TAGK 2. TIM! I1KNI) BULLETIN, HUM), OUK WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER BiJ, 1I)U. -.---.- - ---- - - -- -- --- f CENTRAL OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. HUV IiAKK. (SpoclM to Tho Dullotln) DRY LAKE, Sept., 14. Mr. Uws noll from Illicit Creek who a Dry Crock visitor Saturday. Mr. Fuller recently .purctinscd .1 Bplondld team of horses from Mr. Klna. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Ijmpko transacted business at tho Chas. Ivoy ranch on 8unday Dry Lalto homoatoadoni welcomed two days of rain tho foro part or tho weok. Mr. Mlllor from lluck Creek passoJl through hero Sunday nnrouto to Uend. John Pausch was a Dry Lako vis itor Sunday. Mrs. Inlon was n Sunday visitor nt tho McVolty homo. Mr. I.oaton visited at the Van Lnka ranch tho foro part of tho week. Georgo GolRor tmd family spent Bunday at Mr. and Mrs. Aloxndrla's. S. fliOgnn transacted business 1.1 Prlnevlllo tho fore part of tho weok. Ed Steel from Buck Crook was a Dry Lako visitor Monday. Mr, Whlto from Portland was a Dry Lako visitor Wednesday. Thos. Langford returned homn from Hem! Wednesday. Mr. Ivy transacted business l'i Hampton Thursday. Mrs. 0. Lempko was a Hampton visitor Thursday. Ed Peterson visited at tho Lenten homo tho early part of the week. Mrs. Alexandra called on Mrs. F. Brown tho foro part of tho weok. Miss Vcrnlse Hrown visited at tho Everett ranch tho fore part of tho week. -- ---- -------"-------- and Mrs. llyron Cndy of Lnldlawlcattlo this weok. spent Sunday nt tho Walker homo. A. Gay Is busy Sam Hoyd mid Krvlllo Hakor luivo prosent Krulibluti siiro at raturned from autsldo paints whnro they hnvo been at work In tho Im vest Holds. John Elder Is brlnglnR his stocK In from tho Hiimmor runKo and will winter them nt tho Johnston ranch. Frank IlotmrRo is working In Prlnovtllo this fall. Mr. and Mrs. Doaly hnvo taken tho George Tothorow house for tho wlf tor. Mr. Charley Hoeoh has boon qulto sick recently but Is greatly Improved at present. A. 0. Wnlkor received tho top of tho market for n shipment of hogs ono day last week. HAMPTON. (Special to Tho Bulletin) HAMPTON. Sop. 17. Mrs. Leo Mlllor was In Hampton Monday. Mm. A. S. Fogg Is on tho sick list this weok, J. P. Wllquet and son Arthur en tertained J. L. Owoa, Floyd Phllllm and Isaac Zloroft for supper lam evening. Win. Henslecy was In Hampton on Tuesday. School commenced today nt this place Monday with L. A. Hunting is toachor. Isaac Zteroff loft Hampton today for tho Wlllametto valley. John Schmeer of Warm Spring, died suddenly of paralysis Monda afternoon whllo ho and his wlfo woro coming homo from Prlnovtllo. Ho was stricken Jtut five nillcn from Uh homo of Paul Hold nt which place ,i.n.. ... !... r.Hr vn!mr'tho funeral was held tho next dnv, A danco was given Friday evening ,,.,, nvinff ninr nt Prinnviiin Wednesday. Fred 0. Miller or Holyat was In Hampton Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Chas. nuhop was railed to Portland last week by the serious illness of her father, Mr. Lawrenca. Wo are having some rain this week, tho first that hns fallen for qulto a whllo. Mnlvln Crow has built an addition on his house. under tho auspices of 0. Everett and John Morris In honor of Miss Ever ett, who loaves for Prlnevlllo Sun day. Thoro was a largo attendance. Including many from neighboring towns, Itofrcshments wcro served at 12. Tho crowd did not dlspereo un til day break and cvoryono reported "tho best tlmo over." Master James Lcmpke and slstnr Gonevtevo spent a pleasant day at tho G. A. Garsko homo Friday. O. Everett visited at tho F. Brown homo Friday. Tlioro will be a danco given In tlu Dry Lako hall, Friday, October 3. Everybody Is cordially invited. Good music LAIDLAW. (Spoclal to Tho Bulletin). iLAIDLAW. Sept 17. Tho Marlon family moved Into town tho past week. Mrs. J. M. Brown, Mrs. Gerkin and Mrs. Sncldcr accompanied Rev. A. O. Walker to his homo in Alfalfa Monday to remain three or four day. Iast Sunday was the end of anoth er year's work in Laldlaw Union church for nor. A. O. Walker. Ho was unanimously elected to continue his labors hero for another year. Sundar. September 27th, has bewn Bet as "Good Citizen's Day," ar.J thcro will bo special services at tht rhureh both moraine and evening. All "good citizens" are urged to be pron-l em. i 77, with Oscar uutzein as tcacnor. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hewitt Olid Tnn now ml luntnhln desk wore added daughter. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. 8lmp-'t0 tno echool equipment thus tnnkln.r HAMITON BUTTE. (Special to Tho Bulletin) HAMPTON BUTTE, Sopt. H. C. J. Stauffcr of Stauffer passed through Friday with a load of lumbr for William Schrocder. C. J. Smith of Portland, tho Demo cratic candldato for Govornor, regis tered at tho Brookings Hotol Friday, when on his way to Burns. Earl MoFaddcn went to Bend on Thursday, returning Friday. J. Mayers of Butto passed through on his way- to Walla Walla to bo gono several weeks preaching to tho Jows. Elva McFadden of Pleasant Valley was a callor in this vicinity Wednes day. Jesso Monroo Is working for W. W. Brown. Roy Fouts is out to Bend. Fisher Logan hold tho lucky nuni bor which drew tho shawl that was ramed at Imperial Saturday night. School begins today In District ssn. son nnd Messrs. Cave. Kremrael and f. Ray mado a trip to tho upper houd gates Sunday. Among Laidla-v visitors to Bond Monday were. Mr. and Mrs. Wil Thorpe. Mr. GrlQln, and Mrs. Dayton. Tho church ladles will meet at Ihti liomo of Mrs. G. E. Ross Thursday afternoon to plan for a unique enter, talnment, called "The Gypsy Festi val. School openod Monday with a very large attendance. Robt. Horner Is gaining vorr slow ly nnd Hattle Homer Is unable to attend school this week. Miss Polk arrived In Laldlaw Sat urday to resume her duties as teacher of the primary grades. Mrs. J. J. Coen was on tho slak list Sunday. John II. Lewis and John T. Whist ler visited Laldlaw Friday after h trip to tho T. 1. P. camp at Broken Tap. A dance was given at the bull Fri day evening In honor of Mrs. J. WI ittur. who loft Sunday for Portland tivUlt before going to her new homo Hormiston. a seatlnc capacity for 20 pupils, Mrs. E. L. Cook attended tho danco at Imporiul Saturday night. Horaco Brookings bad a colt cut qulto badly in the wlro fence. There Is considerable travol going through hore lately. Last weok 120 registered at the Brookings Hotel. Oscar Butzeln made a trip to tho Maury mountain mill for lumber to build a house. RIVERS. ALFALFA. Special to The Bulletin.) ALFAJiFA, Sept. 18 Mr. and Mrs. Ogltj, who recently purchased tho Pr att itlaco. are expected Sunday. They, with their three sons, will make this their home, W. Stiirdevant has sold his homo stead and will leavo in a short tlmo with his family for tho Wlllametto vollejr. L. A. Nixon has moved to Bend. They proved up on thoir hojnestoad Thursday. Frank Barnes and family have re turned to Prlneville after having farmed tho Mackey ranch for tho past two seasons. School opened the sovnnth with an enrollment of 10. Hubert Dealy, who came here from Missouri I ait year, la teaching. Quite a numbnr more pupils' will enter school a lit tle later. Joe Munzlnsky has gone to Burns tor the winter. Cecil Erlckson has been enlovng a visit from his mother. She return ted homo last week, a A. Barber expects to move i twine farm near hero, so that his children may attend school this win- r- , Msdamca Brown, Snyder and Gerkjug of Laldlaw were tho homo puMfs of the Walker family from Mojulay until Thursday of th's week. lp jjrlokort has gone to North Bond to wjSrk. MUV'Goraldlue stonor Is staying, with Mr. and Mra, Hubert Doaly thM wtntffi "ajjdat(jndlRg the. Alfalfa Bobwf. ' Mr. and Mrs. John Cowon nnd Mr. (Special to Tho Bulletin.) RIVERS, Sept. 14. A number of young people from this vicinity at tended the danco given at Imperial Saturday night, September 12. M. Hallmoyer left for Bond this morning. J. B. Rivers and Martin Hallmoyer are busy cleaning out Alec Rlokman'j well and putting up a windmill for him. Miss Bertha Ransom left Sunday for Camp Creek, wbero alio will toaoh school this term. Mrs. F. Houston nnd family loft for Prlnovlllo last week whore thi cblldron will attend school. The stock men aro rldlag after boef Tho Rivers school wilt start Tues day morning, September IS, with Mr. Mlllor ns teacher. Tho Dry Lako pcoplo gavo n danco Inst Friday night. Tho Prlnglo Flat Improvement Club met at tho school houso ln.it Sunday. It was decided that tho now hall would bo stnrtod on this wook with George Ilcabo as foroamu. Wo hnvo been having sonin light fall rains lately and a little fall of imow last Tuesday morning, whloh will greatly bonellt thoso who want to do fall plowing. iiAimaw. (Special to Tho Bullotln.) LAIDIjAW. Sopt. 24. A numbor of Laldlaw ladles wont to Bend on n shopping tour Saturday, among whom wero, tho Mrs. Wallace, Grinin, Ca'dy. Lundbcrg and Ross. Thoy woro much pleased over tho Improved condition of tho roads. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bozell vlsltod Bond Saturday morning on business. Hnttlo Horner Is ngnln able to at tend school and Robert Hornor Is on tno gain. Dolldngs hnvo moved Into tho building next to thoir restaurant nnd Mr. Gilo and family now llvo In tho houso formerly occupied by Dolblngs. A party of Laldlaw people wont out to Bull Crcok Springs Sunday on a picnic. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. J. Coen spent Sun day with Rnv. A. O. Walker nnd fam ily nt Alfalfa. Mrs. Ada Lundberg nnd family and Mrs. Jeorlen spout Sunday wltn Mr. and Mrs. Hatch. Mrs. Sneldor, Mm. Gorklng nnJ Mis. Brown returned Thursday from Alfalfa, whoro thoy had been vUltlnir A. O. Walker and fairil.- slnco Sou day. Everyone Is planning on n genultio good time, both during tho day of ti.e Iildlaw Fair, Soptemhor 25, nnd In the evening at tho "Gypsy Cnrnlvnl' at tho hall. The Olamul gypsies wl.l bo thorn, fortuno tellers, gypsy queen, dancing girls, and sweet singers, nn I plonty of "lunch" for all at surpris ingly low prices. Picnic dinner n( noon with tho Old Soldiers on Plon c Island. Messrs. Dobson nnd Snldor an1 families of Redmond visited Ijildla v and tho Tumalo project on Sunday. J. B. Thompson has boon III for sovoral days nnd Is confined to his tont. Mr. and Mrs. Sowors and son now occupy tho stiull houso across from tho school house. The Laldlaw school board nro con sidering tho Installation of a play ground apparatus. C'LOVEHDALH. (Special to Tho Bullotln) CLQVERDALE, Sopt. 21. Mr. and Mm. F. L. Shaw, Geo. Altkon and Miss Cyrus attended tho Prlnovlllo fair Friday and Saturday. Mr. Balloy of Laldlaw is roglstorcd at tho Slstors Hotol. Floreoco Waldron spent tho weok end at Prlnovtllo. Clyde Johnson's smnll son got his finger badly mashed by gottlng It In the slcklu grinder. It grew rapidly worso and ho was taken to Redmond to sea tho doctor Thursdny. Mm. Ed Troyor and children stall ed for Missouri Friday whoro sho will spond the winter visiting In her old homo. Mr. Troyor Is working on tho mountain road being built by the men on tho msorve. Robert Smith and family. Ed How ell and family and George Wilson at tended tho Prlnovlllo fair Thursday and Frldny. All report a good fair and a good time. Chas. Powolson left Sisters Wed nesday fbr Prlnevlllo. Ho will attend fairs and Round-ups during tho rest of tho month. A gay party of merry makers sur prised Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Edglogton lost Wednesday evening at their farm homo. There has been a heavy snow fall In tho mountains and both passes hnvo three feot of snow. Many trav elers tried to cross but all havo fail ed. Mr. Wilt and wlfo woro dlnnor guests at Mm. Powolsons of Bend bunday. A six months term of school Is to bo held In District No. 0. Tllllo Dav- AOmTrunkRy. Njl,"1" rf CENTRAL DftEGDN LINE Excursion Fares SEPTEMBER 24 TO OCTOBER 3, INCLUSIVE, TO SALEM, FOR THE Oregon State Fair From Bend, Metolius, Redmond, Deschutes, Cul ver, Madras, Terrebonne and other points on the Oregon Trunk Railway. One and one-third fare for the round trip. Final return limit October 7. "PORTLAND DAY" Thursday, October 1. Rig programs, racing events and free attractions daily. For full particulars call on J. H..CORBETT, Aggnt, Bend. . . , Idson from Hood Ulvor wilt tonoh. Elliabuth Fry has como (rum Rod moud to spend tho winter with her grandmother, Mrs. Morton of Sis ters, Threshing Is woll under way In this entire uectlon, grain turning out woll. L, G. Gntbe, E. !.. Wuldron and K. B, Waldron drovo to Madras Wed nesday, returning Frldny. Thoy re port fruit nl tho Covo flno this yoar. llert Hodsou nnd family loft over land for McArthur, California Mon day, rOWKfilj 11UTTK. (Special to Tho Bullotln) POWELL BUTTE, Sopt. 31.KIU. ler Brolhors, who havo recently pur chased a hay halor, will commonco baling hay in thin soctlon soon. A. II. Rhodo has lot a contract wltn N. P. Alloy for tho erection of n no's' house. Tho building wilt bo n story and a half frnmo. Mr. Alloy '; work on tt Monday. .r Mrs. Mary Orowllor enmo up c jpnt Bund recently for nit uxtomlcd Mnit with hor Rrniiddniiithtori Mrs. Juo Hhonror nnd fiunlly. Goorgn llolilm In Ininy Hooding wheat. Ho Is running two soodorH nnd will seed two hundred noroH U fall grain.. Wntor was Mhut tiff In tho 0, 0. t. Company's dltohes tint first of tho weolt, to bo turned o'n soml-inoitthly until spring Irrigation demands nro horo again. Wo understand thnt u number of our farmers will work nt tho now ditch camp to bo stnrtod hi tho vicinity of tho Stnnloy-Davonpoit ranch which will glvu employment to a Inrgo numbor of men with loams. Min. Alton Wlllcoxon and daughter Harriott arrived from Portland and Pugot Sound points Thursday even ing, whoro thoy hnvo enjoyed tlu past nix weeks visiting with rolnllvps and frlonds, Mrs. Anna Bootgnr returned to hur homo In Redmond Haturdny after vi King sovoral days with hur brother, Frank Klsslor, nnd family. Tho horso driven by Mm. Bart Monroo. whllo on hor way to Prlno- Alloy ,'-ti)il ! - IK Lafollette Nursery Co. H I I ll iliinllW Prlnevlllo, Oregon CENTRAL OREGON'S NUKSEKV - -. W (Continued on pago seven.) What's the Use of frolKhtlnKKrocorlcB from llotul froo of chnrp;o7 Let JOHNSON pay tho freight. Hoinoiulior tho plnco, nenr 28 nillo post, Demi to Hums roiul. Bt M1LLICAN, OREGON. Stop the LossFires are Unnecessary nRICK IS ABSOLUTELY FIRE PROOF IN ANY ORDINARY CON. FLAG RATION. BRICK BUILDINGS NP.VBR BURN, ALTHOUGH THEY ARE SOME TIMES INJURED BY FALLING TIMBERS OR COMBUSTIBLE INTERIOR WOODWORK. A BRICK nUILDNO IS ABSOLUTELY FIRE PROOF IF WIRE GLASS 18 USED IN THE WINDOWS AND IF BURNED CLAY FLOORS ARE USED. AN INTERIOR FIRE IN SUCH A BUILDING IS CONFINED TO THE ROOM IN WHICH IT ORIGINATES; NO OUTSIDE FIRE CAN ATTACK IT THE PROPORTION OF nURNEI) CLAY IN BUILDING CONSTRUC TION MKA8URE8 ITS FIRE PROOF QUALITIES. BURNED CLAY 18 THE ONLY HUILDINO MATERIALTHAT HAS BEEN THROUGH THE FIRE BEFORE YOU GET IT. IN BUdH A MAN NER THAT IT WILL RE8I8T FIRE. ALL COMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL J8 BURNED OUT OF THE BRICK BEFORE YOU GET IT. WHEN YOU BUILD USE BRICK. The Bend Brick & Lumber Co. BEND PARK COMPANY REAL ESTATE We Control and Have For Sale, at the Be3t Prices and Terms, the Largest Amount of Business and Residence Property in Bend. Call or Write for Free Maps and Descriptive Matter INSURANCE . Insurance Written in All . Its Branches in World -Knowft Companies LIST YOUR PR.OPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT WITH US. OUR OUTSIDE Offices nnd Agents Better Enablp Us to find You Purchasers and Tenants. Crf BEND PARK COMPANY Oregon Street, Bend, Oregon. Empire Building, Seattle; Wash. . 1 iffi v i