PAGE 4. the rend hullktin, niixn. ore., wkdnksday, sKinnauMcn an, .mil. It THE BBND BULLETIN (PnblMicd Every Wednesday) GEORGE PALMER PUTKAM Editor nnd Pnldlshor. $. 110RERT W. SAWYER . Assoelato Editor. 'ffm 'in Wi'l 'IMI III -'IWll " 'm I ' An Independent newspaper stand ing for tbo BQimro dcnl, clean busl ncso, clean politics nnd tho beat In toroats of Dcnd nnd Central Oregon. in n ii 1 1 ii 't Unolyoar. .-, $1.6b BIx mouths . ; . n ...'... 861 , Threo months...... 50 ALMOST SHOT US SPY IN SERMftNY All subscriptions nro duo nnd PAYADLE IN ADVANCE. Notlcos of expiration nro ninlled subscribers and 1f renewal Is not mndo within reason able tlmo tho paper will bo discon tinued. Pleaso notify ub promptly 6f any cbango of address, or of lalluro to re colvo tho paper regularly. Otherwise- wo will not be responsible ror copies tntBsed. Make nil checks and orders pay ly buio 10 ucnu uuiieun. - " -pw nmitt-nl Ilotlnnit wno reached mul rot obtained lit Arnhclm. Tito Drnkus Rot out of Europe with their hand bags, tho bulk of tholr bnRRnKO hnvlnrc beon left In PnrlH. Tholr clmuffctrr went to try to not tho trunks out of Pnrls nnd nuthlnii hus beun heard from htm since. They arrived In Now York on tho Rotterdam on September 7. A. M. DRAKE HAS PERIENCE EX- Vs In War Zone When Wnr W'ma De- clnrcd Had to Motor Out nnil Wim frequently Stopped for Seuivli Lost nit IbijjRnKe In Pari. AVBDNKSDAY. SEPT. 23. 1914 -jWl I - '-LS- 3 ' 1IELP FOR THE WEST UNIT. "Just nt tbo time when tho North Canal offer was mndo by tho C. 0. I. Co., tbo commercial clubs of thU section wero appointing committers to see what could be done toward get 'ting n Federal appropriation for tho completion of tho so-called second unit of tho Tumalo Project. Tho North Canal offer put an end to ac tivity on behalf of tho other project ant! tho committees never met. Now tho North Cannl matter is out of the way. Tho Irrigation company will not accept the government re port an a basis on which to runko a vdeal,vnnd even though It should bo cuniGinjuawnK inaitios nnoinor oner we all know that tho snnH'a paco et ;yjhlch such things proceed would mean a doloy of mouths before any understanding could be reached. If thji company and the Reclamation Service can ever agree they can go to .Congress for an appropriation from the reclamation fund. Tim .JjTCO.OOO that Is now set aside must ieuput at work elsewhere and ct onco. So we turn naturally back to the Tumalo, now definitely named the Wst unit. And we turn to It bet ter prepared to urge the spending of tjflsfononey because In the Interim It .Kasjtgeen the subject of a report by jn&Jlcclatnatlon Service ofllclals vyilch Is understood to be favorablo, to' the development of this project. , The report will soon be out nnd we ' shall know from it Just what the recommendations of the englneorai ere. un tnem In nana we can pro ceed to mako our fight. Dend's relation to tho project Is not as close as It was to the original Tumalo. It Is a Central Oregon affair however, and a Crook county affair, nnd. If county division carries, it will be a Desohutes county affair, and for all tbo-o reasons Head is Inter ested in it. No man can go out from this town until ho roaches nn Imag inary line and say "Hero Rends in terest ceasos." Bend is Interested in tho development of the whole country and wants to help all It can. That Is jirhy It Is ready to holp Itf neighbors In working for the Wait unit; and why It has already begu,i the fight. Mr. and Mrs.. M. Drake, forinof of llond, wjjo wore In Germany when tho wnr broke out, recently ar rived In Now York after passing through somewhat strenuous Uuu-s In getting out of tho wnr zone. In n letter to J. M. Lawrence, who wm with them abroad earlier In tbo sum mer some of tholr experiences nn given. They wero at n health resort at th bogtnning of tho conflict and it bts camo necessary for Mr. Drake to go to Frankfort to obtain a passport for his chauffeur. Whllo on this trip ni cording to his account, ho narrowly escaped being shot as n spy. Later a start was mndo for the Holland frontier. It was down tho Rhine through tho military lines and there wero Innumerable baitings and inspections, nnd frequently armed guards would insist an riding In tho car. Conflicting orders cnuscd much delay, and unlnformod officials caus ed more. Several times tho party w ro searched nnd tholr letters an.! papers read and tho greatest care wait taken to see that thoy did not get away with anything that Germany did not want to get out, and yet u day-by-day record, embracing com ments not at all flattering to the Germans, was overlooked. At lust FOR 8.VLIS. AT A RAJUMIN! FOR CASH OR KA TIME: Lots ono nnd two of blocu three, North Addition to llond; for mer situ of Evergreen rooming house In front of M. 1. Kelly resldcncot alio 4 room cottngo, furnished, with lot lOOxtiO feet In Lytlo Acre tract No. 10, near Standard Oil tank, on east side R. R. track. For terms nco C R. Densan Agent, City; or Dr. II. D. llrown, owner, Fort Myers, Florida, Adv. S8-30e. Rj3r3jajMreMarsiarKi3.'E WAR NEWS THE PAST "WEEK ' Don't He llothercrt with Couiitilng. Stop It with Foley's Honey hnl Tar Compound. It .spreads n sooth ing, healing contlng'nB It glides down tho throat, nnd tickling. honrsenoM hacking nro quickly honied. Children lovo It tastes good nnd no opiates. A man In Texas walked 1G miles to n drug storo to get n bottle. Rest you can buy for croup or bronchi! coughs. Try It. Pnttorson Drug Co. AdT. DEATH OF MRS. It. PARKER. Mrs. Roxnnnn Pnrker of Rums, n sister of Mrs. Frank ultimo, died sud denly In San Francisco last week. She was In Rend a fow weeks ago on hor way from the Interior city to th const. Mr. Dibble went for tho body arriving here Monday morning wheo ho wns mot by n number of rolntlv who had ccmo over from Rums, In cluding Mrs. Parker's moHicr, M.u. O. V. Johnson and threo daughters. Tho party left for Rums with the body Monday. A Lnmo Hark Kidney Troublo Onitsoa It. And It will give you even worse If not checked. Mrs. 11. T. Strnyngo Gainesville, On., was fairly down n her back with kidney troublo and In flamed bladder. Sho says: "I took Foloy Kldnoy Pills and now my back Is stronger than In yenre. and both kidney and bladder troubles are en tirely goao." PaUerton Drug Co. Adv. Jho Gcrnmns $cnded their retrofit before the advancing njlles last .wonk nnd took up pos'tlons nlnng tho Alsnc river. Hero evor since n general engagement has proceeded with neither side gaining much ad vantage. On the whole, wnr export seem to regard tho situation us fav orablo to tho nllles since they are continually reeolv'ng fresh troops to apnoso tho wearied Tctit'ons. In tho present battle thousands liavo been killed on eaeh side, nnd there has been destruction of much property and public bntlfllngs as well. Tho Rholms cathedral, over 700 years old, nnd ono of the flnost types of Gothls architecture In tho world, has leon destroyed by the German ar tillery lira. Tho Russians scorn to bo resting In Prussian Poland, their advance having been checked by tho Germans. In Onltcla, however, the Aunt flans nro being pressed back and quanti ties of prisoners nnd supplies hnfo been captured. On tho Ben tho news of tho wpok hnn been favorablo to Germany. Yes terday tho Rrltlsh Admiralty an nounced the sinking by a German submnrlno of three RrlUslj. cruisers nnd earlier In tho week It reporwa tho destruction of another caught un awares In tho harbor of Zanzibar. A German orulser has also been respon sible for tho destruction of six mer chant steamers In the Indian ocean The Japnneso advance on Klao Chan continues. CI.ANK1FIER ADVERTISING, WANTED Lenvo humll hilnd fit 0,10. WANTED. JiUundrvn nt Vyflffi JL . -.-. and Jucndliiir R?...B. :. niu necomi iit'.ii s mtm FOR RENT. iMwomii " "iiNP " r-Tliro room tin uinlsH- ed house, electric Unlit aiid wutnr. $10 n month. Apply MotropolN tail. 20 tf FOR RENT Furnished house, In Hooh,nt(,'M addition, nenr school. $, per .inoniii. Appiy to ,Mro. it. iii'rtitmr jjji'p FOR RENT or FQILBALU- Itnnolt "tUO ncrcs, 0 miles 8.11 of Rend. 70 nercs cultivated, Imlrncn good m'i turo, .100 acre water right. Good ft room house. Addrurs L. H. Rlulc ard, Rend. Orogou. Sli-UOo FOR RENT Two small furnished houses near school bouse. H. R. Hofciti. ever Denchutos Rank. 20tf FOR RENT Small bouso partly furnlshod, $T a month; also tent bouso adjoining. Near depot. In quire nt Ilullutln. 49tr FOR RENT Omcos on Wall street very cheap. Apply Rullotln Office. - FOR RENT Rooms centrally In cated. Electric lights nnd water. Suitable for housekeeping! Cheap, Apply liulletlu ortlco. FOR HALE FOR SALE Team, wagon nnd unrucsB, light spring wagon, buggy wlih pole nnd shafts, ono 14 Inch Ol iver plow, one set double hnrnomi an 1 nun lot uf small tools, inqulro Nixon llond. ill if FOR KALE HilO acre liotnoitonil lulliKiulHluubiil nt n liuntuln. Lnud IuvqI, good looutlun. Jiiiiulio lltilli- tinjk jiotr FOR BALM -High gnido rollto, youiitf, uhunp. Iniiilr;itt liulletlu (illlco. . VU-ao FOIt BAIK-Two Kod Improvod rollnqulnlimniilH, not far from Dry Luke P. O.,- Komi jiuprovoinuiilH. Come nnil sou Dry Lnko cuimtry, tnltn old rutid from MIIIIcaii, Oro., on mllen east mid south of Jlelid. Call. Drv Lnlte Htorn.'Dry Luke, Oro., 372Di FOR HALE Cheap. Two single boils. Iiiqulro Rtillottn odlce. 1.7 tf FOR HALE Olionp, two Jiifsoy cows, apply lmlletlu olllco. U8-S2p. FOIt HALE Potato dlggor. .In qulra M. J. Main. L'R it FOR BALE Flno Jersey cow.rln. qulro nt Mr. R. J. Murphy's near depot. i!8tr FOR BALE Nino Jersey cow.i. Phono Millard Trlidett. Sttf FOR BAL1 8 llolrleln cowb,)iU producers, sninn fresh now, others In month. Fnrm 7 tulles N. IC. Ulitto station, Redmond. Phono No. S3U I P. O. Prlnovlllu. J. F. Rico. 82tf FOR HALE or NXOIIANGIS tU--lluqulshmetit, 320 acres good (And. Vi ncros glmiroil,, onbln, .GO fwfV t ) water, good rungs. Inquire ntlU In. S&c I.OHT AND n)UNl, LOST White setter dog. Notify 11tllt,.Ht .itttnn t LOST On tho 17th. n small Iuk4I ciinin on tno near ureoK roau. rin dor return to Hulletiii Olllco. SU p NOTICE TO Dl'CK HUNTHR8. All hunters are warned that the duck hunting senson does not open until October 1. tho State law In th's respect being succeeded by the Fed eral Weeks law. Clyde M. McKay, District Warden CADILLAC USED CARS WHAT IS THERE AROIT A CADILLAC CAR THAT MAKES CADILLAC OW.NHIIS SO LOYAL. KXTHlSIASTIf". YOU WILL HAVE TO ADMIT THEIR FHELI.VO IS DIFFERENT. CNISIAU HKMARKAMLK, COMPARER WITH THK AVERAGE .MAX'S SATISFACTION WITH THE AVERAGE CAR. CANNING are in the. height of senson. Oct yours while they Inst. Prunes by the bushel, Green Apples by the Box and Ornpes by the bnsket. Shuey's Cash Grocery Now Why? WE SHOULD WORRY. The consistently Inconsistent Ore gonian Is running true to form those days with cartoons and news articles charging the Democratic administra tion "with responsibility for the pend Isg war tax, and editorials explaining the destruction or our foreign traJo ! which have made that tax necessary. I As an Intellectual performance It would surely look better to picture a farmer bulging with profits earnod through tho war and so, willingly tossing in his few dollars of tax. than to say on one page that the war Is bringing prosperity, nnd on another cartoonwiRe, that it brings a hugo tax burden. That, however, is what Is done in Tuesday's Oregonlaa. Tho editorial says in part: "There is solid comfort for this country In the fact, while tbo wnr has struck a severe blow to our for eign trade, it has sent up the raluet or our grain and hay crops to wnr prices- In a year of bumper crops. Usually bumper crops mean low prices: this year short crops in sev eral countries of Europe have com bined to send prices to such a total that 'the Chicago Tribune estimated the increase in farm value of the four principal cereal crops and tho hay crop over the value of the same crops last year at $621 000.000. This sum of extra profits wilt spread pros perity among the farmers and enable them to buy liberally of all commodi ties and make great improvements.'' The, oar toon shows Uuderwood shavjnff tho 'war tax burden' up onto Wilson's shoulders, who is astride the Democratic donkey. The editorial luu the caption. '"Why 8hould Wo Re plno?" Tho cartoon tthouia be lub eilod, "Wo Should Worry." Y- MARKET REPORT. "NORTH PORTLAND. Sept. 18. hcCelpts for tho week have been, cut tle 1384, calves 04, lios 4O88, ehep 67)i Cattle liquidation compara tively light. Market firm In all de partments. Rest light steers sold Monday at $7.35, bulk steer sales $0.75" to $7.10. Dutcher stock In em all supply with prices steady. Bwfno receipts inside of 3000 for week. The average run of bogs ut thistime is not a prime quality, duo to the high prices of grain. Dull of beoj!ght stock sold $8.40 to $8.50, A good sized run of sheep and Iambs with steady to strong prices on vnarl- lnguand owes, the former being up 4' nickel, at $6,30 and a bunch of qwestselllng at $4,50. No fancy stock InVthWmb dl&sjgn ..- gs-v, TALK WITH A IIIXDRED CADILLAC OWNERS DRIVING ALL THK DIFFER BXT MODELS PRODI CKI) FRO.M THE REGINXIXG TWELVE YEARS AGO. TIIKV WILL ALL TELL YOU: "MY CADILiaC RI'XS ALWAYS." "I CAN ALWAYS DEPEND UPON IT. SUCH A THING AS FAILING TO Hl'X. OK RHEAKIXG DOWN. OR W'EAHINO OFT, NEVER ENTERS MY MIND. FROM WHAT MY FRIENDS TELL ME. 1 KNOW IT COSTS MK LESS TO RUN AND MAIN TAIN MY CADILLAC THAN THEY PAY OCT FOR THEIR SMALLER CARS. AND I NOTICE TI1KY ALL PREFER TO HIDE IN MY CADILIiAC WHEN THEY CAN. WILL I HUY ANOTHER CADILLAC? YES. WHEN I 1IUY .MY NEXT CAR. HUT I'M NOT IN ANY HURRY AKOUT IT. MY CAR IS AS SOUND AND SKHVICEARLK AS ANY CAR ON THE MARKET TODAY." THAT IS WHAT CADILLAC OWNERS WILL TELL Y'OU IF YOU ASK THEM. ASK ANYRODY WHO KNOWS MOTOR CARS AND YOU'LL GET TDK SA.MK STORY QF CADILLAC SATISFACTION. A ITER ALL THAT IS WHAT YOU WANT TO HUY, "SATISFACTION." SO, NO MATTER WHAT YOU HAVE IN MIND TO SPEND. PUT IT INTO CADILLAC SATISFACTION AND YOU'LL GET YOUIC .MONEY'S WORTH. 1 Thoroughly overhauled nnd re painted. A most dependable ear, seotlng five pnssongors. At a fig ure that merits your serious consideration , 9100 -A five-passenger touring car In ex cellent mechanical condition. Th'o machine lias been usod in Portland. has bad the very best of oaro and Is an exceptional bargain at the price quoted Full' set of tools, completo equipment, Including eleotrlc side and tall lights, olee tric lighter for hoad lamps, electric horn nnd nickel trimmings. Tires are In far better condition than Is usual on used cars, 911.10 "Phaeton with Dolco electric lights nnd eolf-otnrter. Complete equip ment. This car has boon thorough ly ovornauiea in our own snops, nil or the worxing parts have beon examined npd,. new lactory-raado parts Installed where required. Repainted. This car Is far superior In comfort, dependability, smoothness and long life to any new car that will eell at the same price, $000 wf . k a nve-passengor touring car. Con dition nnd appearance excellent. Has been used In Portland and has been on storage in our garage since originally sold, so that wo can vouch for tb.i way it baa been toJsen care of. A car that will outwear any new car selling at the same price and that can be maintained very economically, $000 1 Four-passenger phaeton with elec tric ngnu and seir-startcr und nil modern Imnrovoments. Exrmit Ine tho two-speed axle this car Is practically tho same as our present model. It has oeen reuum ana repainicu nnu is guaranteed to bb-'ln first-class mechanical condi tion. In appearance It looks like a now cor. Dumper .and Klapton boru 31Hfi I A flvc-passonger demonstration oar CADILLAC, 1909 CADILLAC, 1911 has bad the very best of oaro and Is an excel FulP set of tools, completo equipment, Includln trie lighter for hoad lamps, electric horn nnd better condition than Is usual on used cars, . . CADILLAC, 1912 ly overhauled in our own shops, all of the wor new factory-rando parts Installed where rcquln superior In comfort, dependability, smoothness will eell at the same price, . , CADILLAC, 1912 bH IBHm ujH P-j T5p8l CADILLAC, 1913 r.AniiJLAr. 1014 ' mmmwmmt y m r m jn porfect condition, . .. .. .$1000 AN INSPECTION OF THESE CARS WILL CONVINCE YOU THAT THEY AID? PRICED VERY LOW AND THAT THIS IS TRULY A MONEY-SAVINO OPPORTUN ITY. WHEN YOU DRIVE ONE OF THESE CARS YOU KXFKHIKNCK THE PRIDE OF CADILLAC OWNERSHIP JUST AS MUCH AS THOUGH YOU HAD PURCHASED A NEW CADILLAC, YOU ARE AS CERTAIN OF CADILLAC SATISFACTION, AND WE ARE JUST AS MUCH INTERESTED IN YOUR GETTING IT AS IF YOU HAD RQUGHT A NEW CAR. II-'DESIHED, TEILMH CAN RE ARRANGED, WIS HAVE SEVERAL OTHER MAKES PRICED AT EXTREMELY REDUCED FIGURES THAT WILL HEAR YOUR INVESTIGATION, ,. Covey Motor Car Co. '' Washington Street at Twenty-first, PORTLAND, OREGON 4 ft- Chuck yourx)ltl hat The fjoou feeling you get will be worth more than the pnee of a new one. ah nam lor n are not tnc same oualitv, Trv one of "ours" once. We've just opened up our new ones, iviyi now pretty tueyure. ? Misses and Children's Coats Misses' and Children's Coats a big-line of them, made right, styled right and priced right, from ; $4.00 to $15.00 - Children's Knee Pants .. A big'line of them in Worsteds and Khakis and Corduroys. Not the usual "thrown together" kind, hut made strong enough to hold. Hoys, at the pair 50c; 75c, $1.00 $1.25 and $1.50 Tailor-Made Skirts les fn Tailored ew Tunics, Uok 'We are showing 4he smartest sty "' Skirts ever brought' to Uend. ' Nev Plaited, Accprdfon Plaited in plain and plaid ma terials that are correct for fall wear, at Mm kivr $4T.00, $5.00, $6.00, $7.50, $8.50 I We have the finest line of Woolen Hlankets in Central Oregon. R. M. SMITH CLoilNG COMPANY ' LEARN THE WAYu m.amji 1