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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1914)
Tim hum) bulletin, iik.vii, ore., Wednesday, hei'tumiier no, ii i. page . OF I SUPERINTENDENT IS SUES PAMPHLET Last Census HIiomh llllill Children or HcImmiI A no ToiicIicim mill OllUcit fur ilMMIMB Teini lilNt of Mrliool DUtrkt OfllcluU Given. GREAT INTEREST BEING SHOWN IN THE NEW AKOZ MINERAL Patterson Drug Co. ArniiigcM for Introduction in Henri of .John D. Mackenzie'! Discovery District 07 District CS Macon, (Jutu- Shnw, Hay Tlio nnniiul school directory linn Jiint lioon printed by Tho lliillutln for Superintendent J. K. Myors, In ptt.ii jiliftit form. Tho limt cuiiiiiih shown thnt thoro nro In tho oounty 3081 ntilldruti of school bro, 1010 of tlioao lining lioyn and 1724 girls. Tho fol lowing nro tho tonchors employed In Urn county for 1DH-1H1& uh shown by tho pamphlet; CH.NHUH Hoys, HMOj Girls, 17SII County Oftlrcr. Judge G. Springer ConiinUklonrni II. II. Ilnilcr Willis Itrouti KhrrllT Frank I'lklim Clerk Wiirrru llrmvn Treasurer , . Itnlii Jordan AkNOoHor II. I. Ftmliv KrhiMtl Huji't J. I.". Myir Honey or Fred lllra Coroner .1 II. Poludctter O. Springer, Couuly Judge, (Imlrnmn, DISTRICT 1IOUNDAUY HOARD II. II. Ibtylry, CoumiUMoncr. Willi llrtiun, CoiuiiiUhloiirr. J. E. Myers, School HuperllitrniliMit, Secretary. MtM'lN llin Hint Wednesday In Janu ary, March, May, July, September and Nutemlwr. CIIOOK COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL HOARD. (I. Springer, County Judge. It. II. Itayley, CoiiimUktoiier Willi llnittn, Couuulnaliinrr. lUlph Jordan, Treasurer. J. K. Myers, School Htip't., Secretary. Mreta miuo (UtrM a tho DUtrfct Ihiuudarr Hoard. CItOOK COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL FACUITY. II. llAUgliman, Superintendent. Cttierlne Conway, KnglUh. Robert IL Davis, Manual Training. F.. K. Evans, Coiuiurrrliil Department. II. K. Pratt, Agricultural Department. .Mrs. MarllicH Trait, Ilciut. Science. J. V. Niultli, Mathematics. Mrs. Kulyn Walker, Normal Train lug. Full nrriiiiKuiiielitH Ikivii been Hindu by tho I'nttorHoii DriiK Co. for tin Introduction In llotid, of Akn, Urn nuunrkahlu medicinal nilmirul 1 1 covered by John O. Mackenzie, for mer statu hurbor commissioner and Htnto Inlior commissioner of Hun Francisco. Much itiarvolH hnvd boon performed by tho Akox runimllu whuu moid else whnro for stomach troublo, rhoiimn tlHtn, ontturrh, skin dlroases, dlnhutoti, llrlght'n dlsoaso, piles, uleorH mid othor ailment that mi exceptional do- mand will iindotihtudly bo made on thu dniK storo, beginning today wit t thn opening of thu demonstration. Mr. Mackenzie, thn discoverer of tho roinnrkablo mlnoral, lira tho fol IowIiik to ny roKurdluK It: "Alnn'N march for cold romilted In thn dUcovory of thla minora), whlrti I bulluvu, In ih'itlni'd to brliiK far lirontor hapidnunn to mankind than nil tho thu Kold thrt hna ovur licon prodiirml. A pronpector canto upon n IihIko In tho California Hlurrnn thrt rhownd n traco of Kold. Much to hli Hiiriirlmi, aftor hiiiidlliiK thn oro, nit proHpoctom will, tho rlitnimatlHm lot. his hnntlu. HuIiik a Harvard cradi: at, ho KoiiKht tho renhon. Ilo nu pec t i'd tho rook had worked tho euro, but bo wna not convinced until lio had aldo rollovud thu nllmunu of hli frlomln. "Itr tlmn I learned of tho wondom of Akot ami puraonnlly had nuiiiurotiH teittt of tho mlnernl nindo. After threo yonra of oxporlmuntlnc I fnlt ritrtalii that Aknx wra deatlncd to b a ureal boon to humanity and bo I orKanlred tho Nntura company of Han Krancliico, whli.h In now puttlnR tho Akos romodlcH on tho markot. It aeouiM thnt tho Indian worn a!o nwaru of tho curatlvo proportion of tho rock In thn early day," All form of ntoini'cli troublo ylold riKidlly to Akox treatment Kidney, liver and bladdor troublo nlao prove onay prey to tho wonderful medicinal mineral, ourltbl, nniirnlRla, rout, eojeina and ulcer iiulckly nlvo way to tho Akox remedy. That Akox ha merit U nttetod by thouaanda of letters of pralne, written tho Natura company of Han Irancl co, prominent anions which are thoo of Hnar Admiral Thomaa I'hnln. Jr . of Alameda, U. 8. N., retired, Oeorso joii.v n. macki:n.ii: Dlecovoror of Akoz Wlnrilo Ilnyloy, Motol- lll. Mra. O. 11 way. District 00. 11. Jlruco Creok. DItrlot 70. O. O. Urovc, Prlti, Tor- robonno, Dlntrlct 71. Cnthorlno Campbell. District 71. II. T. Doaly. Alfalfa. District 72, Jniinlo Darnall, I'owoll lliittn. D.'dtrlct Vfl. Mra. Olnnn Hlaok, IlonJ. umiriciM. Kiiitli McKaclicrn, Klfo. District 7ft. C. B. Mlllor, Knmonta. District 70. I'lorn McWIIIIains, lied- mond. District 77.0cnr Dutzoln, Hamp ton. District 78 District 79. Clara till, Madras. District 80. Wesley d. Anderson, I'rln., Mctollus Bvn Hurdlct. District 81. ImoRouo Jewell, Prlno- vllla. District 82. Chrlstlobel II tbliar d, Orundvlevf. District 83. Dora Van Motor, Powoll Duties. District 84. Dlutrlcl 86, Mato B. Forney, Lower llrldgo. District 80. District 87. Mrs. A. d. Allen, Dend. District 88. Bbba M. LI n d q u I a I, Prlncvllle. District 80. Elta Jntncs, Iildlaw. THE WHITE IS KING Van Smith, noted political writer. former Senator HavaKo of Ban Pedro Mra. J. II. Alexander. 1010 HbnttJ street, os AnKolea; Joo Murphv, baseball writer of thn H. F. Call Fred Huiltli, nutomobllo editor of tho i it. a. Triouuo; ucv. i;. a, wiuio, voj oralilo Methodist minister of Burcka former 'Bute Senator A. Muenter of llorkoley; former Internal Itovenuo Collector, John C Lynch; Mrs. With ertpoon of lx) Angeles; deorge Bin eraon, crack Hanta Fo enclnecr of Fresno; dcorgo ItolwrtK, capltallt and banker of Conllnrca, all of whom Kot completo relief from various kinds of nllmvnts. A full lino of Akoz will bo carried by tho Patterson Drug Co., where you are Invited to call, phono or write for further Information regard ing this advertisement. Adv. District 00. Mrs. Ueulnh Holland, Hedmond. District 01. Win. d. dlasco, drand- vlow. District 02. Viola Smith, ImporJal. District 93. District A.- Pansy Btewart, Hond. District U. District 00. District 97. District 98. Laura Illshop, Imperial. District 99. District 100. Theresa Wevcr, Mad ras. MAIHtAH UNION IIIOII KCIIOOL Dert P. Lovctt, Huperlntondent. Mrs. Mary Johnson. District District District District District District District District District District District District NAMKH OF DIHTHICTH. District 1. Pr'ncvlllo. 2. Lowor Ilyo Gross. 3. Johnson Creek. 4. A1III Creek. C. Howard. 0. Uppor McKay. 7. Lowor McKay. 8, Powell Iluttc. 9. Bisters. 10. Haystack. 11. CrlKly. 12. Hend. 13. Mountain View. (Continued on page 0.) WHAT COLOHS? WHAT PAINT7 Tho two vital painting quesUons are what colbrs and what paint? . Tho wrong color scheme will serious ly mar tho attractlvo apnearanco of your homo. The wrong paint will soon fade, crack and peel off, exposing tho wood to the weather.. You can get a pleasing color treatment ana wood protection of unusual durability by using 8-W-P (8herwJn-WJIIIams Paint Prepared.) Sco local agent, N. P. Welder, painter and decora tor.Adv. 20lf COUNTY SCHOOL Hl'PBHVIHOII. Victor Hlinut? . TIIACHHIIH F.MPI.OYKD FOIt 11)1 Mn. District 1. C. II. Poole. Huporlnto.i dent. Prlnevlllu. May lluwea. Hmlly Hchreder. Itnth Hnwlsy. Myrtle J. Joffrlos. Jane C. Allen. Dtatrlst Dlslrlet DIstrlst District Dlstrlet District District District Mrs. H. K. dray. 2-B. D. Tlrrll. Prlnevlll-. 3. Mra. (I o o. V h 1 1 h I s. Prlnovllle. 4. Mrs. llpmle MeFarland, rriMoviiie. ft. deft. Totlow, Howard. (1. Hoy Uiuthnr, PrlnnvllU. 7. Illancho Wilson, Prln vllln. 8. Chas. Lewis, Prlnevlllu. 0. H. W. llaydon. Prln . Bisters. Florence Watdron. District 10. Bdnn Murray, Culver. District 11. Hay doff, drlxxly. District 12. J. II. Bhouso, Superin tendent, Itcnd. Katherlnu Ilyron. , Lillian Cooper. Kunlco Cowles, High Bchool. Ivy II. Davidson, Loola Bstiis. Mabel Irenco, Bthol Holmes. Maymo Taylor. Pearl Illghtower. Holon M. Manny. -r. Prln. "I p Mary Itfelh. LTMbo Hllelile. Martha tlldner. Princi pal Public Bchool. dlcnn Black. District 13. Lola dard, Madras. District H. Kdgar llarnes, Principal Culver. Amelia Johnson. Hutu Topping. District U. District 10. Miss O. J. Calklna. Madras. District 17. Ilortha Warmoth, Mad- dras. District 18. DoWItt Williams, Ter rebonne. District 19. Mrs. Mndoilno Prosu, Ashwood. District 20. I. Thomas, Post. District 21. Mrs. L. A. Holloway. Prlncvlllo. District 22. W. F. Moses, Prln., Madras. Small Cowherd. Mra. N. C. Hulln. Ollvo Mortlmoru. District 23 Bdnn Merrltt. Mosdow-i. Dlntrlct 24. Kdwln Al.ttott. I'Mt. District 2S. Joule Hartloy. Post. DUtrlol 20. Mr. O. T. Lodgorwood, culver. Dlstrlet 27. Bdua Morse. Paulina. District 28. Noll Matln, Hay Greek. District 20. Ilortha Hansom, Hold. Dlntrlct 30. Carrlo LlVQSley, Doj Chutes. District 31. District 32. Mabel Bmlth, Lamontn. District 33. Mra. II. II. Halfour, Fife. District 34. District Jr.. Maud Potter, Hoborts. Dlntrlct 36. Klla Uxborrow, Gate way. District 37. Mrs. A'.lco doff, Hay Creok. District. 38. Julia Dobson. Hold. District 30. Mra. N. Tlrrell, Prlno vllle. District 40. M. O. Doaly. Rnpleo. Dlstrlot 41. Hollo Nowlnnd, Hoborts. District 42. Bsslo Mngulro, Opal City. District 4 3. J. F. Croft, Prln., La Pino. Klvlrn Nlms. District 44. Mrs. Delia Foster, La monta. District 4C Fred Wilcox, CI I no Falls. District 4 C.K. Gladys lirccn, Prlnu- vlllo. District 47.-8. P. Hurgcss. Gateway. District 48. Mrs. Ilortha Drown, Prlnevlllo. District 49. dco. Irwin, Vanorn. District CO. Mrs. Luollo dray, Cilno Falls. District 61. Ollvo Tolfor. Ashwool. District 62 8. K. King, Madras. District 63. J. T. Loe, Prln., Laid- inw. draco Polk. Florenco Hunnel. District 64. Z. T. dldeon, Powoll , mute. District 56. Doth Thomas, Paulina. Dlstrlot 6C Mrs. Mary Allco Wood, Ashwood. District 67. J. II. Dickinson, Paul ina. District 68. Harl Noble. Opal City. District 69 P. M. Nash, Sup't., Hed mond. Clalro Dunne. Loulo Hussel. Mattlo dray. Nora Livingston. Margaret Hates. District CO. Mrs. Win. llrownhlll, Gateway. District CI. Klva V. Bmlth, Laldlaw. District 02. Bthol Murray, Opal City District 03. Mrs. L. Andrus, Prlno vllle. District 04. Mrs. Delia NIcholi, Laldlaw. District CS Florenco Woss, Hed mond. District CO. Mnrgarot 1C I m moll, Prlnevlllo. gjThc BEST all-round Family Sewing Machine that can b produced. Made in both ROTARY and VIBRATOR styles. The rotary makes both LOCK and CHAIN stitch. The latest up to the minute steel attach ments with each machine. Sold on cosy payments. Send name and address for our beautiful H. T. cata logue free. White Sewing Machine Co. 510 Merchants National Bank Bldg San Francisco. California Kccxi Your Liver Healthily Active. A man In Kentucky Just told a friend that Foley Crthnrtlc Tablets wcro tho most wonderful medicine that had over cnterod his system. Said ho would not bo without them Neither would you, If you had evor tried them. A thorough cleansing cathartic for chronic constipation or for an occasional purge. Patterson Drug Co. Adv. Fraternal Societies I. O. O. F. Bead Lodge No. 18. Regular meeting every Mon day nlgbt at 8 o'clock In Bath er's Hall. Visiting brothel cordially welcome. HEHT 8HUEY, N-C. dEO. P. dOVE, Secretary. HOYAL NEIdlllSOHS OF AMKIUCA. Manner Camp No. 0031. Regular meetings second and fourth Tuesdays. Sathci'a Hall. MRS. J. 11. CONNAHN, Oracle MRS. A. ORCnr Recorder. J X 1L-Q LJJ ' v ' vr ' ' i- t-T-t I I I I I if a fi m j t4 e J? 73 y ro . t jj sj J THE UNITED WAREHOUSE COMPANY Storage and Forwarding General Commission Merchants WE HANDLE OIL, GASOLINE, SUGAR, FLOUR, SALT, HIDES FRESH and SALT MEATS HAMS, BACON AND LARD Tho United Warehouse Co. A. M. Pringle, Mgr. Bend, Oregon MAI1 CHOOK COUNTY rlHOWING PROPOSED DKHCHUTKS AND JI3 1T12RSON COUNTIES. O'DONNELL BROTHERS UNION MARKET IIUSINL8H AND PROFKHHIONAL. IIOIIDHT II. GOULD Civil ft DnRlnCcr JT P Ilend Oregon RODERT W. SAWYER NOTARY PUDLIO lliilletln Omco, Dend, Oregon S. R. IIOOIN Innd Attorney nuslness before the U. B. Land offlco a specialty. Twenty five years experience in practice be foro tho local U. 8. Land Onlco and tho departments at Wash ington, D. C Offices over tho Deschutes State Hank. HEND :-: :: onEOON J. II. Well A. W Sims CROOK COUNTY AUSTRACT COMPANY (Incorporated) Successors to The J. II ILincr Abstract Co., Prlnovllle, Oro. Abstracts Insurance W. W. FAULKNER, D. M. D. DENTIST Offlco Over PostoOlco Bend, ... Oregon WILLARD H. WIRTZ LAWYKIl Prlnovllle, Oregon. C. 8. BENSON Attorney At La w Benson Building, Wall Street Bend, Oregon. VERNON A. FORBES LAWYER First National Bank Building Bend, :-: :-: Oregon GEORGE'S. Y O U N O Civil anil Irrigation Engineer. City Engineer of Dend. Room G First National Bank Building H. II. D o A It M O N D LAWYER Orogon Street. Bend, Oregon H. C. ELLIS Attorneyut-Lavr United States Commissioner First National Bank Building BEND, OREGON DR. J. H. CONNAHN DENTIST Office In Sathor Building. Hours 9 to 12, 1 to 6. Sundays and evenings by 1 Appointment. DR. A. B. CROPP Chiropractor DRUGLKSH PHYSICIAN Offlco over Miller Lumber Co.. Wall Street, Hours; 9-12, 1-5. C. P. NISWONOER, Bond, Oro. UNDERTAKER Licensed Embaliuer, Funeral Director. Phone. Lady Assistant, FOR SUMMER Wear get a pair of WORLD'S WORK SHOES. Sold by R.H.LOVEN the Shoe Repair Man. Bond street, Bend, Ore POLK'S' OREGON and WASHINGTON Business Directory Dlrctrr of each Cltr. Town and k'lllaje, giving daacrlptlv ktc& of each place, location, population, tele graph, hipping ana banfclnr point; alto ClaailQeil Directory, compiled Vy ouiincH hu fm.Hivu. a H. I. 1-ULH S VU.. UKATTUB I