1 f'.. HEND'S OPTIMIST TfH aiu. vl ssafsssmr -a- -x rm mridm&rz tu in" ! BtvHHH uez--.. -nnnnnnxauK3iinnn ... wra "mMmam- - -kmi t,, . :HhHa. .v Jf'j.p'1'1- , J(, - iMf 'IH ! 77n TjtlT'krD rfnniTT'iti population getter k...-ii ji fii yuivixiujji i tery. (It goes- miiiio unit gets there) ltcnd, Oregon. A jellow Journal devttted to the dissi pation of truth. Our. motto: PUyle Publicity. Filtered nt llend, Ore., postoffieo as Class A matter. Subscription Itntcs. How Much You Rot?, flint's It. I How to Itcmlt Send anything I It........ .........., - -1 I K.4HI.", viiuiivii turn, cignr. Miooe, niul lints accepted ns mimc from oM MiWrlhcrs only. Advertising rates. Same ns Sub scription. See nbove, Xews columns oitcn. to anybody that has the lirlce. Items suppressed on ttulrlcnt moncCiirj Inducement. Xcws columns not controlled by huslncs ottlce, advertisers, t licet ios, except on the editor's approve) Passes of nil kinds gratefully re-celveil. Since the dawn or i-rra n lie linil he'd this chsuip oiikIh vf rcr--'i chin lrft nnd e sli M 1- m i to e-n i I late this humble hern of ii.- pla'ni The Jtek rlMt Is rtremel ioi-t . lar anil that shall be our greatest aim j IU UIIIUIHf IUI lllIIC pmruHs il'Ul support. hi rlottti. we dMlM to remind nm- friend that the jack rahblt al(i! has one kick left lH his hind foot and j nu we in is; waten us wnen we g. l gasoline working In our mlxint: chamber. ', niKTYTOItlAh STIFFS. Marshall Xuts oana. William Tunk Strnndborg. Wrecks Lampman,! oam ituu r.vans. uotten writer Saw yer. Going Putrid :utnam. GOIlltK.SPONDK.YTS AT TIIK SKAT OK WAK. HolRlum Frwlerlek Sitttac Pal mer. Park ltlchard Perfect Darla. Tterlln Alfred Howling Lewis. retrograd Irr'nf Faouy Crh. London SAmuel Gabby Blythe. Portland Ned Ulrtho. (Note Ueeattec all our war co" resindanta are playing poker todav. we are una We to give a ay freak new from the front) SAMTTATORY. As It never hooped before and hopes never to hop again The Jack JJahklt fully realties Its. duty to tell everybody how it feels about every thing. In politics it la strictly Iadoproh' demorepurRreeeive. Amonc the can- uiaatca for United Sta'e Senn'or 't HKM MK.VD KOtt KLBCTION. The tollcy of this paper will be to throw th stronp right arm of Justice and fair play arotmd the eomntan ' people. I We arc here to do things. J We are here to take the twist out , of Crook county, tu Iron the klhk out of Hond. In other words, we want things put straight. . And you have got tbfjo sorto to get onto our curves. Wb nra bnrn to tHvt ,,, nunci.,. nolthor.to the waitress, the chamber maid, nor the nigger porter. . Wo are here to put spokes la your hub and a rim around the spoke and a tiro around the .rim and than when we bare done that four tlMM we will have a Ford car all complete except a monkey-wrench and a few tooaea screws and we expect to bor- I row them. Then we can ride home In I the Ford when we go back or carrv I toe rord or our backs when It goes uroice. just whichever we like. I We like Rend; we like IU people. we like Its fresh air and pretlv girls: we Hke Its pure cold water to wash ; or hands In. and we like whatever you have to drink so long ae yo-i gtre us enough of It. We approve of Bend, fa fact we strongly endorse it la many ways. If there were aar other wr that we knew of we would endorse it those ways. too. We came here for the sole purpose of endors ing whatever we happened to think 1 odttora now nnd tlion, we fool Hint i ennui and anility compels tin to cn derail 11. Hiciloy's cnnilldnoy with sonto snug (fold nml coitsiduratilo bou honimte. While li Is true Hint "lllll" playn ltlllto-be-iliiiilnod with the KiikIIhIi Innguiino Hiiil weniH uu old nlounii bat. tt'ornu tlilugs tlinu Hill have smurk Into the hnlln of Congress. I n lo the iiresejtt tliuu wo luive lutou a uunilior of iimhiIh nml Hiiioldiit HiM-rnl pretty rotten inpee at Hill's i'Xiipnsi without committing om filH on one side ur the other In the uniHihluiK butUe. Bii far as the cigars are concerneil we would intur i.ll be npposiHl to supiHirttug his can didarv for anvthlagtifcept a runilgat 1k I'li'iit, hut aa atateil. other cup- KlderatliMia enter Into the siihgnlnarv Ihhmc and hava eeuverliHl the "Jack ttab'ilt' to his oause, temporarily u IfftHt i Paid Advertisement. 1 H.P.C. i The nlitive la ft paid adv. If "Hill" llmili-N iMines l h roil ih as he agreed titheiwise It la straight read I ig Diutler i -ll.F.C. lftKlira&W3!BVHSi WHA T IS DOING IN SOCIETY vwMMMWNmMmmmmMHmmmmMwmwmmismmMw i.rrmiAitv xotic John F. ChrrolU editor nf the New Policy" livening Tnlsgrnm, which has recently been grauteil an nl solute divorce, without alimony. from the Tall Tower, late Inst night, "Doc"! ICiiiersnu gave a "lirlilgo" imity In his ullli'u yariturtlay nml ninoiiK tliOKii presoiil woio Will Knight, (leorge llroltllng, 'lleiirv Uleliwy und Frod Davis. The rorresh uiimtH constaiuil of eunerate an I ntitalKuin llllliiga, with n Illiti not of liiirglitr toiils for deciirntloiia, nliluro. form niul laughing gnu were the fa vors. The affair was a very plenum one to the genial host who netted about t$o for the Hltarnoeii Hence he Is with us njid has enouuh lo get back home with. It la quite the fsd now to change immeM as society has observed In rs cant events over In 8t. Petersburg. There la some talk In exclusive circles that Otto slfelke ami Henry Hayek, will visit Petrogrnd nml see ir some thing iiu't happen to theirs. "Fur smsrt set .Vyles this Fall It Is vut-ry, vnr-rv de risen r to effect minified iNisiiue modes, savs l.eon lllrscli. the Worth nnd I'siiuln of the Ad Clubber's special. "In fact I am thinking some' of appearing at the dinner this evening In one of the iiev dlstluctlve Mnlmncaan ueaklls. For I'blllv lloud evenlugs, the smart thing dictated n tidnemnbl.. ...Ilinrl.l t .n - vM" mml vt"'1l. the Hlliart tllllllf illctateil n (olographic editorial of tlle tH R ,lMn, M,Hngote. as )ou will noe Joo Pulltxor type on "The Origin of If you watch tne on my way from h peolos of revolution." to his bright banquet to my sleeping eomiMrlinent and hreecy little newspaper. We1 board the train." I think .lohn has some lino thought M. It. Mmead wenra a wrist wntsh The mm pictured here Is called The n tuo RUoJct Hl following sen-wlion li rks; It has im Hlsrm cluck toucen tnkou nt random froin ib, ... . t- . eiMich-mnklng screed will Indicate: me is to gio -instead of being a mnmiitnllivi elaboration of tin, nrlmnl titn uos rniieriiii ami Kinuiy ami smiling many or the Darwinian evolutionists i- nun oilier oork-cenlerml nuts avow. I i iioiu mm man iss neen sb d line Taboo Whose pleasure In pleasuro to you: aiinoitnieiii which whkos HI tu up every afteriiouh when It la lime (o unit for Iho day. He says ho wouldn't be without one. Frank MctlrllllN lias issued Invlln llmis rur u Tlutrsilny afturiiooii elen- t tlnnary couvuisiixliine In whfoh (I "cull" will bn by hiiiiMoir, nml If ,n In In gooil voice, he will reulte "('ase' On a Hat." In UeWolf Hupper's In liilltable style. IM Moslior bi'Iiihs the IiiIunI sonlott gossip from PltUlnii'gli In wliluli Hu nt. lug pHNslon is to have the lull' I trimmed so as to malie the linail limk like a HermtidM. Ohsnne Moset beau. ' At an exclusive II 1 1 lo itffnlr urer in AlUliui last Mmiday evening, I'eiv - Ariel! talked the wlug off of or chicken and ale the leg off of surli er. John F. Cnrroll attsgiled a lift i. dinner party last week whete lh decuratleiis ware pink gladioli an I (he piece de resilience whs broil squab. Ha ale (he decoration audi wore the horn d'oeurre off home as hoiitounlere. Dr. K. A. Pierce held a The Dan ' sent the oilier afternoon. He wns passing (he new Orpheuin Theal. building and n workman dropped u brick mi his lue. "Doc" demonslrs ed all the latest modern steiw: lb"A ilitirulliiiiji wur.t In liliii,U iml l.lnn Fri.d IjiriMin will Ih, Mih iiinllf r Hsu a very smart al frseeo ntTalf, next Wednesday evening when he gels hit find load of Winter wood to put In the basement. t JuiIho OaNleubeln had n oomliu nut imrty last May nnd expects 1 1 give a largo going In party In Novem-1 bor. and clovor, An optimist nem lis i ' m-wi' i ' xi i. im.ji' tjrm isj i " vr "t- nlways, n iteaalmhit At this particular plaeo.Vw desire to point with pride at ererytWg In siaht. but we strongly urge that jro't take nn Invenstory or your alhrerware and lmeu after we have departed r that you will have no muse to view our visit with uadiie alarm. In the last analysis, we repeat, and summing everything up. we are pov. erfully glad that we have been able to stretch onr legs under your table. Selah. THE JACK RABBIT IS FOR HANLEY oKiugetil exeeresceiicee nnd translu cent superltuitles. nnd even hair, un til he has become the cnmperatlvidv rudimentary creature that now Jonls It over creation. Ku(rnsc suppura tions have been deleted from his' megalocosm until he can be reduced to a protoplasmic speck no larger than the Itald spot on "Fddle" Mosh er'H head. Nut. at the same time, the great, pulsating, tumultuous. Ingraw isk Hitman soul I Itisubordlnaie to AN AD CLUB ALPHABET genetic rules snd biologic ealrulaJ a I th vd nh ttona and. Ill be damned if I can ' Vli"!'"! but Tt ft- ,,Ml ,,,, l M lhf to be old tUhi; A" ,e " -- of. Having looked the Held over care fully, we have decided to support ilanley for United Statea Senator. 1 1 least during this trip, he being the oniy candidate present. We have a further reason which involves a number of professional considerations which we need not Wo mlnro with anual vim iml calmly reallies the susvitv of Chnm. ' vlaor roer hoenltahle fodder and wei,w".on further than to say that we 'orlaln. the would-he-nes of Booth ' observe) there Is plontv of It. so tht havo ,ar?e w"l at home to sup. and the sweet, sage brush flavor of j "ne of our party wilt be able to do j Pr, an" forth- Haaloy. It Is similarly undivided and B ttiy usually do ou these trips. There are many things In "Hill" nil their pockets and lake enough Hanley platform that we don t Ilk, home with them to stosk up their hut when we eome close to a Innte family larder until you Invite us to 1 pllo of money we are not so rtlo- -come aga'n. bliould such an Invlti- make head or tall ceased business time I llrmly hold race was ere tod for the primary purpose of taking this trln lo Bend and I don't ears a helnva sight who knows it." . Marshall N. Dana srf-s the war has been a splendid thing fi)r him.- It has amiwi si per cent and , fraction lo his already lop-etded voealmlary. perhaps you have seen basMer Be and ,V fr Hi voeaim! 'OH A 171 nnporplexed as to the gentlemen who are dedicated to the supreme sac rifice of being governor. It Is hear lly In favor of Wlthvcombe bwaino It believes in more cabhacoK. oartl-'tlon come, nnd we hone It will soon. son to Smith because the name Is mi-1 you will find us here In time for common nnd loyal to l"Ren because breakfast unlrs "Hill" MoMurrar's of Ills system. It earnestly hopes hat the prohibition amendment will carry by a snlendld majority without disturbing the business of any busy brewer, delightful distiller, somnam 'uilent saloon keeper or brave bur tender, or tho weeping wives and chattering children dependent unon them. Not having any of Jfa wife's relatives In th present gorv, Euro pean conflict. The Jack Rabbit hereby gives permission for this conflict to cease. Comment Is unnecesarv on the business situation. This paper has no business end: its editors and reporters are never troubled by change. The only thlnr It desires rj protest against vigorously la the char acter of its readers. ' THE JACK RABBIT. In rapping at the front gate of American Journalism, we desire to observe that The Jack Rabbit Is here For Speed and Action. We know how to Go and How lo Get There. The Jack rabbit Is the hardest working member of tho orlg innl Cascaret family. When the lack rabbit onens un all six cylinders, throws her Into the high and eets down to business he li the world's greatest example of In dustrious application. He can have the lightning arrested for blockading rstllc and is Hie most hlxh-nowered triple-action. hurrv-UII nrnnnnftlnn In history. i That is whv we have chosen the name "Jaek Rabbit" for this publi cation, , .Vot onlv do we ?iroine to legi-e all competitors behind, but we don't HBt the public to Judee the length of our I ear bv the length of jr ears. Von can't do that with 'any jaek rabble Furthermore, the Jack rabbit te the VM.I KlfknlU. P Dam...... f - a. was discovered hsre frolteklng hj JJjo rough clad wilderness, romping iiiromi me juniper and sage brush ages before the whoan of the w toy rudely shattered the ear of the prlmoval calm. ' We daelria to add that the Jack rabbit la always on bia Job. go .we diall be. Our pfltron saint Is modes ay 'erojilflod, That us too. The Jack rahblt U m amiable bird and thnt Is likewise our aim. Thoj8ck can live In peace and ami iv with rattlesnakes, muskrau. an. iihers. real estate agents, politicians, newsimpermen and almost HiirtJiliis. He will have nothing on us In that resnect. The Jack rabbit Is the world's moet adantahjo form of life. He ean live on hay. We will do that if we have to. He can live In a warm or a cold country: so can we. He can flourish In the most thirsty desert or In lands of snftost, greenest verdura. rsHy tho same token, we don't give 'a ham sandwich whether Oregon goes wet or dry. What Oregon needs most Is 'popu lation. The Jack rabbit Is the greatest lit train Is bohlnd time, which 'mil' says It never Is. So far as we. with our limited vis Ion, are able to observe, you havo solved for us tho greet, obsessing problem of the high cost of living. ulnr wnst kind or a platform we stand on so long ns we don't slip off the plank and get a ducking. Further thi this, we havo It tlrst'hand thnt "Hill" Ilanley never ajmed a gun nt a Jack rahblt, no matter what tho provocation, and knowing as we do that the favorite pastime of many persons In public life Is to take a kh shot at offensive , ,,,.. ...... IIUllllVl I'WH .11,1. With P. C. Graves and W. K Graves It deee look grave, we Comisrt0.enil. Hut still, ye mlllor. ho rave: V "They are two dungune ( lively (Irnvee And, the only Graves In llend." . HV the Initial of Charley's last name Glovlnglv. lovingly, always the name. H' the man lth the mustard The kid with the kU'k. The guy with real gold rApped up In hla brick. I Do's the oae who put ad In the went advertise And extracted brain fowl from sellliut pink ties Gwlngly. golHKly, alwurs the earn usme Charley's a booster and Merg le hla name I, stands for lrsuu and also for l.e, Moth of 'em deel In publicity; (.arson sells land, l,e kits of spare - ' l.arony charges stare both In th. face. SV for McMurray. a nrlnre of a rha Who sees lo It Oregon's right ftn I ha ms p. lie's a sing among boosters, a wis railroad man And railroads the Aa Club whenever be can. O stands for Oh! . What all the girls ' say When I her see Marshall Dana tug their way. The Ad Club Beau Hmmmel. he ways mens wen "Ob fHdgm."' ery the maidens, "Aln t he the swell!" al- T.onle lluekley requested raueeiaK Iv that his name be inenMonod n few times, here and there t.i the "Jack ! iianiut." we smoked one of his rl gara and sold "nil right." Huck ssld there was another cmoke In It an the way homo. A SERMON Ily TAHOO. THAT: "There nre none mi blind ih tliooe lio Mill not sec." t- Gentlemen of Portland: I'ndrr rindlHonM of pence, tbN country was alniut to enter Its - greatest period of prosperity: and now the mighty eents In Knropc villi create further demand for our products so stuicndous that no mind ran chtimnte it. (.'ndcr niituritl condition, America would Mion be iinnlile to supply the doniaiid for lu-nt. t'uilcr the prchent roiidltlon. wheut, cltlii-r pbtntcd or stored, N gold. i- Gold made AIniikit; nnd Alaskn Is Henttlc's grcatcM resourre. - AInhku lias any one of n dozen KirtH to uill-Ii her promlnod riilliintil ma' k. the whole cvwne of the broad Pacific over which to nhlp - her pnidiirts, and nil the portx of the world to which to scud them. - Your own Portland papers often contain editorials on this AlimWnii - trade: your merchant strive to get u art of it: and Kcnttle knous - that Alaska mentis mote to Hint City than nil of her factories nnd nil - of Hie n-Mium-s of the Slate of Washington, with Its multitude of ports Oregon has hut one port: and Central Oregon has hut one ou(- - let. Central Oregon contains the largest body of standing pine In the - world. It produces immense mid growing .iiinntlllc of llvr-siock und other farm products. James J. Hill states that Central Oregon will liaio h population of One Million seven years from today. Alaska's population N Klghty Thoiisuuil. The Presldcn of your own Ntste Agricultural College says that Central Oregon will produce nnuiially One Hundred Twenty Million HiisIicIh of Wheat. In other wurils, the annual eipoitx of Central Oregon will .-treed One Hundred Twenty Million of Dollais. Alaxkn's uuuiiiil e.HiriH to ditto Imve im-rnged Twelve Million , IllllIlll'S. All of this wliBMt anil tltt-hcr of Central Oregon will feed down grade (o one limn, and lo only ouu. At Hint one town, ami only al thnt town. U Fifty Tliniieud llow.'ont'r ulfhout tiiinsiubrslon, and N'llif Hiiiidied Tliou-and HoieHiwer with linu-iiilirliiii. It Is down grade all Ihe way from that lowu to Portland and the son. CougresN lUiuoiiui'f-N Ihe roiixlruellou at mi.iiih future date of one nilroitil In .tlaskn; and Sen (tin pies eivi) ultli euttiuslasui, holding it slie4;t deiiionsiratiou that assumes Hie magnitude of n I'lirnlwil. Hill nnd HaiTlmuii actually IIUII.D TWO railrouds into (Vnlraj Oregon, u region that means more to Portland than Alaska does to Seattle; und Portland wults sceptically Ut see If Central Oregon will "make good," Instead of working liaitl and shoulder to shoulder with Cell tin I Oregon as Seattle doc ullll Alaska, for the good of both. Vour visit niarLs the end of this condition, Karli of you ttlll some day Im proud that you were a member of the llrst puity of Portland business men, and that (li Portluud Ad Club was the llrst organization to,it-eoul.e that Central Oregon Is a greater rooiino lo tho City of Portland lhau all of tbo industries within her limit and all of her commerce with other regions combined. A mUroml man In jour paity Is Justly proud of his latest book let, ulilch dissipates Its: slreuglli by spreading Its ilesci-iptloiiM oiee seen States and tientlu a thousand subjects. If he anil his competi tor will spend a llftli us much on a booklet with the one word "WHKAT" ou Km coyer, and nothing lusldo'of It hut WHF.AT ami CKN'THAf, Om:;t)N,Vind If tliey iill Hood (ho world will) Hiose booklels ilirougli all Hie channels or distribution at the coiuiuaml of two nt lit oiid systems. Just at this time, ubeii tbo whole ivinld N thinking "Wheat" mid all the Inquiry for laud refers to "Wheat," Central Oregon will be settlrd l.iiuu-dbitoly: and the railroad world and tho men responsible will Home day consider (Ills lliclr greatest achievement. In pinporllou to your opportunity, ull of you who nil, by every menus In your power, to publish to the world the wheat-producing possibilities of Central Oregon, will commit, u sin not against Central Oiegou, but against your own City of Poitlnnd. "If you were blind, you would have no sin: hut now you say, 'We soe;' and your slit remains," "Pop" Hunter of the Hock Island offered to pay us n little for some thing If he mm Id get a nice write-up In tho "Jackrahbll." We took Hi small change on suspicion and then he told us thnt when he was a hoy out In the large brush, they usml to lean jack rabbits by the esrs. but the Jacks hung back so Kiev stretehod their ears out to tho limit and their hind logs dragged behind until they got long and that Is why the rabbit looks so well balanced both fore and aft, If whnt Hunter says Is true. stands for Clark Who dolly grews brtsjitor Hlnrii lllll llanluy get him' Hilt's troubles are Letter. II Is for David iS'ellhnr floshtoes nor wan With the "Oregon CoiiHtrjr" llo MotietMohn. of "lllll" Daughtrey heard whot Hun ter said about Jack rabbits nnd he being up pretty well on all sorts if vermin and llvostnck snld that tho Jneks nlways travel In paths nnd that In tho old days the oarly settlers from tho East Just followed the traits blazed by those thoughtful animals and naturally reached ihe Coast where thoy built up Oregon. Going Up ygfi nflUr(lW3 utvArottTr Xm VGwt-MiO'm tjp.nt 'I & 'wiufufure xwom Y7 wi!ij'. ; wx&k&b-as ?tj H Uj the way to start Hduoator. Amqng Hi om Is Aldurmnn, great relieun. Heholrirly facta ompl frum his erstv Ann spresu iniurmsuon an over the townV I't of cflhrso. stands for Prank Who aeeompanlea tbu oxeitrslun no says iui money in the Bank To share III such diversion. s Is for Gwirge Psrrtsh, another physleh V A medicine iiian nnd full of ambUfi. Obsttitrlc, gyn oology's his speolnlty, so To George with your symptoms you'd bottor go. i II stands far llnnfoy llelovcd of us nil Perhaps he'll be Senator , , After this Fall. I do not think nmonir Aduio Thorn's nnv wlsiloin rlncr. Than trickles from the fountain pon Of our own Kdgar rliKir, .1 Is ror Jimmy Who sails people duds. lie's against prohibition. And en u handle sume si tils, Knew Jo lea may not a itiomber lie Of Portland's udltorltrtm. Uut his uttaiiimeiils, apollw to me wesaxve inai onmfiuoniim. P ht fw lleree. Pert la ml Phvsieian. With PtttwH ami Pllhi he keeps lir eondltwn PreserlMHK for Admen who are seek ing to mend Perlgrinatmns tu the City or llend. Hoh(an balls from Portland too, H'h a rasey city booster. Ills lusty crow would make Urusoe Unik like a bantam nHMtur. K stahils for lllll, which may scent aonfiislng, Uut Slrnndbnrg's tfie rest of the tltts lin's using. He's well known to fame, and as king of the HHts Is hailed as fneiutem by the Order of Muts. T Is for truth, to be tntd In the main. Ily Commurelnl Club workers, wba.- evur the strain. Chapman writes ads that sure hae- tha pull Tho Immigrants marvel at Oregtm nun. IT Is for all of yen Kins of the Cesst. . , Who over onee knnws yim Will love you the mtnt. V Is one quarter the price of yoir Irlp; , What better Investment for in n king car o. slip? W's the Initial of a man or double ' View Who's partially n printer, nnd nn Ad i Club -booster too, Whltomoro, you're n workers your peers nrn precious few What a boon t'would bo to Portland" If wo could iloiildo you. , always represents Tho quantity unknown: In short, tho brains or those Who foolishly stayed homo. Von clearly comprehend, of course. ' Tho value of Mamma; Admniingor Hofmsn does so too, 8ys rtniiwt perststout rumor." '.' for bright Dean Collins Advenmillh nut forgotten. If Dean hail written theq They wouldn't be so roUen! Ily IIAItltV IHCHIIV llend, llrfiid, llend, Tu-nji f t boks jour hack. llend (111 lyou loueh your neighbor's Imn'd Jiii nmet-ilia w jours bank, llend, lleml, llend, Ib-ud till Ofthiit hJ And lean ---- ------ Jinn-f pyriN at Lr5T Gf Jimmy bed a little pet Called "Pi lean Always Low;" Above a modest liolght, you bat Thnt pup did never go. When Jimmy enmo to -lend, nlns The raise It was too high, The altitude got Jlmmy'H pot Tho shock caused him to die. ou miii'Ii llio slioro ml of bosiiiiullty ll novel uioi'e. .V. ' iSHsA P r, lleud. (fi-viil. llend. llonil Hit IJiiil in n sen , .Vauglil esse, but Hie pleasuro at yoiii- feet Which lb nd duiiN out so fiet-, ' I llend, Ibjlld. i'enil, lleml (lllli mi i each your mark llmid Clllbiid h bunded And we'll all go homo In tho thill.-. Hut boiilo has Inst (lie llavor it iis(mi ru nave or yoio, Since tie Wo un if A. .kt Imve nil been bending, Mend ajit iiotbliig iiune.