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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1914)
The bend bulletin. If, i 'lii Vol, .lf, HKND, OHKUUN, WKD.S'KHDAY AFTKHNOOV, HKITKMIIKi; id, JH1 I, NO. !W. .i k l 1 MA WRITES OF AD CLUB'S TRIP JOURNAL HAS COM rt PLETE ACCOUNT NrmsMMr lrirociilallvo Who Wn , JlriaOvcr liahoi lii)' Tell Htor) of Two Dny Kiiforlnlnmriit rjiij Hjlrll of People nn AhmcL hf Another nflormnlh of tlio Portland oxoiimlon In ii spirited nrllnlo writ .. I... l.. I. ..II . Ik ...l.l-l tt-fA ion "J iMiuniiuii o. unnn wiiian up- lM'MIUH 111 VIIU UiUKUTt iliUIUKi 1)1 -Suiiilny. With glowing ontlnmlium It Mkntolio Jn llond'n lilHtory, nuu tho fihiintator of lis oltlxeiiihln. hrlnllv ilu-orlliuK the Incident!! of thn Ad men ontortnlnmuiit, und dwells up on thu spirit of tho town. ' Tho iirtlulo follows: IIV MAHRIIAI.h N. DANA. HlKlior nlmvo Portland than thn rain aloud nntl 2fio miles distant on tho rlvor Ihmchutos In llond whoro, j car flKo,' Iruvuldnr Into tlio rttiAjrt I mil A faruwoll to water mid turned to tlio long trnll oust. - Theru worn wagons, shelter tout und aampflrtM horo, und prosonllr, i 'GHuIiis liullt of log from tlio iilmi for- Il. Huppllna were nsssmblcd nnd 0lil. Hotels woro opened. Itxperlmontur In Urination wore rrwnrdod with encouraging ylotd from (ho toll and thn -.utility of tlio wheat oeeiuloHnlly crown prompted preclletloNH us to tho food to feed a iWtUoii that mlKht ho grown on tho vast plnleau woro thoro favoring eon dltloM, inon to work, nnd transpor tntton. Thorn woro suggestion, too, of tho unllinllod number of boxen und hoiirdit Unit might hu in wed front , thu tiiiorinoiiK nroa of pine trees nnd thn Industry Hint could ha created thereby. Whon railroads crept up tho crook m! canyon through which tho Do. ohutM pour tho dralnago of tho , highland Into tho Calumliln, It w. m thoiiKh tho world lone arm had been reached out to touch nnd quick in thin romoto dlotrlct with tho busl no blessing of development, Tli In was Hire onr ngo llend hnd then n thousnnd people nnd to lny tlio population In 2000. Young mini nag-jr with belief unto eouio In. 1 Iron (I canal feed Irrigation project. Automolilloit ninko light of dlntnnoo. "Within n year It I promised lumbor mills will begin devouring tho plno utid tho railroad wilt ho lengthened ' A tiny frnotlon of Ihu Deschutes' power tin been traiiHformod Into lo trlo eurront with tho consequent dl overy Hint tho unvarying surgu of the water punt tho doora of tho city mny ho transformed nt niriatl tout In to eurront nbtindnut for light an I ' heat and iiownr for homo and fae- trlMi nn matter how large the place , mny boeume and how Important Kb tndmtry. , Tli u hi wluwmod the fart that Hood lina nnturnlly tho fiirnlnhlnM nocMMary to tMOdornnon power nnd proiluotH on highland with 300 daya nf aunnhliiQ In tho year, t Hut all thoo nro iurldontnl wlum -n'olghed ngnlmit tho olinracter of tlio lieoplo who llvo there. I'coplo may ' rediiflo to hnrrin oomumrcinliiim tho niont ItiiplrlnR of opportunltlo. Thny my mo In landii nothing but rnal (Continued on'lait vnge.) I BVUCWiTil OS W, JUBT nKOAUBH YOU HAl'PfCN TO UVB IN A COMMUNITY WITHOUT A HANK 18 NO HRASON WHY YOU SHOULD 1113 WITHOUT Till. BBItVlCKB OF ONU. TIIH POSTAL BBUVJOW 13NAUI.KB MANY PKOri.H "riuiouaiiouT Tina counthy and kvhn in othku TAUT8 OV THIS 8TAT13 TO KNJQY HANK1NU I'AOH'I TIBB. WW BOniaiTJ YOUIt DBPQ8ITB 1JY MAIUlHpP y8 A CAHP KOIt INFOHMATJOJ ON IIOV TO QASlt t Beschutes , HKNl), 11. -'HJUUHtl., ProsfdQivl 1 "500 WOULD JOIN NEXT DjNDEXCURSION" 'Ho Wrlle l.'iilhioilimtlv I'ortlamlcr Kcholiifr Hrntlniriit of Adiiirn Vnluo of .Itiiihvt Iiinilciinlilo, Kcliooi of tint Ad Oluli oxcurnlon nro coining thick from Portland, nnd tholr unthuilaKin hIiowh what n lilt tho affair wa with tho 103 InmlueM mnn who camo horo Init week and how tronicndtiounly vnluahlo It wn for llond. Thn imporn havo boon full nf llond' pralNAR nnd mnny of tho ox- oiirlonlta havo wrltton npproolntlou of their good tlmo on tho Central Oregon Junket. Horo are a couplo of clinraclorliit'c Inltof, both from prominent Port Innilorn: "From tho wny tho boy fool about It now, wo could gel up n crowd of 500 If wo ovor alart for llond again. Thn bunch that didn't go I kicking llnolf bocniiio It overlooked tho bljr bet. Tim trip win really n rovnlntlon to nil of uh. Tho vnluo of the trip n n wholo will ho Inrnlouablo, nnd I know that everything llond over want down horo nho can hnvo, nn 1 If nhn wanln Portland to help hr gut nnvthlng nnywhoro olio, you'll got It." "Did llond put It over? Well, I wonder! Thoro wnnn't anything M It nnd you can Jimt hot your own nwcet lltljo. UlLUt!l9n woj'ortlnndor nppreclnfr'il and enjoyed your pr nrom from ntnrt to finUh. There wnin't n hitch everything moved nlong nn though tho truck had bon Hprlnklod nnd rollod evory day for the Init year nnd four' month. I hopo that this ahall ho but tho beginning of many vlult of thl kind on tho part of Portland bualnoM toon In thn fu ture and that wn ahall hnvo tho plea- tiro of returning thn klndnev you ox tended u white In llond." DIRECT METALLIC PHONE TO DALLEJUND PORTLAND Pnrlllc roniwny Will lntnll Nmv Hcnlcp, t'onnwllng Willi I'loncr (Viinpiiiiy, for Through llulnc Announcement te niado by thn di rector of tlio Plonror Totephono Co. that n through metallic totephono lino will bo Initnllcd nt onco with Part Innd, giving llond nnd Prlnovlllo di rect long dlitanco connection. Tho work will bo marled nt onro. Tho Pacific Tvluphono Compnny U putting In tho new turvlco, which has boon under dUcuMlpu for aomo time. Negotiation camo to n hoad last wook when Dlitrlct Commorclal Man ager C II. Mooro of Portland and District Manager WVJ. Phillip woro hern and at Prlnovlllo nnd drow up contract with tho Plonoer 'people Tho lino will bo tho property of tho Pnclflo company, nnd will elmply con nort with tho Plonoer service nt lloml. Itodmond nnd Prluevllle. Through oontrnct with tho rallrouds It In undorstood tho new wire will bo plnced on tho tolegraph polo. No local biiMnwm will be Immllwl by tho through Ilnoe: they will le oxoluslvoly for unlntermiited long- uUlauce rail from hero nnd Prlno vlllo to Tho Dalle nnd Portland and connecting Ilnoe thoro. Tho "metal Ic" lino moan that n double wlra la usod. one carrying tho moesago nnd tho other completing tho circuit: on local lino tlio circuit Is olosod by tho ground, giving n comparatively Infer ior aorvlco. Tho completion of this Improvement will moan that llond will have n good phono commotions with the NnrlhwoRt ns nny communi ty In tho Htnto. WITH State Bank OHHdON H. M. LAHA. 0kJr Hi NEW PUPILS ENROLLMENT LARGER THAN LAST YEAR Hplendld Sew Hchool lfomo, Ilullt of Nntlvo Htonc, Wan 0irneil Ijmt Thumihiy With lit I Clilldrpn Vu. ii(r It In .Model of Kxccllcm-o Iloud'H eohools otionod tho Kail torm Inst Tuesday with nn enroll ment of do mora pupils than woro on hand nt opening tlmo last year. Thl Mguro does not Inaludo tho two coun ty schools In this district. Tho great est luoronso I In tho High Hchool, which now ha a membership of CO, ns ngalnst 33 lu 1013. It was not only tho opening of tho schools, but also of tlio now school building, which was Inspected by mnny Monday and put lu active oper ation Tuesday, with 24 1 children on hand the first day. While some of tho finishing details nro not qul'o complotnd, tho structure I ready for use In nil It Importnnt point, tlinnkn to tho energetic work of tho contr.ic tor, Kd Drostorhous, nnd nil who have svun It ugreo that In excellence of plan nnd execution llond now has n school of which It may Justly bo proud. Tho now structure Is called tlio Hold school In honor of llend m first principal, Miss Huth Held, now Mr. II. J. Overturf. Tho building hrns dimension of 62 by CO foot, with throo stories. It walls aro of nntlvo pink stone, quar ried by W. A. Heaver: they woro laid by Weuandy and Kox, contractor un der Hrqitorhous. Tho trimming a.o of black stone, also n native product Tho slono cutting nnd laying Is ox coptlotially woll done, nnd tlio out Ido of the building la oxtromcly nt tractive, although aomo would quar rel witn tho sawod-off nppcaranco of (Continued on page S.) A DAIRY COUNTRY A. A. Itonncy of Tjgli Valley Hccn ()pKiiiuiilty llcrr. Mnklns; hi flrnt trip through this country since 1908 A. A. Honnoy it the Tygu. vnltpy In Wnsco county wa In town last week mooting former friends nnd customer nnd taking note of tho growth slnco his Inst visit. Mr. Honncy Is engaged In dairying nnd mining pure blood Jer sey cattlo nnd has sold a nunilior of cows In Crook county. Looking nt this section ns n prac tical dairyman, with the oxperlenco of 30 year bohlnd him, Mr. Honnoy stated it to ho hi firm belle! that this was destined to be a great daliy country. "Wherever nlfnlfn can bo grown dairying will sueeeed." Mr. Honney mild, "and It la clonr thnt it enn be rained here. Bomo of the fields that nro Just being put Into nlfnlfn when I was hero Inst now show a Ann stand. A good cow will pay $30 a ton for alfalfa nnd that moans success for tho. farmer who can rnlsn that best of nil crops." Whilo hero Mr. Honnoy visited tho local creamery nnd inter spoko of his visit with enthusiasm, praising botn tho equipment nnd tho butlor innkir In charge. PLUMBING and ; PlumkngL . '' f . w. 14 ;Supplies A Complete Stoefeto Ghoose frorn :1 ' 't Bend Hardware i Company , TIIK COMPANY l "WKAU" IN HOMESTEADERS TO E LINE TO BE BUILT TO A1ILLICAN MninrbUo Oranted to JoUntum nnil KiiiiiUoii nt Hctriit Term of Coun ty Court To Ilcgln Construction nt once May IUtcml Line Kast Having been granted a franchise to build a tolophono lino from Ilcnd tj Mllllonn, P. II. Johnson of Mllllcan and Albert Knudsen of Hound Valley, Nebrnskn, aro beginning the construc tion of the lino nt onco. Tho namo of tho new company I tho ML Pino Tolophono Company. Tho lino will run on tho llend- Hum road for about 10 tnllos coin ing from tho prusont Mllllcan iost oluco toward llond. Then It will turn off Into tho woods until within nboat C miles of town when It will bo car ried ulong tho road again. Accord ing to Mr. Johnson, who was In town yesterday In connection with tele phono buslnoss, sottlors to tho oast are anxious to have tho line con tinued out to thorn nnd It mny pos sibly be done. From tho city limits tho business of tho now company will bo brought Into town by too Pioneer company with whom a switching nrrnngement tins boon made. For subscribers to tho company's service a chnrgo of $2 per month will bo mado whllo the toll rnto to Mllllcan for all others will bo 26 cents por call. Mr. Knudson, who Is associated with Mr. Johnson In the new com pany, recently visited hero with the Idon of looking up somo Investments. Ho has now returned to Ills homo In Nebraska but will probably bo baolt In tho near future McKKN.Ii: MO.NHY lUlADY. Clyde It. Belts, supervisor of the Cnsoade National Forest, has received Information by wro from tho depart ment at Washington, thnt $10,000 of tho $70,000 promised for tho Im provement of tho road over tho sum mit of tho mountains by way of tho McKenxlo pnss Is now nvnllahle. It will bo hero In a short time, but tho actual work of Improvement will not begin until next summer, when tho winter snow will hnvo disappeared. It Is tho Intention to take a steam shovel nnd othor machinery to the summit, to bo used In tho construc tion of the road. VOTK Wit DKHCIUTKS COUNTY. ITho Prlnovlllo News.) September 10. 1914. TIIK CIIOOK 1IIOII SCHOOL IK Pltl.MAHILY A P1UNKV1LI.K INSTITUTION. YOU MAY CALL IT A COUNTY INSTITUTION ALL YOU 1-LKACK, AMI TKCIINICAL- LY. THAT IS COHHLCT, HUT THK FAIT STILL 11HMAIKH THAT NO PAltT OF TIIK - COUNTY HKCKIVKS ANY 1)1. It HOT FINANCIAL HKNKFIT TIIHHKFltOM KXCKIT OUIt OWN TOWN. i ' . THAT PUg TUB ILVHDWAUE. i 4 INTEREST GROWS IN THE SATURDAY LUNCHEON TALKS Lnrgc Attrndnnro nt Lust Meeting Hevcn.1 Indira ProHcnt Topics nro Olvcti for ticxt Hntunlny Meeting Tho attendanco at Haturdny's Com morclal Club luncheon at tho Wright Hotel proved tho growing Interest In tho meetings nnd In tho weekly din cusslon of tho measures coming up on tho ballot In November, several of which nro threshed out caoh week ) selected speakers representing both aides of tho subject. In .addition to n largo nttendance of men, number log probably 60, thero Were a dozen ladle present. J. ll. Bhouso spoko In favor of tho bill favoring appropriations for tho maintenance of the Eastern Oregon Normal school, and C 8. Henson against It. Dr. Connnrn not being present Dr. I). Ferrell nlono appeared on tho "Painless Parker" Dental' Hill, which ho opposed. Tho Georgo bill, proposing to abolish tho Desert Lnnd Hoard nnd ollminato State En gineer Lewis ns an elective officer, won discussed by A. O. Walker, fa voring the measure, and G. P. Put nam opposing It. At tho luncheon to be held next Saturdny at tho llend Hotel the sub jects and speakers will ho ns follows, for the appointment of a tax codo commission, yes, J. II. Corbett. no, J. D. Davidson, for proportional rep resentation. es, K. Farnham, no, II. II. De Armond, for a universal eight hour law, yes. T. II. Foley, no, J. P. Kcyos. All voters are Invited to attend theso dlscuslons. EXCURSION STILL ECHOES Portland Folks Not Yet Through Talking About Tholr VUit Heir. Tho Portland Ad Club men who made tho trip to llond last week aro still talklsg about the good time thny had hero and in every publication Issued by tho various organizations who were represented some montlon of the trip te made. The Monday Crawfish, Rox Lampraan's section pf tho Monday Oregonlan, contained the following reference to tho trip this week; "IlEND. Or., Sept IS (Special) Thl city Is fully as strong as it was prior to the recent dashing raid of a squadron of meandering minstrels nnd mellifluous matadors from Port land, whose pennant boro tho mystic symbol, "A-d-c-1-u-b." to which local stratogtons attach various significan ces. Geroral Larn thought he hnd a clow whon he atnrtod to spell It back ward, but ho abandoned his theon when he saw there wna only ono "I." The Hoard of Strategy, In Joint pos ition with .the War Collego nt Fort Cheney, hnvo figured it out. hut are keeping tholr deductions dark, as they Intond to open negotiations tor tho exchange of General Mayor, one of the matadors, whbm they Insist really belongs In this army, having wandorcd Into the enemy's country when a child and become Inured to their manners and customs. General Putnam is planning a lynching as n signal lesson to the Invaders the next tlmo they come. General Hudson has filed the Idea away in moth balls At the lBt National Hunk." In the Logical Pointer, published la tho Interests of the Manufacturers and Land Products Show, under the caption "A Heal Hcnder," appears nn account of tho trip ending as follown: "If ever thero was an occasion when a man wanted to move from Portland nnd llvo In another com munity. It would bo right after a tr'.p to llond, and he would probably io cido on that land of sunshine and plonty which surround Hend and tho Doschutee river " MsyGs Mtuwn TiTe First National Bank OF BEND, BEND.OR.EGON jj U. C. COE, President E. A. SATI1KH, Vice- President C. S. UUDSON, Cashier Capital fully iaid - - S25.000 Surplus J22.000 TO TRAVELERS: The Amorican Bankers Travelers Ghecks are not now issued by the Banks, owing to the war. If you are going away secure one of our LETTERS OF CREDIT whjch may be cashed at Hotels, Bank3 and other places without identification Sums may be obtained on them as needed, saving the danger of carrying currency, and buying drafts. Wo do not make any charge for them and you will find they are very convenient. sjstatBMtBPtataatMManiaasKMtwstisBStattBs ,l.ll I II .1 . ... I.- I -- -. w !.- H'W TTe FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND t i - DIRECTORS --. n -.. U. c. coe K. A ayniEu ". S. Hudson O. M. PattkksOn II. . FIRST ARRIVAL : t FROM WAR ZONE E. C. NEWHAM COMES FROMENQLAND Hayn Conditions In HrltUh Isles nro Nearly Normal Although TmoraL ore Muring nnd Hecmlts are HpgK log I)rl!lcd-IIal Safe Pnssagjfl Her. E. C. Nowham arrived In town last oveulug with Mrs. Ncwham, com ing almost directly from England, whero he saw some of tho war activi ty now going on thoro. Tho voyaue from Liverpool to Doston was made in a Hritlsh hlp, the Franconist.a the Cunard line, and except for a bad storm was without any unusuat In cident. In England, according to Mr. New ham, there I llttlo to indicate thntf the country Is now engaged In a areal war. Price of food stuffs that woro advanced when war was declared have now fallen hack to their form r level and in some cases even beldw whero they stood at that tirao. Troojtf are teen on their way to shipping point moro often than formerly ami recruits nro being drilled In public! Otherwlso everything" goes alcig about as usual. " Mr. and Mrs. Nowham had some difficulty In getting steamer necomo datlons for the royage to the United States. Once tho vessel on which they had expected to sail was discov ered to havo a full list and twISSf steamers on which they had rcsorva? tlons wero taken by tho government aa transports. Tho Franooalaoiv which they made the passage, sailed on August 30 after several postpone ments. Sho carried 1775 passoagSrg., ono of tho largest lists ever landed In Hoston. Tho voyage across the Atlantic .took 10 days, a part of the tlmo in a denso fog and as tho fog horn couM not be used for fear of attracting th .Mention of hostile vessels somo dan ger was incurred. Ooco tho ship nar rowly escaped running down a fish ing schooner. No war vessel wee scon except for two British crulsern at Quecnstown. Tho Fran con I a had to take" flown-It wireless nntn""75 miles away from the Hritlsh coast and had It smokestacks painted a battle ship gray and ran with all lights out nt night. Mr. Newham has been appointed la tho Methodist church at Prlnovlllo for the coming year and loaves for thoro tomorrow. NOTICE TO DUCK HUNTHHS. All hunters aro warned that the duak hunting season dees not open untlt October 1. the State law In thin reepeet being succeeded by the Fed eral Weeks law. Clyde M. McKay. District Warden. XO SCHOOL. If tho present cold weather contin ues thero will be no school this week nor until parts for the heating system, havo arrived and hoen put In place. Tho cold has come unexpectedly an-l finds tho beating arrangements In tho now school building not yet complet ed. All classes were dismissed carlv on Monday and Tuesday and will not meet again until tho beating ap paratus is lu shape