I ' TMIK4. THE BKND BULLETIN, MEND, OWE., WKDNK8DAY, OCTOBER H, 10H, i. i in i .... Hi vrr7Tr"i i ' ; i . iTrvTTiTiiirTTaHr Z5 tfHE BEND BULLETIN -(PhM.! Jfcrcry Wawdj) - GEORGE PALMER, TUTNAM Editor and Pubttshcr. IIODERT W. SAWYER Associate Editor. - An Independent newspaper stand ing for tho aaua.ro dealt, clean busl noM,.ci6nn tolltias&nd tho beat In te teals of Bend and Centrnl Oregon. i i fiio one year. ........ filx month 80 '.Threo months. 60 All subscriptions nro duo tmd PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Notices ot expiration nro mailed subscribers and K renewal is not raauo Trunin rensou able tlmo tho paper will bo discon tinued. Please notify ub promptly ot any chance of nddress. or of talluro to re- cefvo tho paper rcjjalarly. Othorwlsej wo will not bo responsible lor copies missed. t Make all checks and ordors par able to Rend Bulletin. II. W. 17. P. CO. The Investigation, ot tho rates ot tho Bond Water Light & VowcV Oom pauy, begun at tho request Jpf f tho City Council, has now roachbdtho point ot ascertaining tho valuation ot the company's property, as n, basis on whtch to mako tho rnto study. Tho Stato Railroad Commission hat ordered that tho valuation bo found and 11. A. Urackenbury, an export engineer from Portland. Is now on gngud In the work. Tho coat or nak Inft tho valuation 1b borno by tho lo cal compnny and not by tho stato as Is generally supposed. When Mr. Brnckenbury has complotod his re port tho commission sends two men, tan electrical expert and water ox- pert, to check up his conclusions, and thereafter tho commission passes on tho rates. "WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER U, 19H. ' HOT LAKH MANAOER WOULD LIKE NOTICE OK ARRIVAL IN ADVANCE. Persons contemplating a visit to Hot Lake Springs, Oregon, who re quire tho service of a wheel chair ot dlhor "special convenience, aro re quested b&JbimanagomcnL to giro notice ot arrival in advance, so that proper care and attention may bo assured. Paid advertisement. 32-3-lc WAR NEWS THE PAST WEEK 3afS3ss2J3r3Hsra,aEj'a THE DESCHUTES FAIR, The Bulletin has received several .requests for Information as to tho 'location ot the county fair In case division carles. A few wish to know It Deschutes county would have any fair and others where the fair would bo held. Tho present law authorizing coun ' tics to hold agricultural fairs was passed by the legislature in 1013 and may bo found In tho session laws of 1t!Jat year, choptcr H6. It provides rflTJ WATER USKRH ELECT. At a recent mcotlng ot tho Water Users Association ot tho C. 0. I. Co., Dr. P. 11. Dcncer was elected a director and P. J. Pcderson becamo secretary In place of Earl Benton. Al tnus Ncff is tho now treasurer. FOR RALK. Lots one ami two of block Threo of North Addition to Bend. $500.00 cash. For particulars, phono or writa II. O. Rrown, Pilot Butto ranch; or C. S. Benson, Bead. 32-3&0 for the appointment by tho county court of a fair board which Is charg ed with tho entire management of itha fair. Funds for its maintenance no provided by a payment by tho state plus, of course, such amounts aajmny be earned. Tho amount Is paid by tho stato whether thoro Is a fair or not nnd In case there Is nono tho fund is transferred to tho general roadvfund. tfThero seems to bo no provision In tnis or any oinor law maKing u accessary' that tho fair be held at ttftFcounty-seat, tbo location appar ently bolng left to the Judgmeat of tho fair board. If the fair could be held anywhere In the county thcro would be threo natural contenders for the honor In Deschutes county. Laldlaw, Redmond aid Sisters, the three communities Where fairs aro now held. Of tho three, Sisters and Redmond nro probably better prepared to han dle the event, the former town in particular having shown Its grounds particular' havlag shown in its grounds and in tho management of Its first fair ample ability to caro far a larger attraction. Redmond has tk tidvaftlnga ot being on the railroad, FAVORS COUNTY DIVISION. Oeorge W. Wlmor formerly of Laldlaw, who moved from thoro a year ago to ltvo In Ashland, wrltas as follows: "I .would bo pleased to hear of the division of Crook coun ty and were I a resident would do my utmost for Deschutes county." Mr. Wirnor also urges his frlonds In this section to vote for tho tax for tho normal school at Ashland. A NEW PHYSICIAN. Having relinquished my practlco nt Bond to Dr. R. D. Stovatl or Portland and knowing him to bo a competent prnctitlonor. I wish to recommend him to my friends and past patrons. Dr. Stowell will nrrlvo tonight. Dr. A. B. Cropp. Adv. 32p RICK GETS ON BALLOT. Fred A. Rico was horo Monday. Mr. Rico has become n candldato for county surveyor by filing a petition of nomination, and his namo appears on tbo ballots as n non-partisan. Ills chief opponent In tho raco is H. A. Keller, of Prlnovlllc. Mr. Rico and hltj friends seem to think that ha has an excellent chanco for ro-clcctlon. Tho week has developed news fav ornblo to the Qerman cause. Last Friday tho Belgian city ot Antworp was taken by tho Kalser troops, after a brilliant attack whtch lasted but llvo days. Tho blR tier man slcgo guns battered Antwerp's defenses Into a pulp, again demon strating that stationary fortrossoa aro next to useless In modern wnriare. Tho Belgian garrison, rolnforced by British troops, escaped. Many thous and wore luterned In Holland. flcr many hna Ibvtcd an Indemnity of Tho week has developed news fav $100,000,000 on Antworp. Tho Bel gian government has boon establish ed at Havre, In Rranco. On October 6 n German torpedo b nt destroyer wna sunk bya English submarluo. Tho Russian cruiser Pal ladia hns been sunk by a Gorman sub marine Tho Gorman Heat still stays protected at the Kiel canal. Tho tremondous general engage ment along tho lino extending across tho northern bordor of Franco con tinues, with no decisive results. Russia, Judging from conflicting reports. Is not making any notablo gains In Us advance against Gormany. Austrian news Is cllght. Sorvln seemingly Is having tho best ot tho strugglo in that direction. What may bo of great Imporlanco is tho official admission In London of a Boer rebellion In South Africa. This Is fomented by tho Germans. So far Its extent apparently Is not con siderable. At Serajevo in Austria on October 3 'cgan the trial of 32 men charged with responsibility for tho nssassl. nation of Archduko Francis Ferdi nand and his wife, the deed which gavo tho oxcusb for tho war. ntlvo. Thoro will be hVoWfo argu" -cVonls but Ross- Farnhum Ttlll dis cus various If.x measures which ap pear on tho ballot. ' ; r Foley Cathartic Tablet. ' I You will llko their positive action. Thoy havo a tonlo effect on tho bowels janil glvo a wholesome, thorough cleaning to tho ontlro bowaXfuot. ' Stir tho liver to healthy activity, nnd I keep stomach sweet. Constipation, headache, dull, tired feollnit never r.mlct IhfWn will! II m l.'illnv Pnlhhvlln j Tablets, ' Only 25 cents. Patto'raon urug uo. AUV. , MILLICAN BECOMES MOUNT PINE 'WASHINGTON, Oct. 12.i-.Tha namo ot tho postalllco of Mlllfoftti has been chnuged to Mount Pino. Peter B. Johnson Is continued as pout master. . - " S1K i " pH Try tho Altamont for Sunday din. nor. C to 7. p. m. Adv. HBAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Issued by Crook County Almtritct Co, N. W Tawnslto Co. to Harry Mets It 3, blk 10, N. W. Townslto Co.'s 1st add Bend. Tho Bond Co. to Public, deed streets and hlghwayo In NW NE 32-17-12. Tho Bend Co. to Axel Foshaug It. 11, blk. 40 Center add Bend. I inn h candidate for reelection for COUNTY CLERK My Record h my llccoiitnijjnuiiUoiL Four Terms of Faithful Service. My ofllcc has been conducted with eompotcneo and economy, and,yiil contijvuato he, Warren Brown lrM Aitmll,irnitnt) TT notice to .my patrons. On tho last week of each month. I will be In Sisters until further no tice. Dr. J. II. Connarn, Bond, Ore gon. Adv. 32c CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION Tho U. S. Civil Service Commis sion announces that a stenographer and typewriter examination will bo hold In- this city on' Novomber 21, 191L Persons who desire to enter the examination should apply to the Lo cal Secretary, Board of Olvll Ser vice Examlnors, at the post offlca. fhla rllv. nr in thn SivrAtnrv TCIrtvnntli and although Its fair In the past baa; civil Service Dlstrlot, 207 Post Of- uee uuuuing, seaiuc, wasn, lor ap plication blank (Form 1371) and In formation, tor Applicants (1434.). Both man and women will be ad mitted. Age limits are IS yoars or over on tho date of the examination. Just arrived, nlco lino of caudles, nuts, etc. You will appreciate our warm bath rooms In Uio cold weather. Tho samo trio of barters Is nt your Borneo, tuo .Metropolitan, aov. GOOD ADS FOR TOWN. Tho October Issuo ot tho North west News. Issued by the Northwest Townslte Company of Philadelphia, contains much publicity for Bend. In addition to several articles, thoro are three largo cuts, ono showing tho First National Bank building, an other a busy sceno at tho United Warehouse, and the third sheep pass ing through town for shipment hero. ROME WHO OPPOSK. Just where tho opposition to emu ty division Is coming from, so far ns tno Last Side Is concerned, developed pretty certainly Inst wcok nt Lnmon tn and Gntewny. At meetings thoro John Combs, Collins Elklns. W. V. King and others from Prlnovlllo showed up and did all they could to split tho work of tho dlvlslonlats. However, little seems to havo result ed except embarrassment for tho vis itors, who appear to havo several kinds of a political right ou tholr hands. COCK-A-ROODLE DO. Meet mo at tho chicken plo dinner in inpiett building Thursday nlgltt. uctoner as. auv. I announce my candidacy for the office of COUNTY- SURVEYOR at the coming election, as a nou-paitisou. My platform is: Good Roads and a Continued Competent and Impartial Administration' oftheOlHce. Fred A. Rice (Prili Atlwllment) t1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISI.Va Try an oyster cocktail at tbo Cozy Restaurants Adv. 31-34p BISHOP PADDOCK BACK. Word has been received from Ro ert L. Paddock, Episcopal Bishop uf Eastern Oregon, that he will ho hero snortly. Bishop Paddock was tnken III with the grippe early In tho spring and his sickness developed norvotls prostration. After two months In a Pprtland hospital ho was obliged to tako a long sea voyage nnd mndo thn round trip from Seattle to tho Ori ent. While not yet In full possession of hla strength, ho Is now nblo to rs sumo somo ot his work. been more especially davoted to tke potato it Qouid readily add otaor gj- raljoatures. ' .Vlth the pthers already In the field atad-so well equipped Laldlaw wotld l-bandloapped In the raos. Nevei thcrees'It people are hustlors and If thjkjr go attor tho fair they would put upa good fight to get It. It s clear that Deschutes oounty would havo a worthy fair and that In more than one town there exists to 'day .the nucleus of an efficient fair arKanlratfon. Which ono would oe selected would depend on the fair board and on futuro development.- Try tho Altamont for rosttls. Adv. HEART OF OREGON. Mrs. Ada B. Mllllarn says that sho has just established the fact that nf tor all Prlnovllle Is not tho "heart ot Oregon." as It advertises. The exact contor of tho stato. as shown on tho map, aho says. Is Mlllloan. At least. It lies oxactly half way between Oregon's north and south boundar ies, and Is only threo miles oast of t'ie center, reckoning the distance be tween tho Pacific and Idaho. Steaks and chops a specialty nt the Cozy RosUturant. Adv. 31-34p Stop TIioko Early Bronchial Cough. They hang on all winter If not checked, and pavn the way for ser ious throat nnd lung dlsonscs. Got a bottlo of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, and tako It freely. Stop coughs and colds, hrnls raw Inflamed throat, loosens the phlegm and is mildly laxative. Best for children nnd grown persons. No opiates. Pat terson Drug Co. Adv. WANTED. COJOIHRCIAL CLUB LUNCHEON At tho Commercial Club lunch n to t held at the Pllct Iutlj on S-it-cr4ay Miss It loth will discuss tho af firmative of tho m .ftstiro providing an eight hour day for female work oi r. and Mrs. L. C. Fleming, the neg- A GOOD WORK. ,' 'it would be Impossible to give to strong endorsement to the work of the Oregon Hygiene Society, as ex. empllfioil ly Its exhibit here and than plJnS1 for (is educatlonel meeting. "While education has progressed valiantly in all other directions, io this one all-Important field of tmx education Ignorance has prevallwl Tbo subjeet has been tattoo. Schools avoid it llko a plague. So-erlled edu oators, for the most part, fear even to approaoh It. Worst of all, par- eat have beenbafllod by It. and be- caUBg thoy did not know bow best to telLthelr children what they should know, they have told them nothing. There Is not one of us who has not seen distressing examples of tho re sults of this blind folly, which is composed equally of Ignorance, thoughtlessness and cowardice. $q, prejudices of religion or sontl-' mentality are brought Into the cam paign of the Soolety. It Is based on bl(J wjwmqn.spiiHo truths nnd medical fnfiis that neod "ho argument The liwfTprtance of It Is apparent and tho mxo one loams of it. tfc. more vital it' anpears. fffh'd should take fall advantage of thla opportunty for education that Is offered it. Only good can come of thiSwlrig a little light on places too lojOgkopt dark. r I iiocmi cosiixfl to jibNd! RMjjqrf A. Boolh, Republican noinl-J Sena&r. will ba hero Thuruda.' Oo tm28, and will speak at tho Com nlefclal Club rooms. NICE RED, JUICY Jonathan and Spitzenberg Apples S1.50 Per Box. In lots of five boxes, $1.40 per box. Shuey's Cash Grocery OUR THANKS ARE DUE THE PEOPLE OF BEND AND THE ADJOIN. INO COUNTRY FOR THEIR LIBERAL PATRONAOG. THOUGH THE COST OF FLOUR AND SUGAR HAS ADVANCED OREATLY OUR PRICE FOR BREAD IS STILL ONLY 50 A LOAf7" YOU WILL FIND IT ON SALE AT OUR WALL bTREKT STORE ANU AT THE FOLLOWING OROCBR 1198: PILOT BUTTE OROCERV. Ihinil Sheet. SUUEY'H GROCERY, UuUHtioot, KENWOOD GROCERY, Kenwood. BEND GROCERY. Center Addition. : WE' CARRY A FULL LINE OF PIES. CAKES, CAN- VJHKfl, IQE aimM AND FJtEHH FRUITS. LUNCHES PUT UP. Sfe)RINER So HUEY 5c WILL BUY ROLL TOILET PAPER PARING KNIFE MATCH HOLDER BASTING SPOON HAMMER HANDLE BREAD PAN PIE TINS TIN COVERS, All Sl CAKE TURNER SOAP SAVER POTATO MASHER TACK HAMMER OILSTONE POT CLIIANKIt COOKIE CUTTER TIN FUNNEL GRATER ASBESTOS COVHRH IRON HOLDER SVlHHHS CAN OPENER STRAINER TWO TIN CUPS H DOZEN CLOTHES PINS MACHINE OIL TWO MOUSE THAI'S TOOTH BRUSH NAIL imt'HIl tape measure safety pins embroidery hoop kid curlers curling Iron box hair pins dozen 1eahl buttons And Huiidrrdtt of Other KeniH COMB AND SEE nr 9 Warner s THE VARIETY STORE WANTED Girl for general bouse work. Inijulro Mrs. O. M. Patter son. 3Jc. FOR RENT Modern five room homo cloto In. Ros Furnhnm 3Stf FOR RENT Two smalt furnished houses near sohool house. S. R. Ho gin, half block north nnd half btoek west ot depot. 33tf WANTKDt-Thrco tons of balsd hny. Wrlto L. Corlila. U Pino. 3Jc WANTEI Work In restaurant or hotel. Address Mrs. C. Trent, lald law. Oregon. 31-3p WANT TO EXCHANGE A Votr grnphophono and records for a good shot gin or rifle. Apply F. E. Dick. Rend, Oregon. 31tf WANTED At Mlllloan Inn, 3d miles out on Iloiid-Ilunis road, n middle aged woman who can tnKo rcsponsllila position as cook and hoiieo keeper. RecommondntlonH do slrod. Wrlto Immediately to Ada B. Mlllloan, Mlllloan, uro. 30tf WANTED Work on dairy or farm by man and wife. Apply llullstli Oltlco. 30tf linker wagon, 3U Inch. P. O. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Purnlshod room with uio of piano. Jnnulro Mrs. Prlnso Stanlr. 31-33p FOR RILNT Four room ooltagu, well furnished. Phono Rlnek si. tetr UI..I.I .. U.l. i m FOR SALE. FOR 8ALB Law hand made quilt by Methodist Udtat Aid B1 ety may be sets at Mrs. Rehrodsr's home. FOR S.VLI4 Thre good milk ooWs and samp. honHM. Cheap. Craw ford's toed yard. IntiiHro at 3I-33P FOR BALE Threo Touloiuo goc and uno gander. F. V. Swisher. Laid law. szit FOR SALE Fine H. O. White Ik horn nnd Barred Rock Cockerels and hens at 78 cents and f LOO each Mrs E A. Smith. Tulunhono Rural 3K1. 3J-JJp FOR SALE COO Head ot sheep, owes and lambs, Fred Wlose, Kl tsrs, Oregon. 3I-.13p. FOR SALE Threo Jorrey rows. Phono Millard Tripled. Sltr FOH BALE Team, and two mdw doublo hnrnesM, buggy and ens lot or small tools. Inquire Nlxoti. Bohd. 30ir FOR BALK-Gnnlilno snap. N'Iho lit tle housn and lot on Adams tienr Rainier drlvu. ImI 6, block 17, ''ark tddltlon to Bend. Best offer lakes It State bank to send papers to. M C. Pratt, 017 lllll Street., Us Aiignles, Cal. fV).J ,c FOR SALE 330 ncro honiMten-I rcllnitutshment nt a bargain. Land level, good looatlon. Inqulro Bulle tin. ;air FOR HALE Cheap. Two single leds. Inqulro Bullotln omen, 17tf FOR BALI-; Cheap, two Jcrstv cows, apply Bulletin odlco. SS-SSp. FOR SALE Potato dlggtr. In qulro M. J. Main. 28 tr FOR SALI8 Helsloln cows, hl-t produsurs, somo fresh now, others In month. Farm 7 miles N. E. Butt station. Redmond. Phono No. 2301 P. O. PrlMovllle. J. F. Rise. !2if IX)flT AND IfOUND. FOR SALE A second hand fltude- Bullotln LOST White setter dog. Notify Bulletin ofllcc if LOST Silver waleh. nickel chain 32-33p October 2, 1914. Finder return lo 3031p QUALITY GOODS AT REASONABLE PRICES POLK'S OREGON and WASHINGTON Business Directory Directory of ch City, Town and Villas, siring- do.crlptlvo kotch or each pine, location, population, (! graph, thlpplnr anil banking point) . oio Claulfltd Directory, compiled by butlnH and pro(Mlon. A K. U I'OLK CO., BEATTtS 7. QUALITy IS THE THING YOU WILL KNOW IS HIGH WHEN VOU BUWOUR DRESS GOODS AN& MATERIALS FROM US. OUR SHADES ARE COR RECT, OUR TRIMMINGS MATCH. THE LEADING LOOMS OF THE WOIO IHUE CONTRIBUTED TO OUR STOCK. - IF IN DOUBT A3 DUT WHAT TO BUy. COME TO USANDWESHrt'.L GLADLY HELP YOU SELECT. IT IS A PLEASURE TO US TO SHOW OUR GOODS AND WE NEUER U3GE YOU TO BUY. WE LEAUE THAT TO OUR GOODS AND PRICES. 1 R. M. SMITH CLOTHING COMPANY LEARN ,THK JVAX .... . '. r yi.,i.i m mm ii c MSHHy li "jTWmT 1W