PAOK B. THE DCND III LLHTIN, IlKND, OHIO., WHDNEHD.U, HEPTLMHED III, 101 1. CIBCOIT COURT RESULTS i Sheldon nntl AlhDanlrW Cnnlrtcl nt Second fyegreo Murder. PIUNIftVthLH, 2 P. M. The oHlfct mulls ot Circuit Coltrt procedure to Onto tiro two convictions ot second degroo muritor. llalph Sheldon, who murdered his nowly horn baby notf Grizzly on Juno 10, ontored a plea of guilt) and rccolvcd a life sentence. OaylordlQiJnnlols, up for retrial xt tcr convfgtrutt ot second degree mur der for killing Herman Pooh Inst year, was again found guilty. His Dcntoaro hnVnot been nunouncod. John McPhorson was again found guilty of horso steeling, on retrial. His sontonco prolmoiy wilt ho an nounced today. Tho joint Indictment against Mrs. Scogglu nnd Henry MoDowoll for tho murdor of Avery O. Scoggin was sov orecl. McDowell It now bolng trlod for murder and Mrs. Scoggtn's case has been postponed until the Decem ber term. Tho Crook County Fair opened o day, with a very light attendance. nnd apparently, little prospect ot rep resentation from the west side. FOUND THE ONLY COMBINATION CARPET ftlAD. SWEEPER-VAC TAKES THE DIRT OUT OF RUGS, A1AT- TRESSES AND ALL UPHOLSTERINO. auARANri-un to cluan as wull as anv vacuum CLliANGR AlADU PRICE, $12.00 Skuse Hardware Co., Bend 'Wo will give frea demonstrations In your house any lima MED MASON DIES Funeral ot Hugh Cooper .Held on Sun- tiny front lrc4li)(crlnn Cliurelt. Funeral services over tho body of Hugh Cooper wore held at tha Pres byterian church on Sunday with tho pastor, 11. C. Hartrnnft, omclatlnj. Mr. Cooper had been a Master Mason for 53 years and tho services on Sun day wore in charge ot tho llend lodge of that order. Mr. Cooper canto to Dcnd fron Vlnltn, Oklahoma, about a o v o n months ago In soarch of health. For a time the change seemed to be bene ficial to him but since June ho failed rapidly and was confined to his bed to tho end. His wife survives him, as do soven children, fonr of whom. Hoy, Kdlth, Lillian and Janet reside In llend. DANA WRITES OF AD CLUB'S TRIP (Continued from pago 1.) DUOUTH IK HKOKEN. The first hoavy rain for over two months fell last night and this morn ing, there having been nearly half an inch, according to the rain gnago at tho government station. Thero have been light rains In tho past week but not enough to lighten up tho ground for plowing Last night's rain Im proves tilings materially for the far mer and haa also laid tho dust which had becomq very disagreeable In the recent wind. Tho Portland Ad Club, during Its stay In llend. visited many points of Interest. It became very necessa.-y after tho eruption, at Lava Hutto to look for tho leading barber shon. They found It here. Were thoy right? D right. An examplo wor thy of Imitation. The Metropoli tan. Adv. " estate manipulation. They may lay On the slto ot tho traveler's camps solfish ptttcnt upon sun and soil and cascading water, careless of tho puny lease-hold Imposed by time. Thoy may also lit cxpanso of opportunity to breadth of Ideal nnd leave endur ing self expression where they havo lived. A Community of flood Hirer, tho young men of llend havo set up a log temple dedicated to hospitality anil goou cheer. This Is tho llend Emblem Club and tho reason for It. Tno old name Fare well Pond thoy changed In Impllci tlon to Wclcomo Hond. Thoy must havo conceded to Portland Ad Club members merit to bo their guests un der their own requirements, for last Sunday and Monday was spent with them. Tho special train from Portland during Saturday night camo to tho moro than cloud-high altltudo that Dcnd Is abovo Portland, and from tho moment the Sun and Km blom Club together welcomed tho vis itors the town was delivered to the most all-inclusive hospitality tho Ad men had over experienced. It was suggested by Dr. K. A. Pierce, a Portland ph)slclan, wuo made a speech, that on tho highlands men had a million or so moro red corpuscles to each cubic centimeter ot blood thnn thoso who lived at tho confluence ot tho Willatnotto nnd Columbia rivers, and each of those extra corpuscles must hno aided In energizing tho plan ot the two days. After the admen had been whisked In automobiles to breakfast at the Emblem Club house and beforo they had had a fair chance to admlro the quaint architecture and tho green lawn that slopes In tho front toward tho river, they wore urged Into ma chines whose driven at once violated all speed regulations, wcro Irnmmlt- atoly arrested by competent cop.i, tried, jailed, uniformed In vivid yel low and bluo. Tho uniform wna tho onuso of their entire enterprise, for It causod tho Admen to wear the col ors ot tho Kmblem Club in n dual ex cluding suit during tho automobile tour that led west toward the moun tains where tho people ot Statora had spread tables under the pines ready to servo a chicken picnic dinner that ovoryono enjoyed. Next cnll was at tho Tumalo Irri gation Project, which ns n piece of competent engineering giving nssur anco of vory excellent homo-making opportunities excited admiration an I will be tho subject of a Bpeclnl nrtlclo In Tho Journal noxt Sunday. Even yot tho Admen are talking nbout tho dinner served at tho project and the mnstorpleco of n giant cako that con stituted both tho featuro decoration nnd a concluding dainty of tho dln-nor. Lato return to llend constituted o, oxcuso for a Into start next morning. Tho Emblem Club, which had extend ed Its dogrco of tho Order of tho llonoy Deo to so mo or tho moro con spicuous and fortunato of tho party, was In return Initiated Into tho Order ot Muts, which. It must be explain ed, means Men United to Servo. Then camo tho planting ot a Portlnnd-roBO, that its beauty and fragrance might symbollzo the senso of mutunl Inter ests and brotherhood Intensified by tho visit, and then thoso always ready nutomoblles took to tho road again Tho way Central Oregon automobile sneer at ruts and laugh at hills Is Inexplicable to tho valley mind. At llonham Falls, and a high point of rocks tho Portlanders looked down upon tho Deschutes, cast down over This is an Invitation to The Dalles YOl' DON'T DAVE TO MAKE A LONd THIP '10 81112 A 111(1 WILD WEST H1IOW THE DALLES RODEO AND WASCO COUNTY FAIR. SEPTEMBER 39, 30, OCTOBER. 1, 2, 1914 Will provide tho beM of entertainment. The AHDMTLTCllAL FA1K will be excellent mill IliD WILD Vi:sT FHATl'llH llio best obtainable. Oicriiii Agrli'iiltum! College men will Judge Llto Ntock. Spain llnm., the fmuous wild west prUo winner, villi participate. BALDWIN. Til 10 WOULD CHAMPION HOPED, Culm Crutchllcld, Ilonrh Drotheis, Darrol, Cannon. Mat (taunt, IIiiITiiIo Vernon, Dubo Lee, llnxel Doxle, anil many other Mars, with three cmloiitN of Mock, Including Mirh well known liortONiiN Introduction, Hnotv Storm Molly, Lookout, The Jeu, Moruue, Hunlhdi Molly, nnd many oth er will provide thrilling entertainment. There will Iw Dally Donning Ilnccs, Hquntv Hind, Indian Hare, Delay Uttcen, Pony K piv.i Dace, Dull Hiding. TIiono Inning horse that could mil Ik) ildiloti, nre lot lied to bring (hem to tho show mid Hive (he mot expert riders In (ho Nortliwent it cbaiuo to ride llieui. Entertainment by Country Children at Vogt Thenttn Monday nnd TncMhiy nights. I'DEl: HTDEET DANCE EVEDY MdllT. HTHEET PADADE DY COWDOVH AND COWOIDLS DAILY AT 10 O'CLOCK. FINE Ml'HIC DY POl'ND'H CONCEHT HAND. AMPLE HOTEL ACCOMODATIONS! NO INCIIKAHH IN PIHCH, DEDUCED FADES ON ALL LINES. COME and SEE US at FAIR. TIME. Wo Will ALL Havo a Good Timo J. 1 KELLY, Piwldcnt K. II. HILL, Secretary tho ledges, foaming and crashing and with sudden Bprny covered pools deep nnd green ns glacial crevasse. Farther down tho rood a very town-appearing sign indicated "Know Jolos First Camp," and on further Know Jolos, supremo nature fnker, came walking from tho woods, silk hatted, fur covered and nonchalant Imi Hutto PerforuiN Even his performing "bear did not hold attention for more than fit" minutes, however. Smoke rose out ot a mountain to tho west. Flames leaped from lava beds. Explosion jarred. Smoko out eloped Lava l)utt. That which scorned to bo boulders hurled high In air, exploded and ro- oxploded. The trio who sought shot tor behind a troo experienced tho ter ror Inviting sensation ot having the tree Itsolf blown up. Flour-like suii stance covered them nnd thoy worn III prepared to resist the shouts rf laughter at their discomfiture. This scorned to bo but was not an orup." tlon. It was merely tho Hond way of proving to tho vlsltorji tliRt for their entertainment they were equal to anr effort even to blowing off tho topi of a mountain. No Adman will over forget tin banquet of last Monday night. Food was subordinated to tho dignity nnd Improsslveuess of that occasion. No expenso had boon spared. Tho per manent banquet Hall had been built for tho occasion nnd It seated moro than 200. Tho table furnishings were all now. Tho decorations of blue and gold wcro the colors of tho club. Tho system and order were novel mid tho lighting effects almost miiglonl. Hut thero was nu Indication that expense had been Incurred for tho snko of m tentatlon. In such a setting a lesson was taught the Emblem Club's ob lation: 'Tide et IWIitctn- Fidelity to you confidencu In tho future If I de ft rve this emblem, I veil and efface your faults: I praise your virtues, I utter only wholosomeness and en couragement, 1 try to bo bravo, to bo honest, (o bo kind nnd lo bo oheer ful." This would bo a good climax, but there Is n disposition to mention tho rare personality of W. D. Clieny, win has communicated from his own Ideals and standards th motif of tho organisation, to speak, too, of n sen o of others whoso contributions of tlmo mid Kt'iiiilno hospllnllty left bettor understanding that Kent! Is n Very plnco to bo wolcomed to, nnd un doubtedly ojjiopeful placo to dwell In The BEND GARAGE ON BOND STREET TEo Bond Garago Company - - . :;: - - --- .--- ------ .-- --- -4 --- - V L r l L J I r I L ft. 'F" 1 1 Lumber t tt Complete Stock Dry, Hough and Finishing Lumber Maple and Fir Eloormg ; L ft FOR BUSINESS LOTS FOR RESIDENCE LOTS FOR GARDEN LOTS For Close-in Acreage FOR. FARM LANDS Let us show you the property SLtt , conservative buyer that BEND REAL ESTA'fE is a conservative investment - 4 ) Lath and Shingles Pine House and Irrigation Spout, Lath, Red Cedar $m T Shingles ..i-H' The Bend Company T? iti OFFICE CORNER WALL and OHIO STS. u -r f,-y-, -?- - rt-wT V w v wm w --y ,miM,M,IMIHIM "- --. ---- ---4r- . . -st-ip:ff . ----------- ------ -