-JI' PACK ! TIIK ItKNl) HVLLKTIN, I1KNI,0IIK., WKDNK8DAY, OOTOUKK 7, 1011. 4 ---- -------'"--- - CENTRAL OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. t -- - HAMPTON 1IUTTK. (Special to Tho Rulletln.) HAMPTON IIUTTE. Sept. 28. Robert Whltcsldo of Chicago vnlloy wbb over on business last Friday. Jltnmla Rrlckay la on tho sick Hit this week. Mrs. Crow and two daughters and Mts. Harmon and daughter of Hump ton wore visitors at tho Urooklngs homo last Saturday nttornoon. Earl McFaddcn of Pleasant vallov called on friends la this vicinity Sat urday afternoon. Mrs. Fred Mltlor called on Mrs. U rt Mcoks last Monday. II. IIoruo pnssod through hero on his way to Stauffor to tako out some homesteaders. Owing to his pump being out ot order Fred Miller has been obliged to.hauj water sovcral days last wcok. C W. AshbauRh inado a business trip1 to Hampton lftBt wook. Mr. and Mrs. Horace HrooklOKS nnd son Paul, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ashbaugh and son Mortdlan and V. Johnson took supper at tho Mcoks' homo Sunday night. W. J. lineman visited with. Fred Miller last Thursday afternoon. "Win. OITlold loft for Seattle Sunday morning to res I do with his daughter thcro. ---'-- llontnon. Tho chili will moot nt tho land Irrogulnr notion dlsnpnsar with homo of Mrs. Chnrlotto Owen October tholr uso. 0. Pnlmor. .Oroon liny, 21th. wis., says: "My ylfo to rapidly rt sunnysidh. (Special to Tho Bulletin) SUNNYSIDE. Oct. 3. Fred Wil son made a trip to Pinchurst Sunday In quest of his mules. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Loveront pas sed through Sunnysldo Saturday on their way to l.aldlaw. U. M. Couch and J. R. Llttlo at tended Uio Sisters fair Saturday. School U progreftstng nicely under tho leadership of Mtss Florenso Hun ncl. Messrs. Sliver and Roossler nnd families spent Sunday In tho moun tains. Muriel Houghtallng of Camp No. G went to laldlaw Friday. Harrison Wilson took a party front Camp C to tho Headgato Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Styles and son passed through hero Sunday. Dart Nichols went to Redmond on business Friday. J. n. Miner of Rend was a buslnoM visitor at this place last week. Nichols llros. baled hay for Geo. Couch the first ot tho week. J. Li. Couch mado a business trip to Rend Tuesday. Philip Smith and Floyd Scott at tended tho fair at Sisters Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Couch went to Rond to b'avo some dental work dono. Jay Thompson, who has been re moved to the Redmond hospital, suf fering from tuberculosis, Is reported better at this writing. Mrs. William Clark and children went to Slaters Saturday. IIILAW. - (Special to Tho Dullotln) LAIDLAW. Oct 3. Among Lnld lw visitors to tho Slstors fair wore Mrs. Hwltt and daughter. Mm. Lundberg. Mrs. Simpson, Mrs. Cady, Mrs. Jeffrie. Mrs. Coen, Mr. Drown. Mr. Slry. Mr. Hurter, tho Wallace family. Mr. and Mrs. O. Lurgrd and Judge Thorp. Mr. mmI Mrs. Hatch entarUlnml t Sunday dlaaar, Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Mm. JaaTiiM ami Mrs. Lunftbarg ad family. Truosdnlo and Dorothy woro guests nt tho J. J. Chapman homo for tho day on Friday. Dowoy Johnson wont up to tho ditch camp whoro Ivo will work for a while. S. E. Shoperd Is doing somo good work In destroying Jack rabbits theso days, when In company with his gun thoro Is scarcely n day ho doesn't hnvo a reckoning with a scoro or moro of tha posts. Miss Paulino Truosdnlo enmo out from Prlnovlllo Friday for a wook ,ond visit with her homo folks. Loyd Uussott Is driving a flno now buggy those days, a fact responsible tor sonio good nnturod rivalry among cortntn young Indies as to whom would got tho first rldo In tho now rig. tho honor wont to Miss Ada Morse. T. Ostium nnd Henry Hanson hnvo bought a hay balor nnd will got busy on tho hay baling Job soon. Frank Donlavy of Cllno Falls passed through this section to Prlno vlllo Saturday. Miss Anna accom panied him to tho Huttos, spending tho dny In a visit with Mrs. Trueadnlo and Pauline. Mrs. Ida Morso and daughter Ada vlttltcd Saturday with Mrs. 1$. A. Russett. Mr. aud Mrs. Geo. Llvoslty of Des chutes wero entertained at tho Alien Wlllcoxon homo Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Yatos cntor tnlnod at a family dinner Sunday, tholr guests woro Mr. and Mrs. Ver non Sears nnd Mlsa Orlsa Senra -if Prlnovlllo. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Sonri, and Miss Ada and Miss Mary Moore. Mr. and Mrs. P. Pauls prcsldod at a dinner Sunday at which tlmo thair guests wero Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Alloy and family and Mrs. L. J. Alloy. A delicious picnic dinner was sort ed the workmen on tho A. H. Rhodes houso Thursday by their wives nn.l families, tho spread was greatly oil Joyed by tho men. Reeves Wlllcoxon wishes to an nounce to his friends that ho Is sn his vacation (working on the dlt!h works) but will bo nt homo to thorn In tho not far away future Mr. and Mrs. Henry Young and daughter of ncdmond camo out Sat urday evening to Sunday over tho guests of Mrs. Young's sister, Mrs. E. A. Russett and family. Wild ducks nro becoming qulto plentiful out our way. POWELL RUTTE. Oct. B. Mrs. Carl filalr loaves Monday for Port land for a for.' weoka visit with her parents. Miss Rertha Goodsell cntortalnod nt luncheon lost Wednesday, Mrs. Mary Orowllor and her granddaugh ter. Mrs. Joo Shearer and Mrs. A. D. Morrill. Will Rrown left last Wodnosday for Slstors to bo gono sovernl dayB. A. D. Morrill Is preparing con siderable ground for seeding to fall rye. Ho will sow tho Swedish va riety. N. R. Reach has finished seeding his homestoad to rye. Jim Grlllln hns bosn doing much drilling of fall grain rye, both for himself and I.. P. Hahlu. The hay balers aro now at K. F. Archers, and from there will go to D. A. Pattersons. (Special to The Bulletin.) MIl.UCAN. Oct I. Ta 8ku-K- Uk Kluti hald a iomHbs; at the v wair imlt Immt iirV to tnln hl It a mp at tha urMtdlont. Mrs. Ada R. wife la Portland. I MUlleaa. oh Saturday. October S. The J. Walum finished hla work at the followjnx oOteers ware elected for M 11,1,1 CAN. TT I. P. the first of the week Fred Wilson went to Rend Satur day after medicine for a sick cow. The Wallace Rros. had the misfor tune to lose one of their heat cows law, week. Qlirti. Kramnel loft the oarly part of The weak for his homestead noari tha Columbia. I'OWHIil, IlUTTK. (Saaelal to The Rulletln). ' P0WHLL RUTTB, Oct. 6. Mra. O. 0. TrweadeJe and Dorothy were jrawt of Mrs. Allen Wllieoion Tues day. Mra. Wlllcoxon also eatertatn (Ml tho following ladles for the aft. neea: Meedataee B. A. Ruaaett, Joe Hhearer, Mary Orewiler and Roes Duasett. A pleasant afternoon was passed hy tha ladies during ( which the hseteas served dainty refresh ment. A. W. Rayn was a business visitor ts Read Wednesday, returning home ITluxaHtftjr. Masdainea Robert Moore. N. P. Al ls and Virgil Humphrey wore callers at the J. J. Chapman homo Tuesday! aitoriioon. Alloa Wlllcoxon returned Tueaday from a business trip to Rond and Dos pintles. .Joe Elliott, who has bought 40 aftfde of third croo nlfalfa from Guy Soars. Is bimy putting up same. Mrs. A. W. Rayn was delightfully auryrlted Wednesday nttornoon when vevoral members of the Powell Ilutte forests gathorod at her homo for an afternoon of merry making. Tho la dles brought the makings of n flno luneh, which togother wuh pumpkin plea, croam slaw, and delicious cof foo, provided by Mrs. Rayn, wero all muoli enjoyed by tho crowd and leave taking tlmo arrived all too soon for iqo present, who wero Mesdanien W. T. Smith, W. G. Mustard, P. Pauls, N. P. Alley, 8. D. Mustard, Vir Kle Humphrey, O C. Truesdale, Mia Mabel Allen and Mrs. Rayn. W. T. Smith killed two coyotes Wednesday morning, the varmlnfB were Rotting too familiar with Mrs. Smith's flno drove of turkeys. Mrs. Allen Wlllcoxon and Harriett visited Wednesday In Deschutes, tho guests of Mrs. William Nonny. J. J. Chapman, who has been em ployed an operator at Carson, Oregon, for the post three weeks Is visjtns home folks for a few days. Henry Edwards has rented tho Henry Tweet place for next year, tho Tweets having moved to Rend Miss Mabel Allen and Mrs G C the ecmlng year: president, Mrs. Charlotte Owen, vice president, Mrs. Mary B. Davis, secretary, Mra. Anaos Rooaey, treasurer, Mrs. Augusta Kvnns. Program oommlttee: Mrs. Charlotte Owen. Mrs. Ada II. Mllll can, MUs Gertrude Market. Delegates to the Oregon State Foderatlon of Woinens' Cluua to meet at Eugene Oregon, October 12th to 16th were Mrs. Charlotte Owen.- Mrs. Ada R. Mllllean; alternates, Mrs. Anne Mar ket Forbes. Mrs. Lucy Klger. After full and free discussion the following uigeetloBS were made as special features of the coming eara work Halted and efficient effort for tho Central Oregon highway. The nam ing of a bulletin on homesteaders reelpes, combining tried, healthfiil appetising and economical method of preparing foods fo family The Improvement of our sehool houro grcuifd. etc. A social monthly meet ing to which the men will be Invited After the business inoetAng a lunen oon of hot cakes was served by the hostess, aeslstod by Mrs. Charlotte A "Rod Tlmo Stories Club was or. gnntxod October 3rd, by tho school children of school District 87. A largo and ivnthuslas:tlo crowd of llt tlo folks gathered at tho homo, of Mrs. A. D. Norton and after oloctlnir otllcors spent n vory happy afternoon reading stories and playing games. Tho following officers wore oloctod' Molba lllnklo, prosldonl, Opal Hop per, vlco president, Sarah Davis, sec retary, Harold lleathmnn. treasurer, Tho club has n tnomborshlp of 20 children who have promised to pro tect nil of Mother Nature's children. Tho Insignia in n red button, with Peter Rabbit's picture in white. Harold Davis caught a largo beau tiful lynx In a trap on Juulpor moun tain Monday. The anlmnl weighed about CO pounds. Mrs. Gcorgo Mllllcnn arrived homo Friday from an extended trip to tho coast. Sollti reservation, nnd Prlno vlllo. A crow of men nr putting up the poles for tho now telephone lino which will run from hero to llcnd. Mrs. Mary Rooncy wont to Port land Friday. A. D. Norton Is putting up n now addition to his homo. A dance will bo given at tho A. D. Norton homo Saturday night. F. O. Klgor arrived homo Sunday. Mrs. Goorgo Mllllran wr.s a caller at tho Owens homo Monday. Mrs. A. G. Allen drove homo Frl day for nn over Sunday visit. Mr. nnd Mrs. Louis Goodman woro callers at tho R. K. Davis homo on Thursday ovenlng. Mrs. Martha Forgoy loft Friday for a visit with her daughtor, who lives In tho State of Washington. Mr. and Mrs. I. P. Rooncy woro o&llors at the A. D. Norton homo on Friday. Robort W. Sawyer, nnnoolnto editor of "Tho Rend Rulletln" will sponk on County Division nt tho Norton homo before the danco commences Saturday night, October 10th. Gcorgo Parker nnd son Arnold, passed through here, onroute to Im perial Wednesday. Louis Goodman waa a caller In Rond tho past wcok. LOST CHEEK. (Special to Tho Rultotln) LOST CREEK. Sept. 30. Mr. O' Noal has returned to his claim after a flvo months leave of absonco. Mr. Collard accompanied him. A hunting, party consisting of Messrs. Rert Mcoks. Kinsman, Schrocdor and C. J. Stauffcr bagged two deer In tho vicinity of Ronjamln Lako. Ren Do Witt has gono to Rond for a load of lumber for a now hotno stoadcr. Dan McGough Is nt homo again nnd has put In twenty acres of ryo. Mr. nnd Mrs. Cowan, who have been on a business and pleasure trip to Missouri, aro homo again. Mrs. Ren De Witt and son Donald ware the guests of Mra. Perry last Monday. C. J. Davis waa a business visitor at Rolyat last Monday. Messrs Curran and Whiteside wero caller at the Perry home Sunday. Rev. Cerbett preached an Inter esting sermon at the school house Sunday. J. K. Carran was a business visitor at Stiver Creek last week. covering hor health and strength, duo sololy to Foley Kldnoy Pills." Patterson Drug Co. Adv. HI Klok. "Why don't you go to tho doctor with hthnt cold r "Cnn't iilTortl It." "You buy h Mtlr of shoes when you nevd llwrnT" "Yes. nnd thnt ends tho tntnnrtlon. The doctor kit'i telllim in to cotno HKiiln." l.ouUvlIlo Courier Journal. CHURCH NOTICES PrrHliytotlnu, Tho regular services will bo held nt tho Pros'hytei'lnn church next Hun day nn follows: Preaching at 11 u, in, from tho Rook ot GnlntloiiH, TIi'h Is tho third sermon In tho sorles, Preaching nt 7:30 p. in, from tho thorno, "Tho lllvor ot tho Sanctuary." II. 0. Hnrtranft. Htr Cosxlna Wy Hho-Oh. swtt hubby, he so good as to mak? un n prtwnl of lu) iiiiirks. Hi- Well. If you nettl.ttnuu you mtij hnvo them. Nti-Oli. Imw nbvl Now you iutil to girt nn only itm) iniirM iuor for my tailor's Mill Fllcgemle llbitlcr. Ilaptlfit. Rlblo school lu n. in. Preaching norvlco 11 o'clock. Young Peoples' mooting (1:30 p. in. Proaohlug mir vtcn 7:30. Prayer mooting nnd Rlblo study class Wednesday ovmiIiik 7:3. --- -" TT. Lafollette Nursery Co. 'Prlnovlllo, Oregon CKNTKAL OKEOON'SNUKSKRY ..-.-.- W Poidtltely MnMrrN Croup. Foley's Honey and Tnr Compound cuts tho thick choking mucus, nnd clears away (ho phlegm, Opens up tho nlr passages and stops tho honrso cough. Tho gasping, utrniiglltiK fight for breath gives wny to unlet breath ing and peaceful sleep. Harold Herg. Mass, Mich., writes: "Wo glvo Fol ey's Huaoy nnd Tar (o our children for croup nnd It nlwnyn notn quickly." Patterson Drug Co. Adv. What's the Use of f rolRhtlnir groceries from lloml froo of churKoT Lot JOHNSON pay tho freight. Ilctncmbor tho plnco, near 28 inllo post, Ilontl to Hums rond. St M1LLICAN, OREGON. MARKET REPORT. NORTH PORTLAND. Oct. 8. Re ceipts for the week have been. Cattio 1706, calves 121, hoga -1107, anepp C791. The live stock run for the week was very liberal In all linen. The cattle market was steady to a shado weaker. Fat steers sold at J. 90; buteher cattle steady. The outlet for swine was very broad. Prices were ten to llftocn cents un der last week's nxotaUoRH. Mon day's top was $8.06. midweek and closing prices were steady to $7.90. The receipts for the month of Sep tember showed an Increase of over 5000 compared with September 191 8. The ran of sheep and lambs this week was also large. Roth inarkelH were steady to strong. Prime syriag lambs sold In small (luautllles $G to 16.10; fancy yearling wethers firm at $6.50; choice ewes steady at un changed prices. Check Kldnoy Trouble at Once. There Is such ready action In Fol ey Kidney Pills, you feel tholr healing from the very'nrst dose. Uackaob, weak, Horo kidneys, painful bladder GOOD POTATOES WILL BE IN GREAT DEMAND THIS SUCTION SHOULD RKCOONIZIJ TIIK RUST MARKKTARLH PO TATO AND PLANT ONLY THAT KINIX COUNTY AGKIOUL. TUItlST GIVKH ADVICK ON IMPORTANT HUIUKOT (Ry County Agikulturlht A. K. Lovctt.) The past three years havo provon to the farmors of this section that potatoes can bo cuccesofully grown here. With oven poor cultivation and attention, wo have been ablo to produce a good yield on our lands. Tho great problem has been that of getting the potatoes to a good mar ket and getting the price for them. Tbo great mlstako that wo have mado In bis section Is In not recognising the best marketable potato and plant ing and growing that kind. Wes. tern Oregcu is today buying their po tatoes from Utah, shipping thorn Into their towns through California simp ly because the farmers in Utah know what Is wanted and produco and soil that kind of potatoes, The murltet demands a potato, them. smooth and uniform and wokhlng from uovon to eight ounces. Tho pink or blue potato may bo all right for our homo trade but thoy aro not In demand on tho market. In order to sell on tbo larger markets, wo must produco tho slzo, shape and col or thoso markets demand. To grow potatoes that will sell, we must plant that kind of potato. To get a heavy yield, wo must plant po tatoes from heavy yielding hills. Bavo the best hills in tbo field for seed and don't part with them at any prico. If you can buy bettor than you havo, da it, but now Is tho tlmo to savo or buy your seed. If wo ralno tho potatoes domnndeu, wo can sou Stop the Loss Fires are Unnecessary RRICIC IS ARSOLUTELY F1RK PROOF IN ANY ORDINARY CON FIJIG RATION. RRICK RUILDINOS NHVKU RURN, ALTHOUGH THI2Y ARK SOME TIMES INJURED DY FALMNO TIMIIKItS OR COMRUST1RLK INTERIOR WOODWORK. A RRICK RUILDNG IS ARSOLUTHLY FIRB PROOF IF WIRB GLAB8 IB USED IN THE WINDOWS AND IF RURNKD CLAY FLOORS ARB U8ED. AN INTERIOR FIRE IN SUCH A RUILD1NO IH CONFINED TO THE ROOM IN WHICH IT ORIGINATK8; NO OUTSIDE FJRB CAN ATTACK IT THE PROPORTION OF RURNKD CLAY IN IIUILDINO CON8TRUO TION MEA8URES ITS FIRB PROOF QUALITIES. RURNKD CLAY IS THE ONLY IIUILDINO MATERIAL THAT HA8 REEN THROUGH THE FIRE IIKFORK YOU GET IT, IN SUCH A MAN NER THAT IT WILL RESIST-FIRB. ALL COMRU8TIHLB MATERIAL IS RURNED OUT OF THE RRICK IIKFORK YOU OUT IT. WHEN YOU BUILD USE MUCK. The Bend Brick & Lumber Co. BEND PARK COMPANY , A J-T iet - REAL ESTATE We Control and Have For Sale, at the BeSt Prices and Terms, the Largest Amount of Business and Residence Property in Beftd. Call or Write for Free Maps aid Descriptive Matter INSURANCE Insurance Written in All Its Branches in World Known Companies LIST YOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT WITH US. OUR OUTSIDE OJHces nnd Agents Better Enable Us to find You Purchasers and Tenants. H I BEND PARK COMPANY Oregon Street, Bend, Oregon. Empire Building, Seattle, Wash, 1 i'V