J Till: 11KNI) III'MJCTIN, HUM), OIIK., WKDNKHDAY, 0(TOHi:it 7, 101 1. ijion n. SEPIEMBEflJEITIIER 'I'lici-iiiniiiolcr HIiohh (lio ApiuniK'li of I'nll Ihoiitli miin llnilicii. Haptoniliur imw n lircalt In tlm tlroutli Unit Intd Inntoit nil Hiiiiinior. Tlioro wiih it Unlit rrolii on tho nlnlit or tlio Otli nuil morn on tliu fmir iliiyri liflKlnnliiK with 11m 10th. Thu total lirooliiltntloii fur tlio inontli wan .8S of nn Inch. Clonr ilnyn eonlliitiod lo ho In tlio mnliirlty, thuro ImttiK 22 in nil an nKitiiml .1 tmrtly cloudy nnd fi uloutly, Tim Uuiinornturrm for tho inontli lioKim to hIiow tho npproiioh of fall. Hovornl ilnyn tho tliormoiiinter nt tho locnl wonthor station rnKlielorml nhovo 80 hut thuro uoro ninny nays wiinu it ilriiiuuwl il n iv ii lulu Ilin lirilim nml Y Hlxtlim unit tho maximum fir thu ' month wiih tmly 70 iloKrrim :ik ngnlnst HO In August. In tho mini mum, too, lower ninrkH weiro roncluul, tho mercury milliner down to 21 on tlio 12th. Tho menu minimum wnn a& dogmas mill tho moan for tlio month 62.7 degrees, Tho figures for Hoptninlmr, 1U13 worn moan tunxW mum 73.1, nionn tnlnluium 31.1 nml moan B3.7 degrees, Tho ilnlly tompornturoH nml char acter of tiny woro as follow: I)ny Mnx. Mln. Hky Ulonr Clonr Clonr Clonr Clonr I'tly Clily l'tly Chly Clonr Clonr Clcrnr Clonr l'tly CI4v Clomly Clomly Clomly Clomly Clomly Clour Clonr Clear Clonr Clwer Clmir Clonr Olonr OWmr Clear Clemr Clear Oltmr LINED WITH SPIDER WEBS. On Mai to Cut On' Way Through th Roads ot Paraguay. Thu ronitu of I'liniKimy nro ntKiut tiro ysrela vlili thniiiKhoiit, nnd thu tree uuh'I owrlumil nt n holuht of noma rhcHtrt'ii fivt. tlniM foruiliiji n tunned of wry uniform iltine-melou In tho clear jwrtH of tlio tiiniii'l-ilmt I. wliuru It U not I'lutkiil ti with tho glietit nettle- It l full fnun roof to ground OT riioriinnw dplili'o' wolm ktrcU'litng rlttir ncrw tho nwil. tliee trig trees uiuully iM'loa i'liiwou n nmliurnce 1 87 ni 2 815 40 .1 HO 41 4 70 41 r. 70 20 0 77 33 T . So 4 HtnfJ 37 0 7.1 31 10; 8Q 38 u ar. u... 00 24 is Rit 20 14 .....y 4i IS 10 38 in ,..n 2n 17 74 38 IB ..0 32 13. ...CI 31 III OS 30 21 72 31 23 77 32 23 SI 33 21 19 41 St... ........ BO t 2S 08 4i 27... 00 37 28 77 32 SO SI Si I) 70 30 nml tho mtal clour eimii Ih'Iiik tliti unuo lllio eight ynnlM Hum tlvu Tint iiiiiln ruble or framework ol tho net ii ru roiiipiHoil of tlvu or six ntrniiilH of illicit i'llnw well nml nro fluii'Ht iim Htionu nn ciittun tliiciiil Tho iimt of the not In uiiiilu up of single and iliiiililo ntruiiili of tho miioo ntout inn lorlnl, w lilch Ik iiii Mlcliy iim It In strong livery ynnl or mo odd of thoxu tiutn ux tend iicioxm oiio'n path, limiting It npc iNHiiry to Imlil a ciiiIiih or n falily slout Nlh'k lit iirui'a length In front its oiiu wiiIIch. Tlio miikorn of these (rouhloiuino hul plrturoNipio obstruction nru large, highly coloroil, itaiuly lookluit nplilori with Imillon that look im If thuy woro nhuut to vxploilo, thoy uru to blown out nml Kloxxy At lutorvulx In mw inure open fipnco whoro tho nky in vMhlo ouu will no (leu n dllToroiit kind of wob, far mora Irrt'Kulur lu Impo, but fur InriU'r than tho other. Not content with tho pnce nrnllnblo In tho tunuol, the web nrt stretched In complicated maze from th n'round to tho terj tops of tha urrouodliiK trrcn, with cjfnr itnn freopentl twenty or thirty THE WHITE IS KING A STATE SCHOOL CLOSED 8ontbm Ortros IUU HorstAt Reboot, Aahlaad. Tho UI2HT nil-round Family Sowintr Muclilno that can bo proiluct'il. Mnilu In both NOTARY nnd VIIIKATOR ntyltM. Thu rntnry innkos both IX)CK nnd CHAIN stitch. Thu Intost up to tho rnlnuto ntcul nttnch rauntx with oncU machine. Sold on oiuy pnymontij. Sond nnmo nnd nddroM for our beautiful II. T. cntn Ioruc free. While Sewing Machine Co. r. 19 Morchnntii National Hank Rtd Snn Francisco. California LET US BE PROUD OF OREGON Oregon I tht only Uta In tho Union that hta at any time reduced the num ber of tin normal ichoola. ISrerywhcr the movement la for more normal, a, ore of atatea hare from three to nfteen, California baa alclit; Waililmlon baa three, even Idaho bin two. Conililer. only five atatea have a emallrr equipment for normal achoola than Orejcon would, were all three of Ita school runnlnsi and,- elithty per cent of the applicant for teacher' certifi cate In OreKon laat year bad received no tralnlnr above tho elKhth ursde. Cannot Oregon, like other atatea, pro vide that her common achoola aball have competent, efrielent teaeheraT . The Leslilature baa referred to the people a measure provldlnc a amall. but ample mnlntetianco fund for th South ern Oregon Htala Normal Hlhool a echool that n condueted with marked auccca for fourteen years. FOR OUR CHILDREN A normal aebool exlats aolelr to train teachers. It la a part of the common trade school ayatem. wlth trained teachers, your common achool are ef flclent; without them they cannot be. In the laat analysis, the teacher Is the achool. The ability to develop the child; to Interest him In his work; to make the moiit of his time, to civs him an am bitious outlook that lies with the teacher, nnd only the trained teacher can do It. The normal achool tralna her for the work ihows her how. That make schools worth while and a proper return for the taxpayer' money. We tax ouraelve to protect our prop erty; ahould wo not protect our chil dren? Htiould their most Impressionable years be entruted to ttilners not know Ins how to train? VOTE 312 X YES (AiH'erttewnent.) ynrl from eerie tri'o to himuIut From thoxo iiihIii e-nliioi itwlle-r one extend to tho ctouuiI-h drop of 'Iftcoii or twe'nty jnnls nml tho sHieti In lev twen-n nrt lllleil Up with n iiwi" t webs spun In nil illrvctlons. Wide World Mniri'luu. Speed of the Street Seng. One of the curious thiiiRi about tho (mpulnr sotut Is the rapidity of Its tile Bviiiluatloii nmuiiK tho street elilldrcn. Few of thoin can lusir It nt llrst burnt nt tho mimic hulls, yet loin; before tho latest cnlchy tuno has foiiuil Its wny to tho barro(,orKUUeor Siiiiiiny nowspHixr you will hear It ri'iiiliTinl ultli iiiiiiiUu accuracy by liny boys and girl. It see-in s to tmvol like, rumor through nn list Indian uniuir. IaiiuIuu ritaudarU. Athletic Vocalization. "Is n reiitrlhHuM n ix-mon who throws his ttiuvlT nwke-eJ Mr lihruvr 'Jo to Spe-MK M "Well. ni'Tr mt one next eloor to us Kho hasn't lliremn It yot. lmt she Is KlWiiu It n torrlblo stniBc'c."- Wash Inctou Star. WHAT COrX)ltH? WHAT 1'AIXT? Tho two vital realntlnR iiiostlons nro whnt colors and what paint Tho wronK color scheme will serious ly mar tho nttractlro nppoarnnco of your homo. Tho wrong iratnt will soon fndo, crack anil pool off, oxposlnR the wood to the w oath or. You can get n ploaslnR color troatraont and wood protection of unusunl durability by uslnK 8-W-I' (Shcrwln-Williams I'nlnt rroimred.) Heo local agent. N. I. Wolder, painter and decora tor. Adr. 2Ctf PROHIBITION'S DISMAL RECORD OF FAILURES FIFTEEN SPLENDID EASTERN STATES HAVE EXPLODED FALSE THEORY Maine has just elected a governor and a majority of legislators upon a platform opposed to statewide prohibition and pledged to sub mit to the people at the next general election a local option law. Opposed to these successful candidates were aspir ants seeking office on a statewide prohibition platform AFTER SIXTY-FOUR YEARS OF PROHIBITION, MINZ IS CRYING FOR LOCAL OPTION A '. Vermont adopted prohibition in 1850, repealed it jn 11)03, "tried it" 53 yea New Hampshire " " 1S55, " " 1903, " " 48 " Michigan iC " " 1S55, " 1875, " " 20 " Connecticut " " " 1S51, " " . 1S72, " 18 " Rhode Island " " 1S52, " " 1SG3, " " 11 " Massachusetts " " " ISO!), " " 1875, " " 6 " South Dakota " " 1800, " " 1S00, " " 6 Alabama , ki " " 1908, ' " 1911, " " 3. Nebraska " " " 1855, " " 185S, - " 3 Illinois ' " " 1851, " " 1S53, " " 2 " Iowa " V . " -SSI, 'Kby mulct law) 1S93, V " 12 New York " " " 1855, statute was declared unconstitutional Indiana " u " 1S55, " . - " Ohio . " " 1S5Ij and annulled it by License Tax Law Wisconsin ' " " 1S55, stutute vetoed by governor Is there any reason why Oregon should experiment with this freak legislation? Register before Thursday, October 15 Defeat of the proposed prohibition amendment has no effect on the present efficient local option or home rule law, VOTE 333 X NO lPU Advctltecratal-Titpsrcri toJ Wce Earner' Ltigue ol Oregon, PorlUnd, Ore) I HlfSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOKV. HOllKHT li. UOVIA) Civil jN Kcml MiiKlncer NjMl 'J Oregon j :. JtOIlBKT W. 8AWYKR N O TAIIY I' V II hi a Itullotln Office, Hend, OrKon 8. It. IIOOIM Iwind Atlorncjr Iluiilncas boforo tbo U. 8, Iand ofllco a Bpcclnlty. Twenty Hto yearn oxpcrlonco In practico bo foro tho local U. 8. I-and Ofllco nnd tlio department at Wash lngton, D. C. Ofllccs orcr tho Deschutes Htato Hank. 11K.NI :: :-: OIXK)N J. 1). Iloll A. W. Sims CKOOIC OOUNTi' AIlSTItAOT OOMPA.VV (Incorrioratcd) Successors to Tho J. II. Hancr Abstract Co., I'rlnoTlllo, Ore. Almtrnctti Insurance W. W. FAULKNKR, D. M. D. DKXTIHT Ofllco Over Postofllco Uond, ... Oregon II. II. Do A UMOND Orogon Street. Uond, OrcRon II. C. EM 1 8 Attorncy-nt-InT Vnltcel Htntcri C'ominliiloncr First National Ilnnk Duildlng II15ND, OUKUON DIl. J. II. CONNAIIN IIBNTI8T Ofllco In Bather Ilulldlnjr. Houra 9 to 12, 1 to C. Sundays and CTcnlnrjs by Appointment. O. P. NI8W0N0EIt, Bond, Ore. UNDEIITAKKR Uccnacd Kmbalmer, Funeral Director. Phono. Idy Assistant. WILLAItD II. WIUTZ IiAWYKIt Prlnoville, Orogon. C. 8. DBSSOK Attorney At I n u IJonson nulldlng, Wall Street Uond, Oregon. VERNON A. FORDE3 IjAWYKK Flrst National Uank Dulldlns Hend, :-: ;-; Oregon QBORQG 8. YOU NO Chll nnd Irrigation Engineer. City Knglnccr of Ilcuel. Room G First National Uank UuIIdlng FOR SUMMER Wear get a pair of WORLD'S WORK SHOES. Sold by R.H.LOVEN the Shoe Repair Man. Bond street, Bend, Ore Ono cont a word is all a little want Ad will cost you. Fraternal Socieiieslt I. O. O. F. Rend IiOdgo No. 218. Regular meeting every Hon day night at 8 o'clock in Bath er's Hall. Visiting brother cordially welcome. DERT SIIUEY, N. G GEO. P. GOVE, Secretary. ROYAL NHIGII1IORS OF AMERICA. lUnncr Camp No. (30.11. Regular meetings second and fourth Tuesdays, Snthcr'a Hall MRS J 11. CONNARN. Oracle MRS A. ORC'JTT Hocorder THE UNITED WAREHOUSE COMPANY Storage and Forwarding General Commission Merchants WE HANDLE OIL, GASOLINE, SUGAR, FLOUR, SALT, HIDES FRESH and SALT MEATS HAMS, BACON AND LARD The United Warehouse Co. A. M. Pringle, Mgr. Bend, Oregon Re hmm O'DONNELL BROTHERS UNION MARKET