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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1914)
Till', IIP.Ml IIILUITIN, MUM), ORE,, WHUNI HIIA, Hf.PTPMIlEH 110, III! I, PAGE 7. N. HIM) ftr- U .'in. 'or 'nil Int.1 (hi, ort Oil, Id; nr, 3.i rl- in -(to to.' X. A. w. iin Vi IUI ll. - I tr ; & MARKET REPORT. NORTH PORTLAND. Hunt. ST. Iiwolpts for (liu wetili hnvo boon: rii- lll 17.', Clllvon HO, llMKH 30(!,"i, shm.ii (Uttl. Cnttlo iiiitrhot stonily. Ltqui ilHtlun punsldorithly larger compared with IiihL windc. Ileal MlonlH $fl.7fi to ?7 oowa $1) to $0.15; liolfnrM $0.88 to fU.nOi IiiiIIh fl.7r. I(nrnlHH or Jiomh not exceptionally largo, trade ntHiiily with host Hi lift going OVor tliu ICIllOH JK.U. to IS. 20. MIlUOII house 4utd u iiitut hohhIoii, mi only u tow bund or mutton ttnii iiiniiiri were oi roruil for wilii. Cholim young IiiiiiIm lanuhud in. 26 Thursday. Mwos fm- luriid again nt $1.(10. Wetlior dent Hiiitill, Trniln oliwed on atondy bust. 1IIAI H8TATK TIIANHFHHH. limited liy Crook County AliNtrnt'l Co, Fnnnlo B. Hhlroinnn In Holiool Dla Irlnl N'n. 1-1 II. 1. Iilk. 21. Park Add. lloiWL I. W. Towimllo Co. (o J. IC. Dlx- ,on It. 10, blk. XI, N. W, T. Co.' 2nd tuld lluiid. Lena M. Mol'horson to l.okoti C. MolUieraon WV HICnf .VII UMfl-ln, $no. . Jolih H. Hmyllta to Oarllngor Motor Oar Co., II H SW 10; RW N S-1X-1'4. Rhino to miiio It. 7, Iilk. 12, Ilea htiteM nilil, IIhiiiI. Ootid Co. to M. R.. right of way for phou lino RU NW J 1.17-1 J. J. II. Hhoute to Florence Lunlmok I until for IhI It. 18-i. Iilk. X!, A.HV?ler add. Ilend. lUBO. U. R, to Fletcher Bdwnril tmtert MM RV, IH HIS 11-18-1X1 IL 4, 80-'ll-lt. RherlU to Ralph Polndexlor it (I) W III. N RW II-U-IO: NW KB. KM RW ll-XMO, $180.28: xon, teoo. ' Hand Co, to Virnon A. Forbe 1U. 11, 1ft, blk. IS, l'lirk mid, Hand. Sam to -same r.tnl II. M, HiuUh Clothing Company, ll. 18, Wk. U. MIHQ . ' II. J. Qverlnrf to VHrnoti A. Porbea i Int. It. X. 3, I, blk. 3, Read. Corn II. Trlplelt to A. II. MslCen mm it. It. X, hlk. 1, llwid. I. A. Peterson to Wrick O. Dnhlln lt. IX. blk. UK. 1st Hdit Ilend. Jik (I. lUtnm to - S. Ilarrliwoi It. IX. Idk. It. ImiwrlHl. I'. 0. Cm Trtult to Ammw A. Hr. rli. KH lt-14-10. tmprUl lI"KHfHt Cft. to 0. W Klon It. 1, X, I, bk. , ItHtwrlnt, 11X5. I, i iwtu mr (jo. to uJHfl M. iray ' I 1i. I, hlk. 104. 14 arid fitted I'arx, I ', XXI. , Hvmm nnrapnnr to I'. PTMlttrMkiraH It. II. blk as. Cfltr Hlt. Iltl. I.ydl A. May t llnlmM Dnrbor- mw It. IX. blk. S. ItHiMftiiL Cmmn4 Ow A Klvrtrlc Co. to ltnd iBd (.. kh m. tw an. b rw. .IX: NR NW. WW KK. 'W IX N'K tt-16.10: lu. X, i, 7-U-ll h4 wntar rllrttt. fXX0A Jm. Ityan to A. K. Tuompann bh NW. K W. HW RK, 1.-1. A. It. TteiituuMH to Boat. IMHd Co Cli Th lu-Htl Oomh-nhv la LWHnnl ll hhlutnaa lit. I to f. blk. 9. It. J to t. l to It. Idk 10. I lo 11, blk. 11, t to blk. IX. S to II. blk. II.. I lo IB. Idk. XX. 1 to 11. blk. XS. X to S, Mk. 'li, Culr iwld. Howl. On. W Mrrur to Wont D- .mttot KV SIS 11.18.11. liu. -l. NM, MW -!! 1. hWmi iM for wnter rlKhU fw SV, 8V. It. X-l. 8-1 LU. .' MRCHJOTICES l'rt-liyirrlnii. ' The tliem of nnxt Rumlar iHorn. Iiir'm wrtiiiin will he "Imw and ,(lmcoi" which In the inooad In n wr- Iwi on the ltNk of tlulattoni. The iivenlHK rnion will ho on "Tim Malum or ChrUt . tho Itlolum or tho llellovor." II. C. Ilartrnnft, (initor. MrtlKMlUt. ItORtilar eorvleiNi will hu hold rt .the MulliodUl church noxt Hundav. In the ovfinliiK tho imntor will Hponk on ooret Soclatlna. A apoelal Inv- Matlon l extended to niomhura or fro tenia) oraunUatlona. A. S. Illnek. 'ot Kt'i't llowii Quality Kept Ui. No hotter inudlolno ooulil ho inntlo for ooiikIin, colda, orouit. honrauncsM. 'tlsklltiK throat, hronohltli, otc, than I'oloy'a llonoy nnd Tnr Oomitoftnd. .Thnt'H why they can't liuprovo tho ilimllty, and war or no war, the prloe retnalna tho anine. No oplctea. Don't .tako MiilMtltutM. for l-'oloy'H llonoy " .....I ffnu i ,t.A l.oji, lnr.nn Hriliy Ullll IUI in hid iiirot. ivi" .'."o Co.Adv, NOTH'K TO 1IUJK HlfNTHIIH. All huntora nru warned that tho 'dusk hunting nenon dooa not opon until Ootoher 1. tho Btato law In thla roHpcct holiiK anccoodod hy tho Kod oral Wcoka law. V Clyde M. McKny, District Wardon Statement of the Oivnrrrdilp, Mnnatfo . ment, Mrrulntlotii Ktc, or Tho llond Hullotln, puhllahod wookly, at llond, Oregon, required by .tho act or AiiRiiat 24, 1013. Name or I'oatofllcQ Addroas Kdltor, n. P. 1'utnam llond, Oregon Mnnaglng Kdltor, U. W. Bawyor, llond, Orogoii IIUHlneaa Mnnagor, H. W. Bawyor, llond, Oregon Publisher, U. I. Putnam, , llond, Oregon Owner, 0. P. Putnam, llond, Oregon Known liondholdora, mortgagor, nnd other Hocurlty holdorH, holding 1 per cont or nioro or total nmount of honiU, mortguKos, or othor ji ' Qiirltlca: None. Avorago nuiuhor of copies of each U , uo of thU publication sold or dis tributed, through tho mallH or oth qrwlso, to paid suhsorlliora durlnpt tho six montliR procodlng tliu date or thlM statomont. (This Informa tion U roaulrod from dally nows- papora only.) (Blgned) It. W. Bawyor. Ilualnosa Manager tiworn to and Huhscrlhod hoforo iuo .this lBUt dX of Boptombor, 1014. . (Hoal H. K. AX.LHN Notary Puhllo In and for the State of Oregon,' residing at llond, Orogon. My commlBslon oxplres 8opt, IC, 1910.) LAST TIE PRESIDENTS OPPOSED TO PRESIDENT WILSON SAYS: "I nm In favor of Local Option. I nm a thorough boliover In LOOAL SELF-GOVERNMENT mid boliovo tlmt every self, governing community which constitutes a sooinl unit should linvo tho right to CONTROL tho matter of tho roffiilntion or the withholding of licenses." WILLIAM HOWARD TAFT i:-trHi(l.nt. Nutrtman. Jurist and I'rorrMur In nil Jlrr ult Clvlo iMii), Mid; "Nothing la nioro foolish, noth ing moro utterly at variance with Round policy, than to on. not a law which, on account of conditions surrounding tho community, Is incapahlo of en. forcoment. Such instance are . . . presonted by sump, tuary'laws by which tho jkuo of intoxicating liquors Is pro. hlbitod undor penalties in lo. calitios where tho public senti. ment . . . will not sustain ' the enforcement of tho law." THEODORE ROOSEVELT Ex.Prcsidont, Soldier, Exploror nnd ono of tho most remark ablo leaders in tho United States, is a strong champion of LOOAL PELP.QO VERNMENT and Homo Rulo. Ho has novcr raised his voico in behalf of statowido prohibition, and oo ho has suffered attacks from radical and hysterical prohibl. tlonists. As botwocn & man of Thoodoro Roosevelt's ability and standing and those who aro tho paid emissaries of pro. fesslonal propagandists, tho voters of Oregon will not bo slow in passing upon tho wis. "dom and credibility of tho witnesses. With these tfiree National Leaders agreed on the Issue of Prohibition, Isn't it wis dom to follow their course? Register and Vole 333 X NO Paid Ailvcrtliemont Taxpayc'ra and WngeKomora' I.eagua of Oregon, Portland, Oro. Just arrived, nlco lino of caudloa, nuts, eto. You will appreolato our warm bath rooms In the cold weather. Tho same trio of bnrbora Is nt your aorvlco. Tho Metropolitan. Adv. PROHIBITION w POWELL BUTTE (Continued from page 2.) Itedinond vlalted at tliu B. A. Ilmwo't HoinM wodiieaday. Mr. nnd Mra. Otiy Dohaon and Mr, nnd A' re. 1). A. Kendall or Itudnioiid ntteniiMd tho Mraaoo aaln Tueaday. Mr. .1. I", Itlco won liontww) to th Powell flutte HorotlM Wednoaday af toiuooti. About n doen ladlca were In attoiiilnnco ii nd n plqammt nftor noun iihwihiI, DurliiK the aocliil ana. alon an appropriate liinahuou was aorved by tho lio-ton uMlated Ur Mra. V. (1. Miiatnrd. The next moil In will ho with Mm. Ida Morse. Horn to Mr. and Mra. I.eo lloblw on ThiirKday morning n aou. Mr. mill Mra. John. Hnxtori of Opal City, the latter a slater of S. P. At ley, vlattml at the Alley hnine Thuti. day, returnliiK home I'rtdny. Mr. nnd Mia. Hnxton, who are nowlyweda, were given a rousing aarenndo Tliurd ilny evening by n crowd of youun folka reinforced by aome older ouea. Mra. W, A. Nanny of Deachutea waj a xueei of Mra. Allen Wlllcoxon froiA Weduemlay till Prlday or laet wek. Tho MlamM ChuboH, alalera or Mra. Uarl Porreat, left Wwltiffday (" their home In llelllnghaHi, WaaU., fol lowtnj; an elenilod atay here. Mr. and Mra. Itoaa Iloanett enler Itlned the Rhobert family and II. A. Iluwett family at dinner Tlluraday. Mr. and Mra. V. H. Yoiiiik or lted mmd wwr dinner Kueata at th AJIen Wlllcoxon home Wrdneaday etenln. J. A. ItlSKM haa lti up to Hen 1 for the paat avreral doya attending to the aalo or aome heer cattle. Mr. Allen Wlllcoxon and dauajhter Harriett were Mend vial torn Friday, returning Raturdur. (leorga Ifobba la entertaining a eouMln from Oregon city who arrlred the latter Mrt or the week. Mra. WllliniM Pariah arrived from Maker City, Oregnn. taut week to Join her husband on the Geo. lloblia place. Allen Wlllcoxon waa a llond rial- tor Monday. Mr. aid Mra. llwry Tweot and ramlly moved to Uend Munday. Mr Tweet lotetids to run a ulaekamlth hop. Mr. and Mm. Karl Forraat, who have rented their place to "Hill" fohuaon, left for llelllnaliaiu, Waah Ingtan. Monday evening. Foeter nrothnra started on the laat of the fall threading Tueaday morn ing. R. R. Rboperd arrived Runday from Ran Frandeco and la Vailing at the I. A. Uuaoett home. He will prob ably i amain for the winter. Mr. hepard la a pioneer of tbla eeetlo-i tind hla many frlcada are glad to Mm again. Meatra. Ouy Iifolletle. Cole Hm'th. Irl ICarnat and Ooo. Ilratee ehlooed hoga to Portland Tuoedav. Mcflher ry had charge of the ahlpment. In cluded In which wore two oar of cat tle from Mr. ftrasee. t..i a. ....,.. .i t- a nuu.,i wild MVHi-el load of botri to Mc- !' by you. and your aald on wirkiTIr n jr.d d.lWert-ir them tr" kneeled thereunder with- rhapmau. who ha been work- operator at CartoJ. I epected J. J Ina aa oneralo l11 !?.r.?.. .. ... V ?","!." ... a tike capacity at the HediMOHd nt- tlON nuiur or nur farmer hare i jLrklH at ditSh workaeaat of r..T?f.!l? .?.' 21!' 1IaJTL.. Ilend. avnral going up Monday morn ng with the Intention of ataylng long aa borne feed la( when they will return for more feed. The pro, ant fine weather la favorable to tliolr work. Mra. Jone and aona wont to Prln-v villa Monday where. Itnlph will re main and attend the C. C. II. . POWKM, llUTTK, Sept 27 At tho poelnl echool incotlng held at the lltitlu Valluy ohool houxo tho 21b'., Carl lllalr wna oleotcd olork. The ehool ofllcor now are N. II. lllalr, J. I. Jone. nnd A. D. Morrill, dlrec- tor, nnd Carl lllalr, olnrk. Tho hay 1ml or nro In tho neigh borhood now, niter a couplo ot weokn delay. Thoy will have consldornble baling to do In tho old rlvor bod roc tlon. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Prlokott nre nretiarliiK to niovo to Colorado, hav ing rented Iholr "40" to I,. W. Illnlr. Tom Dompey haa routed tho For roat fnrm. Frod Ploreon left for Portland laat wqok aud will go from thare aeon, to hlft homo In Canada. John Itlder U nnsturlng n large drove of entile on Carl lilnlr'a plaee. Mr. J. P. Ilowman nnd chlldrnn, who hnvo boon vUltlng In North Yna lum. WnBhington, ror somo tlmo, nro expected homo aooti. A Ijimo- Hack Kidney Trouble Cause It. And It will glvo you oven worsq II not checked. Mra. II. T. Strnyngo. OnlnoHvlllo, Oa., waa fairly down in hor back with kldnoy trouble nn,d In flamed bladder. Sbo aya: "I took Foley Kldnoy Pllla and now my back la ntrongor than In yenrc. and both kldnoy nnd bladdor trouble aro on tlroly gono." Patterson Drug Co. Adv. Ono cont n word la all a littlo want Ad will coat you. NOTICK FOH rUni.lOATION. Dopnrtmont of tho Interior, U. 3. Land Oftlce at Tho Dallos, Orogon, August 31, 1014. Notice Is horoby given that Clif ton M. Rosin, of llond, Oregon, who on Octohor 23, 1011, mado homo Btoad entry, No. 09D74, for SW SKH. Bfcctlon 32, SH SWVi Soctlon 33, Township 10 S., Rnngo 10 B.. W. M., nnd NV4 NWtt Section 4. NMi NBi Section 5, Townahlp 20 S., Rango 10 H., Tllamotto Morldlan. has tiled no tlco of Intontlon to mako final throo year proof, to OHtabllsli claim to tho land above dosortbed, before Register and Rocolvor ot tho Unltod States Land Oftlce, at Tho Dalles, Orogon, on tho 23d day ot Octobor, 1014. Claimant namoa aa witnesses: For dtnnnd Tauschor. Mra. LouIbo Flem ing, Alvln Loo, Thomas Cray, all ot Uend, Oregon. H, FRANK WOODCOCK, 37-31. p. Roglstor. NOTlVlJ FOIl ITIlMCVriO.V. Department or tho Interior, V. H. Mnd OMre nt The Dullea, Oreo.i, A glial 21, 1011. Notice la hernby given that Wil liam I). Clark, ur Lnldlaw, Oregon, who, on July IX, Itfll, iiinde hotne Hload entry, No. 002, for NMNlCVi, RWNIV, NW'BI3Vl, RectJon XO, Townahlp 10 K., Itango 11 ., Wil lametto Meridian, haa Wed notice ur Intention to make final three year proof, to oetahllah claim to tho land itliovo dencrlliod, before II. C. IIIIU, n United Mtatoa Commlaalonor at hl odlee nt (lend, Oregon, on the 12th day of Oolohur, 1011. Claimant namee aa wltnoMea: Jo boz I,, Couch, (leorge W. Couch. Clcorgo M. Coueh, Prank H. Dayton, Jnmee M. Klry, all of Laldlaw, Ore gon. II. FIIANIC WOODCOCK, 20-30C IteglNtnr. NOTICK 1'Olt PCIIMCATIO.V. Dopartment or the Interior, V. 9. Land Office at The Dalle, Oregon, Atiguat XI, 1011. Notice la hereby given that Ferdi nand Taiiaeber, or Head, Oregon, who on November 18, 1X10, made liome etaed entry, No. 077 IS, for KH, Rec tlon fl, Townahlp 20 8., Itango IS IS., Willamette Meridian, haa filed no. tlce of Intention to make final throe year proof, to eatabllah claim to the land nlHtve deecrlbtd, liefore Iteicfa ter and Iteeelvrr or the United Htatea n.Hiitl Oftlce, at The Dallea, Oretfoii, on the XXd day of October, 1S11. Claimant natnea aa wttneeaea: Lolnae Flemmlnar. Cllflon M. Itoeln. J. II. Iloataon, CllfTord Cook, all of Ilend, Oregon. II. FltANK WOODCOCK, 27-31. p. Itoglater. NOTICK OK CONTKST. DoiKirtiuent of the Interior. United Rtatoa Mod Office, I.akevlow, Ore- Hon, Sofitamber 10, 1X14. To Nod W. Hyatt, of Ilend, Oregon. CONleetee: You are hereby notified that It. P. S !i"r. wh" ,'.T.M "e"li,n7 "" Orogoa, aa hla iioet-ofllca addreea did on June 8th. 114, file In t.Ma olflee hi duly corroborated applica tion to conteat and aectire tho can epilation of your bomeatoad, Kntry . Rerlal No. 058X9. made April X0. 1912. for KICK Rectlon 11 sad NKK Seel Ion 14, Townahlp 17 N.. Itange XI IC. W. M., &d aa ground' for bin content be allege that aatd Ned W. Hyatt haa failed to eatabllah hla roatdence on aald tract: that he ha failed to cultivate aald tract or anr part thereof: that aald entry-nut haa wholly abandoned aald tract for ttpwarde or fix ntoMth laat peat Nnj that auch failure and abaudomno'it waa not due to hla employment In the army, navy or marine corpa or the United State In time or war or other wise. I You are, therefore, further nott i Red that the aald allogatlona will be l muw uj mm onice a Having oeon i.-t .,.! . . "w". '' ' on ! W'I. ,K ou fa to file In thta of- t4ce within twenty day after Uie FOUItTIl publication of thl notice. ".tf10. JlSiu yo"--!?" Vndr oath, specifically meetlni: and io- I PO"nK theae allegation of oon- t-t'.or lf r" f'" wj,h,n ,nrt t,mc to file In thl olMce due proof that ! you havo nerved a copy or your an swer on tho aald conteetant olther in person or by reglaterod mail. If this Bervlee la made by the delivery of u copy or your anawer to the oontoa tant In person, prrof or auch aorvloe timet be olther tho aald conteetant' written acknowledgement or hla re eolpt or the copy, allowing tho date or It -receipt, or tho affidavit or the poraon by whom tho dollvery wu inado atntlng whon and whero the copy wa delivered; If mado by reg istered mall, proof of auch aorvloe niUBt conalBt or tho affidavit ot the person by whom tho copy was mailed stating when and tho post ofTlco to which It wa mailed, and thl all davit inuiit bo accompanied by the poBtmastor'a rocolpt for tho lottor. You should stato In your answer tho name of tho post otllco to which you dosiro future notices to bo sen to you. JAS. F. IIUUGHSS, Roglstor. FKKD P. CltONKMII.l.KU, Hecelver. Date of first publloatlon Sept. 16, 1914. Dato of second publication Sept. 23, 1914. Dato of third publloatlon Sept. 30. 1914. Ditto ol fourth publloatlon Oct. 7. 1014. 2S-31c NOTICK FOH PUIILICATION. Dopnrtmont ot tho Interior. U. S. Iind Otllco nt Tho Dalles, Oregon, August 24, 1914. Notlco Is horoby given that Charles R. Low, of Rend. Orogon, who, on Soptombor 28, 1900. mado Desort Land entry, No. 05339, tor YiV, NEVi Section 8, WH NW4. Soctlon P. Township 17 8., Rnngo 12 E.t VI Imnotto Morldlan, haa fllod notlco of Intention to mako final proof, to os tabllsh claim to the land nbovo de scribed, boforo II. C. Klllo, a United States Commissioner at hla office, at llond, Orogon, on tho 12th day of Octobor, 1914. Claimant nnmes as witnesses: Min nie O Low, Edwin C Rogora, John I. Mooro, Wilbur X. Hunnoll. nil of llond, Orogon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK. 20-30C. Roglstor. futtvte ALTAMONT HOTEL Moderate I'rlcea Modern Rooms Attractive Surroundings Steam Hout, Hot and Cold Water With Ruth Privileged Homo Cooked Meals Miss A, I). Spalding, Proprietor UEND, OREGON fimiHlWlllllllUllllUHlll NOTICIC roil PLIIMCATIO.N. I Department of the Interior, IT. R. 1 ImiiA Olflrp at The Dallea, Ore gon, Heptetnlier Zl, IBM. Notice la hereby glvn that Prank MaaMnKale. or Hand, Oregon, wJto, on May nth, 1011, made Homeatead ICntry No. 0S9IH, for HH RWVl. er Hon 2, RKVi MICH, Ruction 8, NV NKH, NV4 NWy, Hectlon 10, NWVi NW!4 Rectlon II, Townahlp 10 gotilh, llange 1 1 llaat, Willamette Meridian, haa filed notice of Intention to mako final three year proof to oatabllah claim to the land aboii deecrllmd, before 11. C. Kllla, 17. A Commlaeloner, nt Ilend, Oregon, on tho Clh day or November, 19M. Claimant name aa wltneeM. GeorKO 11. Wonderff, Auatln C. Har her, Chnrlmt Korakla, Jamea 11. Min er, all or Ilend, Orogon. II. FltANK WOODCOCK. 2 0-2 4 c. Kefstete. IN TUB CIRCUIT COURT OF THK RTATB OF ORBGON, COUNTY OF CROOK. H. M. Thompaon. Plaintiff, w. Vlrgle It. llraafleld, and George M. Hra- fleld, DefemlanU. 8OI.M0.VH. To Vlrgle It. liraafleld and George M. Ilraeflold, above named defendanti; IN TUB NAMK OF TUB STATIC OF ORBGON: You are hereby requir ed lo appear nnd anawer the com plaint filed against you In the above entitled Court aad suit on or before the seventh day of October, 191 1, and ir you fall so to appear and anawer the plaintiff will apply .to the Court for the relief prayed for In the com plaint herein, to-wlt: for Judgment against you and oach ot you tor the mini or $672, togethor with interest thereon at the rato or 8 per cent par annum from January 16. 1911, until paid, together with $70.00 attorney fee and tho eoeta and disbursement of thl action and for n decree of thel abovo entitled Court that the certain ' mortgage bearing date 6th day ufj Auguat, 1912. made and executed by! you, securing aald sum above men-' tinned on lot one U), block twenty alx f26) of Ilend, Crook County. Ore-J gon, be foreclosed and that auch Teal property described therein be sold by the Sheriff of Crook County, Oregon. In the manner provided by law and according to the practice of thl, i;ouri auu mai me pmcoeua oi aaiu aale be applied: FIRST, to the pay ment of the eoeta and charge far making thl aale and 8BCOND, to the payment or plaintiff's Judgment In clusive or attorney fee and interest and coeU, that upon the sale betas made the plaintiff may become a pur chaser, and thereafter that defend ant and all person claiming un der, by or through them or either of them he forever liarred and fore closed of any right, title and Inter eat in and to aald property or any portion thereof, earing and excepting only the statutory right of redemp tion and that the plalnUn hare Jud-, ment and execution against tne prop- -The Wrig;ht Is Bend's Leading Hotel WHY? It la n fireproof building It la thoroughly modern It 1 comfortable, commodious, clean ROOMS FROM 50 CENTS UP Tho wanta of all are satisfied weU at THE WEIGHT HOTEL Automobiles to all Interior Points THE WRIGHT H0TEL & CENTRAL OREGON'S FmE MFE accident. ... .... PL.VTE GLASS, AUTOMO- Leadinii INSURANCE Agency ihle, surety bonds. REAL ESTATE City and Farm Property AUBREY) Lots $150 to $350 HEIGHTS ( TERMS: $5 Cash and OROKLA) 3 Monthy J A C a QTppQ onlc on Oregon Street E I CO REND, :: OREGON - - - - - - - - - - " - Headquarters tor Commercial Men Electric Lighted Throughout ; THEBEND HOTEL ii HUGH O'KANE, MANAQSR BEND, OREGON Qood Rooms Free bus to and from trains ONE CENT A WORD is all erty or the defendant Vlrgle K. Uras fleld for any deficiency remaining up on auch Judgment after applying all the proceed of the aale of aald real property, properly appllr,ii.i ttnrto nnd for auch other and further r.llef a lo the Court may seem meet and Just. Thl summon la aerred upon yon by publication thereof for li eue eeeetre week In The Ilend pulletln, n weekly newspaper or general crfr ctilntlon, publlMhed In Rend, Crook Connty, Oregon, by order or tho Hon orablo O. Springer, Judge ot tho County Court of Crook County. Ore. gon, whleh order I dated the twen tieth day or April, 1911. the dato of tho first publication being tho 26th day of August, 1011. VKIINON A. KOftlJBfl, XS-X0 c. Attorney for Plaintiff. XOTK'K FOR Pl'M.IOATlON. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dallea, Ore gon, September 21, 1914. Notlee 1 hereby glren that Georei II. WendorfT, of Bend, Oregon, who, on April 2th, lill, made Home atead Kntry No. 8814. and on Novetn bl 29, 1912 made additional Koine Mead Bnlry No. 010890, 'or RWK, RNWy and Wi SE'i. Uwrtkui 3. Tcibahlp 19 South, ilnat,- II Kast. Willamette Meridian, haa Med notlco of Intention to mike final three yoa proof, to eatabllah claim to the land above described, before II. C. HUH, U. S. Commlealoner. at Rend, Orogon. on the 6th day of November, 1914. Claimant namoa aa witnesses: Frank Maeeengale, Auatln C. Harbor, Charles Korakle, James R. Miner, alt ot Rend, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, 20-3 1 o. Register. Hoofing of all kinds. Repairing promptly done. J. A. MacCLOSKEY TINNING AND Furnace Contractor Guttorinpr, Spouting, Cornfcos and Skylights. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED tr Jobbing Promptly Attended To J J. J. RYAN ! Plumbing and Healing PHONE 431 117 MINNESOTA STREET - - - - - --- -- - Special Attention to Transient Travel t Qood Meals All arrangements made tor persona I desiring to go south and east of bero - -.---4 a little want ad will cost you.