. W. Trlplott roUirned on
Friday from J.onoro. N. 0., where
she has spent tho summer. Her son
accompanied hor.
' II. A. Welton, whp has been work
ing on the Tumalo Project, has fin
ished his work there, and Is now
living nl tho Altaniont.
Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Overturf and II.
3, Ovorturf, Jr.. went up the river
4n a hunt'ng trip last Sunday. They
expect to be gone -a week.
Mrs. Shouso returnod from Port
land Saturday, whero sho mot htr
brother, nn army ofllcor, who was oo
his way to tho Philippines.
Vrrna Young, who Is working for
Ms. II. J. Ovorturf. has gone out to
hor mother's, homestead, whtlo tka
Oyorturt's are up tho river.
Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Tucker of
Portland were In town tho latter part
of the week. During thatr stay they
woke registered at tlio Send.
Forest Hanger llurton Onoy of tin
Ulg Klvor Hanger Station was n
town on Monday and Tuesday. Ho
left for his homo this morning.
Mrs. Uiln Hnun and children
hvans, Oregon, and Chas. Ilixon and
daughter Itose, or Antelope, are vis-
King Mr. and Mrs. italph Spencer.
h. 13. SmlUi and Karl IJenton of
Itcdmond were In (own Saturday to
attend the meeting of the C. O. I.
Co. Water Users' Assoolntlon direc
Dr. J. F. Hosclt. D. C. Durdlck and
J. llnrr, of Itcdmond, camo up Sun
day morning to play tho Hcnd tennis
team. Tney won every match they
Mrs. Jack Arnold, formerly of
uond, out now or Monroe, Orogon,
has (icon In town for tho Int few
days. She expects to bo hero about
a wcok.
It. N. Palmcrton has bought out
tho draylng business run by J. H.
Yodcr. Mr. and Mrs. Yodor and Uiolr
children have left for tholr home
stead at Fort Hock.
J. II. Wenandy returned Tuesday
morning from a trip to Hutto, Mon
tour While away Mr. Wenandy vis
ited Portland and took In tho Pendle
ton Hound Up.
Hov. II. O. Perry, D. D., Dlstrlot
Superintendent of The Dalles Dis
trict, will bold services at the Meth
odlst church on tho ovonlnu of Oc
tober 27, 28 and 29.
Tho Methodist Ladles Aid Boeloty
will hold their annual chicken plo
dinner on Thursday night. October
22 In tho Trlplctt building at the
north end of Wall street.
Mr. and Mrs. N. II. Elliott of Ter
rebonne wero In town on Friday with
Mr. Elliott's, brother-in-law, If. C.
Carter and family of Hester, Iowa,
who aro moving to Hums.
Mrs. Oraca A. Marshall of Des
chutes was In town last Wednesday.
Sho loft In the evening to Join lnr
husband In San Francisco, where they
expect to live for tho next year.
Tho Haptlst Woman's Union holds
Its regular monthly business meet
ing with Mrs. T. II. Foley Thursday
at.ernoon nt 2 o'clock. Monitors are
reiiucstcd-to come prepared to sew.
Forest Guard W. J. Ushor, who has
been stationed nt tho Crano Prairie
Hanger Station during the summer,
was la town last Thursday. He loft
Friday morning for his homo noar
the Hlg Hlvor Ranger Station, where
ho will be all wlntar.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wlton were
tendered a farewoll dlnnor party last
Srturday night at the AUamoRt Ho
tel. About tan were present and
everyone enjoyed a pleasant evon'ns
Sinday rooming Mr. and Mrs. w si
ton left for Portland.
Mrs. Ada 11. Mll'lcsn. cf Mllllean.
was In town on Thursday. Thursday
evening sho left for Eugene, where
she hao been sent as a delegate of
tho Sku-Kc-I-cok Klub of Mllllcan.
to tho annual meeting or tho State
Federation or Women's Clubs.
Joyce and Mnttlo Orlllln cntortnln
cd a row or tholr friends at their
homo Saturday nftornoon. those pres
ent bolng Gladys Sathor. Marlon
Bather. Danna Fleming. HIva Flem
ing. Mildred Kline. Mary Ilorell.
Mary Vandovert and Kathryn Byron
Various old and new gumes weie
played. Marlon Sathor winning the
pnta In the peanut hunt. Kefresh
tuents wore served.
Shipment Just Received
Ireland's Guaranteed
$ 1 .50 pr.
Women's Glncc Kid Gloves,
tnn, black or white
Woman s Tan Cape Gloves, ! 1 C .
excellent for street wear p ! gJl
Woman's Extra Quality tf fi -.
Cnpe Gloves 9Jt.UU pr.
Woman's Guaranteed Mocha AA -.
Gloves in gray and black.. . ty&mKJKJ pi
Three New Models just received- priced at -
$2.00, $3.50, $5.00 per pdr
New Patterns both the slip-over and button front
models, at 75c to $1.50 per gansstnt
In Ginghams and percales sizes 04 to 54, priced
at $1.00, $1.15, $1.25, $1.50 eack
Everything here to meet your winter necessities.
Dependable Merchandise at the right price.
You can't go wrong by trading at
exclusive Local Dcslers Ed. V. Price & Co's. Tailoring.
First National Installs Ilurroughs
liCdger Poster Mechanical Marvel
Tho First National Unnk has Just
Installed tho latest model Ilurroughs
ledger posting machine, which Is as
near mistake proof as anything this
side of the Pearly Gates can expect
to be.
Tho machine Is a mechanical mar
vel, adding and subtracting In a var
ious number of combinations, and It
automatically records the fact when
nccountn aro overdrawn. All comp'i
tations aro made by tho maohlno and
customers accounts aro printed on a
looso leaf form Instead of being with
a pen, as formorl) It is a great sav
to a minimum, and equips tho First
National with tho best to be had In
Itookkeeplng conveniences,
cr of time and labor, reduces errors
Chicken plo dinner Thursday sight.
October 22 at Trlplctt building. Adr.
Fresh oysters any style at the Cozy
Itcetaurant. Adv. 31-3 Ip
Dy going to tho tailor and gettlns
your clothes, you aro assured of gel
ling the very best quality of woolens
for your money. Imported and do
mestic. Also the very best of meas
urement, style, fit and workmanship
that skill can make. My priceajungo
from $10.00 up. Dry Clcarjnjr-I'jnd
pressing a specialty. '?'. I. Jff(&. -Adv.
Tho Portland Ad Club, during Its
stay In Dond. visited many point !
Interest. It became- very neceesa.-y
After tho oruptlon. nt Lava Hutte to
look for tho londlng barber shop.
They found It bore, Wore they
rlchtT l"l right. An nvntmiln vnr.
thy or Imitation. Tho Metropoll
. or tnn. Adv.
No. House is Complete Without
Nice Furniture
You will find a ftill and complete line of
Thompson's Furniture Store
. .
When You Buy
You want the best in quality, at prices that do not
make you feel that you might have done bqttqr,
elsewhere. Caldwell's Pure Food Market is Vell
prepared to please you in every way. Fresh
Fruits, Vegetables and Produce, Staple and Fancy
Groceries and
Ktote, Ranges
Frco Delivery- Anywhero In City.
Wagous, Iluggioit
Our Specials!
Folgef's Teas and Coffees. A full line of Royal Olub
Goods, Wp'Teceive Fresh Fruit and Vegetables daily,
A call will assure you that our prices are reasonable,
Bgnd Street, Bend, Oregon, Iext to Pjieam rThentre.
Don't Buy that New
winter Suit until you
see our new line of
Curlee Clothes
Thoy aro making a great hit iB Chi
cago. Thoy will do the same in. Bend.
We also have a new line of Suitcases
and Mackinaws. Drop in and see them