I riJLi Dtll il I3UILJl1 1 11 1 1 Vol. All. 1IKNI), OIIKOON, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, HKPTKMIIEII 0, lll. xo. no. It J f ' ho 1 I: al CIRCULAR HAS N0TURE DIVISION OPPONENTS ' IN NEW QUISE Imimo Retiiel Iti Vole Again! IlKlx. Ion Hut .Make Nit Argiimiint mid nimttfiint Imw An Tit Signing dUttpalgti 5lHtlr In AiiMutied Though nothing 1M boon llWnl In. m Hih l.ower Tm I.HmKiiM since It formed Mtveral weekf im, Kit suiviuouu eummiMlMiUtina illrwlod , ohbuoI fall to note toe progress in ualiMi the eonayr division movement laeltlement on the ImimI ami the aul nu being sent mi from Prln-vltte manual Improvement In the c!tl-. n-t .i In HMHirtail by em that mem- lri r the loamo. lacking Miir fair Hi.iKMfiila aanlnat division, are tak ing this mothiMl of fighting It. Who. hv r "io authora of tho circular are thy not only ohuw themeelvo a iiiwuiiU In sending It out without h alaiiaturo. but according to the new- rnl nnderatanl!nR, thoy break the t law bn well. Mo mr none gf the elreulara which an. in the furiii ef n awall prtatail -ii, have baeit llaard of In the aoutli vnm Hirtlitn or Orook county, but In th" north end n numiter have been w"!i They read aa follnwa: "Ihii objeet of aendlnK rn IhU lliM'Hi.. la to Hoot toh ac to what l Rolnx on. If thla c;vllon la Hind it will mean three rnunlloa out of on, and while Crook eonnty I larae. It la net the lime to divide It.' for tnkiM are too hlRh now. aed we ean.. imt aiand any more. If you are call td iiihiii to aaalat In thla matter, yon ehouUI. for your own mtehet book. 1 Hialimt the dlrMen. The Coinuillteo ltfila. The Jefferaon Oonnty Committor hai prepared a reply to thla ellp reed Inn a follow It la a RlmitHcant fact that thoM -who fathered till alio, did not elan it We do not hlame them for not elanl'ix It. for If they, aftnr week of xtudy rould not produce u morn fea.i- I'le arautuent RKOlnat coiittty dlvl l n. they alioulil be aahamed to t tnor homo Imaxlnalilo. There la wild liiteHUeiu itwiplo know that they aro Kamit In abundance, no bettor nth .ixetcd to county dlvlaton. l(C ran be found anywhere nnd tin Thv tell you that taxea.nre too ouuHaMo climate uiakee thla an Ideal liUh and wo frankly aureo with them. Place for nn outlnR. It la n myatory nnd they would have you Infer lh.it to uiit.wiixyou hnvo not advortlaei Minty il vlRloii It KOltiR to innko raxa attil I tilnher. We nro horo to tell ou that county dlvlnlon la Rolnx a lower taxoa nnd that wo nro pre pared to bank thin atntement wltn tlu facta nnd llRiirea, that they, the Tt'itldlvUlonlata. oannot dlaputn. " hv do thoy not ahnw that ooun t dlvlnlon la koIiik to Incretae Hit laiea? They cnnnot ahow It to nnv ne with ordinary reaaonluR liower. 1lie rnnnot produce one toKlenl ir Miment aaalnat county rilrlelnn. and l'jtrk it up with evidence. For thla r-naon. they were aahameil to place their inline- to thla weak aiijveal. that t lie . the wle fine, have put out. JefferiMin. County Committee, h. II. IrvlnR. Hecretary." Tin' Pioneer on IllvUlou, l-i dtreet conlmut to thla effort on Lolialf of the untl.iltv'alonUte the fo! IowIiir extrneta frotii the latnat Itaue of The Mndraa I'loaeer dhtcua inon ly nnd fairly, the nuoatlnnN thnt nro rnteed In the division fight: "OurliiK the pant few week and (Continued on mr 4.) FOH THK NI.XT FI5W WICI.K8 WK 8HAM. USK THIS 8PACH VOl WHAT Wlt1lAf.l. CAhh Little .Talks on Banking TIIKY AUK INTKNDKD. MOltK H8PH0IAM.V. Qlt TII08H OF YOU UNFAMIMAIt WITH IIAN1CIN.0 MKTIIODH AND WIM. CONHI8T OF HIMPliM ItUUiS FOIt YOUH UUIDANCK IN YOUIt UKITI0N3 WITH YOUIt HANK. TIIH FIH3T 18 ON Opening an Account AN ACCOUNT MAY IU OPBNICD UY ANY ONIfl, QF ANY AOM, IF INTIlODl'CKD TO AN OFFICWH OF THM HANK 1IY A UUSPONSIlll.I. PKIISON. A PASS HOOK 18 OIVHN Till. DBP03ITOU IN WHICH A 11KOOHD OF ALU THIS DUPOSITS 18 KNTICKKD 11Y THH UM01.IV INO TI.I.I.HM. TIIH HOOK 18 MKHHI.Y A ItKOMIPT FOIt I)I-:i03IT8, AND NO I0NTIHKS 81IOULI) 1)10 MADH IN IT HY ANY HUT A IVNIC OFFICMIt. WHKN TIIK ACCOUNT 18 FIRST OPKN1.D A OAHD 18 OIVHN ON WHICH VOU WHITK YOUH HIGNATUHB. THIS CAUD 18 THKN FILED HY TH13 HANK FOU FU TUUK IlKFKl3N01fl AND THM SlUNATUm. ON ALL CHUCKS MADH OUT 1Y TUB DKP081TOU MUST AOKI-U WITH THAT ON TUB GAUD. FOIl INBTAImOB, A MAN 8IC1NINO A OAHD A8 J. II. JONK8, MUST ALWAYS 8ION HIS CHECKS TO COItllBSPOND AND NOT JOHN H. JONES.QHil. I1EHUY JONES. ' ,opiw an Aqgofix; DOLI-AU WILL DOV1T? ' Deschutes " " -I1MNI), H. FBUIIBLL, PreBldout iti:i!Hii;it. 4 'II IK LAHT IIAV FOIt ItlttJIH. TIIATIO.N IH OCTOIIKIt in, IF VOI" IIAVK .NOT ALKKADY ItlKIIHI Klli:i IX) NO AT ONCE AM) HAVE Titoriu-i: ox icletio day. for moth HICM) PHKCINriHNHE.IUIiOIJ HLMH, I'lllHT NATIONAL HANK llt'll.DINdl I'OU DKM- CIII'TEH PRECINCT HKK a. I Ik 1 15 l.i t u-tMJu miuniiV ' A (J'fMlt.Vf1 -- - WILIiAM M'MURRAY HAS WORDS OF PRAISE FOR BEND Hnllrond Mini Willi With I'ntliual. iimii of Xntuial AilwuititKO of Tim it mid Hiimiiiudliig Country ItX WILLIAM MoMI.mitAV (Oen'l Pan. Ak'I O.-W. II. ft N. C.) Coming Into the Vallar of the Dea- chute and to the City of Uend. om wwpnreo wim coiioiuomi ins imn mree year g. wneu raiiroeu opera tluit began. Cultivated Held, dairy ratlin. wIiih ami itnnltrv ara a.ti ! from the canyon south to your city. The smaller town look bualnees-ltk. And Httnd has mude remarkable pro ttre. TulkliiK wHIi W. I). Cheuev, lie voiced (lie opinion that Central Oregon was deetlued to have o.io large city uud that Uend was tho 1o!cbI place for Km hulldlntc. lteatod In the mldnt of n countiv where dlverallled farmliiR U iuhmIIiI ', where itnlrylnK and tock-ra!aliiK xo an aeaured auccoiw. rloe to vat foi oet of inerchantulde timber, on the Itatika of one of the xreateat nower- ItroducliiK itroama on the Continent. win your iur air, 100 day of aim ehlno, llond ha overr , hroapeet "t lieromlnic a inetroitollinn city t'ie "MtH' point for an em id re and the MiHtirimuing Ihjiiii tor na prouueu. It la already a sanitarium. Puro In- vltroratliiK air. water Hiioollutoil and freed from the woIUhr imnwn i.f nearby mountntne, nnd the Kratef' I unhlne are inedleluat remedlee bit ter and more laitlHK than nny phyJ mean may preeeniie. It ha len ntr Hod fortune to - aoinn of. your aurroundlnK cointrv and It la appeallnic In quiet ImbuI and natural attractlvuneiM. Wlthtn a radlH of n few mile are ttoino ol tho moat dellithtful apota for n auni your auracuvo cuy nnu pieiureaqn- aurrouudliiRa more generally, From olitervaKon and In convolu tion with reildeuta of thla section. H la learned thnt you are In Hue wltn the remainder of tho Pacific North wont and thnt your crop have boon Rood. America In fortunate In hiw liiK n Itounty of product nnd the North went In one of the loadliiR lo enlltlen In Ita plentllude of Rrnlna, fruit and vegetable. .Central O.x PON. under Intenalve rultlvatlrn. will well the output. There U demand for land nt reaeonabhi price and your uiunlUvaied nreaa ahould ao ial to the homeeeeker CoudltlonH In Kuroite are moet de plorable. War In all Ha horror In general ami inanufaeturlnK hi not on ly at n MniuUtlll, but nKrtrultun.1 pritduota are praetleally abandoned. N'othlUR l farther from my thouRht than to oudoavor to rollt through the mhifortune of other, hut Amorlen will be en II wl upon to aupply food Httiffa for Utirupoau oountrloe mil (Continued on iwrq I.) VlTIt THIS hank. OXH e-- r State Bank . OltEdON H. M. LARA, CnHhlor I NEW OFFER IDE I ONNQRTHGAKAL 4 CO. I. CO. REDUCES ITS PRICE Hiijx HtoH' or United HtutctH .May Hate Project for (Illil.UllO mill Dollvory of Water to Other t'nltit Multcr N lloforteil (it Oennrtiiioiit. Arouml t' tho aotlvlty of tho (lend Comwerolal CJmW on behalf at tM Waal Unit the Central Oregon Irri gation Company haa tnaU a lyrw.offer, to the Utale or the Ualtwl UlO'i, whlchevor will take It up, of the North Cetial unit of Ita project. Thla time. Inatead of $300,000 thu rompHiiy nka 11X5,000 and the i!e llvory of water to other faction of Ita project. The offer' wa preeented to th Dimorl Land Hoard at n meetliiK hell on September .2 and la upiHtrontlv an effort to obtain tho Itenetlla of the $150,000 put up by Secretary Iano lioforo It la tied up elnewhoro. Wltn II went u 'report by KtiKlneer llodflel'l of tho ooinpnny, contaliilnii eatlmnte of eonalructlou which nro far below tho amountn found by the reKrt on the project tnadehy Knatneer Jaeo'ia, of the Hoelamation Service, the chief difference holme In counortlon with the etoraRe reeervolr which Mr. lied Held flKiirea a unneceary. The reort and offer have been re ferred to the Department of the In terlor with, the rtniueet that II he brought to the nltenlon of the en gineer who made the former report. Tho New Offer. The letter making the offer fol low: Portland. Oro.. Sept. IS. 1011. I)eert tiud Hoard, Bfllem, OreRon. "We offer the Htnte and the Un'te.l Mlate. or either, that portion of ou project known n tho North Canal land, nnd will turn over the North Canal dnm and tho Cnnnl aa now con atructod. on condition thnt tho de livery of 3KB cubic second feet of wnlor to the Pilot Ilutto Cnnnl; 11 cublc feet of wntor to tho Htavo Plte nt Powell Ilutto and water nt tho ine reiiulrod by our contract to .200 norea of land heretofore sold under tho North Cnnnl to ho provided for In tho construction of tho system, nn J payment of thla Company of On-) Hundred Thirty-flvo Thousand Dol lars. "Wo aonl you on September 3rd, nn estimate of construction of tho North Canal Hyetem hnnod on 30,73. Irrigable acres showing tho cost of construction to reclaim. Including the deliveries above mentioned, of im.S14.00. The payment to the eomoanv and such eot would amount to fB63.SU. 00. making the coat r: teehimation f 11.00 per Irrigable ac-. "W are making tht offer In which th. Company aacrlltcee o much, ih order to propose a plan which ahou'd be acceptable to tho State and to th) United State which I within th moan nvallablo. nnd so that thla pro ject on which ho iiuioli haa lieci spent and on which progroaa haa boon delayed, may ho continued soon. U Is noodloss to point out to you tha grent honoflt to nocruo thoroby to (Coutlnued on last pngo.) PVs uTrttflKkflnL. vakVr1R9MrBN v-taW3nPCH3M5soaAi )i CS5w V?i tf jarT Yw A. large quantity of II?atin Stoves to select from, among them the COLE'S AIRTIGHT which will make n remarkable saving in your fuel bill.' Bend Hardware Company ' f ' t ? TIIK COMPANY "W'KAK" IX WEST SIDE FAIR IS HELD FRIDAY WAR VETERANS SPEAKERS ARE Largo Delejeollon In Attendance Prom I lend A. MeAIIMer end J. X. II. (lurking IIhic lltrollonl AgrtcHl tiiml Itolithlt HIlnte" Oood. wVhxM fsMIng below the hltffc ia- yaffrgC Ih prorfoaa jmn, tho Wpt 9f Pule held nt UUlaw Friday ffrtp'ml an enjoyable ereat, and, k nSMal, Ajemonatratod that sphrarllil triauUtiral prodacta can bo rained thorvabOHl and that the people el Lalillaw are "up and owning." A very large aUeadanoe went fro.n Mend, and with the tieopla of tho town and adjaeent country, and the : few present from Itodmond, tho eon; munlly hall was well filled dwrHa i the peaking. ISxhlblu wore Ulrplay- ed about the hall, hut the oatlng art of the day was eonflaed to a "gypsy Itooth" down town. In tho evening thore was a dance In the ball. The Crook County Veterans' A eoelatlou. comprising old soldier who Itad, fought on Iwth aides in the Clv'l War. and Bpanlah-Amerlcan war vet eran, hold a meeting early In tht nftornoon. At It 0. W. Bhrlner waa, re-eleeted Commander, J. W. Thorp w ehoeen .Adjutant and Mrs. Dan Smith, Secretary. AVIth Commander Shriner preel-l-Ing tho six veterans present addreee eo the aadlenee, recalling experience of the sixties. On the platform we-e O. W. Hhrlner. J. C. Thorp. O. W. Triplett, It. II. Onell. It. M. Perlne. A. McAllister nnd Howard Noroott. 'Three years ago we had 15 at our mcetlnga; now there are seven," aald Commander Hhrlner, and tho enthu siasm of the present generation when thoy listened to the heroes of tho war of yesterday showed the love and rosnoct with which tho old wea-- crs of tho blue and gTcy aro regard-t od today. Other spcakera were County Agri culturist A. JC. Iovott. II. II. Do Ar mond. mnnagor of tho Uend Commer cial Club. Mrs. Hobson of Ilcdmond, It. P. Mlntor of Uend, Ouy Lbfollette nnd a. p. Putnam. The most notablo agricultural ex- l hlblta were those of A. McAllister nnd J. N. II. Oerklng. Mr. MeAllbw ter had a floe display of vegetable of mammoth Mie and porfect condition, I eapeelallr carrot, turnip and onion. Mr. Gerklng had a general illapio . ' notably grain and gtasaes. Among lhar Mvhllillora r K. V. Swtflher. ' )(. V. Fllckloger. Cbarlea Smith. J. V. Ilrown. M. W. nillett. J. W. 8nv- 1 der. D. IL Smith. F. II. Wilson. C. I. Mnk. Mr. Ilentz. Some Hue exam plea of needle work were exhibited. Mrs. M. I.. Uln go. aged 81. Mrs. J. V. Snyder and Mrs. U J. Wlmer being among those who showed their hundleraf t. I A supper was served toward even lag, an Improvkod "gypey booth" be- I Ing arranged In a down town build ing for the purpose. vti,; THAT PUT THE HAHDWAltE. HIHTKIIH I'Allt. Tho first fair of tho Misters l-'nlr Aeeoclatlon will be held on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week. Saturday haa ieen act aa Mend Day. Make your plans to go over on tiaturday nnd on Thuradey and Friday, too. If you can. CHENEY WILL AOORESS AD GLUB NEXT WEDNESDAY Hpeech That W Not Delivered nt Hjiikjiiki lleio to lie fule In Porl- land Picture of TH fififtwn. At the dinner to the Ad daft Wfcteti eiOMtl their two days star "" over beplotnbor 6 nnd 7 It wes n smeary to oat the program abort In order to got the Portland Hpn to their train In time and Mr. Cheney's speech was Not delivered. It wao arranged then thnt Mr. Choney ehonld make the speech nt an Ad Club meeting In Portland, and the latent heme of Adltorlal aaacmNOoa the event na follow: U', D. Clioney (TImm) Will Do With I'm October Ttlt. "Thoee of us who wore on the llond Kxcureton know what a real dynamo of energy what n good fel low what a splendid entertainer Taboo' really Is. Thoee of the Club who were so unfortunate aa to miss the trip have heard so much o(, wil about Uend and Mr. Cheney, that amplification would be uperfloui. Wo eagerly await his talk. All those who brought their 'convict uniforms' home fnera Uend are reqneetcd to wear them at lunch, Wednesday, Oc tober 7th." Adltortat also announce that th moving picture taken here on the club'a visit are now being shown In Portland. It la said that the picture are very good, and an effort will probably be made to have them shown here. .MItH. .MIMilCAX IS HOXOP.KI). Whcm In town on Monday Mr. Ada II. Mllllean was showing her friend a little volume by Mrs. Abi gail Seott Dunlway entitled "Path ilroflklng. nn Autobiographical His tory of KUttl Suffrago Movement In Pacific Coast States." Mrs. Dunlway, who for years led the equal sufTraee movement in Orogon, rn th's volume tolls the story of her life and her fight for suffrage. The took his many Illustrations of prominent suf frage workers, among them being a photograph of Mrs. Mllllean. COMMI.KCI.U. CLUI! IA7XC1IKOX Uecausc of tho Illness of J. F. Tag gart of the Pilot Ilutto Hotel the Commercln! Club luncheon which would have been hold thero in the regular Order last Saturday was held at the Wright. Only two questioaa wero dlecNfrsed, the absonco of J. P. Kayee neceseltaUng the postpone ment of the eight hour law argument. Aa so many are going to the Sleter Fair next Saturday the regular lun cheon will not be held that day. tho next discussions of Initiative ques tions occurring on October 10. IIYDIIOPHOUIA UHlli:. Roportn have onme In frcm tho homoetead country thnt coyotes af fected with hyd.ophobln have been killed recently. One attacked a sot tier and waa killed and on exani'ua lion It was found to have rabies. Settlers arp urged to make an espe cial effort to kill all eovotee and If one la bitten the heed of the animal should be sent to the State Hoard 't Health at once for oxnmlnation. lr ir r i" mJ zSSIr The First National Bank OF BEND, BEND, OR.EGON U. C COE, Prostdont E. A. SATHER, Vice- Pi-osldont C. S. HUDSON, Cashier Capital fully paid - - - $25,000 Surplus 2,000 SMALL DEPOSITS WANTED WE ENGOURAGE them because many large aocounts began in a small way. Tho small depositor of today becomes tho large one of tomorrow. More people would carry Bank accounts if they realized how it aids their credit and contributes to their success. By opening a checking account here you take the first step toward finanoial growth. Start now and follow in the footsteps of the many hundreds of people who do business with TR FitCST NATIONAL AfK OF BEflD DIRECOrffi"-''" ' --- U. c. cok e. A Sathru . R. IlDOSOX O. M. I'ATTKIISON Ur?AKl.U4 l 1SS ENROLLMENT AT COUNTY SGROOL FIOURES ON COUNTY man SCHOOL-GIVEN Out of n Total Itotffsiratlon of KM? Only Five Pupils Come Prom HoutXi Woet BeftlOn PrlHovlllo Unnvtfjf Moet CfcfH Tronr lnt HnilM' Flgorea on Ike enrollment at !ho County Ulna Softool In Prinevtlle re OOHtly compiled by County SltMPl rfuperlntosidoiit Myora dicclose a iftuatloo of cotMhlorable Interest to taxpayers In tho sotrth woatorn por tloa of the county. It has been be lieved for n long time that the coun ty high soheol, white or the highest rank so far as quality of Instruction and standards of scholarship wero concerned, was serving only & limited portion of tho county, and tho flgurea show that this Is so. Out of a total enrollment of 190 only five pupl'a come from the sonthweet section or the county. Thore hoe been no feeling that anyone was to blame for the situation or that it waa anvthlng cl-e than a misfortune brought about by the unusual size of tho county and the fact "that pupils who attoed school away from home tend to wool the towns their parents go for trad. That has been the reason why many pupils from other sections nt. found In tho Uend school In the wtp& ter to them Prlnevllle was out of the way while Uend was not. Taxc Paid Heocflt Other. As a misfortune, however. It hxt borne rather heavily on the reeldenp of those sections who have no hfcftt school pupils, or having them send them to Uend or to Redmond for tho high school work. In the county (Continued on pago 5.) TRAUTNER-OUFFY WEODIKG CeremoTSy Performed In Catholic Church Yesterday Afternoon. The marriage of T. E. J. Duffy of Prinevlllo and Mis Katherlno Trautnor of Uend took placo yester day afternoon at t:30. Father Shcan performing tho ceremony In the Cath olic church. Miss Trautner was at tended by Mrs. V. A. Forbes as ma tron of honor and Mr. Forbes acteJ (as best waa. Following the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Duffy left at one by auto for Redmond whore thoy expected to take the train. It h underetood that they will make a trip east before re turning to Prinevtlle to live Mr. Duffy la a prominent lawyer and United States commissioner at the eounty seat. Mies Trautner boa taught in the Dead sohooki. Among the gueata present at tho church were Mrs. Geo. Ilroeterhous. Italic HrceterhouB. Edward 11 ro tor tious. M. and Mrs. J. D DavidBon. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Mock, end the Mlee Mock of Laldlaw. S. It. Forbes. Gall Forbes and Nell Markla. to lUe. S? lr ir ir r vj ti gftiy $$3 vlMt OK.