TAGK fl. Till! IIKX1) lll'IiI.KTLV, 11KNI), OIIK., WKDNKHD.VY, HK1TKMI)Kll B, 11)1 1. '-' II s ON DIVISION LA PINE PAPER BOOST ING Culver Trlliuno Snyn Opposition Light Miulrnn IMonror Mentions Ami- llUlslon Work of l'olltlclniu n it 1 ltevlo u m Arguments. (Ln'PIno Inlor-Mountnln.) Tho Premium List and Program for tho Tooth Annual Crook County Fair is bolng distributed thin wee. Every ofllcar, Judgo, Btiporlntondeiit nnd mombor of tho association Is from tho othor ond of tho -count. No consideration of any kind Is Riven this end. Just another ono or tho thousands of good reasons why the county should bo divided. (La Pino Inter-Mountnln) Tho report Issued by tho awamit- InR department of the state snows that Crook county has n smnllor gen eral fund than sixteen of the small counties of tho state The cost i f maintenance Is greater than of any two of ten of the smaller countlos. Tho county fund shows n deficit "f $13,691.60. A comparison with' six teen of tho Btnnllor counties show that n small county is much 1cm ex pensive. The question of county di vision hero should therefore be vot ed YBS. (Culver Tribune.) The count division petitions have been checked up and it le found tluU over S00 signatures have been se cured, n great many moro than will be required, although the workers arc still busy In order to make the list ns large as poeelble. The peti tion will be presented to the court noxt week along with the petition for Deschutes county. If everything regular. The question of creating these new counttep wilt lie on the ballot nest fall. Very little opposition has develop ed thus far In the Northern pert .f tho reaent county, and the proposi tion of creating Deschutes count seems to be papular in nearly all parts of that area. (Madras Pioneer.) As tho final rustling fcr signers Is being carried on by tho committee In charge of tho countv division mat-! ter for tho proposed Jofforson coun ty, many new points are met and dis cussed, to the benefit of tho new county proposition. Many of them brought out thoso who woro anxious! to sign up In favor of the proposition. The feeling generally all over this section, in fact there pre very few In I the northern part of the countv who ' .are not generally in favor of d'vlslou, ' nnd tho one feature, most of those' wjjo are In favor of the division movement dealre is. that thov want i td sco whore the money that thov pav in 'for taxes, goo to. It Is lmio- i slide to figure. In 'he minds of manv j what b-eoinos of the large amount of taxe that are iJd In annually in i Crook eoHHtr. The objection bt hern rl! nbout tlns for another net of offi cers. This question '. answered n this way: Hew manv yata of ofHpes are we nw emnlovinr in the present county office at salartai near to the amount natd the nor win elected to the office? In most cases on an av-cn"-a it is four. The circulators of the iioHtlo-i have found but few who nrn. dlroftly op posed to division rnd thesp all seem to have been Infl'ienqpd bv olthor some one whoto (-itereists are not in this section or else frp-n the old-ttme political influences of Prlaevlllc, who we understand have been eondlnc out matter against tho county division nroposlMon to the voters in some sec tions. Wo expect next week o have some of this mutter to renrlnt and will answer It will; arguments on the merits u( U' && v ;-L- Cont JCcpt"Down Qunflty Kept l'p. KofJet'ter mediolne could bo mrdo I far poughq, oolds, croup, RoarseneM, tloklfilg throat, bronchitis, etc . than ' Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. That's why they can't Improve the quality, nnd war or no war, the prlP" remains tho soma. No opiUee. Don t tako substitutes, for Foley's Honey, and Tar Is the best. Patterson Drug Co. Adv. i. M. LAWRENCE BACK FROM EUROPEAN WAR ZONE Kx-Itend Man TU'uvea d'erinnny Jiiht Ahead of Hostilities Mr. und .Mrs. I A. M. Druko ut Fruiikfort. i J. M. Lawrence, formorly of llond and a half owner of The Hullotln, roturned to Portland last week, com ing direct from Germany where he escaped being hold up by tho hoa-j tllltles" only by a narrow margin. Ho' had been motoring In Franco, Del slum and Holland with Mr. und Mn. A. M. Drako. No nowa has been re ceived from the Drakes, who woro ut Frankfort-on-the-Maln vhon last hoard of. "I caught tho Ilnmhurg-Amorlcnn liner Clnclnnuttl nt Cuxhavon. tho port for Hamburg, on July 29," said Mr. Lawrence. "Things looked very equally and there was hourly expec tation of a war movo by Germany. We touched at Southampton and got English papers, Indicating u eorlous ultuatlon. A score, of powerful searchlights from forts and warships continually swept the harbor In an exceedingly alert and buslncss-IIko manner nnd kept pvcrythlns well tit. pnrUculntiy our Uerninn Bhlp. Ai sua wo Rot wlrclPBB mowh of tho ac tion of tlonmuiy nml ltui-sln tuul Krnnco, which everybody, InclmlitiK tho nhln'a olllcors, soomoil tu oxpoct; but when tho newn enmo that llront Itrltuln nlso linil tlocliloil to oppose Ocnnnny somothtnk akin to panic atototl our Gorman crow, ami from that moment wo ran tlko fugitives." IflORE CINDERS ON STREETS City will Further Iniprmt flreen wooil I'ouiu-llnien lliivo MNlmp. Tho City of Uend will cinder (Ireim wood nvenuo from tho city limits hi to tho railroad, also Greenwood be tween thnt point nnd llond street, and tbo street extending (rum uroen wood to tho dtpot. On tho stretch first mentioned the cinders will ne laid twonty foot wido, nnd on tho last two n strip thirty feet wide. Knst of tho city limits on Greenwood the county Is planning to lay cludors, from Pilot Unite In. Councilman Allen and Davidson looked over the ground last week They made the excursion boh I ml the llond Company'B trotter. "Nelllo." All wont well until thoy got to tho clndor pit, where Nollte decided she had gono as far as she' wanted to, kicked over the shafts and severod nl, connections with tho buggy. Than tho councilman walked back to town, with Nollte in tho lend. CONDITIONSJRE GOOD Uevlew of Crook County Conditions by Mcrt'nntlle 'Agency Kncournclnjj Recently ono of the groat mercan tile associations has completed n business survey of Orogon. county by county, nnd has made a bollcd-duwi report which mnkea mighty good reading. The condensed roport of Crook county follows: Whoat. cattle, sheop, root eropi. tho prlncliral products, have lucres fccul 2d por cent In acreage of grains. There la no change In fruit crop. The condition of farmers will 'ra 25 per rent better after harvest. Mer chants' conditions, loans and depos its, remain unchanged; stocks Are lighter; new elevator ind Hour mills under construction. Proapecta fair. Kail grain was slightly damaged by froat: trowing condition good. cAitixri poii rimes. This year Porter S. King of Uend is In charge of fire-righting In this territory for the State authorities, with headquarters here. Ilia asats tanta are T. V. Trlplett. A. D. Lewis, and Dan liaising. The Central Ore gon Hire Patrol Association's men. under J H. Haner, are James llreen. Clrde Miller nnd Kdward Mitchell. with others employed as occasion warrant. The Forest Service nlso has 25 men whoso duties directly concern lire fighting and prevention. r Si f i f H IL'swlL The BEND WATER LIGHT POWER CO. T WANTS TO SECURE MONET LOCAL DEVELOPMENT IS AT STAKE l'nlcH I'Vdcrnl I'umls Now Available lire Tied Up llojonil Ucciill, (Viitrnl OrvKtm May Jammo CIuiiico at i?ino,(irt for Doitchiitv-i Vnlley Govomor Wost baa sent tho fol lowing stntomont to The Bulletin: "lleretoforo nllotmants from the I'nlted States Hoolamntlou funds for the reclamation of nrld lauds In tho several states woro madu directly by tho Secretary of tho Interior, hut hereafter such allotments will be mudo by Congroes. "Secretary -of the Interior l.nne li. making allotmeutH far the year 1011 sot nstdo $K?S.OO0 for thu Umntllln Project, $15.000 for tho Klamnth Project and Jl 50.000 for co-oporat-Ive work with the stnte In connection with the completion of certain Cnrev Act projects In tho DeHCbutcs Vnllo--. 1'nlesa tho moneys thus allotted am used or tied up for uso by contrurt before thu first of the year, thov will pass from the control of the Secre tary of the interior Into the hnnds of congress nnd might possibly not bo roslotted to this .Mnto hut to some other state. It Is therefore imiKirt- ant that steis bo taken to Insure the WES expenditure of this money In eonnec-'for t'on with tho projocla It Is desired loi complete. I "The money allotted for the Uma - tllla and Klamath rojec's; Is of,coure being expended, but the $160,000 fori ine ii(-tcniiiwn iwveiiMiiriii. in urn tni 701 iieii ui in niiun ttiniMi-rr nn ill in- i aiire Us expenditure In this stnte. One of the projects upon which it was proposed to expand this mnnxy was the Carey Art project, or the Central Oregon Irrigation Compan'. An englneor'a retKirt pov ring thla project, prepared by a state and gov ernment commission, was recently rendered, hut the plan d'd not tlnil favor with the Desert Land Hoard or; him. The man is bughouse all runt, the Central Oregon Irrigation Com- Ilia eyea stand nut of their sockets lany The matter has been re-r-' and hnve a stoney stare. He dnean : mltted to the interior Departme it , recognise nnyoha Kven his wife nnd further Investigation tnnv result failed to arouse the slightest lutereit In the adoption of a plan which will In him. ills rnnllnement haa evident prove satisfartorr to all concerned. ' ly upset his reason. 'It has -also been nroposed tint the money be expended In tho exten-' SCHOOL Pl'IK'HASK ItNHOKSKD. slon of the Tumalo Project, tliej An election of school voters was works of which are now being con- hold Saturday afternoon to ascer- Kj I KJv PERCOLATORS Give you all of the good' and none of the bad effedts of coffee. They eliminate the poison and make coffee PURE and WHOLESOME PRICE.... $7.50 The ELECTRIC TOAST ER makes ideal toast. We have a few at $2.50 Btruotod by tho atnto nt a cost ef about JMO.OOU, Tho Htnto'B Projoi-t Kuglneor, Mr. Laurgaard, linn re cently rendered n roport to tho gov ernment nlllctalB, In which hu twill mates that tho Tumalo oxtuiiHlou project, which would reclaim about 10,'iOt) ncres of nddltltinul landi, would cost about 180,000. Thin cost can undoubtedly bo reduced so as to bring It within tho $1110,01)0 allotted by tho Interior Impurtmettt. "Thu work of tho state upon the Tumalo Projuct will bo Unladed with in tho noxt 00 days. Tho funds no preprinted by the Legislature (IIG0, 000.00) have proven miMlclent to complelo thu project. Tho slnte will have perhaps $110,000.00 to repay certain old contract holders who do not dcslro to Inlto out new contractu nc provided by law. Through a mis underHtaudlng ns to thu facta prow reports have stated that It would be necessary for the Legislature to op proprlato tuiuU to cover those repay ments, hut such la not the case. The amount of these repayments bolmi part of tho cost of tho project will bo Included In the llui price of the lands reclaimed and sold and will therefore bo collected from laud sales. The only action by the Legis lature necessary Is authority to make the refmymentB, ns through nn over night such authority was not gntutod the Hoard and If any repayments ar made under existing authority titer would hnve to bo made out of funds appropriated for tho construction o tho workM, and this, of course, would not be ndvlsabte as It would deprive us of funds which are necemnry to pronurly complete tho project. The project Is being completed within the appropriation provided by the Legln laturo nnd the repayments which wul bo necossnrv to maku will be taken care of without an appropriation l tho l.m-llnture and In tho manner originally Intended through the sabx of the lands surrounded by these con tract holders." ItOAIll) OF Kjr.l.l.TION. The County Hoard of Knunllsntm Crook county convene Momlav. Hopiomticr 1 1, inn. nix rous win ,M opened for Inspection and oorr"- tlon In -the way of description ami valuation Is the announcement made by Assessor Foster. SIIICLIION (it)i:s Clt.l'.V. (Crook County Journal.) It. (J. Mheldon. the man that kill. -I his newly born bet at the Dee A Compton sawmill at Grltsley lait June, haa gone praxy. For a week or more the man has lain In ImI and moans nnd groans day and night lie won't eat and the sheriff haa a hard time to get a little nourishment down El w THE LIFE CAREER "MtiMilInK In jrniilh itimiM InvftriuMy rtlirdril In iiifHitt ikimiii In llif lwl wn fol the l'l iMiiiuiirnl nccMlitllim lot wliKli tin U -itil''-l'mulenie V lillul 1lll l tllR MlMlnn Ql III l;nrly-lilh School Vcar Opcm SEPTEriBHR i8th, 1914 Wlltr Inr llluitiaird ion pit's Ibuik Ift, "I III! I IPC CAMIil'H." and Im Cain Ior rnutalnliiK lull inluini.illnii l)fgf fVMi-i - AdHltllllfUHH t Agronomy, Aitlintitlluohatidty.Drilry I luv Kitulry. Poultry I ItttKiudty. Iluiilulitirp. Acrliultutp for Tffulirrs lOKISIKy, I.OUOINO HNKINI'I'KINO l()Al! HCO NOMICS: DninMlliSticiKP.UiimfMkAitt HNOINI PHlrAlt I'.lcdrlml, Irtleatlnu, Hlj-liwnv, Alcih.inl.-al, ClirmUal, MlnliiR. Crrnmlv-'. COMMLKCIi. PlIAHAtACY. IM)HSIKIAI. AK1S IAlfifiiiiiriMi,i-Ar.flfiitliirPt Hairy Iiir, Honif MaUrts' Conir. Imliiitrwl Art. I'offilry, liuMnr Short Couisc SiAisttof .Imiip I'ktnu, Slflui:, llmut, VukeCultutc. I'tunfri Ruiliw" Cot'-f by Mill Pit AilJirw rillt KIUIISTMAH, (lln CtIH, IHfBn tain It the District should buy lot 1 of block 24 for the sum of $1S00. Tho proponed purchase was endorsed by u vote of II SI to S Tho property Is now owned by A. t' Shlremnu. who has a Miuall homo on It This lot U D.D.D Instant Relief for rf M- I'AniniHON imiU rt BRICK WORK I have built t'tcry brick hoime In I lend rrrttcil by rontrnct, WOHK Till" IIICST. I'ltlCIM Till" LOWICST. SATISFACTION AIISOI.ITKI.V GFAItA.VTIIIID. SAND FOR. SALE The bext iilititlnnlile ut the lum-nt prlrpt, In lnrn or small iuntilltlo. I have the eclulve prltllegr-i fur miimI In all C. O. I. Conipntiy illti'lieN. JACK TANSEY The New Perkins Hotel PORTLAND, OltKGON extends to you it eonljul invitation to make this hotel your lit'U(limi'tt-rs. THOROUGHLY RENOVATED AND REflTTED. 1 ' ' ' ' a ii iiiiii i in-a-y- -m-m-m- Honin without hntli $1.00 untl up. Hooms with privHtt Imth $JA) siui up. LOCA TION CENTHAL. HEST of SERVICE. A RESTAURANT WITH FOOD AND PRICES RIGHT. C.1I. SIIAFKH, AlHiniKt-r w Building Material LUMBER, SHINGLES I ' The Miller Lumber Company Bend, Oregon. i,4444444444444444m. 0 Wenandy Livery & Auto'Co. NEW AUTO TRUCKS Will bo put on botweun Hetod nnd Silver Iiko April 1. IIKND.LA IINI3. $2.fi0 n!NI).KKKMONT ?-1.00 HKNO-I-'OUT HOCK $4,60 I1KND.SILVPK LAKE.. $5.00 Reasonable Rates will bu eliurjrutl en nil ExproH nnd IJiikkoko. r CALIFORNIA r W,4c7tr3i'--!i'iii-piiiiiiirvPUILDiriQ-1 vaWtri Comanv CAiinoRiiiAl I Tnx)fln?!i7 Company CAlinpgmA (ho iittlv 0110 III Iho block not dm property of I lit District, nnl In m preaeitt miiulltloii noiloiisly dulncu from tho nppoiirunct) of tho pew school InilldliiK. MALLARDS IIAJGII LATE IndliuiN Pieillit .Mild Whiter When DuckN Next In Auust, (Portland (n--;onliiu.) HILVKIt LAKK. Atlir. 80. Iliillnim from Iho Klamnlh rnnervallon pix dlct a mild winter In Central Ore gon, IihmIuk their rorecust on (he lnM nustliiK of mallard dtirkM. Unually the mallrrda bring the.r broods from tho Itest not Inter limn July ! This year, however, lh' mnrsliott mid Inlaw of Ilnrney. like, KlnniHth nnd Multiuur eountlea hi dotted late In August with Ihousandi of broods of little durkllnKN. Hum of (ho ducks, say (ho Indians, an produuliig two broi'dH, IirvIiik mh ealoulatoil thu khhkoii and hnlrhml olio Hock In Juno. Keep Your I. her Healthily Active A man In Kentucky Just told n frlMiul that I'nltiv ti tluii-tli- Taldntu woro the most wonderful uiedlcln. that had ever entered his Hyalem Hald he would not be without tht-iu I Neither would you. If you had r - tried them. A thorough rlmiinilii.i ' rntharllc for clfrunlc r insdimGou for an occasional purge I'nttnm.i , ' Drug Co Adv PRESCI6EPTIOH for IS vonro- Tlie Standard SUln Remedy all Shin Troubles CO., Ileml, Ore. tj .:zLsW? 4. 1