1'AflH 8. tiikiityd iium.ntiv, niSNi), our., wudnksday, RKirrKMiucii an, to t , C n Deschutes Ranger for August Tho fourth timnbor of Tho Do cHutcfl Hanger, a monthly publication or thft loonl forestry offlco. Is dovotnd lrtfRpty to news of tho tiro nRhtln thnt has occupied tho tlmo nml attou tlon of tho onielals rccontlr. Tho cover Illustration on this numbor i yard fonco enclosing nn men about eighty foot squnro n rou ml Davis Lilu llnnitor Station. Klro auppi ostdan ban boon tho prin cipal occupation of all Korout olllcora durum tho past mouth. Sovsrnl r,ooa . tho water hoto nt i ,nmU t"lnK storms Btartod a num. LiiQ?iiJ r of flroB which, taken with those VJt!V M' tlllfCU iixirncw ironi ino -unnRor iui low: Tho ploturo on tho front page Is ot caused by other reasons, huvo kont everybody busy. High winds during Iho foro part of August and Btroiii;- 41UIU iiiiku ia WL I -. k . . .. . Sand Spring Water Hole In Section "" 31. Township Si S.. Itango 16 Kast. I'0?, ?5.n' 6 I .at 3?. ? Ul,U ?.u Aor Tho ontlro region northeast and south """'" ""'"r " '"'."'.? cast of the l'aullna likes Is romar- 1" ii, ,. k ' ' !i ..: .. .. Z"'..':,T, lit, ,1. la iw't:u lllUh IIIU IIUIOI ruiiuu ot dangor Is past. Tho looal forco watt handicapped In tho handling if fires by tho continued smoky weather which wo have had. which frequent ly prevented tho lookout men from wooing llames until n consldorablo time aftor they started nblo In being without any known utreams. Tho soil Is a looso pumlco through which tho water seeps with out over appearing on tho surfaco. Tho only known watering plnces M'lthln tho Forest aro nt Swamp Welti Section ?. Township 20 S.. Rango 13 Knst., at the Arnold Ico Cavo, Section 22, Township S.. Rango 13 Kast.. Antelopo Spring. Section 10. Town ship 21 S., Rango 15 Hast.. Sand 8pr!ng,-Ico Cave, Section 18, Town- Blilp 23 S., Rango 14 IS., and at In dian Springs, Section 28, Township S3 8., Rango 13 K. At Snnd Springs tho coarso pum lco Is underlain at a depth of about four foct with a strata of clay-llko noil on top of which the water ns- cumulates. Holes dug tnrough the possible, however, to oattnmto tho nercago or loss accurately. Bo far thirty-two flros burning ovor 3l" ncroH have boon roportml within tho National I'orost boundnrlCM and fix town (iron burning ovor Goa aero outsldo tho Forest. This does no, however, tuoludo hardly any of, tho flrofl that occurred during AugitHt. Kred R Heushnw, District KiirI uoor of the U. H. Qeologlcnl Survey, was In ltcnd on Scptomboi 2. Ho hnd Just roturued from a trlh Into the Crane I'rnlrlo and Ills Rtvor regions, on which trip ho arranged with linn gor Onoy to take giago roadlngs hi tho Rig Rtvor Station. Approximately M300 hna been ex. ponded on tho Deschutes and Doa- chutes Division of tho l'aullna For est for fighting tiros up to and In eluding Soptcmlmr 1. It la to bo re grottcd that so tnuoh money had to uo spout ro r a purpose that results In so llttlo dlroct benefit. At Inst work has boon atnrtod to cotnploto tho Tumalo telophotio linn. Hanger Austin loft Rend with a par ty ot ilvo men on tho morning of Soptombor 2 with material to com plete tho lino an far west as the Tutu tzz This is an Invitation to The Dalles YOl' DON'T HAVi: TO MAUN A l.ONH TRIP TO HIIIJ A 1110 WILD WIIHT HI10W Although qutto n largo area has heon burned over. It is not believed nlo Ranger Station. that a great deal of damage has been Rangor Harrlman has complctod done to merchantable timber, slneojn wlro fonco telsphono lino between most of tho fires woro In brushy Fort Rock and his headquarter 'n nroas or in places where tho timber iScctlou 10. Townshln 24 a., llnnso was of Inferior species. Tho largest H Knst. Mr. Harrlman roporta thut fire was on tho north slope of Pino 'tho lino works well, lly this moans Mountain and was cnuaed by a sage-! tho lookout man on tho "Rock" la brush lire starting several miles out ablo to furnish Mr. ltnrrlmnn with pn the desert which swept up th dally reports without taking tllo rld. iiiiisiuu nun "invii kuuiii mil xuiuoiween mo iwo points. hnmlnii Mc nliv h.m xinntr nf I IIIUIRVU llltlll UUIT 11 I1UU UUTUl'll lor ICnilElT UllCy MIS COUlllICtPd tirii. Pnn,i ua.or ihrnnrtni ih.,! '"e distance Into tho timber I'ntlt Iiik pntes for all Iho fence nrou fairly good water throughout tho year. Rangor Kd Mnhn has completed I bridges across Cold Creek by tho O vis Lake Ranger Station In Township) 23-7, and across one ot tho chnnncis. of Odell Creek on the Crescent ron 1 1 n couplo of miles southeast. He has' nlso straightened out a number ot curves In tho road so that It Is now j in fiiiou coiiuiuou biiu imssnmi' niii out any fords. Ranger Oncy has dug a well a tho 1Mb Rlvor Ranger Station. For , meriy all water was taken from tne Deschutes river. Automobiles have been found to ! tho most mold and economical meth od of transporting flro fighting crow si to fires. Although mora expensive! than teams for tho tlmo employed tho total cost of transportation an 1 Ffllarlcs of men going to fires Is less in almost every caso than If teami were used. Tho advantage as i gards the saving ot time is solt-evl- dont. Crows havo frequently beon Bont out from Rend and havo ar rived at Area at points which they could not havo reached in less thnn two days by team, within a tew hours, A special use permit for tho con struction of a corral has been grant ed to Messrs. Hartley and Kdglngtou Tho corral will be located In Section 20, Township IS S., Rango 9 Bast, nnd will ) used In connection with their grazing permit. C. J. Lloyd has been granted a special usa permit for a camp group d and boat landing on-Suttlcs Lako in Section 24, Township 13 S., Ranee 8 East. Ranger Matin is constructing a final reports aro obta'ned it is not' Rig River Ranger Sfntlon. there belim lo rid.. II swim:- ml tljl: THE DALLES RODEO AND WASCO COUNTY FAIR. SEPTEMBER 29, 30, OCTOBER. 1, 2, 1914 '!yA,"'0ut,,c.lTAt.r..?!,,,c!',u,.",",,,t' ?',m AOmiTIITRAI. FAIR Mill bo MM'Pllrnt nml Iho II.D HST M.ATUUJ tho best obinlimble. OroKtin Agrlculturnl (Vllego men lll Jmlgo Mvo ?WttllH.l.nailllV.,.(,r f'"1"""' w'W, Vt Prlw dinners, will pnrllelimto. IMI.mvi.V, TIIH WUIIMl UIAJIIMO.N R)l Lit, t'nbn Crutchllold, Ronvh llrotliers, Darrol, Ciinnoii. .Mm (Jaunt, IhilT.ilo Vernoii, lbbo !. Ilarel llle, nml many other stars, with tlireo tnrbmiU of Mmk, IiicIimIIii surli well knomi Iioi-m us InlrtMluvllAii, , Himiw Ktorin Molly, Iak.IiohI, TIio Joiv, Moriie, N1111IUI1 Siiilly, nml iiuiiiy nth. ew will pmi Ide thrlllltui cutertnliiinciii. Tliero villi Iw Dally RiiiiiiIhk Rccm, Htiinv Hncrs, liidlnii llme, llcliiy llnrm, Pony Kv prcsi Kiirmi, Hull Rldliijr. TIiono hnvlnn hiiroPN that could not Imj liddeii, are liiiltcd to brlnic them to tho ulioiv nml kIvc the mont expert rldem In tho Nortlniwit n clinnro In ride them. Kntertitlntnent by Country Hilidmi nt Vogt Tlicnlre Mnntlny mill Tiiemlny nlulitft. VUKK HTIIKKT IIANTK KVHItY MUIIT. HTItKITT l'ARADi: IIY COWIIOYH AND C(W(lim,H DAIIA AT lO O'CLOCK. l-'IXK SlfHIC IIY PtllXD'H OOXCTilllT HAND. AMI'I.H IIOTKI. ACCOMODATIONS) NO INCIIIMHi: IN l'lllCM. RRDL'CKD 1ARKS ON Al.h MNKH, COME and SEE US at FAIR. TIME. J. I. KKM.Y, 1'uv.ldout Wo Will ALL Havo o Good Timo II. II. HIM,, Hecrctary J Rl UtlHIIHSwLSEw flIBiiu!i wtwHHfB 1 IHKSSHBdFJK aXAWSSB ffil WII5f:?s5tfvfi ftifefi s?) "iil m m ml II 1 IWiilMll'iiiilllimtilMli 1 seven gates In all. A siieclal use iiermlt hac been l- tt tho wlndloHt day wo have had WtlH mi cir tilifiiil llinl ilnii. lutii.. . . ..M.t i- , iln.M .. .l. M....u,.. .... " " ' i.uiu lion ni niivu l, v. .illirn nil lliv uuiinii uutivii t ,-., !-.. .i . . , , t of a telephone Hue ovor tho portion ; mm ,n ,,rou ""'Idonly sprung m of tho I'au na Forest crossed betwoou " o rami. 1914 MODEL take the place of every fourth WILL COIV (3 cows wilii n U. S. as good ' m 4 cows witbouta U. S.), nnu MAKE the grentait profits for tho dairy fnnnor SAVING the niost time ami Inhor for the women folks, always EASY for a U.S., to pay for itself in oce dairy season. 17c would be pleased to set up one of these separators at your homo and you be the judge. SKUSE HARDWARE CO. BEND. OREGON l.n Pino mid Fort Hook. Tho permit 1 carries a clause granting I'oront out corn tho privilege of usltiK the line free of charge for otllclnt business. Forest Inspector K. II. Clapp from Washington and Assistant DKtrict Forester F. K. Amoa spent August 20 nnd 21 looking over the Mittolliis l and Bisters blocks of tlmbor. Forest (lunrd Usher has nearly 1 completed n now trail from Cran I l'rnlrlo Rangor Station lo Rou id Mountain lookout, which will shor ten tho distance from tho station ti the lookout about one mile. Mr 15. A. Shorman. In charge f land classification from Wanlilngloi.. nnd Aulstant District Forester C. j Ruck spent August 17 looking ovor tho Motollus land claxslucatlon area. On tho SSth thoy left for Sliver Lake, from which place thoy planned to gt. to Heaver Marsh, thnco to Fort Klamath. Wind forco nnd direction records aro holnx kept by the men on lllnck llutto. Maiden Peak. l'aullna Peak and Walker Mountain lookouts. It 1 1- ., ,.. ...... ., . ,... ..... i is iii'jukiii iniii iiiorv mar un nuiiio I more or loss constant relationship Int. tween wind velocities or directions and fire danger, and It Is hoped that , somo practical conclusions may Ikj j worked out as a result of tho obser vations. Their records show that : tho fifteenth of August wns one of Tho Rig Rlver-Kdlson Ire Cnvo road was almost completed by tho end ot July. This road sliorltim the distance from the ranger Mtntiun t tho loe Cuvo about three mile nnd ts Inented so thai there aro no steep grodw. Tho old road was veri crooked, not well cleared out, ami hud two heavy grades oitrh way. (Continued next week.) ii mil ii i mm mi i 1"! wn iiiw i mi hi m Tim I'nrtlniul Ad Club, during itn slay In llond, visited many inilntM 'if Interest. It beflfliiio very iieooftflA.y after the eruption at 1-ava Untie ta look for tho IiwiIIiir Iwrbor shoe. Thoy found It hern. Woro thoy right? D right. An exnmpla wor thy or Imitation. The Mulropoll trn. Adv. .- The BRICK GARAGE (liNDEK NEW MANAGEMENT) First Cln.vs Repair Work done by experts. Yes, wc repair Fords, and ,'iianintcc the job. Full line tires nnd supplies. We liuvc n few lmrtfiiin.s in second hand caw. '""' '"" BB8 Give us u trial. saa IFe Eond Garago Company WHERE SERVICE COUNTS K. II. IIRUNKA H. M. IIAKBIl in --- ---- -- - ---.., mi .. --- --- ---- --- DF A I FQTATF WJk Lumber f i tth Complete Stock Dry, R.ough and Finishing i- Lumber Maple and Fir Flooring 5 1 1 FOR BUSINESS LOTS FOR RESIDENCE LOTS FOR GARDEN LOTS For Close-in Acreage FOR. FARM LANDS Let us show you the property C"1 conservative buyer that BEND REAL ESTATE is a conservative investment JjS 4 Lath and mi '- ,3 Pine House and Irrigation Spout, Lath, Red Cedar Shingles I! i Ihe Bend Company t'T '1 y aj OFFICE CORNER WALL anil OHIO STS. 4 rrrrrrtr.n ????.???? r-rr ' fn r-w-rw-wi-r-r T " JT.T w V W Y T V V TTTTTi llAA- ' 'i- i , ' M I . . 1,1 ' I , , I ,.,, ;; I , i , , ,,, , , 1 ra 'M . V - tl ?. ti a i v M If T. REI " - " ' T Mit'vyvMiiiMlMMHMtMM4MMMM - -'-'-TTTTT'" TTTTTTT T9 - Ml ll.l I I . ,. .. .. , I , , ,