The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 30, 1914, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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VAars a.
mm in w
New Ilciri School Huild
iiiff, in three coloro,
Patterson Drug Co.
Mr. nnil Mm. (Icorgu Mllllonn worn
In town on Mnndny.
MIm lllnok resigned lior poattlon !
It. M. HiiiIIIi'ii today.
Forest Hanger J. A. llrlnkloy was
In town ovur Monday,
Mlns Mnymo Taylor U now Hvlm; nl
llio residence of Mm. I.ucna,
Wnlfor Coomlm look n party i.f
five to Tuutnlu Fnlla Hundny,
II. F. l)y,or was In frotti IiIh Mllll
can liomcatond on Bntiirdny, ,
H. C. Cnlilwull wont off on a hunt
Ing trip fur n fowInya Monday.
William Todd, tho Mllllonn ran
cher, hiu loft (or lit hniiivMlcail.
N. N. Hpeor, of CI Iff, wua In town
Inst week stopping nt tho Altumunt.
II. II. Do Armnud wont to Portland
Monday night, returning thla morn
Dr. Coe, who wna takon sick yes
terday, I reported liultor thla morn
ing. The V. C. T. l. will meet on Prl
day iiftorniMjM with .Mra. J. P. lte
" Mlaa Noll ,Mnrkel Ivaa been fliiiiilny
od )n Minn Arrlo Hlnck'n place at Jt
M. Hmtth'a.
Honoon Howard of the CO. I. Co.
wan up from Deachutoa yeatorday i,i
tonioon. j
J. I. Kcyes went to Portland 'Fri
day night, roturutux to town Huhd.iy
Jon Tnggiirt, who Iiiih been vory III
tlllllMK lllU llllllt Week, H II lllllO bettor
IIiIh morning.
0. iJoViHtmlf of liliiiiklnd viilli"',
plowed tliroUKli town 7ljjndny on hiu
way lo I'ornniid.
Mra. ,1. II. gliuiian filial lalncil tic
nolionl tmudior nt tan nt Mint Hi'ii'
dlitK'n yoMtonlny, i
Tlm ProHhytiirliui I.mllaH flui1 1
iiiootH with Mra. Clyde MrKny i
Wednesday nl 2:80.
Iflwnn Mnl.onnnr, tlm MIkiuHi i
Mittopiuan, wna In (own lust week
niglitored at tint Altninont.
MannHiir J. F. Pope of the I'loii" r
Telegraph fk Telephone Co., wna ovm'
from Prlnovlllo last week, i
Mr. mid Mr F. U 8hnw of HIhIom
apont HiiliirilHV In (own. While lieio
tlmy reglatorod at tho Allniiiont.
It. V. Wiitiiioro returned from IiIh
trip to Vcd, Callfornln, on Mondi v
and hifl that night for Portland.
Mra. 0. N. Clifton and Mrs Pen I
Kiiylnr of Prlnovlllo spent Kiitnrd y
In town, registering nt tho Altuinont
H. It. IIokIii will upend two inonUs
on lila plncn ikIJoIiiIiik tho "(!oni '
Wlinnr plncn In tho Tiimalo oouutrv.
A. I.. lludimn, who emtio lo llond
from Granger, WnMi., Inst spring.
Iiuvoa tonight to visit In tho tnlddto
J. P. Cronln, lirotlmr to Mra. II.
W. Hkime, wan In town over Hundav.
Ho returned to Portland Monday
John TnKKnrl ontno from J'ortlnn 1
lant week lo enro for Ida lirothor Jon,
who ha lifon Horloimly III durltii; th'i
paat wrok.
A. A. Anthony rnturnod from Mon
Von, lunt wink. Ilo aaya nftur all
Hotid looka nliout ra Rood to lilin an
any plnco ho can find.
Formtt Itnnuor llnrton Onoy wna
In town nvnr Hnndnv. Ilo loft Mon
day iiiornlnK for hla homo nt llu
Itlvar Itnnsar Htatlon.
OwInK In tho IIIiipm of Dr.
th i CUO party to havo lifon Klron Init
n'Hht tiy Mra. Ijinia Coo nnd Mri.
HtiKh O'Knno wna poatpnnod.
Mra. I.. A. Itutwoll nnd MIm Umlo
HiiuncII of Itmlinifnd oamo tin on Hun-
dny for inoillcul trontmont. Willi's
hum tlioy atoppud at tho Altamont.
(leo. Htanlny, of tho Hlanloy CnttM
Co.. wna In town over Hunday. Il
wont up to Crnno Prlrlo on Monday
whore ho oxlioeU to atny for tun dnvu
A. H. Colllna nturnod to town laat
wek from Portjand whuro ho ha
Ihwii nndar a phyalrlan'a earn for IU
iwai fow inonihH. Ilo la inurli hottar
Dr, Itdward N'oyoa of Portland wua
In "(own ovor Rnndny. Ilo weat
Crana Pralrla with Claorjia Htanlnv.
whore tlioy oxmct to Ih for aliont tan
TIIK NKW iti:ii K( II00L.
(lortrndo Marklo la nxpectod from
ChlofiRo iihoiit Thiiraduy, Hho will
ntar In town for nltont n wunk, nflar
whloli alio will ro out to hor liomo-atcad.
Shakers, Outings,
Cantons 1
10 & 15 Cents
L-iA. GENTS for Stniulnnl Patterns;
j the Standard Fashion Hook unci
The Di'sinar.
A, , French and family left Wod
nowday for Pondloton to nttond tiu
lloiiiid-Ui. Mra. French returned yea
tcrday and Mr. French It expected on
Tho Pioneer Tolograph & Tele
phono Co. haa laaucd n one aheut
aupplemmit to Ita directory llntlim
now ntiiilhcira nnd ehangca alnco lli-i
directory wna Itaued.
MIm Hnhultz, tho duputy ornanlror
of tho Fraternal lirotiiernnod, re
pnrtdilint a numhur of now momhora
liuvu hoeii obtained, nnd alio pcraon
ally oxtenda no Hivltntlon to all.
There will ho n reception at tho
Methodlit church Friday evenlriK.
Octohor 2nd, for the puilor, Itor
lllnok. Membora and Hiono nttnndlns
the church nro Invited to attend.
MIhh Arrlo lllnck lenvca for Por'
laud Kiiturday nlKbt. Hho Intcnda to
atny there n fow dnya, then vlaltln.r
her aUler In KottohurK. Oregon. Fmnt
HoReburK aho la RolaK to her home In
Tho roeulnr monthly IniMnoMi
iiit'ctlHR of thu MothodlNl l.ndloa Aid
Hoclety will bo hold at tho homo of
Mra. Jtnlph Hartlott In Dtmoliuto ad
dition nt 2:30 o'clock Wednoada;
Octohor 7lh.
Chrla Tlnnor. who haa been out
ployed In I -a Pino during tho auminr.
came down Mommy nlglil on oui
nofw Ilo loft yoterdy on hla return
to Creaconl wheru h will work i-n
the now aohool houia.
Mra. O. A. Thoraon'a mother. Mil.
Van Wle,. left Thursday ulKht f'i"
MhinoaiMillH. Minn. Mra. Thoraon
aeecmpanlud hor as far aa Portland
where aho Intonda to vlalt aoini
frlenda for n fow daya.
A Icltohen" answer wna given Wn
Katherlno Trautner at the rcoldeiif
of Mra. J. P. Knyoa lant week. The
eighteen gueata all had to take agios
neceraary kitchen utooHll, whlalt tlin
hid around tho houne, compelling the
i;ueat of honor to look for tlvem.
Tho llaptUt Womnn'a Mlwlnnary
Clrclo will moot with Mre. W. W.
Fr-ulkner Thuraday nfternoon. ai
2.30. Tho auhject for tho nfternoo'i
will Ikj "Tho Commonwealth and ihs
Kingdom." All ladle Intorcoted aro
cordially Invited.
The Kpworth Loagtio gave n aoclel
In Artlann Hull laat Friday night.
MIhh Caldwell waa chairman of the
ovcnltm nnd tlm roprcontntlvoa of
the different churoho eaoh g
abort addreaaoa. Coaon and Baud
wlchoa were aervd.
The hunting aeaaon opras tomor
row nnd many aro planning to atart
for the Inkoa to the aoutlt ra aooa m
the wonther change and the dueka
aro dilren In from tho mounialna.
It K Kmn returned to Portland
an Thuraday after r wmIi'i vMt wttli
hU atater. Mra. Kay Mnrelionae.
The two partlea of deer huntera
Who were out lact wk rtarnd
without any fame.
nnd Incrcnnlng demnnd.
The outlook for prosperity In thla
country ia good. Leading financiers,
prominent mnnufacturera, heada of
great Industrial euterprlnoa, nro giv
ing out optimistic Interview on tho
nffalra of tho nation. Confidence W
restored nnd money klnga are willing
to nid me men wiio want to engage
In legitimate undertaklnga.
Tho Hpoknno people havo enteral
Into A campaign to colonize the In
land Kmplre. They are planning to
place S000 famlllea on the laud. Why
cannot Central Oregon institution)
get together mid do aomethlng to
atlmulale aottlomrnt and colonlrii.
tlon? The land Is to be had. Let U
bo known to the homescekor. Mako
the price right and give the purchas
er ample time to pay. Kncouraje
men to engage In dairying and stock
growlog. There la n market for
every j to mid of butter that can l
mnda and a demand for beef cattle,
hoga and sheep.
When the number of homeaeokerw
la considered In connection with the
area of land unfilled. It will lie wn
that thousands can secure ho in on in
Central Oregon, and It la to this pee
tlon that the attention of men look
ing ror locations ahould be more
generally directed. There la aomo
pioneer work to be done, but the re
turn la worth more by far than th
outlay of labor or the expenditure ol
money neoded to put the farm on a
paying Imsla. There will be aomo
time required, but every good thing
ncceaaltatoa some effort and a modi
cum of jwtleace.
The people of llend have roaaon
to feel encouraged. They have laid
the foundation of a city, the building
up of which la dependent upon nat
ural resource. The material la hero
You can well nfford to proceed atony
tinea you have begun the dovolop
moot of the reaourcoa, the eatnhllah
inent of Industries and the settle
ment and cultivation of tho land
There hna leen no booming nt llend.
and your steady and continuous
growth la proof cufflclont that you
havo built Uou n seeuro foundation
nnd that your prosperity la naaurod.
(Continued from pngo 1.)
American mnnufacturera must pro
duce the gooda wo have been luiHirt
lug nnd for which there la constant
(Continued from paxe 1.)
taaea a part of (lie mltlaio haa ueo
for the county hlfti achool and all
district have to pay unless thty were
nnpportlng a high aekool of tholr
own, so that na n rornilt tbey tiavt
paid taxca for a high ehoo! whlc
gavd them no benefit.
That Prlncvlllp rooognlroa the fae'a
m the ense up poors In the statement
made In tho PrlnevlUe Hevlew re
cently nnd quoted In The llulletln
It waa as follow:
"The Crook County High school In
Coal! Coal!
A CarloacTof Standard
Just in
$10.50 F. 0. B. Warehouse
The United Warehouse Co.
When You Buy
Yoii want the hest in quality, nt prices that do not
make you feel that vou might have done better
elsewhere. Caldwell's Pure Food Market is well
prepared to . please you in every way. Fresh
Fruits, Vegetables and Produce, Staple and Fancy
Groceries and
Stoxex, lliiugCN
Fito Dollwiy Anjwlioro lu City.
My Specialties
Next Door to Dreiim Theatre OF THANKS.
Dr. A. II. Cropp wishes to thank
hla many frlenda who nave hi in n
plonsaat farewell party Tuesday
evonlng, September SO. aa he a leav
ing tonight for Portland, OreKim
wharo ho will be located for a fow
wdoka and then will go to hie home
In lxa Augelea, California, for the
winter, no hiso wisnea in inbiik hi
pntlBDta here for their petroiiagn,
Are the only known Suits having but a
single, smooth thickness o f cloth
throughout the crotch. They cannot
bind, gnp or chafe! Are made from tlTe
speciul Cooper fabric, with its tiny pores
which breathe nnd ventilate.
Heavy Cotlon Union Snif $1.25, $1.50
Heary Wool Union Stall.. $2.25, $3.00, $3.50, $4.50
Your comfort demands a garment rsilh but one smooth
single thickness of cloth throughout the crotch- there
Suits. In the future let your guide lo underwear
comfort and value be the KENOSHA-KLOSED-KROTCH
label. Pass the good icord along to the
uninformed. Always Comfortable All Ways.
primarily n Prlnovlllo Institution.
You may call It a county Institution
all you ploeso, and technically, th,u
la correct, but the fact still remain
that no part of tho county recclvea
any direct financial benoflt therefrom
oxeept our town."
Tho oounty high school exists, f
course, aa tho result of a vote of the
people of the county but tho vote wna
taken before tho development of the
past few yearn and If repented today
would presumably result differantl.
At any rate, a largo aection of the
county that far one reason or another
cannot take advantage of the high
school now haa to supimrt It although
formed nt an earlier day whon 004
dltloiis were much different. In Dea
dlines county. It la olnted out. If tko
division carries, there will be no I1IT1
achool tax until tho people vote 0110
and for that reason a saving Is look
ed for.
What Tlio ltrNtrallon In.
Just what the registration at the
Hicks Auto Polish
Tor PoIIhIiIiii; Auti
or Furniture
For Halo by
Mudo by
Itend, Oregou
Prlnovlllo school ia la ahown by tho
following table. Thore wore 103
puplla registered on September 1.
coming from tho districts shown.
Dlst. Location PuplW
1. Prlnevlllo ' 3t
4 MIHCreek 5
7 Lower McKay 3
8 Powell Dutto 4
11 Grizzly d
1 4 Now Culvqr 2
1 5 Crooked Itlvor
1 9 Ashwood 1
23 Meadow 1
25 Post
2C lied Hock , 2
27 Hoover Creek 4
29 Camp Creek . . 1
31 Dry .Lake 1
32 Gray Ilutte 2
33 Dusk Creak t
3S Sheep Hook 2
41 Alkali Flat 1
42 Trail Croeelng 1
4 1 tamonta 2
46 t'ppor Mill Croek I
4S Ochoco 4
49 Vanora , I
54 Shepard
57 Paulina
59 Iledroond X
60 Vlbbext ;' J
62 Opal City j
"0 Terrelwnno 4
72 Ilutte Valley s
"C ToUierow Ilutto I
50 Metollus x
88 Twin Buttca l
90 Golden I
Portland t
MItchol l
Total 10a
Make your cold weather
preparations before it gets
really cold. I have Macki
naws, Hats, Fall Suits, Shoes
and Underwear. Everything
in fall lines.
CjjTrunks and Suit Cases.
Oregon Street
-. z .:,