Tlll-J HENI) Hl'MiETI.N, REND, ORE.,. WEDNESDAY, BEITE.MUEH 2, 1011. PAOK f. HEMSTAD FOLKS DEDICATE DULL BIO DANCE GIVEN LAST FRIDAY llullilliig Which In Hmlril dilofly .')' Wiiiimn of Ilia C'oumiiinty In Hrriio of ,1'lcnmwit Dunce Many At tended from Neighborhood. (Ntnff Corrirtpumluuati.) Tim now community Imll In Hi lletiwtml valley settlement wkh npun hI iiii l'rlditf night wllli it ilniico M (muted by practically very settler H tint nitlnlilKirhond ami by n lnre nuiuhnr from Imperial. An nuto loul wwnl out from llend to litli dedicate the Imll. Ilmimtsil valley Ilea winlli oust of Mllllrati unit to tlm ohm or Jtond HtrliiM. It com prison a India urn 1" llm noil Hi of IIih IMiin inoiintHln iwiiMti mill, although off the iimin course ef travel Ima twilled up well In llm pent throe )'wm. Tho valley I named for Olnf Hem. stsd, the first astller. who look up lil claim In November, toil. Tli nest one rnniH In Am II, 1012. nml vlnro then settlement hits nmclmil IIih milut In numbers and quality whluli linn iiihiIo poeelbhi hit oructlou or llm new Imll mul llm giving or a itrtum) vurh na that or Prldav. The IriiiI on which llm building stands una kIviiii by Mr. Hnmstad Tim Imll Is tixU foot In aire with a raised pint form In n sort of liny on on aide. It linn plenty of window "nil a matched floor which afford a Mmh ditnoliiK surfnco. An yet It Is uiiswalod. Tim most liitunwtliiij (IiIiik about tlm hall, hnuever. I Dm fact that It was liullt almiHit millrnlv liy' llm wunmn of llm nommiinlty. Tlmlr man folka nawnl the limbers mid t ! , tnmrdi anil helped a lilt with thai frame hut every thing else, up 'oi shlHallng tlm roof, wna ilntm by llm' woman. Tlm lendlnv workers wore Mrs. Peter (Irahlnr. Kate Kaatirovlt. Mr. John and Mr. Carl K Wilful ill, llasel Nyo, Mr. I! Ilulilmrd, MIm Pansy Htowart and Mr. Oearge Pork Mm. KlAlufnldt. tlm 80 mr old mother of tlm Ho KlolnMdt Imivh. -wan alao aethe In tlm work and d'd nil tlm decorating with manxaiilta and mounlaln mahogany, which add d much to tlm attrartlnoa of tlm fcall on Prlday. About Ro al'ondnd tlm dance whloh vnntlnuod until day break. Mimic wna Ttirnlahed by n cello and two violin. At midnight a aiippnr waa imrvnd. 1 The hall wl bo uund In part for a yfheol liultillMK diirliin tlm coming ymir, 111m Pan)' A. Stewart, a linine stesilor in tlm nolKhhorhnod bavin itnou nninmad a tnaolmr. An Inltlnl nro1lmnt of nlMiut 30 pupil In ox-1tt)d. wz$em& TftxeTGreatcv Orcgov Willi now liiilliilnrri. (teller cnulo. merit, enuaeJ if ronniM. and mnny d. aiiiuni io in ncuity, ui wniveri'ty of Ofopon will iKgln lu lliliy.nnili year iuco'jy, scpitmuer is. Speclil lrlnlif for linlncn. Jour. m foirl. I W Mr.lllni. 1'm..I.. I I. IW Work, Muilc. ' ArchliccVurc. i iiyncti i fBinlnir nl Fine Am. 1 irtffit anil iimni4t iin4fmni ....'--'. "" -1 ''! oi lliieul educillon, I tinny of moit Ihtn M.tll yblgmo. Iwo ttlt44 uritiiillluoil, l0 bulldlnjl full ffliipra n w ifir.tvv iuoiiniiirtll04 Ruiidinr In our ol tbntirtinloa Tvlilun fut tluimitniln let n nd for m rlaM lowfit Wilit lof riiilov tni Illuillll4 booklil, A4drtMlitr nutiltt, uniVERsiry of oreqon nui U(U. ruun, owcoon XOTICK KOIt I'UIH.K'ATIO.V. Dilpurtiuont of tlm Inlorlar. U. K. I. nml Olllce ut Tliu DuIIoh, OruKJ"i AUKiiat 24, nu. Notlcu I horuhy kIvmii tlmt C'lmrlo It. Low, or Hand, OroKon, who, i;i Hoptomlior UK, ltuiO, iiuida DiNMirl Unil ontry, No. 08330, for K NIC V4 Huetlou ft, XV NWVl, Suction (, Touuatilp 17 H. Hhiihh 12 IC. Wll IniuattH Miirldlaii, Iiuh Died notlcn of lnt otit Ion to inako llual proof, to -tnldUh rlalui to Him land alxivo ! HiTllmil. l.Hfor II ('. Mil, n United tnttM CoiniulaaloHar at hi o!He, .il IImiiiI. Otugon, on tha 12th day of October. 1911. Clalinaut uainiw aa wltnofNiaa. Mlu nlo (' Low, ICdwIn 0. ItoHnm. John I. Monro, Wllluir X. Iunnall, nil or llmid, UroKon. II. I'HANIC WOODCOCK. 2fl-30c. ItoKUIor. POWELL BUTTE fContlnuod from imito :.) Saturday for a fanfilii, vlalt with friend. Him I the hoiioo Ruent nf Wra. a H. Mlllnr. (Hpcfllnl to Tho Ilultotln) I.AIDI.AW. Kept. 1. ltv Bklntm-. -whn ha linen olnrklnr; In Orlftln nail Co.' Htoro for tlm pnnt alx innnlli. wilt Itmva for I'ortlnmt thla wuek to ntlend noliool. Ml Union Hktnner, who hna apent the miiumor varntlou lioro with Imr later, .Mrs. (Irlllln. will dopnrt thla wk for nor homo In Ilormwton, OrHinn. to ruauinu Imr atudlea In tha hlRii acliool. MkM MnrnuoritH KllrkeiiKor IvAvan laldlaw TiitfHdajr for Waterloo, I own. whar aim will nttoml IiIkIi twhonl. Almut HWtHik it so Mr. Unytnn and aar ilaiiahlar, Carolyn, nava h thrao liar's hnuritt party lu honor of Mia l'lickangar, tan yoiimc ladlaa ImiIhk nraaant. All rport n nloat dallKliU ftil time. Mr aud Mr. Arthur Jackaon wilt aiMtn laava tlm llalley lionm for tlmlr new homo In California. A fdiort Hum iiro Mr. Mnok ontai' iiiipxil nt nn nfiornoou party lu honor or Mra Jnckaon. Two rvprtwoutntlvoa of tho m;rl cultural lolloKo Knvu IntaraatlnK tnlka Ut l.aldlnw rnnrlior nt tho Imll on Tlmradnv of Innt woak. Mrs Hhanror nnd huh. mothar nud lirotlmr of Mra. O. InrHaiird, who l'Hve vlNltod nt tlm liurKnnrd homo tho priHt month, hnvo roturnod to tliolr homo In OkuuoRnn, Wnulilnir ton. . Wilt Thorp I In Portland tlilH neok on n hiiRlnorv trip. l'ror. l.oo nnd tlirno aona nrrlvod In Uildluw Inst Huudiiy nnd will ro aldo liero durlnR tho Hohoot .vonr, Mr. 1.oo Jmvlni? ohnrco or tlm aohnol. Mra. JoffrloH, mother of Mra. Adn Lundliurit. wiih uulto 111 Monday. MlBKMnry Dlotrloh wiih tnkim with h Hocond n tt licit of uppnndloltla Krt day nnd went to Portland to tiilto tnmtumntfl of Dr. Binllli. l.oo nnd Londorn Hnrrvmnn apont Monday with lltllo frlouda In T.nld law. Mr. nnd Mra. Pozoll, Jr., of Tlond, urn living In I.nldlnw for n abort tlmo whllo Mr. lloxoll liaH chnrno of tho Mtitto nuto. Jtitv. O. A. Wnlkor wna nccompnn led bv hla family Sundny on lila trip to I.nldlnw. ltuth ItOHH npont two dnya vlaltlnR qt tho Dlokoraon homo, nonr I.nldlnw. Vera ntokoraon, who lina lioon qulto jit nil Hiimmor, Ib reported hottor. Rxto'islvo Improvomonta nro holnB mntlo on Hnrnor & Coen'H Bloro nnd tholr stock la couBldorhhly enlarged. NOTICK OI' CONTHHT. Oapnrliuout of tlm Interior. Uultl Statu I.hmiI OlIlfMi, likavlww, Ore gon, AiiKiiat 21, 101 1. To Laurence W. Thompaon of llond, OreKon, ContiHituo: You nro hereby notified that Jna nph Hoeloun, who nim c-o II. P. Mluter, Hand, Orexon, aa hi mi1 olttrt addreaa. did on May 2, 1011, file In thla nlllco hla duly corrobor ated application to commit nnd Necure the raucellntlon of your huuiiHitvad, ICnlry No. , Serial No. 01778. made June 28, 1011. for NKVi, Xoe tlon 21, Towiuhlp 22 H., HiuiRe 1G, IC. Wlllniiietto Meridian and NWU Hectlon 10, Township 22 8., HniiKe 17 K.. Willamette Meridian, and a Kroutid for hi contitit he aUngm that wild I.uarenco W. Tlmmpann haa fulled to tahllh hla nwlilence iiron rialil tract: that he haa failed to oul llvato aald tract or nny part thereof; that aald ontrymnh hna ntinndound aald tract for upward of nix month but wrt and that uch fnllure nnd ntiuudoiimeut wn not due to hla em ployment In the army or murine corp of lllo U. H. In time of wnr or other wle. You nro, thorforo, further notl lied Hint the aald allecnllona will ho taken liy thla ofllco na havltm been conftHwed by you. and your aald en try wilt Ik oauculed therouuder with out your fti.ther rlnht to he heard , thoreln, either before thla oltlco or on , nppunl, If you rail to file In thla of llco within twenty day after tho 1'OiniTll publication or thl notion, a ahown below, your aimwer, under onth, Kpuclfleally innetlni: nnd 'o apoudliiK to thoae nlleKatlona of eon teat, or If you fall within thrt tlmo to lllo lu thla office due proof that you have nerved a copy of your aii awur on tho raid oouteatiint either In pornoii or by reclHtered mnll. If thla Hurvlce la iiinilo by the delivery of n copy or your mmwer to the uontea lanl lu peraon, proof of audi service iniiHt bo either the anld contoatant'a written acknowledgment of hla re ceipt of the copy, ahowlne the date or Ita recolpt, or the olllilnvlt of the puraon by whom the delivery wua inuilo atntltiK when and whnrn the copy wua delivered; If made by rog latercd mall, proof of such aervlce muat coimlHt of tho ufMiIavIt or the peraun by whom the copy wna mallei) ntatin,; when nnd the pout ofllco Io which It waa mulled, and thla affi davit muat bo accompanied by the poatmnater'a receipt lor the lottor. You ahould atato In our mmwer the nninu of the ot office to which you dealre future notice to bo font to you. JAB. I'. IllTItOH&S, ItoRlRtor. Date of flritt puhlloatlun Sept. 2, 1011. Date of second publloatlon Sept 0, 1011. , Date of third publication Kept IC. 1011. Date of fourth publication Sopt 23, 1011. 20-29 e. NOTICK Ol' CONTKST. Department of, the Interior, United State 1-aml Office, likovlew, Ore- Hon, AiiRUHt 21, 1011. To Martin I. Olilnnd, or CCH Sixth at reel, Portland, Oroseii, contoa- too: You ure hereby notified that Frank Ilocloon, who Klvea c-o II. P. Mlnler, llend, OroKon. na hla pot olllce ad dros, did on May 2, 1011. file In thla olllce hla duly corroborated applica tion to contofll and securo tho cancel lation of your homo lead, Kntry No. , Serial No. 01010, made May 17th, 1011. for NKV, Section 10 nnj NWV Section 20. TowtiBhlp 22 8.. ltntiKO 17 K. Wlllnmotto Meridian, nnd aa ground for hla contest he al lege that aald Martin Ohland haa The BRICK GARAGE ON BOND STREET THE LARGEST AND BEST Rat-ago building in Central Ortun. HTOKAUi: AT MODHKATK IUTHS i:xrt Itepnlr Work nt I'nlr Prlre RESULTS GUARANTEED Wo I)ltributo Clinlmcr & Saxon Car mul Scldrn Trucka (JASOMMt SUNDUIICS TBe Bond Garago Company It. K. Ilartly IC. II. Ilruukn T. V. llnnly Real Lubric allot ,a jSS .-, ii I. IIP ZEROLENE ihe Standard Oil for Motor Cars It keeps the motor cool by perfect lubrication. Dealers .everywhere. Ask our nearest about delivery in bulk. v Standard Oil Company (CALIFORNIA) Bend railed to oatnbllflh hla reldonco on aii tract; that ha hna railed to cul tivate sold tract or any part thereof. that wild onlryirian haa abandoned Kiild traot for upward of alx month litat fiiiHt nnd that atich failure and ubnmlonment waa not duo to hla em ployment In the army, navy or marine corp of tho U, H. In time of wur or othorwlHo. You nro, therefore, further notl nod'tlmt tho aald allegations will bo taken by th's office an having been confeo,i by you, nnd your aald entry will be canceled thereunder without your further right to bo heard thore ln, either before thl ofllco or on ap peal, If you fall to file lu this office within twenty day nftor the I'OUHTH publication or this notice, aa ahown below, your annwer, under onth, apeclllcnlly meeting and re sponding to these nlloKatlcytM of con lent or ir you rail within that time to ntn lu this office dun proof that you havo served a copy of your answer on the anld contestant either In person or by registered mnll. If this service Is made by tho delivery of a copy or your answer to tho contestant In per son, proof of such service must be either the aald contestant's written ncknowlodgmont of his receipt of tho copy, showing the date or Its receipt, or tho affidavit or tlm peraoiw l,y whom delivered : If made by register ed mnll, proof of such service must consist of the affidavit of the porson by whom the copy was mailed stating whou nnd tho postofflco to which It was mallei), nnd this affidavit must bo nacompanled by the postmaster's receipt for tho letter. You should stato In your answer tho name or the poatofuce to which you desire future notice to be sent to you. JAH. P. UDItOHXie, HexlMtor. Date or first publication Sept. 2, 1911. Date ot second publication Sopt 9, 1011. Ditto or third publication Sept IC. 1911. Date ol fourth publication Sept 23, 1011. - 20-20 e. NOTICK I'OK PUIIf.ICATION. IN TMK CIHCUIT COUIIT OF TUB STATI5 OF OltKClON, COUNTY OF CHOOK. K. M. Thompson, Plaintiff, vs. Vlrgle K. Ilrnnfteld. and George M. Uraa- rteld, Defondanta. KL'MMONK. To Virgin K. Hrasflsld and George M. Ilrasneld, altove named defendants IN TIIK NAMK OF TUB STATK OF OHBGON: You am hereby requir ed to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above nntltlod Court and suit on or before the soventh day of Octobor, 1911, and If you rail so to appear and answer the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the roller prayed for In the com plaint horoln, Ui-wlt: for judgment against you and each of you or tlm aunt of $C72, together with Interest thereon at tho rate or 8 per cont par annum from January IS, 1911, until paid, together with $70.00 nttornoy fees nnd the costs and disbursements ot this action nnd for a docreo of the nbovo entitled Court that the certain mortgage boarlng date Cth day or August. 1912. mado and executed by you, securing said sum nbovo men tioned on lot onc-tl), block twenty six 126) ot llend,. Crook County. Ore gon, be foreclosed it nil Hint such ronl property described therein bo sold by tho Sheriff or Orook County. Oregon. In tho manner provided by law and according to tho practice or this Court nnd that tho proceeds of sold sale be applied: PI (1ST. to the pay ment of tho costs and charges for making HiIb sale and SECOND, to the paymont of plaintiff's Judgmont In clusive of nttornoy fees nud Interest nnd costa. that upon the sale balag mado the plaintiff may become a pur chaser, and thereafter that defend nnta and alt persons claiming un der. Ity or through thoni or elthor of them ho forover burred aud fore closed of nny rights, title nnd Inter est In and to said property or nny portion thereof, saving and excepting only tho statutory right or redomn Hon nnd Hint tho plaintiff havo Judg mont mid execution ngnlnst the prop erty of tho defendant VIrglo B. llrab fleld for any deficiency remaining up on such Judgment after applying all the proceeds of the sale or said rosl property, properly applicable thereto and for such othor nnd further relief as to tho Court may seem meet and Just. Thla summons Is served upon you by publication thereof for six suc cessive weoka In Tho Monti Uulletln. n weekly newspaper of general cir culation, jnihllahed In Head, Orook County, Oregon, by order of the Hon orable O. Springer, J ml go of the County Court of Crook County. Ore gon, which order Is dated the two:t tleth day or April. 1911. the date of the llrst publication being the 2Cth day ot August. 191 1. VERNON A. FOIWKS. 25-30 c. Attorney for Plaintiff. r CLOVERLEAF MILK and CREAM aiu: PURE PHONE YOUR ORDERS O. C. CARDWELL Farmers Phono No. 1, ALlAMUiNl HOTEL Moderate t'rlccs , Modern Rooms i Attractive Surroundings Htenm Heat, Hot and Oold Wuter With Rath Privileges J Homo Cooked Meals ' Miss A, D. SpnldliiR, Proprietor 1JEND, OREGON ? rtwvmM I Detriment of tho Intorlor, V. 8. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore gon, August 17, 1911. Notice la horoby glvon that Mahal C. Ilonn, of IJend, Oregon, who on AugiiBt 12, 1911, mnilo desert laud ontry, No. 013725, for NW NB'i, Section 21, Township 17, H., Range 12, K Willamette Meridian, has filed notice or Intention to make final proof to establish claim to the land above doscrlbed, before II. C. Ellis, n If. S. Commissioner at his office, nt llond, Oregon, on tho 7th day of October, 1911. Claimant numos n witnesses: Wal ter Daniels, Niels Anderson, Lillian Daniels, Charles Hoyd, all or llend, Oregon. If. FRANK WOODCOCK. 26-29 c. Register. IN TUB CIRCUIT COURT OK TUB STATK OF OREGON, FOR TUB COUNTY OF CROOK. It. U. Snbln, Plaintiff, vs. A. M. Lara nnd Marcellua Iara, partners trad Ingfindor tKo firm name and atyle of A. M. Lara tc Co.. Hnd Marcel lua Lara anil Sad a Mra. Individ ually, and Frank Robertson, De fendants. PCRLICATIOX OF Sf'M.MOXH. IN TUB NASIB OF TUB 8TATK OF OREGON, You nre hereby requlr od to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you In tho above entitled suit within six week from the date or the first publication or this summons, to-wit: on or before tho 21th day of September, 1911, nnd It you fall to answer for want there of, tho plaintiff will appeal to the court tor tho relief demanded in tho complaint, to-wit: 1. That the amount due said creditors, tor whoso benefit tho said plaintiff Is acting as trustee, bo fixed and dotormlnod. 2 That plaintiff havo Judgment nnd execution against said defend ants, A. M. Lara and Marcellua Lara, Jointly and severally, In the sum so determined to be due to said credi tors, with Interest tboreon at tho rato of six (C) per cont per annum from tho dato that said sum la dotormlnod by raid court to be duo. aad tor fur. thor judgmont of $300.00 aa reason able nttornoy foes herein, and for costs and disbursements of this suit. 3. That Marcellua Lara and Sad a Lara, defendant herein, and nil per-, sons claiming under them subsequent j to the execution of aald mortgage mentioned In paragraph XII of said complaint, either as purchasers, in cumbrancers, or otherwise, may bei barred and foreclosed of all rights, claim, or equity of redemption In said jiroporty mentioned In paragraph XII, and every part thereof, naraoly: All or lota flvft (h) and six (C), In block eleven f 11). of the town ot Rend, Crook County, Oregon; 1. That tho usual decree may be mado for the sate ot said promises by tho sheriff of said county, accord ing to tho law and practice of thlti court. f. That tho proceeds of said snlo may ho applied In paymont of the amount due to tho plaintiff for thu Unaflt of the creditor or tho said A. M. Lara and Marcellua Lara, part ners trading under tho firm nnmo and stylo of A. M. Lara & Co. C. That said plaintiff may have Judgmont and execution agnlnst said defendant, A. M. Iirn ond Marcellua Lara ror any deficiency whlclC, may remain after applying nil tho pro ceeds of tho salo of said premises properly nppllcnhlo to tho satisfac tion of said Judgment. 7, That plaintiff, or nny othor pnr ly to tho suit, may become a purchas er at said salo. 8. That a receiver may bo np. pointed to take charge of aald real property mentlonod in paraghuph XII of said complaint (Mentioned nbovo.) collect the rents and prlflta therefrom, and authorized to pay Uio taxes upon said property. If any bo due, nnd to hold tho balanco after the paymont or said taxes subject to tho determination ot this suit. 0. And that tho plaintiff mav nave sucu ouior ana rurtticr reller in the premises as to this court may seem meet and equitable. Thla summons la served upon you by the publication hereof pursuant to an ordor of the Honorable W. L. Dradshaw, Judge of tho above en titled court dated August Sth. 1911, The dato of the first publication hereof is tho 12th day of August, 1911. and the date of tho last publi cation hereof Is the 23rd day or Sep tember, 1911. 8IDNBY TBI8HR, Attorney tor Plaintiff. 710-17 Mor gan building, Portland, Ore. 23-29c J ! Hoofing- of nil kinds. Repairing promptly done. J. A. MacCLOSKEY TINNING AND Furnace Contractor Guttcrinp;, gpoutlnjr, Cornices and Skylights. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY J FURNISHED J Jobbing PrompUy Attended To I J. J. RYAN I 5- Plumbing and Heating rilONE 4BI ' $ 117 3IIXNESOTA STREET $ The Wright Is Bend's Leading Hotel WHY? It is a fireproof building It la thoroughly modern It Is comfortable, commodious, clean ROO.MS FROM BO CHNTS UP MEALS FROM 3 CENTS UP Tho wants of nil nro satisfied well at THE WRIGHT HOTEL Automobiles to all Interior Points THE WRIGHT HOTEL (? CENTRAL OREGON'S vmn MI'K acctiht. ... f?...yZ. PKVTK OLASS, AUTOMO- Leading INSURANCE Agency . rile, surety ronds. REAL ESTATE " City and Farm Property AUBREY) Lots $150 to $350 HEIGHTS ( TERMS: $5 Cash and OROKLA) 3 Monthy J A F? A QTTPQ on,v ou rt'Kt'u 8ret . E0 I CO hhni), :: OREGON ------ ------ Headquarters for Commercial Men Ulectric Lighted Throughout Special Attention to Transient Travel -- i THE BEND 'HOTEL Qood Rooms Free bus to I and from trains HUOH O'KANE, MANAQKH BEND, OREQON (lood Meals All arrangements made for persons desiring to go south and east of hero ONE CENT A WORD is all a little want ad will cost you.