PAGE -I. THK 11KN1) lU'LLKTlN UKNl), ORK WEDNESDAY, OOTOIIKU 7, tOM. 1 I! T THE BEND BULLETIN (Published Every Wednesday) GEOROB PALMER PUTNAM Editor mid Publisher. ROBERT W. SAWYER AbbocIiUo Editor. An Independent newspaper stand ing for tho squnro donl, clean bust uoss, clean politics and tho best in tcrcstn of Uond nnd Contrnl Oregon. uno j-onr. . $1.60 Six months 80 Thrco months .GO All subscriptions nro duo nnd PAYAULB IN ADVANCE. Notices of expiration nro mailed subscribers nnd It renewal Is not mado within reason able tlnio tho paper will bo discontinued. Please notify us promptly of any chnngo of address, or of tniluro to re- cenro tho paper re&alarly. Otherwise wo will not bo responsible for copies missed. Mako all checks nnd orders pay ablo to Dcnd Bulletin. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1914. ' P ' THE OREAT WAR. "Wo who are so far away find dlf ncuity in realizing tho actual ex's- tonco of tho greatest war of history, lis very enormity, nnd its compli cated nature and wide extent, mnko n fitting namo impossible. So tho journals of England, nnd thoso of America, have corao to call it simply "Tho Great War." The facts nre sparsely given us by our western metropolitan newspapers for two reasons. Ono Is that remark nbly few Tact from tho front nro to be had, thanks to tho censorship, and secondly trans-continental wiro tolls, on top of trans-Atlantic cable tolls, offer scant inducoment to Pa cific Coast editors when it comes to elaborating the war news. So, in a way, wc of the West mlsr atuoh of tho literary meat of tho war, oxcopt as It drifts to us later, almost as history, in tho magazines and re views. And we might do wol! to re member that never in the story of the modern world was plcturoeque his tory so rapidly la tho making as now. Today thoro to matter of electric In terest for all of us to study. Wo who nre so far away that even tho echoes of the struggle scarce reach u. should realize that twenty years from now If wo are ignorant of the facts nnd details of Tho Groat War our historical ignoranco. Is our own fault. The spirit of tho day Is written largely upon the pages of periodicals that eomo to us from across the At lantic. Wonderfully Interesting they nre! Tho Illustrated London News, for Instance, reflects the sontimont of Britain, which Is waking to the1 fact that hor greatest struggle Is up on her. Tho very advertisements' lireatho the feelings of hor pop'e. j "Business As Usual," Is tho popular; watehword la this wartime of tho Britishers, who Insist that the wheels ' of oommerco shall move smoothly. Germans or no Germans. And that line appears In countless advertise ments. An English rubber-tire maker ur ges patronage me follows: "Contlieu tsJ Ure axe made In Germany ty the enemy. Their purchase here assists him, while the tin of nn foreign tire diminishes employment for Hrit li workpeople." Wood and water may not ihloc, but business aad patrio tism will! Then here are lines from the adver tisement 0f Blank, a great tea house: "In tho High Court of Justice Mr. Justice Sankey granted an Interln Injunction restraining Upton. Lim ited, tboir agents and servants, from publishing any words to tho effect or substance that Blank & Co., or the directorate thereof, Is composed of Germans, and that by purchasing their commodities tho public is as sisting tho atomies of Groat Britain." From whloh ono gathers that tho way to Insult an Englishman is to Insin uate ho has any connections with fjermaay. And yesterday Briton and Teuton fostod oaoh other! Try tho Altnmont for monls. Adv. A CORRECTION. Stato Engineer Lewis linn written the following letter In comment un nn editorial In The Bulletin of Sep tember 30. Salem, Oregon, Oct. 3, 1914. To tho Editor: I hnvo noted with Interest tho edi torial In Tho Bend Bullotln for Sep tember 30th with regard to the North Canal and feel that 1 should tako tills opportunity of calling your attention to what appears to bo an oversight with regard to tho price to bo paid tho Contrnl Oregon Irrigation Com pany ns estimated by mysolt. The prlco of J1C5.400 did no Include tho wator dollvenCes asked for by tho company. Tho cost of making these deliveries has not been estimated and I hnvo not considered tho same for tho reason that tho United States Government woult hnvo nothing to do with this matter. It woudt thorefnro appear that tho prlco now sot by tbo Central Oregon Irrigation Company cannot bo snld to He between that set by the Jacobs report nnd that set by myself. Thcro is no way of com- paring the figures. I write this bo that you may make whatever correction It seems deslr ablo In your columns to the effeot that there will be no mlsundorstnud Ing as to what the figures moan. Yours very truly, JOHN II. LBW1S. i to protect. If It receives tho ondorso- FysBajaiaEEJSJaiaEiaEajajaiaEHaEJaiaiSIPI tnnnt nf thrt MntAM t nitron ft ni. i I urogon farmer can accuro noip rur n u r l TV iTIMTn M working day of over eight hours, no mochnnlc employed on rush jobs can extend his working day, no employee, howevor nnxtoun ho bo, can Increase his enrnluRH by oxtra-pald "over tlmo" work, nnd no employer can look to his start for such hnlp lu cmorgonclos. On quo hnml earning power would bo Impaired, nnd on the other economy of production limited. Nolthor for wonwn nor for men Is thoro nny virtue lu the proposal, it Is twnddlo. Fortunately, tho voters of tho state appear to recognUo tho facts nnd seem to bo preparing 'o defeat tho menRuro overwhlmlngly. But to mnko assurance doubly suro bo suro thnt you voto "381 X No." WAR NEWS THE PAST WEEK sasassEfssifSiraiBif5iwEfs5fal The week has brought no Import ant ohnngea Jn tho European war cltuatlon. Fighting has boon oxtromoly hoivy all along tho II Ho whoro tho Gor mags and tho Allies fnco enrh other, rnd losses hnvo been enormous. No decisive engagements have occurrod, but H counts ovldont thnt the Gorman troops have had slightly tho worst of It, nnd soma further withdrawals of tholr troops hnvo been reported. Austria appears to lo overwhelmed by Russia, and reports from Russian ccurccs continue to claim advances rnd victories for tho Czar'a forces It these nre accurate it is reasonable to suppose that before long Berlin Itself will bo threatened by tho Rus sians. Japan Is boeloglng tho German possession of Klau Chau In China. All parte of tho British Empire nro rallying to tho colors with unprece dented patriotism. I A NEW STORE IN BEND Opening at 1 0 O'Clock Thursday Morning, Oct. 8th To this Store you are cordially invited and to make your visit PROFITABLE as well as PLEASANT, we offer-- Try somo of thoso doUclous buck wheat cakes with maplo syrup, nny time during tho day, n't tho Coz.. Rostnurant. Adv. 31-34p Stoaks and ohopa a spoclclty at the Cozy Restaurant. Adv. 3 1-3 4 p Foley Cathartic Tablet. You will llko their positive nctioa. Thoy have a tonic effect on the bowels and give n wholesome, thorough cloanlng to tho ontlro bowel tract. Stir the liver to healthy activity and keop Btomach swoet. Constitution, headache, dull, tired reeling never cflllct thoso who uso Foley Cathartic Tablets. Only 25 cents: Patterson Drug Co, Adv. Just arrived, nlco lino of candles, nuts. etc. You will npprecinto our warm bath rooms in the cold weather. Tho samo trio of barbers Is rt your service. Tho Metropolitan. Adv. WARNERS OPKX TOMORROW. The M. K. Waruor Compnny opens tomorrow In tiio Bonn building on Wall Btreet. Tho storo will confln Its merchandise to nrticlce priced at and below !S eonts. Mr. Warutr came here from Richvllle, Wash., nnd previously was In business In Spo kane. He has boon In this class of business all his life. Blue and White, White-Lined Enameled Dish Pans First quality, lt-qtmrt size, the kind sold for 75 cents each. One to a customer so long as our supply lasts. SPECIAL 25c Mixed Candy opecial Pure, Fresh, Clean, Mixed Candy. The children will enjoy it. One pound to a customer. SPECIAL Per Pound Turkish Towels Special Clean, soli, pure white Turkish towel, lurgcxizu '22x-tr, plain border, hemmed ends. Special 15c 10c FANCY TOWEL SPECIAL Clean, pure white, with hlue and pink borders, extra soil Turkish Tow els, used for fancy work, stand covers,, etc. Spec'! 15c 25c Try the Altamont for Sunday din ner. C to 7. p. m. Adv. A XEW STORE IX IIKXH. r-l()-l.V5 Cent Price Will Proinll. A new store featuring smrll prices will opon In Ilend this weok tho M. B. Warren Co. Hardware, tin ware, cnamelwaro, granltownre, glrsewarc, wirewaro, woodenware. ! chlnawaro, notions, enndy nnd d.-y WANTHD: A HATCHERY. The sportsmen of Central Oregon -appreciate what the Ash and gaim authorities of the state have done especially in the way of stocking th. mountain lakes with trout, as d scribed In this paper. But we do a" feel that enough has uen done for U. Somehow the promlto never quite materialize. Whether it ue the fault of some official, of the Re", oral board or of Its representatives Is hard to determine. The fact re mains that our streams, which need trout, never get as many as wo aro told they are to get. Just now the excuse seems to be that there was a lot of hard luck and failures about tho hatching. If so, wo hopo for better luck next season. In tbo mean time we suggest, ns we have suggested before, that there is no mora fitting location In Oregon for a hatchery than hero on the Des chutes. It would be economical. Whyhatoh at IJonnovllle for this ter ritory? Why not do It hero? Ex perts say tho conditions are ideal. Certainly this region Is entitled to a hatohory, nnd assuredly our streams and lakes, which sorve the sports men of so vast a territory, need the trout. There is also, let us whisper, political expediency about the mov. And the facta of the mattor are Ult we deserve that hatchery, we need It, and it is almoat (n our readi Uad we not better go after It? The Commercial Club and the Rod and Gun Club might bestir themselves, If no ono else will or cn. The Universal Eight HpUr Law Is rank folly. Worse than that, It Is a real menace to tho prosperity of tho working man and woman it pretends :a NICE JUICY Jonathan and Spitzenberg Apples $1.50 Per Box. In lots of five boxes, $1.40 per box. Shuey's Cash Grocery Over 3000 Articles and NOTHING MORE THAN "WARNER'S BEAN BUILDING, WALL STREET THE VARIETY STORE Our Thanks ARB DUB TUB PEOPLE QF REND AND TUB ADJOIN-' 1NO COUNTRY FOR TIIBIR LIUBRAL PATRONAOB. THOUGH THIS COST OF FLOUR AND SUGAR HAS ADVANCED GREATLY Our Price for Bread is still only Be a loaf YOU WILL FIND IT ON SALE AT OUR WALL KTIIKKT STORE AND AT TUB FOLLOWING GROGISR IBSt PILOT RUTTE GROCERY, IJond Hlrcot. HIIUIWH GROCERY, Wall Street, KIJNWOOD OROCHRY, Kenwood. 1 118X1) GROCERY, Cen tor Addition. WH GARRY A PULL IiLVK OF PUIS, CAKES, CAX. nuts, i o onitAM and iwehh fruit, luxciieh PUT UP. goods linos will l represented in tlria storo where uu price will over 25 cents. The manager promises great valuta and a visit there will no doubt be profitable as well as pleasant. Ad vertisement. Sic Try an oyster cocktail at the Cosy Restaurant. Adv. Jl-J4p Classified Advertising Advertisements Inserted under ltd heading nt the rate of ONE CENT A WORD each Insertion, C'nsh iilimt accompany nil orders from pft-Miri not IiiivIuk n regular account ttltli The llullctln, No nihertliciiicnt tnk. for lens tlmn in cents each Insertion. WANTED. Shriller I& Hisey lb WANTED Laundry aad mending Leave bundles nt William's second hand store. SO-Slp WANT TO EXCHANGE A Vlctoi graphophc-Ne and records for a good Hhot gun cr rifle. Apply F. B. Dlek, Hond, Oregon. 31 If WANTED Girl or middle axed la dy tp caro fcr Iwiby day times. In qulro at Hulluttn. tfx WANTED At Milliean Inn. 30 miles out on Iloud-ilums road, a middle aged woman who can tako I responsible position as cook and Jiouro keopor. Recommendations de sired. Wrlto Immediately to Ada II Mllllcnn, Milllcnn, Ore. 30tf WANTED Work on dairy or farm by mnn and wife. Apply liullotl 1 Offlco. sotf WANTED Ilnlod alfalfa hay, 8 to 10 ton. Will call for it nt ranch. Wrlto price per ton and location of hay to P. O. Ilox 42, Ln I'lno, Ore gon, aio FOR SALE Gsnulne snap. Nlco III tie house nnd lot on Adams iar Jlnliiler drive, uu S, blo.-k 17, t-ark tddlllon lo ltend. Kest offer takes It Slate bank lo send papers to. 8. 0. Pratt, 617 Hill Street., !.o Anaeltw, Cat. lo-lic LOST ttlt ease. FlHder return to N. P. Hmlth Hardware store and receive reward. Ueore lln. brok. 10-11 p FOR BALE 320 acre homeetend reihiuishmeMt. liko county. 1 acres cleared, cabin, abundance k:hhI water about 00 feet. Gowt nut He. I'rlee $160. Will tnke cow or town lo; as iwrt yment. ImitUre Ilulle tin. Jlp FOR HALW J20 aero homostoad rollniiuishment nt n bargain. Utnd level, good loeation. IntUlru Ilulle tin. sotf FOR SALE Cheap. Two slngto bods. Inquire Ilullotln olllco, 17tf FOR HALE Choip, two Jersoy cows, apply Ilullotln olfleo. 283 2p. FOR SA I.K Potato digger In quire M. J. .Main. Sb if FOR MALE Fine Jersey eo. In. quire at Mr. II. J. Murphy's ner dopoL jMf FOR 8ALK 8 Holeteln sows. l.i preduoers, some freed how, others In month. Farm T miles X. 14. Butte station. Redmond. Phone Me. 1304. P. O. Prlnavtlto. J. F. lUea. J2tf LOST AND FOUND. LOSTWhlte setter Ilulletla oirtcu. dog. Notify if LOST Waler siwnlol pnppy,'si.r Held school. Finder kladly return to U. M. McKay. 30-Slp TAKHN UP fn Itln. pig about weeks old. Owner oon have same iy paying costs. Mrs. George llntos. So II L08T Hllvor wntah, nlokol chnln nttaohod. on Ilend llmuoh road, on Oolober 2, 1014. Finder ritturi to ilullotln. Jo-nio WE CAN SUIT YOU WITH SHOES AND HOSE FOR IIBXT. FOR RBXT Furnished room wtli use of piano. Inquire Mis. PrLice Stoats. 81-IJu FOR RBNT -Four room cjtti-(?i), well furnished. Phone Ului - 681. SOif FOR RBNT Two small furnlslud hnjisos near sehool house. S. li. liOKln, oor Descliutos Hank. 20tf FOR SALE. FOR SALE Threo Jorwy owfl, fnono Millard Trlplott. 3itr tun hale Toani, and two MtB double hnrnosH, buggy nnd ono lot of small tools. Inqulro Nixon, Ucnd. 3otf WE CAN SUIT YOU WITH SHOES BECAUSE WE CARRY THE RIGHT STVLES. OUR SHOES FEEL good, too. mm because we Buy sum LASTS FOR GL!M FEET AND BROAD. COMFORT- ABLE LASTS FCR BROAD FEET. OUR SHOES WEAR. SO DO OUR KCSE WEAR. BUy THEM. TRY THEM. AND YOU'LL COME AGAIN FOR THEM. R. M. SMITH CLOTHING COMPANY LEARN THE WAY & . v &