J PA0R -1. 11IK 11K.NI) Hl'l.liKTIN, 11KNII, OIIK., WKIIN'KHDAY, HKPTUMUKIl III), KM I. THE BEND BULLETIN (I'libllNlicd Hvcry Wednesday) j QEOUOB PALMI3K PUTNAM Kdltor and Publisher. KOniSUT W. SAWYER , Aeaoointo Editor. An Independent newspaper stnml tng for tlio anunro tlol, clean busi ness, clean politics nml tho best In terests of Uond and Central Oregon. NO SETTLEMENT AT DiS uuo year. $1.60 Six months SO Thrco mouths .60 All Bubsorlptlons mo rtuo nnd PAYAUl.E IN ADVANOB. Notlcos of expiration nre mailed subscribers And If renewal Is not made within reason able time tho paper will bo discon tinued. Plcnso notify us promptly of any chance of address, or of lalluro to ro- corvo tho paper regjlnrly. Otherwise wo will not bo responsible for copies missed. Make nil checks and orders pay able to Dend Bulletin. TO BE RESERVED FOR PUBLIC I'lnnl Onslllcntlnn of I.niuls Around The take Is Made Hold to Hnu Xo Positive Ynliic For Agrli'iit- turc Xeedetl for Other Use. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 30, 19H. 3 i eeacaags- -,. - jxjj THE NORTH CANAL AOAIN. Tho now North Ccnal offer Is Iden tical with tho first oxcopt n the amount asked by tho C. O. I. Co., for what It turns over. Tho company formerly asked 1300,000 end tho de livery of certain water and offered to finish tho canal to its Intersection with tho Pilot Ilutto canal. Calling tho valuo of that work $35,000, t net price was $265,000 and tho water deliveries. Its price now Is $135,000 nnd the water deliveries. The thins offered the purchaser Is mo same but with this offer n plan 4s submitted suggesting how, by re ducing tho acreage, tho cast of tho reclamation may be lowored below the estimate made In tho recent Jn cobs report. "iFor what Is being offered now tho Jacobs report said that $50,000 would 1)0 a fair price while Stato Engineer Lewis put the amount at J1C6.-J00. The offer at $135,000 l bgtweon those two end If the differ ences between Mr. Jacobs nnd Mr. Lewis could bo reconciled It miji)t bo that this would bo found to bo .1 fair snm to pay. HOW ABOUT REPRESENTATION? vA matter hitherto unnoticed In Its bearing on county division appears In tho pamphlet of proposed laws sent out by the secretary of state. It In Forest Supervisor M. L. Morritt has received word of tho final clai Binpatlon, U' the Secretary of Agil culture, of a body of land on tin Dcschutea and Paulina National For ests known as tho Davis Jnko Project. ino project covers 3,035 acrcrf, and is situated on (ho boundary lino between Klamath and Crook cou -ties. In T. 22 and 23 8., It. 7 E., V. M., nnd Includes nil of tho open n.vl soino of tho limbered laud around Lnvls Lake. Tho tract Is six mlhs from Maiden Peak, which is at tho summit of tho Cascades and S.000 feet In elevation. Davis Lake itself has an altitude of 4,800 feet and N four miles long and thrco miles wld Tho country south nnd cast la rough and rugged, and has on altltudo from 5000 to 7,000 feet. Tho Crano Pralrle-Crcccent road trnverses tho tract on tho west side of tho lake, and the Davis Lake-Ucnd road erot ics It on the south and east sides of tho- lake. These- roads are Impn.s- sauio on account of snow from O : tober 1 to May 1. Tho project was covorod thorough ly by Forest Sorvlce cxnmlnors, nnd over 2000 acres was found to he covered with a stand of puro lodge- pole pluo and mixed yellow plno an I lodgopolo pine. Tho strip of open land around tho lako is really tin controlling area for public uses In and around, and to and from the Da vis Lako country- The natural meadow 'grass, which grows over :i limited area, has beon used for years to furnish feed to sheep traveling from the south to the high mountnlra above, and back again. The country along the Inko Is famed for ttn dud: hunting. Its fishing and Its game. In order to enjoy this hunting, thnro must be a place to camp. This str'p along the lako furnishes tho onlv practical place for campers and their horses. In fact, thoro havo been pro tests against opening this area to set- ! tiement. Next, a sawmill site must There nro homes that trot and lames that puce And ninny with other eoniinoiidnhlo traits Our lioud hnndmndo harness could mnko thorn go sumo, - Rut the hobble Mklrt hull oh oah bout all tholr Knlttt. The ncodlcwork la (Win but the Stnto must go some to beat tho SlHturu Fair lino Their waters aro grand, this wo must say I urn uuiui imiurH Kivo uituu n run i.ir tholr money nnv old day. The baby hov HploiHlttl, bless their little hMva Rut Rend bunts thorn nil on Its crop of now bride. . . Hut It's groat, now I toll yon, tlilH Fair of our Stnto. Thanks to ono of llond'a boosters, 1 wear a Demi omblom on my leu And tho iiUMtlona I nnswor nre mi. i- crous, you may bollovo. Woll, wo'ro all over hero to play on tho bluo Rut If wo don't got tho ribbon, wo can at least show what wo can do." NEW I.IRRAUY ROOKS. Tho following titles have been ad ded to tho library; from Mrs.F. A. Oohme, "I.ovo Under Flro." by Rob crt Parrlsh; from Mrs. J. E. Ryan, "Ry Wit of Woman," Arthur W. Mnrchmont; "An Enemy to tho King," It. N. Stopheua: "Ihobell" Jna. Oliver Currwood: "Tho Truth About Toluo," Rorthn Runklo. CIRCULAR HAS NO SIGNATURE (Continued from pngo 1.) the so-called "county officers torn: amendment" on page 70 of tho pnm-, bo reserved If the adjoining timber ju.ci. ii iv jmwvs, anu mere a is 10 no uuiizcu. a pumic rigm or every reason to suppose that It will way for a road to connect with exist since It Is a reasonable measure and Ing roads, a telephone Hoe. nnd a In tho Interests of economy, tho offl- ranger station, must nil bo provided cers who are elected for Crook com.- for on this nroo- to protect and art- especially during the Circuit Court nnd fair week at Prlnovlle, tho Uls ter of county division has been ono of tho principal topics of conversation among tho visitors from dlrforont parts of tho county, nnd from tho opinions expressed by many from this section who nro in attendance, ccner a! assurance has been glvon thnt tho proposed Jefferson county will fill plenty of support In tlio old con:") nnd that many of tho old sottlem have como to realize that wo aro J'M tilled In asking It at this time fully believing that wc nre entitled to It. "Comparisons havo been drfthn of tho cost of tho Inst term of the Cir cuit Court to old Crook county and also as to tho cost of maintaining the presont county offices, as evidenced by tho bills audited at tho last term of tho county court. Taking tho lav comparison, wo will say as report!! by the account of the county clerk' ollico. that the cost of maintaining his office, as far as clork biro Is con cerned, for tho month of August ws $310.00 oxtrn, or rather other thaa tho clerk's regular salary. "Also tako tho sheriff's office, with a coitHldurnblo n mount of money al lowed for deputies In different linrln uf tho county; tho school ttupurlit tondont'a ottlco nltto cornea In with ninny o.xlraii. Wo do not Intend t uhuJIiIh an u menus of censuring th iiiesuut olllulnls for tho waste of their oltlros, tho fact of tlio matter Is tlitve oxtrn olorka and doputlua nro wwoii- tlnl nnd vnroaaary to keep tin tin hualnoen efficiency of the ollleott, but to use this as an Illustration to show the fallacy of tho argument of those Who (Hinteud thnt the tnxea will be muoli higher with throe counties than with uuo beenuso of iimliitiitnl.i.r throo puis of officers. "ThlM not only applleo llj'jUlfi of tlree of ulerk, Hherirf and ssjJoqLsun erlntondent, but to tho dthor coun ty offices nit well, thus tho aimirtlon made by some of thimo opposed t.i county dlvlBlou, thnt the oont of innli taluing three sets of county oIIIcum would iio greater than under tho pnM ent system of ono countv, is shown to "bo ontlroly nut of reason, and tin fact of tho matter Is. on tho whole, wo bollovo that the taxpayer of thi county nt tho presont time nro pay ing much more tor tho mnlntcunneo of tho county olllcoa In salaries, an I otherwise, than all three couutloJ would should tho division movommit carry In both Jefferson and Desohulea counties, "Tho ono fenturo thnt seems to meet with general approval anion it tho peoplo in tho proposed JeffurBoii county It that when they pay tholr taxes, oven though they nro as high as tltoy havo been during the past two years, tbuy will bo ablo to see whore tho money tins gone nnd would not feel thnt they nre paying out money for the benefit of ncctlona of the county entirely foreign to them, nnd without any locnl benefit whatever." "WEJmBMJMMS,rffl5MMMMIlCTl'H)pJ fl WAR NEWS THE PAST WEEK wuwMwmnnmnwmmm von ha i.t:. AT A RAROAIN: FOR CASH OR o.-I TIME: I.ots ono nnd two of bloct three, North Addition to Dend; for mer slto of Evergreen rooming home In front of M. I. Kelly residence; alio -I room cottage, furnished, with lot 100x50 feet In Lytln Aero tract No. 10, near Standard Oil tank, on omt side R. R. track. For terms see (' 8. llenson Agent. City; or Dr. II. I). Rrown, owner, Fort Myers, Florida. Adv. 28-30c. Tim Ktont butllo of Iho C!ral Wf.r-I continue with iiunpprumble change on either aide. Only tlfe in.ai nmniro ropoitH have beou glvin out and tln room to ngroo th.-t cuc'i r.dvaiieca m hvo liium mmie in tin pant whuk have been on tho toft wing uf onch er the opputdug forces. The latest word rom tho front ho.vh thnt tlio Imtllo is dovolopltiK Into a Diego, tho Otr mnna being ontronohod In Htrongly fnrtlflod positions, Thousands of nuin linvo been killed on both Hldoa but tho spirit of tho troopii of tho Allies Is Htild to bo good and their offenalvo nnd defensive lighting of tho highest order. Fresh trooim nro being raised In England nnd the colonies fur scrvlcu In tho war. News from tho Prussian east fron tier la still coulllotliig. Tho Run sinus havo apparently tnken tho of fensive again nnd hr.vo gnlned wouio ground. Their advance through Am trla appears to continue, Hervln nil 1 Montenegro ure nloo moving Unto Austria. Cholera Is reported to have broken out In tho Austrian hospltaU. Thoro has been no chniigo In the nnval situation, but tho air ni'n havo been more active In tho punt fow days. A (ieriunu anroplati" dropped a bomb In Paris killing ono and Injuring others nnd neroplnnu and dirigible havo visited Antwerp. Tho Japanese are advancing on tho (lermsn formications at Kino-Chau. WANTNI) -Wink on dairy at tin ny mini ami wire. Apply null uillco. FOR RUNT or FOR HAI-H-Itiuiril ;tao i)nroM, 0 nillss I). 10, of Ilond. 70 neroa uultlvntod, bfllnnco ijaml pni tuio, :ifl() uelO waHir rlKht. (lood t room liousH. Addroan l H. Rlqlt uril, lleud, OroHou. SfU-We l'OH IlKNT- -Two Minnll ftirnlslilid llOUSUH IIAUI' HclldOl llllllHH. H, It. Ilogln. ovar Dasohiilos innk, aor FOR RltfNT HuiillJ Iioiiho psrQy rurnlMhod. ffl n uiontlii also luTit lioiiNii ndjoliilug, Nour depot, hi liilio at lliillHtlu. -(Olt FOR ItlCNT llooiim onntrnlly lo cated. Ifllvctrlo ItghlH and wntor, Hultnbln rnr liousolieeplug, Ohoni, Apply lliilletln Oilluo. -ti. rtutr , FOR HALK. FOR HAl.K- Cheap, liny ti, weight about XOUU. Ilorso yeTrn old, mare, three fast. Wagon itdil harness, Prnrllcnlly now. f.l.'.o ror quick sale. Iruiulro Courtney r a mill. 3V4 miles north of Uldluw. . -Will b nt Aiiiiu'h barn Friday, 1 p. n. FOR HAI.IdviiuInu sijuMKct tie house and lot on Adam T I mar Don't I to IhitheitNl with Coughing. Stop It -with Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. It spreads a sooth ing, healing costing rn It glides down tho throat, and tickling. lioorseneM haoklng aro quickly healeil. Chlldran love it tastes good and no oplatoa. A man In Texns walkd 15 mile to a drug storo to gat a bottle. Rust you can buy for croup or bronchial coughs. Try It. Pattorson Drug Co. Adv. Classified Advertising Try tho Altnmont for Sunday dlu nor. C to 7. p. m. Adv. county in rxovomuor will serve through 1918. Now tho south wostorn part of Crook county, tho proposed Des chutes county. Is not represented among tho candidates for any office whose term will bo thus oxtendod. tf the law passes the southwestern part of the county will be absolutely with out representation and with no chance of any until 1018. The only way to save otsrMlvcs from the coniuencs of twls n'v law is to VOTE FOR DESCHITEa COUNTV minister tho surrounding heavily timbered Innds. Furthermore, agriculture could not be followed permanently on account of tho sell and climatic conditions. According to the record, killing frosts have occurred during ovory month of tho year. Thon, too, Darts Lake overflows periodically, and the about Its ouge is tb4 HIOII SCHOOL AND FAIR. The so-called "County Pair" was held roeently at Prinevllle. Like the "county" high school. It was no mors b county affair than tho Rodmond Po tato Show. It was. In fact, proolo.is nearly an exclusive Prinovllle affair, held for the direct benefit of Prino vllle. Did Prinevllle pay aU the bills? Prinevllle did not. nut the taxpay ers of all Crook eounty had the priv ilege of sharing tho cost. For the County Court appropriated unr 1000 for that Prinevllle fa'r. And the west sido taxpayer weld their eharo. With the high school U fit exactly tho same. The voter or tat proposed Deschutes eounty are paving PrlnoviUVs bills. The sooner the? economize and saTc this coat fro.n whlah they gat no good, the Itctttr for their pocket books. And the wav to economise U to vote for Deachute county. agricultural land then under water. in view of these conditions. Secretary statee: "It la my opinion after a eimule'e review of the eviunee. that tM lr 1 ha no iKieitlve value for afrleiili, that It Is needed for tho . utilisa tion, protection, adnln'ftratios an I enjoyment br the pwh'1- rt the r- sources of the surround n forml area, and that the rnlv hlrhnr i to which It might be put, onld l water Rtorago iuirpoea wNicJi it M. co a proper National Foraat use cf land." Seed Wheat on Dry Land Farms ADVICE IS OIVKX DRV FARMERS IIV COfXTV AdlllCl'l.Tl'HIST- TURKEV RED IS FOUND TO RE REST VARIHTV TO OROW IN THIS SECTION AND WINTER WHEAT PRI5F. URAItl.K TO SI 'It IMS VAltlltTIHS SHOULD HE PLANTED AFTER A RAIN. Adtrrllsetueiita Inserted under IliU ricninng at Hie rate of OSlt CENT A WORD each Insertion. Cnuli imut nrcompniiy all nnlcr from persons not liiivlng n regular nrcount Mltlt The llullctln. No niltertUcmcnt Ink for 1cm tliiui in ccnU racli Insertion. (Ry Comity Agriculturist A. E. Lmctt.) . POWELSON IS ATTHE STATE FAIR IN SALEM NOW HANDSOME POLDER OFT. The Union Pacific system has re cently laeucd a handsome folder titled "The Seeale Columbia River Route to tho Pacific Northweet," la tended to bring traMe to the San Franeleco fair over Its linen net year. The folder hoe 64 page and doeoriboH the various sections of the country the traveler will crow on tin company's lines. There are numer ous colored lllustrat'ona and mentlm is made of the Deechutee river, Rend and Redmond. PIEHCH-fiERTSON WEDRINfl. Word lutH been received of the marriage In Spokane on September 19, of Roy Pierce and Mabel Oerc son, both formerly of Ik-nd. The nre spending a few weeks In Spokane eftor which tlioy will go to Portland COTTAOH CHEESE. Froah ootiago olieese on sale it tho Creamery at all times. Adv 2983p HEWARE OF IMITATION, Dxgoing to the tallpr and getting yourcTotheB, you are nasured of get ting tho vary beat quality of wooiua for your money. Imported and do mestic. Also tho very host of meas urement, style and fit that skill onn make. My prices rango from $15.00" up. Dry cleaning and pressing a apeoialty. F. E. Dick. Adv. TfyltbcAltamont formoals;-.Adv. Rend Woman Writes of What She Scom in Intcitulnliig Manner Cen tral Oregon Sliyns t'p Woll. Mrs. PIorene funleek-Peweleri w at me star rsir at saiem as ( fiend's representative. Her oxhlit ef band painted china probably w 11 bring some premium back to Central , Oregon. Rut here is what Mrs. lo. - elaon baa to say about the anew: "THE STATE FAIR. Makoe me think of Mrs. Fogarty a Christmas Cake There's pjuros and prunes and cher ries, nutmeg and citron and elnna mon too' Some dolnga thin Fair of our State. Cabbage almost as large an we raise In llond In fact Fvo beon sorry we didn't rake some up and send There's radishes long and radishes round Some I swear, weigh over a pound. Rut of all that I've seen roust take off tholr hats to llond's flower allow been. Hut there's cauliflower, eggplant, sweet corn and all Vegetables the entire length of tho 70 foot wall (ioldon pumpkins- gojore, and I vow every old 'farmer I seo Ms brlngln' some more' Well there's animals thick and nil- mals lean Some tied to a pool and some In a ' Some bacon on foot.some stacked u.i In tho aide "Wliat'u 1 ralto an ray farm?" an M f farmer ropllod "Holl, hopvluo and babies," and m old suffragette looked erry-eyed. nut it's great this Fair of the Stat,: tho chlokona on show aro right up to ecrntch One pen of rods sixteen to one of tfte finest old cockerels that's recond to none . Of eourte two of the moat imor tant points for aueeewful wheat growing are the pregarathin of, Uie need bml for the crop and the use f pure, well cleaned seed of beet v. liotlee for seeding. If ibe summer fa'low was wcJI pretMred and the l.-nd well cultivated during the fallov season, tho seed bed Is now In good condition for planting the leed. Ex periments In this soc t Ion havo proven almost beyond question that the Tur key Red whoat la the beat winter va riety for us to grow, and In the uirf. Jorlty df oaccs, winter wheat wjtl provo hotter on our dry lands than will the spring varieties. Almo.it always, wheat will tend to "run out" on land where the rainfall la as light as it la In Crook County so that e must oltlier select our seed by haai in the field or purchase set d from the i outside every fow yoars. We cannot be sat in fled with simp- valuable to the amnll grain termor. Oarcful experiments have bsmw carried on to determine the beat ttate for planting wheat In our dry farm ing sections and it has bcea fonnl that It iwys to poetnanc planting lH aftor the fall rains atari. Many sea sons, this will mean that we must wait until as late as NovsiaJwr lh. but it pays even this late. If planted before these rains, either shallow if deep, ns good results cannot be ex pected. When planted In tho duet shallow, a light rain will sprout the grain and, oxeopt other rains follow aa needed, the sprout will dry out nnd die. If plantod deep, mnuy of the sproutM will not llvo to roach the surface. If one has a large acreage, no may io Justified in roking a part of it before the rains In order that there may be leaa extremely late sow lug but, where possible, it will pay to piam nil niter tne rains. After the WANTED. WANTED Laundry and mending. Lcavo bundles nt William's second hand store. !0-31p FOR RENT. FOR RENT Four room oottagn, well furnished.' Phono lllaek 681. 30lf WANTED At Mllllean Inn, 3 mlloa out on llond-lluru .road, a middle aged woman who can take responsible ponIIIoii aa nook ami homo keeper. Recommendation ii slrud. Write Immediately to Ada II Mllllean, Mllllean, Ore. 30if lie, i..inM .ii.... i ,.i s i,l..ai it ifM.n. IIUUIITI III 1 lb .! U ,fUl II, tf V (ddltlon to Romr. Rest offer take it Stnto bank to send paper to, H. t'. Pratt, 017 Hill Htruet... Lou Angole. Cnl, dO.S..- LOST Suit rase. Finder return lo N. P, Smith I lard ware store nicl lecotvo rowurd. Oeorgo llii brook. 30-31 p FOR HALE - Team, wngou nnd harness, light spring wngon, Imiekv with pole and nhnfts, ono H Inch 01-.. Ivor uliiw. nun sii iliiiibln bartimui mi r ono lot of small tools. iiiMUlru Nlxnu, ' Rend. Jiitf FOR SALE 330 aero liomoatoail i rnllniiilhiiient ut n bargain. I.nmt level, good location. Imiulro Ilulle tln. ?!)tr . FOR HALE High grade colli, young, cheup. Imiulro at tliillotln , ofllcn. , :.0 u FOR BALE Cheap. Two sIhkIm bads. Imiulro llullutin uillco, 17tf - FOR HALE Cheap, two Jersey cows, apply llullutin otfloe. 3S-3!p. FOR HAI.El'otnlo dlKKr. In iiilr M. J. Main. XI if FOR HALI Flue Jersey cow. In. . iliilre at Mr. II. J. Murphy's near depot. Jilf F(R SALE Nino Jersey cow.i Phone Millard TrlpletL 3Jtf FOR MAI.l 8 lloUleln tow. ,t prodgeer. somn fresh now, others It ' month. Farm 7 mile N. II. Mull station, Redmond. Phone No. Itoi. . P. O. I'rlaovllle. J. P. Rise. 2ir U)ST AND IQUND, LOST Whlto setter dog. Notify llullctln office. if LOUT Water anlol puppy. Hei.r Held sohool. Finder kindly rin to C. M. McKay. JO-3 Ip LOST FIvo dollars rownrd. for 1 horses strayed. Horrul mare brand! , 7 on stlllu, weight about 1000 wun i coal black mart) with bell on, brand, it 17 on stifle, wulght about V00 pouui'.i' Iwy goldlug. Willi boll on. branded C on stlllo, two hind feet while. HolfV nnd notify Sisters Central. 30 TAKEN I'P In Lytln. pig about ft, week old. Owner ran have aamn ny iHiylng cost. Mr, tleorge Hates 30 i LET US PUT THE TAPE AROUND YOU FOR A. ly buying the seed from. the outsldo, rains, sow not less than one-half Inch HViTvvar, uur iv wrnju? pvtuib l t nur mure iiisii one auti one-nail III- eel from a jiartlcularly good field cliee deop. of grain, but should use the fanning! The formaldehyde treatment of tha jnlll strenuously on the wheat to be 'seed for smut Is alwas advisable n planted. The fiends in tne neWl are this section. Thirty pounds of good developed from a crossing or t ie, seed Is sufficient ner acre. A heuvle atalka In the (laid while In bloom, seeding Is llutde to use tin the uvall- thue, even a "small number of poer ablo moisture bofore the araln is un. seelB may exert a gror.t Influence u tured. Many fields wt-re planted tua the yield. The fanning mill is in-' thick or heavy the past season. .. m&& . Krn Nice Red, Juicy Jonathan Apples . $1.50 Per Box j- . A T Shuey's Cash Grocery NEW SUIT AND OVERCOAT THE BEST WAV TO GET A SUITOR OVERCOAT THAT FITS VOU IS TO COME TO US AND LET US TAKE YOUR MEASURE. YOU WILL HAVE SCORES OF NEW PATTERNS TO PICK FROM. AND VOU WILL BE BETTER PLEASED TO HAVE A SUIT OR OVERCOAT MADE ESPECIALLY FOR VOU. IT WILL ONLY COST YOU A VERY MODERATE SUM, COME IN THIS WEEK AND LET US TALK IT OVER. Infants' Coats from... $2.50 to $7.50' Misses' Coats from. $4.00 to $15.00 Ladies' Coals from. $7.50 to $25.00 Ladies' Suits from $12.50 to $30.00 Mackinaws from $3.50 to $ 1 5.00 Hefore buying don't forgot to look over our line olw Blankets from...4 50c to $1 1.00) R. M. SMITH CLOTHING COMPANY LEARN THE WAY in T' i