Bill f PTIN vol. xir. JHHfU, OIlKflO.V, WKDNBHDAV AITEILNOON, O'TOHEIt J 1, J01 t. -X NO. 02, Thp JL 1 1JU BEND V CATTLE IK DO BUSINESS HERE SILVER LAKE VISITORS PLEASED iHlilpmnnt of C'nttln From llend Menus , '9 1:1,001) Comes to Country and "ifiood Ti-ftila for jMeiTlimitK nntl k HiilTnwdii VNItuni ore ll)iteI Last weak n dozen cattlo mon from .."HllVor Lnko camo lo Hand. Thoy brought fi75 hend of cattle. Moit of , tlioiu stayed two days, a few longer. Thoy loft (ho cattlo and took back with dm in ntiout 143,000. Hidden 'tally, limy hml a thoy said tho ttuio of their llvc. That In tho visitors slilo of it. From thn Ilond standpoint a dozen prosperous good follow from tho outh gave tin n chanco (o entertain them mid show thom that It's wine liuslncs mid good fun In ship mid trndo hurts Thoy loft a lot of good 4 will, thoy gttvo tho town mush trade, ii ml thoy deposited a goodly portion of those $43,000 locally, not to mOn- (fan what thoy will spend lntr. Tho men woro J. II, nml W. 0. 1-anu, William Kltlrodgo, W. C ' Uulok and hi noil, Oharlo Vlteher nml "on, U C. Hamilton. Ous Hohroo--ter. I'. I.. 0 rubor. Italph and Our JdiiiUoii nnd I'. IC Hongland. Thoy drove I7 cattle from Silver I,nke, tliwo being bought by Cn niton's Paaking Company of Tneoina through tholr buyer, lloitry Ijukln. Tho cat- , ye mon reeolved a top prlco, thoy xot fine treatment from the railroad, tho drive wna sttoscMful ami thoy woro rurally entertained here. Altogether, .ld thoy. tho trip wna tho biggest klad of a inccem from all stand- points. I'lmt Shipment North. Thlt la thn first Important movo- munt of cattle from tho Silver Lake oountry to a nortlmfn shipping point. In tho past nil buying ha boon from 'California, and ahlpmonta havn boon wade from Klnniath Fnlla and J nkn view. 'I ho change meann much to ' llond: It means a lot of money spent hero during the whipping. It mean oontlnued Undo here by tho onttle- wo who buy suppllo In largo quan tities, It moans large bank deposits , lioru and good bitclne for tho rail, xoadft. I'or three jrnifn efforts have hcou iHArio to pel thta tmttneaa headed Orth Instead of smith. In these of. farU 0. . llndiHitt of the First Nn- ' ItfiHAl llnnk ban taken n leading part. Tt Mlabntlo tkalr successful conelti- fcMho cattlHintn were given m 1Iii mur here, at Urn Hotel Wright. 1r I tfay nlht. and at mooh were lunohed t the Bmiilow dub by Vtr Hudson. The prlee wld for tlia rattl waa 4lh simta for atoom and 8V4 eonia " tor oowi. Thl U tho boat price re iltdud thta a(oii. and bttera tho ttrlsoa of laM yonr. Moroovor. tho flllng wolghta woro nt Sllvor l.ako. tjio purchnaora atandlng ahrlokngo dlirliiR tho drlvo to tho railroad. An tho AVurARo atoor welgha about 1150 jiounda thl moana a totnl ahlpmont ,ot about Ofll.ano poundN of hoof from llond. valued nt about M 3,000. , Kjnotoon oara handlsd tho ahlpmimt. t (Continued on laV pbk40 Little Talks on Banking Deposit Slips AVHHN YOU MAKU A DKPOSIT TILI. OUT ONR OF THU I1I.ANIC DHP08IT TIOK13T8 FUHNI8HHD HY TIIK IUNK. , HHt'AllATK YOuIl CASH l.NTO OQI.I5, BflA'Hlt AND OUltllHNOV AND KNTHR THK AMOUNT QRAOQ IN Tlll-J 8PACH8 ON THH BMP PHOVIDHD KOH'TltyT 1UH1,03W. IN I.I8TINO CIIKCK8 ON OUT OF TOWN HANKS, WHITU THK NAMKB OF T1IR QITJHS ON WHICH THKY AHH DHAWN: IF ON A I.OCALi 11ANI?, WIUTW TIIIO NAMW OF THAT HANK. KNTKH AI.I. YOUH FiaUKBS IN A CQJ.UMN, ADD TIIHM AND BKT DOWN THK TOTAL. WITH YOUH PABS HOOK AND DKPOSIT 1TEMB, 1M113B13NT THIS BLIP TO TUB HBCBIVJNO TBLLBR, WHO, AFTBIt PROVINO YOUH BLIP, WILL CnBDIT YOU WITH THIS AMOUNT IN YOUH PAB8 HOOK. TUB HANK HBQUIHB8 TIIB8B BLIPS TO UB MADB OUT IN TJJB DBPOBITOHS HANDWR1T1NO FOR TUB HBASON THAT, JF AT ANY FUTURE DATB, A QUB8TION SHOULD Ani8B A8 TO TUB AMOUNT OF 'K YOUH DBPOBIT. OH A8 TO THAT SPECIFIC DBPOSIT, Deschutes 11BND, 'B. FERRBLL, Prosldqut r I " WAYS PRODUCB YOUR TJIOKBT AS UN.QUBSJlOjN. ' ' lAHLBjI'nOOF. "'v ' ' ft , A.IIANIC ACQOUNTVIH AN INSURANCE POMOV FOR PBACB OF MINI). bl'KN ONB NOW WITH a i A!ti fS " tin: f-AHr iuv ion ni:oiK. 1IIATION IH trjiin;u in. II' YOU IIAVI3 NOT AMIKADV iu:(!iHTi;m:i no no at onoi: AM) HAVU TltOrilM'l OX KliCrriON DAY. I'Olt JIOTIf IIICM) PJtKCINCTH HKIJ JI'IMJIJ KI.MH, ." fit NT NATIONAL HANK lUII.DINOt Hilt lHH. C'llTTKH I'llHCINCT HKI j i i u i: i:ahtkh, omaiox NTllKHT. BEND WINS FOOTBALL i mhe my. TOO SCORE Arthur Vanden-rt Klckn Goal rrom Tim Field In Third Quarter 1'rntt Hblnc fHir llnlntond at lft ICnd Through a auccoaaful pla"o kick by Arthur Vandorrert la tho third quarter Hand icnrod throe point In too hlRh.achool football gume lioro on flaturdav Thl wo tho flunl coro Hcnii 3, Itodmond 0. For tho flrit quartor Ilodtnond'g heavier toam had allghtly tho bettor of the going, chiefly lhanka to good forward paaalng. However, no tal Ilea woro made In thl period. Then tho llond boya tightened up. Onco thoy held tholr opponent on tho throe yard Hun. After plunging down the field n tho third quarter llond trlod a kick, but the ball went wild. A few .nil.j. utea later a aocmid try from about tho twenty yard lino rnultcd In the winning acore. Throughout thn game llcdmond'a left find all one Ha wna In prnetlo nlly every play, and Itroko up tho ma jority of tho playa of tho homo team. Olaudo Kelly, and Arthur Vnudeverl alao played etellar gamea. and with a little morn Interference from tho line, tho former would havo prob ably been able to aoore on an end run. In the Inst quarter llend nlmoxt aeorod again, but with the ball on the ten yard lino. Cor ley ran hack too far and lot about nine yard. TIiIj aeonied to put life In the Itedmond team and llond had a hnrd time hold lug the vlfllora during tho laat five mlnutea. Next Saturday the llond team will again oluah with Itedmond. nt Itedmond. The line-up waa om followa: Itedmond Hend Rhlvley It. IC . . . .Young. II. Younfr H. T Vandovnrt Mullarky ..... It. O Fox Ordway O. Moore Duval I.. O Iloiell Htelnkopt .... I.. T. .FrlxolMlunnell Pratt UK Thompson Nolnon Q. II Kelly. C. Perry It. II. It . . . .Bteldl. . Fleming 1.. II. 1) Corley Johnson......,..- F. O, . . Urandojiburg FOREST M CONCERT liulritnliiniciit nt llroain Theatre Fri day Nllit HiieroMfnI lloue 1'nll Friday night t?e Tortit Krho Trio gnvo the Aral euiirert ot tti aenaun at tho Dream Theair and It prfd In every way aueceMful Mr Mao LaHrln, Mra. Flak, and Mr Parker, wero the enterulner. The aketch rendered by the trio, entitled The Mlaeoa iboetaon." waa well given and nmuaed the erowded home luituane. ly nml Mr Parker'a reading of the poem "Sailing to Dreamland," prov ed a hit. Tho program was n followa: Trio, Onlly Ooward: Duct. Only Theo. Maxlno Flah. Dell Parker: Solo. Carmona. Maxlne FUh: Heading. Old Ace. Doll Parkor: Trio, aoleoted. flketoh, "Tho Mlaae Itibotaon;" Bolo, Kontucky Homo, Dell Parkor: Trio, Oh Hestleaa Bca; Roadlng, Halting to Dreamland, Doll Parlor; Trio, Ken tuoky Unbe; Trio, Oueo Again. ANY SBPARAT1?1TGM,IN TUB DANK COULD AU ff 5. State Bank OHIJOON B. M. LAIU, CaBhler SOCIETY TAKES UP WORK RERE EDUCATIONAL CAM PAIGN STARTED Oregon Horlal Hygiene Hociety J Ian KxJilblt Hliowiug Diitigrni of Bocliil (Ml mid Method of Combating It Two Mectlnga Next Week. Tho Oregon Boolol Hygiene Bocloly whose work throughout tho atato haa' occompllihod great good, hai turned Its attention to Central Oregon, and llond nad other communltlca of this aectlon aro to havo an opportunity to Join In tho work. The inlmlon of tho Society la to replaco mlalnformntlon and Ignor ance with correct, olonn knowledgo of the facta of life, acx dlacaaca and tho multitude of evlla reaultlng there, from, through a campaign of educa tion. Tho work wna mado atate wldo through an appropriation of the Iat lglHlaturo and tho Boclety 1 olUcor cd by tho leading phyalclani, buai nena mon nud educator of Portland and nil Oregon. Field Secretary Karl J. Cummins arrived Friday to arrange for a cam paign of education bore. An oxhlblt la now In progrea, a menu' meeting will be held next Wednesday and a gnthnrlng of mother will be nddro od. probably Wedneidny afternoon. Tho local committee that haa tak en hold in co-operation with tho o elety la composed of J. P. Keyea, .1. A. Knits and It. M. Smith. The meeting will bo held at the Commer cial Club room, and every family man Intareated In the bcttermont of hygienic condition In llend will bo naked to bo thoro and co-oerato In an effort to aproad n better under standing of tho neceMlty of lex edu cation, and to get suggoetlons of waa nnd mean. Meeting Xet Wednesday. W. T. Wllllamon. M. !., of Port land, a member of thn nxecutlve board of tho aoclety. will ho the chief apcakor. He will dhtcuia tho "Four Sex Lien" and othor cuuies of vice. and auggeat remodlca. Dr. II. Fer- roll of llond will apeak apon tho Itfir,ajjwjcy nud serious oftcota oLtlJa OAe nnd H. C. Ilartranft will cocpresj hh vlewa rognrdlng iroont condi tion among lo)a and girl. C. 8. Hudnan'n aubjoet la "What oan we do for Hand?" The oxhlblt now apon In thn Fulka building on Wall street Is of tho greatest Interest and Importance. Its entire purpose la educational a 1 graphic reminder of what la going on I about uh, why It la going oh. what I Continued on last page.) VOTE FOR FOR NEW COUNTY (RESCUES) FOR NEW COUNTY (JEFFERSON) '' ;: '! A lftvge quantity of Heating Stoves to select from, among them the sTm. FS which will make a remaykablesaving in your fuel bill. v Bend Hardware Company: TUB COMPANY THAT PUT TUB 'WBAir IN HAltnWAllB, MM COUNTIES RAVE DIVIDED PRESENT MOVEMENT ISNOTH1NQNEW HUtory of Oregon Khowa County Dltlnlori Him (lone on Htrndlly From Heginnlng Convenience fj nnd Kconomy are Herredi 1 iw--' " i ' . iiiai county oivision is noi n new thfBK In Oregon la readily ascertain ed by & atudy of tho history of the atato. From Its earliest days ns n territory tho division of large areas Into smaller units for tho purposo of more, efficient, more economical and more convenient covernment has boon going on, nnd tho present move ment In Crook county Is wholly In Una with tho past history of tho atato. In the "In Karller Days" column of the Oregon Journal this fact ns to tho Oregon countlos was recently brought In a very clear and Interest ing mannor. Portions ot the artlclo are horo'roprlntod for their general Intorest nnd their especial bearing on tho present raovoment in this section. "In Knrllcr Days." "Hontou county Is one of our older counties, hnvlug been creatod on De comber 23. 1817. It wna named for 8onator Thomas H. Ilenton of Mta rpurl, one of Orogon's earliest and best friends. It originally embraced all the country west of tho Wlllam otto river to tho ooast and from Polk county south to California. Marys vlllo. now called Corvallls, was Its original county soat. "Columbia county was cut off from Washington county on January 23. 1881. St. Helens Is the county soat, and when It waa founded by If. M Knighton In 1848. It was called Ply mouth Hock. Its name wna changed to St. Helena and It wna a serloua commercial rival ot Portland In thoso days. "On December 22, 1863. portions ot Umpqua nnd Jackson counties woro combined to form Cons coun ty. It Is named for tho trlbo of In dlana who made tholr homo on Coos liny. Kmplro City, now but a mem ory, was Its first oounty seat. ".Crook . county. vruiiakimfroia southern Wasco county on October 9, 1882. It was nnmed after Gener al George Crook, who fought Indiana nil over that district! n tho early dnya. Harney Prlnc'a blacksmith sbep, saloon and stage station grew Into the town of Prlnovllle and bo came the county soot. "Douglas county takes us Imck to the I.tnrolu-Douglas debates nnd the das when Stephen A Douglas ha 1 (Continued on page 2 NEW COUNTIES X YES X YES IT AIRTIGHT JC TIIIJ IIKDMOXD SHOW. Itomombor tho Hodmond Po- tnto Show nnd Fair on Friday and Saturday. Everybody who can lirgolng down to it on Sat- urdny. Show your Interest In the Wost Bldo, and go down with tho crowd. REDMOND POTATO SHOW FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Fourth Annual Kxliiblt In Kdgltlio Ink Town Comes Tills Week fnny to Attend From Hend! Tho Fourth Annual Potato Show and Fair will bo held at Redmond on Friday and Saturday of this week. At tho Commercial Club luncheon on Saturday an Invitation to r.ttend the fair extended by the Hodmond club waa read and It was voted that tlio Invitation be accepted. Manager Do Armond of the Commercial Club haa written tho Itedmond club as follows' "We beg to acknowledgo receipt of your Invitation to this club and tho citizens of Hend to attend yoar Fourth Annual Potato Show and Fair to bo held In your city on Oc tober 10-17. "Hcsldcs thanking you for the in vltallon we are glad to advlio you that Hend will have a good delega tion of visitors at your fair on one or both days, and will gladly co-op-cm to with you In any way possible to make the Fair a success." Tho Hodmond show this yoar Is somewhat more limited In Its scope, there being no exhibits received from certain territory erst of thn town. Tho reason for thin action was the refusal of tho county authorities at PrlacvlHo to as sist the Potato Show with a portion of the county fair appropriation which so angered the Redmond peo ple that thoy drew a lino against ex hibits from tho east. There will be no falling off In the quality of tho show on account of thla action be oauso most ot tho exhibits from the Sisters Fair will be brought to Red mond nud Ha own neighborhood can furnish material for as good exhibits as can Ite found anywhere. No dnys havo bcon set asldo by tho management for particular towns at at Butters. It Is expected that most of thoto who attend from hero will go down on Saturday. 40,000 SHEEP AND 575 CATTLEARE SHIPPED Llmimnt-of Livestock- Front Hem! Hun lleen Heavy Price For Mut ton nnd llecf arc Hlgli This Year. Tho last ton dnys havo been tho busiest In Mends history so far ns railroad shipments are concerned. For In addition tjkUiQ 7 cattle from Stiver Lake, hsmlled here, noarly 40.000 sheep have been shipped. The sheep have all come In from the summer rangea In the adjacent I mountain Forest Reserves, and most ly are returning to their winter fcd Ing places, chiefly In the Shanlko i country, which they reach from CoI- I man, a atatlcn In the Deschutes can yon. Hut this year a considerable number wero shipped to market for mutton. Theso shlpmonts Include 34 enrs to Chlcngo, nix to Seattle, and 2i to Portland. Thoro aro 300 to a. car. The prlco recolved for tho mutton was $6.10 at Portland, which Is about the best Control Oregon growers havo yet had. So this means a lot ot mon ov comlnc their way. and prosperity for sheepmen and for cattlemon, for the latter nlso got a top prlco. AtMS'V ?i2? The First National Bank OP BEND, BEND, OREGON U. C. COB, President E. A. SATIIER, Vice- President C. S. HUDSON, Cashlor Capital fully pntd - 823.000 Surplus &2.000 SMALL DEPOSITS WANTED WE ENGOURAGE them because many largo accounts began in a small way. The small depositor of today becomes tne large one of tomorrow. More people would carry Bank accounts if they realized how it aids their credit and contributes to their success. By opening a checking account here you take the first step toward financial growth. Start now and follow in the footsteps of the many hundreds of people who do business with hi i i ii iAMSaCTassasasaaMaiassssassassajaiasssssassa T& FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF 1END v$JM viwiil U. c. Cor K. A O. M. fattehson ,?"SS?'- !tn !irs JP1S& da? sJjMw i$i7l yMvl flMot y'J'viJKy'tiJyiy PRIZE WINNERS AT SISTERS FAIR FULL LIST OF AWARDS IS QIVEN O. It. Johnson of Clove-rtliln noixTt Nmllli I'rlxo for LarKCjt Family at Fnlr Hend liable Winners 91,000 In Prlzen. As promised laat week the full list of prize winner et tho Slaters Fair Is printed In this issue of Tho Bulls, tin ns below. Last week's Issue con talncd tho list of the special prizo winners. In all, It will bo noted. over $1000 In prizes -was awarded successful exhibitors and contestant at tho Sister Fair, which through tho unqualified success or It first effort has established Itself as an an nual event. DivUInn A, lIontcM. J. D. Fryrear, flrct on brood maro; and foal; A. F, Lowe, first on foal; It. J. Skelton, first on span carriage horses; Robt. Smith, first on two year old carriage colt; C. K. Orimtli, sec ond on two year old carriage colt: Arlie Ostcr, first on two year 'bit heovy draft; Carl Woods, first on. heavy draft; E. M. Harrington, first on thrco year old carriago colt; Carl Woods, first on one yoar old oarrhfgo colt; 8. M. Olakely, first on single driver: A. F. Lowe, first on single driver over 16 hands; A. F. Lowe, first on general purpose team. Special prize of 1.000 feet of lum ber given by Robt Davis to tho per son awarded tho greatest number Of prizes on horses awarded to A. F. Lowe, reported last week as harinj been awarded to Carl Woods. Division II, Cattle. Carl Woods, first on Jersey cow; Artlo Oster, second on Jersey cow; Hartley & Bdglngton, first on one year old Jersey heifer; Carl Wood, second on one year old Jersey heifer; Hartley& Bdglngton, tlrst on Short horn heifer; Hartley & Edglngton, first on shorthorn bull calf; Hartley & Bdglngton, first on ono year old shorthorn heifer: Hartley & Bdglng ton, first on one year old Hereford holfcr: Hartley & Bdglngton. first on ahorthora cow: Carl Woods, first on Jersey bull calf; Carl Woods, first on Jerseyhelfer calf- Division (', Sheep. Carl Woods, first on one year oid merino Iamb; Ceo. Cyrus, first on two year old merino owo; Carl Wood, second on two year old merino ewo; Geo. Cyrus, first on one year old merino ewe: Carl Woods, seeoad on one year old merlio ewe; Carl Wood first on pair Shropshire lambs: Carl Woods, first on pair merino lamb: Ueo. Cyrus, first on yearling Shrop shire owe: Geo. Cyrus, first on two year old Shropshire ewe. Dlvixlon 1), Swine. Wilbur Dyers, first on Poland ohUa boar: Cart Woods, first on duroc sow stx months old: B. M. Harrington, first on duroc bow with Jitter of pigs. DhlsloiiK, Poultry. Arllo Oster, first qn Anconos; Ar Ho Oster. first on rnrtridge RoeVs; Chns. Carson, first on Whlte Leg-, horns; Mrs. E. F. Fryrear. first on Harred Plymouth HOcks: W. F. Ar nold, second on Harred Plymouth Rocks: Hartley & Bdglngton. first oa Hrown Leghorn; Carl Woods, first l Continued on page 3.) L?J DIRECTORS "' ' Sather C. S. Hudson H. aw ;;; WkSMitS0