THE JACKRABBIT IT NEVER CRAWLS -iii. PRICE $2.00. PAY NO MORE. . "ALL THE NEWS UNFIT TO PRINT' voi i, no i, I'l'IIMfjJlFJA KVBltY TlAlK THE AD CLUB, COM KM TO HUM). WATfelf FOR THK XttXtf IHHVKl ft Mortal Combat i Now Under Way i I -j .-J - t-. .t ---ruar' T". i .4 .TITANIC STRUGGLE RACES BETWEEN INK I'OTS AND WHITE TAPER '"TICD" I'll'HR A. "8AM" JACK. 1 MIX (l( TO Till? MAT IX A HAT- TI.K 01' ILVI'ISHMIXATIOX. t'i 'IOiihiiihii Cniilllcl U Mutt) Tempo! In a Tcupot (iiiiuiitil Win i Inlor- fiiHtliin Itnlfltt, ' (tty Asslnllsd I'ronn.) POKTI.AND, OIIIB. Monday, 8tpt. '".--At last the world'a grmUiwl trl ! hns I nmn roaahud. Tim uvwit that all nation kava draadad for JO yearn 'I m linml. "Td" PI par haa donned hh brans rillMM nut) "SHm" jRklKH hM Ull- lan helmet. "Tad" Iuim ordered 40.000 Inn it . wliii imHr for lik ninmuiiltlim anna and "Bam" has laid In all the rod and green Ink In th United Htatas, Canada anil Wnshnugal. Tha battle hatweoii tlin two tall tower ha begun . Piper let loom wlih a heavy volley an tilt page using half a roll of paper anil aiiHiiiinrwi that:' t "Doc" ftinlth la a horso-thlef." "Hob" Month Muml to mi ok okk"." rattled the Journal with n tremen- dous splatter of red. "OiHfrKn Chamberlain ilrlnVta high 111." screamed tim Oroganlnn. "Wlthyrombo la orkod." tliundar (nI "Main" Jaekson emptying another "AMOXd TIIOSIC I'lilMKNT." Tho full crow of the "Portland Ad Tliiii Itnnd ItrlKadn" na follow: (' V. llorK. profldont Portland Ad i'luii. C A. Whltiimora r A ltf.ll.MltM HAMnMl Hialrman; U. II. Moory. vlco chair man; It. II. Atklnnon, ohalrtnau i iranaimrtutlon, Portland Ait CI no ojTartftlo. Dr. It. M. Kmonon. M. I llowinnn. Charloa V,. McCullonh, h. t n SVwtnn: Prca. W. P. Strnndhor, Vnmlinll N. Dana. Itox linpti)aii: Wm. MoMurray, 1). N. .Monoaaohn, ,, Win. Adaina. T. J. Haldwln. II. J. lllnwInB. Win. I lloyd, O. C. Ilortt nieynr. W. II. Ilrandna, Dr. inoorxo It- UrottllnK. !' H. Hroanar. I., w. HHeklor. v. I. r'amuMII. John I. Carroll. l'rnKvliiK t for today and If ho'hi prop -taw, v.. c cnanman, wm. n. ioi- Mi. W. H. Crawford. Win. II. ' DaiiKhlrov. W. U 3. Davla. A. 11. Do " .. ..a . . Oohor, C. M. Dewoy. Ilarvoy I 1 Dlklnnn. Jimmy Dunn. A. K- Kk- liardt. Ham Hvana, John C. Pnlor, . Anron M. Prank. lMtar K. Krnnk. O. t. Prooman. II. Krlmltiwn. JiuIro llautonboln, W I. (Iraham. Pijrry C. -Orovrm. 0. II. (Irrnn. W. II. Oultd, Mill llanlny, I.. II. Ilanik. II. K. Iaak, O. K. Ilaak. Ilonrr It. llavok, 'A. A. Hermann. H. H, llowltl. Chaa. Tr'lllll. Lron Hlnah, W. J. Ilofniun.i. ,i. A llunlor. B. J. Jaopor, O. K. .laffrov. Will KnlKlit. Waldo Korli. Otia Kulin, W. K. Iinlmrt. J. Prod l.araon, (Iho. D. I.fO. J. II. MiirKotula, "Polo" Mayor, Frank MoCrlllla. A. AV Mpl'nll. Otto Motnahiui, Hantv '" l(.ar. V. I.. Mnrolunil. Clay R. taflL InrM. K. W. rnahor. I,. II. Mootnaw, ,ii .tiiiiiiiu, i uiyi. j. minium, liar- vy O'Mryau. Clnrenon OluiNtoad, rl. li Parknr. Dr. A. Ploroo. K. It I'alinu, N. o. Plko. Merrill A. Itwl. T W Itocid. Harry Itlbhnv, K. II. . Itiitherford. C. 8. Itiiaoll. K C RniM- fiona. II. W Bohtnoor. J6hn II. Seott. i Hrlinninimkl. M. K. Hmoad. John n. Vlnrll O. ttl. Vinton, Clayton AVontx, kh worioin, u it. wnnoiir. AW A Wllllama. C. K. 7.1 1 Iv, V. M. V.llly. & N. Train crow: fiupt. O.-W. It. Co.. W. II. flitlld; Conductor, Dalrvmplo; Pullman conductor, aoo. N Caroy. IlKlli: I'OH a pumpohi:. f John II. Bcott, who blow an much ruth for (tin ToloRrnm for yoars tint t Plttock rtnally had In noil out. la with the narty. Ho hoard somnwhore that tho' lilt llnndtana woro roIoi? to blow tin $2500 and wanta to not ani'ind nnd Hlnnd In tho brcozo wnon It Ulta , tho coin. .f o I.OOK8 VOUNfl Hl'T IH WIHB, a I.. It. Whoolor looka almoHt too iinvloh lo own n cnlm. old plonoor iiowapftnor llkn tho BvonliiK Tolo irrnm. but IiIh fclonda any ho la wlno na un old mald'a pnrrot. , JACK UAMIITH NI5XT, Day Mnrao anya ho uaod to rnlso i wpIkIi rabblla on a cM-cho fnrm Om ' uaed to own ovor In Tlllnmnnk cum- tv but ho novor trlod Jack ranblta rnlthniiKh ho Iibh often thoiiKht hr would llko to. Oo ahond Clay wo'ro ..with you mornlly and aplrltunlly. COULDN'T WAIT I-'OIl IT. Clayton Wopta nnd T. W. Rood hoard that tho "Jack Rabbit" would ho nut yentordiy morning nnd thov wni un all nlaht and rontod their lfertha to soma fellows that played! barrel of red Ink on the ink roll. "Job Know Inn In on the IovhI," blustered "Ted" heaving Rlx roll of paper Into tho pr-rooin. "Know Join la tho roxnlar iltvll," roared .liteksoii bunting In the hwtd of another Ink Imrrtd. "Down with tho Klvera ntul llar hnra hill; IIh' nothing hut fat pork," storm! IMjiwr Bleating all tho white paiwr tlia Talegram lintl In th aafa. "lllMwrli, Mar, X e o n n il r I, Whelp. Parotic Mattold. Osh(Mh1 Par niiolc," fimlllnilml Jitekaon, red In th fnw with Ink ainoara. "Tin Itapoblltaii party U rattnlt od." volleyed Piper growing apoplao tle. "Like hall It Ik," raged Jackson swallowing n bucket of (he green In Ida oholorfo tn. "I got nioro advertising." Imttlatl Piper. "I not nioro olraiitntloii," enfiladed "Hani." "I i;nt morn pages," fired 1'lpar allowing tho urfoeiji of battle. "I not inoro nWB," rtwllml Juak on, with fnllKiMi. "Villi haln'U" "I Imro." "Yuh haln'U" "Yiih're u liar." "I haln'U" "Vnh aro." "Villi aro." "Ilah." "I'Uh." Tuah." "Pooh, Pooh." "I'lffltj.- "I klakmt yuh," "Vuh dl.ln't "I dlil." "Vuh onnV "I can." "Hay," yolleil Plpar'a proMman, "wo'rn out of paper." liny." hollvrcd Jaokaon'a Ink allnii er. "tho liarrol'a oinpty." poker nil nlKht. Whnn thoy found thu paMir would not nppoar till thla niornliijt, thoy alupt all day yeatur- uay ami niinii all tuo fun. Homo hhkomII'"1" "" ""'"', mjlUK III IIHWU I ff.llU HA .IhIBU. !...!.. ... .... OANA'H H.MAUT KO.V. Murih Dana haa n brlnht tittle aon nnd ho aaked ha fnthtrr If It wnal rlnhf to aay "I watorod the horao.'rj Manlh told him It wan. Then (ho boy aald: "Wull, Dad, 1 KUeaa I'll so and milk tho cat." IIO.VT MISS JIM'H 8TOUV,' "Jlliimlo" Dunn haa a brand Don atory that ho haa nnvor told. 'Ho ta nl.. ....-. ,.-., I... Z. a... 1. I oriv nnnrnnnlinil lm mv toil I, i. 1 front of overyliody. aithouxh thdt un t too Kind iiq utually tolU. WHY I'ltKI) CMK. Fred Zllly hadn't' tlurd on bolnic hero but he camo anyway to aoo that hla IiIk fat brother Ca.f didn't hog ovoryiiiius on tuo taoiu llko no tloea at hoino. (IKTTIXO IKIUVVTO OABIW. Tho caso of Cbmo la -vary clear, For ho declarna wftb solemn look, "With nil of this excursion horo, III Mond, but I vfoVt bo a Crook " 1l.i;VHY'H cltQjbKHIl ItOL'TK. I,ouniurg, aerval o'fltlio oorport- tlons. '" i jr -' At work, at play r on vacation, My overy niatijl Jrcoly cTukted For working for two Itrooka of ruat; ror Human woqi Ih alwaya on n nod When there ! rallroada to bo nod. I pan IlKAfoTV NOTK. When Marshall N. tana wont lo bed Inst night! his hnlr wouldn't llo down and go to aleeh but atood up NO, THESE ARE THE a A. WWKnut tmmwm HAS STRAYED! HUGE REWARD IS OFFERED FOR HIS RETURN Pn I U Out With Ilia Wlfn Ot'rr Oolnt: to Wiir Hint Wunla lllm lo JlnlUt TlilnkM filio Jij 1olilnu 'nml Then Illhun'fli' tho TiHtli, A htma roward f .1I,B7I,&I!J ha han off wr oil for tho dtaaoverr sti'l rolurn or W. (Bill) P. MrMuW. He haa beu iiiImIhk from hla aema IoiuihI orMta for more than thra houra. When hint aoan ho wua Md- iIImk hla WMpliiK frlHHda Kood-ttfo. Ho HtMlgnud no roaaou for hta (lapar ture and none la known. There had Iihhii, It la trim, n call for him to Join the llwmlniiH and make war apalant the Mcaudlunvlana. To thla call he Keiitly turned a doaf onr. after brief ly explaining for a day nnd a half that II would broak hla ulfo'a heart for him to K to war. Wlii'ii bo went homo to tell her it hla tlriiVH deed for her aake. he found her nbaent and by atraiiKo co Incldunco alie waa at the moment IIIIiik with the federal court her vol untary permkHlon for him either mi go to war or awatlow a tlck of dyna mite with a porcuMlon fuse attached noil then Join the Ad Club oxcuralon. All of hla frionda had foil aure bofore that Mra. StrnadborR muat love her Hill but thla waa taken bh proof peI live of hor heroic temprntnont. Hut ailde from Ihmm coiwldrratlona all who know Mr. Strar.dborK were un willing for him either to go to war or dbappear Not lonu ago he unui innualy elected himself Chief Mut of the Anolent and I.cksI Ordrr of Men dicant United to Bteal. Ho waa to havn orunnliVd a chapter In Mond. II haa burn, hinted that hla tiatlvo modoaty auiaesti'd IllKht. but If ao hla bnhfunPM la deplorable. With out hla ruddy amlle and chubby yoiithfulnou no event would bo com plete nnd no Installation could lm hold. Searching for him the Ad Clubl and thn Hmhlrm Plul, linvn abandon- ed their Butiday and Monday pro gram; flags aro at half mast In Mond and Portland. - Churches and saloons r'kepi'BpCITTmatnonre-depnn-H'roJ'argd miunta of 57 cities havo united In tho stfugclo to win the roward, TBd. Nolo Mill wrote this him self, and marked It Page. 1.) nnd acted mad, ao Marshall aat up with It all night nnd neither ho nor hla hair got nny rest. o 1IITTINO TIIK PIKi;. Wo rode here on a special oar. We rodo to Mond. a distance far, Mepauso we could not If we llko He 'lowod to hit the N". a. Plko. . o CAMI'MIIMH TII1UKT. Our Campbell hero, wo shipped hltn far ll crated In tho baggage car. Nino days, or so tho oxporta think, Can camels go without a drink. Mut bo humane, Mend follow, dear. And do not make him do It horo. JAKOHIt'S OAHATS. Jaogor may not be n grocer. It Is very true, Yet ho souiotlmes you should knew air. Soils some oarata. too. "hi'mmv" i'iuikmax. Freeman, Frooman, foxy Freoman Hooked up with the rummy demon, Whero would ho be. by nnd by. If thoy'd voto tho darned state dry. IIOII. ON I.KCK. If Walter Hvans woro to die Or oronk or tmaa awav. Oh. who would thero bo loft to try Tho cases every day? And Charlie Koblson, says ho: Why, I've got tllo answer! Mo! NOT THE CROWNED HEADS OF EUROPE; THEY ARE DOMES OF FOUR AD CLUB PRESIDENTS BffBJnfTaBaff lyffLBWaal lrBUOFBBtBSBNaalnSlNaBBaBHBBBBBH JBBjSSKBKHBBnSSBIBMBBBHBBJ IsBBBBBBBBBBBBBH TIIK NRXT D. N, McweiMoha A- $! Wi WAR UMIHO.V HAYS PAHIS IS 8APR J. Fred Laraon, the Broot expert authority on defonatve oiieratlona haa Juat completed a careful attrvey of Hie fortlllcatlcna of Paris. Fred snya they Include 190 pousae cafo parlora, 188S cORnnc foundrlea. C7S4 cockUII resorts, 40,000 chorus girls. larKe herds of broilers, flappers and several regiments of promlore dansouses. "Paris la extremely well fortified for a protracted alego of almost any length," duclared Strategist Larsoa na ho boarded tho Mond special. iimxoiNo i'i a ma man Cal Stilly has bcou ordered to thu front by tho Kaiser. Tho German n.r'"jr.w!n ,,r.,n u. h'? nnd' . " "vo oienca Amy a rear win admit that thla will bo task enoujji. for any nriny, tho Kaiser has toll hla men to stop at nothing and l iur ""'".,. - s. -as HI) Wnitl.KIX OX A WAIl WKT. Bd Worleln. the chamtdon heurr weight and long-!lstanco food con- consumer or the Ad Club has been placed on war diet since the Buro poan conflict broke out and haa been reduced to nlilo aquaro meala a day with buffot luncheons between tlniw. Ho has lost several pounds but doesn't think the war will last long. All persona having food or othar perishable articles In Mend will kind ly double tho outer guard wliljo Bd la In town. V. WAIt IH XOT A I-AUOHINO MATTEU C. C. Chapman offered to enlist In the allied armloa until he beard thai It waa no laughing matter. Chap man Insisted that It he went his laugh would have to go too nnd the French commander refused to risk the handicap. DOUBTFUL NEARLY DONE TO DEATH BY DANGEROUS DUTCH Daro Devil Dicky Delineate Dread of Doom Near Dutseldorf -Doca nimiMcr Double Price of DUIicm Ily DIOICY DARLING DOUBTFUL (Copyrighted b the Ladles Home Helper and The Jackrabblt.) LONDON, Sept. C Twlco today my Valot and I were mistaken for TIBS jLAHT C. H. Moore aBLBV 4 JBBBBBLB IBr 'JmHHIbHH bLLbW 4aatflaBHBBBBBH bbbIbbVbbbI jiijuHv bIbbbI SEPTEMBER MORN AT ;--.''. fL i .. s ify sr -, enfaa i r j wsv r xv - - ' . i-- II p 7llr&ni mWW7 ' rOraTTw 9 WmMtL" L-W L THI3 AI CLt'H AIUUVKS NEWS ALU LINKS ItKPOKTfiO Ill'HV IIY MOOItK Charloa H. Moore says the German advance through Franca reminds him of the tolophone seniee his company j;lvca tho public. All the lines arc busy all the time. 'DOC I'AUIUKII HAS T.AST HIS I.KO HAW "Doo" Parish enlisted for War nt tho very atart of military operatlona and waa preparing to Join the Hos pital Corps In Dclglum, but at tho last moment declined, because he dis covered that Henry Hayek had bor rowed hla only good saw to uao In getting In hla Winter wood. m;r u.sns to kxmst - - nmrs-Kom, Instead William McMurray haa flatlr re. used to go to war. Ho haa boucht a Ford and says he wr.1 run It him self. Ho waa therefore excused by the recruiting officer who expressed sympathy. McMurray will keep a compIcto.CABualty list. nOUTZMEYKU 18 ItKCHUITINO "POXIKS" O. C. Mortxtneyer. formerly floor walker of the Moulin Rouge. Paris, has been ordered to supply tho Ger man army with a full cavalry troo.i or little "Illlloa." Ho will look over the Dend market and girls applyiac; for service In tho Hortzmeyer regi ment will observo the following rules: Ponies. 6 feet to 5 feet 3 Inches. Mediums, S feet, -I Inches. Show girls. 5 feet 5 Inches, to S feet 10 Inches. spies nnd narrowly escaped exeoutlon. The situation on the continent U as follows: Tho armies (tho next I soven paragraphs were blue-penciled by tho censor.) An economic effect of the w&r here In London, and wpedaily at the Cecil whero I make my headquarters, is an enormous Increase In tho price of Welsh Raroblta. A Royal Commis sion haa undertaken to probe the matter, alleging tho existence of a trust. The rise la accounted for, ap parently, by tho faot thct all able bodied men in Wales have been call ed to tho colors, so that the fields aro no longer cultivated and It Is it T1IR PItESKNT C.' F.T Br8 BBBBBBBBB"BBH bbBmEbbbB bbbH&S uBaBal BEND Impossible for tho rnbblts to scouro proper auatoaanco. SCAJIK IN fTIR nOVAT, CHAMHI.K BERLIN, Sept. 6. The Algemlen olsh Gerraelnlshklyer. official organ of the radical wing of the Teggi daberlstrobor, states that a te riffle panic waa created among the Kaiser's household last night when a French vessol was found beneath the royal bed In the royal palace at Potadam. AWFL'L LOSS IX HKLGIUM Antwerp, via Rotterdam, Amster dam and Glveadara, Sept. 6. (De layed In transmission) The terrif ic slaughter of Belgian Hares hu been one of the most pitiful incidents of the fighting. After the war is over Belgium will be practically hair less. During the occupation of the cap ita! of Belgium thousands of acres o. Brussels sprouts were exterminated. WHAT IIBCAMK OF KMKRY? Bmery Olmstead first said he couldn't como to Bend: then bo aald he could and paid for hla ticket' theajbta renegged and. got, his money, back and once more changed his mind And mndo his rozonration and then Herbert FloIshhack9r came to town rnd Emery changed hla mind nnd nobody haa seen him oa the tram or In Bond but If ho changed M mtnd again ho Is probably running up tho track soniwohcro near Red mond and will be hers In time for lunch. Wrecks Absence is Monrned Wrecks Iunpman, proprietor and publisher, ako printer's Uwll of tho Monday CrnwfUli of Portland had Net his heart on being In our But everything went wrong. First, hla only clean flannel shirt came- hack, from the laundry shrunk at the neck so he couldn't get It on and no nr subscriptions camo In m he coull buy another. And Rex refused, t-t appear In public surmounted by bllod sliirt. Then ho had trouble with hi htaff. The ofllce boj demanded Tjbor Day off and Bex luid to stay on lhr Job nil day ycctcrday to get out tlw imicr. Besides nil this, Hex Is JesI. ous and euvloua of the auccesa of tho "Jack Babbit" nnd we understand that he haa gone to the length of b MiUrchluff nd IlInscinR mud nt iu, but all ro care to say la that the "Crawulsh" is nothing but a Utile tly-by-nlght, tuun-Mrung, flea-blueu, pock-marked and wholly scurillou and putrid' rag, wet-nurbed by the Morulnjt Oregonlau. While wo understand some tnen bem of tho party regret that Ilex 1 not with us, tho eIttorial SUIT of tiio "Jack Rabbit" Is entirely Kntbacil with his absence, Later. Wrecks stuck onto tho train nt last minute, but we had (to fill the nbovo spuco ho the Btory gtw.s as originally writ. TIIK WK.T1IER, - PORTLAND. Midnight. V Forecaster Doals has Just caat ' the following forecast: Tho temperature has fallen since the - AA.Cuh left nnd currents of - horalr are discerned over Conn tral Oregon. The barometer la nomal but sugar la still rlu- lng. Unlesa It ralna tho dry spell will continue, I r