The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 07, 1914, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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tiiij iikni) iiuixktw, iu;ni, oih'., wi:m;hav, ootoiibh 7, jm i.
I'AGi: 7.
i mm. ii.. ii... t.iwiiiln of fund-lit Orn-
4on hnvo not iilwnya foil Hint Uio
lUnio J'IhIi and (lame OommlnHloii linn
Klvon HiIm section iih iuiioIi nltotitloii
jiH II tlimorvoH, yet tltirliiK tho last
throo yearn n lot lina boon done to
ward ImiirovltiK IlnliiiiK conditions
nloiiK tint Deschutes niul In Uio Cns
cado mountains, Itlftlily iipprcclulcd
by lornl sporlmeu. ....
ConcornliiK the work of ntooklmr
tba.lnhos ol tlrln territory Ulmm
JoTfusoii, who was of Hio imrty, wrliM
InttiroHlliiRly In the "OroRon MporU
tunn." TliroiiKli tho rourtoMy of Its
odllor, William U Klnlny, wo reprint
much of It linro, toniithor wllh ouls
llliistralliiK trnll sconon while thn fish
worn on their wny from tho rnllron I
(o tho romOta mountnlit lakes.
Thn soroud shipment, couslstlnK of
10,000 rnlifbow trout, wiis revived
a Ki'ilmoml July 11. 1013. Tin- ! -(Innllon
for thnno null won lllnck
Crater nnil Olalln mountain. dlslrle
A Jmil of Ten TIioiinmhI
i I I i.
LdHsBMsnU. I JjKI zi: ' vtSxm
.wr h V -jLi . -2i
near the MolCiulo rond on tho .urn- Nino mile '" ' f
inlt of tho Cnncndrn. Tho routo cho- Uko. by way of tho High or Ruminll
o for t" trip wa from Kmlmund to trnll. llo tho flvo Horno Inko.. Iho
SUtorn. lunneoim tho MeKn( rond outlota of th.o Uko empty Into thn
Totwoon lllnflk Crntor nnd lllknnp MoKoiulo river TheMj IniiIIm o
Crntor. On neoounl of tho hot wonth- wntor nro on tho utnmlt of ono if
er. dimty rondi. nnd few wntorlmt tho mountatan. yt tho fUhlnic In
IM.W6 I w .lol from Itodmond to thorn i In mo.t Mcell-nt. Tho ipoolw
HUttirM. dUtanco of twonty-two; Inhnbltlnis thin vicinity In tho out
SiffV ."oonllmit. in thin wny. throat trout. Of nU ho n.h wo
by iinekltiK until nuiiruo nw npxii"i mi, ........ ..-.- --
:,.?.?., w uro to itot tho' copt cutthronn. Bevcrol InrKo, Hhnl
ili t Uiiiinm mxili In lino llinitn.
' lol l.nko. now known nn Mnn
ton Uko, wn utookcd with 4000 nh.
Thin tMidy of wntor Ho about two
mile off tho rond In tho inldtl of
:...!. i... r..nniitinn. Tbnrn I no
rail between tho rond nnd tho Inko.
Therrfore. It waa iicroiunry to cu
our wnv n beat wo r mid throuKh tin'
, vxeeeduiBly rouah Junglo of undo
mL2$-JJVttX JMfW F , ... &.& miWWWU
I'ikUIhk Trout I ry. IjhIi (nn Weighs About Eighty-live Pouiuls. Tho
lHiii.t I'ncU U IKln lny Willi !" of U'M 'f lum I'lfly Fry.
brush and over lavn boils A forjHjt
rHgr. who noeompnulwl us on this
trip, dmdared he would ant Ko h
Hi the lake again Hiitll n trail had
beH built, ho rouKh was Ui Irarel
lug. Yet. the two beet lior wlb
heavy londs suiwoMiiMl In making tins
JoHrney. The fact that It s o dif
tleult lo reach the l. Insure the
oomplft" sioeklhg before anglers vis
it this jdsre.
The I brew Scott lakes were stoeked
with SHOO rainbow treul. These all
lie clou together end during very
high water are oonneetwd with oaaJi
other. lJrge ineadowe completa!
mrround theso lakot. AnoUier thoiis
nnil llsli. were plnntwl in Uliougli Inko.
which Is losuted nbout two nillea
from Seott Inko nnd four miles from
Olalln mountain. ....
Tho remaining 2000 trout wn-o
mved to stock Three Creek Miko, lo
entod nl tho hond of Bqunw orook nnd
iiour Hrokon Top mountain- Tllln
iRko tinn nn nron of fifty noroa nnd
Has In u crntor formation. It I oaa
lly reached by trail from BUtors.
Tho lleuullca of Hpnrk taiko.
Tho next nlilpinoiil of 10,000 ruin-
...... ......1 mm HiwirlfH Inke. WlllQlt
Is a doop bluo body of wntor about
live miles long nnd ono mllo wldo.
It Is located twonty-aovon mllea
.......i......a ,.r iinmi. Many Btronnis
ItullHnwv wi ......... -.
outer tho lako, yet thoro la no over.
Hronnd outiot. mo irHuv -:i:,...i.
nr..nir it riui.a ut Throo 81a-
tora lnkes und (lows rapidly down
tho vnlloy until It Btrlkos tho big
meadow on tho north side of tho
Inko. Uoro It moandora In groat
winding loops somowhat na doos the
Doschutos rlvor at Crano Prnlrto.
Doxons of lnrgo springe bubhlo up
near tho shore lino and flow Into tho
Inko as brooks. Tho tomporaturo of
Uio spring water varlos from 30 do
wrooa to 42 dogroos Fahronholt.
An Admlrnblo CJuiiki Refuge.
Thousands of ducka nnd other
wntorfowol neat throughout tho
Hummor on tho small Islands In tho
nko. For thla xoason tho InKu mid
vicinity should ho mndo a gamo pro
tiorvo. Sparks Inko Is nn Idoal plnco
for trout. Its doop wntor nnd mnny
inlets lumiro protootlon during tin
coldw Intor Tho unbroken Brnss-
covered ithoru lino provides ninplo
food for ureal iiumhors of flili. Tho
InrKo InlutH will provlilo excellent
My cnHtlnit nl times whon tho fUli
tuny not he rliiliiK In tho Inku. HparUs
Inko, llko nil tho othur Ink oh th t
Imvo tinon. stocked thn Inst two sov
nous, has linil no fish previously.
Two thoimnnil eastern hrook trout
worn pluntiid In Dovll's Inku, which -h
nlioul n nilla from Hpnrks. Dovll'J
Inko, llko Hpnrks. bus no outlot,
thoiiKh It hnti two crook Inlets. Mr.
Mohlor nnd tho wrllor fortunntoly
discovered whoro tho surplus water
mndo It oill. At ono and or tho
Inko inuny floating loaves nnd chips
of wood mnrkod n wnll dnflnod eddy,
on looser oxnmlnnllon wo worn able
to dlatlnKulsh n KurKltnx sound if
nn uudurKround stream lis It sank n
thn lava rock. An Indian loxond
to tho effect, Hint tho dovll lies n
wnll nt Devil's Inko for unwary trnv.
olora onuses tho Indians to Journw
iinvornl miles out of their wny In or
der to get pant tho dniiKor.
TnmiI Fry n llm Trnll.
Inv Inkna lln In llm naHt of IIOTSO
Lake. Only ono or thwio I aultnblo
(or flh nnd In Hint ono wo plawd
mnn mlnimvi. The Homo Inko ul
trtot In nn oxcellont plnco In which to
hunt nnd nH. uertain inairucui
from tho Oregon Apr leu I urn I Coi-
Icro pond their vncntlon thoro each
ummor. .,rV.t in ion
Another lnrgo Inko atocked In 1? n
wna lllc Klk lake, loouted elghl iuIIm
x.nili nf Hnnrltn Inke. Hie Elk I olio
of tho grandest lakea In thn entire
CsseedBH. It I three mile long an i
m n tiillu ulde (iravrl beurhos
extend nhuut one-hulf tlm w around
the Uko. The rest of uio snre line
Tor the 5icE m
ZCn il 1 1 ?
rv' ftSs)
ff VH Portland
In covorod with Kmnny mondow. Tho
nmln rldKo or tiio mountain He to
tlm north nnd la In Dlnlii vlow from
tho wnler'a odito. Tho anow-enpped
penkM of tho Houtli Hlator nnil lini
nlmlor mountain rlno Illicit nbovo tho
Inko on tho north. Blx mllo hoiiIIi of
IllK Ulk nro located tho IIIK nnu Mt
tlo Lnvn Lnkea, nnd tho hood or tho
IJoiichuloH rlvor. Theo two Intlor
Inkea now awnrut with rednldoa r
rnlnhow trout. Hut IllK Klk la do-
lined to nurpa theo n nn Ideal
plnco to camp and flnli. Hlmllnr lo
Hiinrbn inbn. ten rnlit anrtnK of water
trnniu forth nt vnrlou point n round
tlio inko. Tin inKo wnaaiocKoa wiui
0000 rainbow trout. Lmit yonr 12C0
onaterii biook trout were planted
thoro. With tho exception of thoac.
there nro no flali In tho Inko.
Wdldo fnkO nn Attmrtho Hpot.
Ton thouiand rnluliow trout for
Wnldo Inko won) rocolvod nt Onk
rldBo Auijuat 10. J.ool yecr 2100
nh were planted In Wnldo. Ite
porta from vuilou aourccn aliow Hint
tho trout llborntod thoro Inat aoanon
nro doing well.
Tho number of lake ntocked In
1012 wna clKhtythren, and tho nuin
l)er till yenr wna thlrty-threo. Tho
plncon ilantod thl year wore hardar
to renoh. Iicnco tho nmnllor number.
It la eatlmatod thBt thoro nro In tho
Cnacndn mountalna In Orogon up
ward of three hundred lakca suitable
for trout culture. Thla dooa. not In
clud Mhnllow Inko, ponda, or othe
wlno undoalrablo Inko. One bun
drod nnd nlxlecn woro ntocked In
1012-1013 Many otlura nlrondy had
Hill In them, nnd othora which nra
aouth of Wnldo Inko have been atock
ed during the pnt ummor.
Certain pooplo Imvo been akeptlcnl
nbout tho mocking of mountain lake.
Tho Inkea plnutod In 1012 nnd re
volted In 1913 provo Hint tho work
baa boon a mnrkod succcna. Hoporta
Imvo come In, to tho effect Hint tho
flah In Olnlla Inko nro n root long.
l.iWn Mnrunrtf nnd Kantiain inke. neur
Throo Fingered Jnck mountain, hnvo
flah to tlio longtii or oigni incline
Bven Irlah nnd Taylor Inkea, whleh
nn on tho very aummlt of tho mouii
t. Ina, hnvo produced fiah which nro
aoven nnd eight Inches long. Aa wo
pawed by thwo lakea wo anw large
achoola In tho ahnllow water next to
tho ahoro Jumping nt file nnd In a
thrifty condition
Tho totnl coat of stocking thoto
Inliu linn nliallt SS00O each MH-
on, or $4000 for the two yoara. Tho
money la appropriated from the fund
received for tno nagung ucene.
People who havo lookod at the trout
fry In tho flah enna and thoao who
havo wltnoia-Ml tho relonio or the
nh In tho Inkea. havo In many ca
oxprenaed thomalvea In Hi word al'ii
iinr m Km fnlLiwInc! "I reel llko
buying another fiahlng llconao to help
carry on. audi work na thla."
It will roqulro aoveral year for
thn prcient aupply of flah In tho Inkea
to Incrcnao In number to Inauro good
.i.nri iiurlntc the nnat yenr ratit-
Ikiw trout ogga woro collcctod rt
Odoll nnd Davla Inke nnd hntohod
tlmo Inttood of at Hononvllle. Tho
trout fry havo boon distributed from
Ihoae polnta to tho lakea furthor
...i. rri.i. Inunnail Ihn nnsnn
I (II HI II. turn .w-.. '"", .
nnd nt the anmo tlmo mode the work
more rapid.
Host thing for oonstlpatlon. sour
ttamnch. laxy llvsr nnd alugglsit
'owe!. Stops a sick hmdashs almoot
nt one. Gives a thorough and tat
isfactory Hushing Pln. no nau
! sea. Keep your system clHnsd.
swt and wholesom. Ask for Clt
rolsa. Patterson Drug Co. Adv.
1 -y !' ' .L-M.IJ-i-1 H-CTSgg-
" ,. army, wavy or marine corns oi ie
AN ORDINANCM to amend Onlta-1 united States In time of war or other
maeu No. 31. eaUlttod; An ordluan n wu.
providing fer lleenslug and regu-
iDlttiir Ilia nnrrvlBir oil Of Certttlll
nM.riu.UH. trttiluu nnlllnim nnil na
auiMtlons within tho oorporate
IIVIipv,v..o. ..M..W-. -...n
limits of llend.
Ho It Ordained by tho Common Coun
cil or the City of Hond:
Beet Ion 1 That Boetlon twelvo of
ordinance No. 11 entitled; An ordin
ance providing for Itconslng nnd ree
ulntlng the carrying on of certain
profeseloua. trades, calling and ne
oupntlons within the corporate limits
or llend. be and the same Is hereby
amended so ns to read as tallows:
Uvei pvrHou i'WiiIiik or cuiiduriln
a moing plotuie show, shooting gat-
Wlien warmth is
urgent, the
gives it, instantly and
cheaply. Easily car
ried from room to
room. Needs but
little attention. Al
ways ready. For best
results use Pearl Oil.
Dealers everywhere
Wtll for fcwM.V'lVarmlM
In CqIJCmmt:"
Standard Oil Company
, e-t.
lory or ikntlng rink ahull pay a II
coiino fee of ono dollar por day or
Inn itnllfifM unr nnnrltir. iivnrv tllmio
or building where Kiln or platol nro
kopi lor Muooung ni inrgeiH, wuniner
for biro or not ahnll bo ooualderad a
thootlng gnllery. I'rovldod however
Hint tho Common Council from nnd
niter tlio paaango of tins oruinnnco
Rhnll not llconao moving picture
mIi.wb In n fitimliftr fivfiiftilltlcf nnfl
aliow plnco or llconao to each thro
thouantid inunbitant or irnonon
thoreof In tho City of Dond.
Head Ilr?t time Auguat 4, 1914.
Iteiid aacond tlmo, September i,
Pnaaed Hoptomber 8, 1914.
Atloil: Approved'.
Recorder. Mayor.
Dopnrlmqnt of tho Interior, U. H.
hand Odlco at Tlio Dnlle, Oregon,
Auguat SI, 1914.
Notlco la hereby given that Clif
ton M. Hoaln, of Dond, Oregon, who
on October 23, 1911, made homo
tend entry, No. 00674, for B BBVit
Bectlon 32, 8 BWU Bcotlon 33,
Towiuhlp 19 B., Itnngo 10 B W. M.,
nnd N'4 NW Bcctlon 4, NV4 NKVi
Section S, Townahlp 20 B., Itnngo 1G
K , Wlllninctto Meridian, ha filed no
tlco of Intention to mnko ftnnl three
yenr proof, to calnbllih claim to tho
land nbovo described, before Ileglatir
nnd Ilccolvor of tho United Stntos
I.nnd Offlco. nt Tho Dnllw, Orogon, on
tho 23d dny of October, 1914.
Clalmnnt namca ns witnesses: Fer
dinand Tauschor. Mrs. Loulso Floin
Ing, Alvln U'O, Thomas Oray, all of
llend, Oregon.
27-3J. p. Register.
Department of tho Interior, U. 8.
Innil omco nt tho uauea, urcgon,
Auguat 31. 1914. ..
K'iiirn la lmi-ntiv eivnn Hint herui-
nand Tauacher. of llend. Oregon, who
nn Vnvnmlinr 18. 1010. made llOniO-
atead entry, No. 07718, for KV4, Bee-
tlon C, Townsnip so .. unngo in
II, Willamette Meridian, nns inea no
i u. nt ininntlnn in tnatcn final three
ear proof, to establish claim to tho
Innd aoove nescriuou, neioro uobi-
nr n.1 llnrnlvar nf the United BtatOS
..and Omco, at Tho Dallea, Orogon,
on tho 23d day of October, ls14.
Clalmnnt nnmes aa wunewei:
Koluao Flommlng. Clifton M. Koaln,
J. It. IlcntRon, Clifford Cook, all of
Ilond, Orogon.
27-31. p. Ueglator.
.,. rssajn, . i I.. r"
Dcpnrtmont of tho Intorlor, United
Btntoa ljmd"Omco, Lakevlew, Ore
rmi Hntitnmhor 10. 1914.
To Nod W. Hyatt, of Uend, Orogon,
You nro hereby notified that R. P.
Mlntcr who gives Hcnd, c-o Uox 147,
Oregon, as hi post-olNco address,
did on Juno 8th, 1914, file In this
omco his duly oorroboratod applies
Hon to contest and securo the can
cellation of your homostend, Entry
, Serial No. 05629. mndo April
JO. 1912, for BBVi 8eeUon 11 aud
NKVi Secllon 14. Township 27 S..
ItaURo 21 B. W. M.. and as grounds
for his contest he allege Uiat said
Ned W. Hyatt has fulled to establish
his residence on said tract: that he
has failed to rultlrate said traet or
nr uart tlmrnof: that said HIltrVHtsA
has wholly abandoned said traet fof
upwards of six tuonths lrt past and
Uiat such failure and abandonment
u nni ilua tii liU amulormeat In the
tarmy, uavy or marine corps of the
Yeu arB therefore, further neU-
I n...i .1,0. thn u.1.1 llapatlnna will tin
.. .... .1.1.. A.uAA .. laah
IMKtlll U
thu n(Ha u liavlnr baan
oonreeeeI by you, and your said en
try will be enaeeled thereunder with
out your furthor right to be heard
thoreln, either before this office or on
appoal, If you fall to file In this of
llco within twenty day after tho
FOUHTH publication or this notice,
as shown below, our answer, under
oath, specifically meeting nnd .
spondlng to these allegattoM or eon
test, or It you rail within ttir.t time
to Mo In this oftlee due proof that
vnn iiavu sarvail a pour of vour an
swer on the said contestant either In
liereon or by registered mall. If this
servlco Is made by the delivery of a
cow of your answer 10 wie contes
tant lu person, prcof or such service
must be either the s.-id contestant's
written nckuowledgeaieui ut ins ro
eelpt of the copy, showing the date
or Ita receipt, or the affidavit or the
liereon by whom the delivery was
mado stating when and whoro the
copy wn delivered. If mndo by rag
Ulorod mall, proof of such fservlcja
iHUBt consist of tho affidavit of the
person by whom the copy was mailed
stating whon nnd the post ofllco to
which It wns mailed, and this a'll
dnvlt must bo nocompnnlod by tho
postmnstor.'B rocolpt for tho lottor.
You should state In our answer
tho namo of tho post ofllce to which
you doslro future notices to be sent
10 J'0"' r
Data of first publication Sept. 10,
Date ol second publication Sopt.
23, 1914.
Dato of third publication Sopt. 30,
Dato of fourth publication OcL 7,
1914. 28-310
Moderate I'rlcee
Modern Itoonis
Attrn:Uvo Surroundlnge
Stenin Heat, Hot anil Cold
Water With Until lVlvlleges
Homo Cooked M evils
Miss A. 1. Spnldlnir. Proprietor
. . ,, . . ,-
Department of tho Interior, U. B.
jniui uiiico ni ino uoiioh, ure
gon, Septomber 21, 1014.
lftiit lu !iirifitf fflvnn llinff Wrttnll
Mnasongnlo, of Ilond, Oregon, who, on
Mny 17th, 1011, mndo llomeatend
Kntry No. 08948, for B'A HWVi, Boe-
llnn 9. HI'. I. HKV. . (nn .1. NU
NBU. N NW4 Bectlon 10. SWA
NW't Bectlon 11, Township 19
South, Itango 14 East, Willamette
Meridian, has mod notice or intontion
to mnko final three year proof
to establish claim to tho Innd nbovo
described, beforo II. C. Kill, U. fl
CommlMlonor, nt llend, Oregon, on
tlio stn any or wovemoor, ivii.
Clalmnnt nnmes as wltnosso.
Oeorgo II. Wondorff, Austin C. Har
bor, Chnrle KoraKis, James n. Min
or, nil of Hcnd, Oregon.
30-340. Hoglstor.
V. l Thnmimnn. Plfllnllff. VS. VlrefO
K. Hrasflcld, nnd Oeorgo M. Dras-
noia, uoionannis.
To Vlrglo B. Hrnsfleld nnd George M.
Hrasflcld, above named defendants;
OF OHKGON: You nro hereby requir
ed to appear and anawer tho com
plaint filed ngnlnst you In tho nbove
entitled Court nnd suit on or beforo
tlm unvnnlli ,lnv nf flrtnhflr. 1914. nnd
If you fail so to appear aod answer
tho plaintiff will apply to tho Court
for tho relief prayed for In tho com
ninini iiornin. lo.wlt: for judgment
against you and each of you for tho
sum of $672, together with Interest
thereon nt tho rato of 8 per cent per
annum irom January n, ijii, uum
paid, together with $70.00 attorney
foes and tno costs ana aisnurscmenu
of this action and for a decree of the
nbovo entitled Court that tho certain
mortgage bearing date Cth day of
August, 1912, mado and executed by
you, aocurlng said sum above men
tioned on lot ono (1), block twenty
six (26) of Hond, Crook County. Orc-
. l.o fnroolnfuwl nnil that mieh rol
property described thcroln bo sold by
tho Bhorlft of Crook County, Oregon.!
In tho mnnnor provided ny iaw ani
according to the practice of this
Court and that tho proceeds of said
salo 1m applied: FII18T, to the pay
ment of tho costa and charges for
making this salo and SECOND, to tho
n.vfimni nf nlnlnilfr'a iudcment In
clusive of attorney fees and Interests
cluslvo of attorney fees and interests
mado the Plaintiff may become a pur-
chasor, and tnereanor inai ucieuu-
anta and all persons claiming un
jn. i.v nr thmiich them or either
of thom bo forever barred and fore
closed of any rights, title and inter
est In and to said property or any
portion thereof, saving and excepting
only the statutory right of redemp
tion and that the plaintiff havo Judg
ment and oxocutlon. against the prop-
The Wright
Bend's Leading Hotel
It is a fireproof building
It Is thoroughly modem
It la comfortable, commodious, clean-
Tho wants of all nro satisfied well at
Automobiles to all Interior Points
Leading INSURANCE Agency
City and
Headquarters for Commercial
Electric Lighted Throughout
Oood Rooms
Free bus to
and from trains
4 4 4 --- 4
erty of tho defendant Vlrglo E. Hras
flcld for any deficiency remaining up
on such Judgmonl nftor applying nit
the proceeds of tho snlo of snld real
property, properly appnenmo tnoroto
nnd fnr ntip.h rithnr nnil furthnr rnllof
an to tho Court may scorn meet and
This summons Is served upon you
by publication thereof for nix sue-
nlvn wnnltif In Thn lltind Itullnlln.
a weekly newspaper of genornl cir
culation, puoiisnod in iionri, urooK
County, Oregon, by order of tho Hon-
nrnhln fl Hnrlnpnr. Juilsn nf tho
County Court of Crook County, Ore
gon, wnion order is daiea mo iwon-
lloth day of April, 1914, tho dato of
tho first publication being the 26th
day of August, 1914.
2S-30 c. Attorney for Plaintiff.
'' ' ! mu aa ia r
Department of tho Interior, U. B.
Iand Offlco at Tho Dalles, Ore
gon, September 21, ,19,14.
Notlco Is hereby siren that Goorai
II. Wondorff. of llend, Oregon, who,
on April 29th, 191,1, mado Home
Ktcad Entry No. 08S16 and on Novom
bci 29, 1912 made Additional Home
btcail Entry No. 010R90, 'or BWU,
BmNW and W BE ", Section 3,
Tct nshlp 19 Soulll, Hume 14 Hart.
V:ilumette Meridian, has filed notlco
nt Intention to mako final throo yea
proof, to establish claim to tho land
abova described, beforo II. C. EI1U,
U. 8. Commissioner, At Uend, Orogon.
on tho Cth day of November, 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Frank Mnsscngale, Austin C. Hnrbcr,
Charles Korakls, James U. Miner, all
of Hond, Oregon.
30-34 c. Register.
Roofing' of all kinds. Repairing
promptly done.
Furnace Contractor
Guttering, Spouting,
Cornices and Skylights.
. .,.
j ,,,,,,,, Promptly Attended To J
J .
Plumbing and Mealing
PHONE 451 . .
Farm Property
Lots $150 to $350
TERMS: $5 Cash and
$3 Monthly
Office on Oregon Street
Special Attention to
Transient Travel
OREGON - OoodMealj
AH arranKcments made for persons
doslrlng to go south and east of here
4 4
all a little want ad will cost you,