The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 02, 1914, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    I'AGR 8.
tup itKsn nri.i.irnv, iiknu, oiii: m i:ivi:si., 8i:pti..mhi:ii a, ion.
8. V. Grnlhvtcll Mnkc Htronir Ail
itrcM nt ltnptlt Church last Night
S. V. Orathwoll, flold superintend
ont of tho "offl to Win" prohibition
campaign In Oregon, spoke hero nt
tho Hnptlst church Inst night to nn
nudlenco which filled tho building
nnd wns estimated nt ISO.
According 05 those who hoard him,
Mr- Grnthwcll, who nlthough n young
mnn. ling won n notnlilc record ns nn
orntor, delivered n powerful nddresa
which hold his listeners. Ills subject
Was "Ityegoods nnd Drygoods," nn.l
he hnndlod tho matter entirely from
nn economic standpoint, na n business
proposition. At the mooting over
$50 whh raised to aid the prihltiltton
fade, crack nnd peel off. exposing thojed, resident of nnd tax In tho "there nro Yen fow of thorn) the rout-
wood to tho weather. You can get cltj of Hend In snld Deschutes conn
n pleasing color trentmont and wood j, hotcby undertake, promise nml
protection of uminunl durability by
using S-YV-P (Sherwiu-WIIIInms
Paint Prepnred.) See locnl nguut.
N. P. Welder, painter nnd docora
tor. Adv. SOtf
notici: to saiooi, ciiu,imi;,
The Crook County Knlr Is lo ho
hold September 1G, 17. IS. 10 ntid
wo wnnt to mnko thin yenr'a echoil
exhibit tho beat In tho history of tho
In order to accomplish this the
co-operation of all school children I
required. Mnny of tho sohools wIUlty court hotistt or county hluh school
tiRreo In enso tho elt of Item! la ao
looted na tho locution of tho 'tempor
ary nnd tho permanent county neat )f
said Deschutes county that wo will
provide iunrterB for .tho county court
and all county ottlcers rant free for
the term of tx (l!) yearn from the
date of the formation of tmld Dos
chute county.
And we further uudertuko, pract
ise and agree that during said term
of six .ear we will nlt Iter propose
nor assist In nny mnvemout having
for Its objsct tho erection of n cotiu-
I'ndor tho leadorsh'p of Hev. II. C.
Hartranft 12 of tho younger boys of
the town took h hike on Monday out
to Tumalo creek whore thoy spent
the night, returning Tuesday. S. W.
drathwell, the prohibition orntor,
accompanied the party. Mr. Ilnrt
ranft oxpeeta te continue natively in
tho hoy scout work and other trljw
will be taken" through the fall. He
fore coming to lloud he acted as
Hcout master for a large troop
ecouts nt llandon.
not bo In session at that time, so do
not depend upon the assistance of
your teacher. Prepare your exhibits
carefully, nnd be sure that your
name, address, school district, nnd
grade appear on each article or exhibit.
All school exhibits tuny be font to I
tho olllco or tho county superintend
ent at any time before the fair opens
or tuny bo dellvored nt the fair
grounds Soptcmber Hth or 16th.' All
exhibits Ml'ST be In by t p. m. Sop
temler 1Mb.
On School Day, l-'rldny the ISth.
nil school children will be admitted to
the fair grounds free of charge. .
(Signed) J. K. MYKUS.
2 c. County School Sunt.
(Contlnued'from iwute 1.)
Sixty more Chinese pheasants have
been "planted" In this territory,
through the efforts of District Game
"Warden McKay. Thoy 'arrived Sat
urday night, and wero distributed , m Irt,)nt wlth(n u, i,0undarlw of Den-
but because of local selfishness, and!
In falling to Invito men from other!
sections than those rettrosented thev '
showed that their real motives were'
not lower taxes. J
The fact that tho Prlnevllle people
who called tho meeting set It nt it
for said Deschutes county, and that
If such mnvumout Is hagun by any
other we will do all In our power to
defeat It.
In wltnoss whereof we have here
unto set our hnntls this sstti day of
August. 1H.
Floyd Dement. Vernon A. Porbos.
Hugh O'Kuue. The Kind Nutlonil
Bank. C. 8. Hudson. O. P. Putnam,
Chns. W. Krsklno, V. C. Coo, C. V.
Sllvls. II. II. Do Armond. J. C.
Rhodes, tan I.. Kox, II. W. Skuse,
Clydo M. McKay. A. M. Priugle, J.
A. Knstoe. 11. II. Kurst. It. P. Mluter,
W. C. MeCuleton. J. H. Minor. K. A.
Itetinett. K. M. Lara. O. M. Patterson,
It. M. Smith Clothing Co., I,. 1)
Wlest. Port Shuey. 0'p.onwell lroi..
H. Korrell. Mnnnholmer Pros., The
lleml Co.. by J. P. Keyee, The llend
U'ul.. I (Hill IV llnll a, r.. T II IJ..I
....... uin.iv I .c. vv., .. .,. --! ,. ... .....,., .1 1
oy. Robert W. Sawyer. The Miller. '"?i . i """ " '"'
Lumber Comiwny. II. .1. Overturf,' 'r' 'H,,:..MowB?, " ,,,c u,,r ,Vl'
Anton Aiiue. ThwMlon. Auu. 11. lV i "uobllo. chautTetir. two and a half per
puni cent commission on mud sales, and
; numerous smaller matters
i "Contrast tills cost of nirntln
with that or the Tumalo Project The
He Is In charge of a big constructloi
project He doea far inure work, and
I Tumalo Kngtneer gets $:ioo n month.
pnn. actually gets only about 10 nor
cent In cash nt tho tlmo of the trans,
action. Take a J 1000 purchaso, for
Instance. Tho buyer 3f per
cent, or $!in0, down. Of this K, A.
Cast, nn miles agent, receives $70,
seven per cent of the total sale. Then
uosouo Hownrd, its one or hi a ior
(lltlsltos, gots two and a half per
cent, ur 23. Iteckonlnif local noil
lug cost (auto, etc., I and tho Up
keep of tho Portland olllco, the total
selling uost Is reckoned nbout In per
cent, or $150. Tliut leavoe J 100 of
the tlrst $31,0 that the company no
tunlly getH tit cash.
"Kromt hoso facts It la rendlly
seen that It Is Impossible for the com
puny to pny Its high salartea tu any
other way than from tho initial online),
feea. And It Is a fuel tlint llosoou
Hownrd gota his snlnry In onsh: cer
tainly up to the tlmo I loft he always
was up to data with his salary.
"Uoeroo Hownrd bus malutnlnnd
thnt tho overhead charges of tho ('.
O.l. are reasonable. In other word
Hint It Is well maungoil and econom
ical. Those fnmlllnr with Us methods
oven from tho outside, have never
felt nble to agreo with him and
when one sees the working of the
management from the Inside the won
der Is that the organization lis kept
above water as long as it has.
"Hohoo Howard draws $600 a
month. Jeesn Stearns, as attorney,
gets $150. C M. Itedtteld. ns en.
noer, pulls down $S60. Then How
follows: C imlra to each of the fol- chu,68 ,,, ,9 nllH, out , A man In Toxaa ml
lowing: Augvst Halherg. P. II. Den- adm,gBltm ot how ,, out f tli L f.' ?l oT,
cer. Cole B. Sm th. Ceorge Jonw. anil , way , t!le ,,rcg(Jnt ,(, t0(it for , "
K. A. Cast. Thoy wore liberated at, 8otbwofitern nort of the eoimtv. con ha. Tr It. Pal
once and will lie carcii tor at me
ranches of those named above. A
strict Inw protects them In this re
gion for at least two years.
Don't Ho Ibithcieil nltlt Coughing.
Stop It with Foley's Honey and
Tar Compound. It spreads a sooth'
Ing. healing coaling rs It glide down
the throat, and tickling. horrseurM
hocking are iilcktv heeled. Children
lof It tastes good and no opiates.
A men in Texas, walked lb mile to
bottle. Uost yiu
croup or iiroiielibl
attoreon Drug Co
DHPITV Sllintlll" llt'SV.
J. II. Wenandy returned on Sat-
. uwt..., .. vn..'.. a..... ... ...v VUHMIJ.
i According to. reports of the meet"
log In county papers, speeches favor-1
Ing lowor taxes wero made My imiMnv r Cf-IIPli ntcn ncrc
ticnlly everyone pretunt. all linking, CA"WoniL.K Ul3lyUU3L3
that question with county division.
Ono statement made by a Hodmond I
speaker, ns to the cost of bulldtn:.
(Centlnued from page 1.)
tirdny from a trip to tynyton and for Deschutes county, was wholly'
Portland. la Dayton he recovered without rsenonslble Justification and i torney workeil eepeclatly hard for hU
Is It Done Right?
certain mortgaged proporty belonging
lo C. Sipchon which had lwen car
ried away by a former resident of
llend on hie departure a few weeks
ago. ln Portland Mr. Wenandy
found J. F. Nackcr against whom a
charge of embezzlement had been
lodged by J. It. Wlrnor. Nacker's for
mer employer. He was brought back
to town and the charges against him
dismissed on the repayment of cer
tain amounts.
China nnd glassware Skusc Hard
ware Company. Adv.
Tho two vital painting questions
are what colors and what paint?.
Tho wrong color scheme will serious-
Is effectually answered by the agre- fat salar), doee It
ment which has been signed In llend Mnltitonnnce Chief Income,
by a large number of UKsfneee men. i "It rurther la fair to say that the
Tho agreement provides for county . company's only cash Income at pree
ofTiccs for six years In cose llend Is ent. practically. Is from maintenance,
made the county seat and, with the "Of the notes outstanding from
signers to (Into. Is as follows: land sale. $100,000 's In the hands
Whereas, It Is proposed to form a of the Deschutes Contract Company,
now county to bo called Deschutes This Is an Inner ring or stockholders,
county out of the south western por- made up or Itoeeoe Howard. Stearns,
Hon of Crook county, and I Stanley and others. Thin Inner eom-
Whereas. If sold Deschutes county t pny. which of course will be the
Is formed the county court will se- first to profit when the note ore col
lect some location as the site or the tected. acquired them because It put
temnorarv county seat until the con- up $11.0,000 for constructing the
oral election to be held In the year 'North Canal dam. nnd In return was
1916. and
Whereas, tho voters of Doechutes
county will, nt the general election
fn the year 191G. vote for and select
lv mar the attractive appearance of i the placo or permanent count)' seat.
our home. Tho wrong paint will soon Now therefore, we the undersign
given $200,000 in settteta' notes.
"Then there are the notes held by
the Land Hoard: returns from these
must for tho present be devoted to
Improvement of the Central Oregon
Canal. Of land sales made now (and
r 1
lv rt v.Tv 9&T eTttir f
Ml uHlMiitiiAIAjMW
A Concrete f
In 101 1 would bo out of plnro. It would bo
a few yours ahoml of tho tltuim, Not no how
ever with concrete I'l.OOIt.H, NIDI. WALKS,
Kto. No inaturlnl Is choapor or more durable
for these purimses than COXCHBTK.
Ami whdu you l.u'Ht or COXCIIBTB, use
only the host commit, hiiiiiI and gravel. It Is
cheaper In the end.
Wo enn supply you with tho propor sizes
of wnihed sand and serocned gravel for your
particular purpose. Ask for quotutlnus,
Bolton, Ruetenik & May
FRANK MAY, Mr. Hcml, Ore.
OltUe with Itobt. II. Hould, llc-ii-liute
llnnk lliilldluu.
"Concieto ntlmnlel)-, Why Not XowV"
more Important work, thsn llowad' iwbl with company liens Wwu land,
nnd Itedtlolil combined. Anyone wlm Then John Hall put InSiOO. taking
hna observed nt all tho tiiHiisgenio it j another mortgage on the property,
or the two project knows that on the Therefore tho C O. 1. Comtmnr, t
Tumalo a dollar gua about twice as' get hark the $2800, (not to mention
far an It does on the C O I what It has contributed In the way
"Hero Is a minor I tula nee of the of land liens) must pay off UNirtgHgiM
folly and wnHtefulJnees of the com-' totaling $11109. It seems fair to sm
pany's manugoiueut In the past. t'n-!Kso (hut Mr. Hull and the To wind la
der tho old D. I. P.- eon troll ml by Company will have no dllllculty in
tho same men who now run the C. I foreclosing Km mortgages; and ns lh
U. I. Krod Ktnnley atiproprlnted! ciiiniMiir bus no money. It Is hard
something over $&0( for the Ited-1 to see how it could pay off the inort-
iniind Fair Aseoclatlon. If this wisi gaxos even If It so d-wlred.
If It Is. Ut wtll nouh alee Hut un
! It ! up lo lh murk In vry tltlsl
(eam uml r ui.
Bend Steam Laundry.
"Put Your Duds
not settlers' money. I can't imagine
what was: I mean, It should have
been epent In Improvement of the
Irrigation system.
Story of flilMiMi.
"The C. O. I. Company sold the
old clubhouse at (tend In 19 If. Tue
price received was approximately
$ZQQ. Ule In 112 this $ixet 4i
set nslde by the company for the
ereellnn of the hotel at the town of
Centralo, or Deechutee. (The com
plete cost of the hotel wne probably
about $11.000i Then a morlgagn
wan given the Deechuies TuwhsH
Comimny for $H00. this beltm 'b-,
vnluntlnu it set on the lots It turned ,
In. Tho olllcera and stockholder of
the Deschutes To unite Compau) In
clude Itoscoo Hownrd. Fred Stenle),
Jesse Stearns, John Hall and A. P
lilies. The first three ore ofJlrers of
tho C O.l Co., the last two have
been nctUely associated with It I.u
hor and materials on the hotel, la.
the amount approximately $3000 wan
"The point of this story of $lon'
Is not so much to show the methods
or the men behind the cuinpaHy, who
have had the rouiMHiiy funds utilised
for projects of iwrnoaal pro lit. as to
show that nt a Hjtwe when the com
I tuny Insistently plead iMtierty nnd
held It was unable tu aid the settlers
by further construed.-, and Improve
ment of Its ditch system It was able
to Hud and Hse money In private
schemes In which lis Wcers wnrn
pervoHnlly lutereetwl."
A tame Ibick Kidney Truublo
C.iiKcl H.
And It will give yew evn weree If
not checked. Mrs. II. T. akraynlK
Hulnesvllle, Ou., wm fnlrljr down
her Iwek with kidney truulde and Ib
llnmwl bladder. Mite says: "1 took
Foley Kidney Pills and now my Imrk
la stronger than In rear-, sad ho't
kidney and bladder trouble are en
tirely gone." Patterson Drug C.
rv l L
:: .
Complete Stock
Dry, Rough and
Maple and Fir
For Close-in Acreage
Let us show you the property ?i
conservative buyer that BEND REAL ESTATE is a conservative investment
Lath and
Pine House )and
Irrigation Spout,
Lath, Red Cedar
:::: T1
::::t S
,i . ,
The Bend Company
. , i' u
-- (
4 t
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