IWC1K 2. THK 111 M III LI.KTIN', IlKNI), OKI., WCDNCHII.W, HKPTLMIIKU III), 11)1 1, 4.- ---. --------'- - t- j CENTRAL OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. - i imv iku. (Spwilnl lo Tho Ilulletln.) DKV UMCK, Sept. IS. A Jullr crowd at Dry il.nlfo young folks 1U Saturday for Imports!, whom they attended tho duncci glroa them In the ovonlng. Mr. WtMttior from ltwe was a Dry Lako visitor Monday. Charles Ivoy trnnsntcod KualnaM In Ilntutiton Mondny. Mrs. 0. Lontnko (tml dstiRlitor Oen- cvlcve woro Hamilton visitors Moj- uay. Gcorgo Ologor was a Hampton vis itor Monday. O. A. Clarske and son, J. L. Garsk, transacted business In llohd the mm week. Mr. Miller loft Tor Hand Thursdny whree ho Intends to snood his live months leave of nbsonce off his homo- stead. Mrs. Green spent the pest week visiting at tho Alexandra home. A. Alexandra and Mr. Gteger trn Br.cted tumiMSM In the Maury moun tains Thursday. nick Kondy returned home froi Prlncvltlo. where he had been the past week. Master James and Genevieve Lenin ke spent u pleasant day visiting at tho Peterson homo. Mr. Van Lake was bitten by a eoy oto which proved to have hydrouho Ma. He left for Portland the fore part of the week, whore he will lo! treated. Of lato tho coyotes have leen quite a menace In the neigh borhood, and It Is feared that many havo Hydrophobia. A pleasant surprise party was giv en nl uio Alexandra noma Tuosuay aftornoon In to mako some purchases nl thu Brookings store. A. McKeown wns out to Bond for lumber to build u barn. Win, Oillold returned Saturday from Soattlo, whoro ho has boon vis iting with his daughter. Mrs. lllidsn. Mrs. Brooks of Pleasant valley made somo purohnses at tho Brook ings store last Wednesday. Mr. UQisuor was a business visitor In this Vicinity last Thursday. llort Mooks went to Stauffer last Friday to help Mr. StnuITer movo his house Hornoo Brookings and C. W. Ash Itnugh donutad n load of wood for tho school. Mies Blva McFsddsii en 11 ml on frlonds In this vicinity last Tuesday. CLOVKltDALH. (Special to Tho Hullotln) CLOVUKDALIS, Sept XST Marl and Arthur Grulw are home for few weeks. A large camp of Indians are near Staters waiting for the fair. J. McKlnney ami family are here from Pullman. . V. 8. Hodman and son and Mr. MeCaffery were doing biislneee in Sisters the first of the woek. C. Carson and C. Woods have re turned from attending 1'rinevllle court, also Mrs. Illnentan. Mrs. Hardy Allen's sister. Mies Da vidson, arrived from Hood Hlver an I took up her school duties In District No. 9 Monday! J. 11. x Miner of Hand was In this vlclnty several days last week. J. II. Hanor and wife nnd Mr. and Mrs. 11. U. Gould of Mend wore 'n honor of Mrs. Alexan- i sujorji on business inursaay dra's birthday anniversary. Games wero playod and refreshments served. Mrs. Iaura Peterson called on Mrs. G. Lcmpko the past week. Thos. Lnngford was a Hold visitor Mr. McVclty loft for Bend the fore pari of the week, whore he will tran sact business during tho coming week. Dance In Dry Lake bull Friday evening, October t. Mverybofly welcome. DKV I -A Kit. (Special to Tho Ilulletln). DRY TAIvR. Seat. JB. C. A. liengston has been In charge of the McVelty ranch the poet week. Vernle and Thereela Oarske were Ituck Creek visitors Friday. Master Junes Lomflke pad sister snent a pleescnt day visiting at the Pe'ereoo hsast. Charles Ivoy was a Back Creek Tl 'tor MoaOay. Kd street, from Back Creek, was a I ry l-ab visitor Monday. Mr. tad Mrs. Lennke spent Sue da in Ibex. Miss Laura Peterson left Wednes day for Itend where she expects to imet her two sisters, Mrs. Keltou, and Mies Peterson from Portland, who Intend to spend some time visit Ing In this vicinity. Will Psusch was a Dry Lake vis itor Thursday. A Jolly crowd of young folks left for Buck Creek Krlday afternoon to attend a dance given there In the I J. U. Mevors was visiting schools In tltls section the Inst of the week. Ho found tho schools doing most ex cellent work. He advocates good schools to build up a town or comun Ity. Mrs. Cyrus and daughter, Mr. Wehw. visited at Clyde Johnson's on Wednesday. Mlseea lues and Olive Buekuer an 1 Mrs. Temple of Redmond were guests at a erty given by Mrs. Gompers 8 nday evening and also at one giv en Tuesday evening by Mrs II. K. Ifcml. Walter Boyd entertained at iinnr at his bachelor quarters Sunday. Kverybody Is busy getting realty for the Sisters Fair. Threshing ts still in progress. Ml Mi! CAN. (Spoclnl to Tho llitllottu) M1LL1CAN. Sept. 7 Louis Good limn and A. D. Norton wore bustnees oullors In Baud Friday nnd Saturday. Moyor Goodman of Bond cniuo nut for n visit with his paroiits last Sim day. Guorgo Mllltenu drove to Bond on Sunday. Mrs. Mllllcan is oxpeoled homo In tho very near future. Mrs. A. G. Allen wns n oallor nt tho B. 18. Davis home Krlday. Mrs. Itoaius called at tho llgberta nnd MoAdovv homos Krlday after noon. L." P. Kounoy was a business onllnr at tho McAdow home Krlday. Mrs. A. Kdolsteln callud nl tho A, D. Norton homo Krlday. Mr. and Mrs. Goodman spout tho Jewish holiday nt tho llorwltx home stead. Krank J. Hinder drove out from Bend Sunday to his homeetead here. William Todd en me out fronMlan 1 Inst Saturday, returning again' Sun day for a short slay, after which he will return to hta homestead here to remain for the wluter. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Moffat t nro ex pected back en their claim here soon. liAlllliAW. (Special to The Bulletin) IIDLAW. Sept. 13. The Laid lnw Kulr provod quite a success. Al though tho oxhlhlts woro not ns mini oruus as before the quality and oUn were oxcellent, according tu thoie who wero capable of judging. A good crowd from nclghlioriug towns cntue In and participated In thu Sol di ore' llouniou at P'etile Inland nnd Community Hall. The veterans were oMhualasttc nnd gave some very In teresting talks at tho hr-ll. The sing ing of patriotic songs was, ns usual, quite Inspiring. The gypsy carnival wns the Itvelt ea. affair Ialdlnw hoe had for soma time, with gypsies In costumes, can dy and confetti booths, muolc and twi lunches, one at 6 o'clock and at noon. We say "l should say O'Dnnnall's wieners are good and so are Shrlaers buns," and we think ' Ijildlsw pies are all right too." One feature of the evening which attracted cooeld orable attention was n "" gypsy fortune teller, who made some mar ried men frown and some bachelors smile, with her advlee In finance, evening. I n. Cox visited at the Fuller home Vednesdav. Mr. and Mrs. Fuller and family visited at the Kin rsneh Thursdav. John and Joe Karske left for th Maury mountains where they Intend to transact business the coming week. Mrs. Alexandra called on Mrs. P. Drown tho foro nart of tho week. Miss Laura Peterson and sister. Mrs. O. Johnson, called on Mrs. Lompkc. IOST CIIKKK. (Spoclal to Tho Bulletin) LOST CREBK. Sept. 2C V. D. Harris Is working over near Wagon tire He snent tho woek ond at homo. Mr. and Mrs. Heddloeon of Bgll. Htonped at Do Witt's last Monday night. Thoy were on their way to Be id. Press De Witt has returned to his home In Chicago valley. His brother Den. took over a load of supplies for him. A. Kinsman Ins returned from a business trln to Taooma. Paul Ashby is qulto sick at tho present writing. Kornost Hester left tills week for Seattle. Ho expects to mako tho trip in hip auto. Mrs. C. C. Rrodes is living In her new house. Mrs. J. I loach was on the sick list the fore part of this week. Ben and Press De Witt returned last Saturday from a trip to Bend. '", ' IIAMITO.V BUTTK. k. (Special to The Bulletin.) HAMPTON BUTTB, 8ept. 21. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. W. Ashhaugh called oa Mrs. W. W. Shepard last Saturday af ternoon. Mrs. H. O. Hedges of Seattlo reg istered at tho Brookings Hotel ono dav last weok, being on her way to visit with her parents who live near Itllev. W. G. Crutchflold of Catlow vallov tmrsed through last Wednesday with lils car on his way to Bend to meet tho Oaks family who are moving out to their homesteads in Cctlow. Ml8 Kva Michel Is visiting with Mrs. J. Perry of Surprlso ranch. Elmor Wether of Buck Creek camo over to take a truck out to Bond. Ho will bo out several months to work In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Stauffer of Btauffer, visited with relatives and friends In this vicinity several days last week. J. K. Pope of Butte passed through liero last Thursday with a now auto mobile which ho recently purchased. V. Johnson vlsltod with Fred Mil ler last Sunday. Oscar Black was over last weok A Frank Talk with the Voters of Eastern and Central Oregon Eastern and Central Oregon have been want ing and needing a United States Senator for a long time. AScnator at Washing ton who would work for their interests and would get something for the great, big undeveloped interior of Oregon. Who would protect waiuai iiuder tneir wool ana larm pro ducts; get Federal money for irrigation nnd roads, nnd bring in people to occupy the land. Who would collect some of the debts of Oregon already long overdue, like the 58,000,000 due Oregon's irrigation fund. I want to talk frankly to the people of Eastern nnd Central Oregon. NOVEMBER 3rd will be your opportunity to elect such a man. You All Know William ffanley. Most of you call him "Dill." It's about time that you people of Eastern nnd Central Oregon were waking up to your interests, abandoning party squabbles and party prejudices, nnd ELECTING YOUR MAN TO THE UNITED STATES SENATE.. It's about time to stop electing bankers and lnwyers to the United States Senate. Why not elect your own man? The man you know, a farmer and a stockman. A man who knows your needs and is your friend. A doer and a getter. "DILL" HANLEY. Isn't it the wise thing to do? Please think it over and talk it over withyour friends and neighbors. Read his platform. If you want a seat on the Hanley bandwagon, please write me. ' , CLARKE LOITER,. Csmpslgn Manager 1404 Yeon Building Portland, Oregon ' (PtJ Adrtnlxmcnt by llwlcy C-rop-Ign Cooualue. CtifU Lcficr, Muujcr) love, nnd matrimony. Tho Ash pond was also tho cause nt iiiuoh niorrl ineiit, whim n stern hnrholor drew it pink siMibonuot, or n ledy drow a polr of inon'it collar buttons or n tieoktlo. Uoeolpts for thn uvotiltig woro Satl.SO to go toward tho pliuiu. Mi', nnd Mrs. John 8tllue nnd noil Clement spoilt tho day In Lnldlnw Krlday. Lnldlaw oltlxemi cortAluly nppro ohto tho loynltj of I ho "llondom" In attending tho fnlr, nnd dniioo, aln tho Ojpay Cnrulvnl. Quito a crowd onjayod the free iIriico nt tho hall l-'rldixy night. Tho diuico commlttcu kindly waited until nfter tho Carnlvnl to opon tho hall for tho dnuco. Tho milliner from lUdmoud spout the dny nt (Irlllln's storo Friday with a splendid dlimtay of hats. Among taldluw visitors nt Dou-I Saturday uvetilne; wore Mrs. Coon. Mrs. Cndy, Mrs. T.eo and Mrs. Lund lierg. After shopping thoy took In the movie. Mrs. John Bull was ablo to attond tho (lypuy Carnival, Mr. Hell tnldiwt hor thorn In hor wheoi chnlr. Ilov. A. O. Wnlkor delivered n limit ablo nddrosH at the "(und Clt liens ' servlcoH Ruiiday w. m, Tho ulturoli was well llllsd and oveiy ouo was Ht'rrod with pntilotltin, hh n result of llov. Wnlkei'H ndilresa and the Hplnmlld nliiRlng. Now 1st ovury "Cloud Clllmn" flu hlo or her part nt tho nomine full ttjoetlon. powitiiii iiirriii . (Spootnl to Thu Hullotln.) POWKLI. I1UTTI. Hopt 8.- Quito n crowd gathmod nt the (I. L. Braxoe ranch Tuoedny to nnond tho iiiictl'iii hiiIs of hogs, ciittlo and hoisos. Knr ly In tho solo howovnr It wan (n most ovury one hud wimi Jii't to seo what the other follow wnu gcing tu buy and bidding toon stoi pod nltoKolhsr ulth the result tho nuotlouoor oallnd tho sale olT, Folks In this loonllty nro nil protty woll stocked up and grain being so high the tomplnttoii to buy mure hogs Id not to bo hiimorod. Mr. nnd Mrs. Bert IU)iiold v-f . t 1i?o Lafollctte Nursery Co. Prinovillo, Oregon CKNTHAL OJtKaON'SNtMSKKY p (Coiitliiuud on imge sevsn.) What's the Use of frolKlitlnfC Krocorlert from Homl fret) of clmrKu? Lot JOHNSON pay tho freight. ltomombor thu pluco, nonr '28 inllo post, Ik'inl to IluriiH rnml. Sfc MILLIt'AN. OIlKdON. Stop the LossFires are Unnecessary ttaeaaaasstarxs BUICIC 18 ABSOLUTKLY FIItK PIIOOF IN ANY OltUINAIlY CON FliAGUATlON. BUICIC BUILDINCS NKYlCIt BUIt.V, ALTIIOUOII TIIKY AHK HOMK T1MKS INJUIIHD UY FALLING TI.MIIUItS Oil COMllUI$TiBLK INTKIII0H WOODWOItK. A BUICIC BUILDNO IS AII80I.UTHLY FIHK I'HOOF IF WIHK OliAHfl 18 U8KD IN T1IH WINUOW8 AND IF IIUIl.N'KO OLAY 1'LOOHH ABB U8KD. AN INTMItlOIl I-'IIltt IN HUGH A BUILDING 18 CONFINHD TO TIIH BOOM IN WHICH IT OHIOINATIW; NO OUT8IDK If lit K OAN ATTAOIC IT THIS PllOPOItTION OF IIUItNMD CIJVY IN 1IUILDI.VU CONBTIIUO TION MIU8UBM8 1T8 FIBK PItOdF QUALITUIN. UUILVND CIJVY IH TIIH ONLY IIUILDINO MATrtltlAL THAT HAS IIHKN TllltOUOII THK Flltlt BICI'OBH YOU OltT IT, IN 8U0II A MAN NWIt THAT IT WILL Itl8l8T FlltlC. ALL MATHIHAL 18 ItUItNUD OUT OF THK BUICIC Blil'OltH YOU OUT IT. WHEN YOU HUILD USE HIUCK. The Bend Brick & Lumber Co. it BEND PARK COMPANY We Control and Have For Sale, at the Bet Prices and Terms, the Largest Amount of Business and Residence Property in Bend. Call or Write for Free Maps and Descriptive Matter INSURANCE Insurance Written in All Its Branches in World Known Companies LIST YOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT WITH US. OUR OUTSIDE Offices and Antw Better Enable Us to find You Purelmsers and Tenants. BEND PARK COMPANY Oregon Street, Bend, Oregon. Empire Bulling, Seattle, Wash. fftfr' - i