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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1914)
VAOK . tiii: in:i iui.lktiv, iiknd, om:., wkunksday, hkptkmiiur no, ion, Deschutes Ranger for August (Continued from Inst wcok.) Tho Secretary of Agrlcultuio m classified 49.1G7.61 acres of land, known ns tlio Sisters l.nnd Clnsaitl cntlon Project, ns chlolly vixlunlilo fot forestry purposes, nnd uonllslublo tin tier (ha Act of June 11, 100G. This tract In toentod Ml of tho (own or Sisters along (ho eastern slope of (ho Oasotido mountains In Township H B.. RnVgo 8 Hast, nnd la Townships in. 14 nnd 16 S.. Range 3 liwt. The clnwMontlou Is (ho (liinl roaiilt of In tcnslvo Hold work done In 1913 mil 1918 hy oflleere of (ho Forost Sorvteo mnj or (he 1) u r oh il of Soils. Tho Hold work Inoludod nn estimate of (he mantling timber, ft dotallod soil sur vey nnd n Intensive study of the tordet nnd agricultural value of the nren. The climatic conditions wotv found (o be adverse, (ho soil of lov ngrlculttiral value and no wntor nvnll nolo for Irrigation. Tho stand ot timber mi estimated to be over thrt? fourths or a billion feet U. M., ninety-four pereeut or which Is Western ellow pine of a good iiualt(y. This Is the first area on the Deewhutc or Patillna Pores finally etaeeWexl nv tlie Secretary of Agriculture after an Intensive Held atudy. Hath Mr. Sherman and Mr. Ames, on (heir recent (rip through (he Sis ters and Metollus country, comment ed favorably oa the excellent manner In which the d'atrtct was posted with HlgH-boards. It Is gratlf)lng to know , that such Improvements are app elated, as Indeed they nlwavs are es pecially by those not familiar with tho region. It Is hoped that all of (ha I'oroat may be completely posted ly another uninmor, nlthotiRh there Is a great deal of work still to i done. All District Hangers nro urs ed to'keep notes of places where sign boards arc needed, together with th proper wording for them, and next winter whon work Is slack prepare onotiKh to finish posting tho out r Forest. Not only are cross road signs desirable, but also mile signs along the main roads indicating th" dstaace to objoctlvo point. Funds, tire available tor the purchase or lumber and other necessary matorlal to complote this work this yoar. Let a .make tho Deschutes the best pos ted Forost In the District. The tiosturo fence at the David Lako Rancor Station has been en larged so that it now enclosoa a;. proximately sixty acre. Ranger Iirtakley went to Paulina hake on September 2 to spend several daya working with Ranger Curl on oxtenslvo land eUesIflcatlon. By co-operative agreement the Klamath County Hre Patrol Asso ciation nnd the Central Oregon Fire Patrol Association arc each placing ouo patrolman at Denver Marsh In i Township 2S S.. Range S East. t work with tho Forost guards sta :ionod at that place. too loiiowins cnanKCS imvo ucuc mado In personnel since tho dato of Issuing our Juno numbor: Miss Flor onco Barnhnrt has been detailed from tho Portland oluco to assist Mr. hong In doing tho clerical work nt Uond. lit Dlstrlcta 1 nnd 2 Lyti'i Wilson tins been employed its mi ad ditional patrolman, in District "I Jnuies Chlldors Is employed and lit Districts i and 5 Mossra. George Ciottllob and Mr. Crum. Chna. M Noff Ib taking tho pluco of U. r. Parker on Paulina Ponk lookout, M. Parker having boon forced to on account of his wife's Illness. Sam Welch and 18. D. Tylor have been stationed at tho Willow llangor Sta tion In Township SS 8., Range S 18 , to assist on lire patrol. Forest Ounril Usher has been building n new road along tho o-nt side of Crano Prairie, which when completed will shorten the d!etaac4 from the south end of the prairie lot tlio ranger station, ns won ns avot I )To bo ,wi,i to rj o. I. Cr the present road. NEW OFFER MADE ON NORTH CANAL (Continued from page 1.) settlers of the project and to te Sate of Oregon. Tpon our previous offer n report i was made l tho I S Km lamut i Kiiruk oi s This report d d not ; t- (Ion (ho "ticiMirncy or logllliniuV tf our atntoment of corta .if the propel lies wo propose to deliver, which n Huliitilttod In detail to thorn mid which la nvnllnhlo to you. Thin state, metit shows n cost or $42(1.990.00. Hut tho Reclamation KtigtnoerH con sidered only (ho oqt of ruproducttt'i of a part of the work and looont uiondod thnt we lie paid $60,000.00 They did not provide for the delivery of water to the Powell Uuttea ills trlot, nor did Mr. Low Is, who llled a dissenting report tit which he recommended that wo bo paid $1(55. tog. 00. do 8.). "la oonslderliiK this matter It ' only fair to consider our total cost. "Taking the ostlmnto or our Muffi neer an n butts, tho following state ment will show that wo nro ondtlod to much more than we ask. It the estimate of cost should be Increased, ii would probably' Increase .propor tionately the amount we should re ceive. Colt of completion of project , fUS.fll.e-) 150.UUU.U0 IHuluctlonn to ho made from emit of C. O. I Co. on account of de liveries In uroordntu-e with method of tho U. H. Reclamation HiiKliinurH. SSIO norod previously nold nt ftiil per noro ? o0.600.03 For the Pmvoll llutto lnnda proportion of amount paid Co. VIA to 136,000 IS. I of .16.000 Lining 170,800 $21,179 130:660 S3. 8 per ot. of Canal M.,1. 1.1 tor. P. 6.77.918 J1S.I17 Total eoat .' $R.tJ 1 LOO Sfi.Tls Irrigable acres lees M00 previously sold J St euet per acre. Cti. feet Total water diverted Per see. Pet Pilot Uutte Canal Iads SB SS."! N'orth Canal UnU .... in At. Powell Butte Lands , . . 13" IS. 4 Reeerre .. ISO 11. 1 Total capacity North Canal e use Hie rnv i( It n R i-l imat'i n I'.ve. ir 10.10 100 u.;i'P-s or liiM u 130:800 M. P. ft and M P. 1 1. 18.3 pur ct. of SUtlt ... 3B.410 M. P. 14 to m. p. is ' ss.uoa.O') For Pilot Hutte Onuui 3S.S peroLof 111,000 SI.S00 170,800 17,0,500 07.740.00 It iPli IKi liBi!ty-t:i"9 P plllilMiiilgStiSMiiia I tnkc I WILL cow U as 4 mitm pmm Imim liJSfl mi wmm m fa issiieis fi&3&sk m J( V ll ft 1914 MODEL io p!ncc of every fourth I conn with a Hi S. M goad cow witbeut a U. S.L RtlU MAKE lite gmitc6t profita for the dairy farmer SAVING the most time nnd U1or fcr the womuii folks, nhvay& EASY for n U. S. to pny for. iUeJf in one dairy souton. Yc would be pleased to set up or.e of these separators at your home and you be the judge. SKUSE HARDWARE CO. BEND, OREGON S19S.S38.00 Deducting si9S.S3t.oo from $3i.M0 our cost, gives $281.6:. 1.00 for which we nek $133,000.00 "The abbva method U the least favorable to this company and the matter could Ite promoted to show n much greater difference In the company's-fayor, hut auiriclent dirferotiN between the coiufMiiy'fl cost and what Is asked Is sltjpwn to prove our rlnlm in be very moderate "lu an ordinary trnnanrtlou of sain nnd purchase the purchaser Is uot In (nested In the appllentlou of the pioceeda if the sale, nor Is the Ques tion of profit Ignored, us in the prea elit case. Tbe State coniumplatliig Its i leninl relationship cannot Ignore tin liiHTiKtM or all parilaa. Tho price nli-l h iik Is the least ninouut with wbnh we can complete the existing 1 b item nnd pay our IndehtedneeH nl-rc-Mh Incurred on the North Canal and dntn i If deemed ndvloable, the Company i would allow $35,000.00 to renia'u n l Die state's hands In llou of the pros- Ant lmjti1 trt ft flAn All ieiieiea.i ' -t( ''viite ! fenivvu,ur i nnainri tee the rebuilding of the main lluma. Verv respect fullr. CPATUAL OKIIOON lltltinATION COMPANY. Hy F. 8. J5TNLKY. President." The West Unit. nswerlng rdeaeagee from the Com mercial Club In riect to the Wwit ' Cult Ccngnesman W-inott his wrl-! ten that he has been Informed at th Interior Department that 8e,riai-vi line's authority over the $.i0.noo! appropriation doea not expire utr'l : June 30. 1015. Under these c'rcum-' stances the campaign for the linme-) dlnle sllntment of this sum hrs been . alowed up to await the receipt of the Reclamation Surrey repot t on tht West Cnlt. It Is iiees'lde that tho power of ni lotment will be returned to the Sec retary of the Interior and that then ' a moro general camnalgn ran be be-( gun for tho expenditure of reclam.i-J tlnn monys hero and In other parts, ot Oregon. The. possibility comoe e, ? A Concrete u SKYSCRAPER ; 'M IN BEND I '- v In 1011 would bo out of plnco. It would bo u fow ydnra nhond or tho times. Not no now over with concrete I'LOOItH, HlllKWALKH, f bTKPM, CIHTKRNH, IIOOFH, IIOAHH, KlO., , Hto. No nuitorlnl Is cheaper or moro ilurnhlo , for those purposon than CO.NCIIIU'K. And when you bu'ld of CdN't'RKTK, usn only tho best commit, tmml mid gravel. It Is cheaper lu tho end. 5 Wo onn nupply you with tho proper slies - ' ot washed nnnd and ncreened grnvnl for your particular purpoNu. Ask fur iiuotatluns, x. Bollon, Ruetcnik S May FRANK MAY, Mr. Huntl, Oro, Olllco with Itobt. II. (loul.l, llcscliiifes Ibiuk lliilldliig. v 'Coiureto L'ltlnmtely, Why Not ,WV" t through the nrtlcn of Senator liorn'i on Hntiirduy In getting nttarbed to tho Alaska con I lousing bill a pro vision restoring the authority wlil-li GougtottM look nwav h few mouths ago. The lesslng bill Is nuw lit the House for action. n win- Hiti.t.ti to iivitti. The current Issue of the Harney County News contains the announc mont or tho sale lu C. A. Ityrd or tb Interest lu the jnipor held by Frank Davey. Mr. Davey expects to devote himself to his other buslnes Interests. The Portland Ad Club, during Iti stay In llend. visited limNy imluta -r Interest. It became very ueoeeea y after the eruption at lava llutto I) look for tho leading barber shoo They found It here. Woro (hey rlglUT l -rlghl. An example wr (hy of Imitation. The MetniKill-trn.- Adv, The BRICK GARAGE (UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT) First Clttvs Repair Work done by experts. Yes, we repair Folds, and Kn'tt-,t', the job. Full line tires and supplies. We have a few bargains in second band ears. 1 (live ns a trial.1 ' n TEe Bond Garage Company WHERE SERVICE COUNTS R. II. IIRUNKA C. M. IlAKKIt I inmiMiimnmimtiiiiMiinii I MMIMHMMMMMIMllim --- ---- --- . .-..-,- - J..... .--. --. - -- "--- - ,. --- -emHt t-rm ::::nisi Lumber Complete Stock Dry, Rough and Finishing Lumber Maple and Fir Flooring m Y FOR BUSINESS LOTS FOR RESIDENCE LOTS FOR GARDEN LOTS For Close-in Acreage FOR FARM LANDS Let us show yon the property ;c" " conservative buyer that BEND REAL ESTATE is a conservative investment TATE Lath and Shingles tt . i.i Pine House and Irrigation Spout, Lath, Red Cedar Shingles The Bend Company i , 't-..i'. OFFICE CORNER WALL and OHIO STS. -V- fleet 'f ' - ---- M " I. I' t .